Strongest Women VS Strongest Fish

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[Music] last year we filmed strongest men versus strongest fish this year strongest woman versus strongest fish we got steffi gohan probably the strongest woman comfort pound on the planet eight time world champion arm wrestler sarah backman and chris nunn she's got these you guys ready last year for the strongest man video the goal was for the rod not to touch the gun the fish when you hook them is going to pull as hard as possible to try to make the rod touch the boat right here this is the gunnel okay your job is to use your strength and try to keep it off the gun i'm gonna pull as hard as you can if you touch the gunnel it's strike one make sense kristen you're going first you ready i'm ready let's go let's go over some technique here okay so you're not gonna be able to use the back of the boat so when this thing's gonna pull right what's gonna happen is i'm gonna i'm gonna set the drag right here okay so here you're gonna chill right so i'm gonna hold it right here you're just gonna sit here and just chill when the fish grabs it i'm gonna slam the drag like this okay okay right that's when i'm gonna tell you get ready to you know hold on hold on or reel you might you might have to reel to be in it okay okay and then what's gonna happen with this rod is just gonna go slow and it's gonna be like a hook in a car okay yeah all right kristen yeah first one to go you ready a little nervous but i'm ready here's the bait let's go look just go ahead there's oh oh you're doing amazing let's go let's go come on come on come on let's go come on come on come on come on come on reel reel reel reel this is bigger than you come on come on almost there five feet five feet squats come on keep going wow wow that's a big one dude is that a strong fish incredible incredible that one of the hardest things you've ever done yes it is yes it is weights can't even compete today no no our fish stronger than the gym yes they are yes they are that's a monster yeah this is the biggest fish you've ever seen yes it's almost 400 pounds yeah let them go right yes sir here we go watch out okay so one thing that was really helpful was that my left hand as i was so whoever holds on the bottom needs to put one hand on the bottom of the rod i saw them to keep the thing inside of the inside of the thing okay okay then we can practice we have that hole exactly because if i didn't do that like it kept like so i just had like one hand here and then i wrapped the other hand on the other side and like kept it down there you just went to a war yeah yeah i bought it i did yeah i mean i did i did so are you sure you're ready i'm ready let's go all right strongest female arm wrestler strongest fish yep here we go [Music] you gotta stand up you gotta stay up where you have no leverage [Music] oh real real [Applause] [Music] how's that compared to arm wrestling no there's no comparison no comparison was devon exaggerated at all what are you going to do with this no this is the worst that fish is definitely bigger than you are i can promise you that yeah see ya here buddy good job thank you thank you ladies seriously i want to skip from 1 to 10. how hard was that no it was like a 10 is armrest in devon yeah no it was 10. really yeah like when you are missing seven it's just like all right wall okay here it's like you die i told stephanie like she's used that heavy lift like that's what the feeling she aims for and powerlifting so she she will mentally handle this you know yes you ready stephanie i feel like um what's that person you know after the third base the fourth one is like that yeah have you hit him he's going to bring it home this is going to be me basically are you all by yourself by yourself no bro that's right but you're ready you're pumped i'm pumped you're training your whole life for this my entire life this is where it comes to all the hip thrusts all the squats are the deadlifts just for this one goliath fish here we go he ate it he's got it he's got it he's got it ready get ready ready ready and three two go for it see what you got okay that's it see what you got let's see what you got come on come on come on what you got what you got you got it pick it up pick it up come on come on come on [Laughter] oh he's almost 10 feet away come on go go go go go go go go go go go keep winding keep going here we go serious hurry hurry up he's coming hey toss me around is that a tough fish yeah my left hand could not grab onto this thing anymore did you have great problems no so you think you think your strengths future yeah you i did yeah forearms yeah yeah like dorothy and i like could barely hold on to this it's not easy no this is not easy here we go stephanie that's a nice goliath trooper right there look at my mouth huge i'm good to have lunch in here see you buddy i'm glad at least we all know oh you know what i mean all right i was not she's the world's best okay okay so the next one we're gonna do you know what we're gonna throw are you ready to do another one now you're not tired i mean i'm tired but i need to recover bro because i don't drain like this you know okay okay okay so christmas time we're gonna change the complete technique up now now we're gonna use our body weight against instead of using our strength i'm going to show you a totally different technique or see if you guys sell every fish they're just a gun so everyone all those they were not clean so we're going to try it one more time this time you guys really got to try to keep it off the gun or you can do it all by yourselves you do it all by yourself i'll see you when i believe it you can do it i'll believe you when i see it you can do it do you see how these threw me they're unbelievably powerful exactly so how am i going to do it myself think about this right his tail is about this big so when he moves that tail like this he's moving hundreds of gallons of water that's a lot of torque this is way easier like i'm i'm 155 i'm a little guy okay i don't go to the gym ever i can't i have no idea how much of a deadlift i have no idea how much and do anything because i don't ever go okay now i want you to pull down this rod and here's the technique right pull down i mean pull down hard look like those fish pull up see as hard as you pull look look look i am using my i'm countering that pressure with my body weight so the harder i think pulls the more i'm going to sit deep and can pull back all right let's go kristen why are you being tortured go go go go you got it got it you got it come on come on let's go chris come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on go go come on chris come on come come on come on [Music] you did it kristin you did it put that in there how you feeling team effort how does team matter oh you bro different technique that technique was just sorry which one's easier are they both hard maybe maybe this but not by much really yeah we'll let them go right go i think your uh your left arm is pretty jacked up right now yeah yeah pretty comfortable feels good though that's like uh like like 10 visits to the gym right yeah for sure yeah i'm proud of myself i'm proud of you great you did great thank you all right for the gloves on feel confident no yeah no no let's give it a test look at that look at that look at that that's beautiful oh my gosh we got that she's got this yeah she's got this they're gonna purple you got those legs of steel ready okay yes dude nice job that's not even fun it's not even funny definitely pushes your limits out making it look easy your fish is caught in the wreck yeah which means you beat us like there's nothing fun about what just no when they're in the rack you're trying to pull up earth yeah earth is really hard yeah no it was it's really heavy i don't know how much it weighs it weighs a lot though and uh it's not moving fish is smart he knows that he knows how to beat us and he beat us most of the time when they get in the rack they just snap the cable with the structure here i think it's not a rigid so they're not breaking it off so they're just in there so yeah it's stephanie's turn she's feeling pretty confident no you're not confident bro drop that cause my grip is already feeling it okay okay okay she's in a hurry here we go ready let's catch [Applause] oh my gosh okay i think i'm gonna set him now ready what i think he's got it dude yo yo come on no it's not no he spit the bait while we were dropping the bait down for the glass grouper a huge hammerhead davis actually spotted it came up to the boat we we got him a couple times carl gaffe the barracuda we put the barracuda out live he came within 10 feet the boat ate the barracuda grabbed like a dog bone he literally grabbed it like this and just swam off with it we let him eat forever didn't get hooked we haven't seen him again so i think it's time drop down for a glass one more time it's getting late we've got storms on the horizon what do you say wanna go for it looks like you're tired i'm exhausted let's go for it come on come on let's do it here's what's left of our cuda you can see where the hammer had grabbed it hiding his mouth fine unfortunately the hook when pulled it in turns back in the bait so that sucks that happens sometimes here we go we want to catch one more goliath we really do we want to see a step we can do this all by herself but that storm right there is no joke we we gotta we gotta head out we're struggling with just bringing the bait back you're struggling with the bait come on i swear that's so tired you were gonna catch the hammerhead if we would have hooked them i was gonna try in total we caught five goliath groupers today we did you guys did amaze by the way i mean seriously fist pound for all that great work the only thing we did not accomplish is we didn't keep up the gunner but even the guys struggled with that so i think maybe next year we have a battle girls versus guys black group how's that sound do you think yeah sounds good do you think that maybe because we started later like we it took some time we had to find the fish today it wasn't easy that that definitely wore you down 100 um your arms got tired holding that rod for about an hour so that kind of wore you down yeah um yeah i mean you know the guys definitely had an advantage i'm not gonna lie they got to catch fish immediately pretty quickly so you guys had to wait a lot longer so next year we'll have a battle final finale and uh we'll see uh do it do you think you can beat them i think so i think we have a way better strategy like watching the video of the guys i think we we worked better at the team than they did okay okay yeah you know what guys in the comments below tell us which one who worked better the girls or the guys write it in the comments below and also make sure you check out their social media and their youtube channels their links in description stephanie's sarah's christians check him out link in the description that gets in love my buddy carl here you didn't see him on video but there he is on his phone as always yeah carl yeah yeah wow there's carl check him out cool guy links in the description thanks for watching guys if you want to see our most recent video click right here if you want to subscribe click right here and also make sure to check out our black debate merchandise link is in the description or go to thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,154,984
Rating: 4.8653021 out of 5
Keywords: Strongest, Fish, Women, Fishing, VS, Challenge, Woman, Strong, Strength, Fitness, Work Out, Goliath, Grouper, Giant, Fishing Challenge, Rod, Reel, Line, Strongest Women, Offshore, Florida, Boat, Goliath Grouper, Sarah Backman, Kristen Nun, Stefanie Cohen, BlacktipH, 4K
Id: DiQ2AieIo0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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