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welcome back to outdoor chef life i'm taku and today is taco tuesday and if you're not familiar with the concept i'm taku and i upload on every tuesday uh here on outdoor chef live so new video every single tuesday and today we're sturgeon fishing so it took me a few days to catch this sturgeon that you're about to see in this video but day one here's how it went let's get it started that's funny [Music] i got a fish on i think no oh striper there you go that was a small striper yeah dude if you get them into a good school you catch a bunch of them oh my god tiny striper such a small striper dude it's just heavy something just him no i don't know what it is see look at that look this perfectly legal size though that's 50 inches right there in the slot limit set on everything he says [Music] gopro start recording oh it's already recording and that's pretty much sturgeon fishing you just anchor down to the bottom cast out and watch that rod tip for that slight bend and sturgeon are notorious for having the most subtle bite out of any large fish it could be such a huge fish but that bite is so subtle that you can't even you can barely see it sometimes and you'll see in this next one i had one more bite on the first day and you can barely see the rod move and in the video you can't really even tell check it out there you go okay got one dude got one that's a sturgeon that's a keeper got one oh no it came off oh no oh no oh the hell did he come off dude dude that was a sturgeon yeah that was a nice one too and that was the last bite i had on day one and man i watched that clip over and over i'm pretty sure that was a sturgeon and i really oh man i was so sad i watched it so many times over and over just losing that fish and thinking what could have been but the only thing you can do is go out there and try again so day two day two was very slow so actually not many bites nothing really cool happened i caught one striper so nothing worth showing so let's get to day three here it is got the biggest anchor of any kayak look at my anchor you know what they say about big anchors you ain't going nowhere yeah this current is so fast no joke i'm gonna start with uh just the ghost shrimp we've got a 12 ounce weight on here this current is fast hopefully this holds here we go first cast and they made us some smoked uh steelhead whenever i get smoked uh oh bro no no did you see that though whenever i get smoked fish from nsa i usually catch so it's a good luck little good luck charm right here it's okay if i'm sitting right here no you're good you see it pays to have a big anchor everybody has to anchor down on my anchor because they're drifting my anchor's not big enough at all it's sliding everywhere this is pretty funny huh the boats are gonna be why the hell are those kayaks just right next to each other just tight clustered pretty sure that sturgeon right there a big one too oh yeah man that took up more than the whole screen yeah i went down to the gingers oh yeah bro bro bro hold on bro bro set set set they go first catch of the day keeper striper where'd all his stripes go just disappearing all right little guy gave a nca a heart attack [Laughter] you want this no right all right see you guys so we are moving spots because this spot we're seeing fish but not getting any bites might be a bad call might be a good call who knows see you guys there oh adam's on oh no way get him get him come on adam yeah good work yeah he got one for that thing man yeah adam worked so hard for that fish man congrats to adam that was his first keeper sturgeon ever so go check out his video die hard fishing i'll leave a link in the description what did you get it on uh ghost shrimp and then the grass shrimp coffee got a got a good feast there two ghost shrimp and a grass shrimp right now adam did you use magic thread was it a good pump was it a good strong pump what color underwear are you wearing what oh me too wait no current's going that way yeah so they're going this way oh there's a thing right there oh [Music] i don't know what it is feels like striper no this is sturdy [Music] all right [Music] i got this fish under control yeah it's coming in oh little guy little sturgeon baby [Music] well no skunk all right your turn bro my turn no big deal you know just cooking some rice on the kayak like what what steelhead road oh my goodness that is a beautiful bowl of roe and a raw egg yolk and this is just such a perfect bowl oh that was a pump no oh shoot dude i think i got one nice keep it tight does it feel big yeah okay oh no josh it's taking off now oh my left arm is killing me right now he's talking yeah baby nice one that's a keeper huh right nice you need it like no no no no no no no no no no no no good uh it's pretty strong dude hella big bro yeah baby nice good job bro oh wow oh yeah that's a keeper baby congrats thank you thank you oh my god my forearm is burning with the barbless hook i had a little bag of um of grass shrimp right there and then the ghost shrimp too and then more grass shrimp on top of that good job guys yeah i just finished up that last video uh with the steelhead row we just ate it here less than an hour ago and this is how we finish wow oh my goodness nice oh my goodness wow look at that can you believe that oh [Applause] wow we're getting it done this year man we're off to a crazy start he worked hard for that fish man thank you wow look how beautiful this is such a beautiful fish [Music] this this is a dinosaur right here these guys literally have been around since how long since dinosaurs right since dinosaurs and i can't believe i got one today dude finally we succeed together usually we both fail or if we get lucky yeah nice 43 inches baby and keeper size is 40 inches to 60 60. 40 to 60 inches there's a slot limit for these uh sturgeon because you want to let the big ones go and then also the little ones too so so the slot limit that's 40 to 60 inches and those are the only ones you can keep to make sure that these guys live on and to make sure we have them year after year look at that head oh my gosh this is crazy man this is the craziest thing this is the biggest fish i've ever caught for sure and the sturgeon there um there's a limit per person two per year so i think it's one per day and then two three four years it's three per year got it checked off the list another fish off the list and i'm really curious to see how these taste because i've never had sturgeon actually so i'm really curious and it's nsa's turn mt's got a couple small ones today i know you will though shout out to steal deadliest cast he hooked me up with this uh with this nice leader here so i got him on thanks delo thanks bro appreciate it man got him in third time was the charm huh oh my god oh my god it's gone oh my god dude oh my gosh oh yeah that's a big boy thanks another rod i get it [Laughter] oh man all right just give me 10 more minutes man broke off broke it damn what how many pound test was that 50 pound test 50 pound you want one of these kilo liters yeah sure 100 dude my first sturgeon 43 inches a nice keeper nice healthy keeper adam with his 41 inch sturgeon as well make sure to check him out guys oh that was awesome what a day man what a day we just been killing it out here who's just been killing it man 2021 is off to an amazing start i'll tell you that wow that was so cool guys now we're gonna cook up our beautiful sturgeon and people say sturgeon is like pork and when i think of pork i want to make some tonkatsu in this case it'll be sturgeon katsu so i'm going to do that for one of the dishes and another dish that i'm craving right now is gonna be okonomiyaki so i know i've made that several times in my videos but i'm craving it so i want it i want to make that with the sturgeon because oftentimes it's made with thin slices of pork as well so i'm gonna use a sturgeon instead and i think it'll be good first we're gonna start off with the half a cabbage and we're gonna do a little slice and dice on this cabbage and we'll put it into a bowl then i'm also going to add some green onions in there as well and this is a portion from the sturgeon i'm going to thinly slice just like sashimi thinly slice and slice [Music] cool and moving on this is another chunk from the sturgeon i'm just going to take it and butterfly this piece open and we'll leave it just like that these are a few of the dry ingredients that we're going to use today and this first one is okunomi flour but if you don't have this access to this stuff you can just use all-purpose flour i do that all the time this is just basically flour mixed with some seasoning and i'm going to add a couple eggs to that and add some water to it as well now we're making sort of like a batter uh kind of a similar consistency to a pancake batter and i'm just gonna keep adding a little flour a little water until i'm happy with the texture and the consistency of it and when it looks something like this this is what i'm going for right here heat up a pan over medium heat and once it's hot we're gonna add that cabbage mixture onto there [Music] now we're gonna lay the slices of sturgeon right on top covering the entire top of this cabbage pancake called osaka style okonomiyaki which is the town where i am from now let's work on that butterfly piece of sturgeon first we're going to dip it in some flour now get the egg wash all over it as well then finish it off in the panko that's what's going to give it that crispy crunchy texture that everybody loves from katsu heat up some oil on medium heat and drop that sturgeon in now let's check on the okonomiyaki looks like it's ready to flip so i'm gonna go ahead and flip it in about another five minutes this should be perfectly let's give the katsu a flip as well looking golden and looking good we'll let this go for another four minutes or so [Music] i'm gonna flip it one more time just to make sure it's nice and crispy and just going to squish it around make sure it gets that top nice and crispy as well there you go all right both dishes done with perfect timing let the katsu rest a little and let's sauce this up with a little ybs secret sauce and this other sauce this is called okonomi sauce and i'll show you what that looks like right here and of course we're going to put some katsu bushi on there aka bonito flakes and we're also going to finish that off with a little aonori which is just some seaweed flakes those two hawanori in the middle katobushi on the right [Music] [Music] i got ipa west coast style ipa ale smith oh look at that perfect cheers sturgeon tonkatsu sturgeon katsu and if you didn't know that's tonkatsu sauce this is okonomi sauce just slightly different if you don't have one or the other you can pretty much use it interchangeably but this one is a little more acidic the tonkatsu sauce it's a little more runny too you use that for the furkatsu if you didn't tell me this was fish i wouldn't know wow oh that's good crispy yeah the texture isn't very much like fish huh yeah people say the texture is like pork that's why i decided to make like tonkatsu which is normally made with pork okonomiyaki which is normally made with pork as well thin slices and it's really good this is so good wow all right now for the okonomiyaki oh i love okanoyaki i was craving it oh i really can't tell this is fish yeah yeah starting so unique what a fish i know a lot of people smoke it that's like a pretty common way to prepare um sturgeon i think i'll try that with some of them i still have some filets left i can't i give a lot to friends so um yeah but it's a big fish so i've got a lot to go around like this better than the pork or chicken really because it's not as oily yeah like the pork it's too too greasy mm-hmm but this one's perfect oh yeah the texture is so soft it's not as it's not as dense as pork you know it's so soft and but it's not flaky like a fish like it doesn't break apart like that i probably found a fish i like more than salmon well except raw salmon still rolls so cooked fish wise sturgeon is number one now that's crazy yes this is so good yeah i'm pretty impressed with sturgeon because i know people said oh it's similar to pork but i feel like i've heard comparisons before and i'm just like no it still tastes like what it is yeah but this one's kind of true huh yeah surprisingly yeah i was craving this but now i really want more of this right so good huh thanks for watching guys if you liked the video make sure to hit that thumbs up subscribe and we'll see you guys next time peace [Music] [Laughter] it just popped off writing to the memory card was not complete recovery data enter recover data please got messed up oh i don't think i got i think it got deleted if there's footage missing
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 301,781
Rating: 4.946629 out of 5
Keywords: Sturgeon catch and cook, strugeon fishing, sturgeon recipe, How to fish for sturgeon, Kayak fishing for sturgeon, dinosaur fish, big fish catch and cook, catch clean cook, catch n cook, catch and cook, sturgeon fishing SF, sturgeon fishing sf bay area, Taku, Chef Taku, Sushi chef, Sturgeon katsu, Okonomiyaki, how to make okonomiyaki, sturgeon fishing, catch and cook fish
Id: CLJvw-aOvcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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