once I learned this my whole LIFE changed…

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boy do i have the charts of all charts for you today when i found this out in my early 20s remember the first time i saw this totally opened my eyes i felt like i figured life out seriously and so i was explaining this to my friend the other day and he's you know into these ideas spirituality manifestation self development becoming the best version of you and never seen this chart what you never saw the chart it got me thinking oh i bet there's some people on youtube who haven't seen the chart as well so let's talk about the chart drinking game take a shot every time i say charts this chart's going to explain why you do the things you do down to every little life decision you're basing it on one of these five tiers at the end i'm gonna draw another chart for you at home that i think you'll be familiar with this is going to connect a lot of those neurons in your brain they're going to fire and wire together here we go quick plug we have very limited space in our metamorphic coaching program so if you've ever wanted to join now is like the best time we're raising the price another 500 bucks pretty soon so it's pretty much like you save 500. uh scroll down apply for our coaching program speak with someone to see if it's even a good fit for you because we don't know um they're going to know your situation all the ins and outs way more and we'll see if we can help you don't read this don't cheat yet in 1943 there was this positive psychologist he was a russian named abraham maslow he's one of the granddaddies of positive psychology which is pretty much saying hey up until this point we're really good at making sure people don't become miserable and like keep going down so we can get people from like negative 10 they hate their life they're depressed nothing matters we can bring them up to like a zero right and kind of hope you know there they go hope everything works out but what we haven't gotten good at is taking people from a zero getting them to five six seven ten and beyond so that's where positive psychology comes in so a lot of what we talk about it's essentially what self-development is what it was supposed to be kind of in the 80s boom and the 90s boom and one of the pioneers of this was abraham maslow he was 35 when he came up with this chart right here called maslow's hierarchy of needs now this is where he was trying to figure out what is the meaning of life what is the purpose of life without a spiritual explanation it's more of a secular explanation he distilled it down into five needs that you are on a spectrum of any given time on one of these five needs and just like any other good theory it has a pyramid to go with it the very first need we're gonna breeze through these and then i'm going to tie them back to you and at the end i can't wait to bring this all together very first need is that of survival your survival needs oxygen water food safety these are pretty freaking important aren't they and biologically this makes sense that these are the base of the triangle the most important because it doesn't really matter these higher ones that we're talking about here which are going to be super relevant to where you're at these don't matter if we're running away from a tiger and you know so much danger or we don't have any water or food and you know we don't even know how we're going to feed ourselves matt you move up into safety needs these aren't like red alert emergency but these are things like property employment family security a bit more long term this is like how am i going to survive today tonight and this is like how am i going to how are we going to survive this week this month before we keep going it is important to note two things here maslow would call these the need of the body maybe i i might be messing that one up and these are the needs of the spirit okay so these are like i guess the 1.0 view is what we would call it these are the needs of the 2.0 that highest version that next iteration of you now i know what you're thinking you're like this is the second thing i want to tell you you like clark well okay let me just get rid of these and i'll just focus on these give me those and then i have the meaning of life figured out what maslow took his whole life to do i can just do in two months not so fast see no matter what stage we're at we all have these five needs even me right now even me the most enlightened guru on youtube you know what i mean though like we all have these needs they don't go away that's why they're in need just because you're enlightened you still gotta eat you still gotta drink water so the goal here isn't to just like transcend these and get rid of these and now i don't ever have to think about employment and i'm just going to quit my job and meditate all day in a cave because that's what's important now you got to be grounded once you check the box check the second box you're ready to move up to the next tier which is love and belonging family friendship and intimacy one thing i want to point out to you that's very fascinating what are the biggest companies in the world okay like public ones that you would know about where are they on this pyramid we haven't even gone over these but they've revealed themselves haven't they they're things like fast food food distribution food right shelter real estate wealth building communications you could even argue technologies like you're watching me on right now on the internet that could be us ascending as consciousness into love and belonging community connecting each other i was watching an interview with mark zuckerberg he's a fascinating guy um i'm not here to put anyone down i'm not here to judge anyone i'm not going to go into conspiracies say what you will you know we all have our our quirks about us but i was watching his interview he was doing with i think it was gary vaynerchuk uh about the metaverse and he was saying that when facebook he kept saying what facebook's been meant to do all along which is connect each other deep in human connections i think was his exact verbiage i was like that's pretty good spin on that and and i think maybe that's how it started and these technologies which yes they have their problems and you could take the doom and gloom approach of them of oh they're ruining childhoods and they're pulling us apart and they're evil or they could just be ascending you know they're not like some fast food company which would be right here they're not some like big mass-produced property company and again those aren't evil maybe they're right here and so as we grow and as we ascend as a consciousness maybe we'll eventually rise up into these last two what are they esteem is the fourth tier esteem self-esteem self-worth confidence individuality notice this more like you're in a group you're in a clique you're accepted you're brought in with the tribe so you're not outside alone fending for yourself focusing on these this is more of like a we approach then you get into the i approach me individual osho one of my favorite cult leaders i used to read a lot of his books in my early 20s take them i'd work on farms i'd hitchhike all around me with long hair sunburned uh just a big backpack i would camp in like the national parks and whatnot or forest i think there's only one in hawaii i'd just be flipping through samosho kicking back living the hippie life i'll never forget some of the things that he talked about because again the ingrains in it just like this chart really sticks with you one of the things he said is that we go through seven year cycles you me pretty much everyone from age zero to seven what are you you're figuring about how to eat how to breathe how to drink that's pretty much all you care about from age 7 to 14 you're starting to branch out a little more you're getting into safety you're thinking more long-term you're getting into your teenage years from 17 to 21 what are you focused on love and belonging right who who do i fit in with am i accepted at the school anything like that right do the friends like me am i ostracized out i feel like a loner love and belonging from what do we have 21 to 28 now you're getting into esteem me as an individual i want to leave a mark what am i going to contribute what's my passion what's my purpose you hear that don't you then essentially you go through 10 7 year cycles the average life expectancy you know about 70 years maybe when he was writing that and so that's kind of what you develop as and maybe we'll do a video on that in a future time let me know if you'd like that my point it's interesting how when you pair that up that seems to be the progression of hierarchy of needs and when you do that you eventually get to the last one which is drumroll thank you self actualization and now we're gonna dive deep if i could boil down my entire purpose or mission it's helping people become the best versions of themselves raise up tap into that inner potential that you have i call that the 2.0 you what it comes down to is actualizing your full potential naslow has a saying that what one can be one must be what one can be one must be that the need of self-actualization just like water air food shelter this is the need for you it's not optional eventually you're going to come to a point in your life where finding your purpose figuring it out that's not optional anymore it's a need to self-actualize otherwise that's where i think depression ick anxiety those bad feelings come in like what am i doing i feel off purpose i don't feel like myself and so maybe you're feeling that and a lot of people tend to feel that later 20s maybe they got out of college they feel it earlier right maybe they're working their job and eventually they hit a wall and they're just like i can't do this anymore i need to do something else i don't know what it is but i'm meant for more and that's exactly like the kind of people we help in our coaching program metamorphic i mean we're looking for people to reinvent themselves to actualize on that full potential we're not the people you come to if you're looking for these right here's that's the one thing we do and we do it extremely extraordinarily well literally a six week boot camp and if you want more info again link is in the description below check it out apply we're happy to see if we can help you and if it's a fit cool if i tell you a story in my early 20s i was doing a lot of touring in a band playing sold out shows all around the world it was one of my you know big manifestations was ever since i was a 12 year old kid in middle school trying to play some 41 songs to impress this girl and play the drums i sat down every single day at the drum kit wanting to play sold out shows around the world all i wanted to do eventually did it and it's a crazy lifestyle okay i was living in a small apartment in my early 20s right i had a roommate it was a lot of late nights it was a lot of jet lag it was a lot of partying and uh i was single at the time i just got out of this long-term relationship and so why am i telling you this well it's interesting because that was the hardest time for me when i look at like my growth and trajectory as just like a business or creatively or as a person it was kind of flatlined okay and i'm like why did those years why were they so flatlined when i was looking at this chart it made me really think and go inward and i'm like oh i was so focused on these needs right here safety and survival right pretty much going out partying having fun hooking up it's hard to really focus on this stuff up here self-actualization and esteem needs when you're focused on survival kind of hedonism if you will i'm not here to judge you if you know we all go through stages um i got some friends who are in the most loving way complete degenerates when it comes to like just going crazy and you know i'll see them online and i'm not at that stage in my life anymore and i think there's something to be said about why people are more creative when they have a lot of these needs met and you can do this without a relationship too it's not the only way to do it but a lot of people share this commonality that i coach they're like once i'm in a relationship clark i can check these boxes off essentially what they're saying and now i feel like i can focus on myself and i can actualize it's almost like you have that safety net chucked off it allows you to take more risk because if everything's up in the air all the time 24 7 365 it's kind of hard to take a lot of risk if you have a risk in your relationship and a risk in your personal life and a risk in your business well guess what each one of those buckets is going to add to the stress and compound and no wonder you can't take any risks big time so getting a lot of this stuff checked off first actually allows you to be more creative and actualize when i was researching before this video there was one need a sixth tier that was even beyond becoming the best version of yourself finding your purpose you know what that was it's right here in the halo self transcendence doing it for a bigger reason than just yourself how do i get more subscribers the wrong question how do i impact more lives get more testimonials impact people get more stories spread the message self transcendence how do i make money a million dollars wrong question nothing wrong with it but it's operating from here self transcendence how can i impact the masses on a mass scale and get compensated very well for doing it self transcendence it's almost more like altruistic you don't go very spiritual that when you transcend beyond these needs which again you know you kind of have just surviving and then you have some tribalism and then you have individuality where it's just like you know if you just get focused here it can be narcissism you're the only thing that matters right right in here but again these are these are better you get into this right you're send up which is that all are one and one is all that there is no good and evil that it's just you know duality almost disappears and the scope of infinity where it is infinite there isn't really light and dark night and day up down east west it's just all part of the one as a thought exercise just go as big and big a big a big as big as you get eventually you'll just come down to the realization that it's all one unity much larger conversation for a different time now i've been telling you about the charts that i was going to show you at the end and this thing is the opposite of this it's not a triangle it's a cone and i'll put it up right here you might recognize it the hawkins scale isn't that cool as you have self-actualization what do you have the higher scales of consciousness as you have more survival down there what do you have shame guilt anger fear those are literally your survival needs or suffering vibrations look at this when you're self-actualizing if we're using that one-to-one that's some of the most high vibe activities that you can do and then when you're just so consumed and getting by and surviving yeah you're gonna feel low vibe see how these go together and i think this is kind of like a more western approach to it which is more like psychology-based research positive psychology right this is more of a spiritual explanation consciousness and they can go together if you want a six-week road map on how to actually do that click the link below go see if our coaching program's something that you could see yourself getting behind love to invite you into the family i work with every single clients i'm there you're there it's a really tight-knit community it's not like it's just thousands and thousands of people and you're some nameless person we really work with you on a personal level there's a lot of interaction and whatnot with myself and some other coaches as well take care of our clients in that way um so i'd love to have you invite you into the community or if you're just looking for a challenge you feel like things are kind of stagnant works a lot of people out of a transition of a job maybe they're getting out of a relationship and they're trying to reinvent themselves or they're really not trying to you know just look for things and other people to make them happy they're ready to start doing some of that inner work in that introspection but i mean a lot of this i say it all the time education out there can be entertainment at the end of the day if we're not using it right and so that's why we give you the six week roadmap that i designed and um we go super deep you even experience some nlp and whatnot so get in there and rewire that subconscious that's in the link below we'd love to have you there thanks so much for being here until next time stop settling start living see ya
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 28,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hierarchy of needs, abraham maslow, clark kegley, once i learned this my whole life changed, self development, mindset, manifest
Id: 1qKZG25mO3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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