I bought a MOUNTAIN FISHING FARM! Ice Fishing for TROUT (Catch & Cook)

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foreign guys welcome to another episode and welcome to the mountain fishing Farm I cannot tell you how much I've been burning up on the inside to tell you guys about this uh basically I bought a giant farm out in the remote reaches of the Pacific Northwest in an absolute fishing Paradise this area has some of the best Mountain fishing in the entire world there's over 100 lakes with an hour drive of this Farm uh we're gonna go ice fishing in this episode I'm just gonna show you guys around the farm yes it's like a house but it's got a legit Farm too there's animal Stables down here we've got a big shop we're surrounded by beautiful uh apple orchards but let me just show you guys the backyard and it'll explain by itself why this is the mountain uh Farm look at this we are at the base of a big giant Snowy Mountain look at this this is the backyard baby mountain right there we could literally there's a mountain lake up that mountain and up and over the mountain that we could hike to from the property I don't know if there's fish in there but we'll have to find out together it's going to be one of The Many Adventures that we'll do from this Farm it hasn't even hit me yet it just hasn't even sunk in I spent one night here I just want to say thank you from right off the bat from the bottom of my heart for all of you guys um just being part of this community us all sticking together I love making these videos for you guys and in my wildest dreams uh this would not have been possible to ever pull something like this off so what I want to do is share this place with all of you guys share every single experience of what Farm Life out in the mountains in the fishing country is like there's it's right up there on the ridge there's uh probably three deer just staring down us as who's that guy down at the house talking to himself in the snow he's a crazy man we're out of here and check it out right over here we even have oh this snow is so deep uh but right here we have it in the backyard a whole tennis court it's like a paved tennis a tennis court oh my goodness it's a basketball court I used to play basketball back in Germany when I was in high school I was like a tall dude over there six feet is tall in Germany I moved to the US and I don't know what the kids eat here but man everyone was taller than me so I gave up on basketball the whole property is fenced off and sectioned uh with Gates everywhere and various pastures there are a couple of uh pens down here with some shelters for uh some animals and man look at it it snowed so much last night that's a good I don't know what is that about four inches of snow fresh snow that came down last night hello anyone in there oh man this is a mess luckily I did pick up a snow shovel uh last night literally last night not even knowing there was snow coming I just wanted one I didn't have one at the house here yet so that was one of the first things that I bought and I think we're gonna need this today all right but first things first Echo it's so empty in this whole house I'll show you guys around just a little bit but really I want to get right into this episode we're gonna go ice fishing together in the last episode I tried going ice fishing real quick but all I had was a knife to try and pick my way through the ice that didn't work so I went to the sporting goods store last night and picked up eight inch ice auger baby manual too so we'll work up a nice sweat out on the ice today a little bit of just some ice fishing gear I've only been ice fishing once ever in my life so I don't have any of the basics foreign can't forget about that so I figured we're gonna head out to a lake that's just a couple minutes literally right behind the house where there's already safe ice to go ice fishing we're gonna try and catch a trout cook them up together probably at the house here so we can like Christen the place together I feel like that's only fair that the first meal we cook here together is a nice buttery trout maybe maybe in a tortilla with a little bit of cheese if you're lucky thank you so I guess I'm just going to show you guys around just real quick usually you'd have like a cameraman following around but it's just me so uh right here there's just like I thought I'd show you guys uh the house is on a well two Wells there's like two Wells actually ones for like irrigation and the other one is for domestic water use uh these are water filters right here it's a triple filter system I've never lived on a well before so we're gonna have to figure out together like how to like replace these filters and everything if you guys uh live on a well or something let me know in the comments what your guys's tips are for uh living on a home with a well I've never been in that situation before I learned a lot from you guys uh down here we got I don't even know what I'm gonna do with this room here it's like just kind of a big uh downstairs man cave or something it has a bathroom as well very very sexy 70s carpet right down here maybe we should keep the carpet and like go all retro in that room or something that'd be kind of sweet get like some arcade machines all right welcome to the upstairs uh and welcome to the temporary Control Center of northwest fishing secrets this is everything from the TV room to the office to the connection to the rest of the world there's like an insane Echo going on in here right now too it's crazy like hello fish on and we literally have nothing in this house yet check it out in the kitchen the only like kitchen knife we have right now is this this hunting knife I've been like cooking with that up on this mountain there's bears and there's mountain lions all kinds of wildlife we've obviously already seen deer maybe we can spot something together real quick I don't know if you guys can see it right there there's like a deer that's just like traversing that's just a mule deer out there on the mountain eating a little bit of grass and whatever she can find a little weird though like I'm being watched by deer all day I'll just show you guys my living Arrangement right now I just brought up a blow up mattress and that's really all I have here is like a little bit of kitchen stuff some food and a blow up mattress slept on that very comfy last night I didn't really came with like a blow up headboard I've never seen that before nope can't see the mountain from there oh my goodness the neighbor's ponies rolling around in the snow right now why is he so cute he's absolutely adorable they've got like a couple of cows a couple of horses and like a little I think it's not a pony it's a miniature horse like a dwarf host horse or something [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ah perfect but I'm seeing it's getting really foggy so we gotta get going and get fishing [Applause] oh man I totally forgot we still have to shovel some snow real quick oh geez I haven't done this man since probably living in Germany in the Black Forest dude snow shoveling okay oh man there we go I should be able to barely open the door foreign there we go oh man that was a good workout right there got just enough of a path cleared for our Wheels to get out so we don't compact the snow and make it even worse thank you man I'm still sweating bullets but we are on our way to the ice fishing lake I hear they're just miles and miles of apple orchards and then on the road there's just Quail everywhere my goodness look at those three little guys go go go go go go there's more Quail there oh look at him go go go go go oh man there's just like thousands of quail here everywhere between the apple orchards and the farm it's just amazing how much Wildlife is out here yesterday I saw a bald eagle on the side of the road like eating a deer it was crazy like it was just sitting there eating a dead deer it is a snowy snowy mess up here oh my God another thing I got us is a man just bought this yesterday it's covered with snow oh I got us a big old a sled where's this when we're ice fishing is a sled just a toboggan or is it like a different thing I'm not exactly sure let me know in the comments [Music] ah there we go all right man we are on the lake and uh we were out here yesterday testing how thick the ice was with a knife trying to get through and I couldn't even get through so before we get out too far we're just gonna pull out the ice auger real quick and we're gonna do a test dig just kind of see how how thick the eye says just for safety there we go down to the ice look at that [Music] oh dude the ice is so thick oh there we go come on no way do this ice is so thick [Music] well see how deep this is oh my goodness the The Ice is like literally this oh no don't go through there the ice is about as thick I was just barely able to get under the ice with this thing here so that's probably a foot and a half thick or something I think we're more than safe that is awesome dang look at that ice hole right there foreign we dug a second hole back there so we can fish uh two poles one of them will fish with some bait and then the other one will just jig guys I have no idea what I'm doing here this is like the second time for me ever ice fishing the first time I was with some friends and they showed me all the ropes now I gotta figure it out by myself so let's figure it out together let me know in the comments have you guys ice fished before do you want to see more ice fishing all right let's go let's do this I'm gonna pull out this little guy right here just a cheap little ice fishing rod that I picked up uh yesterday at the store we have uh just one of these little tiny tiny little things again all that I'm basing this off of is what I've seen other people do on YouTube like I said if you guys have any ice fishing advice drop it in the comments I want to learn from you because we're going to be doing a lot of ice fishing this winter but what we're just going to do is take this guy here maybe tip it with a little piece of worm and then just kind of jig it in the water and see what happens this right here is all we got just a little piece of worm with that jig right there let's lower in the hole and see if we can get one all right down the hole she goes oh that little jig is nice and heavy going down uh fast okay yeah we're down by the bottom not that deep here but that's okay it's still middle of the day sometimes the fish will be in the shallows I believe when we're ice fishing we're making really really small movements with the rod tip nothing nothing crazy oh I can see the little thing oh that looks so good with that tail on there all right then we got this little guy that's like a rod holder let's see how deep is it here okay it's really not that deep but that's probably okay cool so right now we just got this guy there set up with a little piece of worm that's just gonna soak oh something's on it there we go fish on baby oh my goodness it's so crappy foreign no way dude no I was I was just gonna set this guy up and go and get the other the other pole ready man dude I haven't caught a crappie in years we got us a fish dinner wow dude a crappie that's so cool absolutely inhaled that little worm crappie are absolutely delicious delicious fish he's not huge they can get a lot bigger but they're super super tasty they're gorgeous fish with a huge uh dorsal fin on them foreign guys put this guy right to sleep that way he doesn't need to suffer anymore thank you buddy and we'll just throw him right on Ice he'll stay nice and fresh here for us wow dude there's crappy I didn't even know they were crappy here let's see if we can catch some more all right let's just send that baby right back down oh oh we just had a bite just had a bite come on baby come on there's a bite there is oh oh we lost him we lost him but there's more down there there's more all I'm doing is going to the bottom and then coming up maybe this much off the bottom right there and then they keep hitting it when I'm just holding it still just check her bait make sure the worm is still there yep worm's still there and everything you go all the way to the bottom everyone calm down calm down just the bottom all right well we're just gonna set this guy up here again okay let's go ahead and get the other uh Rod set up we'll uh go with the bullet lure on this one bullet lure baby let's tip the bullet lure with just a little piece of worm as well I'm just looking at the rod I thought I saw it move there two small pieces of worm on that one we're gonna go over here and uh dip this guy in this hole and see how deep this is okay I can see why the little ice fishing poles if you've ever wondered why those little short poles are so popular for ice fishing it so you can get closer to the hole and still fish I mean you could ice fish with a six foot Rod like this all right we're on the bottom we're just gonna jig that boltler just a little bit curious how deep it is here way deeper nice oh there we go fish on oh no oh he came off he stole one of our worms all right let's go right back down to him what were you sneaky little fish oh something's hitting the other rod oh you gotta watch the other Rod something's hitting it something's on it oh no I didn't hook up didn't hook up was just testing it oh my goodness guys we hit the the ice fishing uh honey hole here what is going on oh there is fish on baby oh my goodness a trout a trout let's go yes a rainbow oh guys this is sweet dinner is secured look at this beautiful beautiful rainbow there we go let's put that little guy to sleep real quick these guys we got the crappie we got a beautiful trout right there man I didn't think that this was going to be so successful I was kind of just hoping to maybe catch one fish at all or even just know how to dig an ice hole I was hoping the ice was going to be safe that our gear would work so we don't fall through who knows the day's not over yet all right I'll take it I will take it this little dude here is absolutely on fire let's go ahead and just lower that down again crappie trout and that trout like bit in maybe seven feet of water I mean he was really really shallow here so I guess you don't need to go super deep out on the lake that's good to know he was playing with it there the whole time while we were fishing the bullet lure which oh we gotta check the blue lure let's see if there's any anything going on over here we did get a bite over here and someone stole part of a worm so something's happening no way something's on over there we're gonna sneak up this time sneak up on him sneak up on him come on come on we're just gonna grab the rod I'm gonna make the mistake of sitting too fast again just play with it play with it oh there he is there oh we just had a bite just had a bite there is fish on baby there he is oh good one good fighter good fighter oh my goodness what the it's a brown trout brown trout baby my goodness I cannot believe this triple species within like I haven't even hit stop on the GoPro yet look at this gorgeous gorgeous brown trout man I used to catch these guys in uh in Germany what in the ice hole is going on oh my God jeez he slurped that little guy up he was down there playing with it and we just had to let him play a little bit I cannot believe we got a brown trout foreign we got three fish guys I I don't know if I want to catch a whole lot more to be brutally honest we've got enough for uh for dinner with uh three species rainbow trout brown trout and a crappie all right let's make sure that nothing's nothing's on the boulevard God it felt like something was playing with it there boy they took the worm they took every last bit of it look at that bullet lures picked clean so an idea of what I have for a future episode is that we grab the backpack with a tent and we go backpacking uh somewhere across the lake like there's a forest on the other side of shore there and we could set up camp anywhere there and set up like an ice fishing camp you guys want to see that that would be absolutely awesome dude look at this we got a brown trout a rainbow trout a crappie that is just nuts so glad I picked up these little tiny uh weighted jigs I don't know if the fish are actually going after the jig itself or if it's just a good vessel to send down a small piece of worm tell you what we're going to send this baby down one more time before we head back to the farm I'm just I can't stop right now I just can't stop that was way too exciting oh those are there's already one on it oh there was only one on it there was one on it right away if the worm is still there oh they took the worm she's on it right away the fish are so hot here right now come on baby oh there he is there he is let him munch it [Music] baby oh oh oh fighter fighter fighter good fish good fish oh my goodness oh my goodness oh he's running over we might have a monster here guys what is this oh come on baby he was on it right away right away he's over that way under the ice oh there's the leader there's the leader come on baby [Music] this guy's a giant pass oh there's a giant pass [Laughter] the baby bass baby bass oh my goodness we're gonna get him right back in the hole we're not keeping this you guys have probably caught some way bigger ones for me this is a PB this is probably I don't know three pounds maybe my PB so far is two pounds but let's just get this guy right back in the hole We're Not Gonna Keep uh not gonna keep this bass oh my goodness come on buddy all right oh oh it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay okay all right thank you so much right back in the hole and off he goes let's go what just happened [Laughter] ice fishing rocks shout out to all you ice fishing people you weirdos I'm one of you now I'm one of you what why was that bass so big why was he so big why is there a bass in here why are there bass under the ice I didn't know that you can catch bass through the ice I don't know else to say I'm I'm I'm I'm done I'm done White Flag right there just got us a few branches right here that we're gonna stick into the ice holes and man just look at this Lake too absolutely beautiful not a soul out here just us stick them uh just into the hole like that just because these are like eight inch holes it's not like anyone's gonna fall through I just want to make sure that they're marked and I just want to make sure that like no one twists their ankle or something Falls like I did right there we go plus that way we know how to find that hole right there again foreign [Music] [Music] and we are back at the farm oh just look at that view we're skating baby skating down the driveway okay I'm gonna fall I don't know cows and horsies all right I'm just gonna show you guys the uh the barn real quick just before it gets completely dark behind this gate here there's just a couple of uh animal shelters with a couple of like runabouts for them and then right over here yeah and all the snow we've got the uh the attack room right there for when we get horses or something and then check this out this giant Giant Barn all right let's go inside this thing is absolutely giant man we'll be able to fit uh the boat probably in here we'll get the the camper van uh in here as well that way it's heated let's see what's over here by this door oh man we gotta shovel a little bit of snow this is like pretty much as tall as I am GoPro just died so I threw you guys on the phone but look around man all the projects we can do in here together it's gonna be amazing look at all that snow piled up against the the barn what happens is it slides off the roof and then just Mounds up in these giant piles we'll check all this out more in future episodes but uh for right now let's get inside and get that fish cooked up good night little cows [Music] and I gotta sharpen this knife and then just cut the head right off like that take the head rip it all the guts we'll just come right off with it this little guy back here that's just the kidney score that real quick push it all push it all out like that you got a clean trout come on it'll cut behind the head hold that baby right there all the guts come out oh get back in their head in the bag with you score the kidney and that is how quick and easy it is to clean a trout now to the crappie I haven't cleaned one of these guys in forever but you can do exactly the same thing just cut them right there by the belly cut it right behind the head head and the guts come right out and we got us a clean crappie as well oh geez these little back uh fins here man he's got some good pokers back here all right now with the trout I'm not gonna bother pulling the skin off just because try to have really really small scales and they just kind of turn into like a panko crust when you're frying them now the crappie on the other hand they've got really big scales so we're gonna skin that baby he's not the biggest crappie in the world but that's okay there we go just one little score oh my goodness little guy you are going to be delicious just made a little cut on each side of that back dorsal fin right there all we got to do is grab that skin right in the front there hold down the meat and then we just pull that skin oops right off him oh there's scales going everywhere oh my goodness we're making a mess and then what you can do is take this fin right here pull it right out even do the same with the with the bottom fin right there just make sure you don't poke yourself with these guys there we go and look at that we got a beautiful skinless ready to fry little crappie I'm gonna turn this baby here on high a little bit of butter [Music] ooh listen to that Sizzle right there [Music] foreign s here that can go right in there as well yeah sprouting those mushrooms and the onions to perfection I don't have like anything here in this kitchen yet so I'm using like a paper plate as a pan lid I already got an avocado here that we're gonna get ready ooh it's looking good oh not perfect not perfect on this one that's too bad all right we'll cut away a little bit of the brown stuff there we go I'm worried about it [Music] time for the fish funny the the brown trout doesn't even look that different from the rainbow trout all right now they're about the same size get on in there oh yeah look at that we'll even staggering like that to fit more in the pan the crappie can go right here and all we're going to do we're going to keep this baby simple a little bit of Danish sea salt [Music] right about yeah maybe not quite that much okay right about that right there that's what we're gonna throw in beautiful organic sea salt you know what no we did we do need a little more my gut instinct was right there we go foreign [Music] looks beautiful nice and golden brown [Music] flip them right oh my goodness now one thing I really want to do is add like a big uh range hood up above there to suck up all the stuff right now it's only got this thing and I don't know these things never work very well it's a lot easier to cook the trout outside and all the smoke can just go wherever it wants to go and here it's like it's smoking us out man see how this trout look I think they might be done look at that even the pin bones came out of that guy nothing left on here I'm super curious to try this uh crappie tail look at the meat just come right off of this little guy here all right here's a crispy crispy crappie tail let's see if it tastes as good as a trout towel oh like one of the little bones jabbed me into my gums a little bonier a little crispier but good very tasty all right here here's just a little bit of the crappie meat I'm really curious just what it tastes like um guys that's delicious that's absolutely delicious I'm so happy that there's crappie in that Lake right there all right and here is something that we have not done in way too long foreign [Music] oh my goodness the cheese and the tortilla have become best friends all right all we're gonna do here is put in some trout first this is the brown trout on that side and then we'll do a rainbow trout Taco on that side some mushroom and onion a Big Slice of avocado on each one of these tacos all right boys and girls I think we once again here have a trout Taco Perfection let's go ahead and just just we're just going right in brown trout first we're going to compare it to the rainbow mmm [Music] those mushrooms like were the first thing that hit me to be doing the honest the first definable flavor that hit me was the mushrooms with an overwhelming earthy undertone the onions add a little bit of sweetness the fish very subtle not fishy at all on the brown trout the avocado just kind of creams it all up let's see how the rainbow is hmm all right that's not 100 Fair the rainbow maybe tastes a little bit better but the brown trout is firmer the rainbow is a little mushy brown trout firmer but really really good flavor on the rainbow trout it seems like it's a little sweeter than the brown trout all right I'm going to polish the rest of that off and then just relax for the rest of the night because I still have a lot of work to do here we got to move in some furniture to just get rid of this darn Echo but I I'm looking forward to sharing everything that happens out here at the farm with you so let me know what you want to see at the mountain fishing Ranch in the comments below I'll be reading them I'll see you guys in the comment section but that is all I got for you guys in this episode I love you we will be out at the desert compound again very soon too maybe in the next couple episodes we got some serious work to do out there as well so we'll see you either there or here on the next one remember to like comment subscribe especially if you're still brand new I'd love to have you join to anyone who is new to the channel thank you for being subscribed I love every single one of you couldn't do any of this without your guys support so all right we'll see you guys for the next one till then you all know it fish on baby [Music] I am fishing today on the California coast with my good friend Adam from Guyana fishing Lincoln Rockfish countertime Ellis kind of fish from making book we're looking for a big Wingate there's a great white shark oh my God it's on the air oh oh damn I'm talking don't let him get you oh my God oh my goodness
Channel: NW Fishing Secrets
Views: 801,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trout Fishing, ice fishing, ice fishing for trout, mountain fishing, mountain fishing catch and cook, mountain fishing videos, i bought a farm, fishing farm, trout, trout catch & cook, trout catch and cook, mountain trout, mountain trout fishing, nwfs catch and cook, nw fishing secrets, nw fishing secrets catch and cook, catch & cook, catch & cook fish, catch and cook, fishing videos, trout catch clean cook, ice fishing catch and cook, rainbow trout, rainbow trout fishing
Id: gHIaqHzxi7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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