One Piece HATERS Watch *The Breathtaking World of One Piece*

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are we actually making a one piece video right now brother I need St Jackson's favorite name yeah you guys uh this one piece uh Jackson told us about it this one piece is it a prequel what is it not like a prequel but like a just like a visual display of the world is this going to be I mean the thing that comes out on Sunday the monsters thing or whatever oh yeah it's like a one shot I mean this is kind of a leadup I guess to that we're watching this because we're going to watch that yeah like we're like okay like we okay okay this me us four hate on one piece us four hate on one piece been Psy from I don't even get to Yap I get interrupted every us four hate on one piece all the time and he has to deal with it he loves it one piece just doesn't seem very appealing to me you guys ha it well I yeah you're right jack I do hate it I actually don't think I'll hate one piece I just think it's funny to hate on but I'm going to keep hating on it until I watch even though the first episode wasn't that bad all love dealing with it and know we all hate we all give him such a hard time for one piece and so it's like kind of satire kind of serious yeah it's like partial partially it's like I I've seen Naruto and it's my favorite show so it's like I kind of and I haven't seen one piece so I kind of have to hate it until I it's a rival yeah exactly yeah and then Jack tells us about this one shot and it's like okay well let's let's let's get some context about one p't such a we're we're going to watch the new thing on GL but this is just kind of setting up the world right it just shows us this is literally just a visual display of the world that's all it is is it eight minutes eight minutes to edit out the song I has a Batman song in it all this yeah people we've been weirdly enough we've been getting recommended this kind of for a long time every like every here and there amazing world of One Piece the breathtaking World apparently this show has the best power system in all anime so apparently apparently the magic fruit you eat a devil fruit and I guess it's just power system system I wouldn't say it's the most yeah chra and JSU and like all the stuff that they explain I guess it has M I'm actually excited to see this because one piece out of context or whatever it's like okay you know like I'm intrigued I'm intrigued cuz like it's the biggest it's the biggest I love how we'll watch World anything but real one piece yeah literally anything so funny been avoiding that guys watching like three we are just addicted to one piece all right well I'm excited let's cook this Batman piece so I guess this is our prequel thing to the it's our prequel to the prequel this has nothing to do with that the pre prequel or the prequel qu I don't know if we really tie into that because it has nothing to do with is this made by like the official anime a guy or a fan just fan this is going to spoil so much Jack it's not not that I who that Jack you will not understand thing about was that bridge called Naruto's bridge I don't think so so it's who killed him who killed milary can't be that hard oh but that started the age of pirates right ah I'm a one piece [Music] specialist this animation changes so much the world of One Piece does seem pretty sick like the world Building looks Epic that's basically these animations are from like the beginning to the very like existing yeah epic the characters work so world is literally huge oh it's unbelievable it's like Hunter Hunter but they let us explore you see it oh yeah I've been hearing about the World building and now this actually looks crazy gold Roger who's that did gold Roger was gold Roger the guy that got killed he the king of pirates he got killed how's he so and he told all he told all the people there go find my treasure I left him somewhere did kaido kill him everyone start no random kill bro jeez the Batman music with this is epic it was Big Mama Straw Hat five the wicher how many years would this take to edit holy crap D I don't know how are we still seeing new stuff this is insane like this is like I know this is the world one so freaking much [Music] I'm like so shook right now is actually really cool I'm like really shook a go voice actor this battleship is gigantic the Marine those bums the Marine for Arc yeah they are [Music] mid lit like just like hundreds of is and they're all different and the weather is crazy like getting overwhelming how is there this much I'm like how is it repeating anything Jack or is literally everything you've seen so far some but like I've seen that before there's a lot of small island that's the same island that's it's three swords right how is this world so cool and the characters look so weird that's what I'm saying character world oh that looks like a wife it's cuz the character it's because the world's so varied that there's so many different cre character oh those gr shards how do the animals look so much better than the character is this music like one piece music this from Avatar Avatar let me say it's from Avatar which match pretty well yeah it works you can't use their own music I don't [Music] know there's like crazy weather I feel like I'm watching uh I feel like I'm watching One pieces planet Earth right now how does a how does a ship survive these storms yeah how did gold Roger gold have to be insane just to die of the Marine so true he's so goated but the Marines got the best of him Som there's reason he's seen the whole world and all these hundreds of islands in the mar oh the Executioner blade right the marine guy Brig knows too much brig's the Jack of One Piece don't know that's not a real thing I don't think there's like Island what the heck yeah this is you guys I feel like I'm I don't even know I feel like I'm so over stimulated that like nothing can surprise me anymore you tell me one guy jeez that place is [Music] sick so there's like mermaids and stuff they can breath underw underwater Island okay this is just insane is it Atlantis that's why that's why Jack Loves Jas Mamoa so much he's in one piece are you telling me there's this many shots in one piece of just random stuff yeah th episodes I don't know what that I just watch that oh you [Music] doing man this guy popped off this PO off half half his life okay I'm starting to see the vision now like why the world is so critically acclaimed I kept seeing the world there's no way that Naruto is better than this I'm sorry I'm just like this is insane no like the world no this is pretty wild I mean to be fair I don't think any show has this much I think any show has this crazy take that H maybe Rick and Morty Rick and Morty can do anything they can have the World building take we'll give them their little Crump know where it end characters villains the like CGI what is it deist whatever oh my gosh dude this is actually so cool that look like a flat Earth bro the remake of this is going to go crazy man okay what at the end that everybody kept skipping to I know right be gear five land the C jeez jeez so much Pol so many politics oh yeah a gigantic Advent King of the Pirates there's no way this goes on 10 I don't know what that's like oh my how is this still happening this is my those are the devil fruits fruits were under water devil they grow underwat huh actually do come from underwater I'm one piece how is it still awaiting CU they give you Powers but they don't you can't swim was actually crazy that was actually was Spike no that was the yeah that was the end I think I want to start saying like the government the event will happen I'll say I'll say two things this sum I'll say two things one that guy deserves oh 10 times more views oh I don't know how only has that many that guy deserves 100 million 100 million at least second that was pretty that was pretty sick that was actually insane I don't want to glaze one piece and I probably never will do you guys feel like that was like over stimulating I felt like no I actually I don't I mean it's definitely stimulating it was overwhelming bro I was like holy sh I was just like with everything that kept coming like bro this is how does how like like every 10 episodes they' have to like bu well no the crazy part to me is that I didn't really see any copy and paste like it was all like very original like yeah like every place would feel after the 500th place I've seen you know like I would expect to see some similarities dude there's only a certain amount of colors man like like eventually they all start to look the same all the colors not to me they all look pretty all the places are unique but like this one's blue this one's red I know it's like a different like kind of place it's not no I know why why does why does like one piece feel the need to make their world so big I'm not I'm not dissing I'm just curious like is it is it what makes like the it's just how the world like works because there there's one goal in one piece like why make it so long it's because the the way to get to that goal is to go through all these islands and there's different routes that different people take like there's not one singular route that gets you to is that like is that like the author is that like their plan is like to just make it as long as possible I'm sure the the main certain journey I mean I guess it makes sense when you're dealing with pirates like they like a whole a pirate's entire life is just like SE just like sailing the sea no it's you your boys in a boat with some Boo and you don't have a home like I feel like if one piece was all about Pirates and it didn't have a world like that it's true like you know you know suck what if they got close to the one piece and Jack's talking about all these different routes and then it just like resets and they take a different route that' be crazy I explain or it's like a it's like a decoy he went through this route for a thousand episodes and it's like well boys this is a decoy we got to go to the next can you imagine like the one piece was actually where I grew up all this time his home the one piece isn't an item it was the journey I am the king of the Pirates you guys want how the geomet explain yeah explain it cuz didn't you say a whole thing surrounds the yeah the geography of the world explains this hey Jack explain may we do 50 episodes of Naruto and then we switch into 8 one piece and we flip so the world works like this there's a Glo there's the globe but it's basically the whole entire thing is like an ocean and then around like one so there's like a strip of land that goes all the way around and like a Halo ring yeah and it's called the red line and it's just like this Giant mountain like that's where that like land of the Gods was it's up on top of that and like only like the rich people where it's all the way around uh like just a certain part of it I don't remember okay like go get smaller and slowly get taller as you get closer it's just like a plateau that go that like Island and the pl goes all the way down to the ocean floor and then it goes up above and you like it's super tall and then there's like this other ring that wraps around like the opposite way so if this Rings here so it's like an as or an astr and that is called the Grand line which is like this ocean that you go to that's like insane there's like two like rings that wrap around that that are called like the colum belt you can't s directly into it cuz it's like there's no weather there's no wind it's just like ocean that doesn't move you can't sail and there's like giant monsters there wait so where are all the island ring all those islands are in the grand line which is like in between those two col belts the but that's like stagnant water right no so there's stagnant water and then there's the grand line which has like crazy weather and all that stuff it's really weird so you use the grand line it's like the Bermuda Triangle but it's just within this big strip of water so do you use the grand line to hop yeah I'll admit whoever this guy is really pop off use use the red L very interesting just thinking the red line that like shoots you up we saw it was that that CGI part was like the this like water thing that shoots you up and over it so you can get into the ground line like this sounds like something I would have created when I was like seven like he just like and then the only the only way to like go around the whole thing is to go around one half of it and then you can hop over or you go under it and you go to the next half is that what that is that the whole world's like split Adam looking thing is that like a geographic geographical image of like the lines and stuff I don't know and look there's like a peak there's like a big one that goes and there's like different like they're different quadrants of the globe that are like different oceans and they're called like East blue South Blue North Blue South Blue is like no is there like a god in one piece that created all this or is it just it's Oda I don't know hey Oda pays all of his homage to there's way more to it than that oh so the red line is East blue so yeah from Island to Island the grand line where's the peak of Doom so like there's there's a bunch of different Islands within that whole thing and you like have to go from Island to Island but there's different routes why can't you just skip an island cuz there's there there's like this electromagnetic thing that like not okay you use a compass to like get from Island to Island but there's only certain routes you can take cuz otherwise the compass just like spins you have to go to one Island and stay there you have to stay there and like charge up your your freaking Compass thing and then it will point you to the next Island what's stopping people there's only certain you have to charge your compass cuz there's crazy weather there's freaking like Sky Islands can you see from I'm sure if someone did it or some they would have thought of that I don't know like crazy weather he was on 20 Mig of easy Molly I don't know it's very I know there's explanation kind dude I feel like I would have just stayed on the cool Island I would have found the cool Island stay there and there's like an yeah there's an island at the very end called like raftel and that's where the one piece is supposed to be Rend but it's super hard to get so how the fre how did how did um there's way more to it how did gold Roger get like back from this are from the one piece area well once you get past that I think you can like go back up the mountain thing and then go back in so it's like it's like a gym leader in Pokemon you have to do the little maze to get to the gym leader and then when you beat the gym leader it just has little wait wait do at the end so everyone knows like generally where the one so depending on what island you live on you you're way closer to the one piece yeah and everyone knows where it is there's more to it there's no one knows where it is but everyone knows where it is imagine you imagine you spawn right next to it everyone knows it's at the end but they don't know to there's more to it that find it but that doesn't that's actually interesting cuz how does all of this happen and there's just like kaido this giant like who the fre is kaid how does kaido big like do matter are you guys like spoiling it for me like who's kaido it's just a name you're not spoiling it but you don't need to know anything about him he's Lord oai I barely know anything about him and I'm 800 episodes in wow so these rats rats just you guys you guys enjoy being Jack of one piece huh yes listen Maybe the trth maybe the true test is we Dro three videos right we watch Naruto for 12 hours straight one piece for 12 hours we see which video does the best I think we do that maybe that's I also think it' be juicy to do like blocks of both shows and compare like Naruto 75 in versus one piece
Channel: Studio Gek
Views: 194,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LY14B-zrPDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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