Open Court: Moments | Full Episode

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] man I have been looking so forward to this episode of open court I just can't even begin to describe how cool it's gonna be to hear this panel talking about specific moments in their career like signature moments good and bad and here's that here's the panel we'll get through the intros they're Shaquille O'Neal we've seen if you know um you love it there seems to be some type of palpitation yeah what he said Charles Barkley is right here thank you very much 3d anyway here's what we're going to talk about and and everybody gets a segment here in the show you've got the first segment okay and so we want to we want to go back to the silver dome for your best moment any background you want to give us on this before we roll the tape well it was 87 his Mother's Day yep playoff game against the Hawks playoff game against the Hawks I had just finished getting my degree at Indiana my mom couldn't come to the game she was walking across the stage at Indiana receiving my diploma for me and I made the game-winning shot against the Atlanta Hawks and just take me through this as the play unfolds and just how you remember it all going down well we had lost a year before to the Hawks and we were battling trying to get past them and and as you can see it was a close game I remember Chuck calling to play at the end of the game and Charlie and I wanted to get to my right hand [Applause] and once I turned the corner and I saw Antoine Carr slide off I knew I had my shot and you can see how happy I was I did my little happy dance that's good and that's again is this again where Chuck was called a different play he was like we ain't running that you're just gonna have to give me the ball chucker let me go to work no 1990 okay that we that we let we relive this through your eyes you guys all jump in your remember where this happened Chuck yeah you know there's no better feeling and it doesn't happen that often oh my how great a player you are it's very seldom you ask to hit a game-winning shot right like there's always some back-and-forth but very seldom that you get a chance to actually make the shot that ends everything and that's always a cool feeling but I can understand Isiah was really close to his mom but to have that dynamic was she's accepting his diploma as he had in the game when a shot that's pretty much as a perfect day we're just getting ready to beat you right after that we were trying to find out who was going to take the beating it was us in Atlanta you know trying to figure out who who was gonna be that next team in Atlanta had beat us a year before yeah and I remember Patti LaBelle came out with that song in 86 and I remember driving either you know when when Atlanta beat us to you before and that song was playing and I came back the next year and I was like we ain't losing to them and I got a chance to make that funny word of the happy dance comfortable it just spontaneously it just came out I really don't know where that came from I swear don't that bfly had never done that before in my life I mean that just came out and I just the hand behind the back hold I was so happy with that we had one now the footnote to this best moment this great moment in your career when you talk to your mom I mean so my mom you know from Mississippi they she was from that generation that wasn't allowed to go to school that wasn't allowed to get an education and so my mom never got a chance to get a grade school diploma high school none of that and all she wanted was for her kids to be educated and have my mom be able to walk across the stage on Mother's Day on Mother's Day with a cap and gown on and then have the students at Indiana University you know applaud her I mean and there's nothing there's nothing like that moment so tell me what the phone call was like after you win a because that was an afternoon game yeah you win that and beat Atlanta she has the day getting that your degree yeah so she's that Jimmy Ross's house who's not alive right now but she's at Jimmy Ross's house in Indiana and you know my mom liked to drink [Laughter] [Laughter] and the music is playing in the background you know they jamming and I'm like mom we were we were she said baby I graduated we just we just had that on the phone that's true but she wasn't she wasn't excited about us winning I'm calling to say we won in her words were baby I graduated and she didn't say you graduated she said I graduated which that was an awesome moment no you go to the other end of the spectrum now so what's so give me a moment that I want to say it's the biggest disappointment of your it's just it's just one of those moments on the other side of the spectrum where your emotions are totally different than they were that day when you hit the game-winner I would say we we get to the NBA Finals and you you fighting all your life to you know get to the pinnacle to get to the top and we're better than the Lakers with beating the Lakers and they know it and we know it and in you in the series and and you just know when the other team knows that you're better and now we're just playing the game and we had got to the point with the Lakers in that game six where they knew that we were bettering we knew that that that we were getting ready to win and I stepped on Michael Cooper's ankle I couldn't tell what happened my captain our the trainer is with him and now Thomas goes back down out of all the fights that we had had with the Celtics and everybody else now you finally get to the finals and you're going out like this to me that was the most heartbreaking moment that I've ever experienced and and and not only that Ernie it's like had we had we won that series we would have been the first team of all generation to to win three straight you know Boston they never went back-to-back Lakers had went back we would have been the first team of that error that great error to to win three straight championship so I go in the locker room and as we're walking into the locker room they have the champagne CBS got the champagne and everything set up and and they willing all of that out of our locker room as we're walking in because now we got a game sure I'm thinking and when I hear you tell that story I can I and I hear the pain yeah but that meant for you and I'm what I'm thinking about this I'm saying Oh for I say it's gonna have to be the past yeah against the Boston Celtics that's got it but that's not as painful that moment that that was a moment on the journey I'm in the finals and I got I got the guy down on the ground and I'm getting ready to just tear his heart out it's like I can't get it now now the Boston moment that was there was a heartbreaking moment probably what was heartbreaking about that moment is in Kevin you remember this but before that moment before I threw the ball away I had made the game-winning shot 16 seconds [Applause] we go to the timeout we know Birds going to get either on the left side of the right side and we got the play figured out we sent them left about five of us come over there to try to block the shot [Music] [Applause] ball goes out of bounds and I never forget everything just started went in slow motion Jess Kersey is standing there I'm looking at him and we froze we celebrating and Jess Kersey starts to count because he's standing there and he has the one count so I run over we we look at the bench no timeout nothing so I run over and I grab the ball and this is probably one of the most incredible plays that's ever happened against me and that probably have ever witnessed from an athletic standpoint to people being in sync and just bird just playing every second and that's what the Celtics taught us to play every second not to play 47 and a half minutes but to play a 448 so I grabbed the ball from the referee lamb beers good foul shooter I never taken the ball out there wasn't my thing right I throw it up bird sneaks in I didn't even see him but the thing I remember the most is that jokah this is the out of bounds line that joker caught the ball and in my mind I'm like okay he going out of bounds that dude did this like a ballerina right and if you go back and you watch the play that dude is on his toes the the the baseline is right up under his toes and in my mind he must have stood there for about five seconds everything everything was going in slow motion in my mind right and then and it's like I'm like and then there is is this a strange moment I'm like damn why are you doing that and then DJ out of nowhere right right they are so in tune they are so in sync he catches the you know bird hits and he catches the basketball later [Music] [Applause] and as I'm walking to the huddle this is what I see I'm walking to the huddle stand up Charles and I see I see DJ do there I mean everyone know everyone no high five there one no one denies their dance it was it was like it was a love thing you know like they think they hug and embrace and I'm walking to the huddle and and they were mentors we we studied them they they taught us everything and they were they were great teachers not only were they great teachers right but they also after they beat you then they would school you so I'm walking to the huddle and as I come back out of the huddle right we get we try to take the ball out of bounds or whatever Larry walks by and he goes oh no but they were they were great teachers but I look at what what we were as a basketball team Ernie 87 88 89 90 we would have went to like you know four consecutive NBA Finals and out of all that and out of the teams in that era right you know we would have we would have won just as many championships we'd have been in just as many more finals and in history would have treated the Pistons a lot different had those two things not happened and there we not made the play at a night screaming yeah the high and the low for Isiah Thomas when we come back Shaquille O'Neal is up with the with the things you'll never forget and bad Jew back Shazam because I [Music] we're back on open court where we're talking about the unforgettable moments in the in the playing careers of Shaq and Kevin McHale and Charles Barkley Isiah Thomas and Dennis Scott Shaq you're up next what happened on your birthday in what in 2000 2000 re because of this gentleman over here dis guy I was a party throwing fool on this day I broke all my rituals my ritual consisted of after shoot around go home eat two turkey club sandwiches with extra Mayo and a diet coke coke take a nap go play go dominate and you know Clippers we always manhandled and beat them so bad dad said you know what since I got a party tonight I'm gonna let Rick Fox and Kobe and those guys take over I ain't gonna do nothing so the whole day I'm setting up the party I'm calling a make sure the drinks because also what I was doing you know no file shavers when you get in the game you get two quick fouls you can sit up great what a great game plan the part is the night before the night after no after the game why cuz I'm taking that and I'm out all day on my you know calling people going to the mall getting the jury I got to get the ice ready I got to get the Derby's gotta get the car wash so I go by for I don't take away from Staples at 5:00 so good to the game oh yes so you know the game start and the Clippers Achilles Clippers Achilles and then Phil he starts yelling at me and all the guys start looking at me so you know my god give me the ball so I'm starting to go to work and I'm getting the ball and I'm looking I'm like oh you got a peep show going double barbecues taking me to head yeah and Anthony Evans taking me and then they tried to hack-a-shaq thing and I had to get my elbow and like my name was Dennis Kyle so you know as players like you know you get 30 riding like yeah I can get 40 so I got 40 right I was like man I can get 50 so now but I gotta figure guys like all go get 60 go go 60 only thing that upset me about the game is I think we have five minutes left I think I could be one for 70 or possibly 80 for the game you know Phil took me out so I mean but it was a great day so 61 and 23 to 60 120 booth and he was tired yeah how many fouls in that game I think I think I had three early oh but no something else that was that I almost forgot to mention that kind of ticked me off Kareem abdul-jabbar was I guess he was a special assistant coach so I got the ball one time and I you know shot like a little skyhook you know just to pay homage to him and he did me like this Ernie he put his head down so now super pissed cause another player might we not running that right get it to me every time you say why is it not get it to me every time I'm gonna make him like me and Kareem because once a buzz once upon a time there was the big story about David Robinson who didn't sign your autograph or set and you said this made up with a ring I made a Kareem abdul-jabbar does not look at I think he was talking to Keith Kloss he was he was talking to the guys are like oh don't even do it you gotta play with them so I'm like okay you gonna teach him how to stop me watch this so like every time I did a move I would look at him and he just go but the party was it was that it was that uh an aquarium mm-hmm it was nice and I'll pull up in that white convertible Rose [Applause] how do you get from that to the low point what was the low point the low point and is I wish that it was better communication between me and the young fella because people always make the point that if we would have stayed together we probably could have won six or seven and I look at what LeBron has done the last seven years and I always say to myself you know I think if we could have worked it out and stayed together we are the killer you know one six seven maybe eight so we win three in a row then I think we lose and then we have to you know regroup so now ask me a couple couple aging veterans I go get GP and go get calm along so so now we have like a super team and they're there to you know make sure of me and the young fellows you know playing so we we don't have a great season but somehow we make it to the finals call gets hurts I'm having a great fun as I think I'm averaging 36 - money against Detroit but they had our number and then after that after we lose you know I figured hey we're gonna work it out and you know we're gonna get it cracking the game me and him have a conversation and you know magics you know starting to chatter about getting involved so I figure we all have a conversation and work it out I'm at the crib with Sharief we eatin frosted flakes and I see Mitch Kupchak on the screen and said hey we're taking all phone calls won't you kill over here and I knew at that point it was you know that they wanted to go into a different direction but but that for me was probably was probably the low point because I really wanted to end my career with the Lakers because I thought at that point when I got traded I thought that that would jeopardize me going upstairs with the whistle voice I mean I thought that would jeopardize maybe me having a statue it when there's I was very upset and very saddened by that day when I got rid of Shaq the anything happened between you two that you know that kind of that was just kind of no it was a really breaking point I just think I just think sort of sort of what sort of what Danny Ainge has gone through with Isaiah I was getting older I was just coming off a toe surgery I had bad hips you know I had you know bad ankles bad knees they didn't want to pay an Asian superstar and I didn't think about dealing with Jerry Buster's he was honest he said hey man we owe you 30 you were 30 but we don't want to pay you 30 we need 33 and 34 and I respected that about him so you know I understood the business and I understand it was time to do something and then I know that the young fella didn't want to be under me anymore he wanted to spread his wings of you know become the great Kobe Bryant and that's probably why he's getting both these jerseys with time that's amazing man still to come here on open court the highs and lows with 3d with Kevin McHale with Charles Barkley we'll be back [Music] we're back here on open court and it's where we are we could put all the stuff we talked about better Scott you're up tell me about the night she had eleven three-pointers ooh ooh well first of all the reason it was a big night for me because we had just picked up Brian Shaw and free agency that someone before and so you were setting up a party for that so we saw Brian Shaw and Brian Shaw had made 10 at the time and for whatever reason because y'all know my personality the first day of practice it's a be show sometime this year I'm gonna break your record and you're gonna pass me the ball and ironically he passed me 4 9 10 and 11 and of course we're playing against the Atlanta Hawks I was a free agent the year before and Pete bag got a chance to bring me back to Atlanta going to Georgia Tech played with Steve Smith who Keyblade Locke and he didn't decide to assign me he signed Todd Corbin back and Craig Ehlo so I decided to take it out on both of them we always hear about being in the zone and I mean is what was different about that night I missed my first two shots so we all know we're shooting when you miss you first who shot you kind of okay I get a layup and shooting three-point shots I didn't get to the free-throw line a lot so what I'm looking for another transition three when I first went down and second went down and then I didn't hear anybody else [Applause] stop is there something Shaq when you watched 3d shoot the three-ball that made you just shake your head well I realized early in my career that I couldn't do it by myself how do you two go utilize guys like DS [Applause] he's just hitting them and like you know whenever you give a shot in Orlando [Applause] three-point field goals in the game for Dennis Scott Dennis amidst this question I have said on the air the last couple years there's so many guys now who just stand on the three-point line do you think it hurts you because I think some guys like they just take them out the game they're like don't leave that guy do you think being a great shooter and number one just standing there at times hurt your game at times because they didn't let you work on put it on the floor and making your move yeah it was a blessing in a curse because the people that saw me play a tech like you did her and he saw and saw me handle the ball take it off the dribble but this is the part I can say it now finally this is where my intellect of the game really kicked in I'm playing with him and I'm playing with Penny Hardaway hmm do I want to take 25 shots at night and go home early Nick you want to take 25 shots go I'm ready or do you want to feed these two young superstar let's win and he can go to the finals so I chose to eat so little ball inside find open areas in the transition in three is what separated me from anyone else back in the 90s yeah where Steph Curry and klay and James Harden I said guys go go watch the tape I was doing it in the 90s we're old school basketball was inside out and analytics we're licks I was doing the nineties if you took ten twos I took ten threes I've always made more points than you so that's what let me know that hey maybe I was ahead of my time a little bit shooting the basketball and being unselfish and realizing when you got a beast like that you met a young Penny Hardaway before his knee injuries before it penny Hardaway's knee injuries yeah now you see why some varieties to big guys let's go eat have some fun I said this before Penny Hardaway and Grant Hill don't get hurt you know that the standard for that position is a little different you know so that's what I was dealing with every day and you seen guys with me I want you 25 shots at night man I'm trying to win I'm trying to eat you trying to go deep into the playoffs so that's what was a to your question Charles it was a blessing and a curse take me to the other side then give me a bad night what a bad night was to talk great question show so they started putting little guards on me Kenny Anderson comes into the league we're playing against New Jersey Nets at home you're fired remember it is they put Kenny Anderson on some like put me in the post no they're running me off screens he's shooting he got my go-to of 17 remember that I'm putting on my lock and a stay there for the next couple years and I said never again will I allow another team to put a small guard on me because to your point yeah when you're a great three-point shooter there weren't a lot of plays for you're not post up place but 207 and Kenny anis is still really to this date about here on open court we still have to hear from Kevin McHale and Charles Barkley on those unforgettable great moments and then those moments you'd rather no one bring up they'll be back [Music] I'm talking about best moments in careers and with that the forgettable moments as well but we always start with the positive and 44 and 24 is a good place to start when we talk about you chuck yeah you know Ernie was interesting about that night okay we lose Game six in Seattle so I called Frank Johnson who's one of my good friends on the team back to the plane because obviously we have a lot riding we had a best record in the NBA that year we lose Game six as a friend I've got to get this team pumped up what should I do to get because you know everybody's got a lot of anxiety got a long flight back to Phoenix he says don't worry about it we're gonna find we're gonna weigh in Game seven I said how do you know that he says you never been to the finals I says no I haven't he says you just got to play the best basketball game you ever played in your life I says really that's a good interesting point and I said okay but I said I got to get the rest of the team he said just go and just BS with them just make them laugh have fun with him but all the pressures on your back he said you you want MVP you never been to the finals you got game seven home you just got to play the best basketball game you ever played [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you feel pressured to do that did it feel different than any other game oh yeah yeah but when he tells you look not only do we have a game seven you have to have the best game of your life first of all as a star you always feel pressure because the one thing about a star you gonna get to blame so you automatically feel that pressure I mean nobody's gonna say Syd Ceballos didn't win a championship there's a child Parker didn't win the championship so I want to do I knew that from my days in Philly it was my first year in Phoenix I got MVP and so I was ready for the game but I was trying to just get to team as a guys let's go we're good and I didn't know I was gonna get forty five and twenty four forty four and twenty four excuse me I knew that was gonna play well but I had to set the tone I set the tone early because you're coming off a 13 and 11 game six yes I did now you've got to have the best game early yeah but I you know I did not have I was awful against a double team in game six I was impatient because I wanted to close it out so I was like trying too hard one game he's got one thing these guys to tell you I mean you can really try too hard in sports you just make things worse so we win Game five and I'm like we're gonna close this thing out in Seattle and eight that double team they were coming and they had Gary Payton was terrific Nate McMillan was in there so I just got out of source I was trying too hard to close it out so then I knew everything was on our back but that's the best game I've ever played in my life we never let we never trailed I played I probably pretty much the whole game like I say I didn't know I had 44:24 to the game but what I said to myself well there's only one ball out here dominate the ball [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pretty good it's it's numbers and some very very lukewarm reaction from Shaq words when so Chuck when you reflect it on that so you're back in the locker room after while you're jumping around number one everybody you're gonna go to the NBA Finals but when you reflected on what you had done what was the what was the sense of satisfaction you had there of knowing what you had to do and then doing it well before the season started I told the guys we're going to the finals I said we're going to the finals and they look at me like I'm crazy I says I'm the best player in this conference we're gonna play the Bulls for the championship we're going to the finals so my pressure had ratcheted up because when I got traded to Phoenix I had no more I don't have any help I got your van Marlee Kevin Johnson says we're going to the finals so once I got to the finals I was like I got Michael Jordan mano-a-mano what is what I wanted I'm telling myself well I'm the best player I just didn't have no damn help in Philly I got Michael Jordan I like my chances and I remember something about that we lose Game one before getting to him talking to my daughter she said dad you said I was gonna win a champion by said we're gonna win the championship and I get back home that night and she's crying she's a day I don't know if y'all gonna win I said baby I don't know if we're gonna win either I said I've never liked you but I told you we were gonna win the championship she says and I played great I think I had 42 something like that but Michael had like 50 and I remember sitting talking to her I says I think this guy might be better than me and I never said that about another basketball player of my life ever but I remember being so depressed that night I said I don't know if we I can beat this guy so that was frustrating but that was not until the worst night of my life in Game six when Paxson so we lose game 1 & 2 at home week away in game 3 we lose Game four and then we win Game five and I says we're gonna win this thing and we go back home it's a great game then packs in history three [Applause] time here's Jackson [Applause] and I was just in shock when it was over because I had to it I was frustrated because I couldn't wheel my team past Michael and the Bulls and it first of all I probably think I don't think I've ever gotten over it number one but that was traumatic I stayed up for like a day and a half I just couldn't sleep and I was so frustrated because that was like two plays in that game where I had two ball and Scott and Horace Grant double me so hard but we have to lead the whole game and Paul Westphal called my number twice and Horace and and Scott have made me pass the ball and I still mad to this day that III was I should have been more aggressive but it would have been a bad basketball play but that to me was just a traumatic awful night in my life what is that locker room like Charles after that is there anger in there it's just their frustration is it just head hang in is what does it take us because we've seen the other side we've seen the celebration in in a locker room take me inside the losers locker room when you lose it that way it's emotional there's crying it's really quiet do you cry I did I did cuz I was I did but the locker room is really quiet it's really quiet cuz it's just yo guys and the coaches in there because you know we love the fans and everything and all this stuff but like your guys when you get that far like as great as Isaiah Thomas was as great as Shaq was the greatest Kevin was like you don't get to the finals every time like you'd lose more than you win you know like there's a lot more losses you know I was there they wanted a championship twice but he pray you probably played 13 or 14 years right yes Thanks so so you you lose a lot more like Shaq played 20 years and he was blessed to win a champion four times so 16 times you're down and depressed and it sucks and it's just really quiet and it's just it's painful and you haven't gotten over it no because the thing to do the thing that you don't you don't get over is you're like yeah I saw Scottie coming down happy are you still replaying that I have and I've seen the game a couple of times I'm like man I should have tried to split that double team because it was two place in a row because we were up obviously he did hit the three so the two times down we did not score and I was like I've seen that playing I like that's a bad basketball play but I'd rather lose it myself no make a good basketball play Charles how often did you fight yourself with that I know dealing with him but knowing that most times you could split that double team but are you thinking am I making the best play for this team or do I let my ego take a look and I'd like to take both of these guys what was your biggest struggle with that you have to trust your teammates because I see guys all the time I do it you can't split up TT especial Horace Grant and Scottie Pippen it's great because the thing is not only see the other thing is you've got them two guys box you in and then you see black cat that's what you call Michael you see black cat like right there he's like in the safety position mm-hmm if you if you don't throw it perfect he's going with it so I know I made the proper basketball play but he's like man I cuz you always say could I have done more mm-hmm you always say that when we come back last guy up Kevin McHale the good and the bad after this [Music] there's got to be a tough duty for kevin mchale to whittle down but good moments you have to go over to try to find a bad moment would a fine-tooth comb what's the best you know I think the best for me was just the moment that the horn sounded in 86 when the season was over for just how we had played some Christmas on the team got together everybody said okay look it man we're dedicated Christmas game a double overtime game in New York played really poorly had every chance to win that game that's where everybody got together and said man we got to play better than this I mean you know we've been to the finals now three straight years or with this that would have been our third straight year going to finals been the finals two straight years this is our best team we've had together and we all got together and you know I remember Bill Walton of course we're not gonna drink well of course everybody and we got together and from that point on I think we were like sixty and ten including the playoffs but it's how we won it's the ball woman it's that you know you go back and look at that there were seven passes the ball didn't touch the ground everybody on the team touched it and you had guys just dropping things and we did we would we would run out teams and it was just so much fun playing that that moment was like like the pinnacle of your career I remember telling my wife I was driving home and I went like I don't know how can get better than this I just I don't know how we won the championship we played unbelievable the team was so in sync and we got to drink again I know your worst part already had to go half the season without drinking but what y'all did y'all made the league better you know when when y'all played that well we sitting there chasing trying to figure out how we gonna get better and we would have film sessions about the Celtics about watching y'all play you know watching Walden you know on the split pass dropping stuff watching bird I mean everybody was just so in sync and but that but the chatter and the laughter tell me tell me this when when these guys walk in the gym did you see that well that's why when when it was like oh look at these guys now you you that's what that's so everything they did to us we did because they walk in the gym and you never had the idea that you would beat them you just didn't want to get embarrassed like when you plant against them in 86 it was like hey look man we don't know lose by 40 and I think that was was that in 86 was that one of the nights you dropped 60 on us yeah yeah that was 85 I think I dropped 60 about these two teams Ernie everybody hated them Mike I used to tell people when you played the Pistons you call your family and tell them goodbye just because you knew they were gonna they had all these guys that were going to use their safe files so we're playing to sense it in a preseason game and I'm playing do these guys hate it too Celtics and what's interesting we bump into these guys I'm like I don't know anything I'm a dumb rook we bump into these guys in Vegas I don't even know how we end up in Vegas and I'm hanging out with these guys and they're cracking jokes and they're all cool and I try to tell the guys on the team and next day man if something is a great day like a man not to come we existed then we had already like I knew this a big difference in the we got to fight with these guys in the preseason yeah and like I like we'd be joking around before the game day they would and but then we play the Celtics in a preseason game I was like wow something going on here before I know it whispering elbow with punching people it was it was two different dynamics of these Tinka they were really nice guys and everybody hated pizzica they were gonna maul you the East would not be what it what it turned out to being what it is today have the Celtics not been great champions and great teachers I mean and we were fighting your heart yeah but after the game you know a man how you doing hey good luck tomorrow week ceiling kick knew as a lot of stories about that that's for another show anyways like before the game the oume horn and lamb beer would be there and nice to go hazy I'm gonna bust these two guys fat ass for you and yeah why do you see quit doing that just would follow me more your fat ass yeah every time it's a good that's 12 free throws do you remember my heart it's like we couldn't stop him right so Mikael had this thing every time he got a free throw he had to go get the tile Mahorn start you have whittled it down to two a moment a disappointing moment I guess I don't know a moment you could have back if you yeah I don't know if it would have been different but tell me well yeah one year later it's 1987 we're back in the finals were playing the Lakers and starting about January my foot really started bothering me and back then the trainer would be like you know you're fine yes I play yeah I go out there and play any of these every week I'm like better and has bothered me more and more and more we get in the playoffs we play in Chicago in the first round after the game I told the team doctor there I said they need some x-rays or something I mean yeah it's um they finally had a fracture I tried fractured navicular been playing on it for a couple months so I had to go back to my room and decide if I was gonna play or not and I'm thinking damn I played on this thing for two months we had the best record in the league we got a chance to win again I'm gonna go for it you know I just kind of made that decision I'm gonna try it man it hurts but it's been hurting me for two months and I'm a trainer I'm gonna tell myself it's okay you know yeah so you go out there and we are playing the Lakers and every game we had talked about earlier every game comes down to a player to at that level and you know where there's a rebound that we go for they give it to give the ball out on I thought it was awful Lakers they called it out on us there was no replaying and stuff and they threw the ball in and I was gardening magic on the play and got out there and you know he started going right and my bad foot now I'm not my bath with my left foot I kind of I wanted to push on baseline but I had no confidence in you know the broken foot so I kind of shaded them from the middle and I really wanted to push him where all the help was down the baseline and I didn't do it I didn't get over there and if he's there's a terrible film of this thing somehow I don't know how it happened but they got it on film [Applause] and that was one of those one that we say trials who came but he want one thing back yeah I shoot his gone up there stuck my left foot up real high and just forced him down the baseline on the right side but you know I that that place still bothers me I look at that plan every time I see that yeah I get disgusted but oh you should have called me I would have got you some icy hot great stories fellas that's uh I appreciate it going back turning the clock back and taking us inside those great moments those moments you you might want to forget appreciate it guys always always pleasure hanging with you jack Kevin McHale Charles Barkley Isiah Thomas and that's it for open court see you next time you
Channel: OC
Views: 604,801
Rating: 4.8801551 out of 5
Keywords: Open Court, Moments, Shaq, Steve Smith, Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith, Shaquille O'Neal, Charles Barkley, Isiah Thomas, Kevin McHale
Id: eExDd4rfWD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 3sec (2823 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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