Onda VK30 eBook Reader Review

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/LysergicAcidDiethyla 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2014 🗫︎ replies
hello ah ebooks just like traditional regular old books except stare Island rubbish but unfortunately if you want to read things on the cheap ebooks do seem to be the way to go largely because all the libraries seem to be closing down actually true story ever I want to get a book out of the library it's always inexplicably booked out to Norwich prison I don't know what that says about my literature habits oh there we are knock picking for dummies as you are doubtless aware there are many devices for reading these ebooks on the most popular I believe being the Amaze own Kindle from popular online book retailer and electronics retail and anything else that physically exists retailer amaze own the Kindle is like a little slip of a thing with a ink screen that's all black and white and last for a month of one charge and doesn't weigh anything and you can read it in all the lighting conditions you can find and I should of course point out that these shop is Amazon and I deliberately pronounced it amazing to see if there are any idiots watching who rather than watching the rest of the video will instead immediately jump into the comments on YouTube going their products Amazon rawrrr also I have never kissed a girl yeah well up yours anyway where were we yes Kindles and things and well the problem with the Kindle is it's not very good if you want to read comics and stuff and because you know a they're in color and B they're in color these are quite important things when you want to look at them and sort of funny ink version on a screen that's well not really high-resolution probably is not going to be terrifically marvelous so what options do you have then well you can result in one of these Android tablets that don't work properly that's a slightly pricey proposal you get yourself an iPad and that's an immensely pricey proposal to say the least well you could also get yourself a color ebook reader they're not the cheapest of things but don't worry China so the rescue that's the noise of China comes to the rescue by the way sure you're in a bad situation here but then China is coming to your rescue don't worry with GP versions of these ebook reader e ones for instance our best new friends at Under not to be confused with Honda yes I'm sure that's entirely coincidental and in fact says in the corner under digital audio player which is where I've heard of them before they make mp3 players and stuff I don't recall ever seeing one and I still haven't because this is an e-book reader there VK 30 and what a beastie thing it is to look it's got a screen that helps write all the writing on the box does appear to be in Chinese so I'm not particularly understanding of it what I can make out is a few file formats and things there we've got the VK 30 the model type there's the giveaway 800 by 600 times the resolution of the screen flash ah he'll save every one of us with his crappy online games no M apparently runs flash I don't really understand how or how you would get flash onto it as you'll see later anyway AM widget txt PDF epub HTML PDB FB - rather than there you are they will be I imagine your file formats for today not actually aware of PDB or FB - of the top my head and I don't really care either Oh 720p there we are you can watch your video in high definition if this is powerful enough not giving you any spoilers so if there's anything else of interest on the box oh yeah well saying that I immediately find something else of interest on the docks for gigabyte yeah that's the internal storage of this beastie well nothing else on the back nope nothing I can understand anyway it will hang on video formats MKV avi RM r mb b & b for more vorb that flew and 3gp that's not bad them that's quite impressive they can play mkv files actually but anyway let's see what's in the box look it opens up like a book do you see what they've done there and one side you have the device which you can pull out with a little bit of ribbon which is always jolly and in the other half we've got all the ribbons it's raining gubbins Alleluia and what we got then all an empty bag pretty sure those have that well they gone here we are horrible cheap headphones yeah yeah well the good news is they're slightly better than the awful cheap headphones you usually get look they've put their logo on it and everything not that you can look because it won't focus but em yeah that's all pretty terrible you wouldn't want to use them if you have ears power adapter for charging it with some a devious foreign plug on that we can never use in a million years unless we plug that into it of course what else oh we got a card always useful I have no idea what that says that somebody will probably tell me in the comments warranty card instructions if I recall out entirely in Chinese or possibly Japanese or maybe Korean I can tell the difference yeah as you may have noticed very much for the Chinese markets at the moment this one another major problem I had actually was changing it to English in order to actually use it it took me ages what's or screen protector I didn't realize that came with it was a pity I've been using it without one nice little addition and more gubbins that is actually the instruction mandals something else I've put in here by accident there we are spoiler for future review there and there we are that's a cable you plug it into your computer to transfer data it's not complicated and a dodgy written DVD R which contains many files in Chinese that I couldn't understand and oddly a lot of them had the English word Android in the title or in the directory therein at least so maybe this runs some modified version of Android or something I genuinely don't know seems unlikely but also seems possible anyway let's take a look at the device itself bang it's got a nan de logo on it's got a screen in which you can see vague reflections and fingerprints a bit it's got buttons at the bottom for home brightness zoom they had remember that one Moors do the fact is a magnifying glass the little plus on you would have thought I would and eyes that sooner and I believe that one if I recall changes orientation you know from the screen from portrait to landscape which I have just physically demonstrated for you in case you're too stupid to know the difference in portrait and landscape let me hear you spell patronize right sticker on the side that says pass presumably that's where it passed some sort of quality control check in the factory that they offered it wonder somebody's a gift this would now past headphone socket power supply charger thing USB there's one of those slots that you open up and stick SD cards in fact I have put a micro SD card in it there's an easy way to get files onto it to test with and also to test the micro SD card slot mmm doing well on the patronization today and a power button which is useful if you like to anything's off and then on again and that's all apart from round on the back where you've got an under logo and some writing in some speakers but wait how do you go forward and back with a page these little buttons on the side there back back back pull forward forward isn't that marvelous be they don't have on the other side at the Kindle really but what are you gonna do answer mon right so let's turn her on holding the power button for a few seconds and it leaps into life like a life ething who what was a longer pause and I was expecting andhe we are not honda please don't sue right and there we have a screen and there's those widgets they were talking about look you've got a media player with baby baby one in my favorite song ever about a single letter of the alphabet well at panel this is an e-book reader probs illegal reads the letter e and only plays the letter M know I'm being stupid it's probably a Britney Spears song actually play yes it is the Britney space oh oh oh sorry that was incredibly stupid I just tried to play copyrighted music I'm a video yes um it is the Britney Spears song that has been preloaded in the factory for reasons unknown answer probably some form of psychological warfare the used as her music have and what we got here then also a a little thing that's rotating photos of a pre-loaded this is nice look mmm resistive touchscreens gotta love them also really long delay from pressing it to something happening right keyboard well as opposed exciting as that gets you've also got the volume control at the top if I recall it takes about four thousand presses together to do anything then the arts a bit later it doesn't work very nicely this it's not multi-touch which is a good idea that have you ever seen a resistive multi-touch screen I have an occasion and they don't work very well especially if you put your two fingers very close together right home James well so we got the volume again you can't move these round I believe absolutely no point doing so but there we go another page oh look a calendar if you don't know what a calendar is then frankly I'm surprised you managed to click on this video and YouTube a doodle pad don't remember this there we are I've written a slightly rude word fantastic and oh that's brightness and screen brighter not so bright now I've noticed you need it around three or four depending on the lighting conditions outside and if you're reading just solve for quite a long time from it I would recommend three for all else for instance recording videos I recommend for there's a clock that not only tells you the time but tells you where you are I'm in London and Lisbon simultaneously which is interesting I must me into quantum tunneling or something well as if we got Aires why is it telling you about the star sign Aries that's just weird Taurus I'm Sagittarius and we click on these like Esther that many doesn't what are they going and memos presumably if you put something in your calendar it will then remind you there or so I don't give a monkey's testicle let's get on the actual point of it or something else I should point out top left hand corner battery mmm battery life match your life not so good hmm get about three hours out of it which is not tremendous when I played a little bit of video in that but not much you know three hours for you agree that isn't great when for one of these screens you'll get like a month literally but there we go let's scroll back to the start and getting freaked out by the little lion thing some of these nice you can do a search and it will literally search for everything on the device so you can say oh I can't remember where I've put that ebook I want to read and you can just tap the name in and find it alternatively you could just press reading and then get straight to a list of them there we are is an extra feature we ain't moaning I'm what shall we do first let's start at the bottom and work up shall we their settings that enables you to change the settings man were pushing the patronization too far let's ignore that now calculator presumably I can do hard sums like three plus two well it claims to be five and I can't disagree with that so notice the battery is getting dangerously low actually again Explorer will name you to look at all the files on the device and indeed all the files on the SD card and it will even look at files that it can't recognize the format of Oh something I must mention on formats no actually I'm not going to wait until that's more relevant thinking about it and instead I shall mention something else I have mentioned the weight hmm a bit heavy actually in fact it weighs 473 grams according to my scales which is well over twice the weight of the last model of Kindle and I you know I know that's comparing apples and oranges because there's a big color thing in the Scott touchscreens and the Kindle hasn't but when you're reading a book this is a bit bloody heavy to be honest it's equivalent to a sort of large paperback except all the weights and one concentrated in one area so it's a bit different and will give you cramped hands you know like that other thing you do write game all this is interesting we can play some games on it let's do this thing we've got Chinese chess go bang oh you go bang a fellow llk and Goldman well that looks more actually that's how Goldman Goldman Sachs you too can run your own Bank and destroy the economies come on 650 dollars thank you who's that gift oh why secret god that's a sinister looking character at the top can you see him there good grief he's like some bizarre cross with a clown a pirate a psychopath I think I know this guy you tap on the air and his little claw goes in Oh mrs. and then takes ages to come back and you have to get certain money err target 650 so hopefully this will now grab blimey no I'm not doing very well at this it's also isn't that skull there's not from the wing-dings font yes I've got a nugget and wow that was creepy I get to do that again keep your ears open well he's just gone from being extremely creepy to being nearly infinitely creepy oh I've missed again blimey and crikey actually I've noticed I've got 350 already so it's not hard to hit the sort of high school needs to get to the next level - is probably the first level thinking about it so maybe I should stop complaining well this is actually running really nicely it means really smooth it oh that's a problem blown is clammed up and his eyes caught fire that's pretty strange to be honest um yeah there's right a bit of a diversion you know sort of thing that works well an iPhone and that with a single tap presumably there are versions for phones such a shame and you miss how does he see you he's doing bizarrely see through the floor also how the hell does that claw work it sort of tunnels through things without actually seemingly to knocking any dirt out in between probably best I don't think about the logistics of this for too much and now a mutant is trying to sell me stuff home home I know frightened right well there's some games came for extra games on it not that I can ascertain so I hope you like the ones that already on it PDF I know PDF that is a portable document format created I believe my Adobe well knowing Adobe by something else and they bought it at substations detail and we'll come back to that record yeah it's got a little mic in it and you can record things and then play them back and infinite hilarity will ensue if you were very easily amused photo you can look at something I'm not going to show you these I'm sure you can work out these are like video are now this is more interesting what is the video playback quality like we that's weird I only put one video on it that's odd it means these are already on it but didn't shot the first time I did it and that seems to be up the Pixar film in the top one or a trailer I would have said actually by the file size as opposed to imparting the whole movie and putting on an e-book reader which isn't very likely thinking about it and what's the next one that looks medieval e Lord of the Rings knows a game of Thrones now it's bloody M Chronicles of Narnia with those posh stage school kids running around and learning about how superior they are to the half-human half-animal things and there's a stupid thing I did em putting fun to get away actually with their no not to take the risk for copyright reasons for the two at the top let's just use this crappy thing I always use right it takes ages thinking about it thinking about it thinking about it it's thinking about it you know if you're wondering it's in behaviour you're on the know can we zoom in not using that one that's the dog with news little that there we are there's all sorts of different aspect ratios anyway this isn't particularly amusing something I did to where make a friend of mine love damn I missed a bit the dog Huff's that's the only good bit no don't do that it's got copyrights yeah anyway as you can see it plays videos really well astonishingly well for something like this and there's no messing around it just fires it up you'd have to be a bit patient with the thinking about it thinking about it at the start but Sam plays them back beautifully it does them in 720p it doesn't ever seem to jitter or Paul or anything you know full marks unfortunately it eats through the battery like em frankly something you don't want eating through your battery you could probably get away with a short train journey with it but don't expect to be taking on holiday with you and not charging it Dictionary tell us what words mean a bag of bones what just occurred when I didn't look at this before which is why I'm now extremely confused this would possibly be some sort of translating dictionary a bag of bones it's not sinister at all is it so there we are that is apparently the Chinese for a bag of bones brilliant if you are in China you need to say that you should probably get the hell out of China as quickly as you can because something has gone horribly wrong that's speaking it oh wow this is that Wow that's so creepy a dish of gossip no on the dish of yourself you want what does that mean a dish of gossip that's not even a phrase it is just a bizarre M translation a name to conjure with is amusingly infinitely but just bizarre sayings are never actually words and abhorrence yep that'll do nicely right no pretty sure you've prose that strangely actually but fair enough that's up to you hmm that's a bit creepy that wasn't it so came up with bizarre phrases and saw some things hmm music right well we know music it will play em a Britney Spears song and get me in trouble if I press anything so let's not do that my library nor where what that is oh just shows you all the books you've downloaded and buy all the books you've downloaded I mean the one I downloaded and the other two that were already on here well let's get into the meat and two veg of this device that is let's use it for actually reading things now if you've got a color screen you really want to be looking at color things like comics now a lot of science I have seen and clearly some selling this that it supports the Seabees ADA format which is a big zip file full of images they use to pass comics around on the internet only pleased to hear it doesn't symbol is that it doesn't support any comic book formats at all it only supports PDF so if you want read a comic on it you've got to convert it to a PDF already this is failing miserably but fear not because I happen to have a PDF on here to look at it's that one about M copyright that's distributed freely so I don't get in trouble and takes all load there we are bound by law trapped inner struggles you didn't understand by day a filmmaker by night she fought for fair use hey it's all about copyright don't expect much in the way of excitement but do you know it's probably an important subject right next page brilliant now only is it not resizing it in a non ugly fashion but when you press next page it doesn't actually go in a page right let's do it manually and go that's a bit iffy mmm that's not exactly ideal it doesn't resize things well it makes them look blocky and nasty and actually going down a page is a bit of a pain to be honest can we zoom in oh now I'm trying really touch that's not going to work so you've been there oh dear well it will zoom in you've got to be prepared to wait a while and it's still ugly when you go in nothing big actually getting beyond the yes getting a bit blocky now now we've got in too far great so what we're looking at is it doesn't actually support any concrete formats you've got to put all in PDF and it's not very good at reading the PDFs it's in fact a complete pain you've got to grab hold them and physically fire them up in the bloody air in order to see what's going on next that's not very good because the whole reason you would want a color one of these really is to look at comics and that's pretty much knocked that off the menu so now it is an e-book reader that we also play videos but it does play video as well Deary me right next is the absolute point of it reading yes I've downloaded something called the Swedish fairy book how can you resist anything with a title like that and it's basically fairytales let's have a look right we start off well well it's got a weird backdrop takes a while to appear as well there we are the Swedish fairy book everything you want to know about Swedish fairies but we're too bored to ask hmm now this is not so good this is the Project Gutenberg free book download please don't sue us um intro and it's not laid out very well to say the least hmmm I really don't look too great let's skip along a bit and see the front page again that's odd woo a different image of some creature in bed confirming that no sooner had he spoken the words than he was lying in the most magnificent room he had ever seen those words presumably were I'm going to sleep in a really magnificent room good night I'll see you in the morning and well as we go a preface don't care ah that's a problem look why is the start of the contents page in fact the title appearing at the bottom of another page yeah that's just a complete mess I mean watch that's unusable is it bad formatting from Gutenberg wouldn't of thought so these me very hot on stuff like that right well the Swedish fairy book blah blah blah this is better look you can actually read this without doing your eyes in much yep this is far better formatted this is far more like it everything's will roll what no that's gone all weird there and chapter 2 doesn't start on a new page and what's going on here but to wander back home again like a journeyman apprentice what it doesn't form at the bloody text properly if only we had some sort of you know other ebook reader to actually check the formatting with we could see whether it's the font of the device or not unfortunate I don't have an Amazon Kindle handy especially not this one and now let's wake it up we don't see jules verne well jump cut I do apologize but the lighting was way off it and that weird red thing it does have you focus on a TFT screen to do long right look at the Kindle here compare this to the formatting on the other one next if I get this to go back a page which turns out to not be that easy right and looking at this it goes note the inverses and it's all horribly formatted and then to just starts beneath on the Kindle the note looks sensible it's easily readable and indeed the page break works so we have just discovered that the e-book reader isn't very good for reading ebooks you can't see my face now but I'm basically glaring at it with fiddly veiled contempt um is there anything else we can do can we get rid of that horrible bloody background for starters because that's just governs the epital app that was it is various options to make the text bigger or smaller or whatever so I'm pretty sure you turn the background office I did it before I remember how no your background Brown you can change it from brown to wile while being white only spelt as a different word and there we are looks clearer is in fact a really bad I takes it hurts your eyes quite a lot M if you're going to do that knock the brightness down to about there I would have said Oh actually that's quite good through the viewfinder huh yeah I could have made the battery last longer but I didn't you know what brighten up again for no good reason and as you may have noticed also there are options for speaking the text aloud exciting and what other one does have gotten those oh that brings up the Media Player year to get me in trouble again thanks right go on then speak hmm yes as you can tell you probably wouldn't want that actually narrating anything to you because it sounds confusing and horrible although it's not actually any worse than the one on the genuine Kindle or whether they have the excuse of saying that is in beta um I think it can change the voice I don't fiddle around with this yeah speaker from female to male yeah well then let's see if this traps any better past time touch screen you're on here we go oh no you press the button expect me to be psychic now nope that's what I want that's far worse than the female one actually sounds more robotic doesn't it well the only thing I like about that is that it has a Chinese accent um which is great good as Chinese device that kind of makes sense but no it stills whoo robotic and stilted and can't really read properly well what a disappointment um it's an e-book reader that's not really any good for reading ebooks from in fact the only thing this is good for is for storing and playing video I do wonder if that is where old onder's history lies because of course they did make em loads of mp3 players probably video players I haven't looked into it but perhaps they have just taken a video player and stuck on a dodgy front end allowing it to vaguely read eBooks badly that's certainly what it feels like it's disappointing because you would think for something that sold for just doing one thing and not actually you know pushing the boat out too far has some basic options for playing video and music but you know it's not claiming itself to be a fully dancing singing tablet machine of excitement or anything it's just saying you've agreed up you can read e-books on it so you would think perhaps they could get that bit right but now they haven't as I have proven their which is a real shame and in fact it's only one of the side projects of it the video that works properly at all so there we go if you want to read e-books get yourself a Kindle I think is the answer to that and if you want to read comics on the go I'm afraid you are still going to have to get yourself a proper Ablett because whilst this is a bit cheaper and price wise incidentally it's a hundred and twenty six US dollars at the moment which comes in at about eighty pounds all them shipping included so it's not going to break the bank on the other hand it's not going to do much of use unless you really need something that specifically just plays videos and you might read a little bit from it occasionally and you're very patient and you occasionally want to do a sum on a calculator and maybe play a game where somebody throws a call through the floor to get giant gold nuggets then you've got a use for this if you do not have such bizarre and specific requirements then don't worry you're not a complete weirdo and also you should probably look elsewhere
Channel: ashens
Views: 584,847
Rating: 4.8767719 out of 5
Keywords: onda, vk30, ebook, reader, video, comic, swedish fairy, pdf, cbz, screen protector, piano
Id: trf9O4JtlIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2011
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