Day In The Life of a Private Jet Pilot

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what's up everyone this is the video you've all been waiting for welcome to a day in my life as a corporate Pilot Flying The Gulfstream G4 today we're flying from Van Nuys to Salt Lake City for the concert I'm super excited to bring you along on this one it should be a really fun one I'm here in the hotel waiting for Tommy to come pick me up and then we're gonna head out to the airplane get things fired up so uh let's hit the road that'd be crazy tonight let's go I'm so excited for this one guys it's gonna be insane let's do it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] do the AP fire test all right we're going to turn on the Apu by turning on the master and we're going to wait for the uh low oil pressure light to come on that means the Apu Inlet door is open once that comes on we're going to hit the over speed button that's to test the shutoff feature of the Apu the Apu shuts off when the RPM over speeds so uh the light goes out that's a good check we're going to give it a little bit let it reset turn the master back on and once the light comes on we're going to fire up the Apu Apu where you use the left main tank There She Goes wait for uh our pins come all the way up and then we'll transfer the power source from the batteries to the APU like that so boom aux power's on we're no longer just charging from the batteries the AP Supply and the power to the airplane and turn on the rest of the instruments so cabin Galley Masters all our displays we can come turn on the irs's fms's that's it that's how you turn on the G4 cage the attitude indicator still got my mark in this plane had to do it this is cool so let's just call our display controller the display controller there's a lot of things that can control what comes up on the screen so for example I have the engine start page up I can change it to the break page tells you all the brake temperatures stuff like that it's to the Hydraulics so you do a lot and then with the map page I'm going to come here and change it to vectors on the Wind so it'll tell me what the winds are doing and yeah do all sorts of cool stuff on here coming down here we can initialize the fms's so load the positions on both sides and obviously they flew at night last we could brighten those all the way there we go and let those come up in the meantime Let's uh let's go check out the back coming back here to the cabin we don't have a flight to numbness bird so we're responsible for everything back here making sure the seat belts all look nice there's ice and drinks and snacks everything's the way it should be so we do all that I'm gonna request some ice I'm going to load the snack box everything fix all the seat belts just make it look presentable back here belts make those look all nice no flight attendant you guys wanted a day in the life you got it this is it it's glamorous all right we'll come outside here do a little walk around what's up it's one of my homies so here she is in all her glory the beauty [Music] foreign [Music] back in the cockpit this is what our flight plan looks like we're gonna take this and input it into the FMS so first thing we're going to do load our destination so we're going k-s-l-c put that there drag it down we're gonna go to departure we're departing up 1 6 right this morning and looking at our flight plan it is the Ares 4 so we're going to load that and we have the Las Vegas transition upload that activate it now keep in mind this is just preliminary we're still waiting for our IFR clearance that we're going to get in about a half hour on and then we're gonna go through and enter the rest of the waypoints after Las Vegas so I'm going to load that real quick and I'll catch you guys after all right so I'm currently up here monitoring the fueling just making sure they're balanced I'm currently only feeding feeding the left one because the uh right side's a little heavier so I've got it closed up here once they're balanced I'll turn it back on so uh just monitoring the feeling making sure everything is uh in balance and uh coming up the way it should now that they're balanced the way I want it to I can come back up here open the shut off and now it'll feed fuel in the belt takes here's some of the functional checks on the G4 so this is the fire test we're looking for eight lights so we got two on the button three four five six seven and eight that lights up on the fuel so that's a good test eight lights and then we have a checklist that pops up so we can just exit it there that's a good test we do the other side working for eight lights as well it's a good test we're gonna be clear to the Salt Lake City Airport areas four departure Las Vegas transition has filed maintained four thousand expect play level four one zero and one zero minutes after departure parch frequency one two four point six and squat two zero two six okay we're clear Salt Lake City Airport the harrysport departure Las Vegas has filed four thousand four one zero and ten twenty six four or twenty four six and three zero two six zero number zero miss here the beacons uh 20 26 2026 thrust read back plus correct ground point seven protective Good Foot all right thank you two zero two six zero all right there's our clearance so we're gonna finish put that into the FMS and we're ready to go so we got the flight plan all in now this is how we get our performance data so it calculates all our view speeds for us which is really nice we just have to put in the information so we're going to be cruising at 41 000 feet the winds are 219 at 50. put that in here at 41 000 feet we're gonna have five passengers and 200 pounds of cargo let it compute and the current winds here are 150 at 11. it's already got the temperature in there that all looks good and here's our numbers so we're gonna like that and here's RV speeds they also come up this is my controller so that's it color speeds we got our clearance we got our altitude and I'm all done up here we're ready for a flight and the last thing we need is passengers so I'm not going to film any of the startup or the takeoff I'll say that for another video so I'll meet you guys up front at Cruise we'll talk with Tommy a little bit more about this unique operation how we got to this point in our careers all that good stuff so uh we'll catch you guys at Cruise [Music] all right guys up here at Cruise G4 unfortunately we left a little later than we were hoping so excuse the darkness up here with Tommy this is the guy that got me introduced to the whole Gulfstream world so shout out this guy and we got the sharpest tell the feet to go by the way so uh we're on our way up right now Cruise LT 37 000 feet got the radisscope out in the whole game right now um honestly I couldn't do half the stuff that I do without it but a lot of people don't realize is that Owen is actually a lot more experience if he has a lot more flight hours than I do and um so when I needed somebody that could fit the bill fly an airplane with no inner uh no uniforms and go around the world and do all the crazy stuff at concerts and you know awesome dinners and meetings I wouldn't want anybody else by my side of these kids in absolute Rockstar I'm so lucky to have him thank you for flying with me this is so rad thanks for having me so speaking of that no uniforms this is a pretty this not your average corporate pilot gig you want to elaborate on how lucky we are to have such an awesome account yeah I mean as far as uh corporate stuff goes this is pretty much a great job I mean as you can see obviously the no uniform thing we were on a really relatively loose schedule when we're going to go somewhere the owner of this airplane calls me asks me what time I would like to leave uh the next day versus you know telling me to be at the airport at a certain time no we don't get shuttled off to the Holiday Inn we stay at you know four and five star resorts with them and again you know all the concerts or other events they have going on we're allowed to take place it's super awesome they're very inclusive so we have a really solid gig and again that's why I couldn't have your typical you know no offense of the golf Street Pilots out there I couldn't have your typical Gulfstream guy out there I need you know young fresh blood that can keep up and hang and oh it does a spectacular job of it cool yeah I know it works out we make a good team up here everybody treats everybody like family so it's a good gig I'm blessed to be here a lot of cool places so uh try and share some of that within the future but uh today we're going to beautiful Salt Lake City should be fun it's gonna be a good one good show tonight Hometown show tonight you guys are gonna love this one we'll catch you guys Consulting to be on the ground um we're running a little late so we're gonna rush to the show oh right Salt Lake City [Music] he's doing the pins real quick and we're out of here [Music] all right so we're in the car Tommy's My Chauffeur tonight straight through that back door and straight backstage that's how we roll over here [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow crazy concert Salt Lake City turning up we're here at the after party at the venue I'm underground right now in some green room but uh we're gonna head up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Fly With Owen
Views: 1,205,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eiM0sauF43s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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