The PERFECT SAME DAY SOURDOUGH SANDWICH BREAD | No overnight rise, no yeast!

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[Music] thank you hey everyone welcome if you're new here my name is Mary from and in today's video I'm going to share with you my recipe when I need to have a loaf of sourdough sandwich bread the same day so we're going to start it this morning we're going to bake it off late this afternoon and it works out really well because I often forget to put my bread on to ferment the night before so you can get a good eight hours of fermentation bake it off and you still get a really good loaf of bread so let's just jump right into the recipe all right so I'm going to use freshly ground hard white wheat for this bread and two little tips I can give you if you want to make a Sourdough for the same day use lukewarm water it kind of jump starts the sourdough process of fermentation also use more sourdough starter I usually use half a cup of sourdough starter per loaf of sandwich bread I'm going to use a full Cup today and make sure it is active and fed and ready to go [Music] so we're going to add one cup of lukewarm water to the mixer we're also going to add one full cup of active fed sourdough starter I fed this yesterday and then put it in the fridge when it got good and active and as you can see it's very bubbly ready to go so I'm going to do a cup of that [Music] now I get asked a lot do I really use my sourdough starter straight from the fridge and yes I just pulled this straight out of the fridge and put it in here and it works just fine okay we're going to add a one quarter cup of olive oil one and a half teaspoons of salt and I'm going to start with three cups of my freshly ground whole wheat you can use store-bought whole wheat you can use unbleached all-purpose but just add three cups at first and then add one quarter cup increments after that to make sure that you don't add too much flour you want the dough to be slack and moist because if it's moist it's going to render you a moist loaf of bread so I'm going to turn on the um uh nutrimule mixer and I'm going to let it go for just a couple of minutes and then I'll start adding in a quarter cup increments now I ended up adding all together three and three quarter cups of freshly milled flour this would vary depending on what flour you decide to use but what you're looking for is for the dough to clean the sides of the bowl and release from it and you'll see that happen here in just a minute as I add more flour foreign [Music] okay once it releases from the side of the bowl we are actually just going to let it continue kneading for six to eight minutes or until it is stretchy and really soft and then after it has been needed for that amount of time we are going to put it in a greased loaf pan this is my trusty pyrex loaf pan I've had for about almost 16 years and it's very nonstick at this point so I use it quite a bit for sourdough I am roughly shaping this as you can see I'm not taking any great pains with it if I was sourdough it really doesn't matter it will work out just fine now I am going to cover this with some plastic wrap you could use beeswax wrap you could use a wet dish towel just make sure that you check it occasionally to make sure it's not drying out because you don't want this loaf or this dough to dry out in the process of rising we're going to let it rise for four to eight hours in a warm spot all right my Bread's been rising for just a little over four hours it's topped over the loaf pan my oven is preheated to 350 degrees and I'm going to give this an egg wash and put a little seeds on top just to kind of make it a little fancy so I'm gonna put you over here and show you that and then we're going to get in the oven for 40 minutes at 350 degrees okay I'm gonna give this an egg wash and the dough feels very puffy should get a pretty decent rise out of this now if your starter is quite a bit younger or not quite as mature as the one that I'm using it could take up to eight hours for this kind of a rise so just let it go keep it in a warm place it'll eventually get there and that the only thing is is when it rises longer the more sour it is so it's really up to you [Music] if you want it to rise longer but your house is really warm find a cool place to let it finish Rising I'm doing some sesame seeds [Music] and then I'm going to do a few poppy seeds for color [Music] foreign the bread is ready and we'll get out of the oven and hopefully it looks really good [Music] beautiful look at that [Music] that's a beautiful loaf of bread foreign [Music] guys so that is a beautiful sourdough purely sourdough loaf of sandwich bread that is made in the same day no overnight rise no second Rise literally you mix it up knead it put it in the loaf pan and in four to eight hours it's ready to bake off depending on how strong your starter is and how warm your house is obviously but as you can see it makes a beautiful loaf of bread so I hope that you enjoyed this video and you will give this recipe a try there are always times when we're in a pinch and maybe we forget to ferment our loaf overnight I do it a lot so I really needed to develop a recipe like this and this one is perfect so it's so good that it's pretty much all that I'm making right now so there will be a printable recipe Linked In the description box below that's over on our website and you can print it off and make it whenever you want all right well that's all I have for you today if you enjoyed the video I would appreciate it if you give it a thumbs up and if you enjoy videos on cooking from scratch gardening food preservation and homesteading please consider hitting the Subscribe button down below I make two new videos every single week and would love to have you here also check out our website I have a lot of other sourdough recipes over there that you can print off too so we will see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: The Rose Homestead
Views: 11,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #homesteading, #cookingfromscratch, #foodpreservation, #gardening, #sourdough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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