Only paid $25 for this and I am Happy about it...

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alrighty welcome back everyone we're at an auction here at an auction i don't know if that i don't think that well let's just walk around and auction early morning i think it's going to be really crowded um it was advertised as having a lot of really decent stuff so yeah this is a parking lot um but yeah we'll look around see what's here [Applause] [Applause] now [Music] me [Music] [Music] won't lock it so next person could probably just pick it up and see what's in there and just close the one thing that's an old tool the heck is that thing free is that nail puller maybe this is neat it's not just all tools i mean there's older stuff as well [Applause] [Applause] i love that peanut jar usually these things are yep chipped chipped on the bottom one that's about all these glass jars all these peanut jars seem to always be chipped for all the gamers out there you want to pause that and look at all these it's all blurry i don't really recognize there's three donkey kongs the rest are really sports games from oh my pile is growing i paid 25 bucks for this but this thing is absolutely loaded with stuff and it's got to be i'd say at least a hundred dollars that's why it's not loaded it's gotta be at least a hundred dollars with the punches and stuff in here i gotta unlock it to show the top one there's a lot in here and a machine spot but 25 bucks oh it's a ken it's a good one and i paid like a dollar for all these boxes boxes don't need those all right i just added a box of wrenches for two and a half dollars really small wrenches i don't even think i have any small wrenches like this i'm going to have to go through all these because it looks like it's a mix you've got some oh that's mac well there you go exactly i don't want to be there's probably some snap on here mac is a little bit lower than snap on but i like mac uh people are wondering like how to like i don't know like how do these wrenches feel they actually feel a lot better when you use a good quality wrench it's kind of weird but for 2.50 centimeters is a steal uh picked up this for two dollars and 50 cents bunch of allen keys in there like all these bottles love it for a dollar i got three boxes of stuff here nice cobalt blue can't beat it all right the uh the box lock guy struck again i got all that stuff that's in the corner i gotta remember what i bought over here oh yeah i bought that block this lot and that lot so i might try to consolidate into one lot so it makes it a lot easier right i mean this whole lot for a dollar you can't beat it you can't beat it it's the way to buy there i bought this lot mainly because there's a couple nice bottles in here you got some stoneware um i just had some vintage stuff down here but i don't think it's really worth much party spreader a whole set what does that mean japan probably yeah it is yes it is it's kind of cool executive award that was a dollar at one point on what this is looks like the bosses twirl it oh my god don't put your stuff on my stuff because i think this is my stuff i bought this box for a dollar thinking oh it's great stuff flip it over womp big old hole i saw this and i said that's five bucks this is a stupid thing it's like i bet if i take away this thing it's gonna sell better into myself for more money but then you get you get rid of the lid it's like one of those things you add something that's broken it's kind of like when you bring kitchen sets you have a kitchen set for seven it's better to just have a kitchen set for six it sells better it sounds stupid but it's better same like if you have like extra dishes then people want to set for eight you know if you have one extra dish just get rid of the dish have a complete set it's a weird concept but it works pattern how about five and go on that i don't know anybody that's five five pretty good five goodbye nobody needs to uh have a party and serve some stuff in a vegetable team how about two and a half all different how about five dollars ago when that whole tray of collector spoons there five one all righty so i just made it back i spent a whopping 64 today the most expensive thing i bought was definitely a machinist box i really if i looked more carefully so that was the first item to sell in the whole day and i was in a row of box slots so they did the tools and then they did the box slots right at the beginning um so it's on top of the tool box slot row if that makes sense and what happens is you kind of can choose whatever you want so they'll start the auctioneering the auction whatever you call a chance or whatever they'll say ten dollars a box and they bid against other people and you can choose whatever box you like at whatever you bid so you don't know if they're bidding on the same box you don't know if they're bidding on a different box essentially if you know exactly what you want to bid on something and you're not going to play the game of oh i can get it cheaper by waiting and doing all this you get the box that you want and if somebody outbid you well then you just got outbid so it's not really that big of a deal um but that was the first thing i bought and that's up front uh been kind of fired up here so i'll say this if you guys are kind of new to auctions at in-person auctions just be very very careful uh this is it's kind of a trick some auctioneers do and not all auctioneers do this and there's a lot of different tricks i i might even do a whole video on tricks of deceiving and unethical things that auctioneers do because i know a lot of people out there are kind of nervous and hesitant and there's a lot of bad rep for auctioneers uh generally like a lot of people think that they're liars their cheats they'll steal from you i think there's a lot of auctioneers out there that are ethical and do it the right way i've been doing this for like six years now seven years now i can tell you right now i've definitely eliminated a lot of auction companies that have done really sleazy things uh this one i want to say it's really sleazy it's kind of like a trick they do it is unethical i don't like it i don't condone it and i have caught auctioneers in the past doing it on camera and i've kind of like deleted those clips out because i'm like probably shouldn't include that um and i can understand like if somebody makes a mistake that's one thing but a lot of companies do this non-stop and one thing was this box here i think i paid five dollars but or maybe i paid 10 bucks but here's how it went down he was asking five dollars three people raised her hand at five bucks rather than say all right do you want to go seven and a half or do you want to go 10 after taking that first bid he went 5 10 15 and he was asking for 20. and the person who was at 15 said no no no no no i wasn't at 15. i was at five bucks we all raised at the same time and he's like all right well i had ten dollars there and he took my bid for ten bucks but i was raising my hand at five so he kind of just it's not even doing it fast it's more like it's kind of a sleazy way to kind of just run up the i guess the bid and some auctioneers do that and the reason why they do that is because if they're trying to get to like something like eighty dollars and they know it's like something that should sell for eighty dollars or a hundred dollars or 150 they might just do it quick so they start bouncing around really quick but some auctioneers do that just because they know no one's going to talk up no one's going to speak up and say no no no no i was only at five you know i don't want to spend 15 it's a little bit different than just being a fast auctioneer if you guys catch my drift you've been to auctions you know exactly what i'm talking about you know i'm not really worried about it but it's it's bad taste uh if you're an auctioneer out there and you do that stuff i tell you right now you should probably quit it because it's going to be a rough rough life if some people start to leave you google reviews and they get really you know nasty with you or call you out in person like that is just you don't want to ruin your business over poor business protocols i would say that because i know a lot of companies out there a lot of auction companies have bad reviews because people have done that in the past so uh just be aware that also if you're going to auctions just be aware that kind of stuff that happens i did end up spending like what 64. i did grab a ton of box slots small stuff like this glassware you know how it is the typical usual planters um got some crocks got a nice doors or this is actually i think that's a decanter stopper got all these wrenches a lot of different wrenches in there i got a bunch of christmas stuff as well i figured i'll probably bring this up to flea market tomorrow and try to sell it someone actually gave me a bunch of stuff they're like i don't want it so i might just throw on your piles like all right but i don't really want to take it because i didn't know if you had to take everything but i pretty much took everything i bought because that's just how it is some people do pickers rights some auction companies make you take everything like i said every company is different everyone does business differently just be aware of that moving on to the side i did grab this machinist box as you guys saw this thing is loaded got some smalls i don't think i'm going to be bringing this up tomorrow and the reason was because i really wanted to see what was in here like i don't want to sell this whole box for 50 bucks if there's a hundred dollars in tools in here i really don't want people to cherry pick me and you know take out you know like let's say this thing's worth ten dollars on ebay i don't want people like to take out that that that and then like say would you take three bucks because i just kind of over that i think you have to kind of be aware that people are gonna do that cherry picking is probably the worst thing in this business especially if i was like hey give me 50 bucks or a whole box and then people take out small things and they're like oh i'll give you five bucks for this i don't like doing that uh i bought as a lot i want to sell kind as a lot this is just an empty box i don't know how that ended up there that stuff from the other auction that was the key to the bathroom's toilet i forgot what this was um it was something that wasn't really too important but it was kind of neat i can't remember that's for a pipe threader these are allen keys we have a nice pair box so some cool things uh i think i'll do all right i bought a lot of like lots for a dollar what's all that don't know what i'm buying did i buy any jars i don't remember ah all that and we got a bunch of little candle uh candle stands some other smalls as well we got some pewter mugs these uh that one's not it is that one no they aren't sometimes these are glass bottom oh here we go i knew i thought i saw them like clear glass english pewter [Music] interesting so overall another very very fun day i was probably take this thing out before i uh pack the rest for the flea market i'm going to try to bring the rest i have in the warehouse tomorrow and then whatever it does in some way either throw out donate do something with use it myself because we're down here to the last parts of the year i feel like if i didn't sell it by now it's not gonna sell so overall another fun day thank you for coming along for another adventure if you guys enjoyed the video hit the like button subscribe down below for more treasure hunts until next time have a great day keep living a dream [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 33,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flea market find, video game hunting, resell, reselling, reseller, buy and sell, resale, make money on ebay, sell on ebay, what sold on ebay, etsy, amazon, buy and sell ebay, where to sell on ebay, what sells on ebay, flea market flip, ralli roots, paul cantu, thrift store haul, thrift shop haul, auction, auction buy, auction box lots, taco stacks ebay, tool box haul, auction pro, auction youtube, ebay, make more money on ebay, ebay vlog, reseller vlog, cams kicks
Id: 1LPUNy9k3RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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