Jake Peralta actually being an amazing detective slash genius | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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what can i do oh your services will not be necessary because you need to go home and change for your date what i called handsome luke i explained the weekend was entirely my fault partially and he wants to go out with you tonight thanks peralta you're welcome just promise me you won't use the condoms in the secret pocket of your purse okay they're expired how do you know it's in my purse i need a concealer for zit plus you know we spent so much time together here i know everything about everyone hitchcock went bald at 15. scully used to date hitchcock's wife charles has a bike with a little basket on the front how else would you carry baguettes and rosa has a shower in her apartment i think i got nothing on her good well i guess we did just spend 48 hours locked in here together holy crap what locked in here together so we will be filing a wrongful rest suit against the nypd and when i win i'm gonna buy club twerk put a statue of jake peralta right in the middle of dance floor first off that's a terrible threat i would love to have a statue of myself in the middle of a dance club second do me a favor take a look at this picture and tell me what you see you and regis philbin awesome right surprisingly down to earth guy and definitely not the picture i meant to show you but take a look at this that's right it's you and your old cellmate marcus cole and here he is again outside the jewelry store the two you planned this together in prison you taught him your ammo he pulled off the robbery you got yourself an alibi and you split the loot oh man i can't believe he caught us of course he did peralta is the best oh thanks rege that's enough yeah i got to work on my regis anyway see you in jail whitman i rewatched the interrogation and get this sophia wasn't lying about anything she doesn't know who killed nate dexter but she does know something way better come with me jay people normally move after they say that oh yeah i fell asleep for a second sorry come with me okay ah you all ready for this you know what i'm saying terry jeffords allow me to introduce to you our murder victim the not dead nate dexter what the hell is going on right sophia wasn't lying i was just not asking the right questions she hadn't seen her husband in eight years but she was positive there's no way that he killed dexter that's when it occurred to me no one killed him hey nate just talking about how you're alive yeah i'm alive but whose melted torso did we find sofia's husband yes sophia and dexter were having an affair husband found out nate killed him now i'm telling my friend about how you killed that guy it was for love cool motive still murder also you remember that severed finger check this out hey nate show us your hands please oh right cut it off himself how screwed up is that anyway i asked all my cis if they had dealings with a nine-fingered man unsolvable case solved what's going on oh nothing just had a real eye-opening conversation with your dad i wanted his approval but he says i'll never be good enough for you what the hell i know right tell him he's wrong no i'm upset with you that's right go get him tiger i'm also upset with you what is this 1950 i can't date someone unless i have my father's approval oh obviously you can you guys act like this is your decision to make like the woman doesn't even exist in this equation well this woman wait amy shut up excuse me i mean i'm so sorry you were making a totally valid point about gender equality but i just thought of something really important so i'm gonna hang up on you okay love you bye it wasn't russo or his sons it was a daughter hello everyone guess who just solved a 20 year old unsolvable case wait what you guys figured out who pulled the first sussex bank job yeah we realized we never checked the daughter's alibi she wasn't at the softball trip she had access to the plants and then she just confessed that's right we arrested a woman today because we are feminists what up jake why are these dicks out of their cage i stayed up all night working on your case and hans john and nakatomi made for great company i gave them all die hard names i don't understand why you wasted another night on a case no one's ever gonna solve sarge i am way too sleep deprived to deal with your negativity right now let me show you what i did i started off by making a map of all of the burglaries that have gone down in brooklyn since 1996 to see if there was a pattern that led me to this there is so much crime in new york no one should live here anyways i tripped out on that for a couple hours but i got cheered up after i took a picture of the kitties messing around in my little hoodie i'll show it to you later so basically you wasted a whole night no no no my friend no no cause then i dove back into your file and found this cool the low point my entire life sarge this photo was taken in 1996. you told me your guy broke his spine two years before that so 94 check out his sneakers 95 jordans they came out a year after the accident look at the souls they're all muddy which means that son of a can walk bingo hey there remember me [Music] so this is weird oh no you don't circus i knew it you could walk the whole time i was right about the cater conference too huh now where's the cat been 20 years sarge cat's probably dead i'm still bringing him in i told you not to lie what were you thinking i thought it would work and i wanted to be the one that got him is this about your ego are you that desperate for everyone to know how great you are it's not about everyone okay it's just i wanted you to know oh my god i got it he's not answering any questions that's okay i have no questions that's right i'm about to monologue son better make it quick you only got eight minutes all right then let me paint you a picture i'm phillip a successful periodontist that's become addicted to diazepam a sedative i take because i'm junkie scum also for real addiction is a disease that would be super empathetic if you hadn't murdered a man what is the point of this i'll get there so one day i'm working late when my boss robert surprises me he found out i was stealing meds again jackie's gum also again not your fault there's a major genetic component to addiction he says he's gonna file a police report i could lose my license we fight and something in me just snaps so i grab the first thing i can find and i hit him with it you still have no murder weapon i do now here's a pic i found on yelp of the surgical suite six months ago and here's a shot that our crime scene photographer took up the same room two weeks after the murder notice any differences we're not answering that that's all right i can just tell you myself the yelp shot has six of these heavy-looking glass awards from the brooklyn periodontics society in the background whereas this shot only has five what happened to number six you murdered robert with him you lost all control and you bludgeoned him to death there must have been blood everywhere but you got lucky you were in the surgical suite it can be sterilized you never would have gotten away with it in your carpeted office that's not what happened don't say anything more funny and your office manager would have heard all of the screaming but she was at her grandson's play lucky again you're wrong you put robert's body into a wheelchair and shoved it in the elevator it's a miracle there wasn't blood everywhere that's not true now you're in the garage with a corpse you panicked and left your phone in your office and you don't have your car keys but roberts are in his pocket so you put him in his car and you take off no you can't believe what you've done no you're flustered you have no gps so you just start driving no fill up next thing you know you're in the pine barrens and it hits you your uncle's cabin he has a place there you're the luckiest son of a woman yes it was you got lucky at every turn no i knew exactly where i was driving i left my phone in the office on purpose i was in a surgical suite by design and i didn't use some glass award that any idiot would clearly see was missing i made a rod out of a special dental polymer killed him with it and melted it back down it's already in a patient's mouth son oh damn oh damn oh damn and that is 3-0 dams oh damn oh fresh air wow i don't say that a lot there's one thing i still don't understand did you know you had the wrong murder weapon oh excellent question sir yes i spotted the missing dental award when i first took the case i asked around weeks ago it turns out a cleaning lady knocked it over and shattered it then why did you run in there like that because in talking to you i realized what philip's worst fear actually was that we would think he was just some dummy that got lucky right he had planned the perfect crime and it killed him when you said he was sloppy and impulsive he needed us to know how smart he was hi like someone else i know yep kevin i'm proud of you peralta thank you sir now let's go get some sleep yeah hey guys my goodness we're almost late for work oh well in that case good morning sir good morning god i love this job you
Channel: Comedy Bites
Views: 3,598,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jake peralta brooklyn nine-nine, jake peralta detective, jake peralta solves, jake peralta solving cases, jake peralta best solves, jake peralta the box, jake peralta dentist interrogation, the box interrogation brooklyn 99, brooklyn 99 dentist interrogation, sterling k brown, sterling k brown broooklyn 99, sterling k brown brooklyn nine nine, brooklyn nine nine favourite solves, andy samberg, jake peralta and captain holt
Id: QNtW-Wttbhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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