Chicken in a Creamy Spinach & Feta Sauce

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to the Beatrice dishes so today I'm going to teach you how to make a super super simple 30-minute meal that's easy enough to make on the busy weeknight but also elegant and delicious enough to serve to a crowd it's my chicken with creamy spinach sauce let's let's start let's just start because this is too delicious to just wait for so what we're gonna need I'm using chicken breasts so I have four chicken breasts two that I've already split in half I'm gonna slice these in half as well I was thinking of going over the ingredients but I'm really not gonna do this for this recipe cuz they're just a few steps we're gonna continue slicing these chicken breasts in half you can surely use chicken thighs if you wanted to is just going to take a little bit longer to cook so you want to wash these and drive that dry them well and just carefully with a sharp knife slice right down the center so you can have some thin chicken cutlets no need to pound these out or anything like that let's get this last one if your supermarket already serves them nut serves them if your supermarket already sells them thin like this sometimes they're known as thin chicken cutlets just go ahead and buy those and skip this step let me wash my hands so my pan is heating up because this is gonna be very easy we're just going to season the chicken simply with some salt and we're gonna do this on both sides salt black pepper a little bit of cumin dried ground cumin that is for that nice earthy flavor cumin and chicken go really nice together lots and lots of oregano you can use dry thyme if you wanted to and then a little bit of dry Prairie paprika this is not smoked paprika this is just plain paprika but you can definitely use smoked Precure if you want it will alter the flavor and give it a very smoky flavor which I'm not going for in this recipe but it's totally up to you I'm just gonna dust a little bit of all-purpose flour on top and then I'm going to flip these over and do the same thing on the other side so I have a large pan over here over medium-high heat and I put a quarter cup of olive oil in there because we're going to pan fried the chicken about three to five minutes on each side and we're going to do this in a few batches so I don't know how much chicken is gonna fit in here but it's probably gonna be about four pieces we have to make sure the pan is really nice and piping hot then I forgot to put some flour on top of here just a little bit just to give it a little bit of a crispy edge so when you put the chicken in it should sizzle and the pan is ready we're gonna cook these about four minutes on each side or so please one more in here once all of the chicken is coats make sure to transfer it onto a baking dish and then we are just going to grate the garlic two cloves of garlic to add lots of flavor you can take our garlic add it to the pan and since it's grated it's just gonna melt into the sauce that we're gonna create so you don't want to cook it too much otherwise it's gonna burn I'm just gonna add a little bit more olive oil you could add about two three tablespoons of butter if you want to for more flavor do this over medium heat just a few seconds literally just until it warms through then I'm just going to add two tablespoons of all-purpose flour so that we can thicken our sauce a little bit we're just gonna cook the garlic with the flour over medium heat just a little bit now we're gonna raise the temperature and add some chicken stock or chicken broth or whatever you have you're gonna let that thicken a bit and then we're gonna chop up our spinach so I have some about 8 ounces of baby spinach leaves here that I'm just gonna roughly chop so the sauce is gonna continue to pick in but at this point we're gonna add the milk in now with thickens really quickly as soon as it starts to almost come to a boil it's gonna thicken we're gonna season with just a little bit of salt a little bit of freshly ground black pepper and if you want it a little bit of kick go ahead and put in some crushed red pepper flakes just a pinch now we're going to put our spinach in here and cook it just a few minutes until it wilts so at this point you want to go in and give the sauce a taste to see how it's doing with the salt perfect the spinach has wilted I'm gonna put some of the thicker pieces of chicken in here just so that way they can cook through a little bit if they all fit I'm gonna go ahead and put them all in here let me get all the juices that are in this baking dish as well I'm just gonna let them sit here and cook through for about 3 4 minutes until everything is nice and thick and incorporated and I'll show you what it looks like as soon as it's done and the final step is to add some crumbled feta on top of this keep in mind that this sauce will thicken as it sits so as you can see this comes together in just 30 minutes in no time it feeds a pretty big crowd you can make a small batch or a big batch depending on who you're feeding and how many people I'm gonna take a bite of this because just smells incredible it's creamy its yummy and again like I said it's gonna thicken even more the sauce as it sits and if you have really thick pieces of chicken you want to make sure that they're cooked all the way through if you didn't have said that you can also do Parmesan cheese in this you can do a sprinkling of mozzarella I mean make it your own and let me know how you're gonna make it in the comment section below let me give this a taste that flavor combination is just amazing you guys are not gonna want to miss out on this one your kids are gonna love it I think everyone will like this one three week healthy delicious ready in 30 minutes what could be wrong with that thank you guys so much for spending time with me today let me know what you think in the comment section down below share pictures with me on Facebook and on social media thumbs up subscribe and I will see you all next time yes
Channel: Dimitra's Dishes
Views: 89,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking show, greek food, greek recipes, Dimitra Khan, euro bakery and cafe, easy recipes, 30 minute recipes, 30 minute meals, chicken and feta, spinach sauce, cream sauce
Id: eaFlHdpMAds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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