301 NBA Open Court - The 90's
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Channel: Peter Šilj
Views: 3,288,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NBA, Open, Court, Ernie, Johnson, Isiah, Thomas, Grant, Hill, Brent, Barry, Dennis, Scott, Kenny, Smith, Steve, Kerr, Bulls, Lakers, Denver, Nuggets, Thunders, Wizards, Grizzlies, Jazz, Spurs, Timberwolves, Heat, Bucks, Celtics, Rockets, Nets, Pelicans, Warriors, Suns, Philadelphia, 76ers, Detroit, Pistons, Dallas, Mavericks, New, York, Knicks, Cleveland, Cavaliers, Portland, Trail, Blazers, Atlanta, Hawks, Sacramento, Kings, Raptors, Clippers, Magic, Pacers, Hornets, 90s, Los, Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Jordan
Id: x8yNSCtviKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2016
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Steve Kerr looked really defensive and awkward. But then he spoke and played it off like a G
Thomas is obviously joking, but in case anyone is taking him seriously, Rodman changed before he came to Chicago. San Antonio tried to rein him in and it didn't work. So the Bulls made a deal with him. Rodman was allowed to play by different rules (including breaking team rules and doing whatever he wanted on his own time) as long as he performed on the court. Jordan and Pippen signed off on it, and Jordan essentially never interacted with Rodman off the court, he wasn't Jordan's gambling buddy. Chicago let Rodman be Rodman and it worked.
Also, regarding the rest of Thomas's comments, the Bad Boys have only themselves to blame for getting treated like bad boys. They were the ones who flaunted what they were doing, and the league came down on them for it. Blaming Michael Jordan and Phil Jackson for it is silly. And walking off the court with ten seconds to go just made them look bad, it was another example -- the last, really -- of flaunting their bad boy status.
I like how the thumbnail doesn't have Rodman or Thomas
Edit: just clicked on video and realized that this was not the main focus