A Greek Meal Ready in 60 Mins! Lemony Chicken & Potatoes & More!!!

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[Music] [Applause] today we're getting dinner on the table in 60 minutes so in in under an hour we're gonna have a complete meal on the table we're making greek style lemony chicken and potatoes all in one pan we're gonna serve it with a delicious green bean salad that's gonna be loaded with flavor it's gonna have your vegetables in there and it's just gonna be so good and of course we're making some tzatziki on the side let's get started so i like my lemony chicken and potatoes very lemony you make it as lemony as you want but you can put up to a third of a cup of lemon juice quarter of a cup is a good amount of lemon juice so you can start there and then next time if you want more you can just add a little more so i'll just get the seeds out afterwards these are juicy lemons so i'll just put the juice of both of these lemons in here it's a lot of lemon juice but again we like it lemony i'm also going to add some olive oil to this you could do a quarter or a third of a cup of olive oil and we need some grated garlic three grated three garlic cloves would be perfect but i started like i said i buy a big bag of peeled garlic and then i just put i just pulse it in the food processor until it's grated and i keep it in a freezer bag and i just add it to whatever i need makes life really easy and garlic never goes to waste so i'll put about a teaspoon of grated garlic in here and i'm going to add a quarter of a cup you could do a quarter to a third of a cup of water because it is going to need some moisture it's going to cook in the oven uncovered i have six potatoes i'm using idaho potatoes use your favorite baking potatoes leave the peel on peel them however you want i peeled them and i'm just going to cut them into wedges cut them all roughly the same size so that way they cook evenly so i have a big baking pan here you could use a sheet pan this is basically the same size as a traditional sheet pan only it's stainless steel it's a little bit deeper so i like to use it i'll put a link on the blog post where you can get one similar to this so i'll put the potatoes in here now you can use whatever cut of chicken you want in my freezer today i had boneless skinless chicken thigh meat so that is what i'm going to be using i'm going to pour the marinade on top i'm going to do two teaspoons of salt about half a teaspoon of cracked black pepper some crushed red pepper flakes for heat if you like it a heaping teaspoon of ground cumin for that earthy goodness and warmth and lots of oregano it's gonna make sure everything is coated in the marinade i love using chicken thigh meat because you can't really over cook it even if you cook it longer than 165 degrees fahrenheit like the internal temperature it still stays juicy whereas if you were using chicken breast you'd have to be careful and if you were doing that just cook the potatoes first halfway and then put the chicken breast in at the end in the same pan otherwise if you were to cook this this is going to cook for almost an hour in the oven and if you do that with chicken breast it's going to be really dry and tough and you don't want that you want everything to be nice and flavorful and juicy my oven is preheated to 425 degrees fahrenheit this is going to bake in there uncovered on on the center rack for about 45 minutes or until the potatoes are fork tender and the chicken will be fully cooked you can raise the temperature to 450 during the last 15 minutes so you can get nice really nice color to it while that's baking we're going to get started on our green bean salad all right so make sure that you trim the ends of your green beans if they're not already trimmed bring a pot of water to a boil and then put them in and boil them for seven minutes and also add about a teaspoon of salt to the water so that way they have some flavor you want to have a big bowl of ice water ready because as soon as the green beans are ready you want to put them in here to shock them so that way they stay nice and bright green and they don't continue to cook all right so then go ahead and drain the beans once you shock them for you leave them in there for about two minutes or so then or even less actually you don't need them to be freezing cold you're just trying to stop the cooking process and keep them nice and bright green this is what they look like okay pat them dry so that we can get rid of all that excess water and now it's time to make the dressing all right so the dressing is really easy to make you just need one or two garlic cloves and i already have some grated garlic here i'm just putting a quarter teaspoon of grated garlic that should be good enough we're gonna need some balsamic vinegar about three tablespoons of balsamic vinegar about a tablespoon of honey a quarter cup of really good quality extra virgin cold pressed olive oil that might be a little more than a quarter cup and then i'll put a little bit of salt and some cracked black pepper and just give everything a whisk and that's it the dressing is done let's get all the rest of the ingredients so i have some walnuts here that i just popped in a 350 degree oven and i toasted them just until they were nice and fragrant for about five minutes i'm just gonna go ahead and roughly chop these these are gonna add nice crunch and texture to the salad you always need something a little bit crunchy something salty something acidic you get all the flavors in a salad and it just it becomes really filling and comforting and delicious now you can use pecans instead almonds whatever you like put the nuts in there and then i'm using some dried figs these are going to add a nice little chewy bite and some sweetness four or five figs are good enough but put as many as you want if you don't have figs or if you don't particularly like them you can put some dried cranberries in here dried cherries you could even put if you can even finally chop some dates and put them in there and i'm just going to do little strips of these i love dried figs i love dried figs fresh figs just give me figs in any form in the salad they go then i have some onion here left over the recipe usually calls for a red onion but i don't have any right now i do have half of this white onion i'm just going to use half of it half of the half so like a quarter and i'm going to finely chop this and then i have some grape tomatoes and i'm just going to cut into thirds because they're pretty big if you have cherry tomatoes just cut them in half in the bowl they go next i have some kalamata olives and these do have the pit in them so i'm going to have to cut around to get the pit out and i'm just going to cut these into little slivers now if you have pitted kalamata olives just cut them in half and throw them in or if you like them bite size it's your salad make it however you like it and the olives go in the big bowl and then the last veggie that's going in here are some baby bell peppers that i'm just gonna thinly slice now it might seem like a lot of salad ingredients and you don't have to put all them in here these are just things that i usually have in my fridge or on hand so they're going in here but put your favorite things and keep it as simple as you want basically the green beans with that dressing and the nuts and the feta cheese is going to go in there in the end is delicious but if you put everything in here you'll have so many layers of flavor bell peppers add lots of freshness so we're going to thinly slice them now i'm just going to quickly whisk up this dressing one more time to emulsify it and i'm going to pour it over top and just toss everything together and the final ingredient is some really good quality feta cheese i buy it in the chunk form and then i just crumble it on top just like this for some creamy goodness and there you have it the salad is ready so there's 20 minutes left on the clock for the chicken we have our salad done the chicken is almost done last thing i'm making is some tzatziki sauce because we need some creamy goodness chicken with zaziki is like a match made in heaven and it is so easy to make all right so for the tzatziki it's very simple you need an english cucumber and go ahead and peel the skin off if you like to leave the skin on that's fine leave it on now english cucumbers are best for this because they hardly have any seeds in them and if they do they're very small seeds so you don't have to fish seeds out get an english cucumber if you can and then using a box grater just go ahead and grate it so cucumber has tons of water in it and you want to get that water out so that way your tzatziki is not watery sprinkle sprinkle some salt over the grated cucumber and then put it in a little strainer and let it sit for about 10 minutes you're going to see how much water it releases so while that's happening we're going to need some greek yogurt in a bowl and my mom does this so i do it too we need we're going to add some sour cream to it for richness and then the garlic so some grated garlic one to two garlic cloves are enough i have grated garlic here as we already know so i will add about half a teaspoon that should be good you could put a little less if you don't like yours too garlicky we're going to season with a little bit of salt if you want to finally chop some fresh mint in here that would be really nice and refreshing fresh mint in tzatziki or even dill is really nice some freshly cracked black pepper and then just mix this all together so i'm just going to press the cucumber so that we can get as much of this water out as possible now this is a great dip to have a double batch of in the refrigerator because you can use it as a sauce in sandwiches you can use it as a dip it's just great in everything and it stays fresh in the refrigerator for almost a whole week if you want to keep it from gathering lots of liquid in the refrigerator if you're keeping it for the week keep a paper towel on top a clean paper towel on top and it'll absorb the liquid and each time you go to use it take that paper towel out discard it and when you put it back in put another one in there it's going to keep the tzatziki nice and creamy so the cucumber looks fine to me you can let it drain a little bit longer and then just mix it all in give it a taste best part of cooking [Music] perfect once the chicken comes out dinner will be served so the entire meal is ready and it is time to take a bite once the chicken comes out of the oven you're going to want to let it rest for a little bit mine did take up to 50 50 minutes you could even take it up to an hour if you want the potatoes to get a little bit more melted and soft and get a little more caramelization on them however there is going to be some sauce in there the sauce is probably the best part if you want to add um some mediterranean rice pilaf to this i'll put the link in the card section up above because that goes great if but if this is pretty low carb minus the potatoes it is time to take a bite i just put some green bean salad the chicken and potatoes with the sauce on top and some zaziki in my plate let me have a salad first um so delicious the acidity from the balsamic vinegar goes so well with the sweetness of the honey and the figs that creamy fatta in there is just perfect time to take a bite of the potato and chicken the lemony potatoes and chicken and the potatoes are really nice and tender get some tzatziki in there too with the chicken [Music] um comforting delicious flavorful a well-balanced meal ready in under an hour if you want to serve a delicious dessert with this make my chocolate hazelnut pie you could probably squeeze it in because it just takes a few minutes to put together and then it takes about an hour to bake in the oven but if you're gonna make some make some for the week so that way you can have some delicious dessert to snack on if you want me to add desserts to the 60 minute 60 minute dinner menus let me know and i'll put something together for you guys let me know what you guys think get the recipes on demetriousdishes.com all the measurements are going to be in the description box down below as well as the links thank you guys so much for spending time with me today i'll see you all next time yes
Channel: Dimitra's Dishes
Views: 45,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking show, greek food, greek recipes, Dimitra Khan, euro bakery and cafe, easy recipes, greek meals in 60 mins, one pan chicken and potatoes, green bean salad, lemony chicken, weeknight dinner ideas
Id: 4C6OqVXChhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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