One Piece Chapter 1105 Review "You've Been Buster Called!!"

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okay hold on a minute wait a minute everyone just let me double check my numbers here okay so uh I want to just make a small correction here at the beginning I made a video yesterday talking about all the ways that you could defeat Saturn you know because he apparently is Immortal and uh I miss the most obvious one that happens a lot when I do videos I'll go off on like 72 tangents about unrelated things and the big obvious one is just right there in front of me the whole time um yeah why don't we just try dring him into a volcano I mean that that seems to be the thing that works right like that is actually confirmed to work on big mom and kaido it'll probably work on anybody honestly like so from this point onward if the straw hats ever encounter a really strong character like Saturn or the other Goro or E just Chuck them into a volcano right just find a volcano and then just like all the straw hats like one after another just Chuck the garos and then Luffy comes over with E and just throws them into a volcano and then solves the problem right there honestly it's like they have a mechanism to make it work okay it's all I'm saying right volcanoes the ultimate problem solvers all right this will be one piece chapter 1,15 review titled the height of folly which is a very fancy uh title uh I I liked the original version I saw on the spoilers when they first dropped and it was translating the title as the height of stupidity or the Pinnacle of stupidity which I think works a lot better uh the title page is pretty neat we have carrot making some stew uh NECA mamushi and inuarashi are there um I like to imagine that uh do the minks have Christmas or Thanksgiving I don't know some version of mink Thanksgiving I like to imagine necam mamushi n Rashi come back to zun show once a year just to say hi to everybody and then krro is there making dinner and they all sit down at a table and have a delicious stew I it's a nice mink holiday all right there it is right okay but there and also that discredits the idea that carrot is hiding in one of the barrels on the sunny uh she's clearly back at zo as The Duchess making stew I mean clearly right yeah obviously all right so uh we continue where we left off last chapter which was a pretty bombastic conclusion in more ways than one Saturn had declared the Buster call protocol and uh now all of the Marines on the island are evacu ating these guys don't even know what's going on honestly they just hear over the radio that like you know because they weren't allowed in the center of town because that's where Saturn was and everything so these are just like lower ranked Marines just hanging out and then they're just chilling and just like you know holding their guns and their swords and just being on the ready and then like all right what do you think's going to happen Jeremy I don't know Nate I don't know we're just hanging out here and then all of a sudden all Marines Buster call protocol back to the ships evacuate like it's like what was that buster oh my God a buster call and then Jeremy looks over at Nate and he's just like yeah this is your first time huh first Buster call I'll tell you what a member of my family has fought and died in every single Buster call my brother died in the eny lobby Buster call my dad died in the Ohara Buster call I have quite a quite a reputation to live up to it's like Lieutenant Dan from Forest Gump you know it's just like yeah so all the Marines hear this and they're just like a they start running toward the ships to evacuate prepare for full Fleet bombardment oh that doesn't sound good right okay so um we have the Marines evacuating doll shows up there hi doll I hope you're not dead and her actually Katarina Davon that would suck uh but doll is like sa Saturn Admiral KERO please come back to the ship and then Saturn is just like KERO and I shall remain on the island retreat and begin the bombardment as quickly as possible and then you know doll is like ah but uh okay and then kizu just very solemnly kizu is just you could kind of see his eyes behind his glasses and his eyes are very just like like very despondent as it were it's it's almost like keu is like shutting off his own emotions here like he's not happy with what anything is is going on here even if you want to say kizu is not being manipulated or anything like that by Saturn Kizer is genuinely like just throwing his lot in with the government and he's just like this is what I'm doing now even if you want to say that kiz is not happy about doing what he's doing right he doesn't want to kill Vega Punk and nuke the entire Island he doesn't want to do that so in terms of like in terms of making that um okay for himself or getting through it he's just like turning off his emotions so he just says go to doll he's just like go leave and then doll is like yeah okay yes sir all right and then she goes now also you got to understand like if it's KERO and Saturn that remain on the island I mean they're going to be fine even with a buster call clearly Saturn can regenerate from like any damage that we've seen so far um I'm sure some cannon fire won't do much more I mean maybe it would who knows um and in terms of kizu he's a loia he's made of light so unless you're firing like C prism stone cannons you know like cannon balls or whatever I I think keru would be fine too so there's really no concern for this they could bomb the entire Island into Oblivion kizu can just zip out of that no problem so yeah they they all leave um Vega Punk is there and he's just he's just giving Saturn the business okay which is really nice okay not quite as cathartic as Kuma punching him right in his spider face but this is pretty nice too you know I mean where Vega Punk is just like I thought you were only after my life why do you have to destroy the entire Island that's not very scientastic and uh Saturn is just like you know know it's it's your fault Vega Punk you're the one that did the research on the void century and Vega Punk's like you don't understand Saturn this island is the epicenter of scientific research and Discovery if you destroy it if you Buster call it then that'll set all of humanity back by like a 100 years and Saturn the way he interprets that is like oh that means you must be hiding something else some other weapon that's here uh no matter we have no further need for scientific advancement and Vega Punk is so upset here because he's like no I don't have another weapon you fool it's for the sake of humanity it's just like it's the it's the difference between the way Saturn is viewing everything Saturn has no trust in Vega Punk at this point it's just like oh Vega Punk must be trying to build a robot army to take over the government that's what I would do and Vega Punk genuinely wants to help Humanity he genuinely wants to help all of us by creating the internet which as we all know has done wonders for every no I mean it is a huge advancement right it's like other things too it's like you know medicine and like he developed like the artificial organs and everything like that like he wants to help Humanity but Saturn is just he is so I I don't know like at one point Saturn was probably human but that point has Longs this past he does not have a shred of humanity left in him I mean he's just like all the other T Rito that regard you know it's just like we are we are superior beings you know all that kind of so um he does just looks at Vega Punk and it's just like yeah we don't need scientific advancement anymore in fact it would probably be okay if we wound the clock back a bit you know we we got rid of all this Advanced Tech and we go back to a simpler time Saturn's up there like I remember back in the day 300 years ago where we didn't have these fancy laser beam shooting robots back then it was easy to control the masses all you needed was a big stick you know nowadays you got all of your sea prism ships and and and your you know laser cannons and mother Flames it was different back in the day you know that that's how that goes uh he's also Vega Punk is just beseeching kizu like he's on the ground like keru please please man like do something here and KERO is just like like you can almost see his lip like quivering like he wants to but I just don't I don't get you KERO you're so confusing right now KERO just like punch Saturn in the face blind him and then be like vegga Punk get out of here you know it's like I don't get ker right now man this is so confusing for me I guess it's just like I guess he's just dedicated to it I don't know what else I mean like unless Saturn is doing some weird thing where he actually is manipulating him I mean I wouldn't throw it past him at this point Saturn has weird abilities but like it really does seem that kizu is just like no got to do it got to destroy the entire Island and wipe out scientific advancement and the betterment of humanity it just it's my job it's my paycheck I don't know what to tell you it's like oh come on quesero please for the love of God do something and I was just like and he's not doing anything he's not he's not budging here so Saturn continues he says oh by the way Vega Punk that reminds me there was that uh a ship that evacuated yesterday with all the scientists on Egghead yeah well you know I gave an order for that to be hunted down and obliterated uh and sunk at Sea because you know we got to make sure one thing ainu definitely did right back in the day back at ohar kuu had the good metric to know that um an evacuation ship could have somebody that knew about the void Century so I decided to take a page out of his Playbook and uh I've sent down a marine Vessel to sink it and then Vega Punk of course is like are you insane man they were just simple scientists they weren didn't even know anything about the void Century there was just just like humble anthropologists and and and numerologists there were geologists on there for God's sake Saturn you're destroying geology there are geographers on there too God help you you're destroying geography you're destroying geography and geology and all the other scientists that sciences that start with the letter G you're a monster Saturn what's the most okay what is the most like innocent form form of science you know like what's the most like oh damn you Saturn you destroyed uh oh I'm trying to think like like um like like what's the what's the study of like uh birds or or whatever I I forget the exact scientific term for it uh you know what hold on I'm going to look it up right now just give me a second I got it I got it it's or Ornithology okay Saturn damn you there were ornithologists on there they only wanted to study birds for God's sakes it was the most innocent kind of science why those birds might have said something Vega Punk those birds might have had a secret to the void Century I had to oh my God but uh you know he goes on to say that like you know you broke a taboo Vega punk you should have known you dug not only your own grave and the grave of all your other satellites but the graves of everybody that was on this island when you dug your nose into the void century you should have kept your greed in check see it's that right there it's like it's it's like the the arrogance of these Celestial dragons is almost palpable for how how much of it there is you know it's like Saturn's perspective on this is like listen we keep telling you to not research the void Century all right we control everything we're the ones that rule the world if we tell you not to do something you don't do it and if you do do it it you're the one that sinned you're the greedy one you're the one that just wanted to know the history of the world well now you're going to die because of it and they treat it as if it's like a natural law of the universe you know because they do set themselves up as like Gods right so they're like the natural law of the universe is you don't study the void Century you studied it this hey you asked for this uh my hands are clean here you know what I mean that's the kind of craft that like Saturn is spouting here right um so uh the uh order is for the paci Feast to mark three units to remain on the island to uh you know help with the bombardment cuz they don't care if the pacif Easter is get wiped out honestly I feel like Saturn at this point is just like running the Clean Slate protocol from like Iron Man 3 you know where it's just like just gather up all the future Tech in one place and then bomb the out of it we're just going to start over you know and and we'll we'll we'll probably go back into the middle ages for a little while and then maybe in a few hundred years we'll try this future again but maybe find a scientist that actually will play ball with us but for right now just just destroy everything right so PCI feasts are on the island they're beginning to attack uh we cut back okay so uh Sanji Frankie uh Bonnie we have uh um uh we have Atlas carrying Kuma because Kuma is still all locked up and stuff Frankie has I guess okay Frankie got kicked into a building by Kizer last chapter and here he is just he's just back up we don't even get to see him like recover he's just okay it's all right Frankie is built with Sterner stuff ladies and gentlemen he'll be fine right so Sanji is kind of like all right everybody get to the vacuum rocket get up to the labo phase you got to escape we got to get out of here this is no longer about like we got to defeat kizaru we got to defeat Saturn like Sanji and Frankie are pretty smart here that they're like this is an evacuation this is like tot land all over again we're not trying to beat big mom here we are trying to escape to get the hell out okay um now Bonnie turns around and is like but Sanji what about Vega Punk and sanji's just like oh do not worry Bonnie Chan I will make sure he's okay so sanji's going to stay behind to go get Vega Punk because they're not going to leave him behind of course everybody else gets in the vacuum rocket to shoot back up to the labo phase and then Rondevu with everybody else and then get on the sunny and then get the hell out of Dodge all right that's the idea right so they're just scrambling to get out of here before the Buster call obliterates everything they should be well aware of this at this point um so they all get in the vacuum rocket they fire up to the labo phase Sanji running back he has the the comms he still has like the Bluetooth set set and everything he's just like Nami what's your status and so we cut back to see what's going on at the labo phase it's been a while since we've seen the other straw hats okay it's been a while we see Nami we see Chopper we see Usopp we see Robin finally everybody was like what's Robin up to what's she doing I bet Robin is doing something really clever right now it's like guys she's wounded she's in bed she's sleeping all right she you know a chopper probably gave her a sedative or something she was really banged up from the battle uh that last night that we didn't see so yeah she's just in the hospital Wing she's just in a little like floaty little bed kind of thing or like a stretcher that like floats and she's just like she's not maybe not unconscious but she's asleep you know she's like sedated or whatever Chopper's there next to her just like you know make sure to get your rest while you can Robin because we got to get out of here soon uh you have Edison there he's all patched up well kind of his face is still kind of messed up but I you know what out of all of the Vega Punk satellites I'm glad Edison made it out I I hope Edison makes it out I guess nothing is guaranteed yet but I I I hate that shakka got shot we're going to see Lilith in a second if it's just the Lilith and Edison and then the Stella that make it to the next Island like if Atlas died I wouldn't care but I'm glad Edison made it through okay which one is which one was your favorite satellite all right which one was your favorite satellite and let's place bets on who's going to make it to albath in one piece but if it was just lth and Edison he's a cute little robot guy it's just like yeah you go Edison all right so uh nami's there and she's just kind of like relaying the information because it's been a while since we've been updated on what's going on it's like okay so they have made it to the back entrance of the labo phase however um there's still a couple of parts that are missing here uh for one thing Zoro is still fighting with Luchi we don't get an update on that in this chapter but they're still fighting apparently according to Nami um they sent jebe over to go fetch Zoro to make sure that fight like to break up the fight but also like make sure Zoro doesn't get lost so jebe is probably just going to show up and you know Luchi and Zoro are fighting and jebe's like all right kids all right it's I'm I'm I'm the dad of the straw hat crew now Zoro we're leaving we got to go say goodbye to your friend we have to leave and zoro's like Dad I was having fun he's like I know I know but I got to get up early for work tomorrow and this Buster call is going to obliterate the entire Island so we got to get moving all right Luchi you can come over for dinner if you want Luchi the island is going to be Buster called um you know do you want to stay or do you want to come with us that actually is an interesting question I'm assuming Luchi would probably just jump back down to the fabrication sphere and then evacuate with the rest of them but what about Kaku stui will definitely be with the straw hats and Vega punks but what about Kaku and what about Luchi I feel like Luchi is going to go with the government Kaku is not going with the government Kaku staying behind he's like screw you I'm not this the second Buster call they called on us this is ridiculous Luchi how many times are you just going to listen to them and Luchi is probably going to be like look you know I I was a I was a government dog ever since I was a little kid so I'm going to continue to be that for the rest of my life and Kaku is like well I was too but I'm staying with the straw hats they probably won't at least summon a buster call on me and be like all right you do you man I think like Luchi and Kaku were going to separate at this point right so that's what's going on with Zoro and Luchi and jeene B going to break them up um we also have an update on what's going on with with exactly how they're going to get off the island the original plan was to have Vega Force One pick up the sunny and then carry it off the island uh unfortunately Vega Force One was destroyed by kizu so uh Nami actually Sanji didn't know this Sanji had no idea what was going on with Vega Force One or anything so Nami tells him he's like yeah the robot was destroyed by KERO so uh Brooke went to go help Lilith move the sunny a different way cuz you know Vega Force like picked it up and was like running across the labo phase to the other end but now they have to figure out way to do that because you know the sunny is pretty big right well don't worry they figured out a method we cut over to Lilith and Brook and basically because all of the labo phase is made out of Island Cloud um Brooke used his powers his soul solid and his his yomi yomi Nomi powers to freeze the surface of the clouds so it's super slick and then they just push the sunny like a sled that's actually really clever and now they're just like coasting on the sails of the sunny just over the billowy clouds over to the other side it's is like pretty cool and Lilith is there like wow that's amazing Mr Bones this is incredible you were able to do that and and Brooke is like oh my God it's so great to hear Praise from the greatest scientist in the world I am actually a very clever skeleton after all and uh as they're as they're going over with the with the ice obviously they're going to hit the other side of the island so Lilith is like oh hey by the way uh how do we stop this cuz if we just keep sliding on the ice eventually we're going to hit the edge of the uh labo phase and just fall off and then hit the frontier Dome and then get attacked with laser beam so like how do we stop this and Brooke is like oh I haven't thought of that actually and and I guess Vega Punk well Lilith is just Vega Punk 2 Lilith is just like oh you idiot what are we going to do it's like well you're you're the scientist Lilith son I guess you could find a way to stop us I'm sure Lilith will come up with something she is a Vega Punk after all like you know how do how do you stop a giant ship sailing on Ice something you can figure it out right okay um meanwhile the Marines have begun the first volley so they all get back to the ships uh I think it's the vice admiral that can turn into an otter yeah there was one of the vice Admirals that had an unnamed otter type zone or whatever but it was like yes you know begin the bombardment men and there was still Marines on the island like all the Marines haven't even evacuated yet it's just like we're not done yet it's like sorry I got an order from the Goro say I got to do it bombard the island and then so they begin bombarding the island um the passive feista Mark 3s just start like okay start firing into the um into the area and Vega Punk is just there just I would imagine I mean this dude is 65 years old he's he's exhausted from the whole night of running around from the seraphim and now dealing with all this crap Vega Punk is just on the ground just looking at his creation just being destroyed in front of him like all the buildings of aead just being collapsed and he's just like it took a whole four years to build this place and honestly did because like all of Egghead was nothing four years ago after the um the punk Hazard incident it's like do you know how long it'll take me to build another Egghead Saturn four whole years well I could probably get it done in three now but that's that's beside the point it's just like well no I mean like obviously he doesn't have the backing from the world government anymore after this so Vega Punk is also lamenting like okay all of the research I done everything everybody worked on so much at aead all the other researchers uh you know uh studies and everything the the ornithologist had a really interesting report on birds on on on Cardinals they were going to report it and it was going to be great and that that's getting burned up right now so it's just like oh man all my life's work again you know this keeps happening to Vega punk you know meanwhile we have the uh the hyper Capsule that's heading up to the labo phase it's only going to take about 30 seconds to get there unfortunately uh kizu can move really fast cuz he's made of light so you know they're going up and then kizu just takes out his light sword am no murakumo and then just slices the Futurama tube and it also slices the capsule thankfully no one died from that at least I don't think so did they did KERO cut Atlas in half cuz Atlas was pretty big I don't think nobody got cut in half I think everybody is still okay the capsule just got like cut and so like Atlas like hits the windshield and then it cracks it Frankie's in the front and then in the back you have Kuma and Bonnie um so yeah but oh Atlas looked like she cracked her skull pretty good when she slammed right into hyper capsule like the windshield or whatever so um yeah kezer just slices it and then we just get to the last scene of the chapter the chapter is relatively short there's a lot of like stuff happening in like big page spreads right so Sanji is still on the ground going to get Vega Punk he looks up sees the tube get destroyed knows that like oh Bonnie's on there and Atlas is on there Frankie's on there Kuma's on there he's like yo you bastard I'm coming and so I guess he starts using Geo he starts using Skywalk to jump up to fight kizaru so now we have sanchi fighting kizaru which was actually something that was set up a while ago I think it was one of the openings uh that I think it was hard knock days was the opening where you got to see the Admirals fight against the straw hats like Luffy going up against the kuu Zoro going up against Fuji Tor and Sanji clashing with kizu we might be getting that now actually so it's like all right cool let's see where this is going to go Sanji versus kizo all right I'm I'm down with it um then we have Saturn saying ah yes how suitably ironic you threw your life away so that your daughter could live Kuma but now you will all be blasted full of lasers by the robots that are the appearance of your father and so that's when Saturn orders all of the mark 3s fire your lasers at Bonnie and Kuma and so all of the pacifista 3es are just like looking up as Bonnie and Kuma and everybody are tumbling out of the hyper capsule they just and then you just as Kuma Kuma grabs Bonnie it's like the protection instinct is still there so like Kuma grabs Bonnie to protect her as you just see a bunch of stars and twinkling lights on the surface of Egghead as they're falling down about to blast up and just punch them full of holes also very important Saturn specifically said for the mark 3S to Target only Bonnie and Kuma which means that Frankie and Atlas might be a ble to get away Sanji might be able to do something cuz all of the lasers are focused on just one Target right now because Bonnie is being held by Kuma probably going to be a thing where you know Kuma is going to take all the brunt of the damage this might be the thing that ultimately destroys him I think his body is going to be completely obliterated by the end of this Arc which is very sad um and at the same time this is going on Vega Punk is also witnessing this from the surface and he's like you know Bonnie when I heard you became a pirate I was worried not because necessarily you were going to get like captured by a marine or whatever but the specific thing that that Vega Punk was worried about was if the Marines ordered a passif fista to kill you that means that your your your father basically would be the one doing it because your father's appearance is the pacifista and so Vega Punk couldn't get this idea out of his mind of this uh innocent girl Bonnie being killed by a robot that looks exactly like her father and just how jacked up that situation would be and so this was like the worst case scenario that Vega Punk could imagine and it's happening right in front of his eyes so dude Vega Punk dude I wish Vega Punk like had like it's time for me to go it's it's time for Vega Punk to digivolve you know and it's like it's like Vega Punk digivolves into Mecha Punk like like like activate some secret weapon maybe he did have a secret weapon the whole time like Saturn is like do you have some other weap weapon I don't know about and Vega Punk's like actually I do Mega Evolution gigantamax Vega punk you know he just turns into a giant like the size of a mountain you know that that would be cool but I don't think so I think Vega Punk is just watching helplessly of what's going to occur here um last shot of the chapter we get two shots actually um we see some marines that are still on the island so they're I guess going to die I suppose but they're like hey we found Straw Hat Luffy he's over by the vending machine so I don't know if like at this point if anybody even helped Luffy if like KERO did anything Caribou did anything from the perspective of this chapter it's Luffy just rolled and tumbled his way back to the vending machine and was like beep I need some burger beep I need another Burger beep gourmet hot dogs beep Pizza just like just like you know getting stuff out of the vending machine soda look all right what's next just like put pushing random buttons H Mochi I hate this but whatever I'll eat it anyway and just like he just pushing random buttons so I don't know how Luffy ended up there but he's he's swollen he's eaten all the food out of the vending machine and the Marines are there it's just like quick sees him man he's an emperor so these marines are very dedicated to their task cuz they're still on the island while a buster call is being initiated so whatever it doesn't matter Luffy is eaten enough food now that I think he'll get back up and be able to deal with these guys um but yeah how he got there exactly I guess he rolled uh but the final final scene of the chapter is way more interesting it's a shot where you have a destroyed marine Vessel out at Sea somewhere and the last remaining Marines on this vessel are like like lamenting that they have to let kizaru know like we failed to neutralize that escaping vessel from Egghead we have to report this to Admiral kisero we have to let them know that they're heading for Egghead da end of the chapter someone else is on the way all right let's do a little bit of uh detective work shall we all right let me move my tablet over all righty then we got a lot of characters on this board it has to be one of them right all right now it can't be any of the straw hats they're already there uh now Blackbeard is an interesting one we saw one of the Blackbeard ships at Egghead but that was already at Egghead prior to the evening prior to the uh attacks of the seraphin and everything or around the same time uh but maybe it's the rest of the Blackbeard crew coming to pick up lefit and Devon maybe could be the Blackbeard crew uh I don't think it's law because law and beo are off having their own adventure right now I don't think it's law I'm pretty sure it's not Whitebeard on account of him being dead uh Roger I think the likelihood of it being Goldie Roger coming to save them like we have to tell kizaru the king of the Pirates is back is that would be terrifying but I I the 1% chance it's Roger give me that much uh no it's not kid Shanks shanks Egghead is very close to elb last time we saw Shanks he was leaving elbaf that's not a crazy idea that it could be Shanks he is near Egghead he is by the perimeter and we saw him leaving could could uh could Shanks have heard about something going on at Egghead right now could he have heard about like kizu is going to Egghead Buster call on Egghead Saturn's going to Egghead like if if if Shanks had heard about any of that he probably would have been like let's swing by to make sure they don't all die you know yeah uh the cross Guild cross Guild's very possible as well uh very possible we can see what they're doing they have a new ship I don't know if crocodile and mihawk would want to get on that ship but it could be them um I think those are the only ones that make sense oh it could be a Koo no it's not a KO I I feel like the only groups that make logical sense at this phase in the story to show up here I also thought about the revolutionaries but they're still at kabaka like dragon and everybody's still at kabaka like getting from all the way to aead I mean dragon's ability might maybe make it possible for him but like all of the revolutionaries together that would be cool because Kuma's connection to the revolutionaries they come and save him that would be neat um but I doubt it's that um could it be the man marked by Flames I don't think so cuz they're using their like a group like it was a group that showed up and sunk the Marine ship right so to tie this back in with everything going on I think it would only make sense for it to be the Blackbeard Pirates the redhair Pirates or the cross skilled one of those three groups getting involved and we already know that Blackbeard is involved we saw a ship of his at Egghead so he's kind of already involved he might be doubly involved or it could be him and Shanks or the cross Guild right honestly like Shanks is a good idea because of how close he was but I kind of want it to be the cross skild too I kind of want like all of this to I kind of want the straw hats escape to be a um assisted by buggy I just feel like that would be awesome you know what I mean but uh yeah that's the end of the chapter for this week no break next week so we're getting three chapters right in a row fantabulous great way to end out January I suppose um Luffy I think is going to be fine as for Bonnie and Kuma like Bonnie's obviously not going to die but Kuma might uh there's a lot of lasers being fired at once I'm sure Kuma can tank a few of those but maybe all of them at once might be too much he's also already heavily injured Sanji might be able to grab you know Frankie or Atlas and get them out of there uh meanwhile Kuma protects Bonnie um but at the end of the day they're going to land and they're just going to like I I'm picturing a scene where they land and Kuma's already punched full of holes but he gets Bonnie to safety like Bonnie is taken by Sanji and then Kuma gets up and then he's just surrounded by like 30 paci fista Mark 3s that are all his same image and they all just like in a circle just just just decimate Kuma just barrage him with laser fire until he's not moving right like that that might be the end of Kuma just you know shot down by 30 identical versions of himself okay uh that would be that would be very upsetting that would be also a way I could see Oda doing it right okay but uh yeah as as uh Saturn says at the end of the chapter your struggle was truly the height of folly or the Pinnacle of stupidity Kuma oh my goodness all right so uh yeah and uh unfortunately I mean actually there was one scene I did forget about about uh it was when the uh we saw the other straw hats we had the scene with Usopp there and usopp's jumping up and down he's just like another Buster call why does this keep happening to us and it's just so funny that like Robin was not awake during that because Robin would have looked right at Usopp and be like yeah I can't think of anything worse than getting two Buster calls on you maybe getting three and then Usopp would be like Oh okay that's fair Robin I'm sorry I should have thought before I said something and just like nah it's cool it you know you you survived one Buster call you survive them all you know at at a certain point is the government going to be like all right we we can't kill one person with three of these what's the point of having them you know what I mean we need to rethink the Buster call strategy a little bit if we can't wipe out one person right okay well anyway that's the chapter hope you all enjoyed where's the nearest volcano maybe that'll solve the problem maybe toss the Admirals into the volcanoes the only one that might not work on is a Kyu but other than that they would all work okay thanks for watching everybody this is teeking signing out later everyone
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 127,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, kizaru, buster call, saturn, vegapunk, bonney, kuma
Id: bDnZJewc7UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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