#theEncounter Drive-In Service

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praise the lord everybody come on worship the lord honor him glorify him magnify him lift him up come on celebrate god it's another day it's a good day to be saved this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and we will be glad in it come on and bless his name honor him glorify him magnify him lift him up come on and worship him come on and worship him clap your hands all ye people shout on to god with the voice of trying come on hallelujah open your mouth oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together from the rising of the sun and to the going down of the same the lord's name is worthy to be brave come on lift him up right where you are online or on your cars lift him up he is god and worthy to be lifted high and lifted up from the earth is the lord come on and worship him and magnify him hallelujah i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth getting ready to pray believe god together trust him together worship him together come on let's pray father we honor you for today we magnify you we thank you for your goodness and your mercy we appreciate you for your loving kindness for your tender mercies we thank you for waking us up this morning for giving us a brand new start we give you thanks that while we slept you sustained us you kept us and father you opened our eyes this morning it wasn't the alarm clock it was your hand touching us one more time thank you for keeping breath in our bodies we pray for those who are dealing with the loss of those who did not wake up this morning we pray that you would strengthen them encourage them during this time we lift you up because you are the god of all comfort and the god of all hope thank you for being the hope of glory that no matter what we experience there is hope as long as we're alive and we give you thanks we pray that you would speak to us this morning we pray that you would move in this service save somebody reclaim a backslider let somebody commit to this house we trust you to do great things you are the god of the great work do the great work be exceedingly indie abundantly above all that we can ask or think and we trust you this morning and we believe it by faith if you believe in hunky horns and give god some praise and worship him magnify him and lift him up come on chris and give us some worship [Music] we come to magnify the lord we come to set the tone for our day lord we ask that you have your way god hallelujah jesus how many know he's a miracle worker how many know he's a waymaker hallelujah there's no god greater than our god [Music] we honor you oh god [Music] we give you the glory god [Music] hey and we say hands up hearts open wide as the sky will lift you high we'll lift you high hands up hearts open wide as we cry god we live your name [Music] hands up hearts open [Music] as we cry [Music] [Music] let all the other names fade away hey let all the other names fade away till they don't leave let all the other names fade away [Music] hands up hearts open wide at the sky is [Music] [Music] [Music] let all the other names fade away hey let all the other names fade away till then don't believe you let all the other names fade away see the take of your [Music] [Applause] [Music] let all the other names fade fade away [Music] [Applause] [Music] fade [Music] [Music] hey my god that is who you are [Music] let all the other names fade away [Music] then all the other names fade away let all the other names fade away let all the other give us how great [Music] i will is how great how great is our god hey come on play with me one more time hey how great [Music] [Music] [Music] fade away [Music] let all the other mates fade away till they don't leave [Applause] [Music] nobody like him he's a faithful god no one compares to him our god is great and mighty hey i got it strong and mighty let all the other names fade away no name is higher than jesus let all the other names fade away jesus taking your legs long on the other knees fade away jesus take your place jesus take your place [Music] how praise the lord real quick announcements don't forget abundant harvest catering is open today you can order online at gotobethany.com so you can order your food and by the time service is over it'll be there for you at go to bethany.com also please don't forget that tomorrow at six o'clock we are having our driving community service praise the lord amen the first time being together uh for communion we want you to make sure that you're going to be here we want to serve communion the deacons are going to pass out the uh pre-packaged cups praise the lord they're going to pass them out tomorrow night and you want to make sure you get here early we're expecting the crowd of course and we're going to pray a prayer of healing at the table amen we're gonna believe god for healing tomorrow night deliverance breakthrough as we partake in the meal amen amen uh so you wanna make sure that you're gonna be with us tomorrow night at six o'clock we'll be out in a good time and of course abundant harvest catering is open until 3 pm today you can go and visit all right god bless you brother chris coming back and we'll be back with the word of god [Music] anybody glad to be alive today come on beat your horn pump it pump it hallelujah jesus we're grateful you can truly say millions didn't make it but i was one of the ones who did come on through many dangerous toys and stairs i've already come to his grace that brought me satan's father i know grace don't leave me on hallelujah jesus we're not ashamed of the gospel am i right hallelujah jesus it is to you i gave the glory it is to you i give the prince for you have done so much for me and i will bless your holy name holy father and no one like you and i will bless your name and i will bless your name and i will bless your name forever [Music] and i will bless your holy name and we will bless your name and i will bless your names and i will bless your name forevermore [Music] glory to your name glory to your name you are you're forever forever the same we worship and we adore you we [Music] we say glory glory to your name glory to your name glory to your name forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] before [Music] we magnify your name glorify your name [Music] [Music] we magnify your names glory find your name [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] hey [Music] stay right there we magnify you god we glorify your name as the angels cry we cry holy god holy holy holy holy holy [Music] oh god [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] your name [Music] [Music] we magnify your name glorify your name oh god come on praise the lord everybody come on let's make some noise for the lord out here today for the lord is good and he is worthy to be praised honk your horns clap your hands give god glory where he is let's bless the lord in this place welcome to the house of the lord o magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together i was glad when they said unto me let us go come on down to the house of the lord hallelujah hallelujah thank you brother chris [Music] thank you [Music] we welcome you once again to our saturday encounter as always we want to thank those people that make this possible all of our musicians and our sound folk and all those manning the lot our guards and our deacons and our trustees are on the spot as always we bless god for them [Music] amen [Music] i got confirmation today through chris singing this is going to be an amazing lineup of word and song today turn with me to acts chapter 3 as we begin the conclusion of power of confession [Music] pastor nick [Music] turn with me to acts chapter 3. we're going to read a little bit more than usual as we conclude the power of confession verse 6 says then peter said silver and gold have i none but such as i have i give thee in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk and he took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength and he the man leaping up stood and walked and entered with them into the temple walking and leaping and praising god and all the people saw him walking and praising god and they knew it was he which set for alms at the beautiful gate of the temple and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him [Music] and as the lame man which was healed held peter and john all the people ran together unto them in the porch that is called solomon's greatly wondering and when peter saw it he answered unto the people you men of israel why marvel ye at this or why look ye so earnestly on us as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk the god of abraham and of isaac and of jacob the god of our fathers have glorified his son jesus whom ye delivered up and denied him in the presence of pilate when he was determined to let him go but you denied the holy one and the just and desired a murderer to be granted unto you killed the prince of life whom god hath raised from the dead whereof we are witnesses here it is and his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong whom you see and know yea the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all the name of jesus the name of jesus father i bless your name now for the opportunity you have provided today i thank you for the power of your spirit that rests upon my life as i seek to open this dynamic truth to your people once again [Music] as we gaze now into the invisible kingdom and see what is available to us as we by faith allow the words to show us the pictures of the kingdom as we feast upon your word today and it nourishes us just not in our body but in our spirit i thank you for what you're about to do [Music] now it is in the name of jesus we claim every promise that is written in your word we proclaim it personally and we claim it corporately today we don't just claim it for ourselves but we claim it for those on our left and our right in front and behind we stand ready to hear your word today because there's new understanding and new wisdom about to happen in our lives there is an increase in faith and the strength of faith and show us yourself and your words and show us ourselves in the revelation i thank you for what you're about to do i give you praise honor and glory for what you've already done thank you that now we stand here prepared to hear your word prepare to release our faith prepare to receive the power that is in the name of jesus shift our lives to a place now as we've been learning the power of confession one saturday after another now lord teach us how to use your name appropriately that like joshua no man no obstacle shall ever stand before us we bless you now for what you're about to do save somebody today reclaim every backslider settle somebody on a church home and i thank you for what you're about to do in jesus name amen there is power in that there is power in that name one of the things i want you to take away from this particular conversation today there's a shift in our understanding uh we will attempt to shift our understanding to a place of power and authority and fully bring to head the messages we have received over the past few weeks concerning the power of your tongue and the power of your confession i need you to understand something very clearly that the supernatural for a child of god is not an event the supernatural for a child of god is not an event the supernatural for a child of god is a lifestyle it is not that we are supposed to shift in and out of the supernatural but we are to rest comfortably in the power of god understanding the power that god has given us in our tongues that life and death is affected starting and stopping things is affected and the transmission of our faith into the atmosphere loosing our desires to heaven so heaven can respond so the kingdom can respond to us all comes to the power of our confession so therefore we need to shift our understanding from the supernatural being an event like it was around the pool of bethesda when men and women would wait for a whole year for the movement of the water and throughout the rest of the year there was no expectation no faith released to participate in a supernatural availability that was always there we find sometimes as simply a belief can stand in the way of god moving in a supernatural way in our lives but we've come to understand something that is incorrect and that is we've come to believe that the supernatural happens occasionally but i would suggest to you that when you were born again that your repentance opened the door to the kingdom and therefore opened the door to a supernatural life thank you holy ghost jesus says i come not that you might have life but you would have that abundant life that supernatural life that life that lives above and beyond the norm that that not natural but super natural existence i come today that you might understand that your voice has given you influence in heaven based upon your relationship with the god you say you love but there is no power unless there is a connection we must talk about the headship of jesus christ not only to the church but to the believer that my headship the headship of jesus christ dictates if you will the type of supernatural life that i can live it also dictates the type of faith i may have the bible is pretty clear there's strong faith there's weak faith there's great faith there's no faith so there are different dimensions of faith that you and i have to grow through to get to the place where jesus himself would proclaim to us i haven't seen great faith like this anywhere i've been looking it is important for us to understand that god desires us to grow in our faith he gives us the measure of faith so all of us have the faith of god all of us have the same faith that jesus had but it's up to us to develop that faith we've got to build it so it works we've got to build it so it moves what god says it can move we have to come to an understanding that mountains are obstacles i'm going to say something to you i want you to get it down mountains and obstacles are just opportunities but i need you to hear this not only are they opportunities but your stuff your possessions dwell in the impossible the stuff that god has for you is not where you can reach it with your hands the things the promises of god that he has for you must be reached according to your faith it is important for you to understand that when something impossible presents itself it's time for you and i to get excited because your stuff is in the impossible y'all not hearing what i'm saying instead of being discouraged when you see something that looks like it can't be done that's when you get excited because that's when faith works at its best because everything god has promised you in his word that is not yet seen in your life dwells in a dimension called the impossible and the bible says all things are possible if you only believe i wish i was in the right congregation today it is important we understand therefore once again that for your life and for my life the supernatural is not an event it's not a day and time it's not something to be historically remembered it is something that you should experience every single day of your life as a matter of fact you're experiencing it right now you experienced it on the way driving here to church today how so the enemy wanted to have you today but supernatural protection was all around you angels flew alongside your automobile so you arrive here safely today somebody needs to give god some glory in this place hallelujah hallelujah so it is important that we understand the headship the position of jesus not just to the church but to you and i turn with me to colossians chapter one go to colossians chapter 1. i want to show you something colossians chapter one when you get there hunk i know some of y'all using y'all y'all unsaved bibles your phones so um colossians chapter one now i want to show you something go down to verse 18. let's start at verse 15. who is the image of the invisible god talking about jesus the first born of every creature it's colossians chapter 1 verse 15 now we're at 16 for by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him i need you to mark that verse all things were created by him and for him but before that it says for by him were all things created that are in heaven that are in earth that are visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and this is important for him and he is before all things and by him all things consist and he jesus is the head of the body the church the head of the body the church who was the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence here we go in order to identify a body there is no way to identify a body clearly without a head upon it heads give the body identity if you see a decapitated head decapitated head the face on the head will tell you whose body belongs to it but if you see the opposite the body is unidentifiable until a head is attached to it so the bible is letting us know that the head gives the body its identity could god um i said something good you need to get it the the head not only gives the body identity the head directs the body and and it is absolutely essential that the body cooperate with the head because the head knows better than the hands do what they should be doing watch how this works now so the head directs the body y'all getting this thing watch how this works now so so james chapter 4 verse 7 says submit to the head that is submit to god bring yourself under the authority of who is your head and the bible says clearly in colossians chapter 1 verse 18 that jesus is the head of the body or the head of the church so we are identified by the head but we also are under the authority of the head now watch how this works now watch how this works go to ephesians chapter one let me show you something ephesians chapter one this is gonna be lovely thank you holy ghost the wind's blowing y'all amen ephesians chapter one watch how this works now verse 17 the bible says that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power a sword toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in christ when he raised him from the dead set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places here it is far above all principality far above all power far above all might far above all dominion or authority and every name that is named far above not only in this world but also in that which is to come and put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church y'all didn't hear what i said which is the body the fullness that filleth all in all so jesus is the head of the body the head of the church and jesus is above all principalities above all other names above all other powers far above all principalities y'all not hearing what i'm saying in the greek it means far far far far far far above all principalities and powers you better hear what i'm telling you out here today somebody hunk far above [Music] watch this now so in his body i love this verse 23 which is his body us the church the believer the fullness of him nothing lacking that filleth all in all cook god almighty everything that's in him now that he's in you everything in him is now in you somebody give god glory right there [Music] watch how this works so he's the head we're the body he's above all principalities and powers let me show it to you so you don't have to guess go to chapter two go down to verse four but god who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sin had quickened us together with christ by gracious save watch this and hath raised us up together and made us to sit together in heavenly places in christ jesus somebody shout glory in here good god from so he is above he's made us sit in heavenly places with him so now you are above all principalities far far above all dominions far far above all names i need you to get this so you and i are positioned above all right i'm going to challenge you a little bit right here we're positioned above and then ephesians 6 talks about put on the whole armor of god so not only are you positioned above i'm getting ready break it break your mind open but you're equipped above all principalities all powers all names or dominions or thrones y'all not hearing what i'm saying when you put on the whole armor of god you're empowered above the enemy you're not hearing what i'm saying somebody convinced you that the devil had authority over you that is not right you're far far far above every demon far above every principality far above every power hallelujah we are above could god the money so it's time for you to stop struggling with the devil oh man ain't nobody talking to me now everybody talking to me now somebody convinced you that you got a toil with the devil why would you have to toil with something you're far above far above every power far above every throne every demonic task structure you're far above it all right let me show you what it looks like could caught almighty somebody honk far but so now it's time for you to come out of an understanding that you have to struggle with a demon oh see that's messing with you that's not dramatic enough if i'm above it i shouldn't be struggling with it could cut almighty if you've got authority over the enemy that means when that demon brings a sickness you've got authority over it that that means when that mountain presents itself somebody shot authority over it good god almighty this is wonderful where do i want to go from here far above writing your notes no toil no don't have to travail to get it [Music] what i said jesus did all the travailing for you watch how this works now watch how this works where do i want to go i'm going to show you this too early but i feel like you need to see what no toil looks like no no let me let me show you something first let me show you the flow of authority because jesus is the head now jesus is the head we're the body we're he's far above we're far above the lord has already told us in the holy ghost in the word of god that that we're sitting with him in heavenly places and he's positioned far above so you and i are far above every realm that's demonic in the invisible that there's nothing in the invisible that's superior over you including the devil you y'all need to hear what i'm saying watch how this works now go to mark chap matthew chapter eight matthew chapter eight let's take a look at it i'm just laying a little foundation for you then we'll get to the meat of what i want to tell you today matthew chapter 8. y'all pray for my hands today too much gang warning and fighting and stuff they ain't working right today i got two fingers working on this hand and got to hold the mic with this one so y'all pray for the brother yeah yeah that's that's from when you're young you think you're invincible you think stuff healed up and then later on your body show you it ain't healed up yet praise the lord far above watch this now matthew chapter eight let's go down to verse five let me show you something now pay close attention to this and when jesus entered into capernaum that came unto him a centurion so he's in capernaum a centurion comes to him beseeching him pleading with him petitioning him asking him praying to him talking to him and saying lord watch it watch the words now lord hmm my servant lies at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented so not only is he sick but he's real sick he's critical jesus said unto him i will come and heal him watch the words now watch this the centurion answered and said lord i am not worthy that thou should has come under my roof but speak the word only put that in your notes speak the word only you need to hear what i said speak not what you think speak the word only i'm trying to show you how to operate far above jesus is already telling the centurion i'll come to your house and heal your servant didn't ask him what's wrong with him the man offered it didn't ask him how long he'd been sick didn't ask him any details i'll just come in healing because jesus knows he's far above [Music] that the sickness may have a grip but the sickness doesn't have the same power that jesus has watch how this works watch this now watch this man watch this he says come just say something got to speak the word only and my servant shall be healed and now watch this he didn't ask jesus to come see what you can do the didn't do that he met jesus can you come take a look at it and tell me what you think he simply states his problem and jesus says i'll come heal him and then the man starts to demonstrate for us how faith really works first thing the man says i'm not worthy for you to come under my roof there's some stuff in there that you're not gonna like i got some magazines and some cable channels you wouldn't approve of y'all y'all not hearing what i'm saying the the aftermath of death jam is in the living room that y'all y'all not hearing what i'm talking about says that now need to come to my house now he said he said but but all y'all need you to do pay attention now is speak the word in the direction of my house throw it up in the atmosphere jesus and what you say will find the sick man at my house y'all missing what i'm saying if you don't say it it won't travel you got to put it in the atmosphere but you can't put your words you got to put the words of jesus into the atmosphere watch how this works watch the next discussion in verse 9. amazing he says for i am a man under authority i'm a man who's under a head and i have soldiers under me so the man begins to diagram the flow of power and authority from caesar to him to those assigned to him in the jurisdiction that belongs to him now you ain't excited about that but your jurisdiction is the whole earth your jurisdiction is blessed in the city blessed in the field that's your territory good god almighty watch how this works because i'm under authority i've got soldiers under me i'm not by myself i got some folk that agree by their behavior with my words watch this now he says and i say to this man go and he goes to another come and he comes and my servant do this and he does it when jesus heard it he marveled and said to them that follow turned around to his disciples and said now this is some shade if i ever seen it before in my life he turns around to his own folk and he says and i quote verily i say unto you i have not found not regular faith not great faith but so great faith no not in israel y'all didn't hear what i said i found this in the church watch how this works could god almighty watch this now so jesus is engaged in this conversation with the centurion and the centurion is explaining the power flow of authority because of who he's under who is his head his head is caesar and when the centurion speaks he's speaking in the authority of caesar i'm trying to get you to hear something when he opens his mouth it's not in his own authority because you speak in the authority that you're under you know i i can't get y'all i can't get y'all to get this what what i i'm so it's like caesar speaking to the soldiers you didn't get it jesus is your head you are attached to a kingdom jesus said say what i say and it'll be just like i said it cuz you're under my authority good god almighty this thing is wonderful so so the centurion is speaking in the authority of the person that he's under he's speaking in the authority of the person that he's under could god and he understands it thoroughly because he says when i say go they go when i say come they come when i talk to a servant my servant does what i tell my servant to do y'all not getting this so in heaven there's god and in heaven there's jesus and in heaven and earth there's a holy ghost and in heaven there's angels and on earth there's angels there's cherubims and seraphims and archangels good god almighty that there's a move of the anointing there are those things that are make you not alone in your life you have company with you you have agreement with you good god and when you speak in the authority of the one who is your head his words become your words good god almighty somebody get with this so you speak in the authority of who you're under so the centurion speaks in the authority of caesar and caesar's word was absolute y'all missed that part caesar's word would not fail and caesar was just a man but then here comes jesus watch how much how this works so so so the centurion has designated authority the centurion is deployed in the earth to transmit the authority of caesar the law of caesar is spoken by the centurion this is a kingdom explanation so the centurion has placed himself submitted himself under authority and because he submitted himself the authority of caesar is transferred to the centurion in other words the centurion is deputized now jesus here's the explanation and jesus says i ain't seen nothing like this kind of faith not anywhere among my own people y'all need to hear what i'm saying he says this guy understands how the kingdom works and he proved that he did because he told me simply you don't have to go where i live just speak to what i'm talking about and your words will change my situation and he says the centurion has what he calls great faith all right let me take you somewhere now how much time do i have all right we're doing good all right go to hebrews for me hebrews chapter 11. let me show you something now what i'm telling you will challenge your belief system and it is it is sometimes because we're intelligent people our intellect gets in the way of our faith i only got two witnesses but that's okay sometimes when it comes to god i'm a little too smart for my own good my my my ability to reason is extremely powerful my ability to reason is based on my experience so throughout my life i built a belief system that is proven by evidence or by suggestion and then i get to my now and i hear the word of god and i see that god is saying something i believe in jesus but i'm still a little sketchy on this speak it and watch it happen come on talk to me i i i watch this i get it that jesus could do it i get that part matter of fact i believe he could but my struggle is me doing it come on talk to me my my my my hang up yeah my hang up is i believe god but i don't believe he can use me that way. okay okay and the problem is our intellect we reason our way out of it but i told you early on the supernatural is not an event the supernatural is a lifestyle but i also told you that in this life in christ we are sitted far above seated far above all things that would oppose us so when jesus is teaching and preaching he's teaching from a position of authority and he tells us the shortcut to release the power is not say what you think say what i said say exactly what the word of god says now my problem is i'm using my reasoning trying to understand this hebrews chapter 11 verse 3. let's start at verse 1. now faith is the substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen now now you you know that verse people give it as a definition of faith i want you to put a note there expectation now faith is the substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen now that of things things of things of things twice in verse one is things already done things already done i'm taking you somewhere for by it faith elders obtained a good report through faith here it is we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god so that the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear so the centurion had an understanding of the kingdom even though he had never seen the kingdom of god he understood how authority flows so he was able to enlist jesus to simply speak the word based upon his own experience based upon the fact that he realized caesar and jesus were not the same but he understood in an earthly illustration how heaven operates could god have y'all missed it he he he taught jesus a parable parable is when you take something earthly to explain something heavenly so he taught jesus a parable and parable said that shows me you have this great kind of faith now this headship thing this authority thing it sounds real jazzy but we as christians only operate in it seasonally this authority is not seasonal it's a lifestyle it's not sometime it's all the time this this authority once you lay hold of the scriptures and the power of the scriptures this authority works while you're asleep this you you can put a ring of protection around your neighborhood and go to sleep what's this the bible says in the book of psalms that the earth is given to men and women god gave the earth to us gave us the authority in the earth and then god said i'm gonna let you handle this thing but i'm gonna give you the rules for the game so jesus the holy ghost tells us in philippians to really understand headship i have to let this mind be in us that's also in christ jesus it's not enough here we go it's not enough to have him as a head i've got to start thinking like him see how this works so i've got the headship of jesus he says let this mind be in you watch this now part of our dilemma is we see jesus as too much god in order for us to model what he does we don't see him as a regular man you're missing the whole point the reason jesus had to suffer the indignity of being born like a regular human being was because he was willing to give up his glory to show you and i how a human being under obedience to god and in the power of the anointing can operate in the earth he he's the model he's the example he's the one that shows you and i what it looks like for a human being submitted to god with the god kind of faith he's showing us how you can operate in the earth and this centurion who might not even be saved understands how the kingdom works the saints need to understand how the kingdom works we need to get it through our heads how it works jesus shows us speak the word only now so i've got his head and i've got his mind but there's some resistance there because the holy ghost tells us let this mind be in you so it's a mind of faith that you and i have a problem with because we reason our way out of miracles we reason our way out of the supernatural and we think the supernatural only happens every now and then watch how this works so i've got the headship and the mind of christ let's go to luke 17 let me show you something i hope there's not too much word for y'all but i have to give you a new understanding today luke 17 luke 17. watch what it says now let's go down to verse 20. and when he was demanded of the pharisees this is luke 17 20. when the kingdom of god should come so the pharisees came and said to him lord when is the kingdom of god going to arrive he answered them and said the kingdom of god comes not with observation so it's not like a season you can feel or see coming it's not like a car coming down the street or a bus coming that you can prepare to get on it's not done with just merely human observation it is a spiritual encounter that helps you understand when the kingdom has arrived watch this neither shall they say lo here or lo there see it for behold huh the kingdom of god is within you so i've got his head watch this y'all i got his mind and now i've got his kingdom on the inside of me god almighty lord have mercy on me watch this now so a kingdom contains laws kingdom contains structure kingdom contains real estate kingdoms contain resources kingdom contains constitution kingdom contains power and jesus said the kingdom of god that's far far above is now in so now not only is the earth a jurisdiction but now your body is a jurisdiction and you have the right to mandate laws about your body so certain things don't happen to your body good god almighty i wish i had help out here today watch how this works watch how this works so that's why your jurisdiction externally is everywhere you go so when you go to work on monday or log in online you just logged into part of your jurisdiction [Music] your neighborhood is your jurisdiction your body is your jurisdiction good god almighty i wish i was in the right place today so you're not alone because you got backing for your authority [Music] watch how this works here we go how much time do i have here we go we're doing good go to luke chapter 10. i said i wasn't gonna sweat today but i guess that was a lie okay now stay in your cars look look luke chapter 10. okay watch this now now watch this luke chapter 10 now verse verse 1 says after these things the lord appointed other 70 also sent them two by two before his face into every city and place whether he himself would come so jesus sent his appointed 70 his disciples into different regions his jurisdiction sent them into the place that he was going to come afterwards so they go out and they do their thing and then they come back to jesus in verse 17 and the 70 returned again with joy saying lord even the devils are subject unto us through your name that was better than your responding even the devils are subject unto us as long as we are using your name good god the bible says they came back with joy they didn't come back worn out they didn't come back beat up they didn't come back with their robes all torn up and all disarrayed they came back with joy and said guess what we found out we're father all principalities in power we're way above them watch this now all right here you go watch this go to mark chapter five y'all keeping up with me mark chapter five watch this now talking about the demoniac in the graveyard verse six but when he saw jesus so far off he ran and worshiped him so the man that had the demons saw jesus everybody else this is this is just so beautiful everybody else that came by the graveyard he attacked but when he saw jesus when he saw jesus afar off he got in a hurry and worship him watch this and cried with a loud voice and said what have i to do with you jesus thou son of the most high god i adjure thee by god that thou torment me not now if the demon was something to struggle with it sure don't look like it now he's he he he he he he came to jesus and said look doc because you know the devil's a negotiator y'all need to hear what i'm saying the devil negotiates he negotiated with eve and adam in the garden he's a negotiator i got to get this in your head he comes with conversation so so watch what happens so he says he said look that look look look he said look now look look hold up a minute hold up a minute because i know what your mission is i know what your assignment is he said but i'm pleading with you right now and i'm using god watch the demon the demon uses god's name the demon says and his big g.o.d not little gld he says he says i adjure thee i plead with you based on your relationship with god that you don't torment me now watch this write in your notes no toil no toil no struggle watch this he simply says him come out of the man you unclean spirit that ain't no toil that's no struggle come out of the man same thing when he got up in the storm peace be still there was no big demonstration just told the storm shut up told a demon come out y'all didn't see this thing he says he simply says come out to me watch what happens and he asked him what's your name not no struggle what's your name because you remember now the first thing that demoniac did was start to worship him there's no record of him getting up off his knees yet so so he comes to the presence of the anointing and has to bow his knee because every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus is lord watch this thing it's beautiful because this works this is beautiful he says he says my name is legion for we are many all right now it's not a one-on-one situation now different scholars say legion mean different things some say 600 some say 6 000. all you need to know was a whole mess of them up in there there was some stuff going on and all of them found this one human being to be a preferable place to dwell watch what happens watch what the lord says he said well my name's legion for we are many so you got one representing everybody in there and he besought him much negotiating that he would not send them away out of the country don't please send us away from here we found a place where they accept us [Music] oh the local townspeople earlier in the chapter said we tried to capture him and i'm paraphrasing now we found out it's just better to leave him alone let him do his thing and just stay away from the graveyard so they gave him a jurisdiction jesus comes and now there's a conversation he said now he's watch verse 11. now there were nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding so there's a problem so you got you have these jewish folk that are making money hurting swine so they they they've ejected their faith for profit [Music] y'all not here y'all don't hear what i'm saying they they they compromise their walk for money i i'm doing the best i can y'all watch this now he says he says now watch a negotiation 12 and all the devils all the devils all the devils besought him so everybody started crying out the whole the whole thousand of them started saying at the same time because you know they're unified watch this and they don't leave anybody behind they said together in chorus send us into the swine that we may enter them they can't even go into them without the lord's permission why because he's far above good god almighty i wish i had help here watch how this works so he says watch this there's no big demonstration because jesus understands the kingdom his word is his servant coming out of his mouth he simply tells the demon come out i need to talk to you the rest of the demons shaken please don't send us away from here we finally found a place where they accept us ain't no spiritual warfare going on here they let us have this jurisdiction and they don't mess with us as long as they keep making money y'all not talking to me my point is he says come out and and he's not shouting because he's having a one-on-one conversation with me he says come out come out god comes out only tells him one time god comes out because he can't resist y'all he can't can't he can't resist so there's no toil because he's far above the demons he's talking to you have the same anointing and you have been lifted of the curse called toil i don't have time but when you go home this afternoon or tonight read genesis in the beginning when adam and eve took of the fruit they weren't supposed to take of in a dimension god did not create them to live in y'all get that later he says before you fell all you had to do was tend in till the garden there were no thorns there were no thistles there was no toil but now that you've fallen toil is what you're gonna have to do to get what i gave to you as provision watch how this works so jesus christ now dwells in you the bible says each of us have been given the measure of faith each of us has been given the gift of faith by god he did not give you someone else's faith he gave you his because in order for you to have authority you've got to have his faith god almighty here we go all right three more minutes i'm gonna let you go i'll pick it up right there go to acts chapter three acts chapter 3. all right here we go acts chapter 3. now we read in the beginning verse 6 says then peter said silver and gold have none but such as i have i give you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth watch this now rise up and walk in the name jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk that is small but it's important he does not let anything get in between the name of jesus christ of nazareth and the result he desires i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying to get something to you in the next in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise no space for doubt no space for fear no space for an opinion in the name of jesus rise watch this and it's not an incomplete miracle rise up and walk watch how this works small but important so the supernatural is happening now watch this peter and john perhaps didn't think they were going to run into this spiritual situation on this day simply going to church but this man is sitting outside the temple gate i have a problem with the fact that nobody's invited him yet him in and the saints watch this in their jurisdiction are content for him to beg rather than god provide wait a minute what you say they are content to walk by him every day but peter and john have arrived in town and they come to church when it's time to have church and they get there and they say well what's up now watch what happens in the text now before that and this is really important for us to understand look at verse five he gave heed unto him now let's go up a little further because i need you to get all this three this man who seeing peter and john about to go into the temple asked of arms he begged for some money and peter fastened his eyes upon him with john so both of them they didn't glance at him because you know the saints if it's unpleasant they glance if it's if it's some somebody we find distasteful we just glance but the bible says those two together in agreement fasten their eyes on him watch this what i love about the holy ghost is the holy ghost tells you the details of his conv condition in verse two he's laying from his mother's womb and he was carried to the church daily imagine coming to church daily and nobody inviting you in to get healed i know i'm going backwards but i'm taking you somewhere now peter and john verse 1 went up together there's that unity into the temple there's that unity and there's a church at the hour of prayer they went at the appointed time watch this they run into the guy and verse 4 says and peter fastening his eyes upon him with john said look on us and watch this and the lame man gave he to them expecting to receive something from them expecting to receive something from them oh my goodness my gracious he had an expectation but his expectation wasn't great enough he had faith to receive something but he was not expecting what he should have been expecting he what's this he expected what was going to keep him in his condition he did not expect what was going to deliver him from his condition it's time out i'm hollering it's time out coming to church just expecting a good time [Music] it can't be enough we had good church you got to come expecting god to do past the normal above far above all opposition good god almighty this is wonderful watch how this works because now if the supernatural had simply been an event peter and john might have missed it but they were walking and living in supernatural power so when the opportunity arose they were ready look at what happens they had the name of jesus verse six on their lips at the moment they needed it because the supernatural is a lifestyle for them watch where we go i think i'm out of time oh all right let's let's let's cool let's cool down let's cool down on this next verse let's cool down on this next one go to chapter four go to verse 10 and this is where we'll pick it up next week verse 10 says be it known unto you all and to all the people of israel that by the name of jesus christ of nazareth whom you crucified this ought to give you hope because we worship the one that's been crucified somebody shout amen the one who god raised from the dead somebody shout glory by him does this man stand here before you whole could god so the power of our confession is in the name of jesus and you better not let doubt slip between his name and what you want to happen when you say his name speak the result that you desire from the lord and say the word only somebody give god some praise [Music] so we've learned and we will conclude on the next week [Music] that the power that god has deputied us with is released the authority is released through the words that we speak the centurion gave us a diagram of how the kingdom works how the kingdom operates and he said i tell people to go and they go i tell them to come they come i tell my servants to do this and they do it jesus says that's not regular faith that's great faith because he understands if you will the flow or the the the the the mechanization or the the the operation of the kingdom of god he understands the flow of power from the head to the body so when the centurion speaks he doesn't speak his own words he speaks in the authority and he speaks in the name of caesar our lord is greater than any king jesus is saying to us if you understand how the kingdom flows you'll understand that because i'm your head and you have my mind and the kingdom dwells what's inside of you inside of your kingdom is in you that when you speak you speak with the authority of the kingdom you're not by yourself you're back you're sitting in heavenly places that once you're born again you're far above all these evil things that are trying to attack you far above all principalities far above all powers letting you understand that the devil has been tricking you and to believe that you have to struggle with the demonic struggle with evil things but today you've got a brand new understanding that all this toil you were going through travailing all night long when all you simply had to say it was come out you're not hearing what i'm saying to you no toil peace be still no toil [Music] when they were in the wilderness with the with the 5 000 men who needed food and the 10 000 more women and children that were accompanying them jesus says something so simply says feed them just just no toil just y'all go ahead and feed him he blessed the bread he broke the bread said feed them now what you need to understand is that the fish and the loaves didn't multiply in jesus hand the fish and those multiplied in the disciples hands so the miracle happens in your hands [Music] because if you do anything you do it all in the name and under the authority of jesus that's how this works you have been deputized you've been given permission to attach his name to your petition to speak his name to your mountains and to your situation in the name of jesus let it be so bible says in job 22 decree of things and it shall be established in the earth the bible lets us know that this vessel this this body is indwelled by the lord himself anointed by the lord himself [Music] the kingdom is within us everything that's applying to the kingdom is within you [Music] so when you speak you speak with the backing of the entire kingdom could god almighty that was good whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven authority [Music] in his name speaking the word only [Music] the bible lets us know that the bible says clearly how shall they believe and who they haven't heard how shall they hear without a preacher if you don't know it it's because it hasn't been preached to you god has designed his word to produce faith but also to raise your sights that you would begin to understand that you have been birthed created to do extraordinary things does not matter how old you are doesn't matter what race you are what matters is that you're anointed by the anointed one you've got the power of god dwelling on the inside and god said that power is greater far above far above your past far above every mistake and every failure far above every injury and every frustration any man be in christ he's a new creation old things are passed away behold all things become new today's the day you can make that decision allow the lord jesus to become the head of your life to begin to learn his mind so your mind that's mixed with faith becomes his mind so you begin to think on a different level as isaiah 55 i believe tells us my thoughts are not your thoughts my ways are not your ways my ways and thoughts are higher than yours it's an invitation to another dimension of thinking another dimension of doing and the platform for that is the image and likeness of god that you've been created in that once the holy spirit comes into your life through salvation that initial image and likeness is activated and you begin to begin that supernatural life a purpose that journey of fulfillment but it can happen without the lord jesus today jesus has allowed us to come together that you might make a decision to allow him to be your lord make that decision jesus i need you in my life today jesus won't you please take me back i stepped away for a while but i want to come back right now jesus please thank you for uniting me with this great church thank you for this word you've given me this day god i bless your name if any man be in christ he's a new creation today is the day you can make that decision give your life to the lord give it to him sincerely what's that mean long lasting permanent change today is the day you get to come back to the lord [Music] now if you're going to make a decision to come back to the lord or come to the lord for the first time today uh connect with the church stop any individual you see walking around attending to you they'll direct you take 15 or 20 minutes to point you in the right direction give you the next steps lead you to christ if you need to be led to christ lead your back to the lord if you need to be led back connect with the house of god every child of god needs to be connected to the house of god [Music] you know naaman almost missed a miracle because he did not want to obey a simple instruction prophet tells him i need you to go dip in the river seven times something he could do he'd taken many baths before then go dip in the river seven times but it doesn't make sense naaman doesn't think simply dipping in a dirty river will make him clean but he forgets one thing he's obeying the word of god he who obeys the prophet's words gets a prophet's reward he obeys the words of the prophet he almost walks away matter of fact he does walk away angry because it's not what he expected it wasn't what it wasn't the fanfare that he thought he was worthy of one of the servants grabs him and said look here bro you know come on daddy watch this now he said now if they told you go conquer country we'd be in the chariots already you you'd be on your way to you know to dominate another country he said you can't do something simple as take a bath name says oh all right all right all right leading back to the river he dips down seven times now watch what happens the bible doesn't say that his flesh gets healed the bible says that it gets the flesh of a newborn baby y'all need to understand [Music] so god god grabs the inventory out of heaven and gives him new flesh [Music] that he may have been 45 years old but his skin was like a baby's skin his god didn't just heal his flesh he put new flesh on him naaman's reasoning was getting in the way something may be preventing you and your reasoning today from giving your life to the lord coming back to the lord connecting with god's house you may got some reasons and they're real but they're not supernatural there's a supernatural event happening today that will that will introduce you to a supernatural life give your life to the lord come back to the lord connect with god's house if you made that decision today stop one of our workers on your way out as you're giving on your way out stop when you work and say i need to give my life to the lord i need to come back to the lord i need to connect with god's house they'll tell you exactly what you need to do next for those that will be watching us online uh tomorrow and later on during the week your giving options are on the lower third at the bottom of the screen you today you can give your gifts to god as you leave the parking lot [Music] so we'll see you next saturday weather permitting as we conclude the power of your confession power in the name of jesus come on let's pray god i bless your name now for this great time and for this opportunity i want to thank you for how great you've been to us how your spirit has allowed us to hear your word understand your word and then begin to build our faith so we can speak your word with authority and power thank you you are our head we are your body we operate under your authority thank you for giving us your mind now lord teach us the things we need to know teach us how to pray teach us how to worship teach us how to praise teach us how to serve teach us how to operate in divine authority i pray right now for every sickness represented i speak now in the name of jesus you are healed i speak now in the name of jesus you are set free [Music] i thank you today someone connected to someone watching us right now who's in the hospital and in the name of jesus we tell them rise up and walk i thank you lord nothing but the power of the holy ghost will rescue and deliver we bless your name today and we thank you in jesus name and everybody said amen [Music] you
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church
Views: 411
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bethany, baptist, church, David Evans
Id: 30l-56On31Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 47sec (5867 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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