Professional Pilot Baffled by Controller's Actions

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welcome back to popping guini my name is Ryan I've got a really fun one for you guys today we're here in danget which is an incredible Airship just look at that back there amazing 10% slope going downhill 1% going back uphill to take off and then just drops off to the valley absolutely gorgeous beautiful weather here but where I'm heading nadzab just behind those mountains over there it's not so great weather in fact I'll be shooting the approach getting in there I just flew over it maybe about half hour ago and it's mult M layers all the way down to the ground I think it said broken 500 with 3,000 M visibility which is a little bit less than right around two miles I think actually so with rain so I've got some peanuts getting out of here and that's it let's get going all right let's go ahead and get started it's only about a 10-minute flight as the crow flies right NG is up to 24% oil pressure is coming in now and fuel flow is coming back up where it needs to and it is top out at 673 oh you guys can see I'm kind of on a side slope right now I need to get lined up quickly that's why I straightened up my nose wheel earlier so that I can just go straight and then line up in the middle of the runway our prop comes in we'll get moving over there as quickly as we can it's above the green almost there we go now let's go ahead and line up without hitting my wing tip on my right Hill over there almost not perfect but close enough all right it is really great weather here really great and it's really crummy weather just on the other side of these mountains to the left of me so before we head over there I'm going to go ahead and bring open all of my charts that I need so that I'm not struggling to get that all done in a minute got 1281 for the weather 121 for Tower 1186 for the approach and we're going to do I'm going to ask him I it's Runway 27 I'm going to ask him 09er so let's it's not that busy this morning I don't think down there and it would be way more advantageous for me to do 0 Niner I'm going to come in let's go ahead and just put direct two and I'm going to get my procedure select the approach let's just put in 0 Niner for now and we're going to go in as West Fe 590 once I get the q& actually let's go temp comp down to 590 and it was 25 when I checked 25 we'll put that in we'll get it here in a minute as well so let's just put barrel for now in case I don't get the weather or the um actual temperature so let's do 590 we're going to load it there we go our fuel is on our selectors are good our toss is turned off let's get our trims Mor be 5565 November Tingo kilo taxi or 5565 November 10 kilo let try another one be 61 November 10 go kilo taxi going up to 9,000 ups are 20 trims are good we'll go ahead and go through our briefing here um really the first cone down the hill is going to be my safer board point if I need to stop it's full reverse heavy breaking I'm going off I'm just going to go off to the right towards the windw cut off pull off and shut off Mer's masch crack my door after takeoff we're going to pitch for 85 knots down the valley to the right considering EPL considering that doesn't work cut up pull up and shut off em bures Mas crack my door all stations D to 239 no kilo taxi D for n up lights are all good ignition condition 20 Fuel and harnesses go ahead she's not going to get back with me so I'll call her back later Nation condition FL 20 Fuel and harnesses 5, 25° out 1480 all right let's go rotate at 56 1380 looks like it's going to a little more lots of right Rudder there we go air speed's alive really bouncy today my goodness we're just going to go ahead and pitch on over get our flaps up so we can get our best ready to climb get out of here and get on up to 9 or th000 so we get over top of these mountains here we're 5,000 now it is a little high let's bring it back to 740 over 90 let's go 10° a nice shallow gentle right hand turn so we can just make one one revolution and then get right over top of these mountains Mor be 861 November Tango Kil departure no Tango Kil November Tango kilo departed d n time 15 will be tracking 168 on climb 900,000 amended 900,000 estimating nadap time at 279,000 stand by might not have to go 900,000 but you guys can see here my first section of the approach is 6,900 ft so I'm going to come down here and select those they've got a line under them and all the way up to the Final Approach fix I can basically select them which gives me my vertical um descent rate so basically I can hit this little button here and it will tell me what I need to do my vertical speed Target to get to that point when I want to get there check the weather once we get past these mountains behind me I can't get the weather yet because they're too high up and it's all VHF but we do know that q& was 1010 about 45 minutes ago there 867 Center control space track r at 350 radio n at 9,000 CLE control air space 350 radio at 900,000 November Tang number K [Laughter] Milas adds up approach five no kill all right well we're going to get over top of these it's looking a lot Bluer over there with a lot less clouds up high so maybe it's been burnt off in the past 45 minutes I'd be surprised it was forecasting it not to be spring open our approach just in case request call to two mil net approach no kilo we are showing 25 miles at this point thead go starting to get this weather [Applause] 400 ft overcast 5,000 ft visability reach 5,000 m in light showers and to operations and first Contact now control8 dis or not that tower on 121 de 7 a information [Applause] data Delta now scattered 400 if you couldn't hear that scattered 400 overcast 5,000 5,000 m in Rain Delta temperature 25 2.24 1011 let's switch this to 1011 now as well as our secondary standby at this point we can hit timer reference come on down here to Barrow switch that to Temp comp and put 25 and it brings us down another 13 ft whoopy Doo selectors on our TOS we're going over this mountain right now so it'll beep at me here in a second so I'll wait to do that add Z approach no Vango kilo transfer Vango kilo next up approach good morning November take a kilo 2 2 miles to the Northwest now 9,600 on descent 900,000 with information Delta if you're not too busy requesting to shoot the gnss 0 [Applause] ninero kilo continue approach report again 15 correction 1 miles you can expect the r of approach for Runway 0 Nina expect uh jss for 0 Niner reporting in one Z miles and I'll be heading for the ini appr West Fe no M November Tango kilo correction from present position track direct to Westby report is track position to West report established November okay here we go we're going to activate the approach Romeo report your distance down to 900,000 down 6,900 here in a second 6,200 on descent figure out and we are approaching uh Echo India at time 24 we're just going to go ahead and flip our terrain on make sure our toss is enabled to popping up on here Westby 6900 with a left hand turn we're going to hold 6900 or no correction we're going to immediately go down to 3,300 by whiskey India hold that for a little bit past it up to 4.4 miles till we get to the Final Approach fix then we're going to head on down on the uh Glide slope this is an rnav V naav so it's going to give me vertical guidance all the way down like an ILS it has little yellow boxes on here that are a little more stringent I have to stay within 75 ft basically 75 ft above and below Tango kilo Des to 6,900 descent 6,900 November kilo no Tango kilo I say again descent to 6,900 cleared for the arap approach Runway 09 now desend to 6,900 clear for the I or the arnab 0 Niner approach activate that looks like about 400 that's good enough let's go on down at 400 ft per minute vertical speed and altitude select confirm at 6,900 ft 6900 ft next is 3,300 ft we do lights and Inlet now as much as we can before we have to get in there and land and on this one if we have to go around Mist we're going to track direct ahead to Whiskey Hotel turn right once we get there track 124 to larid back up to 7600 from then onto gooka because we will not try it again I've got extra fuel today cuz I knew that the weather was going to be crummy here in nadzab so I fueled up or all the way back to gooka with my VFR minimums so Landing back in with at least an hour is worth of fuel this is looking good right here I'm going to be arriving just before then about 3 miles before I get up to westf I'm going to start slowing down pop four 10° of flaps 110 knots for my Approach it's nice that they're letting me fly in this way even though the main Runway is kilo cancel AR have approach clearance report established W see report established Westby no K okay never mind I'm not cleared for it probably just want to make sure cuz there's a there's probably maybe an airplane that wants to get out of here or something like that so I don't know we're at 140 now we've talked about that prop and harness we'll get harness we've got prop to go I've got 9 miles to go before I make a left hand turn 3 minutes once it's 3 miles is when I'm going to start slowing down but then again we've got also we're going to be turning a little bit earlier so let me go ahead and turn it down to five for now good decision to fly the approach pretty crummy when I came in I I could potentially maybe maybe get in there a different way but it would have been marginal VFR and that just increases your risk so it's just safer I've got the fuel to just shoot the approach today and with it saying it was scattered 400 overcast 5,000 that means I'll be breaking out of here probably pretty soon yeah I'm already starting to see kind of down and it does look like below 5,000 it doesn't look nearly as thick about ready to turn actually so I'm going to go ahead and start slowing down now preemptively I don't shoot approaches very often so as much time and space as I can give myself the [Applause] better November Tang kilo report your position 5 miles to run Westby November kilo Tango kilo Ro descent to 6,900 cleared for the r approach Runway 0 ner report again whiskey India good desend 6,900 clear for the r na 09er approach for again whiskey [Applause] India slowing down to an indicated of 110 knots I'm going to go 10° of flaps here in just a second in 10 seconds so let's go 10° of flaps now that'll help me slow down yeah I'm seeing all the way to the ground now I'm guessing that it's uh it'll break Out Below 5,000 like I said so that's fine with me some light rain showers and adad up for all of my loading yay there's 110 we're at 610 we're in descent Tango kilo correction report over West V established on the 086 radio over Westy this time turning inbound no [Applause] K we need only about 254 November Tango kilo cleared for finals for the approach of Correction for kilo correction confirm you established on the 086 radio from a firm established on the 086 radial no kilo must be now Kil clear for finals the approach Runway 0 n contact to1 decimal 7 whiskey India set for finals on the rv0 N contact Tower at Whiskey India no from she probably is new that's my guess it's all right Kil just confirm your distance uh uh 16 miles thato had to increase to 1,000 ft per minute to make sure I get to my 3,300 ft by whiskey India that's where I contact Tower or remain at 3,300 ft until I established on the Glide slope once it switches over here it says GPS terminal I'm going to once it switches over to um whiskey India I'm going to go ahead and hit approach on my autopilot that's going to let it know that it needs to fly the actual approach up and harness gear and Landing to go everything else is done probably land with 20° of [Applause] flaps a little bit of power so I can get back up to my 110 indicated even if I break out I'll still fly all the way down like I would anyway a little bit Fast Five over so just pulling that power to Slow Me Down miles to run to Whiskey [Applause] India I'm going to maintain that 3,300 ft until I intercept the Glide slope he my Glo slope has come in and I'm just going to make sure that I hit my altitude once I get to 3,300 I don't want to put it in my vertical speed altitude select because it will start leveling me off too soon so I'm just going to have my hand right here so I do not forget cuz I will forget I have to add a little bit of power for a [Applause] second break out a little bit between the layers there's 35 we're going to go ahead and hit altitude select to level us off add a little bit of power look crummy [Applause] visibility towerer whiskey India this time good morning Runway [Applause] 09 all right I had to hit my altitude select just to join in with my Glide slope CU it was not but now it is it's green it's going down now in the boxes hey our Mist was back up to 7600 ft I'm going to go ahead and put 7600 ft right here there we go hey we're autopilot nav approach GP or correction Glide slope getting in there though turn off our terrain now it's too much of a distraction for me here we go been cleared to land we've got flaps to go 20 degrees more [Applause] yet i' say yeah scattered to Broken 500 light rain and poor visibility not seeing the runway yet if we don't see the runway by our Miss then we'll go Miss Straight Ahead hotel and I'm going to do the flight out of here back up to yaan this is this is the last flight down to nadzab this is a great day you guys I forgot to mention that this is actually a really great day the last flight for the allocation for those three house builds for some missionaries and yaan very exciting day because I think between Brad and I we've done close to 100 flights into nadzab since January so I haven't really mentioned that a lot but that's where 99% of my flights have been going and I've been struggling to show you guys other places so yeah this is a good day a lot a lot a lot a lot of flight into there hey yellow box is going to be coming in just a second 3 two one boxes should come up there we go now it's even poor visibility 5 miles to go we've been cleared to land all the way down to 577 so let's say 580 visibility yeah I'd say two miles not a headwind our mist is basically just before the runway quarter mile I think I'm seeing the runway I don't see any lights yet but I think that's the runway 1,500,000 to [Applause] go I cannot tell if that oh there it is looking in the wrong area oh 1,300 ft or so it's not bad clouds are definitely a lot lower over here over top of the uh the runway though let's autopilot off for sure going to make it just fine we'll put in 20° of flaps here in just a minute once we get a little bit closer we do have a plane that was wanting to take off here shortly I think he was taxiing down so really do like when approaches work or at least get you in where you need to he's just getting to the end of the run right now so perfect [Applause] timing 500 right 680 yeah man just 100 ft above minimums really where the clouds are so minimums minimums pull my power out a little bit early I'll probably float cuz I'm going way faster than I need to be about 50 knots faster and checklist is complete I float past the th000 foot unless I really get out the power still going to float by it m India line up rway 09er report ready line up 09 report ready India I wish all the airports New Guinea had lights on the runway that's pretty nice oh if you guys enjoyed that approach the video a thumbs up I've done another approach in here just like a two weeks ago a week ago all the way down to Minimus as well so crummy weather here that's for sure look how little wood we have left if you guys saw how much wood we had to begin with let me see if I can find a picture of that it was uh a whole stack of wood that's for sure took us four months to fly it all up in there all right well stay to the end I'm going to do a time lapse getting out of here back to [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oo [Music] oo oo w [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 240,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: papua new guiena, flight vlog, missionary bush pilot, bush pilot, kodiak, mission aviation, MAF, ethnos 360, aviation, flying, vlog, crazy, insane, landing, takeoff, cockpit, pilot, bush, cessna 172, cessna, kodiak 900, kodiak 100, cockpit view, bad weather, flying a jet, STOL, IFR, becoming a pilot, Career in aviation, Travel, ATC, ATC audio, Flight vlog, flight simulator, flight sim game play, game play, FS, FS2020, flight sim, international flight, solo
Id: AbCwKo3wB-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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