Sourdough Sandwich Bread Loaf

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if you're looking for a soft sourdough sandwich bread that doesn't require a baking degree to pull off then this is the recipe for you I'm all about reliable scrumptious recipes without any unnecessarily complicated steps so if that resonates with you then let's get started I've got two options for you one that's super simple and happens to be completely vegan and one that requires a couple more ingredients but results in a really soft and delicious sourdough bread first things first let's talk about the sourdough starter you want a starter that's been fed 4 to 12 hours previously has doubled in volume is active and bubbly and passes the float test obviously your starter is the foundation of the spread and you need to get that right for good results now the reason that I give such a large range for how long it will take for your starter to mature is because saurio is so dependent on environmental factors if your kitchen is really warm you may find that your starter doubles within four hours or a really chilly house could make your starter more sluggish also if you haven't been caring for your starter and feeding it regularly then it might not be as strong and active if you've been storing your your starter in your refrigerator you may want to go through a couple of feedings in order to reactivate it before using it in this recipe basically you want a starter that's happy and active not one that's feeling poorly as I mentioned one of the ways that you can test to see if your starter is ready to be baked with is to perform the float test simply drop a little bit of starter into a glass of room temperature water if it floats the starter is ready to be used if it sinks it either needed more time to mature or it over fermented and deflated losing its air bubbles as you bake with a sourdough starter more you'll probably be able to tell if it's ready to be baked with without performing the flow test but it's a great way for beginner sour to starters to get a feel for what an active bubbly starter looks like also of note I keep my starter at 100 hydration which means I feed it equal weights not volumes of flour and water a kitchen scale is invaluable here if you plan on doing a lot of sourdough baking then I highly recommend investing in one and I'll have the one that I use linked below okay so you'll need one cup of that active sourdough starter for this loaf let's quickly go over the other ingredients that you'll need for this recipe 204 30 grams or one cup of water 200 grams or one and a half cups of all-purpose flour 200 grams or one and a quarter cups plus one tablespoon of bread flour 3 tablespoons of Honey or sugar doing one one and a half teaspoons of unrefined sea salt and 39 grams or 3 tablespoons of avocado oil you could also use coconut oil or olive oil here need for 15 minutes on medium low speed now my dough hook fit the dust and I haven't figured out where to purchase a replacement for it so I use the paddle attachment I don't recommend this but it's what I've been doing out of necessity anyway the dough will start out Shaggy and eventually it will turn into this lovely smooth elastic dough after it's done kneading transfer it to a greased Bowl [Music] foreign [Music] if you'd like a softer bread you can add an egg replace the water with three quarters cup plus two tablespoons of whole milk and use four tablespoons of melted butter instead of the avocado oil let me pause for a minute to talk about ingredient temperatures if you start with warm ingredients obviously the sourdough starter will have a head start and it will take less time to ferment than if you used cold ingredients so if you use warm water instead of cold water you can knock off some fermentation time the same goes for the milk if you take the chill off of it then the fermentation process will be jump started but as with all bread baking that involves yeast including wild yeast you want to make sure that you don't heat any of the ingredients over around 110 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit or 43 to 46 degrees celsius if you go much over that then the temperature will start to kill the yeast and your bread won't rise back to the recipe the process for eating the soft dough is the same you want to go until it's nice and smooth and elastic transfer the kneaded dough to a large buttered Bowl now for both doughs you have a choice to make you can either do the first rice completely at room temperature or you can let the dough ferment at room temperature for about four hours and then place it in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours if you opt for a completely room temperature rise you're looking for the dough to double in volume and pass the Poke test this can take anywhere from around 6 to 12 hours of course depending on how warm your kitchen is to perform the Poke test gently poke your finger into the dough if it slowly Springs back and doesn't quite fill in then it's done fermenting if it Springs back quickly and completely fills in then it's not done proofing yet if it doesn't spring back at all it's likely over fermented and you need to move to the next step as soon as possible so when the dough is done with the first rise it's time to shape it into a loaf first you'll want to select your loaf pan I use this one from USA pan it's eight and a half by four and a half by two and three quarter inches I've also used this Pyrex glass pan Which is a little bit bigger keep in mind that if you use a smaller pan your loaf will be taller and if you use a larger pan it won't look as dramatic whatever pan you use you'll want to line it with parchment paper sourdough to be fairly sticky so it's best to use parchment paper to line the pan to ensure that it will release easily [Music] foreign [Music] the dough into a log that will easily fit into the pan this is how I form my loaf which is pretty much the method that my mom used to form bread while I was growing up Pat the dough into a rectangle that has a width that's about the same as the length of the loaf pan start rolling up the dough pressing down to seal the seam as you go [Music] thank you when the dough is all rolled up pinch the seam really well as well as the ends [Music] turn the dough over and cup your hands around it and pull the edges of the dough under itself to create more surface tension transfer the dough to the prepared pan you can kind of rearrange the dough once it's in the pan if needed cover with a tea towel and allow to ferment in a warm spot until it rises over the top of the Pan about 4 to 12 hours again depending on the temperature of your kitchen and how strong your starter is about half an hour before the loaf is done Rising preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit or 204 degrees Celsius Once the dough is properly risen score the top with a razor blade or a really sharp kitchen knife this isn't strictly necessary but it does help to control how the bread rises in the oven place the Risen milk into the preheated oven good set the timer for 10 minutes and when the time is up lower the oven temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 177 degrees Celsius and set the timer for 30 minutes the bread is done when it's deep Brown reaches an internal temperature of 200 degrees Fahrenheit or 93 degrees Celsius and sounds Hollow when tapped on the bottom for me this usually takes around 35 minutes once the temperature is turned down to 350 but of course it could be different for you depending on how hot your oven runs when your loaf is done baking transfer it to a wire rack to cool allow to cool for at least one hour before slicing into it I know this is difficult when you're smelling your amazing homemade bread but if you slice into it right away you'll let some of the steam escape and you could end up with a dry loaf so patience really is a virtue here after that you can tear into it and devour it to your heart's content this loaf is not only great for sandwiches it's also great for toast as well as French toast [Music] now I thought it'd be interesting to show you the different loaves made with a different methods side by side first we have the loaf with the partial cold ferment the simple Loaf and the soft enriched loaf these all have different heights and texture but I honestly think that it came down to different environmental factors not the ingredients are the method all of these lows are good but I personally prefer a really light soft loaf so the enriched dough is my favorite but you can choose which ingredients and methods to use based on the ingredients you have on hand or the amount of time you have to bake by the way I'll have a sample baking schedule in the description so that you can get a feel for how to plan out your sourdough baking so that's how to make an amazing sourdough sandwich loaf if you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up and make sure to check out this video next to learn how to make my whole wheat sourdough sandwich bread and one Accord now my dough dough Hood call for my mom hello I was filming a video
Channel: Buttered Side Up
Views: 9,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sourdough bread, sourdough sandwich bread, how to make sourdough sandwich bread, easy sourdough bread, how to make sourdough bread, soft sourdough bread, sourdough recipes, sandwich bread recipe, sourdough bread recipe, sourdough sandwhich bread
Id: TVUjvUTg7Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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