Happy's Humble Burger Farm - Work Minimum Wage get eaten / ENDING FULL PLAYTHROUGH

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I like this one. Many was great as always! I don't remember any trash jokes though.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone this is manly badass hero and welcome to happy's humble burger farm which is a horror game where you work minimum wage in the service industry which is horrifying in itself quick note that this is the full release of this game not any of the demos or the prototypes praise the bundle [Music] [Music] they can't give us a raise after working here for years [Music] lunch go to work we strongly recommend the 10 reference your employee manual press tab at any time oh god this is pretty like nice this is nice on your usual employee manuals in general i'm just gonna kind of click for this real quick as for the food here's the management your royal happy hummus burger farm is to serve our loyal customers only the best from top quality greens to your perfect happy humble smile watch some possibilities arrive on time for all shifts provide your own transportation to and from work clock to start your ship's clocked in your shift turn on all four lights appliances open sign that's all calls from the supervisor do not miss these calls cookies are food to company standards handle all cash transactions they are watching you maintain an orderly restaurant cleanup hold maintenance standards payload maintenance these duties will result in a jump scare spending efficient employees will find their shift ends with a minimum allowance of infractions in this event you will receive a bonus turn on driver to get more customers more cash if your bonus requires you to spend and save wisely visit the happy bar and local coffee shop to enjoy your push for your shift stay happy by expanding your collection of music rare action figures liberal edition moong and much more than new elijah city has to offer mungo is cool better than unemo there's a map here don't get trapped in here in the play area oh god statistics notes all right we good so i've turned off the vhs filter i generally always do this it just um helps a lot with how youtube processes the quality of the video [Music] oh i need to use a candy bar and iran [Music] i probably should stop eating my food [Music] [Music] um there's a lot of things to do in this game [Applause] it's like i'm really a wagey it's like i really have a poorly laid out apartment or condo not really sure all right let's go to work you don't know what kobe movies will never weigh [Applause] secrets tours room don't open sleep inside good for you behind your health and stamina there's so many like little things like details that i just want to stop and like look at them all but what's more ass picking this game in the world is money oh hey a dollar nice i'm rich comparatively well i don't really need anything so unless i can store my inventory but even then we have to get an idea of like how fast our energy goes down before toas your co-worker relaxed really well done burgers and hugs something trust me can't we be late i need some money anyone got any money i think we love the gta universe look around for secrets what's this hmm fine and you add your apartment too dark for turning your flashlight even the pop-ups come if you think of gta actually the way they like a little sound and kind of come up hey what's going on here so you might have some collectibles in there mind if i take them that's a cardboard bulldozer okay taking the creepy tunnel glitch in the system you have these deluxe fantastic foul powder pork patties are all available in the walk-in freezers machine so turn on the lights and the oven clock yourself in hit the open side and get to work simulation if test subjects god oh no why did i drink that why is this the second time something like this has happened to me then let's get to work not happy that's a funny spot this was in the trash what's your brick hello fellow co-worker take a quick look around jacuzzi's out of order pick up the disposed trash in the lobby pick up and reset rat traps around exterior move deliveries in your back door to indoor shelves clock in appliances hey what i need a bomb to blow that up because we all have like ponds running under our freezers place boxes on shelving return to work oh an item has been crossed off your list and reset the rat traps never went down pick up and dispose of trash in the lobby so i'm not sure if you're supposed to be doing this while you're working or before you open i'm just going to do before i open and might feel like it's more simple that way there now we're ready to open [Music] [Music] we're open oh need to stop doing the weird gary's mod zombies so real quick this is just some side commentary i recorded while i was editing this video so the how the game is structured it's a pretty long game i put like six hours into this game you basically go through like a daily task as you go to work you do stuff you kind of go home and then the the work schedule kind of like escalates and new things are unlocked as you go on and in between that you do like their story events and everything so my grand theft auto comparison wasn't too far off but because of that gameplay loop it's not quite friendly to like let's play structure so you're gonna see some big jump cuts and rather than show me going for the tutorials of the cooking portion i'm just gonna show the final cooking portion of everything unlocked that would have essentially occurred like much later into the game and then we're to cut back to essentially like story and stuff like that all right new day got my prepping yes get my cookies everything cooking already you're seriously already messing with my power epic dog happy dog no mustard happy deluxe no cheese what is this time toys flooding [Music] happy dog no mustard happy to lots of cheese due to the upgrade things cook so fast now that's actually harder for me a little bit trash trash but it's going to overcook hurry cook thank you excuse me my friend is actually explode right next to me [Music] what's your order so complicated my friend okay happy dog deluxe no onion shake where's the fire [Music] it's probably just about done [Music] then a happy dog welcome [Music] happy dog no ketchup happiest deluxe salmon nuggets okay everything's overcooked [Music] yep you were charred okay happy dog no ketchup [Music] here you go [Music] so i'm not going nuggets shake straight forward so i'm gonna get some more [Music] there you go shake shake shake soft drink [Music] um clock out were you will you and survived night where shadow have turned into a sea an ocean of regret in which you now drown no one survives being a wagey i'll help you fast happy old pal get your stinking nets hooks and worms out of my face fishermen why don't you throw on some scuba diving gear come down here and fight me like a fish tough guy duke nukem a woodland compound i mean you're talking crazy man we left the barn to like escape tyranny not created man now come on buds giving up isn't in our nature i'm gonna check this out you said i could get lost is this supposed to be a ball pit because there's no balls in here oh god oh i'm secret no scared there are monsters in here with me secret i saw a cassette tape oh crap there's money in here that's the best gift of all i'm gonna i'm gonna own this playground i'm gonna pick up those figures and bring them back home too much like or a.a bombers planters explode upon getting too close to hostile to prey but when they do so they admit a thick sludge that burns temporarily blinding victims [Music] secrets are born when the flesh they is incredibly effective camouflage that causes them to blend into the environment you see nothing but their glowing eyes the entire motivation of coaches is to cause havoc and mischief and of course when the test subjects failed to serve customers due to the mystery for the clutches that's when happy shows up so every tape is just giving me like tutorials thank you happy put your burgers in another restaurant go home you know horror games sometimes that's harder to do than i think well i can explore now really need a backpack god such an involved game holy cow pun intended i steal place in himself allegiance city you can buy radio transmitters and other rare weird items you might even be able to sell some things or two for some credits but you are making money on the side are you we've got extra ships available you know oh man i can bet go invisible pumpkin oh my god this is rigged rigged dang i actually went for the one thing that was called impressive champ i thought that should have been obvious after the fact what's this burger coins oh cool secret test subjects an enclosure is built around the restaurant lighting dims and goes red an alarm goes off to warn employees to take cover unfortunately this never managed to work the enclosure was removed acm was discontinued but as a joy ironically took control of the systems and now she seems to trigger the stages of ac and myself just to terrorize employees scare them into efficiency anime there is no escape hey free money can i have this drink thanks can i have this thanks i'm gonna sell that later at the steal and sell [Music] three times as fast after you drink water secret farmer sammy who's this happy i got them all sweet the king's comfort located [Music] got burger tokens anime [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's going on over here it's amazing like how much depth there is this city for what is a horror game about working in the surface industry secret using our tape air bombers are the customer bots fused with the flesh of acid while the primary function is to be consumed by peter they self-destruct and faced with hostility no one knows how exactly they explode but we do know to get out of the way when they start glitching out status post influencer event promoter work evasion technician i like that one number seven kid kotaku i'm taking the bus before it's dried and everything just nickels dimes here in life like so little and everything costs so much hey kid we got a doozy for you today not only are you going to be manning the deep fire from fries and nuts but you're also going to be serving drinks from the shake machine and the soccer machine so grab a bag throw it in the fryer or grab a cup and throw it under the nozzle we've made it almost automatic for you with any luck you can hear roblox to do your entire job [ __ ] shift is finished great job cause we just clock out [Music] that pays about one percent of my rent band oh a costs screen tv yes yes nice flat screen you're useless to me now old tv [Music] whatever that was i advised going home definitely don't investigate leave it to the brokes the new elysian police and fire department will take care of it there's no reason to be wandering towards oh hey i can go in here now sweet i'll leave my bar out here any uh secrets around here there's something there's no way out besides going through the belly of the beast feed the appetite of your enemy and they may become more focused on the stomach ache than they are in you hmm i feel like you're implying i must do something here what is going on here candy bars and healing items this is a boss isn't it it's all one big happy humble stage play oh what i have seen underground is nothing short of horrific it's not just our experiments something is alive down there upon extraction i must demand zayn reconsider his lucidus initiative it must be shut down immediately and permanently we must seal the underground facility grimm is a good man but i fear he's been staring into the darkness for far too long and losing sight of why we all started this oh my god i've been training for this day this is gone down to i have to make pop and pork burgers to save my life all the waginess had a purpose and we've got to turn things on in the right order gray blue i'm gonna do red there's a giant hungry pig we need to start making sandwiches coffee coffee coffee coffee you have a pretty easy name actually cook okay put me here for the safe got one no it didn't count there we go going on here real quick make some more supplies good oh god we're good what do you want to eat there's so many i can't do my thing okay i missed eat this it's gonna blow everybody's gonna blow here they did say b for the belly of the beast [Music] batteries peter has construction workers are fixing up the building me and my team were working on a large quantity of ai units when all of a sudden peter burst in he developed an entire construction group all of after hours i finally emerged only to find peter move a burden and fuse to the floor he couldn't reach me and i made it out of the only the only survivor again [Music] a crafting recipe hmm interesting interesting indeed hey why not 120 crits [Music] sweet secret it's advice to pursue extreme culture around i said peter despite his immobility he's highly dangerous peter throws explosive projectiles peeled off with his own body at any perceived prey the protector as he throws sometimes fuses with the air units creating an [Music] my closet i am okay oh well here's where all my notes have been going let me take a shower hmm clean off all that dirtiness hey you aren't e7 who are you what cow got your tongue why are you looking at me like that oh right i'm kind of just a talking head sir you don't know what's going on do you right well i'm an artificial intelligence cybernetic organism or a robot if you will e7 was a human like you a friend haven't seen him in a while though he woke me up now i'm going to wake you up all of this is fake and e7 made recipes to try to break out see those blueprints over there on the walls it shows you the ingredients you will need throw all three of those ingredients into obscurus fabricator and watch the magic happen right before your very eyes yes so we'll need pace transmitter and battery oh sweet hey what's up secret oh okay there's a whole bunch of areas over here once after some reason grimm thinks we need to keep these things alive to study them what more can we learn about them we need to put them down so what's in this building uh ghouls what's up sea coast row subscribers i've been at this king's comfort resort for a while now and obscura stuck to their word my last broadcast you may remember me signing a legally binding verbal contract this contract essentially stuck me under obscure control for a year and they weren't kidding i haven't been allowed to leave the island but i got myself into anyway i'm gonna upload these short audio logs onto this private seacoast rose status post server only subscribers get to hear it since that's the case may as well drop a little bombshell on here maverick cooper signing off i think we can find a lot of lore in this place [Music] obscura has me making videos for their tv program now must be nuts i'm loading the shows they're paying me to make with so many truth bombs time to wake some people up people need to know fabricating realities and some ticket to paradise it's a totalitarian coal and with the world government backing it it has the potential to kill millions anyone who descends is in danger maverick cooper signing out green screwing room so this is where they were filming stuff but i don't see anyone around hey buddy buddies i'm gonna ouch so it's like is happy humble and a scientific facility like you know like an scp kind of thing or is it all this time the boss has been checking in on you how about you checking on him for once at work one of my favorite things to do is rent king's comfort rooms where people have died or pain is a part of life off okay for all the stuff we have the battery here keypad hacker use it on a keypad will begin hacking sequence be sure the press nice do i have to make a new one of these every time is that the catch oh oh there's token sweet in the backpack why is there like scary music that's unlocked now six seven five two [Music] interesting loaded a new screen when i open this one oh no oh no oh no hello my name is theodore oliver emerson but my family calls me theo and my friends they all call me toe i've wanted to escape that nickname since childhood and i finally did when i got here but now now i'd give anything to hear them call me toe one last time hey you have all the figs i can steal these oh money oh yeah lots of stuff [Music] and you have a complete collection there is some questionable fan art in here all right we got one here four seven seven eight okay it was just for burger tokens which is so useful the help of the uh place now we're gonna go into the boss's keypad room okay two seven six six hey kid what are you doing in my office nothing who told you to go in there no one oh right these are one way listen now that's much better now you don't have to listen that guy go on and on and on who is he anyways probably some crop paid to monitor you i'll be your new tour guide thanks for flying with us anyways if i were you i definitely wouldn't press that lever if i were you you're saying push the lever i take it we are in the sewers and we're going to counter the sewer oh my god cool red wire there's an actual dead cow mascot down here well we'll need to disable this there's another crafting recipe we'll need that that's probably for the burger bombs that's no good all right now we'll go and get the uh items that are in there you can't hurt me the robot customers have become much more advanced since i left barn and got thrown into the diner less creepy looking too i managed to capture one of them power it down and remove his head before tossing all his limbs in that spooky parking garage i've been hacking into the head back in my motel off shift and believe it or not he came to life [Music] he's an actual personality he never shuts up and every other joke bombs but nick i think because my only friend this virtual intelligent cybernetic isn't just someone to talk to though he's gonna be my ticket out of here it's gonna be my ticket out of here nope [Music] now if i were a horror game i would have us to be attacked as we're leaving [Music] what was this way i saw red eyes behind that gray makes me try to punch through oh man there's good stuff in there yes it is a weird well i'm not sure what their inherent goal is but it's uh well there's a few fictional universes i think this is based off of you know the truth time for us to go okay so the clock battery and burger we know where the batteries are there's a free clock in one place and we can buy number one the steal and sell clock i'm not a robot you're a robot all right hold on so what's down there [Music] need to drain the basement first [Music] so this was happy humble atlanta's right okay it's working we pick up that extra bomb over there random green plants cool so i'm e-7 the one they used to keep in the burger barn simulation the tekken hhbb was too effective and the the hypnosis was too strong made me nauseous everything was all warped looking and jittery after the big explosion knocked the simulations off the grid i managed to break out of there but paragon captured me and moved me here to happy burger i i think this diner simulation stage is much older than barn the hypnosis is so much weaker i've started to remember who i am again is that i just come down here for a tape more notes there we go secret we'll see if this leads to the museum or it could just be its own secret area no it's maybe its own area huh yeah it's winter now got snow museum's still not open yet hmm i guess that's just that what we can't blitz the main story and we start to do like all the the burger stuff oh god there's snow it's everywhere hit up the new station slap a bun down the meat so ketchup and mustard and you're good to go guess what the new you're saying i should bring a bomb aren't you yes i just had to progress forever into the game all right let's go to the museum i have brought a bomb with me just in case because we need an explosive entrance you're almost a happy sandwich jill this is actually a pretty good museum let's get the lines well you know while it's here we'll go in that these later choose to possess the nightmare and attract designs taken from the more adult-oriented kaiju spin-off movies whatever fused with these animatronics could have possessed the friendlier looking behind your bird's designs but chose to go with the more threatening monster designs for a further advantage against their prey to terrify and intimidate to mobilize with fear they cannot escape i think it's the last token in the game because there's only one more upgrade left over there once the hotdog which gets one oh my god you've got a happy aquarium still haven't gone to the museum huh i'm literally in the museum you should go there for the happy the humble have for exhibit find out some of the creepy history of your corporate overlords they sure do milk that franchise am i right kaiju [Music] of films stands on the southernmost border of soviet protecting civilized folks from the cannibal tribes of the zurakeen desert conspecting why i said like this game has a lot of like little things and details to do the team discovered 88 of its surface is covered in ocean what they didn't expect was life on donald trump our team seemed to come in contact with giant hostile creatures before communications were lost all right so let's go for the thing we uh blew open maybe get a candy bar before i go i got a couple of coffees on me so we should be good [Music] have a happy humble day this is like blue ground beef hey 842 i remember place the broken bits and trash it's where they this you might actually find my body down here if you don't mind looking e7 went down though find a way down down down down down down don't mind if i do ooh money money bricks they gave them to us for a reason i'm assuming this is under the uh where the apartments were okay definitely don't want to drop we're gonna drop go you know this makes me think of is uh eat that real quick thank you there's a mind pit back in uh demon souls you could take like a really big shortcut as long as you fall to your death just gotta drop down the right way make sure you catch everything thank you give me out see it worked out [Music] what's in [Music] here no that's just if you went to that one you're like it's still an exit it's a boar colony [Music] magma and dangerous entities within nothing beyond this point is worth dying for i remember these statues and this layout from the prototype of the game this is a really bad place you shouldn't be down here e7 told me that chicken lives down here charlie isn't so chill anymore if you know what i'm saying e7 kept talking about frying the chicken which kind of sounds good actually uh maybe you can figure it out why is the magma balls alive and seeking out avoids acid eggs explosion hazard steam turbine not enabled propane propane acid is not continually neutralized let's fry this chicken cut it out why is there cheese here gotta make grilled cheeses look that's full there's like a few different areas i can go i'm trying to determine which one i should go first pickles we saw cheese here's pickles i have a feeling you might need to collect these disturb any nearby assets well kicking that in buns looks like you found the employee kitchen i hear they start using cockroaches and rats in the meat that doesn't stop charlie from eating them though i think i heard obscure guards talking about feeding him all the ingredients are scattered in boxes throughout the facility he's a big boy so be sure to cook him up three sandwiches that should do the trick okay i see what's going down three sandwiches into the bin pain noise chicken goes pop up [ __ ] hit the thing fry the chicken three cheeses three lettuces onions so i got moved again this time from an early burger farm stage in unfinished city to a super spruced up version called um new elysian city i can't believe they actually gave us trucks in some of those simulations my legs missed them anyway uh i finally managed to transfer vic from my old apartment near the diner to uh my new apartment in new elysian dragged vic by the cables through the sewers you wouldn't stop complaining the hallway almost got us caught by one of those things we've uh started to work on these recipes key card hackers bombs and the most important of all the helmet when the helmet is finished it'll fry that lousy chip they implanted in my skull then i can finally get out of this place once and for all so here's where the tomatoes are well now i remember put three finished sandwiches in the food bowl that will give you access to the observation chamber from there you can deep fry charlie once the asset is contained the ai system will open the break room paragon was pretty strict with workshifts they walked their workers in until lunch they treat employees as bad as they treated test subjects and obscura was even worse i would have had a shortcut around here would you oh what is there's more meat patties here haven't seen any onions emergency exit do not block there's the onion i'm surprised you made it to the power control room without running into charlie yet if you see him he probably sees you if that happens run i advise you try your hardest to avoid him entirely try hiding behind objects stealth is crucial here you might notice lasers those will set off an alarm that trolley will rush towards same with the eggs those explode and get charlie's attention get the paw running and watch out for them you can always duck into the vents to take a breather warning pressure leak to test it set lower price room or cheap engineering assistance [Music] you need to get immediately of name is dr here luna current assignment call signed e14 i entered the lucidus initiative simulations by my own volition while i told my superiors i wish to test efficacy i am here to test ethics are these simulations humane i will record my observations and report my findings upon extraction fry them patties [Music] don't need that tomato take that hit okay let me just check see what's going on here yeah kick that in that's one big chicken laying eggs [Applause] is this the pipe assembly oh god chicken cock-a-doodle-doo what i say i'm i happen to be a cartoon rooster let's go fix the pipes i think i grabbed some pipes uh they are supposed to go this i i'm assuming anyway propane way to go you found the boiler room check the piping and make sure there's nothing missing that's why there's so many extra pipe fittings scattered around the facility put them in one at a time though otherwise they'll pop out there's this like slight bug when you drink coffee it sets the buttons off sink forget the lasers it's coming chicken buck [ __ ] looney tunes oh come on i'm right here [ __ ] come on raffles you're gonna burn all right [Music] looks like this chicken's not kentucky fried and the day is saved these explosive orb things and i practically craft the you found that helmet the the one for the zappy helmet e7 was looking for that for a long time he said it makes a bad brain chip not work anymore i i think he meant the inhibitor chip that all test subjects get when they come here you know that toe guy the one that walks around the apartment you see him all the time he has had one for so long that his brain isn't so smart anymore [Music] dang i tried to stop a baby grimm's plan for you know if you didn't have these leaves in the way it's like clean they're sealing off playing a test rumors are true there are some weird creatures in definite facility not just stealing enough to keep the press out they're seeing enough to keep those things in but the bomb just made them mad hang in there kitty [Music] we're out i think something ate me down there or something blew up [Music] oh god it's the fish mascot don't look behind me [Music] [Music] oh goodness right behind me come on oh okay get me up there come on there we go so that's the chicken the fish i think we just got the cow left because the first boss was the pig oh no there's the human e7's helmet recipe is probably the most important one put it together [Music] yeah i think it's bugged well first off i need to know what the uh [Music] yeah there's explosive per people everywhere i'm gonna take that toe toe the world is ending we live in a simulation tall we're robots i think i mean this loading screen's technically right the burger is in fact a lie hmm it's like we ran off assets in a unity game actually this is an improvement nice earth tones so what we're dealing with clock oh man there was a camera um excuse me excuse me you're standing on my foot okay the rest of the things we can get at the one store everyone's still just chilling out getting their coffee like the world's ending we live in a simulation but i gotta get my drinks i ain't missing these beans of the world at least punk isn't dead oh come on there we go five years earlier oh my god i had a nice apartment a little bit gray no it's more of a nice hotel islands room network i'm michael trevor here with a breaking story in what appears to be a continuing trend another tourist has gone missing while vacationing at the king so we're investigating a search has been initiated and officials remain hopeful the child will be found authorities are urging the public to be on the lookout for this is all based on an emergency alert has been activated yeah they said it was an explosion a bomb seek shelter by evacuation oh it looks like i'm not reading any of this but for the most part i was reading it just kind of like it said the lore that we've been like kind of um finding as we play through where it's a weird facility and capturing tourists nato's uh whoever the balconies uh that feels like please be death a nuclear meltdown is imminent that's a little more than nuclear meltdown evacuation tunnels located under the resort immediately okay [Music] you go to the roof no there not be a giant fish down there i shouldn't die my memories so besides some of the ruins between things we explored and am i been like the old remains of the city they get to simulate well the simulation doesn't mean much you know yeah this is what was buried underwater this is the the prototype the we game for any inconvenience management thank you for visiting us how the hell did you get down here follow me i'll get you back to the rest of the civilians man you're lucky i'm the one who found you am i you know who that is right no should i uh that's the journalist there the guy that got banned from status post what's his name maverick cooper no maverick's already underground he's been here for months his buddy there uh ryder heitzman oh wow that is him don't tell me you listen to that talk really of garbage nah man you know that's banned in here wouldn't want to cross obscure sometimes i think they treat employees worse than test subjects reality fabrication brain chip has been successfully installed and active for a full day test subject is awake and stable and is currently viewing training videos provided by our in-house obscura programming team thought engineering was a success test subject's memories have been suppressed and he is assimilating to the fabricated reality he has been assigned test subject designation employee 42 or e42 for short [Music] final reality fabrication chip calibrations have been made test subject e42 will be deployed into new elysian city by the end of the day i bet grimm must be excited about this one he already got maverick but right or two no one else will be doing stories about people going missing on dirty jungle after journalists start disappearing like this indeed i want to go for a burger e7's helmet recipe is probably the most important one put it together with the fabricator sorry if you already made one my memory storage is running out if you did just put it on [Music] is this a loop story [Music] i'm not so sure i'll see you again but i hope you don't forget about me now where do i leave to leave for happy humble burger farmed i leave for somewhere else maybe through there there was the um the old burger joint under the uh probably join okay this might be where we need to go five [Music] triple five eight where and what am i you're doing something weird you're doing the the angel thing i don't appreciate that so and you can ground fast [Music] this water might be an issue there we go explode explodes man already blown up respect this is a dead end no no no huh [Music] that wouldn't just look like it was coming for me it might have a gimmick too but i wasn't gonna test there to find out what it was what sure extreme not this way oh no no no no no no [Music] and then we're joking when this coffee's extreme [Music] i see a swim through [Music] oh there was a fish oh it's a giant cow putting off of the wind gives a slight momentum hmm welcome to knicker knight universe we sell smooth burgers alongside a serving of smooth jazz you dummy check the order ticket serve customers am i making food i mean if food quality is higher look we're getting like actual bald cola but the shakes are made reveal like actual shakes hey look color oh yeah old-fashioned way happy's deluxe a banana malt in a banana malt [Music] all right well let's make this well that's cooking [Music] is the happy deluxe have eggs here [Music] where's eggs just a side item breakfast nice [Music] ice cream you want banana malt [Music] that's the banana malt i'm assuming [Music] like that [Music] let me get your burger out there [Music] all right banana malt and the deluxe mono [Music] yes okay you just throw the food out that's how you serve people in this era that's the old days the one we're all nostalgic for just for the food right adam all three types of burger oh yeah you must have like the human boss because the last one was cow cows in the sewers fried egg banana malt [Music] that's a fried egg [Music] hopefully it's not an overcooked fried egg [Music] here you go what's the next order [Music] happy's deluxe no pickle and grilled fish just slap a whole sea bass on there man it just takes a while to grill [Music] served take out the trash oh no cow see what they did that letter makes more sense now because we could take out the trash always go right well this is the maze amazingly we got out of there better buy some more uh [Music] continue working [Music] happy cola and t-bone steak [Music] [Music] nice good order up [Music] no it's this we're climbing [Music] foreign i have the living no here the living dead escape from the barn is it just funny because we remember i was talking about that like the final boss mankind they're the most evil animal apparently hoppin pork sandwich and grilled fish [Music] chicken hey i need to get my malt going [Music] okay throw you on give me a plate [Music] served [Music] lemonade yeah no we ain't dealing that [Music] okay now i see why serve them one of every three cups of burg [Music] pork [Music] you can't get me wait gotta put tomato on that last one start cooking that three on one plate tomato [Music] come on cook you know you're out of barn just enough [Music] eat the phone [Music] get me out of here some incessant stuff don't know i'm not still in a simulation [Music] have you all been murdered by a mascot [Music] because we did fight him in the simulation but like around the simulation right [Music] wait well thank you indirectly [Music] you just have new elijah [Music] congratulations you've escaped obscure simulation fancy cookies and more you're in luck you've unlocked endless mode you've also unlocked the soundtrack to transformers the movie apparently too [Music] [Music] [Music] again is [Music] every road is [Music] forever [Music] so that's it for happy humble burger farm i think the game is pretty impressive on its kind of scale and detail because there's a lot of things to do there's a lot of like like there's the anime shows they're all like the little posters there's all the little texts uh there's just so many easter eggs and kind of things to take in like there's a lot of love put into it storyline wise it's not so much confusing but it's it's kind of out there so you have the weird inception matrix kind of simulation thing you have a weird conspiracy somewhere odd facility that's doing experiments they're making mascot monsters for some reason it's it doesn't matter it's it's pure shock at the end you escape they've been capturing tourists they've been capturing journalists they've been capturing random people or prisoners etc etc put them into the simulation it just gets a little weird on the borders of what's the simulation and what's not because we clearly have a cow monster at the end but there was a cow monster in the simulation so like was that i'm i'm half kind of like wondering at first i thought it's a partial simulation where it's a real world but it's simulating it's basically just like a field or something it's simulating parts in the world but in the room you wake up in at the end that looks like a natural physical place maybe you wandered into there i don't know maybe it was the real world that's just how you wandered in so there's some weird truman show aspects too now whatever the game is ironically the weakest is that it's actually the horror aspect that's pretty much not a scary game whatsoever even the prototype was uh more intimidating i would actually weigh this more as like a weird adventure comedy where there's danger to you but i mean there's plenty of danger and some comedies something closer to like the scary movie movies the first one anyway because there's really nothing too intimidating in the game it's just very surreal it's kind of a journey if you play it from the perspective of it's a weird journey it's a pretty good game if you play from a perspective if it's a horror game uh like i mentioned i think earlier that i think the prototype is actually scarier and even the prototype cow was a little bit scarier you saw it in the game here when we visited the old location because that game is still canon i believe now as far as i remember i i don't quite i'm not quite sure if there's a link cannon now or anything or if some things have been separated out of retcon but i believe this developers other games they have some slasher movie ones and things like that i think those two are part of this universe also this weird simulation stuff it's some really odd cam in the woods kind of situation i'm not even i'm still not fully sure what happened but they're doing science you know science science gets shocky but yeah that sums up my thought for happy's humble burger farm anyway so if you all for watching me play happy humble burger farm i'll see you guys later and take it easy [Music]
Channel: ManlyBadassHero
Views: 1,195,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Happy's Humble Burger Farm, Let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Horror Game, Indie Game, Gameplay, Video Game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 50sec (7310 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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