Oney Plays D (Complete Series) - Boney Plays

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holy play welcome to own own z1z plays we're gonna play a bone game onesie play face back deep ah that's where we are whoa in 1997 just what it looks like more Stanga Lee's sorry I remember that year that was one final fight that's one of the buildings were waving the bats were fly-in absolutely I meant to say invaded murder has taken place oh god a hospital some distance away these dolls droop down downloads angel lays their release three words with a DNA D you can't see what the hell what the [ __ ] the criminal is one Ric Flair Harris Wow looks like a piece of chocolate America's best-known doctors a quiet and studious man the [ __ ] is that word who is the director of the hospital his team suddenly transformed into a mass murderer rector have seized a large number of hostage this is sonic and barricaded himself in the hospital where the police this is the adventure there's tell you feature its daughter Laura here's the news Darla Laura at school in San Francisco she drives to Los Angeles a fancy car takes like six hours to find out what it is her father a murderer reaching the scene of the tragedy she prepares to enter to the hospital he's got good music that situation spaghetti here she looks like the girl different places a little bit I can sort of see it this is not scenes from the game is it you better believe it is he's giving away old the old spaghetti here yeah this is silly are you excited I am actually very of course this game was revolutionary do you know why because it has real apples because it's entirely video clips motion video if it's entirely video clips then why do they have a CG opening wait a minute this takes place in 97 9 95 it's the future first the distant year of 1997 1990s boy you'll never end are you ready yes don't get too afraid I'm delighted to play this game I wish I was yet see there they even program slopes I can't believe oh I've been here is this where you yeah there you are your stomach Chris no I had to go in look see my thumb yeah look at my thumb it's got a little bruise on it oh when is your thumb in the new Bruce oh no you follow I see three people died I'll wait maybe she should leave no is her job look at that bodies across so typical her goal is to get enough blood to simulate pasta sauce for her hair she's really she's really used to her dad doing this at home leaving them around the house he's got a beer in his hand Oh a couple this time on you sound just like your mother never let me leave my dead people oh no food the scariest I wish we'd named her past dildo she's got pasta here she's got it's it's spaghetti in the front and scholar Betty spaghetti meatball I want to come on oh mama spaghetti talk chaos the chief is really a sonic chaos control it's her - it's really good that real water mm-hmm lasagna Natalie dangle real water in front of a 3d render oh it's all same fat texture don't touch it don't touch it don't do it now she's the water woman oh and now we're playing steal that silverware very hung are you playing right now ignore her I sure AM how are we going to that's what sleeve Oh the first pickup that rupee oh it's a booj she's gonna eat just picks up and just eat soon she hates bugs what kind of drug is she on this is the wrong night to try salvia salvia salvia that's a loss Mario brother everyone just says D in this game that's the same bug from before it's just rank what was that but he supposed to be killed she look like a fat old lady yeah okay that was fun Chris how what do you think of these visuals honestly I kind of like yeah it's fun look this was state of the art it's also on the 3do are you moving right now I sure AM yearly pointer towards Jeb Austin make us make a present of the silver prison of oh oh good Pennywise is here that was really scary you really hope it doesn't happen again least it won't happen three times [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] fireplace of course she's afraid of pasta sauce she doesn't want people to eat her hair she wants to be a clean spaghetti Laura Laura go look in the pot again Laura the ghost is clipping he's turning up the decibels [Music] picture is it her father why are you what Laura say it's a reference Christian to the old Bible passage that pasta sauce is lighter than water yeah though she walks on pasta without wearing SH and the water man will kidnap the water woman reverting all back to the sauce you will get lost in the sauce go go run into the holy water whoa go up there dude what did your dad just say he said that don't go into the water you don't know how to swim Laura oh oh my God look at her this it's me Oh was that a hand I better lean in closer Terminator 2 she don't like that what sudden this fun Road she's gonna get drink she's gonna get chocolate chocolate waist ooh that looks okay oh [Music] my god Laura the spikes oh my just stand there she's gonna crush you try to leave the room she wants to die that's the whole reason for being was a reaction when she heard that her dad was killing everybody in the hospital dude it was like oh if I show up maybe she'll maybe he'll kill me I dreamed this again again babe do it again it's not gonna do the same thing again is it [ __ ] kill me you lying you're lying that's okay she surely walks lodo she sure does she sure does what's revolutionary for its time the first slow the first God slow let's go upstairs very but the stairs no not this isn't The Simpsons Halloween special very good Laura a little pasta woman yeah eater hair you ever see a spaghetti walk upstairs I didn't think so the line my house was spaghetti this is the only way to be safe scary noise [Applause] there's a stop the spikes we're a yummy treat it's not a real dead guy [Laughter] okay I won't go in that room again maybe if I leave this place I will to be spiked there are two candles okay puzzle solved oh really she kinda napkins uh yes I've seen this before paper I've heard of those open the second one perhaps oh it's okay I was hoping she was gonna open all of them and then one of them there was gonna be footed live-action footage of a train oh this is the famous fireplace yes the hot spot fire scary moments in gaming why does this la hospital so gothic and scary she crossed over to you yes she captured by chaos oh yeah we're not in the hospital literally she's sucking on her dad's brains in the water dimension okay [Music] money your father has sucked you to his water dimensions oh I love it that's actually a pretty gay you should have written for a game Pro way back over all Rudy was pretty gay and not cool there was one segment which I quite enjoyed but someone who was gay I didn't scream once in fact I laughed all in all gay out of 10 they want to see a fun puzzle yes do you know how you get the solution to this puzzle by watching the game's opening draw do you remember what happened during the opening you have to walk slowly is that the answer to the puzzle no part of it look in this begin remember this yeah remember what she did in the opening she puts the cubes in the water in the bowl we spat into it oh but the lime in the coconut oh she dipped her biscuit in there for overthrew - for - for to be a master for Suzette her dad's name or to be masked I water paper has drownded alas why it'd be going to the blank brick of destiny yeah go into the black rectangle Chris yeah dude did you see the numbers for right arrow - remember how they had numbers upstairs yeah and the drawers very good you need to uh the bricks of this castle look like cookies and cream ice cream oh we do actually nobody ever figured it out but this entire the entire setting of this game is edible he the CD just tastes like that's why that's why her dad looked like he was made of chocolate hmm that's a good point that's a good game no I could take my head off an old-timey flashlight the half of my pogo stick is ready for a razor away I go posthaste [Music] was at this moment she knew she could do it breaky time to get drunk ah lost that's the solution to the game don't drink it all Laura made my daughter G Kappa dead that's just gonna get stuck on the wood where me drink she's turning it back today she realized her mistake oh but there's nothing to drink better back away don't want any trouble just Laura Todd casket cask wow this looks like a rough scene right out of Resident Evil 1 what does this door say on it says hi door I don't want to trip on my feet like I usually do a nice and slow the door says delicious 78 that's why it's called D together dar dee-lightful [Laughter] why did you go down there if there's no point as I saw the 78 oh do you know what that means used to be what is that it no it's let's do some make oh it's looking nice and pretty oh wow she's pretty did you see that no that was a hint look at her she you can see her entering isn't this delightful look the mirror hmm it is I really D there's no music at all yeah she just looks like a corpse that's called the atmosphere it's called fatness boot do you know what's in that word fear and MOS and ass this is a moment at you like a broken [ __ ] [ __ ] eat you Laura you can hardly move I've taken shits bigger than you kiss a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down help some mouse coming Mouse down the children's throw Mouse chx challenge what do this be d but there's the big fling he's gonna watch a peep show let him there two eyes you're grabbing his nose he's smiling oh now he's blah I said you put 69 oops don't do that this is a child's game yes the bloody ball is for children dang so we have to watch until it gets up to 78 I can't believe she have a phobia of corpses or something mom I think most people yeah why these are [ __ ] weird dead bodies it's also desiccated it's not like you're giving a julienne she's not scared you married but really also smell bad they look bad they smell bad I don't think if it's that old it's gonna smell death is scary you fool they empty their bowels I think and your [ __ ] leg ah stop it Oh Chris ain't you never been dead before no I'm never gonna die I go to 78 door put the ring on the floor if you can run away yeah haven't you ever opened a door with a ring before use the blue circle use that clock use that ring yes I just realized that that menu is I'm trying to figure out the rare logo the ring El Dorado it's got to be a god you're playing with the big boys dream works best we're on the way you have to sing it [Laughter] no you're too slow so [ __ ] bored I believe in you spaghetti spaghetti mmm that was very cool seelix had a turned on a little finger it says like big movie but Phil I want to have a big booby hey so you want a bigger booby I've been around a tip before with [ __ ] just like you I've been about a boobie before you should everyone a disappointing boobs before animals of the apocalypse go back to the ball is there any boulders in here that's why she put the ring of the door she married it I'm just spin - where's the shoeshine stand no it's the animal table nice dude that's it I remember there's the deer of fear but up [Music] it's a room I want that to be a joke if they were it's a jump-scare instead of tapping someone on the back they just sneeze play the piano before bed and ghosts come out to socialize oh that's the concert house with Eddie Murphy yeah oh yeah with that he working mmm very interesting okay Oh room is fully lit she keeps eating these bugs and just dating she's exhausted from all the walking she ate everything she did not she didn't even need any of the pasta sauce she's really hungry then she wants to eat these - I'm what if instead of like an x-phone if it's where it's just like eats everything slowly ha ha ha ha the goal of the game is to make it out of this house before she gets so hungry that's yes to eat her own hair would you adorn her happens it's her scalp with a crown a tiara of Meatballs would you adore her door I would love as a king ever been assassinated by pushing a crown down like any ball that's always chasing her the giant meatball yeah like the ruler of America the bomb on meatballs are we just slowly discovering this that this this is slowly becoming the sequel to Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs that's not the girl sad too bad these corpses remind me of a corpse they scored it's a scare me because they remind me of the corpse upstairs looking for me now I see so many corpses I must join them still there she's gonna cheat on it with another Boulder can she squeezed out of there Boulder Boulder is that right what are you doing I need to get to the bookshelf but she don't want to go there she has to go see these fine gentlemen before going there she wants to read him a story sounds really met that would be too she walks so slow over here no over here scooby-doo you doing phase through the boulder leave leave your liquid father alone daddy wants to be liquid for a few hours God every time you visit this pasta strands everywhere I don't want aunts no one answered my liquid as she said a word no she doesn't need to she's a silent protagonist I did they show oh my god terrifying she seems very surprised she's not impressed this is stupid this is purgatory this whole time that she's going through this capsule she's like oh [ __ ] get my dad out of the liquid dimension again now we're trapped in this roommate a minute I remember this I'll please insert fun not found okay time to spin the wheel bend the wheel of destiny let your dreams unfold is the OBS logo okay what room is behind us that's the behind room remember Oh a brick wall fantastic so by the way no this part no is completely random really mm-hmm you like that Oh what doors behind me oh my god this is gonna take I was saying Laura time to spin the wheel spin the wheel [Music] the color by numbers picture like man and look at the look at the Goblin you can step back and look at it properly you're gonna jump through hater wide out Laura you're [ __ ] cool Oh a brick wall great watches one Laura you've won a brick wall how many brick walls got them dingdong has pressed up until run headfirst into it breakers full she'll break her head towards a good ending of the game Christian water that happened to me when I was in school if you got little liquid matter nor it is I fell off my chair no we're here we're here oh look oh good job ding-dong oh you beat the orangie you found Dark Souls 1 knots demon souls even cells worth [Music] playing me enter the nights that little kid that was banging on pots healer like a No oh no no how was her skull odd caved in that's all the pasta cushion here it's all snails like still ramen left up for two days anyway tell us about how you fell in a hole when you were a kid Chris I just fell off my chair in school and smashed my neck already smashed the back of my head on a pipe and a big big bump grew on my head my mother drained it with a needle and your father gave our shoes with it none of that was true except for the fact that smashed my noodle and grew a bomb oh yeah remember she got dead this is bored let her pull myself up he's not a very good upper-body strength yeah I could not do she has a hollow torso no it's the time to die who's the only one who's being puppeted by millions of rats the only one for millions of strands of spaghetti [Laughter] it's called theming we're proud to announce the first spaghetti [ __ ] skill BTU furnace you've heard of spaghetti western well we're taking that a little step further that's pretty good okay so we got the pasta sword spaghetti horde is my favorite video game genre resident spaghetti battle hordes of spaghetti with your spaghetti sword good job Laura yeah way to spin the wheel there are two doors that you can't even go through out of six possible things that you can land on also it seems like the brick wall is the most common for you to land though I was just gonna say are you allowed to get in them all twice you can give them as many times as they want to throw them at you it's not pseudo-random oh it's actually just yes my god you may actually get stuck here forever Wow what yeah this is great there's a possibility of that [Music] good this is right way yeah we did it we made it through the perilous door the [ __ ] we beated the brick wall this [ __ ] is that Davos mother isn't optimistic guy on the 4-legged I'm so dumbfounded by its beauty I can hardly turn though the sword is a key of course [Music] [Music] you almost lots of strand Laura loves those circular staircases it's her favorite it's because they remind her of well we'll give this wacky measure the noodles that had spent what are those called that row teeny teeny or totally something like that I yes oh you know okay isn't that like Egyptian yeah those are that those are the Egyptian constellations hmm oh yes the flesh-eating bacteria light blue remember that light blue but why puzzle is this a stupid one is it requires you to know what these are Green said it to biggest bear set it to turbo cuz she walks too slow [Music] you're doing riveting war I add it again she says she should sit on her bum and slide down the stairs like a kid did you I always did that it was right scoot yeah my mom gave me pillowcases ya know yeah I got into sleeping bags and did it no I should have tried doing that I would just like pretend it was a slide and do it the best part was that my staircase had like a big open area yeah my mom like put like a little like splint a metal thing to stop us and we just smash it it's a love playing on the staircase of my grandma's gives her dumb yeah see I mean it's Sagittarius oh that's that was the key Oh your hunch was correct the whole time there's a horse boy yeah that's the the descent wha sand on the sidewalk give me a process okay that's the only part of the game no it was blue no okay if I play this as a kid I'd [ __ ] to be done I wouldn't know any of this I mean it requires you to know those symbols well everybody does that was the toy room I don't actually see wait a minute you find yourself aynd your way when you went camping I actually screamed at the top of my lungs like a bat echolocating my way home the toaster oh yeah I am a [ __ ] butterfly screaming through the garden speed of [ __ ] light what is the why if butterfly wanted to [ __ ] you Chris what would you do grab its wings and turn off what's going home that's it little slits down the stairs Chris I've ever taught you at a time I saw being a butterfly fly you know I beat the b1 well yeah no that was left well if the butterfly was just the wings I think the b89 the scary is creepy was cool though [Music] oh you did it that doesn't look like a pool of water no it doesn't that's a pool of long Korean okay now Laura stare directly into this wall okay oh there's a room in here too dude what the wasn't delays within that chest kill herself finally a way out she wants to kill herself but she doesn't want it to be too easy there's always my way or the highway yeah she should shoot the water and kill it she is in the water dimension she's a water David are you ready to spin for one more door oh my god this game this game sucks no Julian no it's her father made of water because you boil pasta in water yeah that's why I killed all those people she always has such a hard time finding yeah just look up you dumb [ __ ] she does that every time she'd be used to it by now look at the fourth time it's scary but boulders are that's okay that's true of that board this other self is one I cannot control that his normal self was a murderer this one's a lot worse spin a wheel again boy yes papa Julie Julie Julie Julie Julie Ann what [ __ ] that hurt my that was too real pretty good was that the door closed I was gonna say are you I want to go to the door I wanna buy a candy bowl Wow finally the doroth openeth smashed the Goblin don't do it that's why there's a circle on his head peace sign I know what to do here lose the key if my fists don't work maybe bullet will I was like five different big she kill herself yeah no she could jump out the window Oh God Laura don't jump please haha that gun only had one Boyd why is she still holding it wow it's a big place how did she get over to that don't worry thing conveniently edited that part listen our animation started oh it's right there okay look at her go she's climbing a ladder and I heels it's gonna zoom out Chris and it's gonna the the whole game takes place in the I got freaked out for she turned to spider human though it was not good time to go down to scare hallway shut up [Music] yes what Dad what over here he's becoming more chocolatey you got a friend in me Laura you're the most oh boy oh I get it d what it's like pasta sauce yeah vitamin D [ __ ] Christ I hope you weren't expecting anything more than that in our blogs a lot of crud drag it Louie the more blood you drink this is just Castlevania turn it off no no this is the end my Nicky saw Oh No Dracula's colors Dracula was really big in the 60s yeah what is the but what is the significance of the bug like Dracula Dracula that's her that's her that's she she killed herself Chris come on it was a different time the rooms yellow enough for him to be here Jackson films what is a man oh it all makes sense all that was it a brick yeah exactly that one brick really stood out now guess how you escaped from this room you walk push the B book it's it's really quite simple maybe the easiest puzzle in the game the solutions right here before your very eyes you'll become one with the darkness you reject the disk oh no what let's well if I told you this was actually a door what no there's no indication I've been out wine no you're lying Oh see it fakes you out then you go to the other wall and guess what mm oops oh mylanta Oh you found the kaga wall what's gonna happen we found the gears of wall the kid can be taught oh I remember these from childhood pull the leaver I used to smash my fingers in these cogs she's gonna launch a huge Dracula nuke and kill everybody by the way I hate controlling this thing because every configuration on it is different it's very annoying to do there we go Wow yeah she got their ankles wet it's like one of those 4d experiences or they blow air at your feet nothing's gonna sneeze on you i won here's the sci-fi series is this kingdom hearts yeah yeah I'm not afraid that dark in the dark I'm afraid she's a spaghetti vampire just slip and fall all the way down these are just made of ice time it all over again she slides all the way back into the spinning room she's beautiful it's me that's her mommy says she has no me Malone because she says I found myself that's mother more different places she vomited on many people's hairs [Music] [Applause] you mean her mother was the bug now she's covered in choking something is going down her chocolate hole putting the Charlie in the chocolate there's the frosted flakes why she owes this is good this is a good ending I feel satisfied watching these particle this is white it's like I'm back in 2006 watching the visualizer on Windows Media Player I don't know Chris I saw this unbecoming or in the wobble room now say it I dare you it's father's spotlight oh oh she said something you should gasps he's not made of chocolate yeah who is this [Music] so Laura you've come now I will tell you everything hear me and leave before the one who is not me and emerged Laura in our veins flows the blood of dragons the time change comes to all his blood it starts with lust for the strange then comes the desire for human flesh to make the change complete yes Laura that time came for you as well I erased the memory so you have forgotten when Dracula to control of you with those very hands you killed your mother don't remind me [Laughter] you secretive [ __ ] he's becoming the water man oh you've Eve's on my bunk Maps turned into he turned into like ground beef it's affecting his clothing - [ __ ] you dad noodle and beef together at last now beans in the tomato sauce see there's noodles floating up - I'm gonna quit out with this [ __ ] it's not funny do you mean this is the birth of your Chenoa noise she know the father of meatballs you shot me with a normal guy say ragu his neck his [ __ ] brother Kenny shot me right in the meat you shut the Dracula out of me Laura now I could finally go to jail for murdering those people thank God you can go back to being a murderer [Music] yes [Music] he's don't cry if only I had a shot my dad he was a noble spirit in the footage now the Pokemon movie wonderful funded by dead bodies just another day in LA it's true pretty just like normal huh in LA yeah happy Halloween everybody [ __ ] off would you be wise oh dude what is this no it's Edie Boone all these poor little goth kids so Shibuya has she what do you think of D it was delightful it was delicious it was a disappointment it was tell me more [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: OneyPlays
Views: 274,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oneyplays, oney, letsplay, videogames, d (video game), boney plays, oney plays 2017, boney plays 2017
Id: V3QUsAoYSq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 50sec (3170 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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