Shark Tank US | Three Sharks Make Competitive Offers For The Better Bedder

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[Music] first into the tank is a product to help make a dreaded daily chore easier [Music] hi sharks i'm nita and i'm judy we're from mandeville louisiana and we're seeking a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for ten percent of our company the better better sharks it's hard to find sheets that fit your mattress perfectly they're either way too baggy or they're too tight and the fitted sheet pops off of the corner of the mattress and putting on sheets is hard mattresses weigh a ton and they're too heavy for seniors or those with disabilities so what if we told you that there's a product that solves these problems and a whole lot more it's the better better the greatest bed making product ever invented the better better is a giant headband that wraps around the size of your mattress you put it on once and it becomes a part of your mattress for the lifetime of your mattress and putting on sheets is now fast easy neat show em nita i will with the better batter there's no more lifting the heavy mattress and there's no more tucking underneath the mattress you simply take the better better flip it down put your fitted sheet in and flip the better better back up that's it it's that easy nita show them the top sheet i will take the better better flip it down put your top sheet in flip the better better back up did you see her lift that heavy mattress no no no you didn't cause she has a bed better that's right and wait there's more you can start your book oh there you go phone or your glasses wow so sharks who wants to join us and put a better better on every bed in the world and there is a better batter in front of each of you how did you discover this idea we can thank judy's lazy son for this he actually came home from college and he started sleeping on a good couch and she's like why are you sleeping on my couch she said cause the new bed you bought the sheets are horrible to to make the bed every day i just sleep on the couch and so um she called me and said hey can you help me think of a way to make the bed easier and i know from working with judy for 15 years that when she's on a mission we're going to figure something judy's on a mission i like that right and within six months we sold our first better better and you worked together for 15 years what were you doing then we have worked for um 15 years in the insurance industry i'm actually a lawyer by education and i practiced law for a little while and then i went and worked in the insurance industry this is not a full-time job it is i am actually putting in my two weeks notice and i'm cashing out my 401k so sometimes people's sheets especially at the end are longer you're saying no matter the length it easily tucks down in yes yes yes that's the beauty of the better better any sheets from any store fit perfectly because you only have to tuck down about three inches the ladies quick question on the bed or better the the issue is i'm always going to see a white band around the mattress if i'm a fashionista and i'm you know designing a bedroom i'm worried about the color what if i don't want yeah then i asked the same thing it doesn't come in colors we do make it in colors but white is our primary seller we have sold a ton of these we've only sold it for a little over a year and a half well before we get to how many you sold because that was obviously a blanket statement um what do you make it for and what do you sell it for the average cost of goods sold is 33 dollars and i mean 33 dollars and 50 cents to make it or so you make it it's made in the usa thirty three dollars thirty three dollars and the average sales price is sixty three dollars and fifty cents okay okay ladies i think there's an issue on production costs because that sounds very expensive for you know basically a a rim to a mattress i'm gonna tell you this is a bad time covet came and so we it was hard to get material it's definitely hard to get elastic the material we use on the corner is more expensive and this is an industry that's completely new to us we didn't know how to go to china or to order fabric we're normally in the insurance industry i can sell you a policy right now in this in the business jungle there's only one king and it's called sales yes what have you sold uh we have sold year-to-date um 476 thousand dollars whoa today 20 20. all right so you could potentially get to a million dollars oh absolutely we think we'll finish at a million yeah yo how are you promoting this how are people finding you um well first of all we have had no media or publicity other than the small town she grew up in ruling louisiana did an article about small town girl invents the better better we have not paid any influencers we have done facebook video ads ourselves nita at the corner of the bed me with terrible lighting those were our original million views on those we got a million views and it has been a hit tell me about you i was adopted when i was five so i always knew that um struggles and challenges can all be be overcome i'll give you an example when i got divorced i left with a suitcase and clothes and that's it not a fork a knife a spoon nothing and immediately i went into debt and i said you know what i sat the kids down i said you know we can't live like this we're never going to get ahead if we don't do this so i said no more eating out if we do it's 99 cents no more clothes for two years no more nothing we're moving into apartment and we're gonna share roms and we're gonna do this for two years and you did and in two years we were out of debt we had a house and we had money in the bank you know and so i do that with everything i do i would like you to tell it five times so every woman who's stuck somewhere and is too afraid to move out kind of feels ashamed of themselves that they can't make that move unbelievable listen you guys are terrific i deal with so many lawyers and you're the first one i've ever liked like that's fantastic i got it in 90 seconds bingo i know what it does but do i want to be in the bed skirt business it's not a space i need to be you know what let me just say this before guys i'm out but not because i don't love you guys thank you you're just a joy guys let me let me help clear things as well look i did an analysis at one point in my career where i spent about an hour a week making my bet and then i extrapolated that out and figured that's 365 hours a year across 10 years that's months and so i vowed that i kept my sheets and bedding clean but i would never make my bed and for those reasons i'm hoping okay judy anita i want to make the first offer if i might okay okay i'm gonna give you three reasons why you should choose me as a shark cause i imagine you're gonna see other offers here today uh number one i'm gonna bring down your cost to twenty dollars if you want to keep it in the united states if you're willing to go out i'll bring it down to 11 secondly i am great at driving public relations my comfy product that is making 65 million a year after being in business less than three years is making the money predominantly because i am great at creating publicity and lastly when you go on no one more i always pick the same kind of people great people that i could trust people that love each other and so you would wind up being very happy in the nucleus family that i put together i'm going to give you the 150 000 for 20 the reason i need 20 is i don't think about my investments if they're less than 20 honest to god no matter how nice you are and you don't even have to answer me right now i wish i was a son of a who could say you must answer me your amount what are you trying to say but i'm trying to say you should take it from me but if you want to shop by the offer certainly do that what are you gonna do [Music] okay i'll share with you what i think against all odds not having a lot of money having a lot of debt you said i'm gonna take charge of my life i'm going to fix this i'm going to be happy because money doesn't buy happiness that's what a strong woman does and i love this concept it's very visual i think this could be a great qvc item i also think it could be a good infomercial item so my offer is a little sharkier than barbs i'm going to offer 150 000 but for 25 and that's because i'm gonna have to really get get down in there and do a lot of work with you okay okay guys here's what i think i think my other two sharks are uh brilliant but you know they're they're just such small thinkers i mean all of us are manufactured but been i've been doing it the longest enough spit it out i see this being a commercial product that i take to a whole asian american hotel owners they own about 51 of hotels in the country and i think that this will be saving them their staff time and energy as well as their health second of all i work with purple casper and lisa mattress i think there's something there so i will offer you the same 150 000 for 25 okay thank you wow wow you've got three amazing offers you did you didn't see that coming no didn't even what are you gonna do um we we would like to counter because we were hoping not to give up that much um is anyone willing to go to eighteen percent i'll take that deal i'll tell you the deal wait i said no no no no no we both said it so choose between us there's no rules in the tank let me i'm going to put my oils in the tank but i did take it first let me say one thing sure i'll go to 15 oh my goodness well listen i will just i don't want to pressure you i i would love to be your partner you can get money all day long but i think what's important is the value that comes to you for that money i was willing to do the 18. i'm i'm good at that can you also get the manufacturing cost down oh my god that's all i've done yeah i mean i've manufactured over a thousand products get it am i missing something we love you barbara that's always a bad strike i know i know and that's why i didn't want to start off like that we love you lori you got a deal oh i don't get it wow super super excited ladies thank you thank you so much congratulations congratulations we did it can get do infomercials she can do mari can um get us on qvc and she can get our manufacturing costs down and we just think gloria is the right partner for us yes yes that's how we love barbara and damon so excited i don't want to hear from you because you're the winner and i don't like you but what are you doing you waited you tried to be cool by letting everybody else get in i mean i played too nice i should have just closed the deal i'm pretty annoyed you
Channel: Sony Pictures Television
Views: 2,756,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shark Tank, Shark Tank US, Shark Tank USA, Shark Tank America, American Shark Tank, Shark Tank Pitches, Shark Tank bad pitches, Shark Tank Best Pitches, Shark Tank Covid, Shark Tank Season 12, Mark, Blake Mycoskie, Kevin, Lori, Daymond, mark shark tank, kevin shark tank, lori shark tank, daymond shark tank, mr wonderful
Id: wts9BBz1ALI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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