One-Pan Lemony Chicken & Potatoes: Classic Greek Food

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to dimitra's dishes so today I'm going to be teaching you how to make lemonade roasted chicken and potatoes the Greek way I'm surprised I haven't brought this recipe to you sooner I have taught you how to make roasted lemony chicken before and roasted lemony potatoes but never put the two together this is a classic Greek dish that served in every Greek home and these days one pan meals also known as sheet pan meals are trending everybody's put making a version of them and I'm deciding to bring you my version because I made this the other day and I shared a picture on Facebook and on Instagram and everybody wanted the recipe so here it is it doesn't get simpler than this let's go over the ingredients and we're gonna get started so over here I have some chicken thighs you could use thighs a combination of thighs and drumsticks but we only have thighs today skin on and bone-in we have some potatoes that I've peeled and they're soaking in water to prevent them from going brown the spices are ground cumin lots of salt some crushed red pepper flakes lots of dried oregano some black pepper we're gonna need some olive oil a little bit of parsley for garnish and then some whole garlic cloves and lemon juice so when we're doing when we're using lemon juice for any recipe that you're using to cook it for any recipe that's that you're gonna cook you always want to use fresh lemon juice from a lemon never the stuff that comes in the jar that stuff you can use for cleaning but that's my little thing for today but I'll leave it there now you also see paprika here paprika is optional if you want your chicken to have a little bit of a little bit of color you can add about a teaspoon of paprika I'm gonna leave it out because it's not traditional but it's something that you can do again you can substitute anything over here that you don't like if you don't like cumin powder leave it out if you've never tried it though give it a try because it does give a nice earthy taste if you're not a fan of oregano if you don't have and you can use thyme you can use fresh rosemary let me know what you're doing in the comments section down below so we're gonna begin by making the marinade so the marinade is super simple I'm making my lover lemon Oh which is a lemony olive oil marinade that I love to use in almost everything chicken fish salad it's great stuff so we're going to put some olive oil in a and lots of freshly squeezed lemon juice cuz it's gonna tenderize the chicken and had lots of freshness and flavor and then I'm gonna grate some garlic cloves now the recipe says two to three cloves these are small cloves and we have a lot of chicken so I want to have a lot of flavor so I'm just gonna grate four of these cloves okay so now I'm just going to set the marinade aside I'm gonna whisk it together in just a couple minutes and I'm gonna cut my potatoes now traditionally lemony chicken and potatoes is made with potato wedges like that's the shape that we cut them in but because I want this to cook all together and in about an hour I'm just going to cut the potatoes and cubes so that way they cook evenly and quickly so my potato cubes are ready I'm using russet potatoes you can use russet potatoes or golden potatoes any bacon potato will do I'm not a huge fan of the red potatoes because they don't roast as well as these do you can even use little baby potatoes and then that would really literally eliminate this step because you would just peel the skins off or leave them on if you're a fan of the skin and just cut them in half because they're really small and that would work here so now I'm just gonna put everything in my baking tray everything is in the pan I'm just gonna whisk the lemon olive oil and garlic together and I'm just gonna pour it over the top of everything that's that we're gonna mix up all of these dried spices and herbs and then we're just gonna put it all over you can just put it all on top like that and then with the cooks best tools your two clean hands go ahead and mix everything up so the marinade can go everywhere and that's it the last step to this or the final step is to put a little bit of water like a quarter cup or so in the pan and we add the water in just so that way at the end products it'll have a little bit more sauce and it won't burn on the bottom but that's it this is ready this is gonna go in the oven oven is preheated to 425 degrees Fahrenheit we're going to pop it in there and we're going to let it until the chicken is fully cooked and the potatoes are tender that's gonna take between 45 minutes to an hour honestly it usually takes me an hour otherwise the potatoes are still kind of hard and you want this to be perfectly perfectly cooked now at the end you could also raise the temperature a bit so it can get a really nice color maybe the last 10 minutes or so you can raise it to 450 degrees just keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn I'll show you what it looks like as soon as it comes it took exactly 1 hour for my roasted chicken and potatoes to be ready the last 15 minutes I did raise the temperature all the way up to 475 degrees Fahrenheit just so they get nice and golden all over so it just smells incredible around here what I'm gonna do now is I'm just gonna put some of these parsley leaves that have been washed over the chicken just to garnish it on top and just add a beautiful pop of color and some freshness even though it's piping hot I'm just gonna take them out to give it a taste you can still add some salt if if it needs it but I really don't think it will I think it's gonna be just fine let me get some of that sauce that lemony yummy sauce what I like to do is to service with some toasted bread I have some rosemary bread here I'm gonna taste the sauce first cuz it is calling my name there's so much sauce so much goodness to picked up mmm this is perfect I'm just gonna mash up the potatoes because that's how I like to eat roasted potatoes when they're cooked with meat I think they taste delicious I'm gonna take a little bit of this chicken just I like to eat it I don't know about you guys but or whatever I like to eat in my childhood I like it even more now as an adult mmm good nests these are just about the best mashed potatoes ever I need to go and have a second buy it just the right amount of lemon so much flavor from the herbs the garlic just the right amount the recipe as always a written recipe with exact measurements it's on my website visit as well in the description box down below let me know what you think in the comment section I always love to hear what you're thinking if there's anything that you want me to teach how to make next post that in the comment section down below subscribe if you haven't because I don't want you to miss any recipes I post at least three times a week thank you guys so much for spending time with me today and I'll see you all next time yes
Channel: Dimitra's Dishes
Views: 281,553
Rating: 4.94245 out of 5
Id: ip_zuU7zeGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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