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at my store this morning because i work here you know how you just do a live feed from your work that's what i'm doing today i wanted to take a minute to chat with you guys and let you know what's been going on around here but also to give you an update on the construction that's going on next door as you know we've been trying really hard to get this building put up um hans and paul and i worked super hard last week to try and get the um trench dug and now the guys are out there building and i wanted to give you sort of a live feed and show you what's going on here today you might hear zoltar in the background popping up a bit he's on a timer so every so often he kicks in and tries to entice people to get their fortune read but maybe what i should do before we start the day is i should take my money and i should get a fortune from our good friend zoltar and see what he says for me today if you're not familiar with zoltar there was a movie called big with tom hanks he wished that he was big thus the movie name and this guy made him into an adult i wonder if he could do the same thing for me mentally turn me into an adult i don't know probably not possible um so he's got all the stuff i always joke about this every time i look in here this is like my childhood with my mom growing up there's tarot cards and crystals and my mom was such a hippie zoltar if you were single and if you and if you had if you were more than just a torso um our opportu this is good this conversation going downhill quickly i'm gonna put some money in before i i see you over there let's see if you come on over and let zoltar be sharing zoltar doesn't like my money i gotta go get another one okay well while i'm waiting for uh i guess he doesn't like the weight of that coin while i'm getting a different coin to uh try zoltar out uh and not trying to hook my mom up with zoltar or somebody's ulta alike my mom watches these live feeds i'm gonna hear about this later she's gonna be like honey the the crazy things that you say on your live feed you think that i would date somebody like zoltar and i would say yeah you probably would oh here he goes you may have heard this but zoltar is here to tell you you can believe it age is simply a matter of mind if you don't mind then my friend it doesn't matter so go on be carefree like a little baby but first give zoltar a little money and i will give you a fortune i just gave you money zoltar okay well here's my fortune today he tells me to be carefree like a little baby uh let's see you tend to look for what you want but it is oftentimes not what you need instant gratification is tempting but it doesn't always lead to long-term happiness try resisting human nature by looking beyond the luster of getting what you want right away have the patience to invest in something that you need you will reap lasting benefits hmm me be patient i don't know is it possible maybe there you know even at times when i've been stuck in the hospital or something i've tried to find ways to keep myself occupied and busy uh but zoltar maybe that's good advice maybe i need to stop and smell the roses more often um i was here at the shop um yesterday i got in really early because uh the other day we bought all of these um well where are they i'll show you if i can flip it around here i'll show you what we bought i had to move uh all my i had some really big large format cameras zoltar you just keep coming in and saying hello so i moved the cameras out of the way because we bought this massive collection of tin toys look at how fun these are little frogs and birds that chirp and guys that ride bicycles um the mickey mouse set that's at the back there these all came in uh yesterday and so i had to find room for it i decided to fill this whole showcase up but that wasn't it that wasn't all that i got i had to take uh i normally had sort of vintage looking cans just kind of as fillers up there but we filled instead with actual product and we've got um batmobiles and all the uh old model kits of like the mummy and wolfman and look at my selection of toy robots now i don't know it's starting to it looks like some kind of crazy old general store in here i mean i guess that's what i was going for was trying to make it look like you know you'd walk into another sort of dimension here which is where i live most of my time anyway um but yeah it is definitely filling up i'm gonna grab my tea and i'll try and answer some questions but we're gonna go outside on a field trip here uh i guess i don't need my tea that bad i hope i won't forget about it that's my london fog that's my favorite tea in the world well one of them that in chai tea we're gonna go outside right now and have a look and see how construction's coming along it's kind of an overcast day today um it's a little bit on the cloudy side and i'll give you guys an update on what's happening with the rolls-royce i know some of you were asking about that too but this is what i see today i pulled up and i'm gonna stand up on the table here so we can get a good view the guys are over there taking a bit of a fiver uh listening to old school i think they're listening to paula abdul rocking the classics over there but this is going to be the first wall um that's going up so they're framing it right now and then what they do um once it's all framed in place they stand it up and uh it goes on top of the ledge that we've built over there so this is all going down today we should have at least a couple walls done today this is all going to be happening so so quickly it is nice to see walls starting to come together though watch i won't be able to monetize this video video because it's got paula abdul in the background oh it's a lot of time when i'm in the store and the we're open for the day i listen to uh let's see lately it's been um uh like bluegrass kind of music i'd like to have sort of a vintage vibe with the music in the store too oh i'm gonna take two minutes here and i'm just gonna talk to you guys you okay with that i'm gonna set you down there we go and i'm just gonna talk to you uh okay uh susan says any any news on the new property what about the auction on saturday okay that's uh a couple questions there um the new property melissa are looking at uh for our house that's the one you're talking about um it has a lien on it unfortunately um not from us but uh the people that owned it so we're just waiting for that to uh we're waiting for that lean to come off i'm gonna move away from zoltar here because he's just he's really interested in talking this morning um we yeah we don't have anything firmed up with the uh with the new property yet and uh i think we might actually have to start looking at at other spaces before too long there we go now we're in the back well that's that looks more interesting in the background anyway there's a regular ceiling we don't really know what's going on melissa and i uh our lawyers have been in touch with them and we haven't heard a darn thing back so i think we're just going to start looking at other properties and and try and figure out what what the heck we need to do this is going to be um i don't know we we want to build our dream house in fact we paid somebody to do designs for us and and make a plan and the reason i haven't showed any of you guys any of that process yet is because i don't want to put the cart before the horse i don't want to get excited and start a youtube series about us building the house only to find out that it's not going to happen and right now there's no guarantees that it's going to happen because the land is tied up we've already given them one extension to try and get the lean off and i don't know if it's gonna happen so i think we're gonna start looking at other properties very soon uh that said we still would like to build this house we came up with a beautiful plan for what we want for a home it's been perfect for us um we just might have to find land somewhere else so that's that's what's happening there um auction is happening this saturday yeah we did have i think susan also mentioned what about the auction this saturday um my auction that i'm doing in conjunction with morris and donna um is going to be uh happening this saturday i'll probably do a live feed at some point um assuming there's not nothing else crazy happening we'll probably do a live feed of the auction um there's a lot of cool collectibles and antiques that's all the stuff that we pulled out of the house when we were cleaning for morris and donna and so um if the auction does well then not only will we we get a share from that but also they will get a check and so i'm looking forward out of the whole auction the one thing i'm looking forward to is taking a check over to those folks and giving it to them so they can carry on with doing renovations getting furniture and so forth nothing's gonna make me happier than to give morris and donna a check um next friday once the auction's all done it's gonna be fantastic um a question for josh i think what is the building next to your walkway uh well my name's alex if you're asking josh i don't know if that was a question for josh or not uh the building next to my walkway is a um uh let's see i think there's a physiotherapist a law office and my accountant is what's next door super convenient to have my accountant on the other side of the wall because when i make a bunch of noise and it bangs around it's my accountant he knows what i'm up to so i haven't had much for complaints there um let's see will they allow you to do an update tour of the house um oh of morris and donna's house i'll check and see if they're up to it um you know we'll uh we'll see what uh what they say we'll see um it would be nice to kind of check and show you guys the the furniture they got i know um hans and zenovia we're gonna go over there and uh put up some roller blinds for them and do some other things so we're just waiting on uh uh waiting on that um somebody said what's the film of the projector if you're talking about this projector that's behind me um i kind of laughed because it is um it's an old 16 millimeter uh carbon arc projector okay hang on i'm gonna i'm gonna flip around and show you somebody was asking what the film is um i i bought this this big projector because i thought it was really cool and it came with some film and when i looked at what the film was it was uh one of those school health class sort of uh reels about understanding human sexuality i'm like is this a joke is this why uh so yeah it's apparently some uh teaching teenagers about their changing bodies or something on there i have not tried to probably be hilarious to watch now sally's notice changes and so his bill whatever it is uh that's what's on there i haven't been brave enough to try and fire that thing up yet because it is carbon arc and i think you got to know what you're doing otherwise you blow the whole place up uh let's see i'm going to try and answer some other questions here too um hello to everyone from ontario canada says nick um incidentally if you ordered something from me in the last week we did mail everything out this morning so everything is on its way um are you uh faye ass are you doing the inside of the new edition yourself uh yes i would like to do um a lot of the interior details that's where i hope to get hans uh josh and myself more involved with the interior decor and making it really cool um i have all sorts of plans already for it um you know it shouldn't be too crazy i have most of the pictures i've been acquiring fixtures like crazy i went out of town and bought those big shelves the other day with jason uh but our garage is full of um showcases and other things that are all meant to go in that store and i will tell you what i am um really excited to start pulling this uh next place together i see josh says word um josh didn't say it like that josh is like word i don't know however josh talks that's how josh said it um it's funny my friend josh if you don't know josh from all of our videos uh he's an artist friend of ours and he appears on many videos i saw his facebook page page the other day he said i hate jazz music so much blah blah you told all of the world how much he hated jazz music and so in honor of that josh for the entire day i played vintage jazz music in my store for the whole day um i used to collect jazz albums but i didn't i wasn't into like kenny g and stuff like that i was into more like moses allison and uh afro blues quintet and um i don't know there's more interesting jazz out there that i don't think he's been exposed to but either way i'm not gonna try and convince him but in honor of josh teasing jazz i decided to play some jazz yesterday um let's see [Music] uh i'm gonna see uh uh i'm trying to uh to read some comments here i'm gonna try and answer some questions as we go there i'm just getting caught up on what some of the messages are did i sell the potter's house no i did not sell the potter's house um the potter's house is listed for sale um but we're just basically um you know waiting to do some showings and uh and hopefully have some offers come in i'll probably i'll eventually go out there um and do a little bit of renovations and we'll take you guys along that journey once we do some reno's to make it a little bit more uh appealing again for resale uh so we'll probably take you along with that um oh retro junk says thanks again for the teenage mutant ninja turtle murdered figure alex it was in perfect i'm glad that you got it hey if you're into ninja turtles hang on i'm going to take you on a walk up to the store uh ninja turtles have been super collectible and well they're really coming on their own but if you're a fan of ninja turtles look i got a techno drone in the original box uh for people that care um that's one of the more rare ninja turtle playsets it's like this big giant ball that rolls around but i got one of the box um i haven't even advertised it for sale yet um i've been piling up the slot cars and the dinky toys uh and the corgi and all that stuff look at all the old pens fountain pens galore i thought that was there was a part of me that thought that was a mom blog for a second i'm like what's that doing in there but no it's not it's a faux mon blanc um look at all the red line hot wheels too you know how i was looking for those incidentally i'm oh and i said it before i'm always looking for old hot wheels so if you have any at home i will buy them off of you and um other people who are watching can attest that i have i do buy this stuff so uh we figured it out before and uh and all that jeff says what is a lean a lean spelt l-i-e-n is uh when somebody owes somebody else money um and they are worried you're not gonna pay your debt so what they do is they put what's called a lien on your property which says that if that property sells they are entitled to some portion of the proceeds um so these people owe some money um and as a result uh they're unable to sell until that lien is removed but the lane will only get removed once that company gets a portion of the sale of the property it's complex and it creates some challenges with buying it and that's i think why we need to try looking elsewhere for other property um we are getting asked so when will the new building be finished well that's anybody's guess but my goal is to try and get it done for fall and to have everything done we uh we um we have to get uh oh sorry l-e-i-n i apologize i think i said that wrong um we have to get the um uh occupancy permit from the city and uh once the occupancy permit is uh is given um we have uh um the ability to open but we can get the building built we can get it all decorated then we have to essentially have to get it all done uh any updates on the safe deposit box you found the keys for musicians house from germany melanie i'm gonna say this stay tuned um stay tuned on that um three of the five boxes were opened i was able to see some of this stuff i wasn't able to uh film it but uh there might be another musician's house um auction coming before too long but we are uh we are just working on that right now and uh trying to get that all together so more to come on that but guys um it apparently was like pirate treasure uh and so some of that's gonna be going up for auction soon and we will let you guys know when the date's coming up for that but i'm gonna go off of that topic now because i i will have a lot to share when the time comes on on that but um i did get asked about um uh i did get asked about um the rolls-royce and i'm gonna tell you guys a story you know this rolls royce i think must have some kind of curse on it so as you know it's been in the shop for a really long time and it's going to be really hard for me to tell you this story without making the shop sound horrible um so i don't mean to make this shop sound bad i'm just gonna basically relay it from my perspective and you guys can make up your own minds about what's going on i take the car into the shop like a year and a half ago and as you know it's been sort of ordeal how they order their parts and do their job that's their business i guess they just take a really long time to get stuff done um so i get told like about a week ago that the car is ready to pick up as some of you might know um i basically i go there to get the car the car's not there i say where's the car well we accidentally hit it in the shop and it's out getting paid i have no idea how bad the anything was but they said don't worry we're gonna take care of it i'm like man that's i was upset i don't get upset often but i walked out of that place i said i can't even talk to you guys right now i can't believe i'm here to pick up my car it's not even here it's damaged i didn't even know about it like i was pretty mad um and before i taken to the 10 any sort of next steps or get even more upset with them i am giving them the benefit of doubt i am giving them the opportunity to try to try and save face and get this fixed up so they said we'll take it in we'll get it totally repainted and fixed up uh don't worry about it and it's gonna be back this week so a couple days ago the car was supposed to be back nothing nothing didn't hear anything they said oh well the car wasn't back but was gonna be back tomorrow morning so i phone in they said well there's a bit of a hiccup there's a bit of a problem and i said well what's the problem like the car's supposed to be done like let's get him like i'm basically thinking i'm gonna catch an uber or get a ride to go pick my car up and drive it back this is over the last two days i've been expecting both the days to go get my car they said well the car is painted it all looks good the paint looks fantastic i'm like that's great then what's the problem um they couldn't find the bumper i'm like well that's a pretty big problem um so he said yeah i came back from the body shop and there was no bumper on i said you got to be kidding me i said well where you guys need to find the bumper he's like well you can drive it if you want i said i'm not driving a car without a rear bumper on it are you kidding me i'm like go find the bumper and put the bumper on uh and i had to actually laugh i'm like you telling me like and i think that where they were coming from was well i have to get some upholstery work done at another shop so why don't i go and take it there and get it done i'm like no i did get the bumper put on then it turns out that the body shop instead of unbolting the bumpers they cut the bumper brackets off the car with like who does that that also makes me nervous about what type of job they did on the body if a body shop cuts corners and they cut the brackets off versus unbolting it what kind of work did they do on the body that's my concern i i think it's a legitimate concern anyway lucky for me i happen to have two extra bumper brackets in the back that i bought and i didn't need at the time and i told them that and they said well they couldn't find them of course the other shop gets it back they're right there in the trunk so apparently i don't know yesterday or today's they're gonna put the bumper back on the car and with any luck i'll get this thing out of there but i have to phone them probably after this live feed and say guys here's the deal i'm picking up the car on thursday and it's going to be done i think i have to be more forceful i've been way too lenient and um you know um i only feel bad so much for so long until it's just frankly incompetence um and uh i hate to say something like that but that's how i'm feeling about this situation right now uh but the car is in there too long they lose a bumper and then they suggest i drive the car without a bumper so i can go get other stuff done i'm like no that's not happening glad the car is drivable and i'm not gonna pull my car to the shop without a bumper so uh i have to make a uh a phone call after this feed and try and get um try and get a firm day and i'm i think i just have to say listen i'm coming tomorrow morning i'm coming to get my car and it's going to be done and so i don't care if you have to work all day all night but you're going to get my car done and um i don't know we'll just have to get it finished up anyway it's been a big pain in the bot but um i have to look past all the bad luck that's happened with this car primarily being in that shop and and remember that this was alexander hall's car this was this lovely ladies car the whole family passed away and this is the this is they're one of the little pieces of their legacy that's left over and i want to make sure that i try and respect that and so we are going to get this thing done and you know what it's supposed to be nice this weekend i'm going to drive that darn car this weekend with the top down i'm going to enjoy life a little bit um i had this vision on a live feed i don't know like a couple years ago where somebody said what do you see in your future and i said this broken down rolls royce i bought i'm gonna be pulling it up to my store and they're gonna be putting up the store and that vision might actually come true this weekend where i'll be pulling up in the rolls royce with the work crew getting walls put up for my building um it started with a crazy thought like uh and at that time when i said that when those words came out of my mouth um that was like a dream that was like a um well wouldn't it be nice if you know it was like uh it would be akin to like saying wouldn't it be nice to win the lottery wouldn't it be nice to pull up in my restored rolls royce to my building going up that was like a maybe that'll happen someday and it's actually happening so uh i i guess if you if you focus long enough on a on a task or focus long enough on a vision or goal it can actually come true i'm going to read some comments here too uh do you need to have someone else check out the work before you drive it i don't know i would hope not because they were they did everything to the car like there shouldn't be a thing on that car that's almost not new at this point um mechanically so it shouldn't need a whole lot but um it is drivable apparently i'm just reading some comments hmm besides the rolls-royce how's the jag going oh the jack's fine i have a little bit of an oil leak but that's pretty typical for an english car um so i'll have to get the oil leak fixed at some point but it's drivable i've been driving it around it drives fantastic no issues with that car so far uh oh yeah somebody said it's ironic that i have a sign behind me it says expert repair shop as i'm talking about hey whoever had that signed in front of their store probably was expert repair shop like 100 years ago uh lucas says about how much margin do you uh work with in your shop that's a good question um typically when you're buying something i don't know this is do i have an example um i have this 1923 automotive digest um we put a 20 price tag on it because it's really early somebody paid 20 bucks for that i probably would have paid about 10 for that we usually work with about 50 margin however i know a lot of stores that are antique stores that work with 75 or 80 margin um the only time that i get margins like that when i get more than 50 margin is if i buy like the whole building or if i buy everything that's the only time when you can make a lot more money but if somebody comes in and they have something worth a hundred dollars i will say this thing is worth 100 i'll give you 50 for it that way when they come through the store and they see the 100 price tag on it they don't feel ripped off like they don't feel like man you i really got um i i was paid too little for it um but like i said when you buy in bulk that's when you can get your better margins and you're saying listen i don't know what's in here i'm gonna buy everything all at once that's why i try and buy in bulk as much as possible because there's much better margin in it um let's see um uh tina says i love your channel it's getting me through a knee replacement well thank you for watching tina and i hope your knee goes as well too uh my tim hortons is starting to get cold here so i'm gonna have to chug a lug here chug it down pretty quick um let's see karen says tell them you're bringing your attorney with you and you get newspapers etc and you'll get the roles no i don't i don't need to play hardball it's bad enough that i have a social media channel with quite a few followers on it and they're still having difficulty i feel bad almost for the people that have don't have you know um any sort of uh i guess uh social media influencers so that their cars are probably never gonna get out of the shop i i just hope that they can get things organized they're very here's the thing the owner of the shop is a really nice guy the mechanic is really nice guy but i think what they're what they're lacking is organization or something something needs to change at the shop because it's not i don't think it's normal to have a car in the shop that long um so i don't want to play hardball with somebody who's really really nice but i am going to have to be a little bit firm and give them a date that the car needs to come back um let's see what kind of price tags you put on boxes so the packages don't get damaged um they make uh easy peel price tags that basically they they don't leave residue and they don't um you know when you see a price tag at some stores and you go to peel it off and it's like just hard crusty paper uh the price tags that i have on things they they come off very easy and they don't do any damage so you just have to make sure that um that you get the right type of price tags not to damage your goods um mercedes a says of course they're nice guys but did you go there to make friends no i didn't go there to make friends but i i would like to have a cordial relationship with other people i have a business myself and i'm not perfect in my business at all um so i want to make sure that i um i'm giving them every opportunity to make this right um let's see somebody says their mazda r7 convertible is in the shop for 26 months for an engine rebuild super frustrating yeah what's worse when you have a car in the shop that you can only drive in canada our summer season is very small uh it's a short summer when you have a really nice day you're like well this was the day that might have been the day the only day that you could have driven around in your car or on your motorcycle whatever so if it's in the shop you feel like it's like being homeschooled sick and looking out the window and then seeing all the other kids playing on the street and you're like oh that's how it feels when your car's in the shop on a nice day and i've been feeling that lately today is not so bad because it's a little overcast but this weekend's supposed to be nice i really would like to have that car back for the weekend i'll see if i can make that happen uh john moore says i can't believe i've caught you live uh since now you have i don't have a vintage woody wagon anymore the woody wagon sold uh went back to united states and went back to uh washington went to washington the guy that owns a hamburger joint in washington picked it up uh let's see um uh uh sally says is upsetting us where he had to go through this my friend shared a good quote you don't know what your bad luck is saving you from yeah i you know as much as it's um frustrating that the car has been in the shop for a really long time i look at it like the car has been in the shop for a while and it would have been nice to have it back but in the meantime i had um cleared a couple houses that were quite full and i had to use my garage for storage i've had several other cars come and go i've been utilizing that space that that car is going to be taking up and i've been keeping myself busy plus it was generally over winter we're just getting the season now where it's drivable so this is kind of the time now that it is time that i would really like it back um so the the time up until now it's like well it was in storage somewhere else but i do need it back now um i i try to look at the positives in almost any situation but we um you know certainly we uh we have to figure this out uh let's see uh what happened to the awesome tow truck uh the tow truck sold uh last year we were selling pretty much everything i owned and every bit of stock i had around the store to try and get the money to pay off the building that we have here and to start saving money for the new build and uh that tow truck unfortunately was collateral damage it had to go um we sold it because uh we needed money frankly and uh you know when we have extra assets or things sitting around if it can go into something else um it's time to go just like any of the cars i have eventually it might become a time where it's time to go i see my sister heather is on this morning hello heather uh let's see um can you request a caster put scales in their photos and makes uh oh like a measuring tape they used to i don't know why they stopped doing that they used to put like a a meter stick or a yardstick in the picture so you could see how what the size of things was but uh let's see uh any potential renters for the new building yet um i don't think i'm gonna actually you know one thing you'll find with watching our channel is that i try and stay really fluid i went from i want to build a coffee shop um at first it was actually an old garage i wanted to have it so i could put motorcycles and signs and other antiques in there then i thought well as i learn more about the neighborhood the neighborhood has more of a need for like a cafe so i thought i'll do a cafe um but as that's become a little bit more complex we are switching into more of a cafe market idea and i had toyed with the idea of renting it to somebody else um however i'm kind of leaning in fact strongly leaning towards running it myself right now um my the reason why i didn't want to run the cafe myself was because i didn't want to have to hire a barista not knowing if i would even have coffee sales so i think what i might do is see they have all sorts of like you know how you get a keurig machine at home and it makes you like a perfect cup of coffee so they say there's industrial machines like that now too i don't need to have a barista i could probably get some kind of deluxe vendor vending machine in there um so there's probably some ways to get around having to hire the extra staff and that was the main thing i was concerned with was how to operate and how to run that that side of the business but that said i think we can overcome it so um we had the building built we'll have a small cafe area we're gonna have open stock goods for sale and um just basically try and give back to community you have to kind of um uh you have to kind of stay fluid with with your business and also listen to what the neighborhood and what your community is looking for i don't want to force what i want to do on this area if there's lots of business um for other things then um you know it's good for me to at least try and uh think of other things to do um oh sabrina says uh these aren't flower socks they're all coffee they're coffee bags up in the roof uh if you go back and watch the episodes where uh josh and jakota and i were building this repairing this edition that we're in right now um that's what this is actually um it flipped around i'll show you this was originally there was a drop ceiling and there was uh bedrooms this was the house in the old days oh sorry i'll try not to flip that too quickly in the old days you would have the store at the front and the family would live in the back you would live where your work was um and this was uh this was a store that was like that this this had uh residences in the back now it was all fallen in the roof was caving in the floor was rotted the walls were rotted go back and watch those episodes you'll see where josh ran through this they actually had this this doorway drywalled off and uh josh did the kool-aid man through here oh yeah all the way through um it's funny somebody said if you watch both videos josh is in mind you can put them together and see i think i had my camera on this side and he had his on the other but we opened it right up uh and now it's one of my favorite little spots um once that piano comes out it's going to go to the new building and i'll be able to put some more shelves and have more inventory back here again but for the time being it's fairly open um you know it's doing what it needs to do there's my music room with the guitars and i picked up some violins some antique violins in the meantime of course you know some rare albums but russia's first album good canadian rock group look at all the records i've got i've got piles of albums in here i just i keep finding albums everywhere i go and we pick them up oh let's go outside and see what's happening with the wall before i sign off today i'm gonna set my tea down my london fog down this is probably this little corner of the store is the busiest corner of my store and it's primarily because we have kids come through from 3 to 5 p.m we are a jam-packed candy store selling all sorts of stuff i mean the adults come and they buy the coffee and tea and stuff like that but the kids go crazy for the candy so every day i have to go and restock this i just restocked the jumbo peanut butter cups here yesterday and i'm already almost sold out um i i'm kind of like the only place around for kids to get stuff like that uh but let's go outside [Music] okay in any update here no it looks about the same looks like they're still just putting it together so i am uh gonna do a follow-up i guess and see once we start getting these walls up we'll do a little bit more uh filming and and show you guys what the progress is like but it should be a good day the if the rain stays away these guys will get uh some progress done today and right now um it's out of my hands and into theirs so guys um i'll answer a couple more questions then i'll log off today because i got to open up the shop here pretty quick um what's your next big auction going to be well after we do the antique sale there will be another jewelry auction it's not my jewelry but it is jewelry from adam racks uh but we are going to be um hosting the event i guess to uh to help and all the proceeds of the next jewelry sale are actually going right back into renovating madame rack's house which is pretty cool um the guy that owns the house is wanting to do some more renovations um and so they're trying to sell off some of the jewelry they found in the um safety safety deposit boxes to do so um but i'll give you guys an update on all that soon but apparently guys when they got into the safe deposit boxes it was like you know i'm opening up a pirate treasure chest with like gold and diamond and rare jewelry just flowing all over the place it was absolutely nuts um and so some of that's gonna be going up for auction um i think the date's july third that the auction's gonna be happening and that's at kastner k um so guys thank you very much for watching today's episode things are progressing here nicely i'm going to uh i'm gonna get myself to work and finish off my tea and i've got to restock the candy so there's things for me to do today i just wanted to say hello and i hadn't visited with you guys in a while so have a wonderful day guys we'll see y'all soon and
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 52,904
Rating: 4.9736385 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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