One Piece Chapter 1102 Review "Can't Go Back"

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salutations everybody teking 101 here and a very merry Christmas and happy holidays to everybody this will be the final chapter of one piece in the year 2023 chapter 1,12 titled the life of Kuma and my goodness was it a marvelous life it was even as I would say a Wonderful Life indeed you know I always love around this time of the year going back and looking at the first chapter of the year and just being stunned and amazed of how much time has passed since the you know the beginning of the year okay so I believe the first chapter of the Year 2023 uh was chapter I think 171 it was the chapter where Kuma crashed into the red line and started climbing it so just to give you a perspective on that Kuma crashed into the red line climbed the whole thing made it to the top fought Ayu and then flew off into the new world and he still hasn't reached his destination yet all right so that's a plot thread that's still ongoing it was also the chapter where um Kaku and Luchi and stui infiltrated the labos sphere it was when they like Kaku shot Aang Kaku technique at the Thousand Sunny and that woke Zoro up from his nap and he's just like oh what's going on the giraffe guy all right I'm fighting you again and Kaku is like RoR NOA you know and so that was that chapter that was a year ago almost that's crazy right oh magnificent okay anyway cover page this week we have Bonnie eating a hot dog with a bunch of wolves yeah you know hot dogs they get a bad rap you know they got lots of meat they got protein lot of sodium lot of sodium in hot dogs you know what go and check out a YouTube channel I I love cooking so I follow a lot of cooking channels there's a YouTube channel called Sam the cooking guy led by Sam who's a cooking guy and he has a whole crew marvelous Channel and uh he has some really good gourmet hot dog recipes on there my goodness get you deep fry your hot dogs put some really good quality mustard some caramelized onions on those things some good relish you can make a hot dog really Gourmet you really can okay and that's America right there all right well anyway Bonnie's eating all the hot dogs and the wolves are really getting mad that she's eating all the hot dogs but whatever okay so um chapter begins right where we left off Bonnie and and the Bonnie Pirates have been formed her and a bunch of random fishermen from the sorbet Kingdom but don't doubt fisherman ladies and gentlemen I'm playing a fisherman in a D and D campaign right now and he's a real badass don't don't doubt Kai all right fishermen are the strongest in one piece okay listen this is the this is the Shakedown all right you got the yongo you got the Admirals you got fisherman and then you got all the other Pirates Pates revolutionaries and all the other marines that are below Admiral okay fishermen are high tier okay all right well anyway um it's it's really kind of funny because you know how like Luffy was kind of like just you know Meandering his way through the East blue Luffy really didn't have a plan he was just like all right I'm going to gather some people for my pirate crew hey uh green-haired guy you want to be a member of my crew orange-haired girl hey dude with a long nose that tells a lot of lies you want to join hey blonde guy to make some good food you want to join and they're like okay and they all join and they just beat the crap out of the the strongest um pirates in the East that's just how it ended up happening kind of something similar here with Bonnie Bonnie's like all right everybody let's go out to sea okay Bonnie hey uh oh you should call me Captain cuz I'm the captain now okay Captain Bonnie what are we going to call our crew the Bonnie Pirates okay and so they're storming their way through the South Blue just like Luffy did with the east blue we're going to see pretty soon that this chapter has caught up to the beginning of One Piece we're going to see events from the first part of the one piece story concurrently with Kuma's side of things kind of like how in Back to the Future Part Two where Marty goes back to 1955 where he was in the first movie and we get to see the events of the first movie from the second movie but from different angles it's kind of like that but with Kuma it's great anyway um so the Bonnie Pirates are attacking a town because they heard that Kuma was there obviously the whole goal just like Luffy's looking for the one piece Bonnie is looking for her father she's trying to find Kuma okay so they got word that oh yeah Kuma is definitely on this island let's go and she's like yeah actually I don't know if this is the South Blue it could be the grand line for as far as I know it doesn't really specify where it's at but anyway they attack the island and uh the Marines are there and the Marines are getting ready it's like oh those are the Bonnie Pirates I heard the last Island they walked through was filled with injured children and old men we haven't seen old people Slaughter on a level like this since Devil's luck William about 20 years ago you know form a partition men we will not let them through you know and of course Bonnie because of her age age fruit she's the one that's resulting in this so she walks through the Marines she just has a stick she just picks up a stick or like a great Club kind of thing and just smacks the Marines around um one Marine turns into a little kid one Marine turns into an old dude obviously they get injured in the process of getting smacked around so that's where that comes from Bonnie is not actually injuring you know elderly people well she is but she's turning a marine into an elderly person and then injuring them does that does that work I guess it works also it's a really cool scene when she's walking through and fighting the Marines like charging through uh their swords are also being corroded and rusted apart okay I actually missed that the first time through so she like took her stick and was just like smacking the Marines around turning them into an old man like no oh my arthritis but then also the cutless that he was wielding got hit as well and just corrodes into just you know gets oxidized like instantly and just collapses so Bonnie basically has the power of um the rust rust fruit on top of the ability to manipulate ages kind of like uh shinobu's mature fruit she also has an ability called nde which allows her to just you know uh force a near-death experience on somebody and watch their flesh slog off their skeleton like oh God you know there are some devil fruits in this story that are capable of so many different abilities like Law's opop fruit is a is a common one law has the ability to like manipulate like uh forces like gravity and inertia like moving stuff around using tact he has electrical abilities with his counter shock he can flip people's person alties he can you know heal people using the surgery skills he can give people you know immortality or at least Eternal youth kind of thing that's definitely a broken fruit that has a list of stuff it can do Sugar's hobby hobby know me gives the ability to stay young forever also has the ability to turn people in toys also has the ability to remove the memories of anybody that you know knew the people that were turned into toys also has the ability to make a contract with the toys so they have to obey you that's a fruit that has some broken stuff as well to it and also some combat abilities too so yeah this fruit is definitely getting on that level all right well anyway uh Kuma is in fact in the town he's on the outskirts Bonnie and her crew just start grabbing random people on the streets like I'm looking for a big guy he's got glasses and a little bear hat where is he it's just like ah yeah I saw him he's on the outskirts of town please don't hurt me is just like okay now Kuma is there and we actually see him at a distance of observing everything happening in town uh and he's just like H I can't see you Bonnie please understand I can't believe she became a pirate of all things oh well you mustn't chase after me pop and then he just sends himself flying using his paaw abilities okay uh and then you cat it out to seea with Bonnie in the jewelry Margarita which is the name of her ship I think it is the same ship that we saw last chapter um they just added to it a little bit I I thought her original ship the one on the uh the docks of sorbet that they kind of repainted a fishing vessel I thought that was a little smaller than the jewelry Margarita we see later but I think it is the same ship but they did add um a new Figure Head to it which is the one we see here and then also they did update the Jolly Roger at this point um like I said this is happening concurrently with because we're going to see Luffy getting his first bounty in the next panel so after Luffy has defeated arlong and he got the 30 million okay so this is at the end of the East blue and also remember Bonnie left earlier than Luffy I think she started her Adventure 6 months before Luffy left Fusia okay so she could probably very well be in the grand line right now cuz I don't think it took Luffy 6 months to get to the Grand line from the time he left fushia to the time they entered the grand line maybe like I don't know two three months most uh and even that might have been maybe a little bit too much but anyway yeah when it comes to exact timelines with the story like Oda is really good at the years um but when it comes down to the exact months that's sort of something he just leaves up for like debate it's just like yeah it's around this time you know so let's talk about why Kuma he's like I cannot see you Bonnie please understand farewell pop okay this bugged me and I I feel like I must be missing something big here I went back and you know the chapter where Saturn was going through the different stipulations right and I'm looking through it and I'm like okay it made sense then because Bonnie's you know treatment was ongoing so you know if if Kuma tried to see Bonnie or went back on his word uh against the deal that he made with Saturn then Bonnie's treatment might not be finished and Bonnie could be killed because she was being watched over by Alpha and Cipher pole 8 so that made sense why Kuma didn't see her then but things are different now number one Bonnie is cured 100% she's cured they can't use Sapphire scale as the disease like oh Kuma if you see your daughter she won't be cured now she's already cured that's already taken care of um I guess you could argue Kuma might not know that but like from what Vega Punk told him this is definitely at the point where she would have been cured also she's not being guarded by she knocked out Alpha so um she's clearly strong enough so she can't really be also all of her you know crew is there to protect her gyo and potato and tots and we've already established how strong fishermen are right so I don't understand like what's keeping Kuma from just popping over and saying hi to Bonnie I don't get it anymore like now granted they wouldn't just be able to like you know go back to the sorbet Kingdom and live happily ever after I I understand that much because Kuma's kind of into too deep right now he's a member of the Warlords and the government maybe Kuma's afraid that like if I contact Bonnie then um I I don't know what he's afraid of is he afraid that like okay if I'm with Bonnie and were traveling together then they're going to send even stronger members of cyppher Poole at us they might send the other Warlords at us they might send the Admirals at us and then that that might be too dangerous um maybe but like that's only if Kuma and Bonnie were like you know traveling together what's stopping Kuma from just meeting with Bonnie for like a half an hour and just explaining to her like Bonnie oh my god I've missed you so much Dad and then they hug and then they're like okay listen there's some problems going on right now okay I can't travel with you I I wish I could but I can't and of course Bonnie would be upset by that like what no I just found you like listen listen Bonnie You' become a really strong pirate didn't expect that by the way but okay congratulations on being a pirate that your ship that ship looks cool great fantastic um but I can't I can't travel with you right now because I'm a warlord they could send Admirals they could send cyppher pole that's not good um I I don't know what Kumo would say cuz she can't really go back to sorbet after what she did and you know she can't travel with Kuma so I I don't know maybe maybe Kuma could be like uh let me deal with some situations and stuff and maybe we can go off and live somewhere you know in some you know area of the world where the government can't reach us or something like like maybe I don't know but just the idea that Kuma's just like I can't see you Bonnie like what stopping Kuma from like like 10 minutes a 10-minute conversation with his daughter what's that going to like what's the big reason why he can't do that I'm I'm I I feel like I'm really missing something big here and I can't see it okay like it's not like is Saturn going to just appear in the magic circle right in front of them I mean maybe he could you know considering from what we've seen with with Saturn's ability um but I just don't see that reasoning because all of the leverage that the government had over Kuma is now gone Bonnie is cured and uh cyppher pole 8 is no longer you know having Bonnie like on lockdown essentially so I I don't see the reason why he can't just talk to his daughter really quick tell her everything that's been going on uh you know and then they might have to go their separate ways again but you I don't see the issue there okay anyway um so Bonnie is leaving and they're like okay well I I guess he wasn't there we got to go find him somewhere else okay even if it takes a while we'll find him eventually right and so Bonnie also brings up that uh hey since we're already Pirates and we're exploring the world why don't we go look for the sun god Niki yeah just like Dad you know it'd be really cool if I found dad and I'm like Hey Dad I found the sun god you used to worship uh he was on so and so Island write that down write that down so and so island is where Nika is just write it down right now I'm telling you what okay um so he's like oh yeah okay yeah Captain Captain Bonnie let's go do that let's go find the Sun God yeah I imagine the fisherman like guo tots and potato they're just having a blast with this they're just like okay Captain I I was a fisherman a couple months ago now I'm all of a sudden I'm pirate whatever I'm just having fun with whatever I'm doing okay there we go all right so we see Luffy in the East blue after he had defeated arlong he has his first Bounty 30 million also Usopp has also been issued a bounty of 30 million he was on the wanted poster as well so that counts um Straw Hat Luffy has stepped into the spotlight we see a brief scene with Sabo and dragon uh where Sabo keep in mind he's still amnesiac at this point he doesn't remember he's an Animaniac uh Sabo is he doesn't remember Luffy or Ace or anything like that right so Dragon just goes up to Sabo after seeing Luffy's wanted poster of 30 million and it's just like H Sabo I'm going to log town and sabo's like why no reason uh by the way who's in charge there uh I think that's uh Captain smoker yeah I better go to log toown all right I like that idea because that kind of get smoker a little bit of um dragon's kind of talking smoker up a little bit there at least to the point of like smoker huh yeah he's a loia and he's also a kind of non nonsense he's one of the Marines that'll actually be competent like you got to remember how badass smoker was back at logtown all right if Dragon didn't show up smoker would have captured Luffy there was nothing he could do he didn't have hockey he didn't have any idea how to fight smoker smoker was was like one of the if not the strongest characters in one piece introduced up to that point there was mihawk obviously that was introduced at the bartier but at a certain point in this story it went mihawk smoker we didn't know about crocodile yet we didn't know I guess Shanks okay it went Shanks mihawk then smoker smoker was top three at one point in this story and then Dragon showed up immediately after smoker and then he got bumped down a few more notches there but I think dragon is just being like all right Smoker's a pretty competent marine and also he's a loia and Luffy doesn't have hockey I better go make sure he gets to the Grand line if he wants to go be a pirate all right I I'll go make sure he's okay there and we actually do see a a shot of smoker there and he's just like looking at Luffy's wanted post you're like this is my next prey huh maybe building up some smoker hype for season two of The One Piece live action Netflix we had that post credit scene where you just saw smoker at his desk like dun dun dun oh man smoker man he's coming season two all right we also see a shot of Ace and jebe jebe of course you know visits whitebeard's ship quite a bit just to hang out and have some drinks and jebe is there and just like what this brat took down arlong yeah jebe that's my little brother a't it cool he's awesome and then jebe's like what jebe's like what he took down arog and all of karui Hai was there what how did did that happen oh it was nice seeing jebe's reaction to that actually something we never really got to see jebe's first reaction to arlong getting taken down all right but don't worry everybody arlong will have a second chance because um this Saturday on December 23rd I'm going to plug this because it's for charity uh I'll be doing my annual St Jude Children's Hospital charity stream on this channel at 1:30 p.m. Eastern Standard time we're going to be doing an anime crossover tournament I did a big stream a couple of days ago talking about who the fighters are and who's going to be fighting who and all the different like locations and uh there's there's various um various variables I should say on the fights and uh in round one we got coeny from chainsaw man versus arlong from onepiece who's going to win they could end up fighting in the desert or they could end up fighting in Atlantis or you know COI could get a laser rifle I don't know but we'll see what happens tune in Saturday to find out okay anyway we also have Bonnie there cheering in front of her crew the rules of piracy okay men time for the Ironclad rules of piracy plunder whatever you want I mean if it's from bad people and also don't help a soul unless they really need it yeah Captain Bonnie let's go uh we also see the point where n uh not Nami I don't know I don't know why I said Nami Nami is somewhere where's Nami at right now she's somewhere in the lab we haven't seen the regular straw hats in forever we see B H uh trying on some lipstick for the first time and then also adding the piercing under her right eye okay wait right right eye yeah yeah it's her right eye um and so she's like oh well if Dad doesn't see something on my cheek right here he might not recognize it's me so I got to put a piece of jewelry there so that's where she gets the little piercing that she put under her eye and uh yeah that's the origin of that okay cool um we also are now cutting to the new world at Egghead where the py Feasta prototypes are now pretty much completely done this was something very fascinating that I I Learned was that the pacifistas that we see at like sabot they were like right off of the assembly line like this happened while the straw hats like to give you an idea when Luffy left fusa at the beginning of the story The passif fistas weren't ready yet and then by the time they reached sabot that was like one of the one of their first test runs okay so that gives you an idea of how long it took for these things to be manufactured okay so we see a whole lineup of the original model pacifistas the prototypes we see uh tanks that go all the way up to number 10 but there could be even more than that uh the straw hats fought the PX4 at sabot that's the one they all had to work together like Luffy Zoro and Sanji had to do that combo attack to take one of the pxs down and then the px1 showed up Kuma set that one flying probably back to the lab um and then there was also I think the px5 was there I think that fought against like there was one that fought against kid and law um and then there were a few others I think uh the ones that showed up I think at sabot after the time skip was px7 and px5 I think so the numbers were there but they were all the same model the models after Kuma right okay and then they're all going to show up there was a lot more than 10 now that I realized cuz when they showed up at Marine Ford there were like I think several dozen of these I mean there were a lot okay there might have been upwards of like 30 40 maybe even 50 of the things at Marine Fort there were a lot that were there that sent tomaru was commanding okay so uh you know there's this moment where Kuma's walking through this hallway of nothing but him it's just like a bunch of versions of him in tanks it's like that scene in Toy Story too where Buzz is walking through the toy aisle and he sees all the different Buzz lightyears all lined up like so Kuma's like this is unsettling OG quazar you think so I think it's scientastic you know it's like okay all right yeah um anyway uh did you hear though it it turns out some rookies declared war on the world government at any's Lobby what dragon had a son and the son is a pirate and he went to any's lobby and he blew it up with a buster call how did that even happen it's like yeah um I'll tell you because I mean it's kind of a secret nobody's really supposed to know Luffy's Dragon son but you're going to look at my memories anyway so I guess it's fine right um maybe maybe the reason why Kuma didn't want to you know interact with Bonnie was because maybe he was afraid it would come come back to Vega Punk like Vega Punk would be the one to get punished like if Kuma and Bonnie were just like all right we're done with this I'm leaving the Warlords let's get out of here and just uses his paw powers to fly away since the government can't attack Bonnie or Kuma anymore they might just go after Vega Punk and kill him so maybe maybe Vega Punk's that type of Leverage and and obviously Kuma doesn't want Vega Punk to die so you know may maybe that was it maybe I don't know um but anyway he's like yeah you're going to study my memories anyway so I might as well just tell you now it doesn't really matter a man with rubber Powers standing up to the government what a quirk of Fate sounds just like the God that I literally worship named naika hm I wonder you know and so Kuma's like as he's you know uh reading about Luffy's exploits and the exploits of the straw hats like arong and then well I guess crocodile would have been covered up because that's the case there smoker ended up with the credit there although he didn't want to uh skypia that was all you know that was obviously not reported about so the first big story honestly was arlong and then the second one would have been anny's Lobby Luffy did get an extra bounty after defeating crocodile but the government was like keeping it a secret that he's the one that did that they raised his Bounty but they didn't actually say why right so then I guess it went arong and then any's Lobby a few months later and be like yeah so any's Lobby happened now we're cutting to Thriller bark the Magnificent moment I've been using magnificent and marvelous a lot in this video oh well it's Christmas time it's fine anyway so we have bark we have this from kind of Kuma's perspective where he's like I've been given the order to wipe you all out but give me the head of your captain Straw Hat Luffy and I will spare your lives and everybody on Thriller bark not just the straw hats I mean the straw hats were obviously hell no but also Lola and the rolling Pirates and all the other members of the Thriller bark victims Association they were also like no we're not doing that and so Kuma's like what a shame ursus shock boom shock okay I'll admit it I'll say it right now I was hired to do all of the Foley and sound effects and soundtracks for the new one piece anime with Studio contacted me and they were like all right tching we need a full soundtrack for this new anime adaptation we decided to go to you and so that was my version of the difficult soundtrack I think I did a good job I think it's going to be great and I can't wait for this to be animated it's going to be marvelous okay there it is again okay anyway he uses the urs's shock we have the moment where um he's facing down Zoro the the nothing happened moment okay and uh zoro's there and he's like Luffy's the man he's going to be king of the Pirates and he's like all right well if you want to take his place then here's this bubble we get an added little bit of uh like we we it's the same scene but we have it from Kuma's perspective so we get to know what Kuma was thinking during this time and I love this I love the idea that we're doing the same scene but Kuma's like you know we can hear his monologue like his internal thoughts here so he makes the giant pain bubble he rejects Luffy's pain and exhaustion from fighting Moria and ORS and then he even thinks to himself like oh man this is a lot of damage this might be enough to even knock me out so Kuma's there even thinking like oh this this is a lot of damage I'm rejecting from this straw hat kid if Zoro takes this I would probably get knocked out cold if I took this and so that gives you even more of a perspective on the amount of pain the kuma who at this point was already at 100% Kuma didn't really fight anybody at this point he's like this would probably knock me out if I took this and Zoro who beat up eight ways to Sunday after fighting Moria and everybody in ores he's like I'll take it and as we all know nothing happened right okay and then we see Kuma as he's departing Thriller bar bark he's like he has exceptional friends just as IID expect from your son dragon and there we go now we're cutting to the sabot archipelago where by the way I I always found it so damn sad since we're mentioning this now Thriller bark to Sab OD how long do you think that was a week two weeks they had to go and travel and they also had to deal with the whole thing with Duval at his little area but how long do you think it was from Thriller bark to sabba OD I'm going to say two weeks okay not very long the reason I bring that up and what is always so tragic to me Brooke was part of the crew for 2 weeks before they got separated that's always so sad to me like Brooke was alone for 50 years he finally found friends they asked him to join their crew they didn't judge him for being a skeleton and they're like oh my God I'm finally I finally found people that care about me I get the hell out of this hell hole yay and then two weeks later he gets popped off to a a sad gloomy Island where they think he's Satan or something and then he gets captured by the long armed tribe and it's just like oh man but Brook stood through it he's just like they are still my friends even though I've only known them for like less than a month they are my friends I am going to get back to them someday you know so way to go Brooke anyway as uh Kuma is approaching the archipelago uh because he plays a major role in this Arc as well he this is when he gets the phone call that says hey um there's going to be a big War uh Ace is going to be executed which means whitebeard's probably going to show up and he's going to have a bunch of allies he's a yonko uh all Warlords are required to arrive at Marine Ford for this if you do not show up you will be um abolishing your title you'll be handing away your title and you're going to be an enemy to us now you have to come to this and obviously Kuma is just like oh wow that's crazy uh yeah I'm going to be there don't worry about it and he's like yeah cuz Kuma is a very reliable individual so you know it was more of like boa for example like they weren't sure boa was going to show up and jebe was vehemently opposed to this so that's why he got thrown and impelled down because of that still technically a warlord he was still a warlord until he resigned at Marine Ford in front of everybody right uh by the way the way that jebe quit his job is like the best he waited until an actual war and then sen Goku was up there and he's just like I'm handing in my resignation letter damn it Jean B it just like that's a good way to quit your job that's a boss move Jean B all right anyway they talk a little bit about you know Whitebeard showing up and you know he's like what the Whitebeard oh man this is going to be nuts so now we have the shots of the Sabo archipelago Sab OD archipelago where uh Bonnie was was first introduced in the story like 11 years no it's been over that uh 2009 I want to say sh when was sabot I know the the time skip was 2010 probably like and that was you know you still had all of marine Ford before that and impel down before that and Amazon Lily this moment where Bonnie was first introduced I want to say it's probably like 2008 2009 uh maybe something like that so yeah we're like 15 16 years or something something pretty close to it yeah anyway Bonnie's in the restaurant and she's just eating pizza remember that was how she was first introduced like pizza give me more pizza it was the same restaurant where like beije was eating in just like someone shut that broad up I'm trying to eat and then Hawkins also arrived I think and somebody spilled spaghetti on hawkins's crew's pants and he's like such was the fate of your Pence back when back when the supernovas were like whoa what's this guy going to do he's got like magic fortune telling Powers that's crazy I'm sure he's going to do something cool he doesn't anyway Bonnie's there eating pizza and Kuma is actually watching from the window this is what I mean by like Back to the Future Part Two where you have the restaurant and then the window and Kuma's like this big giant like guy that's like peering in the window seeing Bonnie eating the pizza and he's just like oh Bonnie this will probably be the last time I get to see your face you become a great pirate and and it's funny cuz you see like people outside that aren't really witnessing him but then Kuma's like looking into like there's like these two old people like like having a nice elderly couple that are just having a meal in this restaurant that they're just like oh I think I'll take uh honey what do you feel about the clam shouder oo I like clam shouder I like so I'll take a bowl of your finest chouder okay okay Meredith oh it's been lovely having this meal with you there's like three supernovas over there on the other side of the restaurant maybe we should just avoid them yeah I think so and then Kuma's head is just like slowly slowly going over the window and they're like oh no dear why do we live on this archipelago maybe they don't live there maybe they were just visiting maybe this was their their vacation for like you know their elderly and they're like why do we always come to this archipelago there's always Pirates everywhere now there's robots blowing everything up this is horrible anyway um you know so Kuma got to see his daughter one last time before he was transformed because we know that in between sabot all the way up to Marine Ford that is when he became the PX Zer so it's shortly after this um we see the auction house where Kuma hears the Ruckus going on inside that Luffy punched out Charlos so he warps to the ceiling and he's like so the whole events go back and watch the events of the auction house and rayy using conquerors and everybody's in there fighting everybody and Usopp lands on Charlos and everything Kuma was like on the roof the entire time like looking down watching the whole thing I love that uh that actually has a name by the way in one of uh I don't know if it was like a regular Data Book I think it was a book on like extra information for the anime or whatever uh but it was called One Piece white and it actually gave a name to the event where Luffy punched out Charlos it is called the Celestial Dragon hit and run incident okay and uh it's it's a very very very high-profile event in the one piece story uh and then right after that is when Usopp fell on roswald and that was known as the sit and run incident okay very big incidents that happened back to back there okay but yeah Kuma's up there and he's like somebody hit a Celestial Dragon why would they do that we're we're so close to Marine HQ it's right there that's that's Insanity that somebody would do that and he goes up there and he sees that it's Luffy and he sees the straw hats and he's like them again he did it to protect a Fishman Straw Hat Luffy no one has done anything that bold in hundreds of years it's treason he might be the actual Su God you know also I love that he mentions no one has done anything that bold in hundreds of years I wonder who the last person that did it was he could have been referring all the way back to Joy boy it could have been I'm sure Joy boy punched out some Celestial dragons in his day maybe maybe it was somebody else though maybe it was some other incarnation of Joy boy in the last few hundreds of years that did something also the way he's implying this even Roger didn't do this Roger you know lived only 20s something years ago Kuma's talking like no one has assaulted the celestial dragons on this level in in hundreds of years so that Luffy did something that maybe even Roger didn't pull you know what I mean like that's insane um you know might have been referring all the way back to Joy boy but there might have been somebody else like maybe 400 years ago maybe it was Ruma Ruma went around and sliced up some dragons maybe it happened I don't know we now cut to the scene uh at the Grove where they're all being separated you know where the px1 is there Kuma sends it flying sentomaru is there kizaru is there ry's there it's just Madness right and so um he says like Dragon Eva I'm sorry that I'm deserting you without any kind of word okay that's also when Ivanov does end up meeting Kuma again at Marine Ford uh Kuma doesn't recognize Diva because his his memories are gone right so he's apologizing to them there CU he didn't get a chance to say goodbye to his close friends one last time at least he got to see Bonnie one last time you know but Kuma laments that at least he can leave his own quiet mark on the world so this is like Kuma's swan song as it were he's like I am going to die soon and we see it later in this chapter that his memories and his personality just being white we see that later but he's like at least Bonnie is going to be a great pirate and she's going to change the world and dragon's son Straw Hat Luffy that's the Legacy I leave behind he might be the one to actually change the world's way he might be the Incarnation of the Sun God I'm getting the feeling that he is so Kuma understands what's going to happen to him but he's kind of like all right at least Bonnie and uh Luffy are going to change the world that I never could something like that you know then you have the tearful moment where Luffy's on the ground and he's just like crying and balling his eyes out like I couldn't save any of them my crew and Kuma's like oh youve got it wrong Luffy I oh man this is rough I don't I the new world is really tough you'll understand soon you understand I'm not doing this to hurt you I'm not killing your crew um you can't go to the new world yet you need to train up and then you can go okay um but anyway yeah oh you're balling oh your your mucus is coming down your nose okay I'm just gonna pop just going to send him flying all right to Amazon Lily right you will someday save the world and by the way Luffy did all of the straw hats realized this now at the moment they were obviously all upset like oh my God our crew everyone's gone cuz they didn't know what was happening Kuma might have been popping them into an extra dimensional space or killing them right there they didn't know you know what I mean they were freaking out but yes after a few days have passed and the straw hats all had a moment to like assess their surroundings and realize what Kuma actually did they figured it out where it was like Kuma sent us off to help us not to punish us not to defeat us the new world is really really uh dangerous there's a lot of really strong Pirates are there the Yono are there really strong Marines are there we need to sit still and train up for two years until we can really get there okay so Luffy realized this all the other crew realized this and they they do get it okay but at the moment yeah it would have been terrifying um so now we're cutting back to Egghead where Saturn is uh messaging Vega Punk and is going on even more of a list of egregious demands Saturn is now like you know what we should be safe and install a self-destruct mechanism into Duma you're going to have to whip that up for me Vega Punk and Vega Punk's like are you kidding me I'm already like is there any aspect of this man's life that you do not want to like you want to not ruin you know it's like geez you turned him into a Mindless cyborg we cloned him into a a bunch of death Terminators he can't see his daughter anymore and now you want to install a nuke in his chest what is wrong with you people I already set you at the top level of the hierarchy command what else do you want it's like well what would happen if he went rogue and we weren't around to order him around we should install the you know the the rose bomb inside of him just in case I was Saturn had been watching Hunter Hunter he's like I was watching this anime Hunter Hunter uh there's this fight between this old man and this guy he's like an ant or something we should put a bomb in Kuma's chest that should probably be good right wait a minute Kuma has a bomb in his chest wait a minute Kuma has a bomb in his chest oh my God yes yeah baby oh yeah okay Kuma's landing at Egghead straw hats the saddle lights everybody that's good is going to get off that Island Kuma Neo moment boom he is nuking Egghead Saturn is getting Point Blank nuked by that bomb I am telling you right now oh yeah oh yeah baby yeah the hubris Pride cometh before the fall doesn't it dip oh yeah that's going to be that people were saying that like all the damage that uh he had accumulated like from Akainu and all of the Marines like Kuma was going to reject that and damage Saturn Oh no I got a better idea Vega Punk's certified copyrighted nuclear bomb in Kuma's chest and you know Vega Punk knows how to make weapons all right oh man so ahad's probably going to be obliterated the straw hats are going to escape the satellites are going to escape Bonnie's going to escape Stuy will probably Escape and then Kuma's going to detonate he's going to like I am now activating my nuke it's going to be like an Android 16 moment but it's actually going to follow through oh man cuz the way it implies that he did put the bomb in he's like he's like cuz he's going on like I already gave you the hierarchy command he's like I don't care you have to do it I'm not interested in the opinions of a scientist for hire and so Vega Punk does agree to do it because he says okay fine in exchange for me installing a nuke in inside of Kuma's chest can you at least let me keep his ego intact and Vega punk goes on to say that he developed a switch that allows him like listen what we can do is I installed this device where we can switch and Alternate between his personality and his you know unthinking robot so you know it's it it works out for you guys if you ever want Kuma to just obey an order no matter what you can flip the switch and then he will but if he doesn't he could switch back and he can at least still keep his Humanity a little bit at least let me test it and Saturn just shuts him down he's just like I've given the order Vega Punk do it I don't want a single trace of individuality left not a single shred of compassion left in Kuma Kuma's going to be on that island about to detonate Saturn's going to be there and he's going to be like wait Kuma no don't don't you have any Humanity oh wait yeah no he doesn't oh crap I'm dead boom that's going to be fun I want Kuma to everybody in agreement with that everybody in agreement with Kuma just at least his body the PX zero just obliterating in a bomb and then just wiping Saturn out along the way this like seven or eight chapter flashback that started from God Valley all the way up to now that is the conclusion of aead that is the conclusion that's the big event that's the big event that shocked the world Kuma detonated a hydrogen bomb and then killed one of the goros oh yeah that'll do it that'll do it man all right anyway um we now cut to the moment where Kuma dies this is a vigil basically where Vega Punk is like um well actually Kuma is the one that says hey I I overheard your conversation with Saturn I I appreciate that you care about this Vega punk I appre appreciate that you care so much about me that you would try to make a switch like like anything you could possibly do but it's okay it's okay I've made my peace at this point and Vega Punk's like okay then well today's the day uh lay back and hook up all the you know we're going to erase your personality it was fun and so Vega Punk's there and he's like it was fun meeting you and you know hanging out for two years but the day is finally here it's also looking like your first assignment's going to be fighting in a war with whitebeards so um probably best you don't have your personality for that that looks pretty scary um anyway and I also I have an entire Battalion of PCI feasters ready to go for that so yeah um also this is the point where Kuma asks Vega Punk to program the um to protect the Thousand Sunny for two years this is something interesting I overlooked something that Saturn actually said an earlier complaint I had in this Arc was why didn't Vega Punk just like lie why didn't Vega Punk just like oh yeah Goro say you're at the highest level of the higher Ary for the command structure why didn't Vega Punk just lie about that and install like a security workaround in order to like take control of everything if he really wanted to like he's the scientist here right well Saturn does say something about that he says I too am a man of science if you attempt to deceive me I'll know and you will die so the the implication is the garos aren't stupid when it comes to science okay the idea is that Saturn knows a decent amount about science as well he's the godhead of scientific defense so it's like if Vega Punk tried to work around that and like oh I'll uh you know I'll install that that that switch into duma's brain without telling Saturn Saturn would know he would have the knowledge to check now how would Saturn know that if he's this Immortal being that's lived all that time ago well remember the ancient kingdom was scientifically Advanced maybe even more advanced than Egghead if Saturn had been alive since that ancient Kingdom existed he might have been a scientist in the ancient Kingdom he might have been the Vega Punk of his day the only reason they're using Vega Punk now is maybe maybe Vega Punk is a little better and also the the Goro say don't want to do that their work themselves you know they was like leave it to Vega Punk leave it to him We're the rulers of the world I'm not going to go and build an army of robots leave that to Vega Punk right so it's possible Saturn might have the knowledge and the information to be like yeah you lied to me this isn't a hierarchy for the Goro say you installed a workaround so you could take control if you wanted to OG Shucks yeah you're dead boom and then like that could have been it so that's the reason right but that leads to another little bit of a plot issue okay Kuma asks Vega Punk to program I want to be the obstinate guardian of the Thousand Sunny for two years and Vega Punk agrees because that's what he does until Frankie shows up after the time Skip and then he leaves okay why would the Goro say be okay with that so you mean to tell me after the war Kuma shows up at the sabot OD archipelago and stays there guarding the straw hats ship for two years and the garos never questioned that like Saturn was never like where's Kuma Vega Punk oh he's out doing stuff where is Kuma Vega Punk uh yeah he's protecting the straw hats at sabot cuz I kind of programmed it into him okay well that's high treason um it is like I don't get where that came from Kuma vanished for two years and no one like the goros never got involved with that other Warlords didn't get involved in that the the Marines didn't get involved in that it was just like yeah Kuma's protecting the straw hats the one of the biggest enemies of the world government's ship for 2 years and apparently Saturn is right right here threatening Vega Punk like if you do anything to deceive us we're going to kill you like and well he did something to deceive them you know I was like that that's a little bit of an issue there I'm not really sure maybe that might get explained later too we we'll find out but anyway we have Kuma holding up Luffy's bounty poster this is back after anny's Lobby so the 300 million and he's like his actions have really moved me Vega punk you know I know the Sun God is meant to just be a legend I always thought that maybe he wasn't real like I I always pre his message but I know he is just just a story that the slaves told but it's something about this kid Luffy the fact that he has the rubber Powers his his personality the way he punched out a Celestial Dragon and gave zero shits about that um and the way he did it in in order to protect a Fishman if there's anybody out there that embodies NAA if NAA turns out to be a real person it's this kid it's Luffy I believe it'll be him he will be the one to save the world um and so we have a moment where Vega Punk asks Kuma to remove his memory bubble the memory bubble we see in the Paw room right and so Kuma's like oh yes of course so he removes his memories and Vega Punk even is like so when you remove those memories do you still have your memories he's like oh yeah this is basically just like a copy you know this isn't really my like all my memories like I still remember stuff it's just a copy of my memories however somebody that touches this it will it'll disappear and Vega Punk's like oh don't worry about that I built a special room a special mechanism so I can study your memories without um touching it okay and then we of course see later during the story Bonnie activates the memories and then she sees everything and then that's where she learns it by the way all the letters that Kuma wrote and everything Bonnie learned about that through the memories so she still got the letters which is nice yeah okay that's nice anyway um so Kuma sits down he takes the memory bubbles out and he's just reminiscing about my life as as Vega Punk is like okay you're a scientist Vega Punk this is for this is for science you got to remove somebody's personality but it's all for Science and so he's trying to steal himself to do this Kuma's laying back in the machine and he's just like it kind of looks like an MRI it kind of looks like a thing that's like scanning his head and he has like stuff like hooked up and he's like so this is my life I wonder how many people were troubled or harmed by my actions and then we see a a whole page that is this is beautiful this page is is marvelous as it were no it is absolutely just so wholesome it is pretty much the entire flashback that we've been going on since chapter 1095 so like for the last seven eight chapters all compressed in a single page it's clap and uh Kuma's mom holding a baby Kuma and then Kuma running as he's a slave and then meeting Eva Ivanov and jinny and then running as a priest as the pastor of the church meeting dragon and then guo and tots and the other fishermen of the village and then we see Jenny as an adult and then we see Kuma running even more as Bonnie is there he like Daddy and then we see Kuma and his modern outfit like running and Kuma is going to Vega Punk and Vega Punk's like I can cure her Kuma I'm so grateful thank goodness and then you just see this scene where Vega Punk has the like he just has to pull the switch he just has to pull the switch and Kuma's memories he's killing a man basically once he pulls this it's it's gone he's dead all right just a husk of his former self that is it a a corpse walking a robot a terminator and nothing more and Vega Punk is balling he's like I don't know if I can do it all the all the other um people in the lab all the other assistants wearing the lab coats and everything they're like silently praying sentomaru is there praying and then Vega Punk is there and then Kuma is like thank you just one last thing Vega Punk make sure to tell Bonnie happy 10th birthday and Vega Punk's like I know [Music] quar and dude it's like you see the skies above like the sun is shining down on Egghead like the heavens themselves are Weeping and then you just see Kuma like tell Bonnie happy 10th birthday murder. exe now online where do I go to exterminate pirat scum I've killed a man quazer oh that God that's that's intense um then we see we cut back to not the present story but the night in between you know when ated Egghead when everything was going on that we still don't know about 100% where we see Bonnie in the Paw room crying if you see her again could you tell her happy 10th birthday the end of the chapter is Bonnie in the Paw room after here she is now everything we just read in the last few months that is how Bonnie perceived it from Kuma's birth to going uh becoming a slave going to God Valley meeting Ivanov and Jenny everything with the revolutionaries everything at the church everything with um the revolutionaries did I say that already sure whatever and then blah blah blah blah blah and then you know saving the Kingdom from bori like three damn times and then everything with jinny getting captured and then Bonnie and then the sapphire scale and then you know Vega Punk and then Saturn and everything and then the revolutionaries again and then going to meet Luffy and then going around the world and going to Thriller bark and then going to sabot and then going back to the lab and the army of robots and then everything that was how she was viewing it like it it's like a movie the most tragic movie you've ever watched in your damn life and B was in the IMAX like four dimension seat okay and she's like please wish her a happy 10th birthday and she's and then that's the end of the chapter break next week which means not a new chapter until the following year until 2024 man ending this year on a high note I mean it is a high note it is a really good chapter really marvelous conclusion to the flashback Arc with Kuma but it is a tear jerker man is a real tear jerker uh yeah okay so guess we're getting back to Egghead getting back to the story I mean honestly once you factor in um this flashback and all the chapters that took place in the other parts of the world like with GARP and Shanks and you also factor in the break that Oda took in the summer like a month long on once you you know extrapolate all that and put it all together um we didn't really have that much progress at aead this year but that's okay uh because I think that's all next year what's going to to be I mean egghead's probably going to conclude next year we might be going to elb maybe you know halfway through the year or maybe a little bit after that I don't know but um you know Egghead will be concluding in 2024 from you know what I'm seeing here okay and we're going to get back to that um yeah the question is are we going to go back to the present with Saturn like choking Bonnie or are we going to go to see what happened the night before and conclude on that front you know with the battle with the seraphim and everything I I don't know oh man that was an intense chapter but yeah um I think all of the decisions that Saturn made this this cool callous decisions that he was like take away akuma's personality I don't want to shredd a Humanity left in him place a bomb in him just in case he goes Rogue by the way he went rogue he was going rogue attacking Redline and then marija why didn't they just detonate him well probably because he was in marija but why wouldn't they detonate the bomb while he's traveling to huh maybe Vega Punk did pull a fast one maybe he either didn't install the bomb or he did install the bomb but special security privileges on who gets to activate the bomb maybe something like that right okay maybe but I think Kuma has a nuke in his chest and he's going to detonate that in front of Saturn after everybody gets away and that's going to be the conclusion of Kuma that's how he's going to die because I think the pawpaw fruit needs to reincarnate somebody else I think is getting the pawpaw fruit some I think that is happening okay there's a lot of Halo about the Paw fruit so I think Kuma's body is going to detonate the fruit's going to reincarnate somewhere maybe vivv will get it maybe somebody of the other straws will get it who knows but um yeah that's one piece 2023 hope you guys enjoyed it was a pretty intense one uh anything else in particular Vega Punk obviously being very distraught about all this um all the parallels going on between Bonnie and Luffy as their Adventures are going on side by side the different perspective of everything that's that was really cool to see that um but yeah yeah really high high quality chapter all right well anyway thanks everybody uh once again happy holidays Merry Christmas to all and uh this Saturday I'll be doing my charity stream for St Jude make sure to come by and um say hey we doing this crossover tournament uh and uh should be a lot of fun should be a lot of fun hope we can raise last year we raised around 23,000 for St Jude maybe we can hit 30 this year we'll see what happens uh but yeah appreciate it everybody teching signing out later
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 151,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, 1102, kuma, timeskip, sunny, vegapunk, luffy, thriller bark, bonney, saturn, pacifista
Id: NbfvMeGlT0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 24sec (3324 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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