One iSCSI Share Two Proxmox Hosts - 969

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[Music] hi and welcome to my Playhouse and today we're gonna be talking ice core C again last video we booted of this Synology nas up here is the 1219 plus and i have a dedicated area on that nice for ice cozy so M today I want to show you how in flux box we're gonna make an ice core she shared storage on this your knowledge enas and we're gonna have two trucks mark servers look into the same storage and so you can move VMS forth and back if that's what you want or you just want to put some some ISO files on there so you can deploy the ends from those ISO files on to servers one of the services which is right here is the awesome Lenovo 8:36 50 moral 5 the other one is in the second living room and we might have a look at that at some point bottom yep we are gonna go to the computer and be messing with this ok here we are at the computer in the living room and I have prepared a little bit I have opened the tasks that we need right here I have a machine ology Rex station that rack station and that's the 1219 clasp we need to set up the ice core see part of that I did when I built this I didn't build an area for ice crossing and that's Volume one over here that's my ice Kashi part of the nest so instead of just having a ice cores yes as part of the normal volume I made a ice Kashi thing key for it but that is really not that hot let's shut that down again and see what you just do you go into your ice coaching manager here so in here I already have some ice Kashi Lon's targets that we're not gonna be using this one the booth one we did in the previous video this one is for VMware but we're gonna be making a new one I want to make a shared volume on mine ask that to proxmark servers can see at the same time and use files to stuff not necessarily that they're gonna be working on the same files at the same time but like an ISO file I can upload an ISO file from one server and then the other server can use that also so we're gonna make that and to do that we we need a new lawn and lawn is it's kind of like a disc v network attached disc pick that and then we can see we have the ice classic boot long and we have an ice core see VMware long so we're gonna create one and we gonna call it I just deleted it because I wanted to redo it video what we're gonna call it my Playhouse ice core see proxmox zero one just in case I need a zero two we get to pick which storage we wanna have put it on and as I said I have made storage volume number one for this specific so we're gonna put it there then we can tell it how many how much data to be using and I'm gonna I'm gonna give it one terabyte there's two terabytes available I'm gonna make it thin provisioning so it's not gonna be that bad so 1024 gigabytes and then we're gonna make it thin so that it only takes up two space as we use it then we're gonna advanced features and see what we have here I don't think we need that okay no advanced features at the moment but we're gonna be adding some so next and here it asks if we want to create an ice core Setauket at the same time the lawn is like the drive but the target is like the service thing that makes it available and takes requests and yeah and and communicates from the servers and down to this tribe so that's the one that we are gonna be creating next and we're gonna call that something brilliant we're gonna call it and we can set up some security so that the proxmark servers will need a password to get on here it's really easy you give it a name and password yeah we're just gonna leave that blank I'm not gonna be storing anything here that is any important whatsoever or anything that you can't download from the internet yourself probably just some ice oh so next a summary thank you and we have created that and nice so let's pull the view and see now we have three targets we have three logs and we have ice Cossack dude I scuzzy connected is something connected here already so already the trucks box the new proxmark server has connected to this okay must be a stubborn one and but before anything connects to it it's too late we need to make it available to more machines you can kind of see it down here it says multiple sessions so if we want more than one server to get access to this all we have to enable that so we do that under action and it and advanced and here we get some red text which is kind of important that in order to avoid serious data corruption please make sure that the file system on your lawn is cluster aware such as VM if s there's a couple of other ones as well so yeah we're gonna enable it anyway I'm gonna pick a file system that is not I don't think it's that cluster aware so it's probably not the best thing to do I will be careful not to change the same files at the same time which is of course impossible and as soon as we did that the other server also connected and they weren't supposed to do that I told them not to but they did anyway so here we have the server out there in the data center just saw the X 3650 M spy and if we go to data center at storage we will see that there is no there's no ice corset here so we need to add some ice kasi even though it has already connected to the ice closet probably because I didn't move the system I just deleted it and might not even have have gone through so yeah we're gonna we're gonna add it again proxmox has iced coffee as a kind of a service here so here is iced coffee we can select that you can also make some CFS over ice cozy I'm not sure how that works so I'm not gonna pick that but we're just gonna select the three iced coffee here and here we get to give it some kind of an ID so we're gonna gonna call this there and in that's just a name and here we give it the IP number that it has to communicate with there I have already made a mistake so we're gonna go back and fix that because I had two IP numbers on my street knowledge enos here and right now this one is using the wrong one one IP number which both our network poured out the back but one IP number is one gigabit and the other one is 10 DB and right now it's set to all ports which is of course okay but I only wanted to use the 10 gigabit for this one so we're gonna pick that one we're gonna give it the right one now so oh I didn't really tell you what I did here did I engine ology you have the possibilities of telling if different services to use different ports on the back so what I did was that I am I didn't use all of the network port I just used that one oh so yeah that was kind of what I did that means that you can even have one for for your FTP you can have another port for web service you can have one for management you can do yeah you get the drift right and go back here we have that right port and then when we click down we have the targets that we can connect to and the one that we just created is 11 I guess I think it's that one let's go back and check that's a couple 11 corresponds with this number it kind of got the same IQ in number probably why it connected all by itself so and this one is complaining I'm not allowed to put a cluster so yeah add that so we have we have that cool then let's go on to the other server and we kind of just have to do the same thing storage there so both of them now have this iced coffee available or it has connected but we need to make a drive on this so let's just let's just do that here so if we select our technology not 1290 and we usually and we can put something on top of that this would be one of the cluster where file systems and this G Lobster I'm guessing would probably be another one I am just gonna be putting a ordinary LD m onto they're only gonna call that just so we know what box it's on and we're gonna from this drop-down menu we can now select the ice CAHSEE and we can face yes we have one terabyte there please volume and then we can give it a volume name and we're gonna call it what are we gonna call it I guess that's good let's try that Thanks probably have to call it something else so that name it didn't like so let's try ever just gives us two mistakes instead hmm okay that was stupid I have rebooted and yeah it was still bugging me so off-screen I've been trying different stuff I just managed to create this so we'll just go in and see what I did any I call it Nass as a volume group so that's very very brilliant of me but otherwise a coalition knowledge enas shared it as well so in that's me now we have this thing so let's see if we can install something on it so the big question is is there isn't anything on here and that's because this storage is used for virtual machines and not as much to put the image files on that's there kind of on this local thing and you don't get the same options as in VMware put whatever you want wherever you want probably someone will tell me in the comments please how we do that if I want to put my image files on here as well that would be awesome so but we can put a VM on there so let's try that so quick Liam and we're gonna put it on this procs box no that's it to that here call it number 100 and I just wanna make sure that this one over here that's called we have on 100 over here so let's start with number 200 over here just I'm probably never gonna move any of this but we're gonna give it a name oh that's not allowed not allowed not allowed okay test their bank storage lucu oh that's okay that's for the ISO file yes sir I just uploaded that so that is available and we need to tell it what this is it's like or something yes next system graphics card it's probably okay try to be wise about that storage we can put it on our technology nass here and that one will be good I need to give it some gigabytes 50 should help thanks GPU yeah thanks makeup eye it's really okay 8e glass memory next Network I'm sure that I'm great confirm start off the creation now we're just gonna let's just create it ah we have something on here it's taking up 50 gigabytes yikes I thought as I set up a thin provisioning on this rhinology nass it's not actually taking up 50 gigabytes already because this knowledge eNOS is not giving away that much maybe we can see that Tom's proxmox we have used 132 kilobytes even though it thinks it has 50 gigabytes so cool let's move on let's try and boot this thing and it's gonna be installing windows I'm not gonna be bothering you with that so you right back Server 2019 has completed installation it's not as if we need it for anything just wanna do something so can minimize that and we can see that it's still running here in the background and it's taking up space on our Synology storage it's right there 50 gigabytes it's sticking up let's see how much this is over here using nine point two three gigabyte abnormal so that is not really bad let's go back you can't really do much with it I went over to the other out in the data center and I also created this Synology nas here I had to create the same storage L VM on this one and so now when we go down to the host and check out the storage it sees the same data here and if we click down here we can see that there is a year I can't do much with it I'm not totally sure how this works yet in VMware I would know how to move this over on in proxmox I'm still not sure how to do that so so if you only have one proxmark server you just make an iced coffee target up here with a lawn and then you a kingdom bub access that from your proxmox server and everything is good and you can put all of your virtual machines on there and you can probably migrate them for them back from the local storage we need to try that at some point but when you have multiple proxmox servers well we need to figure out how to do that I haven't figured that out yet so if you're way smarter than me which you probably are you can tell me in the comments so that I don't have to figure this out by myself just read your comments I do that anyway so thank you very much for watching my videos to subscribe to watch you can see me again remember to like this video well something is working so am and have a nice day bye bye
Channel: My PlayHouse
Views: 17,030
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Keywords: iscsi, Proxmox iscsi, iscsi nas, How to setup iSCSI, iscsi lun, iscsi synology, what is iscsi, RS1219+, NEW Synology, RackStation, Synology, Synology RS1219+, 8-bay, NAS, Storage, Playhouse, DIY, Data Center, Home Server, Home Data Center, 1219+, SHR, rack, Diskstation, vmware, vmware esxi, iscsi target, iscsi server, iscsi initiator, iscsi storage, esxi, iscsi san, NAS Synology, Synology NAS, esxi iscsi, proxmox, lvm, zfs, lun, iSCSI Share
Id: k9o2AHoC36k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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