One Piece Chapter 1106 Review "The Rising Sun"

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why do I always wear a suit when I do these it's been so long now I don't remember why it just it's one of those things it's just like time to talk about one piece got to put on my suit I'm like all right yeah sure okay anyway this will be one piece chapter yeah that was the intro for this week I got nothing else uh uh pick your favorite color tell me your faite color and post it in the comments down below it will be relevant later in the review or maybe it won't be I don't know but we'll find out together you know all right one piece chapter 1,16 review titled on your side and the cover page is Robin dressing up a crocodile not not crocodile that would be really funny that would be hilarious if Robin and crocodile went shopping together also given the fact that they used to work together you know it's like hey crocodile it's been forever I know you literally tried to murder me last time that you know we saw one another but let's go on a shopping montage and then it's crocodile and Robin shopping Montage you know crocodiles th trying on all these threads hey you could say one thing about crocodile and that is the dude has a sense of fashion cuz he does all right and then there's moments where Robin is like no and then yes and then like yeah they're walking through town together and they're super uh you know stylish and everything no it it's an actual crocodile and uh it's wearing a shirt uh with Lacosta written across it I had to look this up because I had no idea what odor was referencing it's a French uh clothing company that I think originally just made like shirts like Sporting apparel and like Footwear and stuff because it was founded by a famous tennis player back at the beginning of like the 20th century uh and it's called lacost and uh I think it got bought by another company it doesn't matter I've been read I've been reading up about this French apparel company a lot this morning okay that was the that was the takeaway from this chapter right but anyway their logo is a crocodile so I could see what Oda did here he just changed the name from lacost with ending with an E to an a probably for like copyright reasons or whatever um but you know it's a crocodile he's got a surfboard he's got a Lacosta shirt he's got a cool anchor tattoo so I guess he's a sailor he's got some glasses he's got like a handkerchief like a scarf kind of thing he's got a bow on his tail and Robin is just like yeah that style right right there okay that's that's high fashioned I would have really liked it for crocodile himself to be in the background somewhere of this this would have been awesome like crocodiles just hanging out on the beach or crocodile was like the cashier the entire time that that would have been funny all right any cover page that features Robin is already high tier okay I should do a Oda like cover page ranking video that would take forever but there's an idea okay so we continue where we left off I I I guess actually because like in the end of the last chapter we had the Marine ship heading out to exterminate the evacuation vessel remember the timelines and all this are kind of wacky the evacuation vessel left the day before and then Saturn says you know I have sent a marine ship to gun down the evacuation vessel it's like all right but did he send that ship just now like when the Buster call was started or did he send that ship like yesterday cuz otherwise it's going to take a while to catch up but at either at either rate we saw that marine Vessel being destroyed by an unknown party somewhere out at Sea and the big question was who was it was it shanks was it Blackbeard was it the cross skilled was it somebody else was it Whitebeard back from the grave was it the straw hat Grand fleet was it uh Neo mads well the real answer was it was none of those parties which means anybody had placed money on foxy congratulations head over to the cash office to collect your winnings there you go it was actually Foxy the whole time no uh but the chapter does open up with the ship of those that did destroy that Mar green Battleship heading toward aead and they say wow they're really going at it yeah it's just like the newspaper said so this is important to know that the events on Egghead have been you know published in the world Economic Times and have been scattered all over the world because everything going on there has been happening for well over a day at this point right so the 24-hour news cycle is going on at the moment right Morgans is printing out special editions out the woo right okay so it makes it even funnier by the way that by the way we're going to find out who they are at the end of the chapter but we kind of have this one hint at the beginning right it's a very large vessel arriving at Egghead H wonder who it could be but if this is in the newspaper that's what a lot of people thought like it was going to be the grand Fleet the grand Fleet were going to all see it in the newspaper and be like Luffy needs us and then they're going to go so it's not them I mean I guess they could still show up they could show up like a day or two after the fact that would be kind of funny um but you know we're going to find out who they are at the end of the chapter I'm not going to spoil that quite yet so um we're back on Egghead right in front of the vending machine Luffy has just consumed like you know 10 times his body mass in food all right so he's like there and he's surrounded by Marines now at first software update has been completed restart the tablet to apply updated software no I'm I'm reviewing a chapter here okay but no so let me let me give you a scenar Mario here I I originally was going to give some to these marines they're like the Marines are all just standing around Luffy Luffy is like incapacitated on the ground like man that was some good pizza right and they're like bring them in men all right seriously though you have one of the Emperors on the ground in front of you that has just consumed a bunch of food do you want to be the first dude to go over there and try to bring him in I'm just saying it's like all right everybody we have the Emperor Straw Hat Luffy surrounded yep we we certainly do Bill it's like yep we really do so um how about you go and uh throw some C prism cuffs on that guy it's just like yeah how about you do that bill you're the commanding officer that's right I'm the commanding officer so why don't you go do it all right no how about you no you're not doing it either okay that's great we'll just stand here and just point our guns and just hopefully nothing bad will happen you know um that's fair I mean are you going to go close to lff and they even one of the Marines is even like dude if we get close to him he might just eat us and it's just like you know what that is a legitimate concern that is not a marine just being goofy like trying to come up with an excuse like yeah I would I would go and put some sea prism cuffs on him but he might eat me no Luffy might actually eat you that that could totally happen all right he's never used that I mean he has actually tried that before with crocodile the gug gumu no Baku Baku um but he he could in theory just you know devour another human being and then digest them in his body like that is a technique that Luffy could do maybe it's a little too San for a Shonen manga but he could definitely do that all right so what I'm saying here is if I was part of these marines and these are not like high ranking Marines I don't think these are the vice Admirals or anything like that I mean maybe there is a vice admiral here I don't see him but even if you were a vice admiral you going close to that are you going close to this I don't think you are all right so Luffy's on the ground and he's like ah that was a good meal all right time to digest and like he just compresses all the food digests it all at once and then you know then that of course that's when the Marines decide like all right uh fire then like a giant shell hits close to them cuz the island is being bombarded I don't even know why these Mar these marines are still dedicated to their job because they're being attacked by a buster call right now but then a shell hits them the whole area goes on fire it's just like ah whatever pull it together man we could bring them let's just let's just go like on the on the count of three let's just all jump Luffy and just throw C prism on him 3 2 1 I thought you were going to start at one I thought I was going to start at three oh God and then that's when Luffy activates gear fif and uh I mean he probably doesn't kill them cuz he's Luffy probably just seriously mes them maybe knocks them all out and then they are subsequently murdered by the ongoing Buster call so those Marines are probably dead is what I'm trying to say here uh but but at any rate um yeah the island is just being just blasted over and over again the uh Vice Admirals on the ship are just like keep blasting when you see fire fire Into the Fire you know and when you make more fire destroy that fire like that's a buster call just constant bombardment even after you're pretty damn sure you've destroyed everything on the island keep firing okay if anything Twitches you fire okay so um we now have uh Kuma holding Bonnie they're falling out of the sky after the capsule was sliced by kizaru sanji's also there uh jumping into the sky to help them Frankie and Atlas are also falling down so you have all of the Mark II passy feas On The Ground aiming their uh laser cannons up about to just rain down and just bombard and and kill Kuma and Bonnie that's who they're aiming at right that's Saturn specifically is like shoot down this pathetic family once and for all you know they're shooting them down and Vega Punk the Stella at the last minute is like Atlas come in tell Bonnie and then Atlas is like okay and then she goes over I have no idea how they're hearing any of this given the fact that there's just a war zone going on around them just constant explosions I don't know how anybody is hearing anything here but at any rate you know like Atlas come in quazar tell Bonnie about the secret plan and then Atlas is like okay Stella if you think so and so Atlas goes over and tells Bonnie something and then Bonnie is just like Bonnie has the expression on her face of like that was a thing the entire time okay Daddy please don't fire the lasers at us help us escape the island and then the mark 3s are like they can also receive this they can hear this I don't once again explosion everywhere I don't know how they're hearing this but like all right re-calibrating initiating fatherly protocol boom boom boom and then they just start unloading awesome double page spread where you see the mark 3s just once again changing sides and this like the third or fourth time this has happened and they start unloading on all the Marines around the island that are bombarding them right so even the Marines that are witnessing it are like hey did you hear them say something I don't know there's too many explosions I can't hear so I mean they're they're py feas maybe they have special hearing I don't know but anyway yeah all of the ships are getting bombarded at least three or four of them just get destroyed immediately from the PCI Feast as uh laser beams so all that's happening a lot of double pages in this chapter as well right so that's all happening and so uh last chapter when vega Punk was observing uh Bonnie and Kuma falling down and all the mark 3s about to kill them he said he was thinking to himself self he was like this is something that keeps me up at night the idea that since Bonnie became a pirate and Kuma you know was changed into the passy feista you know not just the pive feista mark zero Mark zero uh pive feista zero px0 but also all the other pive feas um you know Vega Punk was worried that like at some point these pistas were going to chase down Bonnie and kill her and that would mean that Bonnie would be murdered by her own father or a robot that looks exactly like her father and also vice versa it would mean that Kuma's image was used to kill his daughter which Kuma of course would have like you know would have been so disdainful over that right um so Vega Punk was like all right listen even if it cost me my life even if it results in all of my life's work being eliminated I I am not going to program this into the passif feas I'm just not going to do that the ultimate Authority when it comes to the passif fistas will be with Jory Bonnie so it goes anybody with the authority chip on the bottom then it goes sentomaru then it goes Vega punk in the satellites then it goes the Goro and then at the very top even above the five Elder stars is Jory Bonnie and I love this because this is something that I have been saying and a lot of people have been saying ever since this whole hierarchy thing was explained why didn't Vega Punk just lie to Saturn and program something else in there now we had a throwaway line from Saturn a little while ago that was like I'm something of a scientist too you silly Billy if you program something that I'm unaware of then you'll die you know so the idea is like Saturn could check but I'm always like I think Vega Punk's a better sign scientist than Saturn I I think there's a way he could program something in there where he wouldn't know you know what I mean and in this case he actually did succeed right so we've never actually seen Bonnie come up against a pacifista before this Ark that would have actually been really fascinating if she did encounter a pacifist at sabot or something and then she's like no don't attack please and then the pacifist is like yeah okay and then she just walks away and then Bonnie's like huh what what happens maybe that did happen because we don't really know everything that happened at sabot although I think the first time that Bonnie saw py fista was at Egghead I think that was the first time she actually came face to face with one of them and they had the image of her father like when we saw that policeman Kuma actually just in one of the most recent episodes of the anime we saw that so um yeah I don't think she ran into a paf fista at sabot but if she would have then maybe this would have been relevant then who knows but anyway yeah so Vega Punk was like if it doesn't matter if it if it results in the end of my life or or whatever I will not have Bonnie be murdered by her own father that is a line not even a line in the sand that is a line in the in the tungsten that is the line in the adamantium that I will not cross quazar you know what I mean and so that's that is just Vega Punk thinking about that to himself about what happened and so Atlas told Bonnie like hey you can command the passive feas and Bonnie's like are you messing with me or okay uh stop holy it actually worked okay cool so in response to that we now have a scene after Vega Punk has done thinking about this Saturn has taken his spider appendage and has just stabbed Vega Punk right through the chest um it actually seems like he's getting stabbed right through his lung so that's not good and I love how Vega Punk is like I knew this would have consequences quazar and so he's about to die and it's like okay okay so a couple of things here um the way that this is worded seems to be like this was like this was the thing that Saturn finally decided this is the final straw it's time for you to die but I'm pretty sure Saturn had already decided to kill Vega punk you know from all the other times in the last few chapters where he said I'm here to kill Vega punk you know like so I was like was this the final straw like Saturn was like well I wasn't 100% on board with killing you but now I am like he could have done that the whole time I guess I don't know like you know there was a couple of opportunities for this but now Saturn is livid we get a closeup of his face and he's all viny and his eyes are all bloodshot just like Vega Punk how dare you program something against my will this was the final straw I tells you and then he stabs um Vega Punk and it's sad and and Frankie is upset and you know they're all like no Vega Punk no we we are really losing Vega punks as of late seriously look at this color wheel of all the different Vega punks see that's where your favorite color came in handy all right so here's the deal right uh shakka is dead and Pythagoras is dead York is a traitor which basically means she's as good as dead and uh now the Stella might be dead so um yeah we're only down to three Vega punks man this is the reason why Oda had to introduce seven Vega punks because it's like a body count in a horror movie we are really losing Vega punks quick all right well anyway if your favorite color was purple for Lilith green for Edison or pink for Atlas congratulations you're still in the game I I think Atlas is going to die at some point but as long as Edison makes it out okay for the sake of him being a tiny little robot guy and as long as Lilith makes it out okay on account of her having cake and whatnot I'm okay with this Arc okay kind of wish Shaka would have made it he was pretty neat but you know a lot of people have also brought up like what happens if Punk records is destroyed like what happens if Punk records is just obliterated does that mean all of the Vega punks instantly go brain dead um I don't think it would CU it's like they're sinking to punk records every day to like upload their knowledge I think even if Punk records was destroyed that would be obviously a huge loss for the world um but Lilith and Edison would still be able to function and they would still have Vega Punk mind it's just that they wouldn't be able to store it anywhere at the end of the day so I guess that means at the end of the day lili's brain would end up growing huge oh that's another question too Vega Punk's the one that ate the brain brain fruit the main body but then he kind of cloned himself cuz they're all Vega punks they're just different aspects of his personality so does Lilith have the brain brain fruit does Edison have it do all the Vega punks have the brain brain fruit and more importantly if the Stella is killed does it reincarnate I'm assuming it would I'm assuming it's something similar where like um Boa Hancock has the real love love fruit and if she were to die that fruit would reincarnate but s snake also has the love love fruit through the green blood so maybe the brain brain fruit is also synthetically replicated through the six satellites so those are just the copies of the brain brain fruit but if the main body the Stella were to actually die here I hope he doesn't I really hope that Vega Punk survives this they have Chopper he might be able to save them and they have the replacement organs in the lab so there's a lot of different options here for Vega Punk to survive even if he punctured a lung and destroyed it be like we need an artificial lung oh there's one that was easy okay and then you know Vega Punk can be saved by Chopper transplanting the organ or something right um but yeah even if Punk records is destroyed I don't think all the Vega punks are just going to like die immediately I don't think that's how that works uh anyway so uh Saturn is really mad so he's like kizu eliminate them and be quick about it kind of already gave this order like three other times but this time I'm peeved and so Kizer is just like yeah okay and so he zips up and uses yasakani no magatama it's basically just like an energy barrage attack now something interesting in this scene so Atlas gets hit by it Frankie gets hit by it Sanji does get hit by it but he does kick one of the lasers so like a bunch of are coming at him you know Sanji manages to kick one of them and deflect it uh but then he also gets punctured by like three others he was also protecting Kuma that is also important to mention he was protecting Kuma who was protecting Bonnie so maybe Sanji with his observation hockey could have dodged all of the lasers if he wanted to but if he would have done that then Kuma and Bonnie would have gotten killed so obviously B uh sanji's going to throw himself in front of Bonnie to make sure she doesn't get hit by the lasers so maybe it's like sanji's like okay I got six lasers coming at me I can't Dodge cuz they'll hit Kuma and then hit Bonnie I can deflect one of them with a kick but I'm taking like five more of these oh well see on the other side your mom and then just like Sanji goes to like kick the laser and gets punctured Frankie gets plugged pretty bad Atlas same way and they all kind of get hit so kizu then Zips past everybody takes out his light sword his lightsaber and he's like I'll make sure to kill you both in one attack back it won't hurt Bonnie it'll be okay and then he just raises up his sword about to just slice both of them down at the same time probably going for just like a decapitation like right away and so at that exact moment is when Luffy returns in gear fif laughing his ass off like boom and then just punches kizu in the face with a hockey fist um it does it's not the same thing with the star gun or anything it's not like K's face like warps just a really hard punch just hit H him really hard in the face and gets him sent to flying down and then Luffy's punch like wi's back and this is really important cuz this is the first time that Bonnie is actually seeing Luffy I guess in his full form of gear fif because the other times that he was fighting in gear fif she wasn't really like right up close to him when he did that so this is the first time she's witnessing it so um Luffy also changes the whole ground into rubber so like a big bouncy house which is what I was expecting of gear 5 The Awakening like Bouncy World or whatever so when they all hit the ground they're just bo bo so they're okay I mean they're they're pierced with laser beams but ostensibly they're okay we have a shot we have a couple of shots here so they get over to Vega Punk first of all he's on the ground bleeding out he's like quazar I've lived a full life you know and so they're there we also see the robot The Iron Giant so we're going to tie back into that every time Luffy goes gear fifth this thing apparently Powers up a little bit and now we see the thing actually moving a bit we don't see it stand up or anything but we see it kind of creaking and moving and then we hear the drum beat of the sun god NAA you know uh D do Toto Dondo Toto you know I need to get a drum I need to get like a Donkey Kong Bongo set or something but anyway yeah the robots beginning to like it's starting to move again so this thing might be getting back up at some point um not sure how helpful it'll be able to do because it's like a thousand years old and it's like oh my God a giant Rusty robot is coming for for [Music] us it'll be here in two hours you know like it's it's trying its best you know it's a thousand years old what do you want so anyway um Vega Punk helps Bonnie Connect the Dots here on who Luffy is and in this other double past bread that is beautiful you see Luffy jumping around Egghead like you know just like you know doing the Mario jump which I realize it's very similar to the Mario jump now it's like you know he's like jumping around and so Vega Punk is like you know Bonnie Straw Hat Luffy who Kuma was like interested in turns out he's actually the sun god turns out he's NAA like literally you know and so Bonnie is witnessing this and going back to what Saturn said about Bonnie's Toshi Toshi know me about the age age fruit and like the more you learn about the world the less you know you your are effective this is going to revitalize that now Bonnie is now aware the Sun God does exist he is real and he's Luffy and so now maybe she'll be able to use her NAA future ability again and so Luffy and Bonnie can like you know combo attack or something like that would be a really cool way to end this Arc you know with something like that right so uh as Vega Punk is there Bleeding Out dying you know he's like a buster call is a tame problem for him people all over the world have been awaiting his return for hundreds of years and now it's here so Vega Punk's basically saying like you can't stop this now you cannot stop the waves of change and the waves of the future you know Luffy is here he's awakened to his power it doesn't matter you could drop 10 Buster calls on them you could fire a giant Laser cannon you could sick every single Marine Admiral you ever had in the history of whatever you're not stopping the Sun God now all right it just can't be stop it's like a bulldozzer you know and so Bonnie is looking up and she begins to weep we also see Kuma's body the PX zero on the ground his face is like half melted so he can't really Express emotion anymore but he's like looking up and just like scatting scatting sun god detected and I would love for Kuma's face to just be like it's like that scene in T2 when Arnold has to smile and it's like okay like something like that where Kuma Smiles like m Sun God it's just like okay so but that's nothing okay so Bonnie knows about you know Luffy being the sun god na that's relevant they all survive the fall the giant robots beginning to move Luffy's back in gear fif he punches kizu we do see kizu on the ground he's he's not like unconscious or anything he's just kind of like come on guys why are you got to make this so difficult for me you know and so then that's nothing for the last scene of the chapter last double page spread we cut over to the Northeast Coast of Egghead remember I went back and checked this the Northeast Coast is the coast where they were going to leave originally that's a straight shot to elb that was the original plan of getting the sunny picked up with Vega Force One and then flying away Northeast okay so Vega force was destroyed but we now have a giant Viking long ship arriving you know what I'm going to go grab it now I'll be right back hold on all right in preparation because I knew we were going to El bath eventually actual Viking sword well I mean not an actual Viking sword because you know they're kind of rusty at this point but um I actually went to a viking uh like exp exhibition uh last year and they actually had a real Viking sword that you could kind of like hold it was all like decayed and rusted up but it was actually a really cool experience right so uh actual Vikings sword we have this giant longship and when I say giant longship I'm not talking about your run-of-the-mill giant longship I'm talking about this thing is towering towering over these Marine warships okay now here's the thing you got to understand Giants in the one piece world right the the Giant Warrior Pirates were like this huge force of Terror a century ago led by uh the blue ogre Dory who's better and the red ogre broggy who obviously is not as good as Dory dory's Dory I'm just saying if the duel is over Dory won I'm just saying okay anyway who who are you picking for your favorite and now you understand why they were just so terrifying this is like honestly think about it this way the Marine battleships have all their modern equipment all their guns and their C prism Coatings and all that kind of stuff all the modern Canon equipment and stuff and then you just have our relatively simple wooden long ship but it's it's massive and it's just you know these these other Marine ships are just being dwarfed by this thing you know what I mean like just the water current the ocean currents alone pushed up by this thing would be enough to capsize all of these warships and that is the power of the Giant Warrior Pirates ladies and gentlemen the Marines just have a brief moment to say I thought they died out a 100 years ago but it's no doubt it's them what are they doing here they're coming right for us they're not stopping they unleash a bunch of Cannon uh I mean cannon balls at the ship but this is nothing this is literally nothing this is like trying to bring down uh a modern day Battleship with a BB gun you know what I mean like it's not going to work okay and then you see Dory and broggy they're actually asking why we're here Dory huh ha don't they know that some things in this world can't be stopped G we're here to pick up Straw Hat G or should we call him the Sun God and then you just see the last scene of the chapter where Dory and brogy just take out their weapons dory's mighty sword and bry's mighty Axe and they're just hacking and slashing just just oneshotting these battleships guys they're just just like taken out their Axe and just boom that's one Battleship gone boom that's another Battleship gone just like that's like they're slicing into a cake all right that is the power of Legends those are the Giant Warrior Pirates okay break next week we got three chapters in a row so I expected this to be a break week but holy cakes we're on the path now we're on the road the road to elath oh yeah I love how the Giants are just showing up to pick them up too it's just like all right straw hats go time to go to lbff here to pick you up get in the boat get in the boat losers we're going you know all right time time for elb holy all right so um it wasn't anybody that anybody I mean I'm sure there were people that said maybe it's Dory and broggy but the uh the common idea was that it was you know uh Shanks or the cross Guild or something involving a yonko or the grand Fleet or neads turns out it's Dorian brogi now the last time we saw doryan brogi uh Shanks was there as well he was leaving elb so it could have been Shanks uh but no I don't think Shanks is there I think it's just Dori and bragi I think Shanks left and went to some other location and uh Dory and bragi are currently present and they're heading to eggh probably because they said they saw it in the newspaper that Luffy's there and somebody probably Shanks maybe uh told them that Luffy is the Sun God and the Giants worship the Sun God we see that or it's mentioned uh during they don't mention Nika by name but they say the Festival of the sun that's the whole reason they do the fasting that was the whole reason big mom had to you know they ate the semla and then she went crazy and then attacked the Village um mother caramel summoned Pandora who was a homie made of fire so it looked like the sun to like quell the Giants there's a reason for all that and that's because they literally worship the Sun God who would be naika who is currently Luffy so you know what I think happened was the big debate was what happened with the duel you know like Dory and bragi were in this hundred-year Duel who won because there's no way they would have left little garden without their duel being resolved and here's the thing I think it could have I think it's very that their duel has not been concluded yet but something important enough happened for them to set aside their weapons for a brief rest spite for them to go do some stuff and I think after this is all done after Luffy finds the one piece and all this has been resolved they're going to go back to little garden and they're going to resume their duel just like always um but for right now I think they took a break from it because somebody went to little garden and somebody told them Dory brogy this is an emergency the sun god is back and then they're in the middle of fighting each other their weapons have been destroyed at this point they're just fist to cuffs on little garden and then they just stop and they're just like what the Sun God has returned Dory you know what this means right yeah that's right brogy all right I think we should take a break from our duel all right then and then they have like the most manly handshake ever that shakes the Earth itself and then they're like all right we have to go back home and deal with this but I don't think their duel has been resolved cuz I think that I think it would be weird if it's like well who won the duel and it's like oh Dory won oh okay it's like oh all right I guess that was that was all there was to it huh it's like yeah no I think the duel is still going on I just had to take a break so um they have new weapons they had we saw them when they sunk the Victoria Punk at elb but they have new weapons now because they're old ones were destroyed um but they look very similar to the Terry Sword and the Berserker axe I think it was called um you know not the Berserker armor oh my God braggy and the Berserker armor that's something different you but um dude it's it's you know what I I joke about that but Odin or oan in uh Norse mythology has basically like a treasure Vault he has a bunch of random chachis that are magical he has gungar which is the spear that always Finds Its Mark he has this multiplying ring he has uh of course um you know his his eye well the whole thing with his eye was he traded his eye for wisdom so he has the eye patch and everything like that but you know um he has a lot of gear so to speak so there might be some really cool badass L bath Viking Norse armor or something that they could put on who who knows right um but anyway yeah they're here and they are going to they are going to be the support that they need it was originally Vega force one that was going to pick them up and leave well now I mean it's basically the same thing you have a giant Viking longship you like Dorian Bry can just go and like pick up the sunny toss it on on the ship and like all right everybody let's go and then they're going to get out of there so with Dorian bry's assistance I I think the strats are going to escape no problem right oh man it's nice to see Dory and broggy again though I mean it was cool to see them when they completely wiped out kids crew but here being reunited I can't wait to see usopp's reaction you know I was a little disappointed we didn't get as much of Frankie as I thought we were going to get an egghead I thought we were going to have way more focus on Frankie because you know island of the future and all that uh but when it comes to elbaf there has to be a whole focus on Usopp Usopp has been actually kind of on the back burner as of late he didn't really do all that much in wano he didn't do that much here in Egghead I mean he wasn't in hake Island the the last you understand like the last really really big thing that Usopp has done in this story was become God which granted that is kind of like where do you go from there honestly but it was the moment of drosa where he becomes God and the whole thing where he knocks out sugar and Saves the Day unlocks observation hockey but since then we haven't really had any great moments with usop there were a couple in wano that were like kind of funny but there was nothing that was like big for his character now we finally have that so I I need to see like several chapters focused on Usopp in in elb like that's the whole point but yeah I think we're kind of winding down Egghead here you know somebody mentioned that uh they could see Egghead ending in like 10 chapters I I could see that too I think I said something like maybe 1015 or so but like 10 chapters honestly at this point I can kind of see that because it is just an escape at the end of the day it's not them trying to kill Saturn or kill Kizer they're just going to try to get out of the island while it gets Buster called and you know uh get as many people on that long ship as possible right so they could just Chuck the sunny on there get everybody else on board and just get out of there and just go straight to elb and I feel like the government is going to be a little hesitant even Saturn might be a little hesitant about just barging in elb after them because it's the Land of the Giants and we saw how powerful just two of them are right here with one boat I don't even know if there's anybody else on the boat I would assume there would be maybe oomo and Kashi are with them maybe some other Giants are with them we still have hudin who is the captain of the New Giant Warrior Pirates so you know I I think just barging into elb and be like we have to chase after them and get them and find Bonnie and Vega Punk and everybody and all the survivors that's not a smart thing to do right after you know anyway that's the chapter a lot of double page spreads in this one we got an uh break next week so I'll see you back uh when we return and uh see where this is going because we are reaching the climax now of Egghead absolutely thanks for watching everybody this will be teeking signing out prepare for elb and make sure to go read your Vinland Saga you have a homework assignment before elb starts I want everybody to have read Vinland Saga damn it all right later
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 148,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, 1106, review, sun god, nika, vegapunk, kizaru, dorry, broggy
Id: 5gt-H3axu0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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