10 BIG IDEAS | The Untethered Soul | Life-Changing Book Review (Michael Singer)

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ever tell you about the worst roommate i ever had no okay well this guy was a borderline abusive i'm not even kidding he would say the worst things to me uh you know you're fat look at those love handles would literally make me doubt every single relationship you sure she really loves you are you sure she's not just using you borderline abusive okay now what would you do in that situation you'd probably get in a fight with the roommate right you'd probably leave find a new one try and make peace with it so it's better here's the thing we all have that roommate it's the voice the dialogue inside your head all day long your entire life and if you never make peace with that inner dialogue it's going to drive you crazy just like my roommate it might ruin relationships it might stress you out and it'll probably eat all your leftovers in the fridge michael singer's book the untethered soul which is one of my favorite books maybe that i've ever read it's all about that inner roommate that inner dialogue how do you make peace with it understanding that you are not it so we're going to unpack 10 big ideas very practical stuff that you can do in your day-to-day life to make peace with that and ultimately be happier be more in the now experience more peace aliveness freedom joy side note this is the best book with the biggest miss opportunity for the front cover it's called the untethered soul so i'm thinking like you know some universe right here and you know astral projecting out i mean mr opportunity michael uh before we get too far if you want to pick up this book for free and you don't like reading there's a free link down below if you get a trial of audible that's our affiliate link so it helps support videos like this and you can choose this book to get it narrated to you for free back to your voice you ever notice it it's literally narrating every single thing you do you can't get a break from it you can't escape it even right now if you're thinking to yourself no it's not what is he talking about a voice inside my head that's schizophrenic there it is point proven there's nothing more important to true growth than realizing you are not the voice of your mind you are the one who hears it people go through so many changes in the name of trying to find myself they want to discover which one of these voices which of these aspects of their personality is who they really are the answer is simple none of that and let's get into the next point i want to give you five magic words okay so really keep setting this up before we tell you how to reduce this eliminate it get on your own team get this voice on your own team so instead of holding you back it's cheering you on now here are the five magic words you are not your feelings you're not there's an unchanging part of you at your core could also say you are not your thoughts in another book eckhart tolle wrote the power of now okay you might have heard that you might have read that you might have seen our book summary on this channel where he was sitting on a park bench okay and he was super depressed but she lives in the uk so the weather's terrible over there so i'd be pretty depressed too being from seattle i can relate he's thinking to himself i cannot live with myself he kept saying that over and over and he paused he's like wait i cannot live with myself are there two of me or they're one of me because i and myself right there is it the i who can't live with myself or myself who can't live without and he went on this big questioning kind of you know existential crisis of what is the meaning of everything and tied it back to that you kind of have split self in a way what i call the 1.0 u and what i call the 2.0 u right there's that 2.0 u that's unchanging at your core there and so sometimes that point of you will hold you back and say all that stuff that's the inner roommate chatter okay wise guy on youtube so if that's not me who am i really you tell me how much time do we got here you know you got three days to do a weekend workshop on who we really are short answer is this is one of the biggest questions right and everyone's got their own spin on it freud will call it the ego the id and the superego right modern day you hear mind body and spirit right these three parts of you here's what's even more fascinating was reading uh the you know biology from a biological standpoint with you your cells literally regenerate almost all of them right the exception to sums every seven years so you have a completely new body almost think back to your teenage years you know is that punk rock rebellious version of you that's still you but it's not you today it was a past version of you right and so is that really you or is the future that you see for yourself that like 2.0 of an image is that really you or is the present day you the way i see it there's two possible outcomes to this okay there's two possible paths that you could go down after hearing this and the first one is not good the second one probably what you want let's talk about the default way this is how most people live their lives they say that at any given time we can step forward into growth or fall back into safety so most people they're living the same scripts they're running the same stories in their mind they programmed into certain ways the default it's fear this is the safety the fear this is where most people are stuck just in survival you know it's not their fault i mean if you look at biology sixty thousand thoughts a day it's estimated you have eighty percent depending on which uh studies you're looking at are the same as the day before negative thoughts automatic negative thoughts or ants so get these automatic negative thoughts running the scripts running the programs in your life how the heck are you supposed to be positive of course that inner roommate succeeds and beats you up and says all the stuff to you right you're no good you're this you're this if you just let it keep going by default it's not very good layer that on top of one of our cognitive biases that we have it's called a negativity sway bias so if presented two things right a positive news story or a negative news story the human mind gradually gravitates towards the negative thing because it's more important to see what's going to kill you or what has a danger right primed for survival in our head then what could make you happy and put a smile on your face that's just how we're wired i mean i look without getting too deep here if it bleeds it leads that's how the media is running everything right that's how they like get the viewership they get the negativity there even on youtube videos talking about negativity stuff right those get insane amounts of views because that's kind of like the modern day tabloids like people stopped following celebrities and they started following social media influencers right so of course who wouldn't want the dirty gossip on some of them right those get so many more views than like the positive stuff and this goes to a larger conversation of the global consciousness of our planet and maybe how it hasn't risen on the vibrational chart towards beyond fear or beyond um you know those lower vibrational states so that's naturally what we are inclined to right but as we start lifting it up together and it starts with you and i think that you watching this right now are proving that you're not in that camp you're a higher vibration than the majority right then it starts to lift everyone else up how do you do this how do you tap into this second way okay and to summarize right this voice in your head that's negative it'll constantly go to the default first mode which is living out of fear that's the entire state of our global consciousness right now look at 2020 right doom and gloom all over right you look beneath the surface the story looked a lot different than what they were projecting on right but you can tell a narrative one way and people pick it up and they're like oh that's what's happening right but under the surface if you look at the alternative it's like oh is that really happening you're questioning it right getting trapped in this fear state this doom and gloom this is the default this is scary and this is why that roommate takes over and is such a bastard to you so what's the solution the second solution is right here this is what we'll talk about is remember and step forward into growth fall back into safety this is stepping forward into growth you can come out of fear or you can come out of love this is how you raise yourself up and in turn raise the whole consciousness of the planet up get that roommate on your side get everything you want this is the authentic you what i call a 2.0 version of yourself and you start living from here now a quick story on this let's look at the author of this book right who talks about this like being authentic is the highest thing to raise your vibe because you're true to yourself right and sometimes that roommate's kicking on for a reason that's like hey buddy this isn't you this isn't you not your vibe not your thing right change it up a bit and that's a good way that it kind of is like a coach coaching you there speaking of authentic let's look at this michael singer guy wrote the book you'd expect this guy to be like some monk uh sitting in the himalayas wearing robes super spiritual dude in whole foods every day right but i love his story because it's not that at all he was super successful studying a doctorate in economics i think it had he had a breakup or something that led him to meditate in the woods right um and kind of come to some of these realizations but he started webmd okay the company that if you've ever in the middle of the night gotten a headache you're like what is this you went to google and you googled your symptoms and then you found out you had you were pregnant while you were a man and you had like 50 other things right you're just freaking inside you got him to think my point there is that so many times in the spiritual community i think or self-development community we can get caught up on a certain way of being that oh that's the most spiritual path and so we actually abandon our abandon our own wants needs feelings desires but that's actually wrong quote unquote to try and conform to what we think is spiritual out here it's more authentic to be the best version of you to tap into who you really are right that's why i love that story right there in that example you know what you're watching right now there's some people out there who leave comments all the time like oh this guy is you know he's a bro and he's explaining these deep spiritual topics like a chakra that's actually pronounced chakra and you know if you you should respect it i'm just like to each their own right you meet me on the street i'm just like this you know you can be spiritual and still suck down a 20-win combo at buffalo wild wings let me tell you and you're more happy when you're in tune with that and you're authentic with it this is what i call a 2.0 version of you i literally walk people through i've been obsessed with this process because i think it's your identity layer the deepest one beyond just the thoughts the feelings the emotions the stories is your identity at the core layer of the onion the deeper you go the more effective it is right and then the other ones kind of knock over once you get that identity piece right you create the 2.0 version of yourself so i got an entire program that walks you through sequentially six week process of shifting in to that 2.0 version of you if you want to apply for it's our personal coaching program it's down below metamorphic insane student results check them out and if it's something for you it's not for everyone again but if you're really serious about like living from that authentic u place that 2.0 version of yourself that's the best sequencing i've found put it together for you we work one-on-one here's a simple exercise you can do in your journal write three things that you believe to be true that other people might disagree with what are they example you think winning the lottery everyone says that's so great why do you think it's not maybe being a billionaire has its downsides you don't want to be one i'll let you go crazy with that or if you want post it in the comments down below what is one thing you believe to be crazy that everyone else accepts second way keep a log of what you actually like doing imagine that right what are some hobbies what are some things that like you really find yourself immersed in that flow state with it right because when they survey people who are happiest at the end of their lives you know what they're doing they're the ones who are spending most time in that flow state of where time just kind of passes and you don't really worry anymore this could be exercising this could be for me it's drumming right and practicing an hour flies by like that this could be hanging out with your friends this could be your hobby that you're obsessed with for me this is like reading and studying and doing this camera stuff i don't even know what time it is that's how you tap into the authentic version of you and stop looking for the answers and start listening keep a log of what you don't like doing this is the third thing okay for example in my 20s i hated nightclubs just dreaded them right everyone was like you know i was 25 they're like okay what are we doing tonight they're like oh we're going to this club i'm like ah it sucks i really wanted to go but i'm starting to feel sick man like yeah i'm just not going to be able to go the fourth little exercise that i want you to do after this video or post in the comments what do you no longer believe is true what have you changed your mind on okay is that a belief is that a feeling is that a opinion it's okay to change your mind and i think that that is part of the evolution of you is that stop getting so trapped and rigid in this old identity of yourself and carrying that around right if you liked again to go back to that the first part of this video if you were that teenager and you carried around that teenage way of communicating into your 20s and 30s what is that called you're immature right you haven't evolved some people just grown age other people grow in maturity it doesn't always go together right i'm sure you've seen 40 year olds who act like they're 20 and vice versa like me a millennial quarantine kind of put an extra 20 years on you staying indoors all day getting excited with the weather next big idea i want to illustrate this with the story i told it to you recently but it's so worth repeating because it comes from here story is of a woman who is walking and she gets stuck by a rose bush this thing is a massive it's like a fairy tale name right a thorn right in her arm the size of my thumb huge thorn so what does she do instead of removing the thorn or getting help it hurts so much to touch it every time she goes there oh pain pain pain right she constructs her whole life around it to avoid the pain of touching the thorn she gets a bed that she can sleep only on her right side on so she never has to hit the thorn she only wears sleeveless dresses even though she used to love fashion right so it doesn't hit the thorn she stopped exercising something she loved to do because the clothes would hit her thorn or the exercise or the weights would her whole life has been shifted to avoid pain and stay safe but has it really because see she constructed her whole life around this one thing yeah technically she's safe but she's not really living she's just kind of getting by now what that story represents if you haven't picked up on it is that thorn or kind of the baggage that we carry around with us the negative experiences the negative events the people the heartbreak the pain the shadow self all that stuff is painful to look at or touch removing it is healing right and i'm not trying to minimize that's a huge process we don't have time to get into but it's really being okay not just trying to ignore the thorns metaphorically that you have that you carry around with you right i call them sandbags that are weighing the hot air balloon down right but being okay looking at that stuff questioning it reframing it changing the meaning of it right whether it's yourself a coach a therapist whoever and that's what this book really talks about is being okay allowing the space to do that stuff to heal from it to grow from it because here's the thing this is the next point i've said it in other videos that you don't always rise to the highest version of yourself that you can imagine that sounds kind of negative i know but like we get these grandiose visions of ourself right and if you've ever made a vision board how come everything on there didn't come true sometimes it's things out of your control right and they just haven't happened yet but i'm willing to bet there's a few things on there or your goals for last year that didn't happen not because you didn't want it not because you didn't believe you're worthy of it but because of these thorns these lowest versions of yourself holding you back and you can't just positive think your way around that you got to work with it so again we don't rise to the highest version of ourselves that we can imagine we default to the lowest levels of ourselves that we can accept in other words the real suffering isn't the 10 minutes that negative thing happens to you or that one year you went through a terrible breakup right and it crushed your soul and ripped it out and spit on it and threw it on the ground and they stomped on it in front of you right that sucks but what sucks even more is the five years you carry that around with you is the next relationship you go into and you still haven't healed from the first one so you mess up the current relationship because it's your fault that you haven't healed from that what really sucks is not that your parent didn't support you growing up but it's that you don't support yourself for the next 10 20 years because you don't believe you don't have that internal belief inside of you what really sucks is not that your business failed one time what you tried one thing you posted five videos they didn't get a response right what really sucks is that you quit on your dreams moving forward next big idea in here the story goes buddha right thousands of years ago he was doing his thing under a tree and he had a big crowd around him right he was doing his little preaching he was doing his dance some of his best bits right getting the crowd wild up and then one guy hated him so one guy comes up spits on him says you know you're a fraud you're a fake how could you all this stuff just spewing negativity i don't know if you have anyone in your life that you could relate to on this boss co-worker unsupportive friend family member whatever the buddha turns he looks at the man he looks down he looks up he says if someone brings you a gift and you choose not to accept it whose gift is that the man is just standing there looking at the crowd like oh he just got burned right what he's saying is that if someone brings you the gift of negativity hatred of putting it down of bad comments of hate online of whatever and you choose not to accept it they're left told in the bag that is the poison that's gonna hurt them that's the biggest breakthrough here and what this book talks about and the the biggest idea for you is being very careful what you choose to identify with and accept as your own so understand that when you go through life and these negative things happen right or that first path we talked about of the fear of the sixty thousand thoughts a day or whatever if you don't choose to identify with it if it's not your thing if it's not your bag if it's not your gift it's whoever is it's hurting them and eventually they're going to realize that their life is not the place they want it to be and maybe they'll pick up this book or maybe they'll watch these 10 big ideas and at least take one or two away that influences their life if you're ready to create the 2.0 version of yourself and you're ready to really go hard for the next six weeks and you're serious about that you want some help i'd love for you to apply for our identity shifting process metamorphic okay it's down below and it's just a quick little video that explains more about kind of what it is who it's for who it's not for then if you'd like feel free to fill out that application and if everything looks good and you know it goes through and stuff we'll hop on a call me and you and we'll just chat a little bit more and hear about you and see if we can actually help you spots do fill up though not everyone gets one so if you want it go down below normally at this time of month they're pretty good love each and every one of you thank you for being here and until next time stop settling start living see ya
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 25,033
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Keywords: the untethered soul, the untethered soul audiobook, michael singer, michael a. singer, the untethered soul review, untethered soul book review, the untethered soul summary, untethered soul, self help book recommendations, self help books, the untethered soul oprah, book review, clark kegley, clark kegley book
Id: 4gdHCxUAin4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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