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there are only two kinds of people those that have lost data and those that will and unfortunately the only time we give a second thought to backup is when it's too late and I get it backup isn't the sexiest bit of tech in the world but if you get a virus right now and lose your family photos babies first step or your wedding video you're going to be heartbroken not to mention the impact that it will have on your work school and college life of course we have external hard drives and those are superb but they are what we call a single point of failure if the external drive fails or gets lost or stolen you instantly lose everything not to mention that if you didn't encrypt your drive anyone who finds it has instant access to all your confidential stuff and yes we have cloud storage which we love but what we've done lab is that we are trusting our personal information to somebody else's hard drive and we have no feel control over that we certainly don't love that we cannot back up absolutely everything from every single device as the amount of data that we would need to pay for all that extra cloud storage would be ridiculous ever try telling your teenager that she doesn't need to keep every mean photos and videos since the beginning of time uh good luck with that so the solution is to create our own cloud storage that automatically backs up all our data and we can access it from anywhere in the world and we can give access to files and folders essentially we could have an entire Google Drive iCloud OneDrive equivalent system that we're in charge of if you're super geeky and have the technical skills yes you can spin up Linux or some type of system and be responsible for managing that and most importantly securing that but if you just want a plug-and-play system that does absolutely everything within minutes let me show you the disk station ds923 plus from Synology where also today's sponsor you see six years ago this actual exact hard drive stopped working and I lost my entire Wildlife photography from South Africa it's all on there I cannot access to it on the very same day that it stopped working was the day I installed my first Synology Nas which is a network attached storage and I have never looked back since nor have I lost any data since everything is automatically backed up from all my family devices straight onto the nas without us having to do anything and the best bit is that it's so simple that anyone who can do this in less than 15 minutes which I think we can all agree is time well spent to never having to worry about your data again so let me show you what I'm talking about this is the heart of the operation the Synology ds923 plus let's take a quick walk around this device at the bottom you've got two nvme slots let's flip it to the front you got four Bays that's where your hard drives are gonna go you've also got a USB Portia and of course the power on button right let's look at the back of the device here you've got not one but two ethernet ports you've got redundancy you've got another USB eSATA port and of course this is where you plug it in to give this baby some power let's flip it back to the right way up and now we're gonna pull out one of the trays one of the Bays that this is where the hard drive is going to sit in it and without needing any tools you simply open up the packaging that your hard drive came in and you simply slide it in and lock it in place a big shout out to Seagate for sending us some of the Iron Wolf drives these drives are optimized for a 24x7 loads of Nas servers and you can just load them into the bay like this and then take the second Drive slide it in next to it and then simply push down to lock it in and just because it can take four drops doesn't mean you have to fill up all four drives in this case I've only got two the other two bays simply sit there waiting for their turn to be filled at the appropriate time uh and that's pretty much it let's Power It Up and plug it into our router all right seriously could that be any easier place the drop into the Synology disk station plug the supplied power and network cable and switch it on congratulations you have yourself a Nas that's the hardware path taken care of now we have to set up the software and as you can imagine it's just a simple so open up your browser go to and it will find Synology Nas on your network next there'll be a whole bunch of prompts that you just need to follow along and accept the terms let it set up your hard drive give the nas a name and create an administrator username and password and make sure that's nice and secure pretty straightforward stuff but this is the important one is the Synology account you can skip over it if you wish but I wouldn't why because you're going to get all those values secure sign in service access your Synology NAS from anywhere which is exactly what we want Around the Clock monitoring and protection perfect and if for some reason you don't want it you can obviously skip over this it's not mandatory and just like that we have a quick connect ID which basically means our system is now accessible with our username and password that we've just created either from a web browser or from a mobile app and the entire process was seamless okay we're almost done the important step here is how are we going to use the two hard drives that we've stuck into the Synology disk station are we going to do something called a raid and what type of raid and this is where people normally freak out now comes the part where you need to make a decision of how much Hardware failure protection you would like by selecting the type of raid in other words let's use our external hard drive as an example it has my data on it this drive failed I lost everything now what would have been super smart is to have two of these guys where her back up the same information onto one copy over here one copy onto the second drive so if this drive failed like it did then I wouldn't have lost everything all my photography would have been on my second draft so same data saved in two different places that's kind of the high level explanation of what a raid is and Synology has a deeper explanation which I will link in the description below so personally I like synology's shr which is Synology hybrid raid this is a great option because it allows you to have flexibility you can add and mix different Drive sizes and still get the redundancy in case one of the draft fails okay now the hard drives are ready the only thing you need to do is follow the wizard to set up two things the first thing it says that access from anywhere has already been set up brilliant we've done that in the first step but just like you we're seriously worried about security who can access what so the next step is going to be hey let's enhance your security we want to enable two-factor authentication do you want to enable that apps regularly click on enable now now that we're nice and secure we can of course go and create shared folders We can manage the file station we can do a whole bunch of things but what we're really interested in is the backup data and this is where you get the package called Synology drive it's a server and a desktop client which basically means that there's a bit of software that runs on your Nas and a bit of software that runs on your phone or on your desktop or on your laptop and it looks like this all you're going to do is you're going to install the specific app for your desktop and a specific app for your mobile phone and here is the beauty of it from the moment that you set it up whatever you select that needs to be automatically backed up and synchronized can be done between your device and your brand new Nas Synology disknation 923 plus and it can be accessed from anywhere in the world and congratulations you are done you are now the proud owner of your very own personal cloud storage system now as a family this is a game changer since I control the entire system I have no problem with storing important documents like worlds and health insurance or even have our passports say that if anything happens when we travel we instantly have access to them and yes we have two Factor authentication so we know it's nice and secure check out the links in the description where you can get more information and speaking of storage check out these five uses for USB flash drive that you probably don't know about and this video right over here that YouTube thinks you should watch hit the head down here to subscribe give the video a thumbs up before you head out and I'll see you in this video or in this video or I'll see you in both let's go
Channel: Liron Segev
Views: 813,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liron segev, the techie guy, synology, cloud storage, synology diskstation 923+, diskstation, synology diskstation, best cloud storage, synology nas, synology ds923+ nas, local nas
Id: gsq0fLQW5LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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