NEW *GLITCHING* INSIDE the Mothership UFO in Fortnite!

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send me up come on oh my god i can see the entrance tape me up oh my god it worked in today's video i have one mission one mission only to get inside the mothership ufo is it possible you're asking of course it is we'll be doing it in this video damn straight we are getting inside but the question is why do we want to enter there are so many mysteries about this mothership ufo still left undiscovered and we know thanks to leak that this mothership has got things inside it and will be changing throughout the season if you're excited to see what's inside the mothership hit that thumbs up button we've got loads of glitches and fun things to test to get inside it it's gonna be crazy first things first can you simply build up to this thing it is so big it is so huge if you look at the mini map you can literally see it casting a shadow oh no we've reached maxed height and for a first attempt it's not bad but we're gonna need to try better a hugely vital part of what we're about to do is going to involve the brand new mini ufos these things are not only ridiculously op but have a lot of glitches or allow us to literally get inside the mothership to make sure it's still working no one epic games haven't patched it because you know what they're like we're gonna try and get to spawn island inside this ufo if we can get to spawn island we know that what we're about to attempt can be successful so let's give this a go i put out a theory the beginning of the season that the ufo will continue to travel over the whole of the island until the whole thing is cast in a shadow by the mother ship and that is set to happen that's not all leakers have found in-game information and files about the mother ship which also ties back to the beginning trailer this season letting us know not only will the center of the ufo mothership but all the other little doors you can see scattered around underneath it they will actually start to do things the center of the ship will actually start to pick players up bringing them inside the mother ship where exclusive loot can be found and the outer doors in the mother ship oh the glitch is working if we can get to the spawn island this is a fantastic sign and the glitches have not been patched you may remember we've used boats in the past but ufos work so easily they just break through any invisible barriers and yes you can even pick up a battle bus on spawn island now that we know the ufo can pass those invisible barrels we're going to be returning to max height this time with the ufo as we build back up to max height all of those smaller doors that you're seeing on the underside of the ufo will start to release more ufos of a size bigger than the ones that are currently on the map but obviously smaller than the one that we're seeing above us so getting inside these stores early that we want to do will give us tons of information about what's going to happen next now bringing the ufo up to this max high point we're gonna try something a little bit funky what we're gonna do is float above this build and once we've floated i'm gonna jump out and then shoot it down i know this sounds a little bit crazy and once i've shot it down i need to stand underneath it oh take me to the mothership it worked it worked that is a test i needed to undergo making sure that we're glitched with semi shooting up in the air now what do we need to do we need to use our big brains i wonder if this rocket would hit the ship let's fire it off to make what we've just done even bigger and better we need to go ahead and get things like chili's things that make us move faster changing the gravitational field on this fortnight map to make it crazy till we fly even further and even higher honestly even if that rocket did hit the mother ship i don't think they'd even notice i've got myself hop floppers spicy fish and we are ready to try us out another time and see if we can get inside we're gonna repeat the same process fly as high as we possibly can get out of the ship which fortunately doesn't give you any full damage i'm gonna go ahead and eat this quickly shoot it down make sure it lands on my head okay get ready ready ready get ready hit me why am i wearing the ufo as a headpiece this is the last life this ufo has i need to make this count all right jumping out i'm going to fully commit i'm eating this i'm eating the spicy fish i'm gonna go ahead and shoot it all the way down gotta make sure it lands in my head set me up oh molly take me to the mothership it's not enough but it has yeeted me i have gathered more resources and made a very important change take a look at this oh yes i have got in-game rebooted and set the gravity to be on asteroid level giving us loads more momentum whilst trying these glitches to shoot us even further into the sky i'm genuinely so excited to see what's inside this giant thing i'm also making a big tweak i'm gonna try and be directly underneath the bottom side of the ufo if possible to line this up so perfectly that if it goes right oh we can reach max height already okay okay so if it goes right we'll be shot up straight into the center of the mothership just as people will be getting lifted up into the air and sucked in in the near future at some point in this season i'm hoping it lets us get that far i've got max materials or had max matures but they are slowly depleting this is no easy mission at all geez i have actually gone really far i've not hit any invisible barriers quite yet although it's very possible that it could happen we are in unknown territory right now my god i'm out of materials we need more materials but we are so close i can almost see the inside i've got more matures i've got a backup selection of hop floppers i've got the ufo itself although i may have made a very grave mistake and i'm actually quite scared i need to land this ufo and get out of it you know what no no no i'm going to fully commit i'm going to go all the way and then attempt to get out without falling all the way into the ocean otherwise i will literally cry i'm not joking if i get out and i fall oh my god the ship looks okay okay i've got to make a platform here i've got to make a safety platform for our ship ladies and gentlemen if my calculations are correct when i look up and look how far i come when i look up we should be directly underneath the ufo have we made it [Music] i can't quite believe it's allowed us to even build this far we must make a safety platform for our own ufo which is vital all right this is looking good we can do a little bit of nerd maths here if we stand directly underneath the middle of ufo and then tag the underside that's 1 500 meters away that means that half the length of the ufo is 1500 meters the ufo is 3 000 meters wide it is absolutely gigantic guys this is it this is it asteroid gravity on a ufo with three lives we've got three hop floppers and three attempts to get inside so send us some good luck hit that thumbs up button i am extremely nervous i've just realized something i'm not high enough i need to go lower i don't believe it so this is very stressful but i need to build down so i can get 50 meters up with the ufo because i'm too hot i don't believe it if i mess this [Music] we're fine we're fine ufo's fine everything's fine everything's everything's fine everything's absolutely fine it's a slight malfunction in our plans [Music] it's fine i'm back again guys let's go down a little bit here guys i need to get more materials are you kidding me this is so much harder than i thought it'd be okay i think now we're finally ready i had to do all of that work so that we can hover at least 50 meters above the ground there we go 51 i'm gonna jump out i believe this end part this part is the bit that needs to hit me so let's eat this let's get shooting come on come on ladies and gentlemen hit that the spaceship just made a noise tell me you heard that the spaceship just made a noise it knows what i'm doing it surely knows what i'm doing oh here we go come on send me up send me up send me up come on oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm still going up i can see the entrance tape me up come on oh my god it worked we were that close we were that close to going directly into the ufo we were so close yet so far however i've got one more glitch up my sleeve this sounds ridiculous but hear me out we're gonna fly as high as we possibly can with this spaceship now we know this spaceship can break the edges of the fortnight map barriers that we are not meant to enter thanks to gki his incredible glitches he says that simply flying to the edge of the map in the spaceship will glitch you past the invisible barriers of the edges of the fortnight realms and send you straight in to the mother ship itself oh my god oh my god we're in first person mode we're glitching we're going we're going somewhere this could be it i can't see what i'm doing i don't know where i am am i in the mothership yet i'm just gonna keep on heading in the direction i was going if my ufo breaks or if i fall now it's all over oh any other sane man would have given up by now but us oh no we are making sure that we are getting inside this thing we are so close so many failed attempts but this is the one i know it is we are not going to be attempting the hop flopper attempt it's too risky it doesn't quite send us high enough i'm going to be re-trying to glitch out the edge of the map and reappear back in the ship but you may be thinking aly you've just done that it did not work i did it wrong i glitched so far off the edge of the map i hit the physical barrier where you cannot go beyond it literally takes you out as you saw what i need to actually do is re-enter first-person mode there we go there we go i then apparently need to turn back towards the map and it should have bumped me up a level hold on i'm doing it but my battery's so low dude i'm i'm army no i'm so close i'm so close to the mothership when you're in first person mode i believe your height can go up more hit the like button we are about to enter the mothership higher than any man has ever been oh my gosh we finally made it inside the mothership we can have a look at the central system of the mothership all the doors will be opening up later on this season i don't know how much more time i have got it's recharging we're chilling baby look at this a very first look at the inside of what is going to be happening to get a better look at this we can literally see me entering the inside of the ship in replay mode all of these areas are built they've got textures they're going to be opening up and later on in this season if the leaks are correct we'll be sucked up into this mother ship to access an area never seen before with loot never been accessible before guys we did it i wasn't sure if it was gonna be possible but we made it inside the mothership ufo more videos on screen here thank you everyone for using code alia click another video to keep on watching i'll see you over there
Channel: Ali-A
Views: 461,742
Rating: 4.9282808 out of 5
Id: agjVvxr1mns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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