On1 Photo RAW: Luminosity Masking for the Win!

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[Music] hey guys i'm jim i added photos thanks for stopping by today i'm in on one photo raw 2021 and i just use luminosity masks like crazy and on one they're so good they're so powerful they're so effective that's what i'm doing in this video just kind of walking through an edit that i did of this street scene in um dublin here it is this is temple bar early one morning it was kind of funny that temple bar is like famous you know guinness and all that and there's all these heineken signs hanging i thought that was kind of funny but regardless i like the scene i like the little bike over here but you can't see it it's dark and all that kind of stuff i did crop the photo and fix the verticals before i started this video but what i want to do is walk through everything i did to really make this photo pop and it really came down to luminosity mass they're just incredibly powerful and just amazing to be honest and so useful so i'm kind of working through my basic stuff here in the toning color component of the develop tab and i'm going to go ahead and lift the shadows i left those quite a bit it was just way too dark now you can kind of see the scene a little bit and temperature intent uh that actually looks fine so that's my base photo you can see the scene and what i really want to do is bring it to life and these are the perfect kind of photos where aluminum uh luminosity masks come in handy and that's because brighter sky darker foreground and the kind of edits i want to do in the sky are different very different than what i want to do in the foreground so the luminosity mask allows you to separate them so powerful so amazing so the first thing i want to do is add this local adjustment and i want to luminosity mass because this is going to be for the sky so if i click view you can see it's isolated the sky for me just perfectly i don't want to drop the exposure that much actually yes i do sorry i'm looking at my notes here i'm going to pull the highlights down a little bit as well and the temperature and the tint i am going to make it a little bit bluer so i'm going to go like a negative 9 and i'm going to go positive 9 on the tent and i'm also going to go vibrance up to about a 30. there you go so that has just impacted the sky so if i click that off there's this guy before and there's this guy after i just think that looks so fantastic i'm going to add another local adjustment add another luminosity mask this time i'm going to invert it because i'm working on the reverse which is going to be the street so if i show you the mask you're going to see it picked up all that remember white reveals black conceals and so where it's white is where my edits are going to be revealed so this one because it's the street i'm going to increase the exposure i'm going to go to about a 0.6 i'm going to add a tiny bit of contrast so like maybe a 15 structure is going to go up you know 20 22 something like that temperature and 10 i'm actually going to warm them up a little bit so a little bit more temp and a little bit of tint as well and a little bit of vibrance so i'm just kind of popping that street scene a little bit and there we go so if i turn this off there's before and there's after it's definitely brought that street to life and so at this point i was actually pretty happy with the photo i've been able to make a huge impact if i turn these two off you can just see that i've come a long way from where i was before there it is with my basic edits over on the develop tab but when i add in the sky adjustment and the street adjustment i've kind of rebalanced a light and done some things but now i want to get into effects and really kind of have some fun so the first one is going to be hdr look and i'm going to go with the default settings there but once again i'm going to get a luminosity mask because i don't want this applying everywhere i just want it to apply to the sky excuse me to the foreground so i'm going to click invert and if you look at view you can see my luminosity mask is there however this is where levels comes in for me so i'm going to pull the levels down like that and this as well and you can see basically what i've done is i've completely created a black sky which is fantastic because that means absolutely nothing is going into the sky and everything's going into where it's white and so i think that looks fantastic i'm going to use that again so i'm going to click copy click view to get out of that look and basically hdr look has gone into all the buildings and the street so there it is before and there it is after the luminosity mask amazing control i just absolutely adore that after that i'm going to go get color balance and what i'm going to do here is go ahead and paste that mask paste and i am going to click invert because what i want to do is just isolate the sky so if i click view you can see my sky is fairly isolated remember white reveals so where it's white is where these color adjustments i'm about to make are going to go so speaking of color adjustments i'm going to go into the mid tones and my hue is going to be a 228 and my amount is an 87 so i'm just creating more blue in the sky so i'm really high here and my brightness is going to be about a 45. so that's just the midtones let me turn this off there it is before and there it is after creating a little bit more blue in the uh in the sky which i like i wanted to bring up kind of that blue hour kind of look actually i did come in and i'm doing this kind of live now i did come in and make some adjustments to the levels so i'm doing a little bit of this i'm just trying to get that mask to look just right yeah i think something about like that looks perfect let me show you turn that off and let me show you that color balance now so there it is in the sky or excuse me without it in this guy and there it is with it in the sky if you view the mask you can see i've isolated that sky pretty well i'm going to use that mask again so i'm going to click copy click view to turn that off and i'm going to get my next tool which is dynamic contrast so click on that add it let me go ahead and paste this mask so once again if i show you view my mask is there i just copied it from the previous tool i'm going to close this masking window and all i'm doing is basically going negative pretty heavily negative on all of these sliders just to basically create a softer look in the sky so isolated the sky with the luminosity mask from the last filter copied that pasted it here and then just went negative on dynamic contrast to just kind of smooth out the sky and now i'm going to go get a color adjustment and i want to do a little bit of that in the sky as well so once again i've already got that mask created so i just paste and i've isolated the sky once again automatically because of the luminosity mask so once you make it and you've isolated these areas you can just copy and paste you know to your heart's content which is basically what i'm doing so pasted that mask in and i want to go in here to the blue and i'm going to pull the hue to the right to about a 20. i'm going to pull up the saturation to about uh let's see about a 24 and i'm actually going to pull the brightness down about a negative 10 or 11. and so let me show you that before and after there it is before with the without the color adjustment and once again because i've isolated the sky so well with these luminosity masks i'm able to adjust the blues in the sky just easily and perfectly and i've just got a couple more tools to adjust or to add i'm going to start with sunshine and here i'm going to go to amount of about a 70. i'm going to give it about a 10 on warmth just to kick that warm feeling a little bit and saturation a 10 as well and these are going to apply globally you can kind of see how it's hitting the entire photo let me turn that off there it is before the sunshine and there it is with i i just i like that tool a lot or that filter i tend to apply sunshine globally most of the time not always but in this case i wanted it globally it adds a nice little kick of color across the entire photo i like that quite a bit and i'm just going to wrap this up with a border something else about on one that i've gotten to really like and that is just using some of these basic borders but i am going to scale it to about a negative seven and that just slims it down a little bit so if i turn this off there it is before i've got a little bit of stuff on the left hand side and a little bit on the right that i don't care so much about that border kind of helps me well hide that for like a better word now it could crop if i wanted to but i really just like the border i think that white border is a nice offset to the bright color here and that's my full edit my friends the luminosity mask the power of those in on one honestly it's just it's unreal i use it so much and i encourage you to experiment with it as well and don't forget using levels will help you further isolate a particular area you know the bright parts or the dark parts and then you just copy and paste your heart's content so let me show you the before dark leaning back just kind of blah all the way around and then after some adjustments got it to lean forward and straighten up with transform i brightened it and did a lot of different things with the local adjustments and these different filters using luminosity mask to really just pop that photo and frankly i'm quite proud of this one i think it looks fantastic and if i show you the before and after you can see that we've come quite a long way and a lot of that in fact most of that is due to the power of luminosity masking and on one it just works so well it's so powerful it's so fantastic at letting you isolate those areas i love it i use it all the time and if you haven't tried it i encourage you to experiment with it that's my edit my friends hope it gives you some ideas hope it inspires you to try some of these things on your own photos thanks for watching my friends i'll catch you in the next video i'll be back really soon with more have fun editing i'll see you soon and adios
Channel: Jim Nix
Views: 1,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jim Nix, travel, photography, post processing, editing, training, tutorial, photo editor, photo editing, On1 Photo RAW
Id: Xpd7djcO6bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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