401 NBA Open Court - 50 Greatest & the Next 10

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Go to 18:37 to see them debate the next 10 to make the list.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jb91991 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 18 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Very interesting discussion. To help give this video context, this was recorded in 2014.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Rapidstrike ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 18 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I would take CP3 over McAdoo or Nique. Not an easy choice, though. What are some major reasons for not taking CP3 here?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/shervie23 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 18 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Cwebb no doubt stays off, but Reggie Miller man. I'd put him there. He carried Indiana for his entire career. Battled when the eastern conference had some really good teams and even brought his team to the finals. Reggie only made 5 all star games which seems a little low. Reggie deserves a little more respect

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ReedWilliams12 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 18 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

just a bunch of classy guys, tbh

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AggregateFundingRisk ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 18 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Oh of course he deserves to be in discussion, but in my book he's obviously behind Timmy, KG, and if he won a ring it'd be harder to put him behind Dirk, but dirk has been excellent for a little bit longer, he led two teams to the finals and one to the title. Dirk had more longevity plus an MVP. But this wasn't about dirk. Miller has to ahead of Webber and at least #60 he has the same argument as Dominique

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ReedWilliams12 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 18 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Pretty interesting to see chuck's parallels of McAdoo to KD (even though this was recorded before KD left), talking about how he won an MVP and scoring titles on his original team, but never won a championship until he went to the lakers. KD could be the same but leaving for the warriors.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ViewedSpider ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 18 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Does anyone know where to watch this show? I have season 1 and 2 looking for beyond

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Jasperbeardly11 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 18 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Applause] [Applause] Richard welcome to another rollicking edition of open court here on NBA TV I'm Ernie Johnson thanks a lot for being here this could be a fun show I say that every time we do this but they're all fun shows and here here's the panel there's the big fella Shaquille O'Neal does a mood ring and he's in a great movie you know uh you gotta be on a good mood to wear that jacket first up that's a nice jacket uh I don't talk to people as they have one of these in his first year of open court appearances we have Chauncey Billups welcome welcome welcome to a garment bag you thank him to retirement thank you you oh I am Oh gray hair no hair you know I saw good to the club sitting next to Chauncey is is Chris Webber of course see how are you good good wonderful to see ya a truck sir it's good to see you hey go Thank You Academy young young Reggie Miller how are you you like that jacket Chuck waited cadres that's a nice jacket that's a nice it's very nice casual I always record I love you jack thank you cool I think you very beautiful Thank You coach he needs no introduction Isaiah Thomas just conversing with Shaquille O'Neal delay was a ring break clear blue sky and Kenny the jet Smith how many years now Kenny you've been at this 16 16 years now yeah wow what a blink anyway great to see you get yeah 16 man 1997 very special time all-star weekend Cleveland Ohio because back then you had the 50 greatest players of all time gathered for this wonderful team picture and Charles you were there you were on that 50 greatest Shaq's on the 50 greatest Isaiah on that 50 greatest it was so cool and I remember the day before when there was just a rehearsal for this and everybody's out there and you see all the jackets and then afterwards everybody's just getting autographs from each other I'll make it Isaiah Isaiah we even have your jacket here in the studio the open court studio and that thing is just a beaut so and there's of course the Chuckster what was this what was this day that weekend I'll put up a million dollars of Chuck and fit into his there's nothing there's iceers there's nothing is Jack you eating up over like it right now Chuck I have no idea with that jacket in oh I really don't man my grandmother's stole all my stuff man I mean my grandmother I don't have no trophies it without my grandma I bought some keeping them cuz you know you won't keep them maybe no I was I would always keep especially something like that that's pretty remarkable to to see that video I saw underdog wearing your jacket the other day as a matter of fact that's at Isaiah glitter this jackets too yeah you could might be big on you what was that like to get into that get into that weekend well not if it was a it was a great weekend just in terms of the history and the tradition that was in the room I mean I mean Wilt Chamberlain was in the room I mean you you were standing next to you know Elgin Baylor and I don't know if there's ever been an occasion where all of us have been in one room together and the most interesting thing that I remember about that that evening that day was that no one was really talking basketball it was all about how you doing how's your family doing you know it was just real personal conversation you know hearing Russell and Chamberlain just sit there too and it's like you know we were kind of the younger guys and like the older guys who you know really you know paved the way for all of us they had their stories they were sharing we were sharing so it was just one one big fantastic day of sharing there was an allegiance a Ernie of that when they named you to the top fifty I felt my name was at it blow too quickly because I agree with that it was my it was my third fourth year in yeah they named me toffee they actually didn't make that event because my leg was breaking unable to be here from the Los Angeles Lakers number 34 Shaquille O'Neal took a lot of flack for being on this but I I felt like names like Bob McAdoo should have been on my list before me I was English Dominique Wilkins could have been easily on that list before me so I felt my name was added a little bit too soon I like your humility but though it did I thought yeah I don't know yeah and when they guessed right yeah they're gonna get me on that list I mean we love the humility something we've never seen here Turner nice comment right up until then they guessed it right there's a couple other people they seem to been on ya know we're gonna get him in uh we're gonna get into that before before this show is over give me your memories of that of that weekend when we were all in the room like I said it was amazing I just sitting there it's like a you know basketball more than any other sports especially with the all-star weekend we have like all the walking cards walking around we do such a great job of celebrating our past you know every year you see Bill Russell giving away a trophy and playoffs last year we had George the Iceman Gervin I was kind of in shock you know you sit around he say wow that's Wilt Chamberlain Wow let's be a Russell that Jerry West is Elgin Baylor and one thing that was interesting only one guy had passed away and that was Pete Maravich and his son was there his entire family was there and they were so excited he was on the team and it was really just a cool moment his family was amazing I remember them just taking us for including when like thank you all but seeing everybody you know Bob Pettit Jerry Lucas those guys it was amazing there was a great moment to when when Bill Russell helped George Mikan up which was a which was just a very great symbolic kind of a linking of the past and it was it was very cool but anytime the list like that comes out they're gonna be everybody's gonna look ahead and they say well how could who was the first name Chauncey that came up he said how could this guy not be on there it is tough Amiga I mean as a fan obviously Internet in that year I was about to be a rookie I was on my way to the draft so as a fan um that Lister's seems so far-fetched for me as a player not even played one NBA game so as a fan I and as a player as where I had no right to even say anybody shouldn't be on the list but when you had a right to say who maybe should be added to the list but but who were you surprised wasn't on there hey Dominique Wilkins the first name that I thought when I looked at that listen boy need not Nick's not on the top our guy was human I like real that was if that was the first guy me to up because yeah when you think of certain players you think of certain franchises you take a certain players mm-hmm and and when you say a lot of hawks he's the only guy you think of there's no one else that you could say well I think of this guy when I think of the Hawks now you take a Dominique Wilkins so you thought of the Celtics you know you say Russell and kuusi like you have those name when you think of the Pistons two guys there you know you take it a 10 team Shaq play with you take a Shaq all of those and I was the Chuck you got strike one you got shocked I did I dare you to get the strike demon furniture moving up telling our about it see I definitely talk Dominique um and you know of course I wasn't the the 50 greatest but I was at that all-star game we got to participate and you know growing up having the course chucking and Dominique all these guys be my favorite you know the most prized possession I have at home is my autograph 15 players of all time you remember I brought that on a TV last year and that's that's the one possession more than any trophy I've ever had or anything else to have all these guys autographs on there guys I've looked up to guys that were pillars of the game and so even for the fans we got rewarded by the making a limited edition poster with all these guys signing it but I definitely thought Dominique was you know on that list like you guys said when you just think about the Celtics how great Larry Bird was he was always you know breaking Dominique's heart you know you think about his impact in the league and it was him and just because you don't have help or just because you just can't get there doesn't make you know your value not data so I always thought Dominique was one of the best I do agree with see well that's one of my prized possessions because what are the chances are you ever gonna get 49 of those guys together like you see them periodically here there but the chances are you being in a room with these guys getting everybody to sign it it was surreal for me and it's one of my prized possessions it was it was the game of basketball as as we know it all encompassed in one afternoon in Cleveland we're gonna take a break eventually as I said we're gonna kind of Whittle this down to who's the next 10 should be and we're also going to discuss when we come back exactly what makes a player one of the greatest of all time what are the qualifications what are the requirements these guys weigh in when we come back that's extended over four or five teammates first setting there were four or five teammates and then here's me I'm like what what my favorite where my teammates other then you say okay well that's why they that's why they teams were so good [Music] all right we're back here on open court and we're talking about that we were looking back on the 50 greatest players of all time from 1997 we're gonna add unofficially add 10 to that list in this show Charles you're making a good point in the commercial break as you looked at the list of the 50 greatest you said really know that nobody can take off of this list yeah I think when you look at the list and I always have to refresh my memory man because I think that sometimes you know it's interested guys really think the Indians started with Magic Johnson and Larry Bird back from doing that generation then you got to Michael Jordan era and so then people forget that some of these guys cuz every time I see David Collins and Jerry Lucas I give him a hard time I just ha in the world you get 20 rebounds a night I say you guys got to be cuz I'm looking at my stats and these guys got almost double the rebounds I got I said that's impossible no disrespect to Niq no disrespect to Bob McAdoo Adrian Dantley I oh I thought maybe they possibly could have been in that top 50 but they got the list right including you big fella 49 of the 50 or in the Hall of Fame so how are you gonna take a hall-of-famer off the top 50 and when he's up it'll be 50 out of 50 well that's not caught debatable cuz I mean 49 out of the 50 are in the Hall of Fame then you're gonna take someone out of the Hall of Fame he's not gonna be as good like I got to decide and vote and I haven't decided yet okay well maybe you might like to ingot and if anybody on that list Isaiah that you don't you don't think should be on that list no I think I definitely think that uh oh come on peewee I mean even loan I don't know I I think that bob mackadoo if you go back and you look at McAdoo's career bob mackadoo and my opinion was one of the top 50 greatest players to ever play mac makes it who comes off coach say what you said during the commercial break Reggie if vaca dude makes it who comes off well we don't need to we don't need yeah we do oh no we don't know because because it would be seen as I'm just trying I got a personal grudge or something like that so I I just leave my opinion that I think McAdoo should have been one of the top fish I'm sure one I'll say one other baggage you wanna stop don't flare I'm gonna say bill walk I'm just sayin I gonna say but you know what you talk about when you when you bring up Bill Walton you know I know he won a championship and maybe you guys can help me with his career I know he chips I know he was demanding college and you're a man in Portland that's that's what I'm asking me held on I'm not sure that I'm asked you to talk to me that man got six thousand voters I could be one two fifty that's that's why I'm asking California no yeah if somebody scores six thousand points today would you put them on a list anybody you've ever seen well his six thousand and his contribution to the game not only just college but the game through college greatest players in NBA NBA so nobody's contribution to the NBA that's okay wait a minute second and my contribution to the game one looked at on a dream team nobody that time you both got wrong on that welcome back to old wounds reopen here on KOAT knowing that at that point America had only had 6,000 points here's what they guessed and they guessed it right with Shaq as for Bill Walton and I agree with Kenny it's a contribution of everything he's done how do you measure greatest Kankan greatness only be looked at in terms of numbers you put up gonna be looked at in terms of Championships that you earned that kind of thing I mean so what are the guidelines for greatness it's such a hard thing to define I mean I think it's success obviously the fact that you had on the game um your presence in the game I think all of those thing I think it's probably a number of five or six things that you can point to but um it's always gonna be some exceptions I guess you know cuz my thing is to you guys's point I mean why didn't they name Grant Hill then you know like why why is it G Hill at that point 1997 I mean he was on his way to being a great point you know like it like there's always gonna be some exception somewhere and you guys talked to me about the context of the game and Bill Walton and I'm not and uh you know UCLA so if we're not talking about taking 50 NBA greatest so if you're not playing you see a legend I would say yes great I see I didn't get to watch him so I'm you're forgetting the years in Portland in Portland that see other dr. Jack Randy but if he played less than five years or six years mm-hmm I will forget those years cuz Dominique play fifteen twelve thirteen and was given the business for fifteen thirteen that how many cuz twenty-six thousand points but when you look at Bill Walton goes 17 and 14 his first four years in the league 1714 at four well I'm saying blaring it alone I don't know either but I'm talking about his impact on way the style of basketball was played yeah change because of what he did I Sweeper with that ferati Pippen in front of Dominique I would not put Scottie Pippen in front of company I wouldn't put Scottie Pippen in front of nique or Bob McAdoo how the list was made was sports writers right yes and and players former players so apparently some players felt that Dominique wasn't one of the top 50 players yeah but but it his own contemporary but I'm saying Ridge but I'm saying he could have been 51 so I think it really it's such a fine line Dominica versus an old-timer listen actually though we argue about tt9 forget about parking Hall of Fame I'm not you want to take someone who's all holiday more awful list the Dominique and hold her baby was not modest but Brooks and opensl but I know know what you got you've got more players in the Hall of Fame than around the list Bob McAdoo was MVP dysley huh when you talk about changing the game this is 611 do shoot indeed was the first work first stretch for the original the real one so he changed it totally changed the game and this is why I used to watch the Lakers growing up and I say and when we watching them play against them that Bob McAdoo coming off the bench off the bench and I'm like they have like five Hall of Famers here so like you can't like when you see how great God's Word you have like yet magic yeah worth worthy laughs really and then you had the guy who led the league in scoring for like five or six years coming off the bench come out on scoring buckets some more guys to consider and I know you all have thought about this but the thing is this is tough too this is tough to whittled I know it's not the first five is not protect no there was an easy Reggie we'll start this the first five or six yeah first five or all the matter yeah let's man it gets a little tough in anyway we'll be back we'll do that right after this but we are we are we are back on open deported indeed we are we're talking about the 50 greatest blues of all time from back in 1997 and now we're talking about adding the next 10 to that list and you want us to be cautious here you want us to have ground rules here we need to start the list as mm to be honest with okay we're not gonna do that yes Shack what are you ready for my list oh you're gonna do a list I'm gonna do with Chuck use the colored sheet sheet symbol Alex English Dominique Wilkins Bob McAdoo Coby Timmy Dee Garnett my man sitting right over there LeBron AI Tracy McGrady and Gary Payton I don't know about no that's a terrible list okay hold on Oh hold on one second oh oh no we're gonna have we're gonna have to we're gonna have to kind of go through this and try to formulate a list how's the panel feel about Alex England I'm Denver guy so yeah I love Alex like that's what I like Ulis thank you you like Alex English you like it but your love is less your loving cuz I'm trying to see if we're gonna put out what's English on the list now I don't know how do you like it will not make my next ten okay so Hollis English was a great player hall-of-famer but he wouldn't make one let's so let's get the unanimous guys who should be on the list I'll throw the name of Tim Duncan Alex yeah yeah there's yeah animal bag Kobe thank you hold on I'm writing Kobe oh yeah would be a unanimous LeBron LeBron would be LeBron Animus obviously uh Robeson Allen an irish era i think Allison has had an hour Helen diverse I say yes we're now five before that's for war Kevin Garnett hold on one second Hardaway uh why don't you not a write fast yeah but I want to make sure we're not missing it this is Kobe Duncan Kobe LeBron Iverson okay got another automatic ever going at me Kevin Garnett so that's unanimity oh man I'll be passing on names up and I'll sue it what okay now hold on one second Garnett strike to Kenny disrespect me one more time I don't so you don't worry I got your back are you going if you are gonna be some fire okay are we going unanimous on Penny Hardaway no what no I approach what you doing the next 10 we gotta wait on that not a united we got away okay who is the next one on your list there Aristotle and I had we already got Garnett we're gonna go I have one a weird move oh oh we're going through this go to his neck Guarnere got no whole log my last two i got Tracy McGrady and Gary Payton and I got see where are they are they unanimous no now we got an excuse in New York Dirk Nowitzki hello animus there landscape evil on teeth hold on GP is not unanimous Oh morning order right dirt like we're gonna do hey we we will we'll let you guys fight this out in a second let's see if we can get a unanimous 10 and then see who's left off and then you guys can brawl okay so right now we got Duncan we got Kobe yes we got LeBron yes we got AI yes we got kg yes and we've got Dirk one two three four five six unanimous at this point how about so we're not gonna have McAdoo Arapahoe what about Paul Pierre is Dominique is Dominique unanimous yeah yes yes I have another unanimous I hope is and y'all it might not like it I don't know I would late well I have doing--we waited his knee weighed unanimous I would have a Dwyane Wade however pretty oh he's so he's got a question he's not he's got a question okay now is Alex English you're jealous how many two gods are better than two Wayne wait in this hairy game um yeah I would I would I would go with rival which I don't know how many Isaiah I would always been waiting over Gary pick are you want you know please go into talking about Gary honey I'm talking eyes there we're a pain I'll do a Jason Kidd over Gary Payton hey you out like I like to offer them to me window Jason Kidd all right you know III go with you know I go with the Wayne wait he's got rings he's got Championships that's what it's that's okay look okay time out got Jordan time well you got one was shot yeah hold on a second please Wayne wait let me see a show of hands if Dwyane Wade is unanimous on the next 10 oh this side of the room and a three and a half okay so we're not gonna put him there right now we'll talk about it more like I don't know if where's Alex you're on the show - gah Vietnam rocks English was not on it's okay hey Marty I got a name what about this Grady Tracy McGrady is a unanimous what oh okay um Reggie Miller no uh I'll take myself off this hmm I'm not on that list I coached Reggie Miller I'm a in there and they're not and and I would say we talk about clutch shot makers I'm not putting myself on the other George not gonna be me Reggie Miller I'm not putting myself on that we ready Miller was one of the clutch shot makers Evan ously and when we talk about clutch I'm not talking about at the end of the game Reggie Miller would make those shots when you down for and you need a bucket to stay in the game that's when you're giving it to resume a lot of the lot of guys miss those shots but the shots that you got to make to stay to keep up with the team that's pulling away that's when you got a shot maker and to me Reggie's on that big guy though is take yourself if because you can't you're not gonna vote for yourself do we have unanimous Reggie Miller uh I'm on that hill on this sort of all time on that I'm on that saddle not on that sack is on a whole dog Shaq's mad at me no I'm not mad at you I mean uh just doesn't like you know oh no actually leverage me Reggie we have similar backgrounds military who I'm have to go over a ally because because Ray Allen sort of can't fault that all right rayon say Eileen atop those ten no hold on yeah oh yeah no because Ray Ray Ray took what Reggie did in common did you turn it up to that next Lake like what uh wait Paul Pierce shouldn't be in this discussion we know we got a lot of folks to just I don't even go to their Ernie like he just said Ray Allen yeah I agree that Ray Allen has a great player but he didn't carry a franchise as long as he carried a friend in Indiana because we wanna Steve Alford like I think they should have took the Steve Alford yeah not even better coach heard you but I like I like Ray Allen all right where she dosis is not bad I'm doing this what is he part of this or what tell me is Bob McAdoo you know I would say bob mackadoo that we're sitting on eight now since we've put you in a very uncomfortable spot we'll do the same thing with Chris Webber only thing I only thing I have to say and my mother have is that dark kg and Tim know me really well okay it's good you know I'm good k no I'm not even I'm not going I think we don't never know my affinity for see where he's gonna be in the Hall of Fame he should be in the Hall of Fame good if you look at his track record okay fab 5 little disrespected those are the Fab Four this is NBA toe now I know that hold on for a second but I'm just talking but I'm getting to my point okay don't make me come stop hell out of yo yeah Jack ahead of you Harvey noted Shaq I saw gonna be some furniture moving oh okay that down there was furniture moving oh yeah well my daughter's gonna be furniture moving again so you look at the Fab five I can say no disrespect to those first four he was the man on that team he goes to Golden State forget here Rick idiot but they win they make the playoffs and he wraps around his dick and dunks on you the extra commercial he goes to DC and they win then he goes to Sacramento maybe then they really win so you talk about you know challenger says some early about what impact on the game everywhere he went Sacramento wasn't any good when he went there the bullets never made the playoffs until he got there nobody thought about the Warriors until he got there so he's gonna get my vote as in the next group Matt okay I will say so let's see a show of hands on and see what I said his name first and y'all and y'all just go a see Webb III will go at C Webb always there however I'm here only one more name this is the only reason I'm on hold because I want to know if this name means anything two-time MVP of the league Steve Nash no so no that would be the only tri-state well he was twice MVP of the league so now I have to say Webb maybe not butter but if we're not good if we look in that talent it's it's your IIST it's your idea what I wanted it okay I know but but Kenny coach Reggie was he true MVP or was he a sympathy MVP now he was a to every team over me twice that was too big too strong sounds like a ram what do you want to back the back let it go man I let nothing go the ramblings of a bitter runner are memories oh my goodness okay look discredit hey a comment we know you can't be in the top city web your animals later well I'm ask you a question that's what was in also can you say how can you this hold on no matter what about dinners Johnson oh I know well Dean and me are we going to spread it to two-time MB my question is was Tina's MVP because of the system he played in I'm just asking because the nets are we gonna discredit to time because in that system a bunch of players look really good could look really good Kenny if we were all GM's and you had Jason Kidd Gary Payton Steve Nash all lined up he would be the third I would say no question there's a third point I can't put them on there alright that's why I don't want to make sure why game on because I still got another guys that I was the beat's or was she Webb on so see web design we're at nine and we're taking a break we will come back and get that who's the last you're on the show man it'll happen we'll be back open court continues after this I need to go look at my stairs come on up here y'all sound crazy you're so crazy I don't look at my numbers of dirt no no they not lazy ass kg Tim Duncan adder Cornett look out [Music] welcome back to open court where here's a in a discussion of who the next 10 should be following the the NBA's 50 greatest many years ago an alive and I need to tell you in a commercial right here hey man we got really doctor would have about 18 specials if you're trying to do you know anyway here here are the nine we've got at this point to add to the to the fifty these are the next ten the nine we have Tim Duncan Kobe Bryant LeBron James Allen Iverson Kevin Garnett Dirk Nowitzki Dominique Wilkins Bob McAdoo and Chris Webber we have one spot left Jason Kidd we just had okay okay he throws out the name of Jay and we're looking for unanimous agreement on and I'm gonna here's the Tillis cuz we may have some we may have more than one person go down Oda he loved this hello Bob okay I lost my vote when he dropped this old okay Jason Kidd unanimous I'm going with Gary paid I got yeah he's Gary pence or Jason or Gary Payton is also up for discussion is unanimous knows if he's not under yet he's not only honest he's not obvious Lynn I'm going with you I'm going with Gary Payton let me start I need hands or any nods or anything with no paint no Jay Yuri kid that's where we add is Gary Payton unanimous he's on my you now he's on my list some others yours reg - I'm going with Jason I'm going on Jason Kidd okay so he's so Payton you not not unanimous just ended so I just what weapon Durant is not my Kevin Durant yeah say y'all Ming first ball hold it okay first of all let me say so Kevin Durant a young me a go beyond it now someone's gonna get bumped right no no we got what's my love I know but if we get like four guys for the 10 spot then we'll whittle it down is Kevin Durant Kevin Durant oh man you're right okay tell me oh wow no your hand up huh I'm like coach I want to hear more names I mean you know Kevin Durant is so just very player yes on it's just on its own don't even consider guys hot right now just a road because then we'll say okay look we only got one spot with you so Kevin Durant is on the list good now we're gonna continue Grant Hill not over the alright and I just wanna say about Grant Hill we talked about Jason Kidd when Grant Hill was healthy to me he was Jason grant Hill was the first LeBron James also be a triple he was reasonable grown he was I think that because Noah grant grant was terrific Oh full of bran is okay 30 pounds heavier I'm talking oh you're straight triple doubles dominating the game playing defense the dude did everything is true but every year to see it on a nightly big and nobody did that before that well Scott a pit bulls arena no Oh kid unanimous Jason Kidd this again will be for the last is not unanimous though okay it's not unanimous on Jason Kidd lungs were morning it's not unanimous the Hall of Famer Steve Nash so we talked about Steve Nash a little while ago Steve Nash no no no uh-uh he has kryptonite so people what Payton was not unanimous correct alright we only have one not Peyton that's okay no registered address for me alright does he want on anyone who's bought animation we got Domini um Paul Pierce trying to get poked out you gotta put Paul Pierce I think got football Pierce Dennis Johnson on this list wait we the Dwayne Wade like how many did he get how many brown you know we only got these on here isn't it way down here no he will Machado yeah that was not you I decided a me for three guards and was Ray Allen I didn't we talked Ray Allen's now him up but where are we we have to revisit Dwyane Wade I mean we got a revisit join me visit for a well how about well I'm buck mellow over T Mac and Penny Dwayne yeah yes and I'm gonna go with his analogy one day I'm looking at I'm looking at his fingers man I mean win winning count now here's a oh yeah oh yeah wait guys what about when you got he got me here for Shaq he got in your fourth and and you're gonna go get one when you think okay got you bergรผzar or dwayne cold at doing this but he was out 35 don't know about it - I don't know him any better - guys I'm with who's I just got one question if it did five-year period you knew you had to go with this man went to go get a championship I think he's better than his championships cuz I still give those championships in died I mean you could take it however you want but they have the most dominant big man in the game okay well what about magic with Kareem they're the same thing and and James Worthy and like you said five all-stars so yeah I mean so if that's the criteria I mean that you know you got music yeah um so I mean I mean you way to me you know for me to react you do are we unanimous on D way I think D weight should be I'm over penny and fanuc absolutely he won absolutely over the one how about - how about Vince Carter if he would want some championships he would have had it so that means no ya see if if he'll hold on talking bishops he would be bill what about the wrong he would be fuses okay so long so we've been bill walked so great player and not having a championship doesn't really make you a great player no great player I don't not having championship great player having championships I got to take the great player west okay and else cuz they're equal let's talk about great player I'll say see where Charles Reggie they never won championships okay but hell of a great layer okay now great players okay lost in the Western Conference Finals every year - you took a Phoenix franchise that was dormant to the finals okay on his back lose to Chicago get to the NBA Finals Eastern Conference Finals lose to you and Kobe and lose to Jordan in the Eastern Conference Finals then lose to to those guys I mean in Detroit bring that up say that name again Detroit no we would have won that's all I got to say but you know those three guys they elevate it so that makes them great players because they were the carrier some of these guys you talk about they made it but they were riding in the car some guys was just riding in the car with you so you can't you can't talk about the great players and the same you can't read in India so that makes them great because they got there but Derby hairy but dirt carry dollars and they got there and won so that's the reason I that's why Turkey we could who's on that lawyers on that loads of Uehara in Sacramento and that we all may never will alive we'll help me I will do what I mean oh yeah I'm totally why wouldn't we arguing see web over dirt no a year they went and they took it right I would have been like now I'll go with see what so y'all going with D way over penny yeah yeah yeah how about you wait how about the injury how about Paul probably so well that's what I think Paul strong consideration on his strong consideration for this most underrated garnet guard II don't like some tally they have autos all Americans need to have honorable mention Paul Pierce on a blonde purple mention okay so here's what here's the way I've got it right now here's here's the way that was the way I've got it wait hit it way to dismiss the truth that is the truth yeah so I've got it with actually 11 names here oh you gotta take lucam is we got away through the list I think so under with you through Vince Carter out there we went we already went through Nash I mean you develop the whiny Parker ex Tony Parker phonathon apart laughing Tony Parker's not there yet I do a name out her name she throw I'm do i Howard hey chicas hey mondo after we do this show band without doing a video with YouTube y'all gotta let this rip them out of our city Oh who's actually gonna help it really ok ok so let's should we take a break and then come back with this list was our Chris Paul it sounds like in our crystal wonderful idea how about Chris as we go to break as we go to break Chris Paul is [Music] gonna break we'll be back guilty bird Jackson why you think they screwed you over to you everybody know you a better player i'ma say they screwed me in 80 and 89 and 90 I was first team all-nba and after that I got voted second team behind Stockton every year and was kicking y'all everybody thought I was giving tall yeah I had the best record in the league you know everything [Music] okay as we come back before we look at the list we have a motion on the on the floor to consider dennis johnson the late great dennis johnson is do we get a unanimous vote on on DJ I'm gonna go with it all honorable mention I didn't honorable mature I didn't see him on there but he was about a boy when he was in Seattle he was even better than if anybody would know a bad boy it is a bad boy big shot maker big shot taker leader I mean stand that list when he hunt when he picked you put you on the list I mean oh yeah he and Gus Williams I like this here Gus Williams one of the best backcourts ever speaking of speaking of list here's our list Tim Duncan yes Kobe Bryant yes LeBron James yes Allen Iverson yes Kevin Garnett yes Dirk Nowitzki yes Dominique Wilkins yes Bob McAdoo yeah Chris Webber yup yes that's 9 and now we've got Kevin Durant and D way see I think I think it's food we get no disrespect who gets the 10th but I think it's Kevin Durant Chris Webber we're not going in order you're not going to oh I thought we were going no there's no order right there's no Kevin Durant should be it should be like he's fighting for that last 5 yeah but y'all share it's just that's what said earlier Championships you take the guy who did the guy with the championships what if I'm saying hit me no it's not like those other come up we've got 11 name rent and d-wave we have 11 names and 10 spots so somebody on that list is gonna have to step aside yeah so you guys we got 11 anyways I'm going with Kevin around your word Galu and makes it Kevin Durant makes it over D way yes I was saying I'm going to since they're still in the league and you're talking about what they what they're doing and what they've done in this 10-year stretch and they still in the league one's not out you know they still in one has won what three championships three well three championship the others one zero I'm going with cuz when it matters I'm going with the guy who questioned Oh what's the different Wien Kevin Durant and Bob McAdoo Bob McAdoo got a ring he didn't win it 2-1 to the Lakers that's okay he's still got what I'm saying all those years he was leading the league and scored his teens weren't great they weren't but he did it for like till every member so but I'm saying he was MVP the rest of the rest is drugs he's won won MVP and Bob nog they want all those scoring titles in Buffalo and I'm not hating on Bob but I'm saying their resume is gonna be the same right I agree I'm saying Bob McAdoo he came off the bench for the Lakers I'm just trying to auger his point like Kevin Durant is doing exactly I bet if you look at the numbers given the red numbers probably better than Bob McAdoo and so that to me like got to give Kevin a little bit credit we can't have a little you know here's here's credit but I'm just saying I was winning camping to me it's harder still metal look I was hard for me his way off Bob didn't win his Sheppard ship he went to the lake over ok so those years he was waiting when one all I'm saying all those when he won MVP and he was leading Lee again scored they won win a championship in Buffalo so Reggie and I you were reading my mind because here's what I think here's the only fair thing to do we were trying to narrow this down to the next 10 I think we've got a list of 11 right here and when you leave the office today you leave the studio today with your list of the 11 you can cross out whoever you want and and then you'll have 10 and you at home can do the same thing and you can decide because I mean how do you how do you exclude one of these guys at this point unless you think no that's not a bad idea the good idea we need to have how we adapt tenure or any good they could make okay okay why because we started to show we're through who we left off on the 50 all right and we left guys off so somebody's gonna get left off nobody gonna get so we're going through the list one last time I'm just gonna do this we're going through the list gonna give you a hug come here Einstein okay humble me but getting off the list because these head because they've had to be unanimous and and now it's not unanimous on see web that means K T and D Wade join the list of the ten that Edna that's my and you know what I think we had another great idea actually web I'm sir sing thanks for phone that's it for this edition of open report hope you enjoyed that I'm glad we did get down to the end I say feels much better about all I did I have to take the bullies y'all we're thinking this you took the bullet but yeah yeah I didn't want to say it on stare you buy up by taking the bullet yeah I'm just agree with you Reggie we should be like one we already dead we already hit or taking the web off no he picked that Matt we he got that I didn't think that they're gonna pick it up Nick mother's very modest you
Channel: Peter ล ilj
Views: 3,263,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 50, greatest, next, 10, NBA, open, court, Shaquille, o'neal, shaq, ej, ernie, johnson, kenny, smith, charles, barkley, grant, hill, reggie, miller, brent, barry, steve, dominique, wilkins, isiah, thomas, chris, webber, kerr, chauncey, billups, rick, fox, lakers, celtics, bulls, pacers, spurs, timberwolves, thunder, best, of, grizzlies, bucks, rockets, suns, knicks, nets, heat, magic, wizards, pistons, raptors, warriors, clippers, trail, blazers, nuggets, jazz, kings, mavericks, hornets, pelicans, hawks, cavaliers
Id: SJcGP0OzcsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2016
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