Clown In A House - A Cute & Creepy Visitor Is In Your House, Say Hi! / ALL 20 ENDINGS

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hey everyone this is manly badass zero and welcome to clown in a house a game that may or may not be a horror game where you play a lonely clown that explores the house perhaps this house is your house who knows hello i'm surprised to see you back in my home well not you but someone like you honestly i was comfortable being alone however i'll admit it's nice to have a visitor with me i see you're using a keyboard hey hi you can move around using classic wasd or the arrow keys you can almost interact with things using space mouses are using items and objects and shift is used for running i'll also note additionally that this may be a horror game it might not be uh there was a creepy clown or maybe a not so creepy clown depending on your perspective on the cover but maybe it's just a game about a clown maybe it's clowns you know like i said lonely it's in your house i mean it's house i mean your house that's a nice pen i know it is because i put it there hey i'm sitting i'm a clown ah sitting the best thing to do in a moment like this this is also a game of a lot of endings so this is a little ending hunting game it gives you a moment to reflect and figure out what you're doing here no time for sitting we have a house to explore i send this one uh what's in here a not quite human mask with a decentralized nose so it's in the cabinet normally something of use there are two drawers when it's held close of an old rusted lock the other security chains you know it's because you're actually looking at or because i told you that you see it it's a nice clock but the hands are stuck i guess time really is just a concept i don't probably not acting as excited as i should be to see you again i just want to get my hopes up i'm sure you understand the door is locked like my soul there's a bronze key holding the door any keys here a mantle piece looks as empty as you oh no poor clown is just like me this window reveals what is outside the house but would rather you not stand near the windows please thanks it's a door you're not allowed to open it because it leads outside going outside is not allowed why is it because it's the void out there this door is secured by silver padlock okay so we have two doors secured by locks of differing colors it's too hard to go down there without a light and we have a place where we can't go because there's no light we find a small piece of paper under the chair what to find and how to start in this house dare you feel my heart that was just my guess oh whoa what's that i don't know you left it there i found something dig around the pond plan to find a silver key i'm sorry i feel like i might have tricked you use the silver key to unlock the door good job thanks i'm a pretty clever clown you can't go back i just went back what are you gonna do about some of them are watching me watching them watch me hey those notes are private you might not looking at them i find interesting before begin to open doors and explore this makes me both excited and nervous i don't think i know your name my name is kirk what's yours um clown kind of quiet eh i can see these situations up to me to give you a name you're a bright and colorful individual kinda like a geode you know a colorful rock you know what the first idea is always the best so be it you have a name now geode the clown said the show if you find an axe handle well i'll need the rest of the axe for this to work so at the moment it's not exactly what i need yet table of two blades sitting on you cannot have those so what was going on over here with that thing pick up a wire coat hanger hmm there's a fun display it's amazing how many things you put on shelves do you need to go to the bathroom maybe you need a moment to reflect you ever thought about how bathrooms are like a safe place where you can be alone with your thoughts never mind i'll leave you alone now um this plunger will be useful as badly as you want this point to play role in your game for a long experience it won't okay you want call me out game sorry that's just how it works way to plunge my hopes you think it's not clogging like this thing below it [Music] it looks like something's stuck in the drain but it's out of reach um can i bend this use the wire container you fish out a door bolt why am i using a door bolt the hamper full clothes doesn't fit you wait oh wait actually there's a door handle on the bottom of the basket hey you reach into the basket and take it i guess i just need a second to realize it was there if only on something sharp then i could learn more you could use a towel to take off your makeup however that would just get the towel dirty and that would be irresponsible like homestuck cosplayers see how the closet remember we just printed this door doesn't exist i appreciate it this door is missing a bolt and a handle put the bolt in the door put the handle on the back of the door this house has a few strangers in it well that's for the least no one is perfect sorry the painting here represents duality of man observe the colors in the shadows and the compositions of peace it's a statement a subtle message that conveys look i'm just gonna level video i can't remember what i was talking about it's not really in my head that suddenly poof it's gone i don't know what we're doing but we're doing something because we're fixing up our makeup a large bookkeeping small box you open the small box reveal a tiny book you send a handbook looking for the bronze key there's not going to be anything in the key is there oh thank god sorry i just want to have some fun because i find a rusty key they're not getting closer oh god no clown no you're friendly right look like i've gone to the great clown heaven in the clown sky because i clowned myself i guess i was consumed that ending [Music] oh my god well just respond me here okay so i think this is a horror game hmm my clown's well about the blood's still here oh no ordinary books and toys good feeling that would live in this house must have been pretty scattered so let's not go near that other clown this pen has a twin on the other side of the door that's when the neighbors down the door there's a couch facing right plenty of room left and that's all right i'm hungry no no no no i'm hungry i was dreaming of one day being lit on fire this is a little complicated work with me okay there's a horrible darkness keeping you from entering you mean the darkness in my soul also there's a gold lock in center of the door those two things are what's keeping you out that's for the bronze room didn't work [Music] okay what do i use the pillow for [Music] feed the pillow to the the man-eating clown the used rusty unlock the door and find a box of matches do that we need to get into the chains the matchstick box does that count as a light source you've got a match down the staircase why'd you do that they're coming to gas leak you could destroy this all i need like a proper light uh i can't let them see you yet you're not ready i am let's go hey there's nothing here what's this a spatula we pick up the spatula now i can open the clown burger place together we serve nothing but burgers with a clown theme help yourself to wherever teether is if you can not so well the street is seeing out i wasn't expecting company there's blood in the window or wine could've been a hell of a party don't stand by the windows i don't want them to see you the pie has been singing for a while i wouldn't eat it hey stool this gas stove what the only door here is inside your mind you can lock the door that isn't real i guess having a strong imagination can't solve anything without action find a kitchen knife you can be careful of that can i stab another clown with this there's more blood there's a drain stopper plugging in the sink dry paint sets the bomb over the bare ceramic oh it's paint sure the bread has been in the open for a while there's still butter in the knife i still keep seeing flashing things the old-timey stove looks like a keeping force faced with a horn plant full of optimism how cute optimism gone you're not allowed on the patio it's for your own good and mine so we have a knife a pillow a spatula an axe handle a matchstick box and a step stool this should be enough for the a-team [Music] you find the sync with your knife but it remains empty like your soul cut the bread there's already a bread knife here two would be too many are you even listening to me back with the windows [Music] you gotta slice the pie for yourself unfortunately you cannot eat it so you put it back what's the point all right we're gonna stab the thing it worked oh no the cops oh my god the the clock the clown cops you killed him why did you do that oh no it wasn't me it was the clown i mean the other clown i mean who was the most pleasant person to be around but you can't just stab your problems away yeah i can i just did this is bad this is really bad do you hear that oh that's the police you're in a lot of trouble now you're gonna go straight to jail for murder i gotta go i can't be seen with you anymore i i don't even see you get the cop ending oops i guess i'm still dreaming [Music] dark dream consumed now are they permanently dead because when we die before to them i mean left the blood stain yeah they're gone uh just ignore that that's a knife wheeling meaning i came through here stabbing up the place gee i wonder who would do that hey pick up free stuff bear dude knife i could open the bear wait i did i said you've won the gold key but at what cost your bear will never be the same this is a very passive aggressive game clock hands will move this is not the first time i felt this feeling it was more painful before these are really personal you think you could like not but an axe head in your nightstand nice oh hey you got some axe parts this machine there's no way to combine them in your inventory you know i did notice that there might be some other way it feels naked without a pillow wrong bed oh i love how you check things twice there's a strange toward me to plastic not to mention that's locked when we have a gold key didn't work let's have the stab the door your knife bounces right off the door it must be laminated okay cold lock place the gold key to unlock the door the doors go lock is removed but the dark force still blocks entry i told you it's complicated to explain hmm let's light the matches between the uh candles use the matches like the candle is this gonna unlock a secret chest because zelda [Music] the horrible darkness has been vanquished for now okay it's like castlevania what's the i know like when it goes tonight it's like oh it's a horrible night to have a curse but what is the morning it's something like the morning sun vanishes the night it's something like that from castlevania too i'm sorry you had to see that the gentleman you met earlier doesn't have a name so i call him howdy he was around a lot more when i was younger how he makes people feel good and always brings a circus with him he'll give you a costume and treat you like a ringmaster we've made some good memories together which is probably why he's so persistent although let's move on for real this time sometimes thing on table i'd be confused with the plants in the rest of the house because this one is on a table i honestly want to punish him with honesty hey look free bucket this plant is trying to grow but stuck he was just a late bloomer here stab it smash forward you see a slip of paper sticking out from behind the clock don't forget to order plane tickets cryptic you can't paint costly but it's too high on the shelf place a step stool on the ground next to the shelf using a step stool you can now pick up the paint that's high up on the shelf you feel taller as powerful as standing up make you feel i'm sure there are things you can do right now inside the little dresser drawer you find a tiny sparkle of hope small baby crowbar gordon freeman really didn't plan for that but okay you have the world's tiniest crowbar how we grow big and strong just got planet that was a little too zany maybe the door is not blocked from the other side you try to pry the plastic with your tiny crowbar it's steadfast this you put all your friend to prime the ports loose there's no change they must be taped on pretty well tape the wood of the handle is that's a superior wood door okay it's that superior wood can't this tower handle can't beat it [Music] so geo walks up to the tub and uses an iphone well is this something he would do [Music] is the type of character that's so uncaring and shut down from horrors what he's witnessed so far they could even allow this or am i forcing this upon him as a master bury angle to prove how machina are so important to each other does it matter do i give it my own responsibility deep into who he really is [Music] geo is that what you really want it looks like you've made your decision what did i do what did i do wait no no i wanted to know everything about you how you worked felt and fought i figured if i knew everything there was to learn about you i would feel complete but i still feel empty i guess learning about you was the best part and i know your secrets the magic is gone i don't care anymore i guess i've outgrown you oh well gotta run to the store and pick up groceries [Music] help [Music] oh god is there a cg for this oh my god i guess i'm addicted to exploration [Music] wow this game is i thought it was gonna be like a little bit a little bit later we're gonna get to the dark stuff i thought maybe maybe it'll actually be kind of funny like a funny dark game no we just skinned a clown specifically ourselves but yeah did this permanently change because of that oh no no thanks i know enough about him now that way that's implying that's a different clown so it's a new clown every time [Music] you can't stab your way to have his personal thoughts wait the spatula can defeat it why do you want to go there so badly before the accident gets the door and it bounces off like rubber it does because i say it does okay it didn't land blade first he did not throw it that way okay we got the crowbar to break the chains so drawer you find a paint brush there's paint in the paintbrush so there's no way to combine them inventory i wonder where we can use this [Music] hmm what needs to be painted can you break this you stab the window but your blade bounces right off oh yeah we can paint a door you can't do that the payment get everywhere you should pour on something first sink you pour the paint into the sink good thinking and then this you have the paintbrush in the sink coating of paint you're ready to explore your creative potential [Music] you softly paint the door this is truly your masterpiece five minutes from now you'll absolutely hate it and just give up in your dreams new area who does this penny belong to you me it's hard to say it's when i'm building a home it's mine it's like giving birth but you have to let your child down to the world to be scrutinized hated loved or judged once it's out there it's not yours anymore so that i want to go back to one of my old homes and tell people their drapes were ugly their car patio looks cheap and lazy but that would be trespassing see the last bear lost his head it's probably the best if you stay away from stuffed toys hmm stab it oh i hate these they're so frustrating because they show up at the worst time especially when i try to force them to go away let's just leave them for now maybe it'll disappear you can't stab all your money problems wait what no there's just two on the nose you try to use a spatula to scrape the blobs off the wall one of the places look at you perturbed one pillow many books out there should be a little more picky but when you put your precious time into reading you always change the direction even when you change the direction you want to be in i mean it's true right ding-dong hmm where would that be locked again this is ex-most functional house while the door's been locked and such plan is attractive it's doing its best to make you feel something you really look into the drawers but they're all empty like your soul there's a sword on the shelf neat this key may or may not be dangerous the one way to find out oh it's the patio key anyway let's check the front door we did hear a ding-dong coming oh mail what's this someone nailed this letter how exciting oh wait it's a bill typical someone reaches out to make a personal meaningful connection it turns out to be a stranger wanting my money let's get rid of it okay so i'm really nervous about this i do want you go out there but i also don't want to lose you you had me skin myself yeah whatever it's not like i care about you or anything will you be sunderer just be careful can you move oh no it's a chair dimension they've come back for me are you still alive oh thank goodness you're okay well i guess that wasn't so bad after all the juice looks really nice and cold but you can't have any it's for the gas all right there are lots of plants in the home do you wanna do any bear fruit i don't see any bear fruit the painting's in the ground is trash no one wants it it was made long ago when people dealt with pain and death on a daily basis these pains like this to cope and relate to their suffering however people don't die nearly as much anymore everyone lives like kings no it's trash hey free rock pick up the boulder it's a workbench used to some pieces of objects oh i can build the axe the only other tools a giant statue of a cat meow mr scripture must really be in the cats wait stab the cat statue don't step my beautiful cat is what someone else might see if you did that place the accent on the workbench shame all these tools but no way to put them together you need some extra help bills how can you fix the perfection of the boulder no whole cat doesn't want your monetary problems you offer the store cat a new pillow sit on she doesn't want mom boulder the cat is too cool for a rock well picky want some bills they've been like hellfire knocking the door to get you out ben mystery can be a master motivator he's gonna choose where to move forward now they were defeated by bills like everyone is it's a clown you aren't as smart as you think you are this is a chair where the cushion sits and thinks this plant does not exist yet let's try various book tiles you don't recognize each one its own galaxy perfect existence by time and passion you feel guilty knowing you will never read them anything heavy could be placed here boulder oh thank you for placing that boulder there it looks great i've been thinking about ways to decorate this house more really like what you did i'm curious to see what it looked like if it was on the ever platform you might place it over there picked up the boulder what's this applied little rabbit sits on the chair doesn't want any trouble in your haste attacked applied rabbit you accidentally cut yourself did i tell you to be careful obviously you can't be trusted with sharp utensils hmm that looks pretty good i'm not sure if it's good as it was on the other side would you try moving it back okay pick up the boulder oh god i'm bleeding like i'm legitimately bleeding look i'm tracking blood as on this side i'm saying wonder if it would actually make more sense moving back to the other side you know i'm not really matching as much on this side as i did the other you just move it back i'm sure i'll feel it again i know you're working very hard to move this back and forth and you're doing an amazing job i just need to feel that this belongs to me so if you could just move back to the other side one more time i'm sure this will be last time um i'm walking a little bit slower as i cut the boulder i don't know this still isn't perfect need to be perfect that people will say kirk this is the best house you ever created and you lead your team like a king they'll ask how do you do it how do you get people to work so hard for you and i'll probably proclaim it's because i have a natural charisma of creative people by telling them what to do and how to do it i'm therefore created by proxy this situation is a rarity you're the first person this has happened to so bear with me move that boulder one last time [Music] come on clown go i know it's getting late and you're getting tired but it's important that you keep going if you don't do it for me do it for the team team you and me and manly let's go let's do it [Music] you seem to be slowing down that's no good the success of my home depends on you between the work hard you know what might motivate you free boo free beer and pizza yum does that sound good you don't drink okay weirdo how about this morning i have something that is true to motivate you a validated signed official very real certificate of exposure you hereby expose the hundreds of thousands of people who will see your work and know that you exist geo the clown is awarded a certificate exposure congratulations sign kirk s hey if you're exposed to this clown through my video leave a comment prove that the clown certificate exposure actually worked let the motivation course for your body now you rejuvenate go ahead and move that boulder to every side of the room [Music] come clown die [Music] no still isn't it last time i promise move the boulder back and then we'll be done forever [Music] we did it no i'm dead waitress never clown what you get my boulder that's not quite right why don't you take that bullet in place on the other platform what i guess that was a tool [Music] okay so let's go i'm still bleeding let's go back i'm curious what's going on is it be like a dead clown right there yes what's the point of the pull just to kill me in the end [Music] you set this alarm for well it's set you can feel your eyelids getting heavy pillow you fluff the pill and put on the bed you can feel your eyelids getting heavier [Music] the alarm is set but something is missing putting books far too many a knife a spatula you can't focus here i'm not comfortable in the front of this mirror some are king summer clones you are nothing i mean considering how disposable these clouds have been the old door is long from the other side you find a way in without a key [Music] you see two blocks i'm picking up oh no now i can repair the axe from the distance the shelf looks normal you look close and realize the books are all painted on can we scrape this off no will this bleeding ever stop using tools in the accent to handle you assemble the axe i'm personally excited axe cited because it's an axe which means i have to use an axe pun it's like it's law part of the uh the the axe pun code oh great things not have to board this back up hey these are like the heads of the things we encountered i'm trapped here forever i'm rotting from the inside who am i i'm not here anymore did you know that spider silk is pretty hard to harvest and sells for a lot i hate looking all this waste of potential you're trying to figure out whether this painting is so captivating do you feel a little closer to the person who made it i have a confession i helped make this in a way i helped make everything in this home am i a good artist actually depends whether this painting inspires you destroys you sorry i tend to go on sometimes a plant made of hard plastic it's pretty to be alive i stab these and play with me again your body is my body i'll be back you always come back you can't kill me me with an axe what was the point of this room only we'll find out later when he doesn't think i could use the axon probably yeah can you bust on the door you did it you busted through the door of an axe i don't know why you're thinking this seems familiar like i could have yelled here's g.o and all the work and no play mixed geo blah blah blah but i assure you this idea is completely original and i am no influence by the ideas about to decide this home if that would be cruel of me to take advantage of your nostalgia like that so i won't this home that i created for you is strong enough to stand on zone without lazy calm backs although it was still kind of fun [Music] did you really think you were the only one there i shouldn't stay here too long might get lost because it's not going to soap play more video games that didn't work it's one of those suction cup bath mats and stuff pretty well i think bumpy seems trapped underneath maybe it's a quarter just dispatch on the sticky man and pop the suction cups off the floor but when the edges you find a red key it's not a quarter but it still could be useful sweet it's a porcelain sink it's a little dirty you will never silence me as so much as me hey not kidding now stop snooping around on the toilet you find a tooth for us ooh useful you what's in here toilet it's already clean enough and your brush is already dirty enough does this thing need the red key ricky unlocks the door oh come back to me at least the act the door is locked before the switching wall on the ground shakes see the ground is shaking i'm not just going to tell you but make you feel it but why did you use the switch to make the ground shake let's look around the house if anything's different this is the brightest lamp you've ever seen it's not even lit soaking wet it's a wall flower it doesn't like dancing remove the chair blocking the door if we look around the home now you press the button stab it the shelf is right next to the action best scene at all hmm it's fun going from home to the object trying to find new stuff discovering new things learning more about this home or does it feel like a task needs to be done quickly so you can find the exit it's hard to know wherever you anything is work or fun i used to love building furniture until i realized how stupid and pointless that was i built houses instead houses of the mind in back of one of the dusty shelves you find a note you need to order two plane tickets for next month notice that these are pink colored instead [Music] whether that matters or not [Music] oh this changed oh the door changed uh okay sure this looks promising the end if i note wedge in the crack of the statue 45 82 23 [Music] you're a bright perfect star in the sky and no one will see you word there's nothing inside can i just hit it like this no it didn't [Music] work no effect you may get like a ball you're much too young so 45 82 23. [Applause] would that win you on the front door key inside the uh guess what what congratulations you win there's no need to go any further it's over you both come a long way we know so much more about each other and i feel a great sense of fulfillment knowing that um you know you've come this far and done stuff sweet let's go see you later hey why are you still moving around just let me use that key on stop seriously if you think you're going outside don't you'll die oh wow i'm a clown clowns never die i know i've been acting passive aggressive towards you but the truth is i still need you i've you you you scared me that made me move a boulder around look i'm gonna be honest with you i guess i'm so angry that you left me before i could have treated you a little bit better back then though i understand the truth now you have to be protected i'll keep you safe here if you leave who knows what will happen see you now you're back things have been great again look at all made for you have we been having fun all i wanted was to keep you happy but i guess you don't care nope do we win i think we died oh god it was the void and it was done just like that i felt myself sinking to the couch this is a pretty good show let me just have one more episode before i get up i wonder sometimes how much longer will i be on this side of the screen how long will i say it before he comes back if he doesn't come back am i still alive i guess it doesn't matter just one more was that an ending hello i'm surprised i see you back in my home well not you but someone like you wait a minute is it you did you come back i can't believe it usually you don't return this quickly this gives me tremendous hope that maybe i'm not dead after all i think that if you keep going i might be all right maybe i hope by the way i have a gift for you it's a lamp just my way of saying thanks for coming back going back out again seriously you're leaving again i can't believe you you would never die then not stay with me yep oh are you gonna commentate on the fact that i've done this twice in a row and again he left me i don't understand what i did wrong do i even need him why did i miss him so badly why do i keep returning to him putting myself through this you keep coming back because of me am i special or are you let's go again there must be something wrong with me all right look there has to be a reason you keep coming back and you're meant for something let's keep going and find out oh we're going again that's what's down here your light now [Music] okay oh no you're bleeding how long has this been happening a very long time an even better question might be why is this happening i try to stab a rabbit hey look at that on the floor do you see it that's blood that must mean that someone died that's scary right no you skinned me actually it's not scary at all you wouldn't be scared if you were a dead body this is bear who knows what that body will do he might suddenly turn his head and look at you even start chasing you although it's not doing anything right now it would be much more frightening if the body was moving around oh no it's not doing anything sir this isn't scary this is boring i feel like the more i add the less scary this gets i should focus on making the scarab means something instead of making you just react to it wow that is really profound oh i have an idea let's do a jump scare wait what oh that was not scary either what if i had more sharp teeth that'd make it more scary more teeth more nice no this is all wrong it was the anticipation that made it scary that's it that's what make things scary right the fact that something suddenly catches you off guard leading you down a path where you read a message in suddenly without warning well warning what no this is still wrong jump scares seem to get less scary every time i use them i was an idiot for thinking i could scare you then you're gonna jump scare me now what do i do i played my hand too hard i don't feel like doing anything i'm so depressed maybe i have to take a nap i'll feel better i'm gonna go lay down so i'm scared good night jump scare i guess i didn't know that was an ending you try to jump scare you ending [Music] yeah it's just called the jump scare ending that's it oh god and walk down to the basement void again [Music] it's why is his blood stain here anyways [Music] the shelf is empty and full of webs in my soul a spider condo nice painting here resembles a face it haunts you like your worst nightmares the figs certainly look so familiar like a predator from the past or an evil grin they know everything about you that you're weak and they will destroy you you're done you're finished actually there's no face in the painting however now that i told you it's there you won't be able to see it it's a chair used to punish liars the bent candle stand the best of it is covered in wax the couch has all sorts of tears it's like it's been through more than you they imprinted charities since they happen when you sit too long find notes stuff in the cushions check online for order for plane tickets see there's the plane ticket train again and once again it's pink paper there's tons of seating down here never so many people [Music] this plant's locked away and alone in some ways this traffic can not grow maneuvers is perfectly safe kind of bittersweet foreshadowing you see a keycard in the back of the old shelves the door to the dryer is shattered i wonder i had to get a new one because we're done here they're gonna use the keycard here out the door to the attic we didn't see that cat thing going in here godness all these stairs in the void hmm oh no is that it's that cat again meow don't get close that's nothing but trouble your time is up old man futures now i see him laying inside the small pond in the shelf does all this digging make you tired are you just making her bed i thought i had to review plan is kind of creepy i've had a plastic key depot in the shelves oh for the plastic door you think they are slaved over this worker knocked out in a day me building a home is the same as creating a painting you can build quickly you can put your whole life into it the scariest part is when it's nearly complete the architecture is too old to be too modern when it breaks down or i can't finish it living heart attacks the wrong people land turns a swamp the value of home is only how much people will pay for it and i can't control anything else about it command help you do not know me can you help me out cat it's always so happy why it's something to be happy about stop smiling all day just eat and sleep and hate some days of the week garfield meow she looks hungry for travel wait the plane tickets you pet the cat but refuse to acknowledge that you did the cat makes a weird creepy purring noise gross she looks hungry hey come on just because i don't like it doesn't mean you just stab it [Music] kane [Music] what are you doing we're just gonna sit there this could be a way to cope with the situation it isn't going to fix things even if he did finish it'd only be bittersweet this is a very poetic shot with a dead clown in the corner come on there's an entire house to discover this is your way of punishing me but ignore me when i need you most okay fine i don't need you i knew you couldn't help me anyways so this is it we're just gonna sit there yep [Music] well i hope you find success in your endeavor you know where i'll be if you ever come back won't be coming back [Music] we just kept writing until all the end of days i guess i'm just doing this for the fun of it the the music that plays when you get an ending makes you think of metroid like it's really close in some ways yes i'm not sure if you get these endings in order or not [Music] because this would imply we're almost near the end of the game and we missed a lot of endings here but who knows oh god there's a clown skeleton here now it's a hyper realistic skeleton it's been here for a very long time you fetch the plastic king to the slider unlock the door oh the toy room there's drawings there's the one that ate me there's one i haven't quite discovered what it is yet i was so young when i played with these i guess i keep them around because it reminds me that i used to be a child [Music] once perhaps all these characters are just the past and as in they're our imaginary well one of them like kind of ate us so i'm gonna use the term friend loosely empty toy box i i mean you pick up this stuff and put it away see they change their memories my old dies i used to love board games i mean i still do i just don't have nearly as much time to play them anymore i guess if i did now i wouldn't get nearly as much work done [Music] this is my least favorite toy now that i'm older i do remember making up a ton of stories of this thing usually the truck was hauling precious cargo it would be attacked by pirates or some kind of evil villain [Music] stop playing video games you'll never like becoming successful doing that that's my wooden post figurine although in all modes you in my personal life my dad was actually very supportive i used to draw pretty well now not so much i guess i don't really see the point everything has to have a reason or a purpose using that purpose to make money [Music] who knows that benzo well i love this little guy so much he used to give me company when i couldn't sleep sometimes i would make up these little stories where i would fight with him and he would run away then i would do something to make it up to him it was so dramatic or i was so dramatic rather even as a kid [Music] oh those are my old marbles i used to make little mazes out of pieces of wood from my dad's garage i felt so much joy trying to get the marbles to complete their course they don't pour as many as i could into the maze they wouldn't all make it that's kind of how life is isn't it like the rest of the anime all these things had a huge effect on my life now they just hurt to look at i want to return to them but it feels so wrong like i'm throwing my life away i feel like i'm chasing a dream that should let die a long time ago i work build and create but i feel nothing i play the music but all i hear is evil clown nope no thanks that's boring i lost my inventory too [Music] i don't think so what can i do as an evil clown aside from like scare kids and laugh about well georgie first off you can go to the local comic book anime store and switch out everything hey when i say switch out everything i mean everything georgie we'll switch it out we'll put on some nice good western animation like team titans go what is the point what is the point there's a trail running here you believe is the evil clown well i don't want to break scripting though you never know if it's like a bug or something i sometimes worry about that because i've done it before i've broken scripting before but why maybe never time [Music] oh it was an ending i guess i was insecure [Music] hmm growing up see some of these endings like some are deafs but other ones are like they're almost required symbolic things in your journey that's best way i can describe it i found something what's up care about them care about if you care okay so listen to this i won't i don't know if i should be proud or disappointed you really prove yourself to be quite the nosey person digging around this house and rifling for every door shelf and plant i guess it really says something about you maybe something about me you know what i feel like you and i have gotten a lot closer calm bonding if it feels right does that mean i found every note i've prepared something special for you in the closet why don't you come by and check it out which where there's the closet again there's a lot of rooms i don't remember every room is so what i get shh he's coming everyone be quiet oh is it my birthday hey that's what you look like surprise hopefully we didn't scare you this is a private party for your eyes only come join us well this is underwear don't be prude we're embracing the fun of embarrassment sometimes it's fun to be a little silly right are you confused are you looking for a meeting stop turn your brain off the world is a scary place responsibility is a burden and life is too short to be living in fear some raise the fun while you can we could throw a flustered party for you like this every day let's live like this forever [Music] we haven't even talked to the cat yet it's interesting when he mentioned the the underwear thing with the figure to the left the one gaster looking thing i wonder if that's the narrator or not i guess i came crawling back [Music] oh god i spent too much time with them i've become one of them huh what oh weird what was i thinking about oh well i've become a clown ghost a really sad one i guess i'm just lost [Music] why don't we just stand by here for a while are you even listening to me back away from the windows the dialogue did change you can't imagine how hard it is for me to tell you this i'm embarrassed by you if people see you what would they think of me [Music] they would say kirk you're so weird or oh you just want attention don't you i want to spend the rest of my life being outcast all because you want to show off is kirk just ashamed of being a clown how will i get a job how will i find love people love clowns maybe i mean i guess it doesn't matter it's not like someone else's judgment physically hurts me the embarrassment isn't caused by them it's caused by loss of my emotional control come to think of it why do i care what people think of me so you know what i'm going to embrace this geo i want you to stand by the windows i want everyone to see you okay i'm standing in fact i want you to dance hold x to dance you can do that oh yeah i can dance we're pretty good at yes wait why did you stop i was just getting into it shake shake yes it feels so good forever to see you like this it's liberating to be yourself a dancing clown to tell everyone i'm going to be whoever i want this seems like a good ending to me when you embrace how silly you are nobody can call you silly because i would be stating the truth and there is nothing wrong with being silly let's keep dancing like this let's dance forever [Music] yay that's what life is all about having fun before you're gone [Music] thank you for showing this i feel like i got in touch with a deeper side of myself i'm going to the club bye you go dancing clown kirk get the dancing ending oh my god i guess i found myself see it looks like the endings are somewhat in order self-acceptance that means there was a few possible endings that could have gone before this but no then sexy party there was that's only if you get all the notes well we didn't have access to all notes maybe it's more like both appearance order and similar thematic order now is there gonna be like a dancing clown here just permanently dancing yes they still got the suit on look at him go dancing the night away i'm like some people just stand there not dancing i can dance look i wonder if i can dance somewhere else we would like to be a dance we can entertain things i think we maybe can hit this button with the pointing cane it's my poking stick right no it's not an item wait hey look it worked wait i end the game for good well you're finally done you didn't quite reach all your goals but it's not so bad oh now you can ride down the other side of the hill you find no one's going to crack a statue i got that before i want to go back this was a terrible decision i'm an old clown you laughed you cried you felt it all [Music] the ghosts of the past don't haunt you anymore now they bring you joy you'll be forgotten and that's okay you don't need to be remembered to feel satisfied you mean a lot of amazing people along the way those are the ones that matter life isn't a roller coaster anymore now it's a gentle boat ride to the end [Music] god that's one sad dead clown i guess there is a way out let's have a more of a silence for whoever this was it used to be me i was the clown [Music] you try to resist a sick and twisted logic when you always do what i say you brush your teeth with a dirty toothbrush it's not so bad but the aftertaste is horrible you can feel your eyelids getting heavier and think of it i'm pretty tired too i guess we can cool off really just relax you came by once you'll be here tomorrow right but what are you waiting for go to the bed it's so nice to lay in bed it's so warm and soft no worries no responsibilities it's almost like you don't have to feel anything don't think feeling me tennis shin getting up is such a why not laying in bed forever people fought situations they can't hurt you here you can let everything you deal with disappear mmm the void if you could stay here forever and soon i won't be asleep i don't have anything to say or do nothing to prove my size nothing to prove to myself or anyone else it's like i don't even exist i guess i didn't dry it's like the metroid tile screen i just can't unhear it sounds very go back to sleep that one was self-acceptance that felt like a good ending to me oh he's so cute when he's asleep shh better not wake him up for might be a bit much all right this is getting old i'm not acknowledging this anymore oh look at you visited every painting in the house leaving all the secrets to creating a work of art that will leave a lasting impression on others you seem like a man of taste and you probably obviously appreciate the arts so i wanna do something for you i really think that will help on your journey becoming an artist yourself what what well that's your opinion of art go through your own good the world bernardus is a dark horrible place it's a life filled of self-doubt loathing and regret not to mention how much others will take advantage of your creativity the music industry steals money from musicians studios still from the lives of their developers entertainment steals innocence from the young having love and passion for what you do makes you a prime target forever to prey upon not to mention you're missing a spine an existing wild spine is not an existence you want i was merciful to you you should be thanking me there must be an ending from beginning all the plants too because like the paintings they turn grey when we observe them god hey look a smiley face i guess i'm cold now [Music] mercy kill okay family blind however you really try my patience stuff either those interests you but to me it's very personal just trust me stay out of there all right stop i understand your curiosity but put yourself in my shoes but you had a very private room you asked someone to respect that but instead they continually disregard you kept trying to see what was inside how would that make you feel obviously you don't have an empathic bone in your body maybe you think this is funny it's hilarious it could really make me uncomfortable then laughing at my insecurities i tried being nice but now you're making me really upset don't make me beg just let it go please don't maybe do something we'll both regret i'm warning you don't make me do it oh oh i'm in the void again i'm sorry i had to do that i can't go back in there i was trying to think we might have had something together but now you're here trapped in the void maybe a few thousand years will give you a time to think about what you've done when you return you can find another home of course i'll be long gone by then but you will have someone else to tease and make fun of there's a lot of endings tied to just like continually inspecting something [Music] i guess i was insecure that's one of the later endings the heart wait you actually sold my brittle from the node earlier most people forget that note exists by time they get to the attic i did for a while but then i remembered it but you didn't that's very interesting i wanted you in a little secret when i first hit that note i was originally going to send people in circles trying to figure out various riddles throughout the home i thought it was going to be hilarious until i watched ever struggle with it it wasn't as funny as it was sad so made it easier for you i have a lot else to show for this actually wait i want to take you somewhere come with me where are we going we going on an adventure when i first started this home it was actually gonna be a lot different i appeared to you as a floating spirit being chased by howdy in the opening you're only going to see his legs and he would just stay out for each of you kind of creepy eh oh yeah i see why there's so many goats there's a little guy's vampire ice cream he's gonna be a cryptic character meant to serve as a metaphor for obsession they just move around the house and they can keep an eye on them they don't play nice i remove them i never need to stay in my home stab it [Music] it's a few of the expressions from the goat lord pretty neat huh originally this wisecracking demon was going to be the main antagonist that's before i patched the home of me and into something else maybe i'll work on again someday i guess sometimes i get too excited and start building before i have a chance to really know if it's somewhere i want to live i also have this idea for a dog house too but enough about that [Music] smug originally this wise cricket demon was gonna be okay it was the same dialogue from here this little guy was who you're originally going to be you're gonna have a sword and fight demons and actually want to place this guy now instead of a dumb clown however this is what i settled on who knows maybe get to be that ghost someday stab it oh look at this hey look concept sketches these are a few sketches i did when i was reconstructing the original concepts i build many homes and sometimes forget they exist occasionally old homes float by giving me a look at my past some of the homes seem kind of childish now but it's cute that they still exist not all homes are good that's the story for another time i hope this was gonna make up for the work you put in you may actually whenever you like so my like i'm partially wanting like is this story partially the offer like the actual developers kind of feelings kind of coming out because i'm taking homes as in some ways you maybe will take it as like life like you know the life you build and whatnot but also it could be like creativity because there's a lot of like creativity themes like paintings and game development this and that and since the the creator of the game is an artist an anime i'm wondering if there's like a nod to that about the about the nature and the philosophy of the artist and wanting to do something that may not still give you the most success but that's something you're trying to apply yourself to equivalently to like being told to pull away the toys you know what i mean that's how i'm kind of taking it the clown is just the player it's just a tourist seeing into the person's mind [Music] that wasn't ending you've been chosen i guess i didn't give up on you [Music] so three more endings four i think i'm assuming since the description page says 20 endings i'm assuming this one right here this bomb slot that's probably like the final funnel ending the epilogue kind of thing there's two innings we can get fairly early on the game it looks like hey wait a minute there's so many wires secret oh aren't you clever going outside the boundaries you would never really want to follow the rules see we get rules i'm still trying out the rules of this house i'm worried that some might not be good enough for you i wore that i'm wasting my time putting all my thoughts into what well you won't do if i spend all this time working you don't appreciate it make it an achievement system or a goal or something that could give you the ability to shoot at stuff nice now what if i added unlockable skins you could spend money to get different experiences that's great in fact why am i doing all this creative stuff when i just have an online store personal gems made to pass wild difficulty spikes it can be free to play and that would break down the purchase wall once you're in you're hooked baby yes a hundred thousand little geos running around spending money if one percent of you spend a dollar a day that's a thousand dollars a day do you know how much that is annually 360 000 per year holy cow i could easily retire i would have to kill myself trying to do all this for you maybe we just pour in while i sat here doing whatever i want this is genius keep dancing you stupid clown keep dancing oh don't want to dance that's fine [Music] i'll find another geo to replace you when that clown stops dancing i replace them too hi you know what's amazing about all this even when you're gone there'll always be another bright-eyed bushy-tailed clown to dance for me thanks for the money idiot see ya got the gadget ending where's your ghosts the gacha ghosts only 9.99 experience the wow funny clown experience i guess i stopped caring [Music] jackpot so cute if you want to practice have a price tag on them oh yeah we can dance here hey what are you doing are you dancing [Music] that's wonderful it's cute to see you get all excited i remember when you used to dance all the time my mother used to laugh in the kitchen okay that's enough of that i don't have time for your stop what you're doing get off the dance we get back to exploring the home no dance if i want to let me dance for an old sponge lying behind the dresser what what secret what to do with a sponge oh so now you want to be normal huh you want us down from the crowd turn yourself off i'll just end up like everyone else possibly ignorant of the bigger things in life whoa i'm no longer well i look odd now what i do in life [Music] i'm normal no seriously what do i do i just leave like this if we can leave like this it's never late night reading documents filling orders busy work is what it means to keep yourself from going crazy it's nice not to worry about all that back there never really existed or did it you know it's getting kind of late although tomorrow is another day it's safe here i can keep myself busy good night everyone see you all tomorrow it's your computer don't touch it people are paid more than you break that stuff hey i got a knife still now is this the end of the game that's what's bothering them while they're making their job obsolete i'll top over there over any day now now that you can't be bothered with hey copier the printer is jammed stab it eventually started wondering what the difference between your desk and there's this there's nothing worth using this on stab it anything else around here nobody see anything of note is that the end end of the game yeah we didn't get all endings though we're missing a couple did that count as an ending no that count as the the last ending so that was the ending of the game we're not getting we don't have these endings yet well i can dance too cool wait are you oh that's interesting okay okay i see what you're doing hey look at you dancing up a storm actually i have something special for you down in the basement just up dancing come check it out now i'm gonna keep dancing well i can see why they let us keep being the clown then [Music] [Music] huh gotcha the doors are locked you aren't going anywhere no need to know the truth we both know you aren't who you're pretending to be i know it's because i watched you die two years ago we hadn't seen a movie together in years you said ladybird had good reviews we sat close and i felt nothing asked what was wrong and you didn't respond i was confused and scared the moment i needed you the most you ignored me well you said there was a stupid smile on your face silent but you know what i don't need you do the cheerful sin and think about what you did to me oh yeah the liar chair it's plenty to do my home and i don't need your help projects i've ignored because of you you can just stay here and wait just like i've waited for you i've got a table of sand see ya but why yep we're waiting oh that's actually kind of scary i guess it's all gone [Music] oh it's one of the earlier endings interesting although you can't really get that till the end of the game so yeah so this doesn't really matter much as far as order it's a little bit like i said but some things i guess they put earlier all right just ignore that this isn't real it's an impostor trying to lead me down the wrong path a susp i know that you are the real deal you would never lie to me this place is too weird let's get out of here i plan on keeping you alive while looking pretty well i hope you're proud of yourself you've touched every plant in the house i have no idea what your obsession with plants is you know what if you love plants much let's just add a few more wait what does it look good enough for you or you want more plants how about that actually here here's some more is that good enough for you obsessed over plants so much you now have unlimited amounts to dig in fondle and sniff unlimited plants works or how about this a plant wait blab monster yeah now you can put the plant monster for the actually that's not a bad idea a planned monster that you have to fight that's how this ending will go that's brilliant we did it we finished the house and now it's no never mind this sucks i'm bored lead it all i don't really get to see the plant monster much spun outside of the room and in this room there'll be plants everywhere well seemed like a good idea never mind maybe i'll come back to this some other time oh a new summoning cell video i'm gonna go make dinner and watch it help i guess i'm just bored seems like all that's all the main endings this last one's gotta be like some kind of like basically a finale ending well then we've done it all haven't we good times bad times it's all been a journey through heaven and hell we've created great stories together there's one last thing i'd like to show you in my home i've been saving the best for last why don't you come outside through the front door okay this is gonna be the finale finale the real life ending wasn't counted in the cgs well look at you is that the the goat thing you came a long way to get here i'm impressed i guess you're always something for your hard work surprise guess who it's a monkey it was apes all along you don't recognize me it's me kirk face reveal you expect me to look different or whatever anyways i've appeared to you to reveal the final truth that you are my child come forward and give your father a hug drink work produce eat sleep play [Music] okay i lied i'm trying not to laugh you're not my kid well not by blood but the way i'm like a father to you when dad tells you to do something you should always listen even when something you don't agree with it makes you feel uncomfortable you do it now your father is first you get him and drink drink that's a cookie hey look a cookie feels good to pick it up i'm so full of energy i need to run it all off or i'll bother you all day let's play now i'm exhausted from all the play [Applause] another cookie now i'm tired and want to rest tuck me into bed now that i'm rested i could do anything what do we do next [Applause] hey free cookie now you're too old to enjoy anything anymore i need to live vicariously for something else go make babies wait okay that's nice now you have 18 years to deal with that mistake 12 if you're a monster or a clown hey free cookie now i'm hungry go get me something to eat oh boy i'm so full i couldn't even never bite [Applause] i think i'm tired from all that let's go get some sleep how long would we be doing this i had a weird dream last night i was back in college and lost when i finally found my class on my teeth fell out [Applause] weird man i'm parched it really is a drink cold and delicious that really quenches my first can i stab you i want to play let's play well don't leave me for trying now i'm exhausted from the play i need to prove to the world i'm not lazy time to work let's do something you don't want hey now you're falling offline turn the stream up before i stream you out listen i'm trying to be patient with you but you aren't properly obeying maybe timeout we'll teach you a thing or two oh god it wasn't a bluff timeout over and you get it right this time huh you really testing me you certainly don't want to see me upset so follow my orders do as i say not as i do reproduce drink okay little troublemaker time for a paddle wait what what no no no no not the pals just remember you brought this on yourself you produce i don't know what to do with you all you do is disobey me you think i make the rules up for fun no i think of the rules i can feel superior over you drink how could you betray your father i give up i can't control you all i wanted was really to be better than me but you'd ignore me and i have no purpose i'm gonna fade away i can't make you any better [Applause] no the heart oh my god it's a super saiyan cat let me ask you a question what led you to this point that you're at now are you here because you wanted to be or were you tricked by a series of manipulative tasks products promise you a lifestyle and personal identity to trick you into spending money video games manipulate your natural instincts to keep you playing co-workers praise you make promises so you will work late goals are often twisted by others to get something from you as we get older we realize this the world around us begins to crumble are we in control of our lives that everything we find joy and is manipulated by others it's important to be aware of this and the decisions that we make as we do this we can begin to gain control of the noise inside our heads that's why i created this experience for you for him and in a way for myself i'm sorry for manipulating you to make a point but i hope you feel a little more complete or at least feel a little more less alone in the world this is the last piece of the puzzle thank you for finding me you may exit when you're ready we stab you wow [Music] no well you know i always got dry okay so this is the second true ending maybe it depends because i think you can get the sponge ending before this what we did but i mean like you can get the sponge in pretty early but the sponging they did not give a cg or b was tracked in the uh the ending list this one was i'm assuming maybe we'll see yeah got cg i guess it wasn't so bad after all [Music] see you soon i'm using anymore in the main menu so yeah so it was going in circles consumed exploration silence jackpot mercy kill sexy party dark dream alternate reality go back to sleep self-acceptance starting over lost in thought jump scare the void the end boulder growing up and then epilogue so i guess that's it for a clown in a house so like i said i had interpretations about this about the nature of being a creative like an artist or something or just following your dreams in general there are some strong themes of suppressing your childhood or suppressing creativity and the the kind of like suffering that comes along with it uh there was themes about expressing yourself about being yourself of the whole dancing thing and there was a lot of like absurdism obviously there was a lot of things that were just done for kind of humor that i feel like they broke they kind of fought off something kind of cool or witty or something and they're like how do we wrap this around like some kind of symbolism that's what i kind of felt certain scenes so it kind of jumped around a bit but the game describes itself as like perhaps a clown has visited your house as well and like i said the house is you can i think you can take it either as the body and the mind you can take it as a creative work or you can take it as like how you live your life one of the three kind of mixture maybe but it's definitely like a mental kind of psychological world game i liked it very much i would say the message probably gets a little bit muddled because of how absurd things are but i do like how absurd things are i like the ending hunting format how you have to kind of like kind of like use our brains to kind of put two together like oh how do we get these endings and there's actually pretty good hinting and how i get every ending even the one where you dance as the the evil clown there's like a little bit like a trailing to the kitchen so you're like hmm maybe that's how i like there's something in there you know what i mean so it's a well put together kind of surreal game some people may not like it because they may think it's too surreal maybe they might think it's a little bit gimmicky but i think just see this sheer conceptual kind of absurd absurdness of it all with the clown the clowns that eat you this and that and this is that happening really makes up for any kind of things like pacing this or that the closest game i actually can think of it kind of made me think of like i was playing yuma nikki or some kind of hub exploration kind of base game and then a bit of the other game it wasn't like even it was the uh it's the one where you're in an office and it was like a narrator constantly narrating over it was made with the source engine like half-life the stanley parable i think that was called let's make you think of kind of like the stanley parable meets human nikki means clowns um it's a little bit lisa because i had some kind of similar humor beats as lisa did so it creates an interesting mix it creates a whole interesting enough experience anyway so if you could watch the play clown in the house i'll see you guys later and take it easy you
Channel: ManlyBadassHero
Views: 538,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clown in a House, Let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Horror Game, Indie Game, Gameplay, Video Game
Id: v4Txu9-x06Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 5sec (5945 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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