Easy Sourdough Sandwich Bread Recipe - Never buy bread again! ~ Large Homesteading Family

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it is a common misconception that sourdough bread has to look like this while artisan loafs are beautiful and they can be really fun to make when it comes to practicality they don't always come first to mind which means even the people who are making these beautiful artisan loaves may still be buying bread for sandwiches from the store today i'm going to be revealing my sourdough sandwich bread recipe and method this recipe produces a fluffy soft perfect loaf of bread just like you'd buy at the store only way better that can be used on sandwiches toasted you name it best of all it is super easy and fail proof i'm stacy from the blog the fromscratchfarmhouse.com where i share our family's journey to ditching the grocery store and becoming more self-sufficient removing commercial yeast and bread from our grocery list was a huge step forward in our family's goal towards becoming more self-sufficient if you are completely new to sourdough go back and watch my video on how to make a sourdough starter you will need two cups of active sourdough starter for this recipe in addition to two cups of sourdough starter you're going to need water maple syrup olive oil bread or all-purpose flour either will work salt two large bowls a spatula and a flour sack towel as well as a pullman loaf pan this one is made by usa pan i absolutely love it it is nonstick very easy to clean very easy to keep clean i will link this below okay once you've gathered all of your supplies and your ingredients you're ready to get started i recommend starting this process first thing in the morning so here is what i do when i wake up in the morning i go and i feed my sourdough starter so i'm just going to give it the 3 8 cup of flour and a fourth a cup water and stir it well then cover it and set it aside then i go on with my day i go homeschool my children get ready for the day and then when i come back about lunchtime it's ready for me to continue on with this recipe the first thing you're going to do is measure out your two cups of sourdough starter or if you have a scale it should be 450 grams of starter to be completely honest i'm usually okay with not weighing my ingredients which also means i don't always get the exact same results i have never had this recipe flop though so in other words if the perfectionist and you really wants to weigh out the ingredients go for it you will probably get better results if you don't have a scale or the time you'll be fine just measure carefully one thing to note here whether you're weighing your ingredients or not is that it is important to pay attention to the texture of your dough don't be afraid to add water or flour to get the correct consistency this need for change could have nothing to do with your measurements but rather the hydration level of your starter okay so after the two cups of starter comes one and a half cups of water then mix this really well until there are no big clumps remaining add in one teaspoon of salt three tablespoons of maple syrup and one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil mix well and set aside now you either measure or weigh out your flour into a separate bowl again weighing the flour is going to give you the most consistent results you will need four and a half cups or 620 grams of flour i'm using bread flour here but all-purpose will work fine too then mix well i like to use my spatula to begin with and then i get in there with my hands and just knead it for a bit grabbing it from the bottom wrapping it up and then pressing it down on the top i will continue doing this for about three minutes this is when you need to check on the consistency to make sure it doesn't need more flour or water it should be sticky but still pull away fairly clean from the sides of the bowl where you are kneading it you will notice it does stick to my fingers but if you pick at it it comes off that's when you know it's perfect okay now i'm going to take the bowl that i originally mixed my wet ingredients in and go clean that out then i'm going to rub some olive oil all over the bottom and sides not enough to hardly see just to grease it a bit next i'm going to flop my ball of dough into that bowl flip it over to coat all sides with olive oil and cover with a dampened towel by the way if you don't have a flower sock towel a regular dish towel works just fine for this now i'm going to put this in a warm place for me this is my oven with a light on i like this method because it is consistent but feel free to find what works for you then set a timer for 30 minutes when your timer goes off uncover the bowl and using your hand you're going to start grabbing at the edges of the dough ball stretching it out wrapping it to the top and pressing down all the way around the circle three or four times it will all feel clunky and unnatural at first like with anything you are first learning but in no time at all it will just be second nature i then like to pick up the ball of dough and stretch the top out pinching together the bottom and placing it back in my bowl if you're new to making bread don't stress about the exact technique here the idea in all of this is to stretch and massage your dough a bit activating the gluten and beginning to build up some surface tension on the top okay place the damp towel back on top and place it back in your warm spot for another 30 minutes you will do the stretch and fold and let rest process a total of three times after the timer goes off the third time you will dump the ball of dough onto a very lightly floured surface this time i'm going to do the stretch and fold process for a good five minutes the many stretch and folds throughout this process serve the purpose of activating the gluten within the wheat flour if you skip this step your bread will turn out more dense and soggy then stretch out your dough by picking it up and letting it elongate to approximately the length of your bread pan set it down and then you're going to take one of the long ends and roll it in on itself you're squeezing out any large air bubbles here and creating surface tension on the top of your loaf pinch to make a seam all the way down the loaf then take your bread pan and lightly flour the inside of it along the bottom and sides then take the log of dough and place it seam side down in the bread pan you want it to completely fill the pan and be level on top next with a floured hand press the dough into the bread pan now cover the pan with your damp towel and place it back in your warm spot it is now going to stay there until the dough comes to about one half of an inch under the top of the pan you'll need to keep an eye on it because there are many factors that can affect how quickly your dough rises today mine took two hours to reach this point and you don't want it to rise too much or it will deflate when you go to bake it next remove the towel and cover the bread pan with tin foil with just enough room so that when the top of the loaf rises it can press the foil up preheat your oven to 425 degrees fahrenheit when your oven reaches the correct temperature bake the covered bread for 40 minutes when your timer goes off remove the foil and bake uncovered an additional 15 minutes a word to the wise don't grab things out of the oven with a wet rag i'd love to tell you this is my first time making this mistake but yeah this is the kind of cooking show i run don't worry sleep deprived parents i hand out practical tips here that others might blow off as common sense anyway moving on your perfect sandwich bread is done remove the bread from the pan and leave it to cool on a baking rack for a few minutes if you can contain your excitement it will just make it easier to cut into one more important note homemade bread does have a tendency to dry out quicker than store-bought so you're going to want to wrap it in plastic wrap or foil or put it in a bread bag as soon as it cools then my preferred method for cutting perfect to beautiful slices of bread is with a carving knife this is nothing special i think we bought it for 15 around thanksgiving and it is a workhorse in this house enjoy your homemade sourdough sandwich bread all right thank you so much for baking along with me today if you enjoyed this video make sure you give it a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe so that you don't miss my future content
Channel: The From Scratch Farmhouse
Views: 13,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sourdough bread, sourdough bread recipe, sourdough bread recipe from starter, sourdough sandwich bread, sourdough sandwhich bread, no store-bought yeast, easy sourdough bread, homesteading, homesteading family, never shop at the grocery store, selfsustainable, selfsufficiency, bread from scratch, sourdough for beginners, beginner sourdough bread recipe, bake from scratch, removing commercial yeast, healthy bread recipe
Id: egib7Ef1Zd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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