Oney Plays Wild Woody (Complete Series)

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"...It's not gonna be funny."

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Davethemann 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
they play with friends there is a lovable Sonic the Hedgehog various look at his prolapse Oh No look at that dithering he sure is a lot of it wowie how many colors six Chris give us a wild guess what is this game about I think this game is about a pencil whose character Eric involves becoming calm and collected he learns the he learns the value of monogamy he learns the value of erasing people from his life it's the dragon Eric effect then look at forget those guys whatever those are those are the sci-fi stories and one of them one in the garbage if holding all of them could have bought in there oh I don't like this bag this is disturbing bring him back who's gonna find a pencil you can speak didn't carry boys done my you're liar that's what they're going for oh yeah of course what is he supposed to be he's the dragon totem pole he's a lump of clay imagining the motion capture it's not motion capture how did they rig his face well it looks different I set it to hard mode oh boy no so we're gonna have real fun playing this or playing it the way that they didn't play test for losing a game almost as impossible to actually beat this musics [ __ ] horrible - who are you talking about I have you know the guy who did the music for this game ended up playing guitar for guns and roses later on really yes that's not a joke could you do better Chris no Julia what if I put a burlap on your pro lap it would fit snuggly Peggy had a prolapse and she put it on the Internet put a burlap on your pool up Peggy yeah Peggy seven Bobby I've seen your prolapse remember her last words were hey hey hey and she hit the ground and died she fell out of the airplane and that all turned around and he went whoa well they I got so upset they cut that out of her [ __ ] part yeah because they end the episode on that he turns looks like the cat Ruth whoa they they say last time I king of the hill and they cut it out he doesn't make the sack he just turns around and it's silent by the way I beat the level good job good job you're right for this song so it's a little is it gonna go exactly what it sounds like oh it is the same song this music would probably sound fine with lega real guitar yes maybe in like a like a deranged sort of like Primus kind of way exactly Primus did the soundtrack your lyre it make it sound good I think this weird that's what's Prime has been up to do you think any of any of our watchers are old enough to know what Primus is yeah I'd say so from Tony Hawk pro skater they know it wasn't that the guy that did king of the hill is if they would know that so certain raw chicken I think even you mean South Park yeah cos king of the hill is even too old I think they didn't do king of it didn't know they did stuff for it did south clerk a Robot Chicken I thought they did king of the hill to know I mean I know they did Robot Chicken okay I couldn't are you sure yes weird okay I wonder why I thought that oh why did you think that okay so by the way I beat this level good job how long is this stupid piece of [ __ ] pretty long oh cool this is about the quality of something that would be in clay fire so I'm not I'm not gonna I could I think this is cool don't jump on the spikes do you think I have control over him because if you stand on that upper oh if you stand on that upper platform does he cut you or yes okay it's to do I thought it was like a secret bonus room now here's friend nursed hate this I hate it why cuz this [ __ ] stupid and boring and sounds like [ __ ] okay so here's how you find out you take all these hits because this game doesn't work it's clipping it is what happens if you fail you think in the 90s anybody ever well off to a good a fantasy of shoving wild woody in their [ __ ] I mean and their urethra in the eraser way it wouldn't hurt so bad yeah we'd probably feel pretty good wiggle it around like that just keep you taking so much damage yeah well can you draw oh yeah looking you have power-ups that was that power they hate it why cuz it's not fun they're good you're not playing it you know you teeth heavy when you're playing it this is really fun it just took like 50 damage off you know the extent of the controls of this game if you're the one playing it you get to see just house thank you well you dead oh you did it he's no I didn't he turn into an old man that's one of the masks how much space do you think these videos take up most of the game they say [ __ ] boy he looks so happy now you're looking at Olympus oh my god they won't know look I did get Jim Carrey for this what do you think happened in the boardroom that day when this was first shown we can't release this how much money did it make so by the way your guitars nobody even knows about this game I'd have made any money so here's real guitars now I mean you were saying that there's no play throughs of this on YouTube now no one has played through this game as in nobody has finished it or nobody's recorded anything of it what's this level is the farthest I've ever seen anyone good Billy I've beaten the game but I'm probably the only one who's this game is awful I'm the only person history that be well woody how do you feel about that fact is that something you're proud of No hey are you happy that this is what you do with your time oh by the way these mushrooms on the ground hurt you for whatever reason because they're pulsing there's no in the well these two now there's no indication those hurt you they're poison just find out your poison mushrooms own everything that glows hurts don't hit the stalactite stalactite stalactite God Jesus what it's fun God fine he's wild yes Wow look good for reducing she a [ __ ] what do you think of his run cycle what do you what do you think of a woody he's pretty wild why is he a pencil yeah I took Wow good question hey I mean that's the only thing they probably came up with too cuz the plot makes no sense no it has nothing to do with it yeah that's why I'm saying no that's a heavy thing [ __ ] we have a gay male pencil why do we have a game about pencil how does that work my name is wild woody I told him Paul brought him to life even could have been a wild eraser boy he could have been eraser head where's the eraser head video game I'd be pretty happy if there was an eraser head game what if this starting wild woody though even if it would I don't care even if it was like a really developed universe where it's about Wildmon if it was a really bad game I'd still be happy if like if it was david lynch's Eraserhead I'd probably be pleased with it but it's wild woody taking care of the baby like it could be so it could be completely the wrong thing it could be like a JRPG where like he he's fighting monsters or something with a giant sword and I'd still be happy can we have a disclaimer in this episode without my Chris if we're not at our top form today it's because we all ate horrible food we that's sick seems like every place that delivers to the office yeah it makes a sec yeah but this is like the worst I've ever felt how are you supposed to do that I don't know when it's not hurting you there you go it's okay I got the really bad control down seriously feel it try playing it I don't want to please for a second just feel how this controls this level has good music come on is that weird oh you can got the first oh my god sometimes he just doesn't jive was telling you it's you need to feel it to understand how bad the controls on a scale are what is so wild what's he gonna do next we just find a I mean a like the eraser thing it would make sense if it was like oh he goes into like maybe like other sketchbooks or something or like now into notebooks but he's going into like printed books and you can't erase no you can't razor there's no indication of what you can erase it looks just like everything else I only know where stuff is because I'd be in this before that's it and even then I remember one time when I was playing race I got stuck in a hole for probably ten minutes straight because there's something you were supposed to erase but it doesn't tell you why so it's just me guessing and you have to be I'll by the way wait let me see if I can line up with the if you were being kind of see it if you hit like the side of a Ledge that you flip off of it weird yeah so if you by the way grabbing these sucks because I don't even know how you're supposed to jump off of it Jesus cries I'm there oh there that was what I was trying to show if you hit the very ledge of a platform like that happens on every platform in the game he'll just get stuck in the corner of it and this is Sega of America they've made these games before they have made platformers I don't know why this game what else do they do it's like the [ __ ] where he's dead and loving it I don't know where to go it's just down so I assumed right here yeah it's not here you erase over here I think let's see there is no indication of that you just have to guess that that one pixels where you do it also know they didn't spend money on the music the guy could do the music for this had an interview and said like oh yeah they gave me a single month to do all the music for this game I guess for a month he did a pretty good job I hate watching this like I made it out it hurts what frypan let's see if I can do it has anybody ever said that about your cartoons Chris they heard actually that's a good question have you ever heard from somebody who hated your cartoons yeah or has it only been from people who really liked it horses people who hated by not erase this it really hurts them to have to throw things okay Oh Julian no matter what you do online you will always have people who absolutely oh okay Oh woody you're so wild look them Oh woody piled out here here let me show you the best mechanic in this game so all those little notepads I picked up you get power-ups uh-huh so now I have a king to rule except it controls like [ __ ] this is here here so look every time you do a draw Oh No you get a little bit shorter and you can look that mean you can't jump [ __ ] draw two things and then you can't draw anymore but it means I can get a little bit higher up so if I do another one like this it means I can actually jump from there now whoa but uh also you know how you do that compared to just a little jump you hold up and jump using they don't explain any of this to you it's not even anyway that's into Oh No God Jesus [ __ ] it is it always bouncing perfect nevermind I was gonna let you feel looking he's a little man who he's really pissed off I would be today if you got if you got down to a nub and now I can barely make jumps because he's so short [Music] Julian it's a meanie you went down to Mario pipe I had like his run saikhan he smoked oh I like what he does that too yeah I like smaller version butter you just got a big fat Joanie it's good [ __ ] chode on oh well that was that was good luck did you even think I was gonna know I didn't know where it was also it dumps you directly on something that's good of course it does everything in this game there's no structure to these levels it's just a mess they were supposed to figure out how to walk through it are they using the same cell phones of Shinobi yeah we're gonna die oh yeah he's gonna kill me you rub people at it sounds like a door opening in shinobi okay see doesn't it a little man it says like the [ __ ] doors opening nor beats in revenge of shinobi man can we play that we could place you know my love shinobi I thought you said you hate it's terrible but I love it it's got stupid music and stupid bosses and stupid controlling some of the music in it if this is supposed to be Greek themed why did they what about [ __ ] Egyptian music oh okay woody I was kidding I know I like the music and shinobi but it is dumb you gotta admit no it's really stupid but that's why it's a fun game yeah it doesn't take itself seriously hard yes it is that's why I was surprised you wanted to play it we should beat it oh ok woody [Music] I don't want to beat it like a hundred percent though [ __ ] that come on good ending up oh my god he's not wild at all he's not wild enough the world like wild woody I like wild wood a wild wood I like what are you that wild enough crowbar anymore Aaron was Aaron with shouting about Seinfeld earlier when I was in the bathroom when it was II I really wanted to know what the joke was but he was he was yelling everything in a Seinfeld voice what was he yelling I don't remember what would you do if the fire I'm I brought you to the office Aaron was really mean II what if he loved it what if he walked in and he said oh look the [ __ ] boys here I pick boys oh yeah you pick why me it's pick boy Lavagirl what if he said are you Julian you were like yeah and he's like I heard you're [ __ ] huge gay boy then he [ __ ] kicked you in the shin oh I was hoping he was gonna do something else what would you do if Aaron poured boiling milk on your head it's always boiling milk no he said boiling oil last time did he I didn't hear it yeah he said he heard him in the last time he said the skull was gonna turn black what would you do if Aaron held you down and squeeze little charcoal pieces into your I know how does he do Bob oh my god we used two heads he's not that strong he can't hold me down and crumble charcoal okay I'm just like nailed to the ground Oh woody that was pretty wild Molly see starts you off from here oh God what would you do if Aaron used dental floss to cut off your fingertips what if Aaron used brentalfloss to cut off your fingertip hey guy I can give him do it this is a this is a thing I've had happen like every single time I played I'm trying to do I wonder why oh there we go oh wow hey woody you crucify this this is just stuck now if you've just earned the waffle again you did that thank God okay so we're here like this game Wow woody Wow good job Jesus I am the funny red I'm too funny elope and did the wild thing Wow they wild you make my plan playing so yeah she goes there she goes Liu Manchu that was his voice pitched that I'm pretty sure that one was just him voices pinched this is totally the Genesis sound fought you son of a [ __ ] yeah these guitars no not Anacin its [ __ ] you whenever you pick up an item it always sounds like shinobi are they doing like a Lost Woods thing yeah Minotaur made that was just lucky guessing she farted that's a one hot star Oh pick up the funny because you know stars are what I what he's holding a star and he's very mad about it holding the star of Dave's gar ZAR what stars on what pencils eat okay well that end guess what all the way back to the start and I know it are you [ __ ] mad [ __ ] around you [ __ ] Medusa yeah who did the Medusa who do Medusa [ __ ] hide your kids have you ever [ __ ] somebody's hair no like you just stick their dick in their hair you know what happens way too much sticking your daddy's hair I'll wake up in the morning and I'll start jerking off and then I'll realize there's a hair stuck inside my foreskin and a hurts so that happens all the time to me I know it's weird recurring thing I don't have you don't have a foreskin you don't have a foreskin I guess that's true huh you've only got a to skin you've got a no skin let's get ahead you've got a zero skin what level is this was it still Greek remember once one drug call skinhead Larry pinhead Larry you cold skinhead oh you're going nuts I'm jihadi John oh it's a good episode of jihadi John yeah well okay instead des is like worse than bubsy I hate it I think it made a save here so if I die you should try it you absolutely need to fight diet you should try it if I die here I can load my safe Island you need to feel how this game controls is there any soda left now I won't soda I think there is yeah Julian soda front poker in the rear what do you say this is Egyptian sounding no this just sounds like somebody going down Anna Anna it's not really fitting for this also it doesn't belong in a game like this he's got attitude he's crazy there's nothing crazy going on on screen so it just seems like it's going overboard [Music] there should be [ __ ] Eagles flying around Hey ugly oh you only have one room I have one kangaroo see that was the [ __ ] echo drone what that was the echo the dolphin drone a dolphin sting outfit Alvin the donkey the dog are the two at some point is that a thing I would I've always wanted to beat it I like some would say we could play it we need a guide though I tried playing or recently it's really hard with a guy oh no it's it's really hard it's a super cryptic the first oldest cryptic to but not as bad as elder tool.i I wish Zelda 2 didn't have any of the cryptic [ __ ] cuz the combats really fun yeah that's the best part about it is that enemies respond to you and you're supposed to fight around that there's a cool idea I don't why are you sitting in a kiln look at this guy oh my god what was a gladiator oh he's rapping now he's [ __ ] he looks down [ __ ] is this their [ __ ] whoa yeah just drop me on an enemy why not blood is fade yeah me too that's pretty wild oh well okay Oh woody you're playing a lowboy they weren't super white but I did erase them no okay good spawn point I want to play Donkey Kong Country 2 I will thank you yeah whoo - is my favorite - and most people say no I like the first one no they improved on an like every way there why don't you do that I I'm sorry you're right do you you're right do you think I did that yes I'm sorry I'm sorry you know Woody's wild yes I know I thought it was totally my fault I thought it was generally accepted the twos the best one I that's what I figured but no people will say the first one just because I grew up with it yeah - improves on everything and not only that the soundtrack is a lot better the level designs are better the secrets aren't as [ __ ] as the first game it's just as a cooler leg vibe to it yeah it does now - I like the pirate setting also all the levels of the first game look very similar yeah second game has more variety it's one thing I don't like about the second one is I don't like the brambles levels even though the music's really not that bad when I want that complaint is really yeah they're not that I remember hating them when I was a kid oh we fight I remember that game being a nightmare but I've actually gone back to it and played it almost every year I had it on a gameboy color I had Game Boy pocket and it came with Donkey Kong land - which is just country - yeah it was I remember I got stuck because one the levels it was the level where the water turns a lava yeah but you can't see that on a black-and-whites yeah well I thought it was a good port it still played the exact same made the same yeah it's not bad did you just think that that cloud in the background was a platform now okay cuz I did my cousin's had it on the SNES oh okay I got startled there because I thought it was gonna drop me on an enemy again okay folks as nobody do people not call it the snez this mess I cover the snez low as a kid I call it I would probably say sniffs nests come on yellow it said ashes playing the snez and I didn't know what a snez once I was like 16 so I thought he was like playing a [ __ ] board game or some [ __ ] does it get easier after this do you think it gets easy oh no I'm like I was hoping that since this is a floating level that maybe no when it's not flowing here is this is your way of beating this level because you get lucky with these but then he can zap you out of them and so that [ __ ] suck it's balancing John obviously if it worked for the music and probably be done doing what would you rather do pour sulfuric acid on your penis or wow what a what a hypothetical well I don't know what the alternative is it's something that's just as bad well yeah that's the point your other paw rubs sulfuric acid on your penis or would you rather die or cry cry don't you either Squealer XD what if Disney XD was called Disney's squealing what would you rather do would you rather listen to the Jonas Brothers minutes or to kill yourself probably rather than I would kill myself so fun would you rather die or listen to Justin Bieber would you rather do this to Justin Bieber racer your Justin I'd rather take a diarrhea dump Justin Bieber take you back to the past your shoe my shoe I'm wearing it I didn't see you at the dance would you rather pick up some poker chips or pick-up sticks I don't know play cards or go to sleep would you rather play with cards or glass shards um science could be fun would you rather drink water say hello to an old friend I could say hi to my daughter do you prefer spines or brines I want spines in brine they're so bloody cheap would you rather do get a nice tan or talk to a man it took a few tries oh we got it you actually sink through the clouds if you don't gasping yes Wow let's see we can beat the level by doing this huh well if I get bad okay he'll yep okay okay good spawn point well woody more like this game is a piece of dirty Doody government official the dating game thank you for you [ __ ] in my face you'd rather eat the rotten [ __ ] of the roads killed skunk I like the beer my favorite thing to do is drink a nice cup of tea why are the clouds blowing up and down it was windy who's this [ __ ] a spring door Gregor the fling Gor there's a brown man that means that means whitey and surround Rick that's how you it's how you refer to a stinky American a stinky American can't say that like the way you [ __ ] erase people from existence I do sometimes I wish he'd come into my bedroom and erased me from existence Chris what would you do if wild would he came into a room and he erased your penis off of you so it was just blank instead was the skin discovering the hole where it used to be yeah you asked me this about my [ __ ] before yeah but that's different and then he screams in your face and says I'm I'd be like you've ruined my life no how will I finger myself know where the platforms are you're gonna beat this piece of [ __ ] wild Woody's a hard game it's a hard day that's a hard day's night baby why'd you drive my car that's really frustrating looking of course it is because the ladders holy don't work look at the if how did they expel my god by you getting accustomed to broken controls which good thing I am oh I almost fell through it that was terrifying scheme looks just like a old boy why do you keep saying that cuz those floating turds in the background I don't think you're supposed to jump I know no worries I need a drawing of a paper plane is what I need I don't have what you're gonna get shot down this is what well yeah well although is that a check we're all gonna die at some point okay there's a one up I think there should be a fighting game where he doesn't have instability frames that's a pretty cool idea who yeah i'm preach that was the exit yeah if there he is Jesus puts this curtain all the lightning bullseye by the way he's supposed to he was supposed to erase that but he decided not to I love those little lightning bolts coming out of the realistic guys also is that what you would shoot Chris wish this is not the proper boss fight music for this boss there's unused there's an unused song on the game disc do they tell remember yes they map the wrong song for this boss fight so this song is used twice in the game I don't know how they made a mistake but they're good so this was supposed to be for the alien level which is gonna be the worst level in the game if it's any worse than this I'm gonna be very upset I didn't think this it was gonna be this bad also I didn't fall all the way if you just saw that but he's dead hey do you get to start from here if you lose all your life oh please woody just erase it there you go now what he has to do it like five times yep five go ahead you fall through these I have to keep jumping I'm sorry Chris you know why I'm surprised there even as the same I am - its Sega CD though so they probably want to show it off if if a little pencil man came and started erasing your forehead Chris is that what you would do would you wiggle your eyebrows a little oh okay bye woody but be played yeah you need to try it you need to feel how this game controls you're supposed to loan us a file so can't me just load the same file that deleted it oh that's not my fault I can't be just do it yeah save dad how's it that's saved over it you're [ __ ] with me you're not gonna get mad at me for that you're not gonna get mad it's not my fault it's not my fault I am going to [ __ ] square you do it he lost it do it it's green funny you just wiped her safe that is not my fault you just wiped our safe I I swear to [ __ ] my [ __ ] it went to start that's not my fault funny scream funny scream [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: OneyPlays
Views: 320,086
Rating: 4.9580383 out of 5
Keywords: Oneyplays, oney, letsplay, wild woody, wild woody oney, wild wood oney plays, wild woody oneyplays, wild woody oneyplays complete
Id: wh8bthQVNks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 46sec (2026 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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