One Piece truly IS breathtaking! | The Breathtaking World Of One Piece Reaction

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what's happening guys I hope you're all doing well so today I am here to react to a video that has been recommended to me by you guys so thank you so much to the recommendation so I reacted to all of the one piece openings apart from a few that I mixed up or accidentally missed whoops and um and in response I was sent this video literally the same day that I reacted to to that Series so I decided to follow up my one piece reaction video with this because it was highly recommended and I'm very excited to watch it so let's check it out [Music] long long [Music] such a variety of places isn't there they're all so well designed as well okay right that makes sense yeah is that why it's called one piece that makes a lot of sense there we go there we go oh wow foreign oh wow foreign it's actually really interesting to get to see all these different environments in one piece because like obviously in the openings we saw like some of them but to see like the amount of variety that there is in this universe is actually pretty incredible because I was like pretty sure that they created pretty much their own universe for this and it wasn't just like a fantasy version of like our world and I'm I'm pretty sure I'm right in that aspect it's it's absolutely gorgeous and the way that they've edited this video together is actually really impressive they they've done an incredible job like wow really really good job plot because I don't think I was actually too far off then with what I guessed oh my God wow it's got the Flying Dutchman in it wait what that's so cool does it have like a lot of famous pirates in it does that like blackmitting and stuff oh my God the song Choices are amazing foreign oh my God [Applause] wow wow oh my God what oh my God what the hell dude [Music] oh [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] wow thank you [Music] jeez e Chinese foreign you belong Straw Hat five oh my God that was amazing that was actually amazing like holy [ __ ] they like it's so interesting because that really gave me as someone who's obviously like newer to one piece of course like gave me like a look at the world that the story is based in there's this Incredible Universe that they've created with all of these really interesting aspects and my God that was incredible like wow like absolutely just breathtaking like the name like the actual name I literally didn't even want to make comments during it because I just wanted to watch it like I did I just didn't want to talk I was like I'm just gonna I'm just gonna watch it because my God that was gorgeous the the world itself is really interesting it's definitely nothing like the world that we live in it's definitely its own unique thing that they've created and based this story in it's a really interesting story although it does make me quite curious I guess that like if they finish the story of like one piece because obviously now I know it's about this treasure that was it Goldie Roger when he got executed Left Behind the king of the Pirates that's obviously what they're after but like will they do other stories like based in the same universe but on about other things potentially like there's definitely when you've built a world like this there's definitely potential to do things like that and it's so it's so interesting to see how they've used different cultures to inspire different areas in this universe and the fact that like you see obviously in this series from what I can gather the straw hats are obviously going to explore new areas that have never been seen before or never been visited unless they've been by the pirate king and that's how you find out more about this world it was gosh what an incredible incredible video like they did such a phenomenal job just wow that's so impressive it's so impressive like they should really be proud of themselves for that because it was absolutely gorgeous and really made me curious about the world that they built themselves obviously I can see where some of the inspiration has come from like some of the creatures they obviously mentioned about some like God law in this as well which is really fascinating because I love things like that and I love to see where things are inspired from or if they've come up with something entirely different that I've never seen before it's always really cool to see things like that too in in anime and that's kind of the incredible thing about anime and animation is that you can sort of make anything you want by just drawing it and and then animating it moving around I mean I'm not an animator you know but I can I heavily admire animations and animators and writers and I think it's I think it's absolutely incredible how there are so many things that they can all come together to make and just funnel into this one piece of work and it's just absolutely stunning like I'm like don't get me wrong I thought one piece looked beautiful but that just absolutely made me think about so many other aspects of one piece that I don't think I really appreciated from watching the openings and really put it in in such a unique way the the actual audio was really well done the way that they actually synced across the music with like speaking and it was really well balanced I thought that was all really really done really well as well just wow oh this is not helping my decision to watch this series if reading your guys comments about it and you're like it only took me a year it's only like four months and I'm just like I've got so many things to watch though but don't get me wrong I'm definitely gonna be delving into one piece there's just there's no way I can't especially after this video just that is beautiful that was absolutely beautiful I I really appreciated that so thank you very much for everyone who sent me that I I very much appreciate it that was a joy to watch and to experience and like I said really made me appreciate some of the aspects that I'm sure you guys as long-term fans appreciate from this show and maybe think outside of the characters of the straw hats and what I can what I obviously will learn and sort of feel about them really opened up that there's so many different things in this world to learn and appreciate and if I'm looking forward to it anyways thank you so much for watching this video guys I really appreciate it if you enjoyed it don't forget to hit the Subscribe button and the thumbs up button that'd be great hit the like button that'd be awesome if you want to check out the original video for yourself because you've not seen it I will leave it down in the description below like I said Straw Hat five incredible work congratulations you did an amazing job that was insane and also guys if you've got any more suggestions for videos you'd like to see me react to don't forget to leave them for me down the comments below or hop on the Discord and pop them into the suggestion sections on my Discord that would be awesome and yeah if you want to check out my other social media they're all down in the description below and yeah I will catch you guys very very soon I hope you haven't amazed when I see you today thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: georgieegames
Views: 73,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, georgieegames, one piece, the breathtaking world of one piece reaction, one piece reaction, georgieegames anime, the breathtaking world of one piece
Id: k9HWBRwBKvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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