Only 3% Play Project Zomboid Like This... Here's Why.

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[Music] project zomboid is a game of total isolation you spawn into an outbreak that has already gone by in your absence you are totally alone with no one at your side to help you no one to talk to and the only chance you have at seeing your neighbors is if they stumble across your front lawn post zombification now I've been doing some research recently with the help of the developers behind project zomboid and one of the biggest things I noticed in the comments was a hesitance to play with others and I get it we've all played games before with people we'd rather not people that take things too seriously maybe not seriously enough people with awful microphones or people that get angry quickly the list of reasons to make you hesitant is endless and as a result for many it's just easier to play alone but there's an experience out there behind all of these possible red flags that could take you on an emot roller coaster like no other which you want go uh the first one and that is the journey that I'm going to take you on today like the video if you enjoy subscribe if you're not already and without further Ado this is project zomboid with the right people all right so I briefly mentioned that I'd been doing some research and the development team behind zomboid were kind enough to land me a hand with this one now I took a Paul amongst you kind folks that support the channel and asked a simple question how do you predominantly Play Project zomboid now a whopping 64% answered simply that they play solo 30% were Co-op players and only 3% were multiplayer the Indi Stone took their own poll on Twitter and well the results were largely the same lastly to really drive home my points here project zomboid had just over 44,000 concurrent players at its peak in the last 30 days but across all of the multiplayer servers on project zomboid and that's over 5,000 that Peak was only 4,073 players which is a very small amount of the active player base most of my time in the past has been spent playing solo 2 just because my time on zomboid is mainly spent recording and the best way to do that is often in single player where I can enable debug mode and manipulate all kinds of settings to get the perfect shot not this month though I decided I was going to play on our multiplayer server with my patreon supporters and bumped into a friend of mine sci-fi Ginger AKA lucii now I'd never played with lucii before in fact we'd never even been on a call together so I was taking a risk and playing with someone new much to my surprise we shared a lot of the same habits when it came to PC if you've ever watched me play on stream before or even checked out some of my videos in the past you've likely noticed that I'm a fan of f fashion boid as the community calls it I pick outfits of my character based on what looks cool rather than protective values I also like to use items to create realistic scenes in my safe house to make it look the parts not just to provide a place to stay and I try to use ingredients to make food that actually makes sense rather than creating some of the Abominations I've seen on the project zomboid subreddit that I'm absolutely judging you for by the way then I'll wash it back with a glass of wine rather than just drinking from the bottle because well it's fun lastly I'm a bit of a stickler for organization I like to have everything in the right place and I certainly can't cope with just throwing items on the floor in big BS of loot that isn't even filtered in some way or another so when I came back from a break from the PC to find that lucii had actually labeled some of the storage in the safe house using actual items and had left me a note saying there was pastor and wine I knew that we were going to get on famously she had placed some decorative items around the same safe house without reorganizing the planning that I'd already laid out she'd collected a host of supplies and stuck to the organization of loot that I'd already set up and it was already becoming clear that IID found the perfect Duo partner for me over the next couple of hours we went out to gather supplies took on some sketchy situations together and just got to know each other a little better too it's been a long time since I played with someone else in project zomboid and going out and exploring the game with lucii who had never played multiplayer herself before this reminded me why I love it so much games are meant to be enjoyed and whilst enjoying them alone is perfectly fine no experience compares to having someone to share that with most importantly though someone that you can connect with now this isn't easy I get that you might have to go through a few different people before you find someone that really appreciates how you play and genuinely connects with a lot of your habits taking the first step towards that and putting yourself out there opening yourself up to others is by far the most difficult part of that process and it might knock you back if you don't get the experience you're after some people may find it easy but many don't I appreciate that it can be intimidating I appreciate that the server browser for project zomboid doesn't necessarily make it easy to search for active Community servers and that there's no way to tell from the browser alone how these servers are going to be before you join them but there is hope and if I can convince even a few of you to put yourselves out there take a risk and go in search of that perfect partner that perfect Community then I'll consider this a win and I'm going to ask all of you that have Duo Partners already a group of friends or a great server to play on to take a moment and drop that in the comments below I want everyone that feels intimidated or that has lost hope in finding something like that to be able to look at your comments and know that there is something out there and that it's worth worth looking for finding a player like lucii that shares my interests in Niche areas of project zomboid reinvigorated my love for the game and made me realize that everything is more enjoyable when you have like-minded individuals to enjoy it with go on a Scavenging run together take on that risky location you've been thinking about or just go and explore and maybe do some fishing together I promise you when you find the right person it'll be well worth the time spent searching trolling through these server browser can be a pain and like I said already it's not immediately obvious which servers are active well looked after and have a like mindset to players like you so here's a couple of places where you can begin your search and look for other players and servers firstly the comments on this video if you have your own server or if you're just looking for someone to play with and this video might have spoken to you then I'd encourage you to share it and who knows you might find someone to team up with there's also Discord resources the project zomboid official Discord has a dedicated ated looking for group channels so you can look for team ups there or post your own adverts there's some server Recruitment and Community recruitment channels too if you're looking for something a bit more large scale now if you're looking for a place that does something different every month then I can definitely recommend our patreon whitelisted server basically if you decide to support the channel on patreon for £3 a month not only do you get access to a bunch of other benefits but you can join our project zomboid server as well where we host themed wipes server events commission our own mods using the funds from patreon and I'm really proud of the community that we have they're incredibly welcoming and you'll have no trouble finding someone to give you a hand if you're new to multiplayer even if you don't decide to join my server though and you don't want to part with your money I totally get that and would encourage you to use the official resources to find somewhere you might enjoy there are good servers out there you've just got to know where to look there's a lot of alternative ways to play project zomboid that if you've been digging into Solo or even local co-op for the majority of your playtime so far you might not have been introduced to yet for example large scale server events obviously I can only speak to my experience on our own server and we've done things like horde defense events where the entire server comes together to build scavenge and defend a single settlement that they call home we've also done some non-zombie Centric stuff like safe house competitions where we judge people's safe houses live on stream and go on little base tours with them whilst they show us what they've been working on we've even had a massive hedge maze created by hand by our admins and seen who can race to the Finish Line quickest this sort of thing you will not get in single player and you'll find that you make some genuine friends along the way I am incredibly lucky to have the community that I do that share screenshots with each other videos stories of their survival Antics and even artwork of their characters but I know for a fact that we aren't the only Community like this I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of my current patreons subscribers for helping me mold this community over the last couple of years and for putting their trust in me and my team to create something that they'll enjoy every month if you want to join them there will be a link in the description so that's just about it for me in this one but I hope that this message landed with you and has encouraged you to go out and search for that person or that community that will allow you to enjoy project zomboid in so many new ways if you're lucky enough to already have that I hope that at the very least you can agree with this story that I've told here and you enjoyed following along now I'm going to wrap this one up by giving you just a few minutes of co-op gameplay with my new friend and I as we explore the modded map of Lake Cumberland together if nothing I've said so far convinces you to give this a try then maybe this will thanks for watching folks and I'll see you all in the next one you okay there yeah sounded sounded a little rattled oh no we're good we're good I mean I'm bleeding through all my bandages but we're good we're fine I'm going to go I'm going to steal some clothing get yourself patched up yeah no bites I'm uh well let me take off my bandages and then I'll tell you oh I am bitten well are you going to kill me I can't something not not something I can do right here my new goal in the game is to turn into a zombie and infect you wow that's just rude um I probably have a day or two though right yeah yeah that's fine can we just use guns cuz you want to no I'm scared of guns I mean I mean that's reasonable they kill people no I mean like yeah I mean also yeah I mean just cuz they're loud and they attract zombies and I'm a weakling rest assured I'm I am doing doing the kill you are doing the kill you're doing lots of the kill let me have this sorry I'm just like watching you trying to deal with one of them your characters just like I can't do it anymore there's a lot of zombies around here um just a built up like urban area Let's uh let's get out of here I just have to um what up what the heck are you wearing I I'm uh it's at the Hun Head Hunter okay I took down a head hunter zombie it's pretty I uh I I mean you're terrifying um yeah uhhuh as long as you know that that's okay you're even worse than me at fashion boy I've got an outfit for when we start um like when we start farming I've got a cute little farming outfit uh when we start farming you know I've already had farming right like we've already got a farm oh um is it alive uh I mean it it was when I was on stream the like yesterday so I'm hoping it's stayed alive in that time but I I will be going to check on it here in here in a minute the the food is ready and on the table all right so there's only I think we only have the one spoon it's okay I can eat with my hand so you're going to have to eat like a barbarian unfortunately but all right going Appetit yep eat yours so that I can grab the other one I love how you're just eating it through the mask as well yeah it's fine it's got an emergency induction P little wine winding it back with a glass of red of course of course and you criticized me for drinking all the white wine but I came back with like four bottles of bread and I think that balances out okay well it was just it was just the fact that you know last I left there was a mostly full bottle and when I came back it was like that wasn't did you ever end up finding the hole I punched in the wall I didn't know oh good then I didn't do it very important to this Scavenging run very very very important um I have grabbed two beach chairs and put them on the back seats of the car perfect perfect um I feel as though the beach chairs speak to me on a spiritual level and I feel as though they would speak to me more if they were outside of my base yeah no I love that and not here I think that's great I think our base is lacking areas to sunbathe so no I in and I think you can like drive along the um fence itself we wouldn't get very far by the looks of the map at least I think we'd almost be better off walking to be honest yeah you want to start going yeah just let's just take a mosy take a little walk about well little Riverside walk know you were definitely right we could have followed this all the way down but it's not on the map in my defense the it's not on the map no you are right the walk is on the map for about 20 steps and then it breaks so I was like I know we better just you know wait oh hello hello now sh that's fine is it fine did we did we stop him in time yeah I'm fine I'm bleeding but I'm fine you know what let uh okay let's go somewhere else okay we'll investigate this another time okay it was a very nice walk it was it was a a nice Riverside ja back to the car so you play the tunes you're in the passenger seat you what would you what's your what's your goto if you were in the if you're in the passenger seat right you're on a road trip M what would be your goto road trip song disloyal the order of water buffalo by Fallout Boy okay Fallout Boy I didn't I don't know the song specifically off the top of my head okay probably one of those I've heard before but like wouldn't know the name of ask me it was from Folia D so it wasn't very popular I'm I'm [Music] a
Channel: MrAtomicDuck
Views: 94,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41, mratomicduck, mr atomic duck, atomic duck, atomicduck, mratomicduck project zomboid, atomic duck project zomboid, zomboid, pz, project zomboid multiplayer, project zomboid coop, project zomboid co-op, project zomboid servers, project zomboid guides, project zomboid info, project zomboid tips, project zomboid updates, project zomboid news, zombie survival, survival game, project zomboid 100 days
Id: legAxD9ABuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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