Once in a LIFETIME Catch and Cook!! White Sturgeon!!!

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so yeah I'm pretty excited about today's video I'm out here with the special guests one of the original og Bay Area fish and youtubers have a youtube channel long before I have to be fishing these waters probably since I was in diapers it's Captain Steve right here so are you doing so I'm pretty confident we're gonna catch the fish today so I'm plug the charter boat right now if you go to deadliest cast you can link up with Steve go for halibut sturgeon in San Francisco Bay so yeah hit up hit up that website and make an appointment go fishing so the target today is white sturgeon I've never caught one never ate one before the plan is do a catch and cook with that so yeah we're gonna make a count today so Steve if you could do a couple things for me if you can talk about the slot limit for the sturgeon and then we'll go over baits and the rig so yeah if school slotland absolutely so we're targeting today is white sturgeon we got to get a sturgeon in the slot limit which is between 40 and 60 inches at the fork length a lot of big fish here so we're gonna have some challenges we've had some 9 10 footers just rolling around here so I think Matt's gonna have to hold on the road pretty tight today yeah so we'll see what happens we'll talk about date once we get all rigs up here in the boat [Music] you look for not really just consistent line of fish sturgeon like pretty much like cows you see them the side of a pilot it like degrees it was certainly a single line so we gotta find the ones that are feeding them and just kind of getting her way put some bait out are you we just got out to the spot so we're going to go over the rigs and the bait real quick so fishing surgeon we're gonna be using barbecue shrimp you'll notice an shrimp one of the main things I do a fish sturgeon is put a little this procure there's also Sandstrom little this on your hands you're rid of any unnatural sense jump it right there we just a jumper yeah so that way if you know this idea egg mcmuffin in the morning there's my nut and you handle your bait these fish don't know what that naturally is so this is sixty five pound braid is 100 pound leader with a seminar Catholic and we have to finish barbless hooks so get a nice dremel and grind them down you got a nice little shrimp we're gonna pray that he does his job for us today the various ways I just kind of like put them right through the body just slide to join just nice and easy and I feed him too I had to come out right to the back I just get this miracle thread he started to tighten it down that way it'll suck him off right away that way he cast it'll fly off as well I'll cover it up a little bit him a little breakfast burrito yeah just one you could use one but I really want them to want to eat this right now you're old school like my daddy put one shrimp on the hook you would catch fish this slider is a little different than what you're used to the conventional plus a few sliders these are made by a gentleman in Fremont called arch doodleburg arts custom sliders reason I use Aziz's they don't break as easy as the plastic ones do and when they lose your lead they have a brass insert inside 100-pound leader just these things like to jump in the role stuff for that way doesn't sharp diamonds in the back or scoots that one and they roll and do what they do it's a little gift this is a secret 278 footer 1525 pound rod see it's got a really soft tips you can see every little little bite but it's strong enough to catching that and a half footer like I did a couple weeks ago I was gonna fart of this out so kappa cee-lo is talking about the bite here is like super subtle and you got to be quick with it sometimes if you miss it then you miss it so he's got this thing I've never seen before as a balancer a lot of times these fish really think doing it might seem I don't know what second this rod gets bit and that's starting to suck in that bait down straight down you go straight down you're gonna pull it up and set the hook or your conventional novel I'll jump like this sit tip of the rod it's gonna just go other really softly like that or compute your traditional your sturgeon pump that's going to go like that and I think it's going down that's when you wanna set the hook if that rod loads up and you can you swing it feels like you've hooked the earth you had a dinosaur [Music] yeah when I was climbing got a bunch of those oh yeah I can see how someone might miss a bite fish right there oh yeah how's he feel about this yeah if you can hand it over safely yeah get the drags that finally got a surgeon waiting out here for like two three hours keep this bed okay keep it keep that rock pointed out let's hope so he's coming good good Ben keep it man good pressure yeah he's coming that's an easy [Music] yeah yeah is pretty close nice oh yeah this keeper yeah oh yeah first keeper sturgeon let's go good hook says there it is yeah it was just but you knew it was a bite though like for sure how does it bite yeah yeah yeah first one yep those little tiny eyes beautiful most happen yeah well beautiful perfect hooks that in the mouth out right to the web barbless hook comes out this easy so I got to keep tension on it keep pressure there souvenir the first keeper surgery I got huh you go yeah alright first leader hit a wall yeah what time is 10:45 what was how we're out here I'm sorry what yeah maybe yeah three hours yeah better tagged up yeah one for day three per year right when you catch a fish you gotta fill out your card salmon steelhead different cards and what you want to target lighting so yeah that's certain you can pull out his mouth to the thing like weird it's like a little vacuum yeah like a little ant you to vacuum kind of thing there use man because I got pretty sharp on these little scooter like bone look at that thing first surgeon first trip yeah Captain Cook see how they taste said he tastes like pork right a little bit yeah that's damn good for sturgeon fishing people's out here eight hours might even not even get any fish though yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah a little update is one o'clock now so we've been out here since about 7:30 one fish tide just changed so we're fishing the other way now if we look on the fish finder though there's a ton of sturgeon swimming by so take a look at this hopefully one hooks up Captain Steve just caught a nine-footer what month ago now I like two weeks ago out here do the same thing and I just set the anchor down turnaround castle the rods out and as soon as I cast the rods out I was turning around and turn this thing off and there was Biden took the hook and 15 minutes into it the thing was about nine and a half feet long so there'll be a video about about that coming up shortly my channel the bite we had earlier is most people wouldn't have recognized that you know it's just really subtle and you know get the opportunity to make a count you know just look at this thing or essence it's a big one there's one on the bottom and way bigger one right on top of it that's that's definitely the big one those oversized giants they have it you only think they have them in Oregon in Washington they're down here too yeah so now just continue to wait hopefully get you one more I'm happy with mine but yeah hopefully get another couple [Music] back on shore just got the boat hitched up right there is our beautiful keeper sturgeon 41 and a half inches tagged up ready to be eaten and filleted never done this before is gonna be the first surgeon I've ever played hopefully I don't butcher it but there's only one way to learn and that's my experience so do it let's do it huh here in lanes bateson South Bay San Jose let's play this thing up right here you guys slowly just go underneath this cut underneath just just kill this all this off kind of peel off yeah just right underneath it yeah kind of scrape them off you want to so just pretty much the carving is like you would have turkey on us just peel the meat off that that Center cartilage he's pretty much just peeling it right off [Music] [Music] that's the spinal cord there we go look how much longer that is than the body of the fish check out the texture that's the spinal cord can you eat it that's right what's inside just got a little piece you can see what's in it it's like jelly that crazy-looking umbilical cord that's from the spinal cord fry it up in some butter all right this is all filleted ready to go took the tag off of its mouth and now steelo said we've got to keep the tag with your meat wherever you go so depending how you cook sturgeon it could turn out bad but it could turn out great so Cee Lo's got this secret recipe secret recipe family recipe it just doesn't get any better than that Bal hostages you guys don't like the fish and ball oh I found this at Safeway one day just kind of goofing off and you know it's pretty good actually people are lanes here you're Kyle and that's why they showed me this and took me for her to find this but it's awesome yeah so there's some instructions on the back it's like mix it with some some water from water or some vinegar some apple cider vinegar whatnot we had a little bit of a goblet for a little sweet factor yeah and let it marinate and then you got another trick yeah put it in the bags I think says like marinated overnight or for a few hours but I learned from Kyle here at Williams bait he just puts it in a ziploc bag puts it in the freezer for about 15 minutes and that seems to do the job so dump this stuff out all right I'm putting some oil apple cider vinegar spa secret Mantid everybody knows that's my secret yes all you guys that have your own boats and you know where I am you want to come out here Lane's Bates they got grass shrimp ghost shrimp mud suckers and bull heads they got here and if you come here out here really early you could let them know prepay for your baits and they'll put them in these lockers right here lock them up come out here grab them that morning go on fish gonna let it down mostly a pork chop is enough to look at this away when it starts to even kind of light towards the middle it's penetrated over this would cook really quick or just close the lid for a second here and let it do its thing [Music] Lisa let's probably squeeze the line towards the end hi guys alright sturgeon first time birthday again a shot flaky feels feels firm work there's a pork roast ya can't really tell the flaky lake it 100 okay it taste goes together count like pork choosing this solid you see a very juicy yeah we've been put in the freezer we just kept it down for maybe 20 minutes yeah that seasoning and everything it just blends really well with this fish we need all day either fresh coffee is always the best we think they ever cooked it just quick to wait a while take it home hours old deadliest casts right here check them out check that website quick trip yeah that's a good recipe to butter so all these wonderful pieces of art you see on the arm we're walking on my tuna not stunned by the start here whether it's flash fried and with lucky dance tattoo I'm in San Francisco you can reach me Tuesday through Saturday seen this guy steal these guys [Music]
Channel: Fisherman's Life
Views: 1,940,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishermans life catch and cook, catch and cook fish, white sturgeon catch and cook, how to prepare white sturgeon, white sturgeon caviar, san francisco fishing charter boats, deep sea fishing experience, how to fish for sturgeon, economy fishing set up, san francisco bay fishing, oregon washington fishing white sturgeon, alaska white sturgon charter fishing, washington fishing, florida fishing, brackish water fish
Id: rHGoLrxLBLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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