One HACK to Understand FAST English

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how can you understand native speakers when they speak so fast in everyday conversations and films let's find out with this one simple [Music] hack hello it's Keith from the Keith speaking Academy and this uh YouTube channel englishspeaking success here to help you do develop your English speaking skills so you can become a confident speaker of English now you know many students struggle to understand native speakers of English just give me a call TI and I feel for them because they've taken time to learn English to build their knowledge of English and they've done lots of reading and built up their vocabulary but when it comes to understanding native speakers they still find it difficult maybe this is you one of the reasons you may still find it difficult is possibly because you think native speakers pronounce words one by one or that they pronounce them the way that they're written however some Advanced students who fully understand native speakers they know that this is not true there is one simple hack that they understand and practice and now you can too the hack is understanding that advanced or native speakers of English contract words and if you can Ma and if you can Master recognizing the most common contractions this will take your listening skills up to a whole new level so in this video I will test your listening skills and I'll show you how some of the the most common contractions work so that you can recognize them and improve your listening skills oh and at the end of the video I'll also give you some tips about how you can actually implement this in your everyday listening skills okay sound good let's do it oh and just to let you know there is a PDF of all of this information that you can download for free just click on the link in the description below okay sound good let's do it okay so to contract contract as a verb right not contract which is a noun like a work contract to contract means to make smaller so in spoken English this is where two words become one smaller right and as we're talking about listening skills more importantly the two words become one sound one sound and it's really important to learn how to hear these sounds and to know what they mean when you hear them so let's go through four or five of the most common ones um what we'll do is I will say the sound and I want you to write down or imagine in your head what are the two words if you have pen and paper you can write it down pen and paper what century do you live in Keith okay are you ready the first one aunt aunt okay and this is the contraction of are not are not Aunt a lot of my Spanish friends here even though they know the Contra contraction they say arent arent with that R arent but look at the phonetics it's a a it's a bit like arm arm but change the M for a n on on on and you can put the T on the end a what's interesting is most of the time actually that t disappears we drop the T sound so it's on AR on okay are not for example they aren't coming actually we say they aren't coming they aren't coming aren't coming the T becomes a glottal a glottal stop aren't coming but when you hear that they aren't coming aren't with a n they aren't coming you know that are not okay they AR coming the tea will be pronounced particularly if the next word begins with a vowel or a vowel sound for example I'm late ATI ATI interesting that I am in the question tag is aai I'm late a i you can hear that linking there okay that's the first one number two shiz shiz okay this is she is or she has both of them a shiz actually it can also be she's it can be a I or a e you can see in the phonetics it can be sheis or she's both of them are used probably shis is more common I think because it's more commonly not stressed um so this can be she is or she has for example she's angry can you hear the she's she's she's angry she's angry bit like Shazam she's angry as has she's got blue eyes she's got blue eyes she's she's she's got blue eyes you can hear that she sh's sh sound right that's the sound you want to be looking for forget about she has forget it she's she's got blue eyes okay now interestingly it's the same with he is or he has his his he's angry he's got blue eyes even more interesting is with he we actually often drop the H the H sound so it's not even his it's is is he angry he's got blue eyes he's angry he's angry he's got blue eyes can you hear the is sound and when you start changing your mindset about he is to is is then you're going to start improving your listening skills great next one ready I I so this is I will I sometimes it's made even shorter Al Al so instead of I will help you you may hear I'll help you I'll I'll help you can you hear I'll help you I'll help you okay great notice I will not also has a contraction I won't won't I won't and again that t sound we often drop um unless it's followed by a vowel so I won't help you I won't help you can you hear won't won't won't I won't help you I won't help you or it sometimes links if it's followed by a vow so you may get he won't arrive on time he won't arrive on time he won't arrive on time great start listening to these sounds and you're on the way let's do number four didn't didn't didn't didn't it's like ASMR didn't and this is did not didn't the sound right is didn't didn't it it's like the d d d sometimes you hear the D like dig or dip d d and then the second sound sound is dun sometimes The Magicians go dun dun dun dun dun you've got the D and the dun here right that's it he didn't come he didn't come he didn't come you can hear the didn't so instead of listening for he did not come he didn't come oh they didn't didn't d d dun didn't didn't that's it he didn't come again that t sound is dropped unless there's a vowel sound so you may get the link if you get he didn't open my letter he didn't open my letter there you've got the didn't open he didn't open my letter right great now in a similar way you've got couldn't could not couldn't should not is shouldn't would not wouldn't right I shouldn't go I couldn't go I wouldn't go if I were you so start listening for that sound the didn't couldn't should would remember the magician that's it great so there you have a bunch of the most common contractions start listening for those sounds and you're well on the way to leveling up your listening skills okay and some tips here just to help you implement or practice this right the first thing is about subtitles so if you're watching films or series on on Netflix and you want to develop your listening skills take away the subtitles turn them off don't watch them because if you have subtitles you will read now that can be good for vocabulary and picking up new words but if you want to develop listening skills take them away not even in your own language because that will develop your translation skills nothing now if you're a beginner sometimes you may want subtitles to help you it's a support but make sure sometimes you're watching without subtitles right it that's really the only way you'll develop your um your listening skills and I know if you're watching like um drama and action films sometimes they speak very loud and sometimes they The Voice drops and you're like oh what did he say turn on the subtitles I get that sometimes the other interesting thing is we've looked at to contractions today and these are the small words but I also know that your listening sometimes is difficult because you because of your vocabulary you lack vocabulary the big words right so all the time you want to be building up your vocabulary over time on a wide range of topics so don't always watch the same action movies if you like that make sure you're watching other things documentaries history geography Politics the news to build up your vocabulary because that is key to get those big words big words as opposed to the Little Words which are the contractions right the aren't wouldn't didn't things like that great those are my tips so I hope now after this video you will be able to start noticing these sounds these contractions when you're listening to English remember if you want to download the PDF that has a summary of this lesson you can just click on the link down below and remember the secret is in the practice listen notice listen notice as much as you can and if you're ready to take your learning even a step further then you may be interested in my gold course I El speaking gold um it's a course to help students prepare for I Els but develop their speaking skills overall so you can become a more confident speaker of English there's a link down below with a very nice discount for the YouTube fans listen thank you so much for watching me today and for learning with me I hope you've learned something new if you like the video give me a like subscribe turn on notifications and I'll see you maybe in the course maybe in the next video take care my friend bye-bye [Music] a
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 381,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, keith speaking academy, ielts speaking 2020, listening skills in english, ielts listening tips, ielts listening 2020, understand native english speakers, understand fast english conversation, how to understand native english speakers, fast english, understand native speakers more easily, fast english speaking, fast english conversation
Id: GY9-rs2mcRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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