One Shark Calls This the 'Best Pitch Ever' - Shark Tank

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I asked for -- I think it was $10,000. And you got to $350,000. Yes. Wow. I was sleeping through the beginning of this presentation 'cause I thought you had no sales. I'm glad. I hope you're rested. I'm awake now. I'm awake now because you have sales, okay? Do you know what it costs you to acquire a customer? Yeah. The customer acquisition cost -- I got a little sheet here just for you -- [ Cuban laughs ] ...was $33. $33. And what's the average sale? The average sale is $148. And what do you make on $148? What's your margin? Our margin's about like $70. So you spend $33 to get $70. Yeah. I mean, that was before COVID. Now, it's -- I mean, it's -- What's it now? Well, I can't sell 'cause I'm sold out. Wen, you sold everything in November, December of last year. Yeah. Yeah. When did you actually ship it all? Four weeks ago. It took forever to get them done. Have you sold any sheets other than through crowdsourcing? No, no, because I didn't have the inventory and I was worried about making sure I can deliver before I can start taking up more responsibilities. And the shirts, did we touch on that yet, on how many -- Not yet. O'Leary: Why don't you burn those? Why are you selling T-shirts? You can't make any money doing that. I might. What are your sales for the shirts? So I just released the shirts' co-pairing, which is underwear, and so this year we've made $270,000. And how did you sell those? On our website. Your ask is $212,000 for 10%, correct? Yes. Why wasn't it $200,000 or $225,000? $212,000? You want to know the real answer to that question? Yeah. No, lie to him. Let's hear a great answer. It's your lucky number -- I know it. Lie to me. No, it's because I couldn't say $200,000 without stuttering, so I had to find a number that I could say without stuttering. Because once I stuttered, the whole thing, I'm going to forget. So that's kind of why. That's a great answer. That's it? You're an honest guy, man. That is -- I don't lie. I'm sorry. So who's running this company with you? It's just me, myself, in my garage just hanging out, you know, with my lawn chair. That's great. Yeah, that's -- that's -- that's my setup. I've been there. O'Leary: Wow. It's a good time. My friends come over. You're living the life. I'm actually living it. Like, even being here, this is a great time. I got to tell you, when you pulled out the piece of paper and said your customer acquisition cost was $33, how do you know that? Because you haven't sold anything outside of the Kickstarter. So I'm looking at the amount of money I made and then how much it cost in ad spend to get those customers. But that was on the Kickstarter deal. Kickstarter is -- is almost like an unreal environment. I want to know, if we started today, how much would it cost you to go get a customer? Okay. Okay, but you realize that the underwear business is different than the T-shirt business is different than the sheet business. Is different than the sheet business, yeah. But here -- the thing is because when people come to me, they're usually campers or, like, people that just don't like -- I get it. But you're telling me you're worth close to 2 million bucks, okay? Yeah. So I have to try and figure out, what is the business? But this deal has no structure yet. I don't care about the underwear and T-shirt business. Returns are horrific. I agree. You're right. So I would forget about that. The sheet thing is intriguing, okay? Doing sheets for men with copper infusion to stop them from rotting in their own beds. I love that story. We don't know yet the customer acquisition cost. And so you can't say to me that you're worth close to $2 million. I don't buy it. I mean, I said it, but it might not be true. I don't know. [ Laughter ] Cuban: Oh, my God. So I mean -- O'Leary: It's -- It's one of those "Shark Tank" moments. Cuban: Wen, I want to hang out with you. I want to hang out with you. I'm just a guy having fun. I'm from Africa, man. Like, I'm going to tell you, I'm from a village. I'm a -- I'm from a small village. Honestly, the fact I'm here, to me, it's great. This is a great time. I'm so happy to be here. Best pitch ever. 00:03:37.300,00:00:00.000 Wen, if the $2 million isn't true...
Channel: ABC
Views: 1,025,386
Rating: 4.9435277 out of 5
Keywords: business, entrepreneurs, sharks, competition, profits, jax, sheets, copper, infused, wen muenyi, best pitch ever, mark cuban, lori greiner, daymond john, robert herjavec, kevin o'leary
Id: 1mlFdXpcf9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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