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[Music] my name is paul i fly airplanes for a living but my passion is encouraging you to explore this beautiful world by giving you a glimpse into my layover life if you follow me on instagram or tech talk you might know that i upgraded to captain at the end of last year which has been a great new job it's the same cities and the same airplane that i've been flying but it has come with a new set of responsibilities which has been really fun however it has come with a hit and seniority instead of being a really senior first officer and getting all the trips and days off that i want i'm now a junior captain which means i'm on reserve we have three types of reserve long call reserve field standby and short call reserve long call is a 12 hour call out which means that i have to be able to get to newark airport which is where i'm based within 12 hours most of the time that means i can sit at home in minneapolis field standby means you're sitting at the airport so i have to fly in from minneapolis to newark and sit at the airport the third type of reserve we have is called short call and that's what i'm on today i'm on day one of six days of reserve i start a short call at 10 pm tonight and that goes until noon tomorrow and if they call me i have two and a half hours to get to the airport so i can't sit in minneapolis i have to be in basically newark i could be anywhere within two and a half hours i'm choosing to be at an airport hotel here in newark and at 10 pm tonight they can call me and i'll have two and a half hours to get to the airport will they call where am i going to go that's all up to them it's kind of like a choose yarn adventure book except crew scheduling is the one making the decision my invitation for you is to join me for six days as a reserve airline pilot and i'm hoping we can squeeze in an adventure somewhere might be in europe could be in hawaii could be in los angeles but i'm hoping we'll get to do something fun and you'll get to see what life as a reserve airline pilot looks like before 10 o'clock rolls around i need to get my uniform ironed and grab some food then the waiting game begins let's go [Music] campus in order to pick up please yeah uh some barbecue wings and a side house salad and a sparkling water thank you gopros are notorious for running out of battery fast but they are making strides if you've seen this battery this is the white gopro battery this was designed specifically to give you better longer battery life in cold weather well it is officially 10 o'clock and i am on short call my ipad is charged my manuals are up to date and all i got to do now is wait for them to call until then i'm going to get some rest good night [Music] well good morning no calls last night which means they're probably not going to use me today because since i've been on duty since 10 o'clock last night there's not really a lot they could do with me i could maybe go to florida or denver or chicago maybe but it's not really likely so the plan now is that i can pick up a trip for tomorrow and this automatic thing it goes through the computer um right now there's three trips in open time tomorrow a three-day london a three-day porto and a four-day athens just went into open time so i'm gonna wait till 11 o'clock let the computer do its thing and hopefully i'll get a good trip [Music] i just got a text that i picked up a trip london all right well that's not bad so now i go to london tomorrow at eight in the morning and have a honestly over 33 hours it's pretty good then i get back to newark at around noon on whatever three days from now which today is my second day of reserve to probably my third day so that'll bring me into day five and since you have to have 24 hours off after an international trip that basically kind of gives me the sixth day six day off because they can't really use me after that so sweet all right back to this workout [Music] after my workout i got caught up in some computer-based training i had to get done and later in the day watch some of my favorite youtubers before calling it a night the flight to london started like most trips i met the crew in the flight planning area where we talked about the flight plan and the weather we also called our dispatcher for a briefing after we headed to the plane i briefed the flight attendants the relief pilot did the pre-flight walk-around while the first officer and i got the cockpit ready to go then we all briefed the departure which includes our plan for a rejected takeoff an engine failure and even windshear after the gate agent brought us our final paperwork we got our push back clearance and we're off to london united 934 heavy went one zero zero to four runway two three rider whiskey cleared four takeoff [Music] just like that we have arrived in london and i tell you what i've done this early morning departure to london a few times where you take off from newark at nine in the morning you arrive in london at nine at night and it's so nice to arrive here and just feel normal you haven't been on a red eye all night and you can get a good night's rest and then go have a full day tomorrow that's what we have a full day tomorrow and then we leave early the next day i've got a tour book tomorrow which i'm pretty excited about until then we're gonna go grab some food and some drinks and you're gonna want to stick around for tomorrow i'll see you then [Music] after sleeping in this morning i've taken the tube over to north greenwich and i'm currently standing in front of the o2 arena it was originally built in the year 2000 and it used to be called the millennium dome it was an ode to time built 356 meters across there's 12 masts at the top of it and it's 52 meters high the 52 meters high part is where today's adventure comes in i'm gonna be hiking to the roof of the arena it's called the up at the o2 experience it should be pretty cool as a little trivia knowledge this is built right on zero degrees longitude which is where zulu time or greenwich meantime comes in if you're a pilot you know what that means this is where it starts it's pretty neat um so just a couple minutes from now and i'll be strapping on a harness and we're headed up to the roof we have arrived at the top it's quite a quick trip probably 10 to 15 minutes maybe and you get up here it's a 360 degree view of the whole city it's absolutely incredible [Music] what a great way to see london thanks to the staff at up at the o2 they did a great job and super helpful helping me film a little bit i'm gonna go grab some dinner real quick and then we have a super early wake-up call there's something i want to show you on the airplane tomorrow so stay tuned for that welcome to the pilot crew rest area on the boeing 767 unlike the triple 7 and 787 which have a bunk room with beds we have a live flat seat that's cordoned off from the rest of the cabin the brakes on a long flight are split evenly between the pilots this flight from london to newark for example was seven hours long since all three pilots are in the cockpit for the takeoff climb descent and landing that left about six hours of break time so each pilot had a two hour break after watching my favorite show and a quick nap it was time to head back up to the cockpit for landing [Music] [Applause] [Music] after arrival into newark i said goodbye to the passengers gave a quick cockpit tour to one of our future pilots named lily and then went over to the next available minneapolis flight [Music] the next flight home was a delta flight which was full so i waited around to see if any seats opened up but ultimately i did not make it which surprisingly doesn't happen very often there was another united pilot ahead of me another minneapolis commuter named karen and she got there before me and that's kind of how it works you get there first and then you get to go so if it being spring break it's not that uncommon to miss a flight but you know it's just part of the deal so i have about an hour before the next flight which is the united flight leaves and there's like three seats open on that and i'm number one on the waitlist so that should work out i should get a seat and be home in time for dinner how you doing good [Music] [Music] see you guys [Applause] [Music] [Music] it is just after 10 o'clock in the morning which means i'm officially no longer on call although since i came in from london yesterday and you need 24 hours off after an international trip there's nothing they could have done with me anyway today so last night i got to have dinner with my family this morning i drove my kids to school had coffee with a friend and i'm just about to pull into the gym here so now i've got six days off if you count today and then i start another six days of being on call next week where am i gonna go that's up to crew scheduling but uh hit the subscribe button and uh you can join me in my next layover we'll see you then [Music] do [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] hey [Music]
Channel: My Layover Life
Views: 1,107,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one week in the life of an airline pilot, reserve life as a pilot, on call airline pilot, my layover life, day in the life of an airline pilot, life of an airline pilot, life of a flight attendant, up at the O2, life as an airline pilot, one week as a pilot, what no one tells you about being a pilot, behind the scenes as a pilot, airline pilot BTS, life on the road, airline pilot life, pilot life, flight attendant life, a day in my life as a pilot, a day in my life
Id: xh1pIO7AFBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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