One Day Sandwich Bread!! Ready to Eat Sourdough Sandwich Bread in one Day!

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[Music] Hello friends welcome to daily sourdough today we are making sandwich bread that can be made in one day it still has an eight hour eight to ten hour firm end so you get a good long fermentation but you can have this bread ready by evening if you begin in the morning this is a great recipe love this recipe it makes two very large loaves so it's a real good one to have on hand start out with three cups of water and this is tepid water a little bit on the warm side this helps activate the yeast in the and the microbiotics the little microbes in your starter gets it started to your warm water add one and a little bit over a cup of starter this is probably one and a quarter cup starter and make sure it's very active I fed this last night so that it would be ready this morning and it's good and bubbly and just stir that up a bit let your starter dissolve in that warm water give those little microbes a nice warm bath they'll feel so good and be ready to grow once that starter has softened and dissolved in your water add to that a quarter cup of oil and I'm using avocado oil because it has such a mild flavor it's definitely my oil of preference and then add about two tablespoons of honey you can also use use sugar I just want to use honey because honey has wonderful enzymes and Health properties to add to my bread then just take a few minutes and let all of that dissolve in your warm water next add three teaspoons of a good sea salt and then six cups of bread flour and it's really as best to use bread flour because it has a higher protein content and it will yield a better loaf [Music] so just dump all of it in this is a really easy recipe there's just not much fussing going on in this one at all I'll just use my spatula to get that flour and water mixed up it's going to be a very wet dough to begin with and that wet sticky dough is going to allow for a lot of expansion when it's baking makes a very nice large loaf two of them in fact now that it's mostly mixed in use your hand get in there you're gonna get dirty but it is gonna help those microbes really get active with your the warmth of your hand and give it a little massage make sure that you mix it long enough to get all that flour mixed in so it will take a few minutes squeeze it massage all that dough all that flour into your starter and your water you don't want any little bits of dry flour just keep going around and around some people ask me why do you not use a kitchen scale to measure your ingredients with and sometimes I do but I've made enough bread to know kind of how it's supposed to feel and I think back to my ancestors who had large families and they were making bread every day for their families they didn't have a kitchen scale and so I want to be like that I want to be able to just feel the dough and know what it needs you can tell by just the texture of it how it's going to behave is it going to rise high is it going to be too dense what does it need that's why I like to do things just kind of by eyeballing it not with exact measurements but if you prefer measuring exactly with the kitchen scale then please do that and it will teach you a lot by by measuring it and then feeling the dough you'll learn a lot that way and then over time you'll just know exactly what your dough needs okay it feels like it is completely mixed and as you can tell it's a very sticky dough it is time for its rest period so we're gonna cover the dough and let it rest on the counter for about 30 minutes and then we will begin our first stretch and fold we're ready for our first stretch and fold so just take your hand reach way under the dough lift it up and fold it over and I have a bowl of water sitting here so that you can see how sticky it is and dip my hand in the water so that it's a little easier to manage and do two to three rounds of stretch and fold on this first one so just keep going round and round and as you do it you can see the texture of your dough the consistency of it really change starts to tighten up the gluten starts to really take shape let's reach way under the dough grab a handful of it fold it over itself and tuck it in okay now cover it once again let it rest for another 30 minutes and then we'll do a second stretch and fold it's been another 30 minutes time for our second stretch and fold so once again just reach down deep under the dough pull it up fold it over itself still very wet you can dip your hand in the water now if it's really unmanageable then dip your hand in some flour but we'll see how this this one turns out and then we'll decide if we need flour or water next stretch and fold but you can see that the dough is really smoothing out it's getting much stretchier so we'll do a couple of rounds of stretch and fold with this one you can see the dough is already taking shape it's very nice very soft dough okay now we'll cover it and let it rest another 30 minutes then we'll do our third stretch and fold time for our third stretch and fold since it feels like it is still a bit too sticky I'm going to dip my hands of flour this time just to bring a little more structure to the bread you can see though that the dough is getting very smooth and covered that and after another 30 minutes we'll do our last stretch and fold it's time for our last stretch and fold we'll see how the doughs come in along okay it's definitely developed more gluten structure now still on the wet side but a lot more stretch to it it's really important to do all four stretch and folds and give it 30 minutes or even a little bit longer in between doesn't have to be exact but that really does help to develop the gluten structure so that the bread will have cheek to it and now I'm going to put it in this bigger bowl because I think it's going to really expand [Music] now it's time for the first rice so cover your dough and let it rest in a warm place for about six hours I set my dough in a very warm place and after six hours it has really risen so I'm going to poke a floured finger into the dough and it is definitely ready ready to shape so flour just a little bit of flour on your countertop and then place this on a countertop still a bit sticky dough but look at that so beautiful don't you just love to Pat it it's so fun to touch and I'm going to divide this in half and you can see it's going to make some big lows so just lightly flour down the center of your dough and then cut it in half oh it's so full of life and air and man it's gonna be light and fluffy dough fluffy bread set that over there I'm gonna deflate this a little bit because I don't want pockets of air in my cooked bread then I'll have holes in my bread and then to shape the loaf take one third of your dough and fold it towards you put it in the center kind of press it down so that it sticks and still have lots of air in there then take the side closest to you fold it completely over the other third so that like an envelope then seal the ends and to make your dough to make your loaf really nice and taut take each side and pull it into the center like this and then press it down so you're just kind of bringing each side in to really tighten that loaf up and that creates it more tension on the underside of your loaf which is going to be the top and also deflate some of those bubbles once again [Music] I'm really excited because I have new loaf pans after 35 years of making bread I finally bought these loaf pans that are one pound loaf pan this sandwich style fits in your toaster better so I'm very excited and I lightly buttered it just a tiny bit of flour inside and I'll put this big fatty in there then do the same thing with your other half and if you want you can cut this into four loaves just make four smaller loaves which that's wonderful too fold it like an envelope press out the bubbles this is one happy loaf pinch the ends to seal them fold the sides in again kind of stitching it together in the center it almost looks like a braided loaf when you're done but that's the underside this recipe is a really great example of how a wetter dough Rises better I mean this this is just so full of life it is it's almost it's almost too light and Airy I'm going to tuck it in tight and now cover your loaves I'm going to cover it with a shower cap because I don't want the dough touching the plastic and then it will stick to it and sometimes that causes it to deflate so cover it with a shower cap and let it rest another hour or two you want the dough to rise up to the surface of the pan and even over a little bit is great but by the time it's done Rising another one to two hours that will be a total of nine to ten hours of fermentation so great recipe if you want to make your sandwich dough in one day the dough has been rising for about an hour and a half and I am ready to bake it have your oven preheated to 400 degrees and we'll pop them in the oven and bake them for about 35 minutes just until they're golden brown and you and they test done thank you [Music] thank you look at these beautiful loaves of bread I'm I'm really loving this pan I love the shape of it you've got perfect size to fit your toaster it's a great size to make a nice big sandwich so it's really a fun size bread and be sure and butter the tops when they come out makes it even more delicious and let me know what you think about this bread recipe give it a try see how it turns out for you be sure to air on the Wet Side when you're making bread because dense heavy dough will yield a very dense heavy Loaf and you want a nice soft loaf of bread you see that this is soft hot to touch but there's a lot of give in it it's going to be a nice look inside and Friends be sure to stay tuned because I have so many more recipes to share with you I'm really excited to share even more about how to use your sourdough on a daily basis [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Daily Sourdough
Views: 79,760
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Keywords: One Day Sandwich Bread, daily sourdough, homemade sourdough, Sourdough Bread, How to make sourdough, how to feed sourdough, what can i make with sourdough, Daily Sourdough, Sourdough Beginner, First time Sourdough, Sourdough Recipes, Unfed Sourdough Starter, questions answered, sandwich bread, sourdough sandwich bread, one day bread, one day sandwich bread, same day sourdough recipe, yt:cc=on, one day sandwhich bread, sandwich bread recipe, sourdough bread starter
Id: ACyGbDx8N1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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