ONESIE EATS DURRR BURGER!? (A Fortnite Short Film)

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[Music] hey there be 501 Z would you come from actually where aren't we love asking silly questions be fuss okay all that matters is that there's you I'd be here base boss okay Plan B you don't surf clams beef boss you sucker burgers oh good boy I belong in your beds beef bus fare looking mighty tasty um my buns why do grease them every morning extra sesame seeds my favorite well thanks what's it you know beef bus I wanted to tell you something what's that woodsy it's a secret so I gotta say it real quietly well that's okay it's just you would be anyways okay you ready for the secret beef boss am I ever okay has ever bad to tell you the anticipations killing me all right let's see Wow is that onesie what are you talking about what happened yeah bye Big Boss you better stop sleeping on the job and we're gonna go out of business twice oh well sergeant I was just having the craziest dream I got an order for Table four people are way to go they're very bearish uh okay wait a second why am I taking orders from you I'm the boss the beef boss well somebody's got to keep this place and business I'm hungry you know I'm tired of waiting it's been like an hour how what does it take to cook a stupider burger I know your uncle Pete's pizzeria I'd like to put up with this yeah you're right but I never thought I'd say that Steve yeah era bleating a bad yelp review Wow even I think that's low Steve you think I took it too far definitely whatever bye and we're leaving oh great you happy beef boss we just lost our only customers we had today well sergeant I will court-martial you from this restaurant if you keep talking to me that way oh sorry sir that's right don't forget who your superior officer is if you're a grill sergeant that I'm a beef general all right well this dream was so poor that we lost her customers while you told me what happened oh it was wonderful grill sergeant woodsy was there and she was complimenting my buds jus sorry yeah buy beef buds on my head oh right yeah she was interested in my sesame seeds and it really all just my burger like features ripe resources ever occur to you that ones he likes eating their burgers well yeah she gets one every day yeah what do you say grill sergeant be fast it's pretty cool once he just wants to eat you eat me like I'm some sort of food that's preposterous is it beef boss think about it a girl like 1c is one in a billion far out of your league and she loves eating bear burgers have you ever seen a bigger turbo to the new beef bus well there's the water top of the truck let me do the thinkin you've got both four blades enduring love with it when I buried it received I'm sure that once ago she gonna excel at 48 damn burgers at one afternoon oh geez well if she wanted to eat me she probably would've eat be already well sergeant maybe she's just waiting for the optimal moment to strike or maybe she's letting the meat marinate a little longer this a big boss think about it my shifts over I'm going off you wanna be Boss I gotta get home - wait a second I don't even have a home this is my home [Music] just pick it up my groceries wait what oh whatever oh hey it's tomato head it's a minute Samantha hey just doing some shopping are they getting my brothers but I only eat fruit no that's the best because tomatoes are a vegetable well actually tomato head the babies are a fruit because they have seats in the middle right oh my god sorry to shatter your world view but it's true well at least I'm still alive I would take that as a compliment but you're sad dating you can run but you can't hide big bus I can smell the delicious der burgers proud of Iowa whoa hmm I could just eat all the food people would see what are you talking about you just ate Tobago had a dolly - too big bus or should I say durbur there no I got a damper here I'm a real boy Oh real boy here's one z o 1z please don't eat me I love you oh my goodness what is a big boss what are you doing out here Biff boss is really cold outside oh woodsey I was just you know boss are you sleeping I work well it is my home after all you know you should come to my house I have central heating and condiments confidence yeah mustard ketchup mayonnaise all suffered or burgers really no wait a minute oh I'll order a dog burger you know big buses but acting really strange I should investigate [Music] for a new job hey will sergeant I got a couple of questions for you oh oh oh was it a ploy for a new job I love my job at their burger what and okay yeah I was just going to this place to tell them about how much I love my job there cuz I wanted to know how much I like their burger anyway what were your questions it's about beef bus if he finally doped up on your way to get back with me nice try keep trippin oh maybe another time yes anyway did you say something really weird it won't be awkward I swear I've changed too bad oh don't wait for tricked no gross that a chance I had I'm gonna save me bus oh please God no go baby I love you wow she's really gone she's way far away I'm just talking to myself now I gotta go away from woodsy go somewhere secluded far away from prying eyes where would a perk of B sting over woods with boss where are you you know I can smell you right oh gosh that's way boss true with my human crazy Club out she's onto my stench my beef musk is too potent miss boss I know you're over here only one thing left to do looks like I have the upper hand woodsy the ones eating beef boss today you heard they would you oh you're right woodsy I couldn't hurt you I guess you could just eat me now it's you're about so weird you don't girls are just just messing with you does he so likes me oh he's good court martial for sure if Monsieur dolly would never eat you you're like a sigh did babe that's gross well you know so are cows yeah but they're already dead by the time they become a dur burger oh okay that makes perfect logical sense anyway I feel like you should know I always order the veggie burger the fuzzy what yeah it was like this new thing where they make like a veggie burger the supposedly tastes like me they're supposed to be like really close to like real be but it's not really me yeah that's the one that I get well did I not know about this well this bus maybe if they were sleeping on the job you I know what my orders yeah I've been losing a lot of sleep over this well this bus rest assured I'm not going to eat you well I guess we could go on another date third that would be great as long as you don't eat me oh my god make spots we literally just went over this okay sorry I have an idea of where we kitty oh let me guess [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: NewScapePro 3 - Fortnite Shorts, Films & Skits!
Views: 562,054
Rating: 4.899116 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite battle royale, fortnite short, ONESIE EATS DURR BURGER!? *NEW SEASON 7* - Fortnite Short Films, onesie eats durr burger, onesie falls in love with durr burger, onesie and durr burger, beef boss, onesie, onesie and beef boss fall in love, durr burger secret recipe, onesie and durr burger love story, onesie and beef boss, season 7, fortnite new skins, fortnite season 7 skins, fortnite short film, fortnite movie, fortnite backstory, fortnite shorts, short film
Id: XJ_Bua-9aEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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