Galaktoboureko Greek Custard Dessert | Christine Cushing

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[Music] hi I'm Christine Cushing and welcome to the quarantine kitchen where we make fun easy recipes that connect us all today we're gonna trash the kitchen that can only mean one thing I'm making something Greek and it happens to be both a request and my absolute favorite like number one dessert we're making I like dough Boudicca don't worry about how to say it we're gonna start making it and then we're gonna have some fun so on my pot here I've got milk going I happen to use whole milk so full fat milk semolina or cream of wheat going in fine cream of wheat you can get a coarser semolina I like going fine and the sugar all going in there and this baby has basically got to thicken like we're making a porridge here right this part super super simple I'm gonna put in a little pinch of salt again always with anything sweet the salt is just gonna really balance things out not not too much so that you actually taste it okay so in the recipe which is always below in the description you click on show more below the video you're gonna get all the measurements every little important detail about this for now I'm gonna just let it do its thing that is come to a boil and thicken and we can get on with the rest of the recipe so to this custard this is essentially a baked custard at once the eggs are once the custard is thickened I'm gonna add some eggs so let's get a head start on those babies shall we shall we try a little one-hander today let's have some fun three for Bend the five in Greek so far so good I'm gonna give that a little whisk up and this will all be ready it's all part of what I call the meson plus well what anybody in the kitchen cause the meson plus and then we can talk a little bit about why I love octo Boudicca so much all right truth be told this is probably one of the hardest things to say in Greek but you if you can say attend talk oompah as in Yanni's authentic oompa you can say galaktoboureko he's for he plays for the NBA the Greek freak if you know him if he can't say I like the Boudicca it's almost like you've got a little furball in your throat I got a lot that's the that's what you want to say that's the sound you can just call it gala no problem alright so that is good to go eggs and I'm gonna keep a clean station here so essentially this recipe is fairly easy to accomplish but again it's all about the little techniques right the little things that you need to be concerned about to make it great so I have on standby here some vanilla and lemon zest those are also gonna go in I don't put the vanilla in in the recipe I call for a whole vanilla bean this is kind of a in-between a bean and an extract so I'm gonna add it after it comes to a boil that's good there I got some melted butter always sweet not salted a little bit of phyllo which in Greek just means leaf or sheet and this is where we get to have some fun and trash the place alright so I'm gonna need about 16 sheets of phyllo here I'm gonna organize myself and this is where you don't really need to sweat it too much you see that I have a cloth here that I have it wrapped in I just want to make sure I have that close by because as you butter these if you're not fast enough you want to wrap them so they don't dry out so let me show you how does my phyllo look here it's not looking bad actually so I've got a little brush gun and I'm gonna quickly just drizzle and brush in a very very simple way I'm not being too fussy about this okay you don't have to worry about it being perfect but it's important that this phyllo is all brushed between the layers so this is how I like to do it I start in the long side so this is a rectangular pen and I start and I leave a little bit hanging out like that okay now I realize I'm gonna have to do a little shuffle a little twist a little Greek dance so what I'm looking for what I want to begin with here are eight sheets on the bottom okay so again we repeat and don't worry you see how there's some tears here that's all gonna mend itself you're not gonna see any of these tears so don't feel like the phyllo has to be perfect because it really doesn't so what I do now is go in the other way so really one lengthwise one here and I'm gonna keep going around until I have eight sheets of phyllo covering the bottom of this dish so let's talk about what's so great about this particular recipe I mean what isn't great about it let's put it that way this is where you've got that crispy phyllo outer layer you've got a gorgeous creamy custard and then you have a little syrup on top but let's get real with the little what what does little mean in the Greek kitchen it's generally doused in syrup and I like it to be a lot less sweet so generally speaking I make everything less sweet okay so if you ask any Greek person they'll know about Alecto boutique oh they have either made it eaten it of course and everybody has a different vantage point of how it should be perfect or what what the perfect de calico Boudicca is first of all what thickness do we want the custard to be that used to be a massive fight in my family fight really conversation everything is a fight but it's a conversation it's like you see how high this particular dishes it's maybe like a couple of inches now my grandmother used to make this and she would make it like flat like a pancake super super thin and the custard was really really thin and that's way that's the way my mom and her brother loved it me I'm like this is a custard pie I want more custard I mean I don't get it why should it be so flat so you know this might spark some let's say friendly arguments in your family in your house but you can make it in a smaller vessel and it can be higher you can make it round I mean it's so versatile you don't have to worry about doing exactly what I'm doing here okay so look at this already there's a heavy heavy salivating mouth-watering effect for this recipe that's all I'm gonna say okay I'm gonna keep doing this let's keep our eye now on the custard because I don't want that to stick but I also don't want my phyllo to dry out so I got to keep my attention and then I've got to talk to you I want to make sure that you're having a good time enjoying this soon-to-be phenomenal dish let's see what's happening here okay some thickening is starting to happen now it's important to stir this occasionally in my recipe I say stir constantly you don't have to stay on top of it but you don't need to also walk away so let's see what's happening at the bottom here it's looking good I might just go in with a little whisk just to make sure it's all nice and lump free that's what we're after this process here is gonna take between 12 and 15 minutes depending on how big your pot is over a kind of a medium heat and then once that's thickened then I can add my eggs only at that point can I add my eggs okay we've got bubbling action happening these big massive bubbles now I know my custard is thickened I'm gonna turn it right off and only at this point do I actually add the vanilla because in this form some of it will evaporate so I'm just gonna add a little bit of that vanilla there if you're using a vanilla bean you can do it at the beginning I like adding that vanilla there and then I also add lemon zest to it you knew that there's gonna be some lemon in this right it's like my homework and not only is there lemon in the custard but there's also lemon in the syrup okay that's looking beauty okay so this has to cool just slightly before I can add the eggs the eggs that I already just whipped really by hand that's coming off the heat looks beautiful okay so this is just cooled down for probably five minutes or so it's still hot but not you know right off the fire hot so I want to be careful this part is really critical now that I've got my eggs ready I'm just gonna gently this is of course off the heat so I'm just gonna add a little at a time really to temper this mixture so my eggs don't fully cook in here you got to break out a little sweat so that you feel good after when you slam three pieces of this so gently a little bit at a time of course this is the biggest bowl I could find but you know okay so tempering just continually to stir for me the magic of this recipe is in that contrast between the custard the phyllo and that little syrup I make it probably half as sweet as the average galaktoboureko that I've had which just basically means milk pie so it's like a custard pie so here oh yeah this is looking good okay a little bit more of the eggs going in all of them and now I'm gonna just continue that stirring and my phyllo is ready to receive this amazing custard the last thing that I'm gonna just make sure is good here is that everything is blended and stirred okay good my oven if we haven't mentioned is preheated I like to go a little bit higher 375 so we get a nice golden crust and it doesn't cook for too long did I tell you we're gonna trash the place it's definitely a workout okay good texture on that can't taste it coz it's got raw eggs okay now here I'm just gonna pour this in and what I've done is I have another three sheets of phyllo it's very important to brush butter between each layer because that's what's gonna create that beautiful crisp layer between each right the butter starts to heat up and then you get a little bit of steam and then it crisps the layers right that's what you want to do so I have that separate there this is coming your way and then you can have your family or friendly arguments about how thick do we want it how tall should it be but this is the optimal size for me and what I like to do is this custard for me is a little bit thinner some people like to put cream in it I personally think it's too rich that way so I add a litre and a half or six cups of milk again full recipes gonna be below looking good okay ready now we wrap this up like a package just like the layers went in okay until it's covered up some of it can dry out a little bit by the time you bring all the other layers in but don't worry because in the oven it's all gonna remedy itself okay that's why you don't fret too much about phyllo wherever I can add a little butter I do do that okay and I'm gonna just seal it with that very very top layer making sure that there's ample butter between the layers and you see that all is forgiven in there now the next thing that I do that I think is super critical is cut some slits just sort of linear here parallel to the surface but not all the way through I don't want to cut to the bottom but what I do want to do is allow that steam to escape so we get the perfect texture on this baby glass but certainly not least just a little splash like with your hands of water just to prevent it from drying too much okay I did have a little bit of dryness in my feet oh and sometimes you really don't know until you open the box right so you just keep adding the butter it's all gonna be good and I like to bake it probably for not even more than a half an hour but we'll see 375 it's going in I'll meet you on the other side [Applause] okay who's ready to do a little bath in the syrup all right so I'm just imminently gonna take the collectible to go out here's the syrup it's just been simmering for about 15 minutes it's a combination of sugar honey and of course some lemon juice and a cinnamon stick which I will remove and you can see the texture is still pretty light if I reduce it down I think it's gonna get too thick by the time it cools down so I just want to cool that until it's still warm but not super super hot and now it's time for the PS divisie stunts or whatever that is in Greek this I don't know it yeah yeah yeah look at that oh come on now you see what I'm talking about there that is some kitchen thrashing look at the beautiful crispy top golden puffed custard at this point you will be having a salivating effect because I know I am right now that is looking beautiful so the key here now is to bring the temperature of these two kind of a little bit more closely together I want to keep some of that crunch on the phyllo so I want to cool it down I don't cool it completely so probably half an hour then I'm going to pour this still slightly warm syrup over the slightly cooled custard pie and it is gonna be a thing of beauty so see you back here in a few 20 minutes resting so now the syrup is still slightly warm this is warm to the touch but it's cooled down quite a bit let's do a little drizzling shall we I like to get it all into the nooks and crannies you're gonna hear some crackling now soon so the key is to kind of evenly distribute this syrup it is gonna be absorbing this custard is really like a sponge now I have to tell you this quantity of syrup is probably half what people normally use I'm serious and I added the lemon you know that by now you know the lemon deal okay now it's all about the patience which I am very low on I must say so I'm gonna let this sit until I could comfortably cut it I could leave it for an hour or two but that's not gonna happen as you know so meet you back here in a little bit where we can taste a slice okay enough with the waiting no Greek dessert is complete without a healthy dose of cinnamon on top so let's go in with that baby and now I finally get to taste see how I still have that crunch oh that baby is good so wait [Music] so that's my level of syrup you see that it's not drenched in syrup there's a little bit there it's absorbed most of it you don't need any more syrup but hey be my guest go ahead and double it up but it's gonna be sweet I'm just saying finally I get to taste yeah look at that oh come on come on [Music] oh boy it is a thing of absolute perfection it's crispy it's creamy it's got a little bit of that Tang cinnamon just sweet enough oh it is the lemon makes it I'm telling you look at that custard you want some I know it now keep in mind as this sits because this is gonna cool to room temperature I'm gonna put it in the fridge it's gonna get firmer so that's why I take it out so it's still creamy in the center this is going to knock your socks off I just want to reiterate for the purposes of this video I started with the custard then I moved to the phyllo you're gonna follow the directions your make your custard all the way to the end as it cools then you assemble your phyllo you put it in put it in the oven you're done everybody's gonna be knocking at your door when they can maybe not yet thank you for joining me on another episode from the quarantine kitchen I hope that you're doing well this was a request and I'm glad that you requested it please send me your thoughts thumbs up share and I hope everything is well is good in your kitchen see ya
Channel: MyFavouriteFoods ChristineCushing
Views: 459,085
Rating: 4.9000187 out of 5
Keywords: Quarantine Galaktoboureko Greek Custard Dessert | Christine Cushing, Christine Cushing, Greek custard dessert, Chef Christine Cushing, My Favourite Foods, ccfearless, wall of chefs, quarantine kitchen, Mediterranean, hellada, Ellas, Hellas, greekdessert, honey, custard, bakedcustard, greekcustarddessert, greekcustardpastry, greekcustardpie, bakedsemolinacustard, thymehoney, creamycustarddessert, semolina, cinnamon, phyllo, phyllopastry, vanilla, filo, lemonzest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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