Passenger Kicked Off My Flight

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I can't purposely delay the flight I would never do that but if it delays five hours I get a bunch of extra money so I'm kind of hoping for a delay Airline typically have these guaranteed days off and I don't really ever use them now I'm commercialing down to Brazil in Sao Paulo five hours is what I need Lounge here is not my normal Lounge because I bought the ticket through Delta pretty fancy let me see if they let me into the Delta Lounge I don't know we're about to find out I appreciate it pause it's crowded I usually like to eat in those lounges before I get in the plane because if I eat a lot on those flights and then try to go to sleep doesn't work the food was actually really good I think some other people are coming in where y'all headed to New York nice Brazil yeah Sao Paulo you've been on there maybe one day it's good to go safe bike thanks guys girlfriend was talking to me but look at his face again it just was not not excited at all that his girlfriend was so excited I was going to Brazil I'm gonna get out of my undercover costume so I can get on the plane I always think it's funny if you're in uniform people how they react and interact with you is a lot different I'm a little confused that girl was so friendly to me not knowing that I was a pet normally the way she was interacting with me is how people interact with you when you're a pilot know it's kind of strange but let's go get this flight [Music] I'm going to teach you guys all how this all goes down because every every airline in every country is different on this Airline they'll give you this thing a seat protector so it's like a hygiene thing you put it like that um let's see this is the goodie bag which that's the outside maybe that's fashionable now I don't know it looks atrocious to me typical socks which I told you a complete trash ear plugs this thing which honestly looks used oh hand cream it's all in Portuguese towelette a coupon which always comes in handy mid-flight the tiniest thing of Colgate you could possibly find a toothbrush but I've already brushed my teeth because I'm such a good little boy lip balm I won't keep any of this stuff they're terrible oh and then they got slippers seems like an extra thing and I already have to carry a full video and audio set with me everywhere I go well there's obviously nothing to watch on there which is fine because I need to go to sleep anyway and of course I'll be continuing to look to see if the flight's delayed or not I'll keep you updated let's get going we just got to go back in to the okay that's never a good sign apparently but it's not behave anymore Captain just came out now let's see to make sure that the guy gets off the flight man I wish I could show you all this stuff okay to close the door back up again so I guess now we're gonna go it's already night times [Music] all right well I think getting my sleeps allowed to help include the answer for four in the morning right now by any time I even sit at practice that's how much I wanted to sleep let's get the breakfast well it says we're about 24 minutes out I always try to get at least eight hours that's like my minimum so today getting four right now and then maybe about two more when I get to the hotel maybe sleeping is my number one priority free food and sleep look at this traffic until palu is terrible at rush hour so getting in at like five in the morning I'm Gonna Save myself a ton of time let's see the fog that's pretty dense over there oh man into the traffic is already started it's getting worse and worse we're getting closer to the airport that looks like pretty low level fog I'm guessing we're under a thousand feet I can't even see the ground yet oh there we go I already see that traffic out there it's a little bit hazy but it's really not too bad we're racing Air Portugal I definitely want to get in before they leave the race is on this is everybody from my flight there we go I'm not trying to be stuck in traffic that's pretty American triple seven that I've taken down here before the baggage plan no I think that's the Air Portugal flight that just let out way up there oh this is going to get a lot longer I have kind of a little sneaky plan I'm gonna pull it's technically I'm a crew member I'm gonna try to go to the crew line sometimes I get irritated but that is a lot of people I don't normally ever come in this way I normally come in up a side door over there but we're gonna try this thing I'm so curious to see if this works because this is going to take 45 minutes I'm on a deadhead I'm operating out as a crew member I didn't know on the deadheads if you're supposed to go through the crew line I thought yeah you're flying tomorrow yeah it's okay right [Music] it's all right nailed it um and then there's another line that we have to go through all the people getting their bags so I have to uh get through this get outside and then hope that the driver's there waiting for me all right this line over here is the normal line that most people are going to go through I'm walking in the hoods to be clear line and I actually have no idea if I'm supposed to be in this line or not sometimes you just go into your uniform and look confident and they just let you go crew right there so we're about to find out that that's a much longer line than this line I think it's under 10 minutes not impressive [Music] you think for the amount of time I go to Brazil but I would speak Portuguese but I got like OMG yeah I don't know a lot of words still oh that great man over there should be our van now that I've said that some other families walking in it so I guess that's not my van I guess she's calling right now to get the van for me sometimes these handlers will wait where you saw her waiting no oh false start took me about 20 minutes to get off the plane through customs and all the way out here been out here for about 10 minutes waiting for the cab I'm just worried because we're going to get stuck in like terrible traffic rush hour traffic because it's it's about six in the morning right now 6 20. that looks like one of the Vans we normally take is that it that's for us all right here we go this is what I didn't want to see still it's worth to me that we're right to get down there because now you're in a good location so I'm just probably gonna catch my my nap here on the on the van it's not going to be going very fast and yeah it's a free breakfast once I get there this is not the map that was open for I need to make it to 3 A.M Miami time we're getting in right now at 10 p.m I'm gonna check the flight as soon as we get in the internet well the flight's not delayed and I'm being completely honest I was like oh yeah I'm fine I'm not gonna take a nap it's calling my name so I will see you guys tomorrow morning hopefully not at five in the morning which means we're delayed and maybe I'll make it oh my God 7 15 okay here's what's going on the flight's delayed a couple hours this is what my pattern looks like right now this red line shows exactly what's going on where I'm at at real time so it's delayed a few hours but not enough I need five that's two now because it's 7 15 and not 5 15. by the way this is just mean they just put all these snacks here I'm not gonna pay five dollars for M M's since it's 7 15 in the morning it's time to get some breakfast we got 10 minutes before the van gets here you can see the driver comes in I'm gonna go grab breakfast real quick round one always fruit juices some protein and more fruit I don't normally like to eat this fast but this fruit here is so good all right this is going to be the last one you gotta go how do we go oh nice and rainy perfect just thinking that the traffic might be bad enough to delay the flight even more so I beat the other Pilots here traffic was pretty good I thought it was going to be a lot worse I left a little early because I wasn't sure if they were going to use the same band to pick up both goodness gracious the girls here in Brazil I'm just gonna hang out here and wait for them to come in I spotted them see a little train of short sleeve white shirts and roller bags that's how you know Pilots are coming here [Music] remember how he's got to be a bad sign if the loading door was closed that right there is where they load so if that's done and this is done we're getting out of here on time usually out of Santiago we're gonna get a bunch of fish and it doesn't smell like you would think it smell you got it packed up real tight since we're going to be picking up an extra freight there in Santiago it's a short flight sometimes you'll have little pockets here and on a day like today where we can walk across the main deck because there's space to go check both sides sometimes we can't check the other side you see how these things are still up even though there's no cargo there just in case something were to fail it just keeps everything from shifting around prevents a problem you know sometimes you'll miss something it seems like oh yeah who cares about this stuff flying is more important but truthfully this is one of the the biggest safety problems you can have is doing this walking the deck you know you're just getting your steps in stepson morning [Music] well we took off like exactly on time like to the minute basically so we took off on time we're on our way over there now they're gonna sit in the seat the whole time it's a short flight and he's doing training so he needs as much time up there as possible so he's going to sit up the whole time I'm going to change really my only chance now is that if there's something that breaks in-flight on the way over there or there's some type of massive delay like I said Santiago rarely has a delay but the way it is right now we get in at midnight I gotta sleep till uh seven in the morning I gotta eat a great breakfast so I really find either way uh but we'll see we got we got three hours to go or three hours to lose to get that if Donovan at midnight which is perfect go to sleep and kind of win either way all right I'm gonna go change I'll see you guys when we get to Santiago [Music] we just made it here into Santiago everything went well first landing in the in the dash right which is awesome to see the captain's taking the first officer out to do a walk around usually when captains want to go do stuff outside when it's really nice not when it's raining it's a really nice day I don't blame them I would do the exact same thing they have the nose up so they're quickly unloading I don't see any scenario in which it takes them five hours to get everything done we're gonna be out of here in probably two hours I'll see Veronica's here you might remember the last time I came there just tell me that the car goes delayed so how long was the delay last time that happened oh you're hoping that it's only a one hour delay for the cargo but last time it happened how long was the delay two three hours yeah maybe it is gonna happen I guess I'm gonna go down there and see here's the belly doesn't look good for sure let's see what happens uh they decided to bump the Freight Those are decisions that I don't get to make so I guess the customer said that's fine they'll put another plane we had a lot of planes coming down here so we're not going to take it we're going to be light on payload which means we're going to gain fuel all the way out to Miami which is great Pilot One loading up now [Music] well we're flying we're obviously going to be on there on time and definitely not late we're ahead of schedule which is awesome after taking that two-hour delay to start I got an extra chair to sleep I got awesome breakfast and uh I'll be in my hotel room by midnight and then I have 11 days off so all in all pretty awesome day I look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 1,302,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey
Id: iyZxdgQf6dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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