WorshipU 2019 - Paul McClure, Hannah McClure, Jenn Johnson, Hunter Thompson | Bethel Music

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] taeju to me [Music] we've seen your faithful we see you [Music] merci [Music] this place [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll sing it out again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus we've come here today for you once again we give her lives once again we give her hearts back to you we traded him to experience you at any cost we need you [Music] so we bring you all the praise [Music] for everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the man over everything we give you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you are I'm to use like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on that's good come on you guys good last day last half-day I don't want to go home I do want to go home take a little nap well this has been amazing hey I don't know if I mentioned it but we had a single come on was that a great transition from this the sweet holy place to my single I am everything you should know so I'm showing them what to not do no I just need you guys to be loose for this song okay so that's why I'm joking I'm joking and joking and jiving last day guys hey I need some hooting and hollering happened during in this song [Music] [Applause] [Music] rejected my goodness me is not they [Music] don't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take my song [Applause] [Music] then I saw his face no one can ever take away my [Music] that Jesus [Applause] [Music] change the day that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let's get another shot appraised news [Music] no one can take my son [Music] No my life has changed the day that Jesus [Applause] my [Music] sorry [Music] say who my first change today that Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] saves the day that [Music] [Applause] when you tell me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] gimme [Music] see things [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] anyway [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Harlin [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on let your hands is moaning and singing lolly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] everything hi [Music] [Music] your faith in all your way well you are good in all your way and I give my life [Music] you faith my god one last time [Music] [Music] and forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] some say why do you worship I say how could you [Music] some say why do you worship I say how could you [Music] [Music] come on just lift up your hands [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on training [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how [Music] mostly for all you [Music] we [Music] and no you [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they traded the hi you lay down [Music] part [Music] and Dora you gave up oh thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Enzo you gave you gave up and value ha [Music] here's how [Music] yes how [Applause] [Music] we say Thank You king of gin we say thank you King of Kings Jesus we say we see thank you our hearts overflowing with Thanksgiving we can't say thank you oh Jesus we [Music] thank you [Music] how great then seems my son got to ha ha oh great Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] we see [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is our God he's crazy one more time you have [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you can have a home [Music] [Music] you are my [Music] who's seen again how you are [Music] you I feel like the Lord's reminding people in this room of when you first fall in love with him I feel like he's taking you back back to instances of where you first fell in love I just want to sing that chorus one more time I just feel like a rededication and a Riesling is coming yes the Holy Spirit come do whatever you want to do we pray for a reason during of our hearts we give it all to you there's nothing else if we don't have you you're the only one worthy [Music] I'll kill you see like you [Music] ha [Music] you [Music] [Music] the way the darkness now is ended in the kingdom of light in the kingdom I forever unto your to me you're the king of my life you're the king of my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh and you said the darkness or [Music] we should [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there is Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is no Jesus knew about [Music] Jesus you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you said before carry the cross for my sin wait upon your shoulders my soul so I cannot [Music] it I do the carpet is fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] you speak [Music] it's my duty [Music] so I can say [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you can lift up your hands three scripture over you this is a day not of an ending but of a launching [Music] this is a day where you're sent out in the power and the presence of God this is a date not of sadness but of great joy because the world is waiting for you this is what hebrews chapter 10 starting in verse 19 it says therefore brothers and sisters since we have confidence to enter the most holy place by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way opened up through the curtain that is his body and since we have a great priest over the house of God let us draw near to God let us draw near to him with a sincere heart and with full assurance that faith brings having our hearts sprinkled and cleanse from a guilty conscience come on praise God and having our bodies wash pier with water let us hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess for he who promised is faithful listen he who promised is faithful and let us consider how to spur each other on towards love and good deeds not giving up meeting together and then we're gonna fast-forward to verse 32 remember those early days after you receive the light when you eat dirt in great conflict full of suffering sometimes you are publicly exposed to insult and persecution and other times you stood side by side with those who are mistreated you suffered along with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property because you knew that you yourselves had a better and lasting possession and here it is so don't throw away your confidence do not throw away your confidence it will be richly rewarded you need to persevere so that when you have done all you will receive what God has promised for in just a little while he is coming and he will not delay I really feel like I know that's a big portion of Scripture but it's a declaration over us it's a declaration that we live full and full of faith because of what Jesus Christ did he in us and we get to step into something new and and I'm hoping that this is like that moment where you first accepted Jesus Christ in your heart and you first gave your life to Him and say god I'm going after it and that we won't cast away that that earnest desire to to live fully for him amen because sometimes in a thing like this they're so excited because we're gathered together we have a whole company of people but you get to go to a place that it doesn't look the same as this anyone going back to a place like that you got to live in a culture for two weeks you got to live in a family for two weeks and the hope is that that culture got inside of you and now we get to go live it out and I want you to live it out in confidence in patient perseverance because actually some of the places you go it's gonna be deep dark soil because your roots are getting planted in a place that seems foreign and we're always looking for fruit but sometimes God is developing a root system and you got to go into that place where it's hard and dark but that's the place where we actually get filled up with the presence of God and if you'll stick and allow your roots to go and grow deep you will gain influence and you will gain fruit on your tree that everyone will want to eat from this is you lay your hand on your heart Jesus we need more God we thank you that there are moments like these in our life that become catalyst but change everything they become the spark that sets the whole forest of our life on fire for you and god you're an all-consuming fire so we give you it all we want to light ourselves on fire for a world that is desperate for you god I pray that there would be courage to be steadfast courage not to give up courage to remember the very beginning remember when you earnestly win after God remember the first days remember back at worship you and God will hold on to the testimony the testimony of what you've done in our lives because we know it prophecies because the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy and God we declare but the testimony of what you've done these last two weeks in our life will prophesy to our future and what you're doing it will hold that in front of us as we continue to receive new blessing new increase in new outpouring now lay your hand on your neighbor real quick because I want them to go in the blessing of the Lord and in the blessing of community so all we're gonna do we're not gonna do a big prayer we're just gonna say I bless you in Jesus name say it again I bless you in Jesus name one more time I bless you in Jesus name okay a little more like you mean it like just with authority I bless you in Jesus name now give God one more shout of praise [Applause] alright here's what we're gonna do you're gonna find your way to your seats and I'm gonna invite some friends up and the band's gonna stay up here the worship team's gonna stay up here and I've got a team of friends that are coming up to prophesy and we're going to call a few of you out specifically and we're gonna prophesy over you so here's here's how it's gonna go and yeah just come on up front guys can sit with Jan up here we'll just pass the mic along this is Daniel Miller come on Jasmine Aronson Sheila Baldwin where's Ally whitworth is ally coming and and these guys you know the band may prophesy over you because they're all prophetic right hunter yeah come on up I think Eric Allen's coming up as well I just sit come on sit guys family-style and we're gonna have fun so what we're gonna do it kind of like popcorn prophetic we're not going to spend like five or ten minutes on each of you hey I need someone to come sit by me Eric Allen come on I feel alone over here feel isolated on an island and we're gonna we're gonna call people out will give quick like maybe minute top squirts we'll see if we can stay in that maybe the anointing of God falls in an incredible way and you get twenty minutes worth of prophetic word let me just say this inevitably when we do something like this we'll call someone out and we'll give them a prophetic word and you're sitting right next to that person and it's the exact word you've been waiting for for your life and hungry for and we're like God you miss but you can grab on to that word see the word of God is living and active and and and it can affect your life just as much as the person that's called out as a matter of fact we've had people year after year in big conferences where someone was specifically called out and they got the word but someone else in the room heard the word and received it for themselves and they were more transformed because they believed it more than the other person so if you hear a word that you feel like that's for me your heart leaps your spirit leaps inside of you you say that's for me then you can grab on to it because the testimony of Jesus Christ in their life in that person who was called out is the spirit of prophecy for your life and God's no respecter of persons what does that mean if he did it for them he can do it for you amen amen was that enough stall time you got all time that was teaching oh that's beautiful yeah come on so Holy Spirit we just thank you for what you're doing right now we asking for clarity for what you're saying two individuals two groups just in this moment God even to us as a group of people what you're saying father we're open to hear you and to see you and to feel you guide me pray right now for clarity your heart to your people in Jesus name in them do you guys have anything before you come yep good I'll go ahead um so twice this week when I drove by the church I heard this phrase and I laughed at first because it sounded really cheesy and I was like that's not God then I heard it again and it felt different when I heard it but I heard going from self-medicated to God medicated and I it was so funny it was like when I was driving on the highway when I hit the same spot I heard it twice in the same spot right when I drove by and I feel like there's there's another thing actually the night before worship school started at worship here a church I saw a picture during worship of God's like on the stage behind the leaders and it was like he was standing in this glory and then I saw him taking an intentional step down like he intentionally stepped into the room and I feel like that's what God is wanting to do in all of our churches I feel like he's wanting to come down this stage and he's here he's with us he's here every time but I feel like he wants to take an intentional step into the room and because of that I feel like this is why I heard this phrase I feel like some of us I've been guilty of it before but we've get into the like living for the weekend happy life like love God love people so great love those things but we just kind of get complacent and I feel like there's these little things that the Lord asks us to do and it's an invitation it's not like you're gonna lose favor he stops loving you if you don't do it but it's just little invitations he's given and I think that some of us have been just kind of avoiding those things self-medicating like with watching a lot of TV with being really busy at work with whatever it is just filling our time to avoid doing those things because they feel the scariest I feel like God wants to release a grace to go from self medication to God medication and I heard or I was reading this morning and I felt like this prayer from Ephesians is supposed to be spoken over y'all so if there's anyone in this room that kind of relates what that feels that that you stand and here's the deal some some of you you you just heard it and something hit you yeah that you need to stand okay and also the other thing what you saying is if you are on a medication that you want to get off up really bad stand up and if you were around these people that are standing for any reason I want you to put your hand where it's appropriate and we're gonna pray together as Ali reads the scripture for us because I feel like some people are gonna get delivered even of medication but you said that we agree okay thank you Jesus hold your hands out just like you're open to receive like you're ready to receive the invitation so I kneel humbly and all before the father of our Lord Jesus the Messiah the perfect father of every father and children in heaven and on earth and I pray that he would get he would unveil within you the unlimited riches of his glory and favor until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with His divine light and explosive power then by constantly using your faith the life of Christ will be released deep inside of you and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life then you will be empowered to discover what every Holy One experiences the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions how deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love how enduring and inclusive it is endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding that at this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God never doubt God's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all of this he will achieve infinitely more than your greatest requests your most unbelieving dream and exceed your wildest imagination he will outdo them all for his miraculous power constantly energizes you his miraculous power constantly energizes you now we offer up to God all the glorious praise that rises from every Church in every generation through Jesus Christ and all will yet be manifest through the time and eternity amen yesterday morning I woke up and heard this like nickname roll through my mind and I I don't usually dream I'm a kind of a slow wake up in the morning but the nickname that I heard was June bug does that resonate where's anybody called June bug growing up all right we have to you can both you okay I I have a scripture I want to read out real quick and then I'll tell you what I feel like I was what the Lord was speaking to me yeah what the Lord is speaking to me every time that I kept thinking of June bug I kept thinking of the scripture John 12 where Mary they're you know they're preparing dinner and it's them and Lazarus and Mary was among them at the table she picked up an alabaster jar filled with nearly a liter which is about a pound if you can imagine if you'd understand me there's like I don't you'll understand a pound she picked up a jar filled with nearly a liter of extremely rare and costly perfume the purest extract of nard and she anointed Jesus's feet and she wiped them dry with her long hair and the fragrance of the costly oil filled the house and it goes on and kind of you know they are like oh my gosh how could you do that how could you pour that out it could have fed the poor and the part that I don't think I realized until reading it today was when she wiped it off of Jesus's feet with her hair there it goes on to say that the scent is so strong their aroma is so strong that when he was nailed to the cross he probably still smelled like it and the part that I didn't realize was that if she wiped it off with her hair she left like fragrant of the father and how long that carried with her and it felt like this might resonate with with each of you but I kept seeing there being things in your life that people around you might never understand why you would pour out so costly for the work of the Father whether it be ministry or raising children but it the part that he would kept standing out to me is I I see it and I recognize it and even though it looks costly and maybe even foolishness foolishness at times to those around them I see it and your your lives are living out the fragrance of the almighty King if you guys will just stretch your hands to them father I just ask that whatever it may be but they're giving their life too even if sometimes your friends don't understand your family might think that you're a little bit crazy for giving it all God I ask that their lives would be fragrant and they would be filled with the aroma of heaven all the days of their lives the the beauty of the fragrance is that when you wear it it becomes kind of your signature scent and people around you will be pointed to the King of Kings because of the life you're choosing so we bless you and what you're doing father we ask that your hand would be upon them all the days of their lives and everybody says Amen what's your actual name nicknamed Zumba as a kid yeah I saw I saw you dancing in the room especially in the dark like when nobody's watching like I just saw you like in a dark room going for it like just dancing before the Lord like nobody was watching and I just feel like that you're the Lord's taking you into this I don't care what it looks like season and it's especially in these dark places but I see dance I'm not a good dancer I just don't care but I feel like the Lord's releasing something in you in dance as intercession especially when no one's watching just to worship before the Lord with all your might like Miriam like David did and to just intercede and worship so I just bless you with that do you think and real quick I just thought the Lord sing to you as well I give you the why I give you the why and it's enough it doesn't have to be enough for anybody else I give you the why all right yeah I had to work for someone else earlier than week when Jen's sent me a text thing we're gonna do this prophetic ministry time I felt like the Lord was saying that there's someone in here you're a parent and your son is in a wheelchair and I feel like the first letter of your name starts with H so I know that's really specific and this has gone way out on a limb but I thought it would just read out there in case right over here okay so that's it what it what are your names extend your hands to them also whenever we give somebody a word let's pray into that together so I am touching yeah so the word that I got was that you've been in this season where it feels like you've been burning the candle at both ends where it feels like you're just going nonstop and I just felt the Lord say that you don't have to be all things to all people that it's okay to like take a moment of rest that it's okay you don't have to always be there for everyone that's that you can have these moments for yourself and the Lord is restoring you and refreshing you in this season and I heard this song actually from Josh Baldwin it's about fountains it's appropriately called fountains and part of this I kept on hearing this song over and over again this part that says all my fountains aren't you all my trust is in your love and all my fountains are in you my hope is built on your love all my fountains aren't you with every breath I live for you Lord and then I started to get Psalm 23 and it's a great it's a great passage and I don't want to read all of it for the sake of time but there were a couple verses that just stood out to me verse 4 says even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they come for me and then it says surely Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever and then I heard Psalm 91 and all of that is good too but there's only a couple parts of that that I want to highlight for you it says he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart and then toward zina says because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him free acknowledges my name and I thought this part was really huge says he will call me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him and I feel like there's been this season there's actually like a calling to be a lyricist there's a calling to write music and you've kind of felt this like hitting your head on the ceiling that there's almost been like this writer's block and I thought the Lord say that you don't have to write like everybody else you don't have to write like everybody else's songs your song is your own and that your song is coming from your life it's your own song because you're living through it and I feel like these songs like reading passages from The Book of Psalms is so symbolic because that's all that David did was he saying about his life he's saying about what he was going through and I thought the Lord is giving you a song that will resonate with the church that will resonate with the church on a large scale and just the last thing I wanted to read was Isaiah 61 and again obviously really good prime minister pull out a couple parts and I just felt there's a shift for you when I read you're looking at some Isaiah 61 on the top the header says the year of the Lord's favor and that just like struck me I was like oh my goodness this is for them so I'm gonna read this like it's the lower talking to you and it says the Spirit of the Lord is on you because he has anointed you to proclaim good news to the poor sent you to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim freedom for the captives and release them from darkness for the prisoners to proclaim ly proclaim the year the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all who mourn and provide for those who grieve in Zion to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes the oil of joy instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spear to spare for you will be called oaks of righteousness of planting the Lord for the display of a splendor so yeah well we just bless you guys I just saw the Lord unlocking something in you guys and I see it looking like tears and I see him filling every jar he has he just keeps bringing another jar to fill your tears because he's unlocking something and in that unlocking he says write a song about your season because I'm going to bring favor to your season but I need to unlock something first so I just speak into that unlocking and that emotional and spiritual and healing unlocking and that it'll bring new lyrics and a new song into your life and it's gonna affect people around you it's gonna be a testimony and I just pray healing over your son in the wheelchair whatever needs to be done to his body Lord I just see you touch him right now bring healing bring healing bring healing bring healing in Jesus name that he would be filled of anything anything the doctor has said over his life the Lord has a better report and I just speak that report over your son in Jesus name right back here in the Hat you've got I think orange something on your head yeah you're looking at me are you guys married oh yeah you stand up all right you ready don't get mad at me I heard the Lord say that you were I felt like the Lord said that you were called to the nation's I don't know if that means you're gonna actually go but I heard specifically I saw Europe and Italy actually and that you would be being known as a spiritual Abraham that you would be a father of a movement in Europe and maybe maybe in Italy specifically and so sometimes you get words in 1st Thessalonians 5 it says that you you you're supposed to weigh the words in the Old Testament the Prophet would get killed if he was wrong think goodness somewhere in the knew doesn't in the New Testament it says the way the word so just way this word go to about it does the nation's resonate with you at all or you hate me right now yeah you hate me okay but but okay but when you said that but before you pray for me cuz you I think do you do I saw tools over you do you work with tools at all like like are you a worker like to have in your garage like do you have tools okay and do you cook like are you like a homemaker like hospitality I feel like the Lord your nations word it was a new second you said I saw people coming through your home and I just saw what you were in your natural environment just even your garage and your kitchen and your living room I saw the Lord bringing people through your home and your heart of hospitality actually even affecting people from other nations coming in and just being who you are in your natural environment just loving on people and mothering them and fathering him that's like God's gonna surprise you and maybe your doors have been more closed off but I feel like the Lord's opening your doors even your garage door I know what this means I think it's gonna make sense later on Lord's opening your garage door opening the door to your house for people for you actually to invite the presence of God to change people's lives as they come through your home so maybe it's gonna be Italy but Italian food's real good too so yeah and just one last thing is that I heard the word dreams and I feel like God's doing something with you at nighttime and I don't know if there's been like sleepless nights I just felt like it sleep isn't the same as it used to be that there's a struggle to have a sleep just a restful sleep all night and I thought the Lord is like beckoning you I almost heard it like when in in the book of prophets when he was Samuel and like the Lord was calling him and he kept on going like the person over me like hey did you call me he was like no I didn't call you and happened like three times and they finally said go back and say Lord speak for your servant is listening and I thought the Lord has been drawing you to hear him at nighttime and I feel like that may be the reason for sleeplessness or whatever is because he wants you to hear his voice in a special way so I just encourage you just to open yourself to that it's like put a journal by your bed but I God speak to me like we're ready for this is there an Emma somewhere Emma could you stand I saw you this might be for you to stay standing please I just saw Emma planting a garden I saw you using your hands I saw your hands in the dirt I saw you knowing where to plant each specific plant and what it needs to grow I feel like I don't I don't know if there's a little bit of a a Dow or an unsteady feeling about your position where you work like maybe you don't feel qualified for some reason like you know you're there but like you wrestle with qualification but I feel like the Lord says you know where to plant every plant and what you do is you partner with me and I saw you picking up the soil and letting the Lord breathe on the soil and in doing that you have an ability to bring things to life in the position that they're meant to be in because you're willing to have a partnership with the Lord so I just say that you are qualified the Lord has placed you where you need to be he has given you every tool you need for the garden and he is very very proud of where you have placed the plants I started one quick phrase over your head you really matter you really matter and I just saw this thing breaking over your head of your significance as the father it's just saying over you you really matter it's really important so father we just bless our we just say yes and a man to what you're doing in her life we asked your favor to be on her your ways them to be upon her Lord that you would just anoint her head with oil that her cup runs over and we thank you God for what you're doing in her and out even just right this very second what you're breaking through with breaking off lies and speaking truth that she really matters we thank you for her we bless her engines this beautiful name yeah and just one more thing for you both real quick it's just I thought the Lord was saying the use restoring the years that the locust has eaten yeah and I saw you as a young child there was a series a season that you went through where things happening experiences happen they weren't from God they weren't from him they weren't sent by him there were people in your life that said things or did things it wasn't from God and I feel like God is saying he's gonna restore and put back everything that was taken that literally that when the enemy took it that God hasn't taken it and restore it and fold that there's gonna be a restoration coming for you and that God's gonna put it all back so that's good other mi I just heard the word flower-petal so I don't that means I swear the word flower petals' oh yeah good I would just lean over in Aspen if there was time for another word and I was trying to figure out who was from but the picture that I saw was you standing it a set of doors pushing and pushing waiting for them to open and I saw the Lord hung your name behind him and he swung the door towards you hadn't realized they went in and not out and he went before you and was your flower girl and he was tossing petals preparing the way for you so father I just bless what you're doing in her life that where she may feel like it's been hard or she doesn't understand why a door hasn't opened God that you've made a way for her and you're preparing something for her to be seen and the beautiful thing about the wedding is when those doors open and the flower girl comes and tosses the petals it's a pathway but everybody sees right in that moment so how do we just bless what you're doing on her life but it would be resonating with what you're doing what you're calling or for got'em that she'd be seen in this season in Jesus name Amen how many guys have heard or watched the movie free so low that's crazy you watched on the plane same here same here bro it's a movie about a guy named Alex that he climbed this this famous rock face called El Cap and Yosemite it's the basically the king of rock climbing and it's amazing story because his dream was always to do it and not be tied and not be king to buy a rope and it had never been done before and all these rock climbers had done it throughout history but no one had ever done it freestyle and the crazy part of the movie is he you know he it and it normally takes I think it normally takes people like a day or two to do it he did it in like six hours and I was so inspired by this guy because I mean he's he's not not a believer and they were always asking him his motivations for why he did it and he just was like I want to do something no one else has done and I was on the plane I was like kid get my Louie and go on off getting all fired up and I just had that reminder when I walked when I was driving up here today and I thought you know you guys are like awesome you know you're so sweet this is such an electric environment we could sing Kumbaya you'd be with us I mean it really is a dream you came from the nations of the world I've met some of you from Africa some of you from Asia and some of you that you know you spent so much money and time and energy and I just felt like I saw that picture I felt like the Lord was saying I'm raising up a Davidic Generation to do things that no one else has done and that kind of sounds cliche but I I feel like part of the Davidic calling in the worshiper you know David was not just a guy in the hillsides playing his harp you know he was a farmer he was a he was a warrior he led a battalion of soldiers he was an architect he was a visionary he's a politician there was so many elements of society that David carried his worship anointing into and I just feel like in this room there are people in this room not all of you are gonna be professional worship leaders and that's not the goal of this school right amen you know a lot of you guys are gonna go into realms of society where the presence of God is not known and not felt and you're called to do that in fashion in business in politics and and and so I just wanted to pray I just feel like that that some of you you're called to leave the ropes behind and climb El Cap and it's freaking scary you know and I love how raw that movie is cuz it shows his battling of doubt you know he like gets gets ready one morning to go climbing he's like I'm gonna do it and he gets a you know he gets halfway up in he's like I can't do it and he goes down and and we all battle with that but I feel like one of the impartation 'he's god wants to release is a spirit of courage and so I want to just pray that if you're here and and you feel like and this isn't for everyone this is like everyone stuff this is for those that feat that no you're called to do something that no one's done you're called to charge an industry you're called to going to invade a part of society you're called to go back to your nation and you know what God's called you to do and it's the thing that haunts you and scares you and keeps you up at night what a great altar call if that's you I want you to just stand up and I want to just pray courage over you if you're here this lift your hand I want to pray that davidic calling guys the difficult the heart of Dave at the heart of worship the heart of presence it is not just for the mountain of the church it is for the earth it is for the influence that will fill into every part of society so lord I pray right now Lord for a spirit of courage and boldness to come on the people in this room Lord they know what they're called to do they know where they're called to go they know their mandate and they know their mission just like Alex in the movie he knew he was gonna do out cop he knew it and in it and it haunted him and it took him a moment to find courage and I pray Lord that they would leave this camp they would leave this ground they would leave this place they would leave this atmosphere of presence not with just nice fluffy journal entries and not with just nice notes and nice memories of what happened but they would leave with a sense of courage and boldness knowing that you've given them the tools to do what no one else has done before I pray Lord that out of this school Lord that industries and nations would be affected by the presence of God that worshipers would be released into parts of society that have never been infected before we thank you learned that there's professional athletes in this room they're gonna take worship into that realm I want to meet you if you're here there's people that are businessman they're gonna be billionaires in this room they're called to be billionaires and they're gonna take worship into the business realm there's people that are called to go into politics they're gonna carry that Lord we just pray for courage to be released in this room and that they would take that with them back to where they're called to go in Jesus name Amen [Applause] you right here you have an amazing bun on your head a braided bun or yeah yeah yeah stand up girl what's your name okay extend your hands okay so I I just looked at you and I saw you and you were like this ninja warrior in a movie and you have like the coolest outfit on and it was like so creative and you have this massive sword and you were just insane with this sword and I feel like the Lord is anointing you as a ninja to break things off of people and even to say things and do things that are not pretty and are not even what people would expect or but I just see the Lord giving you this tenacious courage of bravery so father I pray for your anointing to fall on her right now Lord that you would cover her you'd be inside of her and all around to her Lord that you would just give her vision and wisdom I see you doing these prophetic acts like doing stuff that like people are like what are you doing and even some secret stuff super secret stuff or like Lord I'll be like go to this mountain and do this and you'll do it like you'll obey without a thought process so father I bless her I thank you for what you're calling or to I thank you for your voice in her life Lord that you would speak so clearly to her and you give her the courage to obey you without a thought process I think you for the breakthrough that you will bring through her and into her own life personally and Jesus beautiful name and they are yeah and just you just along that same line I just really feel like the Lord has given you this ability to like speak the languages of other people it's like it doesn't matter who you're around like what culture you're in like what friends are around like what in whatever environment you're in the Lord is giving you ability to speak their language that immediately when you say something it's like everybody resonates with what you're saying and they understand what you're saying and the Lord's called you as a leader and I just feel like sometimes there's this thing that rises up inside of you almost like it did for David when he was young and he was tending sheep and like this lion came after the Sheep and he just destroyed it and a bear came and he like destroyed the bear there's this thing inside of you that rises up to defend people who are receiving injustice people who are going through hard times people who can't defend themselves there's this thing inside of you that says not on my watch it's not gonna happen today and so you rise up and you begin to like just stand up for people and it's something that the Lord has put inside of you because he's called you as a leader and all of a sudden you're saying things you're like what am I saying because it's coming out before you even have time to think about it and you're almost feeling like should I even be saying these things and the Lord is like that's me that's who I've made you to be and I've called you to change culture I've called you to change environments around you and I felt there's something specific about the music industry that even like it doesn't I don't know if it's a Christian industry or if it's like hip-hop or what it is but whatever the music industry that you're almost like this producer producer type level where you can influence culture and influence people and influence musicians it's not just your own music but it's influencing the music of other musicians and I just feel like the Lord is gonna give you the words to say and sometimes you've been like God like you've been like Moses when God said I'm gonna send you to eat it and you're gonna free my people and and Moses was like I don't know what I'm gonna say and Lords like you'll have the words to say when you go like I'm gonna give you the words to say and so you need to be afraid anymore feeling qualified about not feeling like you don't add up the Lord says you're enough and I've given and give you the words to say and there's going to be signs and wonders that accompany you to do the things he's called you to do yeah and here as well when Jen said she saw you with a big sword I felt like even this justice thing all of this weight of transformation all this stuff sometimes you've looked at it and been overwhelmed by the size of the sword and you're like I'm not big enough to carry that sword and I saw you in trust God said will you trust me will you trust me will you grab hold of this thing and and when you actually grabbed hold of it even even though you thought it was way too big for you something happened to you and you grew to the size of the sword and God says you're gonna be big enough for the mission you just grab hold of the sword and I'll grow you into the person who has the ability to wield that thing in a way that it's supposed to be okay so we bless you in Jesus name can you stand up for me right here I'm yep yep yes um what's your name Caleb nice to meet you are you a worship leader you are okay um all right I saw this picture and I knew it was for a guy who was a worship leader it's a funny one I saw this picture of you you were on the ground and it wasn't like you were throwing a tantrum but it was like you were trying to do something like how a two-year-old when they're like in trying to be independent but they can't do it yet um I felt like you were trying to do things on your own and you were getting so frustrated because there was all these desires in your heart you just wanted to do it yourself so bad and then I saw this like tantrum come out and then you just laid it down and then I saw God pick you up and put you in a baby carrier facing outward and he was wearing the baby carrier yeah but as soon as you just like let him carry you you couldn't see him behind you he was like it was like he was like giant it was a weird baby carrier it was like big and tall and you were just like right in front of him and all of a sudden I saw him walk through these series of doors that were just like one behind the other and I knew they were doors you would never have gone through if it weren't for him and I feel like there's something in your life that you've laid down or you need to lay down and give to God and let him actually carry you through because you're gonna walk through doors that you could have never gotten in on your own and I think that you're about to step into a season of favor and it may be the further rest of your life I feel like you're about to step into favor because God's trusted you to let him like let him carry you like people are gonna be like gosh that guy always like gets the good sales and gets like free hotel rooms whatever it is I just feel like there's so much favor that's gonna follow you that people are gonna be like that has to not be him that has to be something else so right now I just pray Jesus would you come and give the grace to lay down the things that we can't carry the things we can't do on our own yeah promotion and permission thank you Jesus for coming we give grace to let him be carried in Jesus name we partner with what you have on his life we seek yes to the favored abundant and abundant favour supernatural favor that everyone would it would catch everyone's eye the future the word that I had for you too was giant so when Ally just that mentioned giant I was like that's exactly it sounds like giant I think what does that mean Lord and I felt like Giant Killer is like the thing it's like you want to be that everybody's like yeah let's do it except for when it's you and that's the worst ever and super freaky and I just I felt like that giant word when she said giant I feel like the baby the whole picture that ally said I feel like that what God's gonna bring you into there's no way it can be you and Brian has this analogy about how a mouse was on an elephant's back and they crossed this bridge and they got the other side of the mouse said we sure shook that bridge to the elephant like obviously it was the elephant they showed the bridge not the mouse but I feel it the same thing with Ali's getting with where the Lord's gonna take you it's gonna be so stunning and you're gonna have to do some difficult stuff and fight some different Kristen crazy mountains and some big Giants but the Lord's gonna be with you so I feel like do not be afraid do not be afraid I thought the Lord is just shouting this into your spirit like it's not gonna be used you're gonna have to take some major humility in your life to the point of being a baby and being willing to be carried and humiliated which is a big one because we're all probably surprised of bummer and we all deal with it so I thought you're gonna be carried by the Lord into these big situations and you're gonna look back and it's gonna be so obvious that him but he's really calling you to it some epic stuff so we bless you in Jesus name you guys yeah last last thing I just wanted throughout there was just that the Lord is healing some stuff inside of you and I feel like it's damaged has been done by like leaders in your life specifically that there's been some really well intended leaders who were trying to help you out but they didn't have the right like the right words at the right methods and it was really damaging it was really hurtful and I justify the Lord it's almost like there's I saw this like humongous like I don't know like spear or like this like sliver whatever is just inside and you're just carrying it you're like I don't know how to shake this thing and it's almost like you're this all-star player and I'm a Warriors fan so I just think of like Kevin Durant I think of like klay Thompson and it's like you know that they're amazing but like after these injuries they're not playing to their full potential and I feel like that's you that the Lord has said like there's been these injuries that weren't your fault but you haven't been able to beat to play to your full potential because there needs to be healing and I feel like God is going to go deep with you and he's going to pull that thing out and the ableton that you'll never have to second-guess yourself again that that thing that is lingers in the back of your mind every time you go to step out that thing is there may be words that were said that shouldn't have been said and I just feel like God it's gonna heal that it's gonna feel like it never happened so though we just pray for healing and we just thank you for a release into a new season in Jesus name that's good hey this this Josh I'll just get Josh doing it okay I just was sorry I want to be a part of the group no I I know Caleb he was in my class song review and there's something he did something that no one's ever done you know the hardest part about song review is trying to pick who goes next and in the middle of it I'm picking who goes next and I picked someone and then I get this song air dropped into my phone it was Caleb and so I was like wow bold move and so then I picked him next and I feel like I feel like there's this like Jacob I will wrestle you for my blessing Lord on you and uh but I just I think sometimes people look at it like I know me I'm like laid-back I'm like no I don't Lord only if it's your will I just want ya and but you have this thing it's like I'm confident I Know Who I am in the Lord and pick me and I feel like you're just that's just like don't ever don't ever stop being that way and also Kayla fought fires here for the car fire right I mean I felt I just heard the Lord it's like you've you've been putting out fires but now you're gonna start setting fires [Applause] you can put on Caleb we love you but when Dan said that I feel like when Dan said you need to forgive leaders I felt that for us so when you put your hand on your heart and father we thank you for any leader including our parents any anyone has taken the place of leadership in our lives the good and the bad father we let go any failure right now in Jesus name we say right now we forgive anyone who made mistakes as much as we need forgiveness and our forgiving of ours father we take that same forgiveness and we apply it to the leaders and the people in our lives that have done well and the times that they haven't done well but we release them and we forgive them right now and I want you to take a second and think about that person or maybe those people and who that are I want you to let the Holy Spirit bring those to mind and I want you to mentally and spiritually let those people go we release them right now in Jesus name and just when Jen said let those people go I saw God take these q-tips and put them in your ears and he cleaned out some - all this stuff and and and all of a sudden it's like I can hear again I can hear again it opened up the pathways to hear God's voice in a way you haven't heard him for a long time so we ask father that you'd come now and you just heal those places in us that were wounds and splinters broken parts or that you'd come by your Holy Spirit and that you'd comfort us and that you'd heal us right now that we would be whole like it had never happened in Jesus name thank you Lord amen amen why don't you give it up for this team thank you guys you're okay this is a little funny Brian's gonna come up to because we want Brian and Jen to kind of have the final say at school and they're the ones this wouldn't happen without them and we love them so much but even why Jen was was praying that at the very end okay so not to be graphic or anything like I felt something in in like the reproductive area and I felt like all of a sudden God was healing wounds that had kept you from reproducing the right thing and I feel like God is now gonna release a fruitfulness in your life and a fruitfulness in your ministry and a fruitfulness in your giftedness that is worth being reproduced amen so we release that as well and hey will you I really feel like we need to do two things number one if you are in the room and and you did any part of helping put this whole thing on and I there's a ton of them that you won't see but if that's you we you stand to your feet because most of the people that help put this on weren't on this stage will you please celebrate them thank you thank you thank you thank you sound dies in the back there's sound guys in the back there's sound guys back here that you don't even see there are people right now upstairs cleaning up we love them so much and then and then lastly will you stand to your feet and give it up for Brian a Jin when I said okay sit down real quick we're gonna we'll make this quick we're not gonna be here too long and we're gonna go back into one more song but um last night and uh yesterday evening I just I felt like um I just let the Holy Spirit just kind of take the two weeks and kind of put it in this funnel and is there anything else lore that that we haven't covered or that we need to just touch on or or minister to and I feel so stoked like this is the best year we've ever had it's been incredible so but I felt really really quickly to just address this super small thing and it was where we get our accolades from and uh you know you have good days and bad days in what we do you play wrong chords your mic doesn't work what a superstar hand I just kept going like a rock star today or I didn't even know her mic didn't work we just swapped it out go team but um this this place of leadership and ministry you are going to bite the dust hard you're gonna sing out a key and you're gonna want to walk up a stage and never do this again and the enemy is gonna come at you and want that to happen like when someone solos your mic after you've just led worship and you want to die because it's terrible but I felt that to speak to you today about getting our accolades and our high-fives and our likes from the Lord and not getting it from people and Bill has this one-liner he says if you live by the praises of man you'll die by their criticism and we can't live by the people's likes or the people's criticism we love feedback we love encouragement but as far as far as the opinion of what you're doing and how you're doing it the inner critic it has to come from the approval in the eyes of the Father the Lord showed me years ago this picture we had three kids at the time and they're at varying different ages and they all created this piece of art for me and it was different levels of skill and how good the picture was but they all three brought this artwork to me and all three of those artwork pieces went right on the fridge because it wasn't about what it was it was about who it was for and in this thing that we do called ministry and leadership don't forget who it's about and who it's for so when you go up there and you do your best and you bite the dust or you kill it you walk off that stage and you lay it at the feet of Jesus and you say it's for you and it's about you and how it turned out doesn't matter I won't have an inner critic I'll surrender it to you and I'll let it go because the one thing you have to ask yourself at the end of it is did you do your best did you do your best was your heart to give him everything to lead the song to go for it then you've done it so leave it at his feet and let it go so put your hand on your heart father we pray that you would satisfy the soul sufficiency in us for the need of approval that only needs to come from the father that you'd satisfy that in us that we would look to you to your eyes to your heart of affection your approval your pat on the back your embrace God that you are proud of us no matter how it turns out that it's for you and it's about you in Jesus name oh you have your own might I got my own mic today is it cold in here like I like I like I feel like feels great to me I don't want to do this all morning Don Wow I want to share just a little story and I want to pray over everyone all the musicians and worship leaders and all all of us that are creatives and artistic and all of that but um twenty years ago I was twenty-one years old before right before Jen and I are getting married it was my last trip before we're getting married and it was at the tail end of if you read my book this season of the ups and downs of panic attacks and in learning about the power of praise you know from seven to seven years old 21 learning about like King Jehoshaphat you know and he who got the word from the Lord send the praises out first and we all know what happened right they went out there and sang a song because the prophets spoke the word that basically said God has your back and he's gonna fight your battles and they go out and they lift up a shout of praise and then they didn't even have to raise a sword because God turned the enemies on each other and they killed each other and so I went through a season of that off and on from 7 to 21 I was 21 years old right before we got married and I'm I get on this plane with my mom it's just me and my mom this little tiny plane right how many are claustrophobic or you feel you're claustrophobic don't declare that so as one of those little tiny planes and I'm I had in that at that time of my life I was dreading every time I had to fire and you know anything elevators and I would just I would just it was like a big ordeal and it was like two three weeks before the flight I just was trying to talk you know you talked yourself into something but you just can't get above it so I'm getting on the plane and I can feel that feeling that panic start to rise up and if you've had panic attacks you know I'm talking about I'm getting hot and I'm starting to get television and I'm trying to I'm trying to be tough and pray through it and it's just not working and the second they shut that door you know that's the moment where like no turning back I'm stuck on this plane and I can't get off you know I mean and I go into this crazy like panic attack and it was kind of next-level it wasn't just a physical thing it turned into a spiritual thing and it was pretty intense and this lady's sitting next to me and I'm poor lady this is before 9/11 and that so she's sitting right next to me and I'm and I'm 21 years old and I'm like laying in my mom's lap and I'm like crying freaking out and then it gets worse because my mom hands me the Bible Psalms 91 thinking that that would comfort me and a lot of times we don't need comfort when we're in about all we need to be aggressive and go after it like King Jehoshaphat did and um so I told her in the midst of this this moment I said no Psalms I won 50 so I turn to Psalm 150 or 149 and ice and oh it is God as my witness I started singing it out loud on the plane in this lake you know at the time I didn't even know the ladies next to me you know so I'm so beside myself in in panic but I was thinking later like man what was she thinking the whole time I didn't get kicked off the plane but I sing out loud that song and in 15 minutes before we landed it was a short fly thank God in a moment's time this wasn't it this wasn't a slow thing it was a it felt it turned into a battle like it's hard to describe wasn't just a panic attack it turned into a battle over not just sanity it was a battle over I think my destiny and the people that that I was to call to influence and minister which should be some of you obviously you guys in this room and the Lord spoke to me as clear as day this is one of those times in my life or like you know like you know when God speaks to you sometimes and you're like that is God and no one could talk me out of it do you know I'm talking about it was one of those moments because here's what happened in a moment's time in the middle of this it felt like I was in hell it really did and I you know it can get so strong you don't understand why people commit suicide because they just can't handle it well it was one of those moments and in one second out of nowhere it's like the air cleared in the in the plane and all every ounce of fear panic was not only completely gone the opposite came in in a second and God spoke to me I've given you keys I was trying to tell it real smooth you know without that I've given you keys and I'm telling you the story I've given you keys for this thing because you know we go through stuff in life and God gives us authority over without those things to help what the next generation of other people and in that moment I'm 21 years old and I'm just starting out in the moment I knew it wasn't about me it was about you it was about the destiny wouldn't man you know okay so and and and you know you know when God comes out closer you can kind of see like the future and you can see all this stuff so we're living in a day now we're living in a day where we're um and a lot of you guys are just starting out you know you're having that moment where God is like speaking to you about your destiny and so what I want to do is I want to pray for you not that I'm like have have it all because I don't and and I'm part of the thing about when you have a realization that it's not about you is that you realize that you're it's not about your career it's not about you being the all and all but it's about what happens as a result of just saying okay god I'll do that and so you guys are really this is really good for my heart on a personal level this every time we do these schools just to see this and see what God's doing with worship around the world and a lot of my friends Jenn and his friends have had similar experiences where they're entering a new season of life I think Chris Talman being here was a big deal for him and he is crying most of the day just because of what God was doing and then that word been gave him about just this next season and so it does our hearts really good to see you guys and it does our hearts good to see you guys go after God and answer that call and kind of take that baton and carry it to the next level and we're already seeing it the talent is so much greater you guys have one of these years I'll do it I will play a song when I was 21 so you could hear it you'd be like it's really bad and it would be encouraging to you for sure but let me do this let me just pray for you guys because I really feel like this is an important thing like Shawn gave that word it's not just about worship it's not just about being a songwriter we're splitter it's about you know like David had three stages of life you know and it's about that it's about answering the call of God for the season that you're in God gives you a grace for the season that you're in and your job with him is to find that season that you're in and be faithful to it not compare to someone else and we would hope that you'd leave here with a little less comparison than when you came in and so lord I pray right now just for everyone every musician every creative every artist in this room that is really here they're answering the call of God they're like saying the god that's me yes I'm gonna I'm going after this whatever it is I don't quite know what it is but I'm going to go after and I pray that you give him courage boldness and purity of heart and humility of heart like you gave David that they'd have a heart after you more than anything and through the ups and downs they would always have a heart after you and I pray right now even as they leave that you'd be near that you'd be speaking to them their destiny and give them hope and I do come against the enemy that would bring discouragement and hopelessness and all those things distractions and discouragement and I prayed that the next few days would be it normally would be like a roller coaster after such a high event like this that it would be the opposite and it would be like three days of peace it would look like the calm after the storm where the Holy Spirit is just moving in their lives like never before and speaking destiny and I've read that you give them courage to answer the call that's on their lives sword amen just just in closing I would like to say this as well I was talking with a friend of mine do you guys know who Jonas my room is he's like the ninja ninjas it's like he's like them he's the man and he's so unassuming he's so wise and he's talking about how he met with this doctor because he's he writes as a profession in need for the world he does he's writing trips and yes he wrote like ten thousand reason he was one of the writers on ten thousand reason cornerstone pretty good I'm just gonna yeah some of those kind of songs little songs and um and any he talks about how you know when you're when you're in us and when you're in an intense time of creativity and focus when focus and creativity are together it takes everything out of you it's not like going and mowing your lawn that's a different thing that happens right if I'm a creative and like for me like therapy is getting on a tractor and mow my lawn I like that right if you do that for a living you're like man I want to be creative but you know I'm talking about so when you have a time of intense focus and creativity match it could deplete you and you don't even know it this is the trick you don't even know it you're like why didn't I just wrote a song I just went to this two-week school and I feel highlight right now I feel like I feel energized I'm ready to take on the world but the thing that actually happens chemically and physically to our bodies and our brains is you can actually have a hangover the next day or two after you experience that hi and so he met with the doctor about it the doctor actually said this is an absolute real thing and so what I would say to you is almost like recognizing it is half the battle so just to recognize that the next day or two you might be feeling like some lows and you're like what's going on right now are you my feeling like whatever just to recognize that a lot of that is because you had two weeks of just intense focus and creativity and it's been hopefully inspiring and encouraging but but just to recognize that and one of the best things you can do is you can like drink like green juice and take vitamins I like that I'm talking like my wife now and you can give yourself a break and you can give yourself grace and you can throw yourself into a hobby that you like to do like watch a movie read a book whatever anything you can do to let that part of your brain rest does that make sense everyone in this room this is a life-changing two weeks and you need to recognize it for what it is and leave and so when you get on up that flight I just talked to someone who flew from New Zealand when you get on that flight to wherever just um and don't arrest in a way where you let your guard down do you know what I'm talking about but rest in a way and I think for what one of the things that like so it's starting a conversation with the holy spirit like here's what I'm feeling here's what I'm whatever verbalize it with them and then allow him to kind of fill that space with you but I think it's important because some of the times we can make our worst decisions is right after those high highs those moments with God and I will say this just in closing this is absolute and closing the worst thing that we the worst thing for us would be if you left feeling discouraged or like I could never do that or I feel incapable like like one of the things is we we cram the stage with people that have been doing this their whole lives that are really good at what they do that are writing the songs we're trying to get the best sound we're trying to all these things in some of your like gonna go home to your churches and be like depressed and then some of you're like no I'm Way better than them and that's another that's another issue I think I think he got a word about that like you know like you know the humility thing so but if you're in that place where you're like I just I don't think I could ever be that I've really I just want to encourage you like like you really need to like Jim's saying don't be discouraged be inspired give yourself a lot of grace and a break and and and hopefully leave just happy and full alright does do you want to say anything else we love you so much we're here for you yeah let's worship we're gonna do another song how many of you guys love these guys this morning paulandhannah they've got and I'm I'm not pro Mon I'm just like highlighting they they have their they've got an album that's about to come out and they did a couple of new songs this morning and I'm really I love the new songs and we don't I love about it she they're about to do a song now what I loved about it is it feels like an anointed for worship and I and I love that about worship songs is is a great worship song is something that inspires you to worship right it goes past the cool it goes past the sonic it goes past the ears and it goes into your spirit and I feel like the reflection of God and the reflection of what we're meant to be and do in worship is like kind of personified in this song as they're singing it so let's just go for it all right one more thing before we go into the song some of the hardest-working people in this entire school is our band well you give it up for our musician [Applause] [Music] yeah Jesus we just say thank you thank you for all you've done over the past two weeks yeah just begin to lift your voices [Music] thank you for all the time oh how we love you oh how we love you oh how we love you [Music] sing this with me in the reign of darkness the reign of darkness now is ending in the kingdom of light in the kingdom of I forever under your to me you're the king of mine you're the king of my reign you [Music] Jesus Oh [Music] [Music] just give us new [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're right [Music] you said the darkness right out of order now seated [Music] I spray what you said [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh there is no hard Jesus the earth I saw see how to be everlasting one there is no high [Music] Jesus you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so Lord we ask that you would seal everything in our hearts everything that you've done over these last two weeks in our in our own physical bodies in our in our minds and our spirits in our souls you would seal it up and that you would use it to transform the world around us in Jesus name why don't you give God one more shout of praise and we want to do something for all of you we want to do a prayer tunnel just in their time with a prayer tunnel you guys good with that so if you guys that are up front right here can move back a little bit we're gonna actually [Music] darkness tries to blow my ball
Channel: All God's Music
Views: 179,417
Rating: 4.8937883 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Christianity, God, Jesus, Lord, Christ, Religion, Love, Father, Holy, Holy Spirit, Holy Father, Good Good Father, Life, Great, Great I Am, Perfect, Church, Family, Amazing, Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, Hallelujah, Music, Worship, Worshiper, Worshiping, King, Contemporary Christian, Bethel Music, Bethel, Jenn Johnson, WorshipU, Worship U
Id: 7Gn4kdY6tOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 31sec (8371 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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