OMORI - It's Time For Secret Bosses, Candy, Rabbits & Cleaning Up Before The Climax [ 6 ]

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hey everyone this is manly badassrow and welcome back to amore previously we got a job and then we quit that job so i've wandered back here let's actually give you our clams for clams i mean i've made a save what can go wrong excellent you won't regret this thank you for all your clams now here are some clems in exchange you got clems the currency of the future amore why did you agree with kell because it's funny i'm pretty sure this is giving me real money please enjoy your coins and clems i mean i must go eight others who i need no clems my clams i know i have no clams i have exactly one clam i'm pretty sure it's not the right exchange rate what is this was that the blackmail [Music] hey isn't that sweetheart hey sweetheart remember us the kids almost ruined your wedding what you four again why do you keep showing up so how's married life treating you did you get a divorce already ha married life is a joke i ended relations with that pitiful excuse of a captain a long time ago [Music] but your wedding was literally yesterday oh no does having you in space husband are a space ex-husband now for all i care youch oh that poor guy alas my journey has come full circle it's more obviously now than ever that my perfect suitor does not exist don't see that sweetheart i'm sure your soulmate is out there somewhere oh my sweet hero i long for your voice dang hero but no i must refrain i've already decided my path searching for a suitor is much too old-fashioned for me so i've decided i will simply just make one what make a suitor is that even possible my regular people means no but a wealthy person searches myself does not abide by such rules i can just simply buy myself a suitor in existence i'm going someplace only filthy rich people like myself can afford to family of sea witches i specialize in clients with special demands presents it's late for my appointment [Music] oh so should we follow her or what i feel like every time sweetheart shows up something bad happens yeah when it comes to disaster she's in a league of her own amore [Music] it's nice and nice [Music] pineapple juice nice oh god clams these are some tough [Music] muscles interesting zones hey look bunny fish uh let me just cut this all right oh it's sad stab it [Music] [Music] bully the funny fish you just can't swim in a circle look at the mori oh man he approved [Music] blueprints for two-story house [Music] uh well before i go in there because i've cleared out some enemies i don't want them respawn i'm gonna go around the zone and go up there in a sec ben [Music] how's it tell mori i haven't seen the fully upgraded version of this yet [Music] feel like it's the same with this we went to ecstatic like literally instantly was in the cave [Music] clam am i supposed to be here yet i feel like no [Music] okay your part i'm gonna try to avoid some of these enemies because primarily looking for [Music] stuff so we're getting looking for my clams oh gosh the whole pizza get out of here we enough like a bandit musical clams and training sure i'm i'm showing my support i'm listening to your music this is how people like search for like content nowadays just clicking clams really fast and like well that's a pretty good clam and then just like the next clam yeah you ain't catching me buddy i'm the fastest [Music] nice gold watch oh my god [Music] well that's to continue the main quest i think we don't want to do that yet we're just mopping up optional stuff right now dynamite look at me i'm hideous that look like crab nicholson if you know what i mean you guys anyone pay the toll the fruit girl i've seen this week go this way it's kind of convenient at least you get to hold on those sweet sweet clams you won't pay that last hole though trust me let's go up here that's a joke i'm still oh i get it you want to hear my joke about construction i'm still working on it excellent pretty good i like it it's good straight to the point [Music] hey you're the shady mole i'm gonna heal inner tube that's interesting creates heart and juice for other stats but heart and shoes seem extremely important this is just this is like a true glass cannon build right there well except for the lack of juice geek taking you down you look kinda like a ninja turtle actually no no you you use the bed wow i came back i met you a little amazed [Music] [Music] no hero you know i'm surprised you're still [Music] alive this should probably fit miss you off [Music] tofu you're learning chant hero come on now time in the place oh my god we murdered it you've been stealing a lot the bed hey toilet yes ramen hey what [Music] so you finally had a purpose and it was for a jump scare oh god where's this lead golden heroes sandwich hold up hero [Music] okay hey bear aru [Music] a toast the cruel twist of fate i lost my entire family in a day curses if only i was stronger reuben i'll take one more drink for my sorrows coming right up max hey aren't you but you fall again have you ruined my life enough times thanks you sweetheart there's no somewhere nowhere to be found well i know where she is actually i hope you're happy with yourselves help i don't know what to do [Music] so i'm not sure the point of visiting these places but i think it's just fluff possibly it might just be lily fluff so i need to find i need to remember where that mermaid was like a mermaid or something [Music] there's a secret over here have i been here before doesn't feel like it [Music] oh god what the you're scary oh my god is that what comes after us [Music] oh [Music] do it like all these i don't know the lighting could be to distract those fangs too what is going on here [Music] this better be worth it this is hell who is it what's it to make spider cats huh it's a real tale on the fake one speed plus 15 wow 10 of the improvement at the moment hey stump well i'm stumped you won't stop basil magical bean slap lamp was lit recently [Music] hey see great weird welcome to the last forest will you find vengeance lost in the first place or perhaps offer cotton furries and interesting area not even sure why i'm here but let's go [Music] it's not gonna be the lost forest is it well the lost force from the legend of zelda [Music] i'm feeling pretty lost suppose we all hold secrets now lost would deep down we bury them they find their way back to the other side [Music] is it the side of the bun is the side of the bun the correct one [Music] hey um these are spooky buns no you're powerful that's probably supposed to come here earlier is it still the path of the button well [Music] try to lose yourself have you accomplished that already either way this is the right place for you perhaps that's why you've come here and finished a job usually we tend to do things we want as opposed to things we say we do and there's been one for once i'm more of a need kind of person so she look the exit before your needs become more apparent [Music] i'm gonna go over the southern bun again no so it was the wrong one it takes us to the previous one i think still here you must have ever given up here and fully embrace your fate a confession perhaps but i'm not the one to tell this has always beside the bun there was a boy wanting around here before very similar to you he went into the darkness and never came out how regretful it must have been to never find what he was looking for he'd regret defeat a confusion no one will know always go on the side of the bun i've seen lost and i've seen blind but the combination is unsettling perhaps you're hiding away from the right way it's all basil there but the bun is the south [Music] yeah i should have never doubted the bun never doubt the bun if anything it means the one of the hallucinations wrong because it's luring you the wrong way you know what i'm saying morals are lost in the wicked how does one define mouse without intent will you continue down this path it's most certainly not the right way never doubt the bun [Music] there is no what saying about wasting time on living a life that is not your own dreams can feel like that like this forest lost i see a bun but there's nothing here bun have you led me to the wrong way there must be a way here right bun perhaps i'm not looking hard enough bun or maybe there's just one way [Music] what kind of secret have i encountered you have reached the end of the lost forest but the beginning of the truth i will tell you a story has been lost through time a story about the creation of this reality in the beginning there only existed two the dreamer in his room the dreamer grew weary of his room and created a door that led to many different worlds walking the path as a visitor to these worlds the dreamer would come and go as he pleased slips and falls tumbles and drops the dreamer's curiosity and clumsy exploration eventually led him to a certain world one not like the others one painted with chaos and bathed in darkness the dreamer slowly became filled with dread quiet as they may have been words and mouths quietly crept into his mind whispering lies secrets and truths powerless to the silence of noise the dreamy manifested benevolent entities in his different worlds then he compounded his worlds above the dark realm sealing it with their combined might the abyss yet despite its valiant efforts the darkness's presence never baited even with new allies the darkness continued to scrape and scratch at the back of the dreamer's mind the noise might have subsided but it never went away the dreamer could run and bury away his fears but one still has to face his own reflection what the dreamer had created was something he could not be part of sitting outside himself the dream of his own power was his greatest adversary knowledge or the absence of it would become the dreamer's greatest gift to truly escape the perils of his own faculty and ascend to a blissful state of ignorance only then would the noise cease to agitate the dream insanity so the dreamer took on another name and chose to forget himself was an amore from that time on the dreamer has lived amongst us simply as an inhabitant of this world traveling along blissfully ignorant of his own fabrication children i must warn you as with all things that are born in and out of this world an end will threaten this one too though the dreamer may have subdued the inaccessible darkness that grows still no bananas can stifle an internal wound and there will be a time when its influence will bleed through forgetful the dreamer may be of this peril apparel never forgets to be yet the end of this world may be an inevitability the dream is the only one that's ability that can truly set this world free oh god blew fire stronger than normal fire avatar topping this huh ah stop panicking it's nothing you saw nothing amore you saw nothing i'm getting out of here well that was a fun field trip everyone let's never come back here again [Music] hey can you get me out of here thanks interesting that's one of the false letters [Music] i've got quite a few of them still plenty left [Music] wait let me do a recount of that again [Music] how's the character looking are we almost hanged i'm assuming those are your arms we got two legs are you the type of draws the face or no hero take care of this oh it's me whipping well all the gods of the lake thanks for the clams i guess see that money can buy happiness apparently it's not working can you something funny for me let me tell joke [Music] okay what is it want your joke about construction i'm still working on hey that joke's pretty funny i told you ah i feel a little better now [Music] lol thanks for teaming up travelers there's a reward for your valiant efforts it's an ancient weapon of indescribable power only a true hero is able to wield it ah the gods are calling for me free it's time to take my leave my time the camera was short but has been uh mostly pleasurable experience perhaps we'll meet again at number live so long travelers has been fun you don't exist none of this exists [Music] mole should do you want to equip the lol sword it lowers your juice but for the lulls we maybe should equip it i mean we have to for the lulls [Music] hey floor's sinking this place has gotten worse okay ghost here i am alone as a clam oh somebody provides a party i don't know where it is here's spooky map the glasses ghost oh i don't believe it map the top hats party you're a real life saver you know that i better hurry sounds like it's going to be a blast okay more spooky get my way you can figure out what the spookiest [Music] red ribbon huh attack increases with more energy well this gives you a big attack boost but we will lose that hit i think i'll keep that item bench right now i'll figure out who i want to equip on later looks like it's a good item though so you figured out later hey how does it look right so taking the wrong turn somewhere give a spooky map the sun had ghosts what's this a map oh my he's not top hat seal i'll be able to get to the party thank you children let's go now i'm already behind schedule as it is [Music] out here hello there hero hi ams m's river how are you doing well i'm doing okay he'll give me the couch for time out huh you're in timeout what did you do nothing just tried eating the tables over there what you tried eating the tables you can do that oh i see people may not bread don't tell me when i said this but it's not being a space pirate [Music] come on i might have to go and get lost again oh hi huh is this a map well i could see top hat seal on it by golly this must be the directions to the party thank you so much kind stranger i'll talk to you at the party what it's a big strong tree you stab the tree in the heart it makes sense [Music] i'll do is all it's doing just being a [Music] tree [Music] congratulations amore you stab a tree hey looking hell leveled up for it that's one less tree in the world oh that's what the crown was i thought it was snart piece like hey nice crown oh dear it seems i've gotten myself lost again oh how clumsy of me oh my what is this a map to sir tophat's party who i indeed it is let's hurry to the party now being latest and befitting a princess hey there's no loot here yes [Music] let me use some kind of elf the glass could it be ah finally some company i've been alone for so long but after what feels like an eternity at last i have an audience [Music] who am i you ask why i am the great and upcoming artist rococo this guy's kind of weird let's get out of here wait don't go please listen to my story excuse us please listen i'm so lonely oh right now where should i start in the beginning was me crying in a pod in the middle of space witnessing my home planet blow up right before my eyes i can store it all so vividly fire fire everywhere and then darkness i'm already bored i'm just going to keep going skipping through this i'm going to find my deserts run by sea brown sugar and orange oysters even the baby news from the species that's not the viewer a stroke of luck i was found by none of the young donut by the name of sweetheart she brought me to her family they took me as one of their own sweetheart and i we grew up together it was a rough childhood we fought frequently but she would always win if i fought back well oh no am i loaded wrong i got quicker running but there's only so far you can run it it was a hard time but even for that suffering i just confirmed but even everything i purpose blah blah blah blah blah blah blah there was a construction camp in my memory after this so i'll fast forward a few years at some point bluff sweetheart and i felt deeply in love became engaged and moved to a giant castle to give her we were inseparable here and i we loved each other dearly i would do anything for and i mean anything i was ready to spend the rest of our lives together blah blah to grow old blah blah and to raise hundreds upon hundreds of children i'm thinking about now i would have ever made that clear to her anyway continue my story alas all good times must come to an end as sweetheart's fan base grew she and i grew apart as well she began receiving gifts and letters from suitors all over the universe asking for a chance to prove their love to her being her one true love always fam verbally against this notion but she wouldn't have it sweetheart is for sharing she would say [Music] so one night while i was asleep sweetheart and her servant tied me up and sealed me inside the walls of her castle i've been wandering aimlessly for the darkness and set the walls ever since surviving off old toast and tofu fast forward a few more years blah blah and that brings us to now blah blah yes you for the flash first living beings i said last because it's going to be last soon as i leave i've seen since that fateful day wow sir that's a really um shocking story oh sweetheart why did you do it was i not good enough for you well sorry about everything we're gonna go now wait i'm not finished yet blah blah blah blah blah for the last few years i've had a long time to think i can't keep up with my dreams all that stuff now blah blah it all seems so far in pointless blah blah so i've decided to drop everything and become an artist oh god instead blah blah blah can we leave i got loot to find [Music] oh and since i'm just starting out i suppose i can give you all a discount to my first ever masterpiece i'll only charge you a thousand clams here's one clem well what do you guys think one thousand clams is kind of steep isn't it please commission me okay you sound like an internet artist we will think about oh yes yes of course you take your time [Music] i will stand right here until then fine do it for the completionism [Music] please return after some more adventuring oh my god you bear it's barely done when i load back in the screen i will disappoint you is it done [Music] god you suck you're already disappointing me can't get it done within one second all right let's start exploring you want to waste at last i'm free it's a gift for me useless [Music] hey era these items we can break they just oh man a wish bone look [Music] a sand sculpture peculiar old geezer this is a big area we have to like dig in here wow it's a big apple yeah it is the big apple [Music] oh man there's apple juice near the big apple [Music] oh man [Music] welcome to orange oasis where the mood shines brighter i'm riccoli raviolia food hobbyist a hamstring fanny pack is such a small kangaroo i have to ponder that for a little bit hmm i am a tofu kanna sure wait khan khanna sure love all kinds of tofu each piece of tofu is unique and deserves to be enjoyed individually you treat me ten toefl give you a snack that i have gathered from any tofu related journeys [Music] wonderful take this not as delicious food in exchange it's a time please enjoy it as much as i will enjoy these 10 very unique pieces of tofu small candies not for sale get some milk get some peach soda orange juice i thought it was gonna be orange soda but no it's orange juice [Music] who likes orange soda what's going on here buns [Music] you got treasure map sweet [Music] okay is where the giant wishbone i think i saw on there when we got here i think these are just like a fun thing i don't know if these actually lead to anything important [Music] weird equally weird meow [Music] done [Music] oh my god this music it's like a shoot em up arcade game yeah you teach them no plenty less [Music] no oh god we're recovering in milkshake cool hey what's going on here bread the legends speak of a pair of twins who got the orange oysters under the watchful eye is that they have the power to raise the dead among other things i don't know that was much true about these legends but when they made it interesting they raised my dad's sister hey what are you my croissant is upside down and struggling to flip over sure flip it over you flip the croissant over get out your little guy thanks okay oh wait the wishbone wait not that [Music] wishbone i don't know how i should have came down here but we're here [Music] guys where are we you should have listened why didn't we [Music] listen scared me i was like ghost things aren't really that strong here i think those weren't [Music] oh god the sweet dessert enemies [Music] everything's like some kind of adventure time city really long i'm gonna go the opposite way cause i'm a rebel wait a minute you really want me to go this way but what happens if i go this way instead you should listen why did i feel like something different was gonna happen i don't know why i felt something like the different what's gonna happen you know what i mean but turns out nope life is just predictable [Music] that's how b okay this time something's gonna be different here we know that's the correct way sorry i couldn't resist this whole area is just one giant joke that's what i meant to you a joke let's player you did it good for you god what's the point of that hey how you doing who are you got a quest for me come back here no seriously miss palmy has been taking care of us forever she's always been so loving and caring i wish i could give her something super special um welcome to my house i take care of children who don't have a family of their own it's a bit empty around here lately so i always worry the children who are left will start getting lonely good for you peanut what are you i simply said don't have a huge tunnel but secretaries no one knows about is that the one i fell in there's just never a dull moment in this house is that right victor wha hello and welcome please make yourselves at home your home is useless to me no loot no secrets i'm leaving donut huh what was that sonny did you say something i can barely see nowadays but i can still make out some shapes i can tell you're all some strange looking donuts bread themed fridge full of bread my granddaughter really visits but she sent me a postcard every now and then she seems to be doing well toast there's a photo hanging out from one of the books [Music] wow fan service also sweetheart is in fact a donut confirmed so everyone calls her donut my sweet jelly filled donut that means this is her house you slip the photo back in the book doing that whole [Music] now did you wish for the ability to be a humanized donut or were you always a humanized donut maybe we should do not care my dear brother orange or orange joe this message finds his way to you please come home hey uh what are you doing my name is orange joe and i'm throwing oranges well it's so cool but why because i'm looking for my long-lost twin brother or orang joe we'll separate our birth from my citrusy heart i know they're still out there somewhere each one just describes a message explaining who i am and how to find me i'm hoping that i throw these in all directions one of them will reach him and leave him back to me oh that's so sweet and sour hope you find your brother eventually thank you young lady i know how well my body is healthy full of hope and vigor but just in case if you happen to see my twin please give him this orange crest i know we'll leave him with me up somehow if you're not my dear friend orange joe we'll find your brother for sure hey the blood orange it gives you a lot of juice kind of like the coconut but not as much um it's actually worse than the coconut in every way maybe i was supposed to maybe i found the coconut at like the wrong time like the coconut later to your weapon you know i mean i was supposed to come here first pluto come on wherever you are kevin space points all the parts went off somewhere between urgency we didn't want to do this to look for captain space boy's last planet pluto hmm where could he be let me check the fast travel station oh water it's so clear it's like i can see a whole different world in him maybe oh my god pancake buns kill him i mean good tonight oh you're a ghost [Music] hmm wait where was i going again i think my memory isn't what it used to be you've a spooky map the beard ghost yeah what do you got there not to top hats party oh it sure is i get going before the food gets cold come on you can eat buffet poop no it's ong [Music] orange waste is mostly full of senior folks who've been around since who knows how long i have my hopes this place could be a flourishing city there's plenty of land for development this whole world disappears when i wake up what do you call cheese it isn't yours nacho cheese i like it hey are you the reason these things are around everywhere these all spaces that mark in them i have hit my most precious belongings yes because my face were numbered but lightly ain't hard i would break smash any harder it would break e oh wait let's get revisit some areas [Music] so swan shimmering stir it intently yes welcome to rain town you thought this be the orange dimension but no it's rain town whether it be the orange dimension that's stupid [Music] honey soup here in raintown it's always seems to be raining a bit most ideal weather conditions for a picnic but that's never stopped me before yeah anytime there's a good time for a picnic that's right kill anytime's a good time especially with [Music] friends yummy thanks for the super mari i don't exist this soup is so delicious can i have some seconds please what's wrong guys is there something wrong with my soup blazing around the rain is fun and all but eating it rain is a whole number thing i can't tell the rain ends in the soup begins [Music] you have to turn the valve wait some pots some empties i'm not around first bearing in my area ah it's raining too hard let's make it slightly uncomfortable there's a mystical valve number which controls our rainfall but only the chosen one is able to turn it if no one helps us we're doomed to be slightly uncomfortable forever [Music] you uh let me turn to the right [Music] you're the hero right nice i saved rain town marina has been adjusted need think you've chosen one you'll remember your act of kindness forever what's that child you want to go with them are you sure if that is your wish chosen one this child wishes to join you on your quest she's yours now oh please take good care of her got veggie kid go forth heroes your journey awaits you [Music] uh um what is it is it an item hold up it is oh it's a pretty decent one i'll open some items here and bread [Music] greetings thank you for talking to me [Music] hey you're the nicest person i know [Music] what's up everybody how you doing this atmosphere is top notch could ruben make some good fruit juice loose up a little breathe easy it's gonna cool those brain muscles some tunes take a load off online we're gonna chill [Music] useless red what the f [Music] i have no idea why that person was on fire but i hope someone puts them out [Music] someday nice was that like dull don't worry me yeah we can swim now i'm assuming maybe you could come to this area earlier but you couldn't do everything let's touch the bread you want poke the big toast oh oh i'm bread it's been slightly brown some kind of machine that brown spread maybe you call this toes oh god i'm out where you what is all this this this is all-purpose flour ah my nose all itchy stuff right there no goodness can't you all read directions y'all should be ashamed of yourselves my family and i have been guarding this treasure for generations the garden ain't easy because of people like you i may be old and frail now but my eyesight may not be so good and i may be the only one left but i've spent a lifetime doing this and i've gotten real good at gardening i reckon i can't remember when i'm gone that's probably whatever's hitting that board looking safe in the left corner of the room you know i'm gonna have to ask you all to leave peacefully being a natural mall and all i could take my way out of here in three seconds flat there ain't nothing special about this place so how about i save you all some trouble get you out of here nope you wanna stay and enjoy the place all right if you insist if we look around and all the summoning circle may be old but still works like a charm no funny business or else what's going on meow meow look a number there low don't think i'll open up that same safe there's definitely no combination anything like that around these parts sacrifice the loaf sesame slice and sourdough i just like run away didn't even deal with this [Music] holy crap [Music] oh why are so many creepy pastas oh no and a coffee pasta how unoriginal [Music] well those things are tough [Music] where's the living bread [Music] oh my god [Music] oh cool whoa puppy took cause of good tidings for you sound what a willpower tip will give you some puppet chip nose you will enjoy peptide gives you bread thanks puppet chip puppy chip sees you on that plate of opening cookies i'm just warned you now for your own sake don't do it [Music] ben oh it's just a bun that's just typical cupcake bunny what am i worried about juice me [Music] oh oh we are we gonna sacrifice the cat uh oh we've made a terrible mistake why did we sacrifice the cat what do we think was gonna happen say we pop a chip it's a hush puppy oh my god well at least it's not like crazy hmm [Music] uh you can't make me scared my life is too sad for me to be scared [Music] shhh i'd like to just responding wall help me what a tornado yes one tarnation indeed 720169 i can't put in six you found a recipe for disaster ingredients we agree these hush puppies really badly [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh god there's too many hush puppies [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh god [Music] no we'll look at the recipe afterwards okay let's put the recipe for disaster back temporarily [Music] and let's go and save it looks like we're going to do something disastrous because you know what's a recipe why are you on fire they're just avoiding me they're talented okay can we pick up the oatmeal now listen here papa chip has saved a great deal of explorers from one of them of the four dangers of these tombs there's like some papa chip survives step away from the oatmeal cookies please travelers papa chip is begging you don't do it don't help me should pressure long lines just looking so fruitless oh you've done it now oh dory you've done it now how much you can't look hey it's fine what's the worst that can happen uh this is just her dad isn't it oh that nefarious chip he's nefarious ever shown the painful truth of things [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh oh oh there's maybe no joke no that wasn't too bad yet gonna make you go past that emotional level like make you really sad or is that just for bosses [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're pretty tanky [Music] not attacking against her attacks [Music] [Applause] oh no he's stroking his mustache [Music] oh [Music] your video defense mamma mia he is skinny hot in here no oh no oh no cookies [Music] [Applause] really do much [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] yep you can't beat the sad enraged combo nope can't beat the saturn rage combo [Music] you win [Music] oh look i learned stare [Music] and sheer food [Music] let's do bad hero and a friend recover some heart well uh hero heroes i never really fear hero dying [Music] maybe i should put this on [Music] there's all the faux stats that's not useful well you're full sad build hmm hop a chip is supposed to warn you of danger that's nefarious chip it seems that the various chip was no match for you so chocolate chip is just useless son yep i might be back before i do the terrible recipe for disaster go save and heal again all right now the recipe for disaster sacrifice the mole only went into our nation oh god it feels terrible you sacrifice the cat that we're gonna sacrifice the mole sorry buddy i do it for the loot for england james the portal has been opened uh oh crap run i'm freaking running except for the falling part that was bad you died did i i'm a ghost where am i where's my party life jam life jam revive me use light gem and aubrey this is like using a phoenix town on earth or omar you saved me apparently thank you i thought it was toast for sure use lifetime and kill ah where am i oh hey guys what'd i miss use lifetime and hero welcome back hero how are you feeling i feel dizzy whoa hey where are we i don't know a place where all the ben toast goes well we sure as heck aren't toast anymore let's hurry find a way out of here oh okay they gave us the ability to save down there there's my new fresh bread tomorrow's menu fresh bread intruders began living toast oh you're the previous moles who glossed over this place our masters did not sleep so never do we day in day out that's fresh bread fresh bread fresh bread donut the masters have been receiving more quests as of late must be reaching the limit soon you smell like father father's alive it seems since we actually thrown into the summoning vault i feel like this is a trend that's happened homemade strawberry jam let's go i see so it was all bread all along let's get in doughy [Music] we were born to make bread forever day in and day out fresh bread fresh bread fresh bread it's a hard line and it's not very rewarding but this is all we have we just have to be grateful right biscuit oh that's right brother this has always been our life trapped in an endless circle of bread oh oh hey oh this is where the wheeling was coming from ah the bread is spoken i knew that bread would come back to haunt us eventually come biscuit we must destroy them before they destroy us first wait a second we're not oh oh oh you guys got pretty good style though nice bread [Music] stare no i'm not just gonna swim and doodle make all friends angry [Music] stop being happy hero [Music] oh crap [Music] oh my jam [Music] they put pretty hard though shun them let's focus on being a little calm here you heal everyone up first no you must remain sad [Music] the whole point of this combos everyone it remains sad [Music] hey bottom juice to mori [Music] and kill audrey i feel like she's gonna take a hit oh crap bread but i was right about the aubry thing [Music] nor the bread go for the twins [Music] i'm not sure if i can make you any more like let's do normal attacks for the moment [Music] let's juice hero you do a group heal maybe i should just have you do the uh hold up we're gonna trip you keep you sad i'm gonna go keep you in a sad loop where you keep like trying to unstand yourself [Music] fresh bread fresh bread every day it's fresh bread oh now they're naturally sad this works for me i can make you sadder give this little bread at least juice hero kill us again [Music] well hero can heal before they uh [Music] maybe you can thin off the spread over here slowly i'm gonna focus on them juicing here would kill him right now maybe bad [Music] ricochet i think i'm gonna keep your juice for the moment uh just attack normally for a moment right now but we cool hero from the drink i'll use a uh release energy to wipe out the uh the bread [Music] oh it's so it's a hamburger bun get it [Music] doomed to pray for all eternity aren't we biscuit [Music] oh [Music] let's keep up attacks [Music] keep audrey alive hold out for that group attack wipe out all the adds oh my god [Music] uh uh let's keep up the regular attacking for the moment [Music] yeah i figured over here oh that's bad [Music] okay keep things calm a bit [Music] okay release energy now okay there goes the living bread and the bun oh more didn't have one though which is good what else applause what do you do biscuit oh oh we're on the brink um we need to heal well the first one to go would be kell okay so kell you're gonna be a little quick back up healer [Music] where's my heart stuff don't use spaghetti that's a really good healing item fish taco is pretty good pizza slices too i think a waffle will do it you cook for yourself oh i killed hero again it's fine let's do a normal attack until we get hero back up yeah they would take albu down they they basically do a hard 200 damage almost [Music] okay [Music] we're going to start using items here for the group need a group heal going to use a whole pizza snow cone is too good ramen would work but that's only for one person so the way it's going to go you're going to drop that [Music] just as poppy gets revived [Music] and i'm not going to attack with you actually i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just attack and i might be using your heel in a pinch [Music] or another went for kill right off the bat [Music] no never mind it's fine i understand their speed okay things are reset [Music] now let's restore everyone's juice a bit the mango smoothie will kind of cover [Music] that yeah good get everyone angry we're in a good spot right now so we can chase after that damage [Music] so i forgot something in the oven come on i think this fight's over i think they're just gonna keep forgetting stuff and you're like they're just that depressed [Music] do [Music] no there it goes it's like one missed though [Music] the defense should be lower really low and everything have almost nothing left oh [Music] power hit it again [Music] [Music] cook [Music] someone just going for normal attack this is going to be the kill that's the aubry our resources have been depleted what we do without ingredients [Music] oh the next wee deep down rally [Music] we're all out of juice it seems that this was in for us biscuit oh wait we're not bread we're kids just like you you you mean you're not here to destroy us of course not well i don't know about that we would never attack unprovoked yep just like those uh little moles we stole tickets from you hear that biscuit we're saved that's back to baking fresh bread fresh bread fresh bread oh and what about us hey so how long have you guys been baking bread here didn't you want to go outside and get some fresh air oh if only that were possible we trapped us with the inception of the universe well that sounds like a pretty long time i think you both deserve a break what that's preposterous what's meaning to our lives have you not spent baking bread oh to play game boy if we leave our bread making stations what will we do of ourselves this is the only life we know and yet my morbid curiosity overwhelms me that poor up there is able to transport us out of this place we've used it countless times to fill our bread summonings but we've never seen the other side for ourselves but we have let me tell you it's big awesome world out there full of taxes an internet i think it's about time that you guys start exploring new possibilities tempting well what do you think biscuit oh i'm listening yes but ah that is true all right we've changed our minds we want to leave this place sucks oh biscuit you've always been afraid to use the portal perhaps it's time for change come on brother let's experience our first taste of freedom oh no this is the ladder the hole oh that was an adventure okay so what's the dino dig let's take this out all nuts and one down dollar shaft from a silver spoon i'm going to shop where my logs is trolls you dino dollars my spoons point on me i'll help you out okay i get the quest from you i don't reach your head buddy the food pyramid has a knack for funny lost things ancient artifacts old relics lost in time possibilities are endless that's not what this down dick thing is hey there little adventures introverse welcome to donald's dig i'm dino the founder of dinostig are you hungry for treasure ready to have a spoonful of adventure so you've come to the right place mcdonald's did we have to create the ultimate treasure hunting adventure which you can experience for the low price of herd clams did you enjoy the fun excitement of digging for treasure dinotastic what do we do all right kiddos first thing first there's dinos dig we dig with spoons so you don't have a spoon give you a potato spoon for free choose which one you like to use [Music] there you go right alan brover you're quick learning aren't ya that's what's with think side the food pyramid you'll build uncover super rare treasure from all over the universe and the best part is you get to keep anything you find that's a dino guarantee let me tell you about our dig site the food pyramid has four levels you always start on the first level but if you're lucky you might just find a pyramid key unlocks the permit gate to the next level there you go the bare treasure will be there's the catch each spoon has limited amount of uses before breaks for example potato spoons break after you dig five times your spoon breaks stretch your hand ends permanent gets closed and we'll call you back to the entrance yes now it's time for a downward disclaimer christopher's instagram we'll find food pyramid during the round you might find some troublesome critters looking for a fight when liable for any damages to you or your property during adventure you dig could have knocked out during battle will be real game over that's pretty much it also for you is go up these stairs and smell sweet food pyramid air and start digging have a dynotastic adventure hector oh hector could it be it's really you come on hit her back in my pocket you go it'll be just like old times ah gal my old friend i'm so sorry i'm afraid things have changed they can no longer accompany you you see i have a family now [Music] wait hector jr what are you doing are you saying you want to join them that's more than likely just staying here oh hector jr i understand you well even those old still new i'll have fun once leave all memorable adventures together go on and join them chuck hector jr into his pocket you got hector jr okay yeah just like that i i guess it's a farewell then thank you for never giving up and find mikael hector jr you'd be good okay don't forget your family we're always here for you well the next week meet you'll have force in the wonderful polish rock don't worry hector of the good character i know you will kill shouldn't lose him this time all right i won't i promise right i only got two dino dollars final uncle treasure i'll be doing the dynastic adventure oh here we go howdy ho youngins you might do me a favor you just scratched an inch for me it's my bomb so i can't really get to it just absolutely killing me [Music] i got you buddy you scratch scott's bottom ah much better they must be the kids to scratch my itch what a huge relief you take this it's me have too many of these things she'll come in handy one way or another hard hat say safe kids they can't thank you enough no oh [Music] huh hey am i who are you wait a sec you look kind of familiar that body shape that citrusy exterior it's undeniable you must be orange joe's twin rubber boring joe my name is orange joe and i have a twin brother yeah he's looking for you all this time hey take this he told us to give it to you you're surrounded by oranges i just realized this you give orange joe the orange crest this this crest could it be ever since i was young i've looked everywhere from my true home the only thing i've had to my name was this pendant with orange shaped crest engraved on it is it when it appears with this orange crest oh makes so much sense now i know who i am it must be orange yo brother i don't believe my eyes it really is you [Music] yes brother it's me i'm in the show there's no mistake i can feel my citrusy heart oh i've missed you dear brother yes my body's full of hope and vigor i'll wait for this day your last day forever that's us embrace what's going on here what's thank you children i have thought about my dear brother for every day of my life and now he's finally here you see this a token my appreciation [Music] thanks for the thing i can just buy for 300 like clams yes thank you for reminding us we still want to find my one true home take this gift from me yeah oh 600 clamps let me correct myself you're too gracious here brother submissions mean let's walk together open bigger like a citrus commercial [Music] okay [Music] what the hell there's real buns and real chickens here it's a real rabbit what [Music] oh [Music] does this count to the bun quests [Applause] [Music] what all the rabbit does just wink at us we just murdered it [Music] hey chicken [Music] [Applause] nice wait treasure buns i'm not doing with you right now okay [Music] i mean x [Music] oh man there we go [Music] chicken [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what the hell [Music] make skill happy if sad was removed kale gains flex interesting actually well interesting it's not it's interesting that's why it's really sad that's just like an improved taunt chicken ball yes let's get you a different something different in stats [Music] no nice snow cone tickets pizza wannabe juice dino clumps i don't know what that is more dino clumps sure top of the pyramid the best loots up here which we just got thank you fossil there we cleared everything on the highest levels okay i guess i found your item i didn't know what it was wow is that a thank you fossil oh that's what he want never seen one of those before that'll make a perfect gift for miss palmy you're giving this to me well thank you i found this in the fireplace earlier you can use it snow cone ticket nice heehee this probably would be surprise surprise when i give you this thank you fossil [Music] oh you haven't given two yet okay useless for now yo is this thing done yet oh thank god oh i just threw out okay give me a break i want my money back well are you happy with my masterpiece so you know as my skills become more formidable my commission mates will also increase next month's piece will cost you 5 000 clams nope oh that's fine sorry i'm sure someone else will recognize the true artist when they see one whatever the last piece at you will be like good it's just it just remains a scam till the end thanks useless for now okay i think i got everyone here [Music] huzzah the feast is saved now let the festivities begin there not be a boss fight [Music] [Music] so what i game for that my good man you have my eternal crash dude do enjoy this gift for me [Music] oh sweet would you okay you're all getting loot i don't care about your face just being able [Music] nice waffle [Music] big robin fruit juice question mark [Music] wow that's that's pretty good [Music] you
Channel: ManlyBadassHero
Views: 415,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OMORI, let's play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Horror Game, Indie Game, Gameplay, Video Game
Id: 9rCcL67DFJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 1sec (6661 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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