On1: Perfect Control with Masks (Easy & Precise!)

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hey guys welcome back hope you're doing well i'm in on one photo raw today and i'm just editing a photo and taking advantage of all the powerful masking tools that exist in on one because they're fantastic i love them i use them all the time and in this image and today's video i dive into a few different ones and i just kind of copy and paste and edit and adjust all that kind of stuff it's just fun and it's useful it's super useful to target things so specifically let's get going here's my image i've already done some adjustments here in tone and color i also made some adjustments in the transform also took out some spots so basically i started like that except i also cropped it i guess so i didn't really start like that but anyway it was a regular shot shot with a nikon years ago and then i cropped it into 16 by nine and made some adjustments here as you can see in the uh develop tab contrast highlight shadows all that stuff a little bit of temperature adjustment and i've gotten to there but what i want to do is isolate some specific parts of the image and go apply filters to those parts and so now that i've got it there i feel like i've got a good base image which is kind of how i treat the develop tab for me it's get my canvas looking the way i want to look to start and then go do the things i want to do to be targeted which for me is effects and local adjustments so the first effect i'm going to add is hdr look and i'm going to actually add that with a luminosity mask i'm going to go ahead and invert that and then i want to hit view so you can see it and so there it is and what i really need to do is just isolate the uh the sky so the sky is black and lo and behold there you go if you use levels you can do that and i just want to take a look here i could go solid like that but i don't really want to because the other thing i'm going to do is combine this with a another mask and so i'm going to do something about like that let me close off view and the other thing i want to do is i've got the perfect brush here you can just click on that and i'm in paint out mode as you can see and so let me hit view again i'm going to go over here and i'm just going to paint out some of this in the water because what i don't want to do is include hdr look in the water and so the luminosity mask allowed me to isolate the sky really well but um there's so much difference in light value between the light and the excuse me the sky in the water that i really needed to come back with the perfect brush to isolate or i should say remove the water as well so let me finish touching this up and then i'll show you what i got okay so i'll just stop there that's close enough i basically isolated that center section of the photo which is what i wanted to do and that's where i wanted to apply hdr look and so there it is i can close the masking menu it defaults to 100 on compression 20 on detail i'm going to leave it that's totally fine however i want to copy that mask because it's going to come in really handy for me so now that i've done that i'm going to go ahead and get tone enhancer and here i'm going to go in and go ahead and paste that mask so once again i'm focused just on that center section of the photo which is as you can see the castle and kind of the walls and the trees basically not the sky and not the water so now that i've got that isolated i can just reuse that mask and i'm going to go ahead and bump up the exposure i'm going to give it a tiny bit more contrast i'm going to bump the whites significantly because i really want to bring back some of the brightness in that castle and i'm going to add a little bit of detail here like maybe a 10. so using that mask and isolating that section and then just applying it there with these adjustments has taken the castle from that to that so now it's really kind of popping and standing out which i like quite a bit and now i'm going to go into color balance and here i'm going to go ahead and paste that mask again but this time i'm going to invert it so in other words i'm applying it to the sky and the water here and skipping the rest of it and what i want to do is basically just take the highlights hue to like 235 237 and the the amount let me just go ahead and click on view so you can see that and now that i've isolated that the amount is going to be like you know low 40 so 43 44 something like that basically i'm putting a little bit of blue in the sky and the water so if you look at the before there it is it's it's it's not really colorful at all uh it's very gray day but it almost looks a little bit yellow which i don't like um i want it to be a little bit blue so now it's a little bit blue i'm happy with that now i'm gonna pop over to local adjustments and make a couple of adjustments here the first one is with a gradient and so i'm going to move it to about here and about something like that and i'm going to compress that zone a little bit and what i want to do here is bump up the exposure to about a point seven or eight let me just kind of see what looks good you know i think that looks good that's a 0.75 add a little bit of contrast as well so like about a 30 and now i might actually bump up the exposure a tiny bit more so let's try a .8 with a 30 contrast i think that looks good and the temperature i might go slightly negative just to get a little bit more of that cooler look into the water because there's so much shadow in the water and the reflection of the castle and all that that's to hit z to hide the masking line there but the shadows look a little bit green so i want to put a little bit more blue temperature there so so far i like what i have i want to do one more adjustment also a local adjustment and i'm actually going to paste the mask that i had earlier which again is if you view it isolating the castle kind of the man-made stuff plus the trees if you will and what i want to do here is go ahead and close that menu is go ahead and lift that exposure one more time so i'm just getting a little bit more brightness it's clearly the subject of the photo it was just a little too too dark and i want to add a little bit more white back to it so i'm doing that here basically again so i'm going to go to about 35 let's say and i think that's giving me some nice visibility it's bringing back some of that color i should say that that whiteness right the brightness level and i'm also going to go ahead and add some structure while i'm here because it is a man-made structure i kind of like to add a little bit of crunch to areas like that and so while i've already got it isolated and masked which is a perfect mask basically because of all the capability here and on one i've got that set so honestly these two adjustments here i think i had a nice impact on the photo that's where i was before and then brighten the foreground and now i came in and brightened the castle i think that looks really nice the only other thing i might do is go back to effects and here i could add tone enhancer and tone enhancer would allow me to isolate that sky one more time this time i'm just going to isolate this guy so i'm going to click on masking i'm going to get a i quick mask and for keep i'm going to go ahead and put green all through the sky here and then for drop i'm gonna go ahead and get basically the rest of the photo so i just move my mouse around get something about like that hit apply let it calculate and honestly it did an amazing job i can refine some of these little details if i want to i don't want to so i'm going to go ahead and just hit done and now i've isolated that section of the photo so if you click on view to view the mask you can see it's it's very clean so ai quick mask super powerful super amazing i use it basically quite a bit so here i could uh basically isolate the sky a little bit drop the exposure the other thing that's cool about tone enhancer though is you've got curves and so one of the things i was thinking about was you know what i'd like to do is maybe darken the sky give it a little bit more blue i can do all of that here with curves so i can just kind of pull this down and it's going to give me a you know control over the sky as you can see as i move this um this curves line around so i don't know if you're familiar with curves but super powerful super amazing so i could pull that down a little bit gives it a little bit more darkness and i could come into blue if you wanted and give it a little bit more blue i don't want to overdo it make it like crazy blue plus you can see some of the edges where i didn't refine my ai quick mask that blue shows up so you want to be careful and you do want to take the time to get your mask right i'm going to go just a tiny little twinge of blue there and if i go up here and turn this off you can see the before there's this guy before and there it is now it just gives it a little bit more umph a little bit more drama and that's really my edit it's basically taking advantage of the power of these these masks and being being able to copy and paste them from a filter in effects over to local adjustments and then i went back added a new ai quick mask here in tone enhancer and effects point is you've got lots of capability lots of power with the mask to move around and do different things really customize the look your image if you look at the before there it is slightly off balance because it was a wide-angle lens and it needed the lens correction stuff that i did there it is with the adjustments as well as a lens correction and i've got i think a much better looking final result so if i do the before and after window you can see you know significant change to the photo right and that's really more how i remember it admittedly this was taken many years ago so i can't say exactly what the sky was like other than overcast but i wanted to be a little bit blue and i wanted a little bit of blue in the water i got what i wanted thanks to the power of on one thanks for watching my friends hope it gives you some ideas about how these tools work if you have any questions hit me up down below otherwise catch in the next video see you guys thanks for stopping by and until next time adios
Channel: Jim Nix
Views: 980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jim Nix, travel, photography, post processing, editing, training, tutorial, photo editor, photo editing, On1 Photo Raw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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