OMORI - Have Fun With Your Friends & Play Video Games With No Negative Things Happening [ 3 ]

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hey everyone this is manly badass zero and welcome back to amore previously we went out to kind of a space we just kind of spaced out the earth looks peaceful we like to disturb it hell yeah [Music] well we are warning the friends too tell them we're gonna disturb earth here let me tell myself a sad poem because i'm going to stab earth but that annoy you more yeah we just stabbed her in the heart apparently and we just headbutted it did we get a game over we destroy earth i'm a little curious so it was enraged and depressed is there any higher than that europe is cruel and angry but [Music] man it's not yay we killed earth crypto level 11. goodbye world well the world didn't end well we'll see let's try this ladder this seems to be able to lead us to space equally [Music] but it's like a really foggy area let's take a job for kill we did it splash spaghetti hey see you guys see that and keys left you can add me or a hat whatever hey so what's the importance of this area oh hey maury fancy's seeing you all the way up here wind up here stronger than is on the ground i don't know what that is seems like a perfect weather to fly kite [Music] god my ears popped again ah yeah that doesn't happen with the elevation what could you say something i said your ears popped because of the elevation keep it down it's not just us here can you see a boyfriend's guide he's concentrating really hard oops sorry kai kid so what's kai kid for i feel like these mirrors are gonna be for some things they're everywhere right [Applause] [Music] a boy stirs his kite in deep concentration do you want to disturb him yeah [Music] i'm just a boy with his guide we don't look like much we have an unbeatable bond it's not such a it's not something just anyone would understand we'll show you oh god it's a boss fight we'll show you how strong we are when we work together all right make myself sad because i'll pep talk to you the time being can i start knowing you not do anything yet [Music] kid i need to be sadder [Music] happier and more annoyed let's cook for myself ouch [Music] kell you you're just incapable of surviving like your health pool's just too low [Music] okay we need to save you over there he's gonna stab you for right now headbutt you i'm gonna hope i can save you [Music] so i'm gonna pop a heal and then i'm gonna pop that too just in case that doesn't get there in time are you using every aoe it may be redundant but it's like a safety measure oh my god [Music] do it for the wrong person well keep stabbing life jam it cook [Music] you just need to survive [Music] ah you lost your juice [Music] it's fine we need your special [Music] at least you went for hero [Music] let's do it [Music] nice no this can't be the wind it's getting weaker would be my kind of an unbreakable bond how could we lose blah nice if i was next be killed in debt well kell didn't permanently die maybe my cat should try to fly somewhere else heal never told anyone this before but sometimes when i'm looking about my kite i catch a glimpse of a dark void in the sky from the corner of my eye i used to see it very rarely but these days have been happening much more frequently i wonder if it means anything you want to fly cats with your friends sure this is what this was for to unlock the way of like heights [Music] ben [Music] hey what's this [Music] huh [Music] was it it's like snowing here now hey [Music] all the stuff here before no this is where the scarecrow was wasn't it mary's cookies mary's cookies have much more love baked into them i could eat them forever oh no it's a spiritual journey i mean this whole game's been a spiritual journey but this one's like more so than usual [Music] we're still young we should dream brig [Music] right basil or is it me i'm gonna be the first time i've followed a version of me oh so this is what the barn is for a painting world i could go over my fear of water here i thought this was gonna lead to a beach but no this just left for the void well stairs void hey fix the key press f to pay respects considering it's in front of this i think that might be literally she music on a music stand all notes have been scribbled out a happy family all right we're out of here nope it's the shadow oh yeah gotta stab myself how could i forget bam at that time i saw everything when you stood here before did you see it too basil memory something behind you three days left so that was a whole like day saga there space boyfriend side adventure then i'm assuming there's at least two other main zones maybe never one oh man color and light weird new message hey sonny it's mommy how are you doing are you eating well i was hoping that i could make it back to see you today but it's the last day of a big furniture sale and i just can't resist a good bargain you can take care of yourself for a few days right after all you're a big boy now remember to finish your shores before i get back i left a list on the naval next to your door okay that's it for now mommy loves you bye honey oh man windows 3.1 blackjack you have a hundred dollars i'm just one bet hundred dollars going in hmm hit me hmm hit me [Music] still bad hit me oh okay [Music] 100 [Music] hit me [Music] oh that's a little too parallel [Music] hit me no i'm playing again hit me wait no no don't hit me that's right skill hit me [Music] yay hit me what the hell why is it keeping what [Music] hit me crap it's fine we'll win it back [Music] hit me okay this is a little too many blackjacks in a row that's a little something's a little wrong here hit me you're staying [Music] shy try it what do you oh man it's your known yeah i'm staying [Music] oh my god [Music] it's fine we got this win it all back [Music] almost there hit me yeah which thing [Music] all right now you have eleven hundred dollar dues satisfied taking your money computer hey someone's knocking on the door last time this happened it was like big jump scare thing hello hello sonny are you there do you remember me it's your old friend cal kill so i uh i noticed the for sale center front of your house and i uh heard from my mom that you were moving away soon i was wondering you want to hang out one more time before you go or whatever for old time's sake you know no turn 360 degrees and walk away no fine kel won't jump scare me trust kel i guess it's okay yeah so why did mari jump scare me because it was at night well you actually came out yeah you're like in normal colors weird like being blue er i mean okay i'm gonna be honest with you sonny i really didn't expect you to come out today so i don't really have a game plan here video games hey i know let's go to hobbies it's a hobby shop in the far away plaza remember the way right we used to go there all the time when we're kids well what are we waiting for let's go they might have just ignored you and just like stayed in and played video games because i i'm tempted to just go back in play video games june walk in the street stunning that's dangerous me use some kind of like pbs commercial dog wait hold up sonny it's been a while since you've been over my place but now might not be a good time classy white mailbox who lives here knock knock there's no response okay no response so this place is pretty big i don't know where i'm going far away part the future belongs to the dreamers i'm on my way to the church but it's a ritual of mine to take a quick stroll before delivering my sermons i've had horrible speech for ever since i was a child but a scenic walk always seems to calm my nerves okay is this world still real because there is these things running around or never mind is is the cabriole i guess so hero no it's just a jock oh hey what's up what are you doing here kel you from around this part town oh well this is what did you see you here jay sonny this is jay he's the captain of the football team at my high school didn't know he played basketball too eh i'm just here to kill time it's more of a hobby than anything you're trying out for the basketball team this year right kel well it is hero sprite looks kind of similar if you can teach me some of your tricks yeah definitely that sounds like fun but maybe another time my childhood friend sunny here is leaving town the next few days so we're hanging out all today today i'll definitely catch up with you later though sure except something next week same time same place yep sounds good see you then the center of this man is indescribable what you making that face for bubba there's something in my face okay i kind of see how some of the characters are based on certain people here now and ours is diligently sketching away well that's a cool drawing of the park you have there ah oh hi there thank you i'm just practicing that's what you call practicing it looks so real but you could still even sell that for money did you think so sonny sure just give me like a reward see even sonny agrees with me heck i'd buy that from you right now hey sonny can you owe me twenty dollars thanks that's so nice of you but it's not for sale it's for my portfolio i'm trying to get into art school next year oh darn that's too bad it would look great on my bedroom wall you really think so my name is mincy what's yours i'm kale and this is sunny i kill him sonny it's nice to meet both of you it's nice to meet you too mincy huh what's wrong oh it's nothing the first person to say something positive about my drawings sometimes when i'm feeling down it makes me question myself i think it's hard to move my pencil no way i don't believe that at all i really think your drawing is great when you'll do that in a million years don't be so hard on yourself mincy me and sonny believe in you yeah you're right i just gotta shake off those bad feelings oh i'll try to buckle down and finish this now that's the spirit see around mincy you got this who would you pretty boy life's been kind of stressful lately but people watching out here helps me put things into perspective i might make it happen to come this park more often i guess sometimes all it takes to relax is to stop and smell the roses let's get moving so you get the story at a certain pace uh yeah it's the other mark oh okay so i see what space boyfriend is now well here we are at homies it's probably been a while since you were here but it hasn't really changed all that much it's all the same old stuff got some space boy games sweetheart movies a few pet rocks except now they're vintage actually this right here i should probably buy gift for hiro no hero is still hero he's in college right now but he should be coming back sometime tomorrow he said he'd be a doctor assuming i should buy him oh that's why hiro can heal but heals with food in the game it's a medicine maybe kind of a cruel joke no that's a horrible idea we shall pick out the gifts honey let's look around and see what there is video game called super ultra sprout mole eater revenge of the moles triple freedom for mature huh that's too violent for hero place in college definitely won't appreciate something like this i understand anime bunch of small figurines i've always been fond of these little guys hero would get mad at me for spending my lunch money on them though let's not remind him of that [Music] this yes this is perfect i don't know what it is puppet chips chip off the old block cookbook well that's a mouthful who had to copy this when we were kids but a dog hector destroyed it oh so the pep rock hector in the real life one is the dog he's gonna be so happy when he sees this but before that we'd ask the most important question how much does it cost twenty dollars this is extortion shoot that's my wallet at home can you spot me sonny i'll pay you back i promise thanks friend i knew i could count on you this game really wanted separating for 20 dollars he took hero's gift off the shelf interesting poster well the monster supposed to look so realistic i've been finding that would be a tough battle yes [Music] uh i'm fighting chainsaw man [Music] attack feels like you can't escape [Music] do it [Music] you win i guess i'm i'm not really sure hello sunny that's sunny oh cd fell from behind the poster weird when we hit it there i guess we can just take it you gotta marry cd [Music] you play to the jukebox hmm [Music] game called captain space boys space adventure that's one dollar dues to play [Music] at 30 dollars no video game console system hooked up to tv [Music] hey shopkeep i'd like to buy this cookbook please kel how have you been buddy it's been a while since you've come around hasn't it ah pop the chips chip off the old block cookbook so you have a good taste yeah my brother used to follow his recipes all the time his cookies were my favorite it's really nice you never a fan of papa chips work i'll be 20 dollars please thank you kind sirs please enjoy your hero's gift thanks a lot sonny i bet here we'll love this you owe me twenty dollars [Music] and why does everything cost exactly that money i've left play game yo i see your eyes on that video game it's called captain space boy space adventure it's more popular a few years ago but it still retains some competitive players today who from all over the town have tried it have you known that i still hold the high score you can be and i'll give you something cool let's go god it's a game within a game within a game [Music] yeah we're not getting this high score secret technique fast rapid shoot whoops [Music] it took me impressed you actually beat my score was that it let's make room for a new generation is surprise as promised i'll give these up to people i think are really cool that cool glass is [Music] nice even cooler one more indoors [Music] believe it brand new game console system looks so shiny and sleek it looks like we are in the well basically famicom nintendo then like super famicom super nintendo over here so that kind of syncs up about what generation is supposed to be [Music] so we want to go now sonny oh there's nothing much to do around the suburbs huh [Music] well how about the faraway park yeah the park you know when we're just at we passed on the boat way here that sounds fun doesn't it no just want to go home and play video games aubry hmm [Music] wait don't go please sorry dude i can't help you you're on your own oh there's some commotion going on over there let's check it out is he done in my business you got beef with her then talk to her yourself your creep i'm begging you just ask her give it back she won't listen to me wait is that that's basil leave them alone you bully huh who's there yeah you heard us i mean you heard kell i'm just kind of here oh it's just kell grumble grumble why don't you mind your own business well why don't you go by for someone else kim well aren't you acting all high and money you'll make the rules around here what's going on over there oh god it's a it's a kid biker gang is real life aubry a yankee i guess so oh hey humphrey this nerd kel just show up and fix he can boss me around let's show him what's what kell what do you want stop messing with basil how could you you always be friends don't you remember tell her sonny ah i see sonny's here hi i'm just kind of here wow really is you it's been a while but you haven't changed a bit this is why you're the physical attacker of the group how long has it been since you left your house three years maybe four it's been nice to live on your own little bubble watch it aubry you don't know he's been through so so far kel is like the most consistent one huh whatever aubry please listen to me gary kim it's between us hey stop that leave it alone kale this isn't your problem oh you got some sharp eyes what the heck is wrong with you aubry ah sonny come on we gotta do something you guys really picking a fight i'm gonna read you some sad poetry i'll show you sure why not two of you against me how's that sound come at me i think on the both of you oh you are very angry [Music] okay i was trying to say i could calm you down i guess that doesn't work [Music] um sorry aubry i'm gonna punch you [Music] you can do it sonny oh my god [Music] yeah what the it's is that a knife oh oh um maybe we should have not attacked uh this had real life consequences oh shoot i'll be you okay you're you're hurt i'm fine no you're not you're bleeding come on we gotta get you out of here maybe in real life it's not like an rpg whoops i'll get you back for this maybe maybe i should have not attacked and just like guarded uh oh oh oh oops i think i think they're gonna call the police on me well that was what they get real messy if you had your knife there we would have wait a sec give me that kel took away your steak knife you should be carrying things around like this sonny that's dangerous ah nobody's really changed since your last sorrow hurt her new friends have nothing but trouble poor basil let's check if he's okay so here's my okay so maybe the blue versions are based off their childhood i'm assuming we're like kind of like teenagers now right but maybe the blue versions are how they were when they were younger that's why hero was hanging out with them because heroes now is at college because hero's older uh and aubry was a little more she was still aggressive but like she was a little you know not like a yankee we'll see we'll see i'm wondering because she has the one follow-up skill with um amore you know not sunny here i wonder if she had a crush on him that's why she has the follow-up skill where she looks at him and then like attacks so maybe now she's bitter something can happen in the past some kind of catalyst hey basil how are you doing ah i'm fine thank you cal i know if you know us but sunny is here too say hi sonny oh hey sonny it's been a while hasn't it what a happy reunion i stabbed someone well i kind of cut them still the fight went on who knows where that would have went it's not very happy so did you want to hang out with us today oh i'm sorry i'd love to but i i should probably head home huh really are you sure my um my grandma hasn't been feeling too well lately oh i'm sorry to hear that let's at least walk you home it's been so long since we've all hung out oh all right then thank you i wonder if we're gonna have a clean resolution to this you know what i mean get out of your [Music] thoughts diagonals from ours across the crosswalk [Music] i don't remember anything i'm pumped you know wow i thought i guess this was your house there's basil's house it's one of the green roof [Music] cruise who lives over there [Music] um thanks for walking me home no problemo you need anything for me just ask okay we'll catch you later basil [Music] okay [Music] gail you've looked at some kind of depressing undertones this story oh wait here we go wait please don't go ah i mean i i'm so sorry i had to have a favorite ask anything basil what do you need well you see something important was taken from me when we used to be friends you know i used to take pictures of everyone took your photo album of course i remember those posts meant everything to you ah right well ombre she took my full album and i'll restore your full album well she she won't give it back what a scumbag don't worry about the thing basil me and sonny got you covered uh okay thank you by the way what you said before we're still friends i want you to know that okay okay well i'll see you later this stuff is like all awkward and real i'm going back to like the other world come on sonny there's no time to lose i got a photo i'm gonna find let's check faraway park for clues i don't know who lives there but you have a nice house too oh look someone came out artist hey stranger you're just need to help critique my latest work in progress um dog bark bork bark bark bark bark lucas quit your yapping stuff the animal see bare days stupid as usual [Music] don't finish painting [Music] hmm a bunch of small figurines nice place [Music] look at this sketch for me what do you think the drawing looks too stiff doesn't it yeah thanks i thought so too yeah it's all coming to me now inspiration has striker and voila ah that looks so much better was that it ain't gonna poke you for a minute i think this piece is missing something in the car needs a little more detail oh i know i got some detail right here and here and here and work wounded sure of course it's so obvious don't you think yes it's all coming to me now inspiration has striker you just made it darker and voila ah beautiful extra gekko really does make a difference i can get your opinion for a sec leave them with a color here to make the background red or blue oh god artist friends wait don't answer it'll definitely look better with a red background right yeah i completely agree red is undoubtedly the right choice here red will bring this painting to the next level yes it's all coming to me now inspiration as striker [Music] you done yet and voila peace is finally done thanks i could have done this without you you kind of did without me [Music] i'm leaving goodbye [Music] hey whoo what [Music] did you see that and what was that about [Music] far away cemetery huh let's just say her first sermon nobody wants many last days here hanging out with church do you hmm really just secrets there this game has quite a few secrets i think uh we'll see which ones we get as we go i'm gonna try to play this somewhat organically look for stuff huh looks like aubry's in here [Music] oh wait i know you her name is charlie right you see hang on aubrey sometimes you know where she is you know charlie i can tell you're not really the mean type of person i'll be took something important from basil we need to get it back there's any way you can help us [Music] who want to wear now what do you do that for ah does he kill that weird knife guy where we adversaries with adversaries rather for the great and mighty angel and finally i just had a terrible thought this is uh the word magician mind freak it says they made like chris angel it's been a while i think that's the name right finally it's time for you to meet your doom angel we have time for this we just want to find aubry you know where she is you seek aubry do you interesting i will tell you what i know but first you must best me in battle give me my knife back kel battle but i don't want to punch a kid a mind freak battle you want me to lay a finger on me come on let's sik him charlie yes i have a knife i don't know if i still have it or not we're gonna find out okay you took my knife away i just punched now attack yeah you you you threw that basketball pretty hard actually it was pretty effective surprised me cal you'd make a worthy rival for my master all angel's doing is just doing shooting embarrassing stuff you you'll pay for this how could this be my training was all for nothing [Music] now my head hurts you're the one who started it [Music] you bully ah okay angel it's time to be serious now we beat you and charlie so tell us where ambry is i promise is a promise i suppose i'll under my word and tell you what i know the truth is ambry is somewhere in far away town probably take it angel better not be messing around or else i told you i tell you what i know the truth is i don't know anything angel bear tell us where she is now or else i'll tell everyone at that time you wet your bed at summer camp well you can't do that that's cheating anyway i really don't know then you can ask my master the maverick he's a keeper of all knowledge danger though he told me that himself the maverick oh no i mean that weird kid mikael don't you dare call by that name you take great offense of that i see so it is him where could i find me i mean the maverick i'll tell you what i know but you'll have to fight me first come on we're leaving or i can tell everyone about that time you go okay fine i'll talk master went to the fountain at the far away plaza he said he was going to meet some girl there for a date or something [Music] ugh disgusting come on sonny let's go to far away plaza we're done here [Music] oh i see and then i told him it's not maverick it's the maverick oh the maverick you're so funny what an amazing story the maverick girls girls please there's enough of me to go around mikhail what are you doing uh if it isn't kell my arch nemesis finally here to defeat all you i don't have this miguel looking for ombre have you seen her around stop calling me that i castle with that name a long time ago mikhail you know where she is or not again with that god for second name how how to tell you make a fool out of me i the maverick will not stand for this repetitive facial doom throw basketball space watch this ladies cale give me the knife back but with the floor of this loser please macau don't do this to yourself i'm gonna ask one more time fight me you wad don't be a chicken give me the knife back kel you only want me to probably gonna do this okay then come on sonny let's take him down oh my god oh kell you pitiful fool you don't send a chance against the maverick in my beauty punch you all right let's go oh look you actually landed a hit this time i mean right now you're taking the hits just the fine feels angry which is gonna make him do more damage not bad this fight's just getting started as expected of my rival but i must tell you while you were fooling around playing sports i was holding my techniques just for this moment you'll never reach my level skill you're going down kel did i just guard like do you only attack kill all you do is making fun of me fight me yeah is that all you've got i've only been using 10 of my power behold my final form it's just the same form oh slapped me i bet you're forgetting your decision now i'm just way too cool for you you're not a loser it's only a matter of time before you tie yourselves out the victory is imminent no kale died kill even in the real world you just die i'm furious element i'm impressed but you're still light years away from defeating me you slapped me let's be honest maverick is stronger than he looks no it's impossible improbable absolutely conceivable ow stop slapping me punch go no let it end like this no it can't be over for me people earth lend me your strength yeah wow you what was this guy so lame this is worth ten dollars get out of [Laughter] here ladies please come back i have more money oh oh crap miguel there's no one here by that name please i'll never ask you for anything in my life just tell us where aubry is and we'll go okay fine i do have to know where she is and i'll tell you on one condition it must come with my true name the maverick i forget it give me the knife let's go find cam she probably knows where ambry is her advance or major sugar head so i have a hunch with the probably somewhere near candy [Music] nope what do i heal without using a health pack can i write some tools [Music] you know some some weapons i'm going to fix them and buy stuff and fix it yourself we're going to first soon buy flowers from porn people hmm [Music] i may need those flowers someday oh look you can't run in the market so they're probably in candy i need health i'm gonna buy some flowers for some reason i'm wondering if they're gonna become useful someday [Music] from porn people hmm recycled as far as only been always have all little moments like their trash reduce reuse and recycle let me take my stuff useless to me [Music] so i see you're picking up the blonde poster i put there you just need a job i need money cool maybe get started are you taking this job sonny i guess i'll come back for you later work hard okay so you wanna hear the good news or the bad news it's all gonna be bad news now let's just start the good news the good news is we got three different pizza orders today the bad news is living boys suddenly called in sick yet again these customers are all our regulars so we stopped recording the addresses a long time ago i can't really live off the top of my head by doing what the house looks like [Music] here just take these notes and you'll be fine please men give you these pizza notes i'm gonna grab your uniform [Music] don't be shy we're uniform loud and piranha and remember your three pizzas deliver you're done just bike your way back to the shop i'm counting on you [Music] oh no oh oh okay take the house in the yellow roof yellow with the windows take the pizza to the house with the stone chimney and yellow in the old door with windows this one piece delivery who are you you didn't order no damn pizza i got here they didn't go so well this one delicious delicious pizza i'm coming for you baby [Music] i guess it's all odds you've just delivered the pizza so we want the next order [Music] take the pizza to the house that has the the something ball and the garbage on the left side [Music] here [Music] hey while you guys consume that font thank you delivery boy cause i wanted to says over the pizza and we won the next order [Music] okay look for the house that has the trees and the exercise i think in the mailbox out front this one who are you you know your damn pizza [Music] huh [Music] i think they just stole my pizza it's all of them something like that gino's [Music] pizza hey newbie you're just the guy i wanted to see some recent feedback seems to be your customer sensation here here's some money he used to buy some pizza 20 nice and since you've been such a good sport here's another freebie for worldly cd my all-time favorite tunes played the jukebox right down yonder hey sonny how are you doing your job you're working i said this on the bench to talk to strangers man that was fun i'm ready to go when you are [Music] yay right i can't get a pizza i'm just getting a slice oh my god it restored like no health [Music] give me nourishment medicine oh thank god actual items [Music] hmm we came in vance are probably somewhere around here are they over there the two only npcs yeah over there oh hey there she is hurry fans let's shove it all in our pockets before someone sees us hey kim we've seen andre shoot is that nerd kel come on vance we gotta go well we we should just stop him well hold on there i don't think i paid for those galloway nerd you don't know me i do know you hey hold on not here to snitch she needs to find aubry you know where she is huh aubry i don't know anything about that even if i did i wouldn't tell you ah enough of this for today kim let's make a deal you tell me where aubry is i won't turn you in for stealing all that candy but just you want a snitch i don't need to be just too more obvious you two again if i told you never come back in here smiley smiley [Music] hand over the stolen candy i'm going to call cop's new kids smiley spally we've been busted fine here's your stupid candy can it come on vents let's get out of this dump [Music] huh serves you right we don't know where aubry is wait we found where aubry is now ah come on something let's follow them hi it's me the happy and cheery miss candies would you like today smiley smiley kenny's useless to me one thing useful in this world is medicine hold on one second sonny i think i have an idea we got a bribe of candy sorry for the hold up let's go catch him in advance sorry vance no candy today no not again i know how much longer i can last we're going to die ah let's just go home i'm gonna be late for dinner wait kim i have something for you you again cal what the heck do you want you bully ah tell us where obvious and i'll give you this whole big bag of candy really the whole bag i mean wait you can't buy self candy who you take us for oh no kim we haven't had candy for entire week there's a whole bag right in front of us you're gonna have to pay for it okay let's ask if he has any taffy in there stop advance we have to stay strong when we go to dad's house we'll have all the can we want okay do for use this kim vance i'm waiting like we accept candy from a bunch of nerds oh man really i was sure that would work it's a waste of time let's get out of here wait please kim you'll only leave we've got please take the bag of candy we we even have taffy in here did someone say taffy i see that changes everything fine you really want to know that family huh let's sell this with our fists if you win i'll tell you where ambry is but if we win you give us a bag of taffy never talk to us ever again wait a second there's no need to fight you just tell me where she is i'll give you this whole bang but i want to fight come on pull him up you two it's gonna duke it out ah that's what you guys are finding well thanks we have no choice come on sonny you know the drill i'll shoot that size and everything enough to lose nerds like you you uh you guys kind of match them with yourself it came down first oh i heard hey let's see if they all target kill yeah they did very like kill could just tank she had to do that the kill also does decent damage your face annoys me wow oh god you dead um how do i revive people in this world you're still nervous crap gotta calm down oh so the emotion actually works for our advantage because we can calm ourselves down um you're pretty tough ow hey i don't revive so uh can we get that happy now huh maybe they'll teach you my own business [Music] come on kim we got to go home it's almost time for dear mom to be really mad at real late shoot this of here wait don't go please kim i know you when you're know where aubry is she she took something really important from basil i guess you guys are friends and stuff but even you got me that opry goes too far sometimes [Music] please you're just trying to help a friend numbers at the church when you're our house huh i'll be sad church hey don't look at me you're the one who wanted to know also yes who told you tell her it wasn't me say it was mikael or something come on kim we got scoot you know mom gets more late yeah yeah i hear ya let's go smell you later nerds oh nothing took the big bad kenny while i wasn't looking let's do i've got some sticky fingers oh well at least we know where aubry is now at least i think we do i really imagine andrea church i'll believe it when i see it it's that church huh look i see your bike back there well here we are this is really the last of us i would expect her of skeptical actually might be a trap open the door a little take a peek hmm it's normal on me they're in the middle of a sermon oh no she's on the right huh she's just sitting there all normal so weird yeah i feel pretty badly interrupting this she probably wait until the sermon is over or something on his own blue bike hold on sunny let's wait until the sermon is over when we got away what's going in [Music] well i didn't just walk in like that sunny well there's no turning back now come on i have to be really quiet okay i'll be very quiet [Music] and she's on the right let's walk around and puke behind her [Music] i'm pretty happy [Music] what the what the heck are you guys doing here i want to give back basil's photo album you're still on about that it's not your business really not my business i want to be best friends but now listen to my business yeah kill exactly we used to be friends you know mario would be really sad to hear that really you to be mario into this who gets what mari thinks no he's dead oh that's why she's a ghost girl nobody seriously what's wrong with you if you have friends now but you can't just forget your own friends like that my old friends little friends went there for me when i needed them so that's what it's all about when mari passed on we're all dealing with our own stuff we were kids it was hard i think it's all so simple always been simple kill [Music] so if i am it would be simple to be like you how could you do that to basil you know how important this fallout listen to him it's a point to all of us that doesn't mean you can just steal it this part pictures of maori in there is that what basil told you i don't want to keep being safe what are you talking about the following wants a basil i'm not leaving to agree to give it back [Music] so persistent when mari died you moved on so fast you know i came over every week even if those times trying to find some peace it doesn't look like that's happening today we haven't talked to four years ago a lot of changes in four years you and sonny think you just barged back in my life and tell me what to do don't be so naive but look different at different aubry but you're still the same person huh number you knew was long gone yeah that was your friend she's long gone too okay fine i get that you're angry look if it's an apology you want here i'm sorry okay i should've been there for when we lost mari [Music] no i won't accept this wait where you going i can't let you go until you promise you'll give basil's photo i'm gonna back you thief does basil won destroy it then cause she said she's protecting it what's happening basil isn't that the boy who i've seen ombre in her friend's bully now she's stealing as well oops your life is just an embarrassment you think you're the good guy don't you kill and i'm the big bad bully you're terra's poor defenseless basil you're the one hanging out with a psychopath who carries around a knife true now it's not the time to do this aubry you're gonna say that you're the one who barged in here and he said i was sorry for everything if you wanna be a bully and now people bully oh we're gonna do get down this church oh no youtuber cannot be quick bro i'll come at you first quick use the flower i got dang calm down i'm gonna punch you really hard [Music] oh god look at our clothing it's completely inappropriate for church leave kale alone why are you here i think we should bring a weapon in here i want civilized you may need this because i think she does quite a bit damage oh i don't want my shoe please delinquency they're doing this a place of worship oh i think our emotions change when she gets hit yeah why why now so we need to stop them who are their parents [Music] forget it you aren't worth my time [Music] oh ever since her father left she's so uncontrollable disrespectful i feel bad for her mother probably we gave a lot of reviews story wise man i didn't think it would come this soon to be honest we haven't even gone to the other zones of the world shoot now she's been kind of messed up lately i still feel sorry for her this was a bad idea come on let's go fix this without the [Music] knife which houses your assistant no with this one i said it was one of these houses [Music] this one [Music] wait no money that one [Music] set the photo album did you see that i'll be just dump something into a trash can let's go check it out can we help this thing emotionally [Music] never mind [Music] well i don't believe it it's basil's photo album can we should just throw it out like that it's a good thing we look through this trash can on the bright side at least we have basil's photo album now it only takes half a day too talking about teamwork about a high five sonny [Music] you want a high five cal sure ow let's get this back to basil before it gets dark he'll be so happy when he sees it i don't feel satisfied it's not a satisfying conclusion everything's being emotionally solved here she said she was the one protecting it though basil to friends kel and sunny oh hello there who are you hi beth oh wait you're not basil oh i'm sorry my name is paulie i'm basil's caretaker hey gail what is it hey basil we got your full album back huh you did wow thank you did you basil back his photo album basil you didn't tell me i had friends coming over would you like to join us for dinner i always gonna cook a little just a little too much dinner sure sounds delicious come on sonny free dinner [Music] please make yourself at home i'll go ahead and finish up the food wow it's been a while since i've been in here definitely have a lot more plants than you used to ah yeah i like them a lot actually some that are still alive when you guys came here more often wow you sure are dedicated yep that's basil for you flowers and photos oh that reminds me now that we've got your photo album back we can all go for the photos together uh that's uh i don't know it's been a while since you looked through them hasn't it come on it'll be fun um sure okay [Music] here it is [Music] here we go here's the real world hey some photos are missing [Music] my first photo it's my best friend sonny trying out his new violin he's trying to take lessons again so he can play recitals with his sister mari so exciting you know it was your sister oh i'll be talking real hard huh just kill being killed so many party hats i see which photos are missing put all the ones in mari in him [Music] said he playing a video game on the couch so he's a little shy but he's a really good listener always i'm vennington when i get upset or stressed sometimes i feel like i'm bothering him but he never seems to mind back in the park but kayla's still full of energy we challenge hero to an arm wrestling match but we all know who's going to win please go easy on him hero yeah so the the other world versions of us are definitely based off uh the youth when the sister was still alive but everyone was happy sorry cal good luck next time kayla was still feeling a little sorry about losing the hero and arm wrestling last night so he'll decide to lean in for a smooch kill looks so annoyed ah probably love me showing sunny a book i've been reading mari stole my camera and took this when i wasn't paying attention i should keep bare tracking my things it's almost cuddling with sunny stuffed animals he has so many and they're all so soft i wish i could just lay here forever mallory is teaching everyone how to make flower crowns here's sonny and kale doing mario's example holding mario's family wherever looks perfect doesn't it if only mari fought so too hero's still making his flower crown he's taking a little while but he's getting there get to mars persistence it's raining super hard today rain only seems to come out nowhere during springtime aubry asked me to take a picture for her for a new raincoat it's her favorite color pink opry won't let kill under the umbrella but kill seems to be taken just fine he says he likes how the rain tastes just killed being kale again went to hobbies but the shop owner told kale to leave his jacket outside since kel was getting all his comics wet sorry shopkeep it's been pretty busy with school lately but we all finally made time to get together and go to the park today here's kel hanging his legs off a tree he's such a good climber i wish he was as fearless as him it's the first day of summer vacation so we all want to celebrate by going to the beach watermelon zombie's favorite that's why this watermelon scared everywhere as the items whoops accidentally activated again [Music] kale cooling off with some refreshing orange joe i shouldn't get too close you might get my camera wet kill someone to spill us drinks we buried sunny in the sand it took forever but it looks like he's enjoying himself i wonder if he's going to need help getting out i guess i'll keep him company until then [Music] yeah suddenly he's turning 12 today even though me sending aubrey killer in the same school here he's younger than all of us he's the baby of the groups we have to take care of him [Music] sitting holding a super huge present from maori and hero huh wonder where it is you can't really tell from the photo but mario got something a giant building block set said he seems much more interested in the box though that's why he's represented with a cat he just likes mari's new kid and mew does anyone leave the box so kel put a food bowl inside i guess this box would be sunny mew's new home oh photos huh we're going beetle catching today here's kell ready to pounce on his next victim oh and sunday's there too he looks kind of sleepy i went to the bathroom and came back to this photo kel says he took a picture himself on accident but i don't believe him [Music] it's the first day of school today me suddenly and killing aubrey are up but bright and early aubry's so photogenic [Music] goodbye summer until next year yeah see these so it was about four years right so 12. i'm assuming we're around 16. so the cut off is when the sister dies basically we're done looking at the photon yes [Music] oh man looks like a lot of photos are still missing maybe ombre kept them for herself well to get those back later on the bright side look how short i was i know i've grown at least a foot since hero left for college i can't wait until he comes back this year i'll finally be the taller brother anyway don't sweat all the missing photos basil me and sonny will take care of things for you we just focus on going back to your happy carefree self okay thank you i'll try [Music] so i'm assuming the death of the sisters somehow affected all them in different ways we'll kind of get into that later sorry about the way dinner's taking longer than i thought whatever you boys like to help yeah sure i'll help i got some experience helping my brother cook and stuff oh that would be lovely please follow me the kitchen is this way [Music] oh hi sunny go snooping as usual basil's grandma's breathing steadily huh a white egret organ the language of flowers that symbolizes the phrase my thoughts will follow you into your dreams [Music] oh hi oh sonny they expect to see you in here you really saw me walk back here how are you doing sonny is everything okay with you okay never mind then grandma can't hear us you know she hasn't been feeling very well lately it's already been four years hasn't it it's nice to see you're still around even it's only for a little while here take my full album i want you to have it i'm trusting you if it okay i just think you can probably use it more than me paso gave you his photo album a lot has happened since these pictures were taken sometimes it feels like it was all a bad dream it's hard to remember now but i think at the time i took photos almost afraid to lose looking for this album you can still see the good times maybe one day things can go back to the way they were before sony basil dude is ready okay coming camera looks really dusty some books all right let's have dinner pauline kel's homemade dinner would you like to eat some do i have a choice i mean a little weird no i'm going home everything tastes so good you're the best paulie oh it's nothing i'm just following grandma's recipes thanks for your help kel munch so as i was saying before paulie tomorrow my older brother heroes finally come back from ooh heroes coming back from college my mom's all crazy right now preparing the house and everything i don't want to be anywhere near that mess although i'm pretty excited to see him every time he comes back the first thing we do is compare heights this year it's a year then i'm probably gonna be taller than him i can feel my bones like literally you and your brother seem close that's good family's important oh hey what is is that the photo album i just noticed that now like is that having dinner too also kelly you're the only one eating there's no place for everyone you're just like eating straight out of the salad bowl what's doing with basil's fuller album there sonny oh i gave it to him i just thought he should have it oh really that's so cool of you makes sense especially since sunny's moving away and all what sunny's moving oh yeah i thought i already mentioned this i must have forgot oh he's moving in three days i think sorry i thought you already knew oh i see all the games format works now so the final the final boss of final day will basically be like the night before the move or something or the morning of oh uh no i guess i must have missed it so the final boss will be the symbolism of moving you must defeat me in my series of pack boxes i know i know it's already not going to be that actually but i'm just having some fun please don't take that level yet sorry um may i be excused i i have to go to the bathroom oh a little curious basil you hiding something from us what's up with him well that's just how it is when you gotta go you gotta go i'm gonna go snoop hey are you in the bathroom like i just barged in here oh no really awkward i should have never done this why did i do this why is there a shadow coming outside of you oh no it's a symbolism of self-doubt and depression everything's gonna be okay everything's gonna be okay everything's gonna be okay oh it's you sunny you're here i'm so glad you you can see it too can you something behind you sonny why why do you look so scared um because the atmosphere is kind of weird it's honey everything is okay now isn't it sunny why so wait that the way that's positioned is that shadow figure we see all around is that basil well i'm gonna get out of here wait please sonny don't leave me not again oh damn son the ice cold look at that look at that head shake hey everybody something awkward did totally not happen in the bathroom over there oh hey sonny i think it's about telling me went home it's way past my curfew so yeah anyway paulie if you ever need me here's my address i live down just block thanks kel you're sweet oh it's nothing say goodbye the basil for me masters still in the bathroom no basil ah poor guy he's always had a weak stomach hope he feels better soon i also said kell is very oblivious i feel like the intricacies of everybody i think sunny despite being unspoken has an idea of what's going down of the characterization of everybody like including with aubry and everybody but kell is very like kell is like so bright that they use they're the type that doesn't seem to notice what's going down but i mean they haven't talked to anybody for years so i mean i suppose we're not going to find out we're getting a little more of uh aubry's characterization a bit more um next time after we beat the next saga per se this one is just kind of establishing where everyone's at in the future hey sunny thanks for hanging out with me today sorry for all the trouble that was a pretty crazy adventure huh i can tell you haven't talked to anyone in a while i haven't talked to anyone period but that's okay it just takes practice i literally have just tagged along not saying anything anyway heroes coming back from college tomorrow so i'm sure you want to see before you leave so if you don't mind i'll be coming back for you again in the morning okay so i see how this is so i i saw that they had that um if i got the movie from uh stephen king they had a little bit of like nod so i can see where like it's sad and also like how it how the adults come back from like the kids so like the climax is going to kind of build up where everyone kind of arrives back in and then they i'm not sure if we'll get i don't think we're getting a clean resolution i feel like this is the type of game to do that but they're going to come to some kind of resolution as everyone starts gathering and like going over the book and like the pictures and what happened in the past goodnight sunny sweet dreams crap spiders but hey i'll get over my fear of spiders after i survive these spiders spiders oh god they crunch there's also evil void in there too even the box of spiders whispers emoting from inside the box oh god giant spider never mind it's just a small spider that just looked hugely huge temporarily spider spiders knife hey i miss you pretty sharp knife it's been used a few times so i got my cool glasses so oh the fridge spiders there's a lot of spiders thank you for uh increasing the length of my stairs again now that there's spiders around i very much appreciate that this is wonderful i'm enjoying it oh god that's fine it's good just spiders you can do it use knife sonny the knife will solve your problems that in fire the shadow huh murray this by the jump scares won't work on me all right that's a pretty big ugly spider god hello i am now a spider i'm afraid amore calm down it's useless but no it worked but they're using the sticky webs on me now attack keep fighting this is getting nowhere fast huh sonny big it seems like there's a lot going on you need to block out the little things and figure out what's important you clear your mind and remember out of focus i do like the attention to detail about the real world battles versus like the the dream world as i call it it's just a spider oh god i stepped on i just feel kind of bad oh well a very comfortable bed we have to go sleep [Music] [Music] welcome to white space you've been living here for as long as you can remember so we go on the context of what we've been given so far basically no one has talked to him more than four years now they all live in the same town they live in like just a few streets apart so for everyone to have not seen or talked to a maury in four years means that amore as we see the symbolism of the white space has been shut inside for the most part anyway for four years straight and see the journal being just the same thing every day because in their dream space they're only with their the younger versions of their friends hence why they're blue and like caricatures they like like a little bit of depth to their characters but then the real ones have more depth to their characters a bit except for kell who's relatively consistent but that's just how kill is [Music] so the dream world represents like holding on to that happier time almost to a fault per se like being trapped in your past uh i don't know how basil interacts with that world though maybe a little curious to see [Music] i'm assuming we can lose this hang man i need a little more careful about that a white door cast a faint shadow open the door [Music] hey everyone hey aubry your future self has like pink hair and more welcome back see here i told you not to worry the more it always shows up when we need them that hurts in context is everything okay maury were worried about you now you're here let's go and look for basil he's counting on us be patient kill we have to make sure that maury is okay first or maybe you and hero can go yourselves [Music] come on maury let's go exploring together [Music] just the two of us just the two of us hey you can't leave us out of this he's right aubry let's do this together as a team you never know when you'll need someone's help we're stronger than we were together maureen i would be fine on our own you'll protect me won't you amore you gross get a room come on aubrey something gets serious now let's go tell maria that mori's okay you know she's always worrying about him [Music] okay okay fine i was just trying to have a little fun see aubrey definitely did have a crush when they're kids uh that also puts certain things into context going on amore here is your allowance for today thanks so i should be no longer scared of spiders so let's we'll we'll check out the park just in case [Music] hi mari look amore is here amore so i see you two over there you're kim and vance now because you like candy i see how that context works it's not disappearing like that you know my heart can't take it see even the sister is blue right so she's also a past characterization hmm so still gonna sign a basil where could he be [Music] maybe basil is not so much missing from this world but basil's trying to live in the present maybe we're not sure we've been looking for him everywhere and still nothing ah how basil is okay i miss him so much yeah i must hear him talk all the stuff he's into like all the flower stuff and the photo stuff and the art stuff and the reading stuff and the yu-gi-oh stuff my hair is so tangly miss when basically used to brush my hair you can brush your own hair maury will you brush it for me sure my mrm basically is reminding me to wash my hands look they're so dirty you kill cal you should probably wash your hands anyway [Music] everyone i know it's tough right now but we have to stay positive we should all try to be like mazel and when basil's upset he always manages to smile [Music] so is there anywhere you haven't checked yet here's the other thing i'm wondering because i guess i'm thinking everyone was affected differently by the sister's death so it's amore's sister so obviously maury is greatly affected i'm assuming aubrey like i said looked up to her because he also might have like a sister dynamic uh i'm wondering i i'm not sure if i missed the age what hero is and the sisters i wonder if they could have um maybe even more than friends could just be like a crush even i don't know you know we haven't talked to hero in the present world the sephora's west of the stump but it's gross and full of spiders [Music] spiders well you know what that means once again it's time to face your fears little brother that means you too hero come on big bro you can't back out now it's just like how it is with amore free to support you all the way yeah you're right just being silly don't worry guys if anyone or anything tries to hurt you i'll smash it out of the way you can count on it and don't forget about me i'll always be there to help too yeah yeah we can do this together let's go to the force with the stump lead the way amore suddenly trying to think the characters are lining here so yeah that's kim in advance [Music] hmm you're not angel are you no well i mean there's mikael yeah well barely's name doesn't leak up with kim but vance at least links directly okay [Music] oh boy oh boy i've been waiting so long for this event it's delightful day indeed oh yeah so yes alas our glorious princess sweetheart will finally make her appearance oh my oh my i gotta only contain my excitement it sure shows sure to be the most electrifying of them all oh dear oh dear we must hurry our forefront show tickets are right here we're in the time of our lives it must not be late now which way do we go again we're gonna steal your tickets i'm clear of that kill them all oh look it changed evolved so before it was just like they just looked it was just like space space but now it's like it's got a hard ads that's why it's stronger so when the group moves evolve they also like i guess their animations are going to change a little bit in subtle ways too [Music] okay we murdered people for the show tickets hey cool these problems drop some tickets [Music] let me see oh they're front row tickets for some kind of show featuring sweetheart wasn't it captain space boy's ex-girlfriend yeah it looks like some sort of contest or something we having to pass by we should stop and watch we do have front row show tickets after all well all right let me drop by if we happen to come across it uh i'll say that the the dream world is creative at least early on i'm not sure how to get involved later uh it's a little oddly paced sometimes to a fault i think the the real world is a little more interesting as far as uh i guess that's the point but it's a little more a little more depth to it per se the uh the dream world somewhat feels like a um a filler arc kind of looked like very artistic basically let's go to the south area i haven't really gone down here yet i'm just killing you maury can you catch the ball yet oh you did it you do that maury you caught the ball you didn't get hit in the head [Music] all right so we haven't gone to this area much i'm not sure if i can do anything here yet this is where space boyfriend was gonna go right um who thanks cold lantern refrigerator but why because you can store stuff in it plastic fish mail on the wall is a singing bass hmm these batteries so apparently is a singing bass colorful vise cold soup but why holy nice for convenient fishing you want to go fishing with your friends yes [Music] you're all even fishing you're just sitting around hey i got something i caught hope in the form of an orange then fruit back into the lake hello bear fisher bear never mind sorry my my bad just waiting for the next big catch hey i got snow cone ticket snoke machine dispenser snow cone thanks i'm josh of many towns and master many trades i could help you today holy whoa so snow cones are the ultimate item [Music] picnic my friends really mari shaved ice in this whoever what's wrong with that hero if it won't melt it's so convenient shaved rice is way easier to come by than snow cones what's the difference between shaved ice and snow cones anyway consistency i realized that there's not much of a difference snow cones just have larger pieces of ice and shaved ice larger pieces huh it really tastes different just because the consistency it makes a difference is that why snow cones are so much more expensive no it's because you buy them i i don't know kale clearly answer that one supply and demand kill [Music] hey maury isn't this place pretty the snow comes down so slowly but all the pieces seem to fall right into the place in the end it reminds me to be patient i know should go ice skating one day does that sound fun to maury are these hats and places just for like stuff like that so we can see how we look in hats [Music] ready to do this amore be right here if you need us right hero huh oh yeah of course you must defeat the spiders with the power of heart you're no longer afraid of spiders and knife knife helps a lot amore thanks for taking one for the team firefly forest huh uh my second phone let's look for basil somewhere else this place gives me heebie jeebies could be such a baby kill there's just some spider webs here and there ah there's a spider in your hair wait wait wait wait wait i'm just kidding look who's scared one now that's not very funny kill that's kind of funny raquel i could defeat the spiders do not worry look onion rings [Music] a book this empty joke book here oh finally i can collect jokes serve as a water is shimmering you want to throw 10 clams in the lake yes [Music] um harvest moon hey it's me weeping well on the goddess of the lake stop polluting my lake with coins thanks for the clams i guess you see that money can buy happiness but apparently it's not working can you something funny for me can we tell a joke doesn't look like you have any material on you i'm back when you have a joke or two okay i see what's going down there we know where a couple jokes are but worry about that later hello we're in the priorities chicken wing oh boy donkey kong [Music] ben spider buns yeah there's a lot of items i kind of want to correct oh so i guess the bun thing is just like done over the whole course of the game like there's just give me a bun variation everywhere oh boy those were actually creepy looking spiders the matchbox interesting book demi what to read what's the reason i've read every book in the shelf over 20 times already we'll have something more interesting to read so that is a side quest we've unlocked spider buns they're very fast he was afraid of spiders calm down hero i'll get him [Music] what is this matchbox is what we needed earlier [Music] okay whoa wow that's creepy there the web is gone huh i can't find my teddy bear anywhere that's something i had him i'm pretty sure i was wanting for a big pink castle if you're flying can you return them to me all right that has to do with sweetheart probably but he's really lonely so they got oh god so there's a time limit on this i got the wooden track let's get out here before giant squire attacks me [Music] okay it was here have a track we need that there we go it's for a bit on what uh one track mind which i say to mind these puns are getting a little off the rails please don't attack me oh hey is this heel single block of tofu do a picnic are you handling your fear of spiders hero [Music] breathe in breathe out you're doing great hero keep at it breathing breathe out the more used to be scared of spiders too but look at him now on the protag not even a flinch look how brave he's being wow so brave yeah so brave this place is really overgrown isn't it you're all so brave for going through this forest there's even an old line card running through here i don't know what it was used for i'm still trying to determine are these mirrors can be fast travel later like better than pluto cat ears put some track down areas out more spiders [Music] get that railroad track got you know the item tomato that means to be more tracks that's gonna be missing [Music] my eyes open get that got present are you the teddy bear that's missing hello stranger i must and my lifelong dream has always been you didn't enjoy it you finally got my wish to eat me maybe not just yet oh okay then does mock work on you smile like you look angry oh my god are you so angry bear [Applause] revere's attacking the woof he won barely oh no the bear's still there it's just a tough old bear eat the mushroom this time oh thank you stranger how grateful i am for this you got mush [Music] make your friends slightly stronger [Music] hmm what the heck is this thing it's kind of slimy smells like bad apples there's more force on the other side of this lump come on aubrey smash this making smith marines oh what's this you're asking for help kell how rare step aside i'll show you how it's all done i'm gonna give this street pump all i've got yeah we need the car for this e well this is embarrassing i guess we could find our way past this thing yes let's do that all right let's go okay we're the part where the track gives out and we have to like make some kind of jump while a giant crocodile ghost is chasing us [Music] nice oh so we are going to uh sweethearts place that's what we got the concert tickets for [Music] so now we can fast travel cool basil are you here basil where are you hmm doesn't look like basil's here either hey look it's mari mari murray oh hello everyone you all made it through the forest i'm so proud of you mari i i was so scared hmm hero this is kind of embarrassing ah sounds like these i really wish basil was here you still hear about how spiders are harmless in a good nature or something anything wouldn't find them so creepy i'm not sure that would help them right now oh hero you're gonna have to deal with this eventually these things only get worse over time [Music] maybe or maybe i'll naturally outgrow it remember what the future brings yeah i've seen the future it sucks for you guys [Music] oh i'm so relieved you all finally showed up this force is full creepy crawlies it sure is giving me the heebie-jeebies at the mention i keep hearing scaring from up ahead seems like it could be something potentially dangerous so she also probably rests up spider boss this force is a lot scarier than the one near the playground and a lot older too [Music] it does have a mysterious error about it doesn't it i heard there used to be a huge library filled with books here someone took care of it over time the library slowly sank into the ground who told you that mari oh just some shadows here and there if you focus you could see them too hmm whatever reading is boring what's read anyway where's the library now mari [Music] well if i were to guess i'd say would be right beneath us like underground yeah somewhere around here probably see there's like a spider boss here this problem looks kind of dead those do too equally dead dead dead you are dead i hear a scooter skater oh here we go oh you're not too bad you'd be like bigger and scarier looking um you're a little bigger in the the battle screen oh i just realized it's a centipede made of dead sprout moles just give me uh make me think of that damn leaking frog and i make myself sad some emotions smile [Music] appears now i wonder this is gonna be a given to this fight [Music] let's just start going to town maybe you eat and you heal let's rebound maybe snack time it [Music] woof kills can go down pretty easily how much do you feel a bit so yeah but you get happy interesting we could make you sad just uh [Music] keep you not happy maybe use you as a backup kind of healer [Music] no we need juice apple juice [Music] oh crap here we go it was critical to a critical aoe [Music] a little rough i need to life jam it up but you might not survive the next attack it was a little weird too because you're all so sad and you still crit and just wiped out our party pretty hard now you just do normal attack we need to do like a group a group thing [Music] maybe where's my fries and [Music] i think you're tackling the lower you still hit pretty hard yeah i could [Music] there we go let's do it [Music] i don't know if juice matters or not through the enemy but or whatever oh god they're angry and that's probable appeared but you're almost dead i could just wipe you out here let's do it [Music] 28 120 xp 49 clams who was problem masks and kell didn't die at the end you learned fast food [Music] nice we did it it is clear
Channel: ManlyBadassHero
Views: 494,903
Rating: 4.9751024 out of 5
Keywords: Omori, Let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Horror Game, Indie Game, Gameplay, Video Game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 36sec (7896 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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