Lasagna Boy - A Simple Food Delivery Goes Wrong When You Pick The Wrong House ( SECRET ENDING )

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hey everyone this is manly badass here and welcome to lasagna boy a horror game where you're a lasagna boy inspired by the gorfield series by lumpy touch it was late monday night i had just finished my shift at pizza lasagna an italian restaurant that specializes in lasagna i was tired and just wanted to get home worn out from the day-to-day life of working as a lasagna delivery boy the nice guy looked like a storm was rolling in i started driving faster hoping that would reach home before the inevitable rain that was when it happened something that would send emotion the events that changed my life forever looking at the checkpoint based game ah my head darn it i probably should have just hit that stupid deer oh my car recalled toe great no cell service my phone is almost dead wasn't there a castle something nearby i have a weird place for a castle maybe i can get some help if someone is there will be the light lighter z on keyboard first select the open inventory eat a sandwich so lasagna boy is a remake of the original lasagna boy which was inspired by garfield like i said earlier and i've played the demo on my channel before but this is the full release now so it'll be quite a bit longer than the demo rip beatrice schroeder beloved wife and mother chapter one the girl in the tower i'm assuming we're going to retrace some of the areas in the demo but it's been a while since i've played them hey hello there like i was saying it's been a while since i played the demo so you can go in there nothing known here yet there are secrets in this game so i do need to pay attention for that so let's go up first [Music] siegfried schroeder and his beloved cat mr chesterfield mr not garfield the password for that [Music] let's see we can go oh yeah i know i love these stairs when i saw him in the other demo they feel good they feel good some good pixelized stairs going on there it's about time igor i was beginning to think you have forgotten about me oh you're not igor you don't look like the other henchmen either do you work for my father no i came looking for some help with my car oh you wouldn't happen to have any food on you igor hasn't been by for over a day now and i'm starving keep sandwich i was going to eat this but you can have it give a sandwich well really thank you took a bite out of it though i've been starving why were you locked in this cage vava says it's for my protection no one can hurt me when i'm in here who wants to hurt you strangers outsiders maybe someone like you i'm not going to hurt you how do i know that father says i'm not supposed to talk to strangers well let me introduce myself my name is john i'm a lasagna delivery boy no relations there now i'm not a stranger anymore what's your name my name is gilda that's a pretty name what no it's not it's a stupid dummy name uh i mean i'm sorry i mean it's a nice name thanks now that we know each other's names we aren't strangers anymore so it's okay if we talk i guess so so gilda how long have you been in this castle i've been in this castle my whole life flower says it's not safe to go outside that's crazy don't you get restless being cooped up in sound all day yes i mean it'd be nice to go outside but father would never allow it it's okay though i have my window and i can see all the outside that i want all those trees and dark horizon but wouldn't it be nice to actually be outside and experience it for yourself yes i i guess it would be nice maybe just for a little bit the father wouldn't have to know do you have any idea what the key might be i think it might be in the study room the last time igor was here he dropped this paper with numbers scribbled on i think it might be the code for that room the numbers are 113. if you can get the key i'll come see you outside with you live for a little bit father would be very angry with me he discovered that i had left the castle [Music] okay let's go better not forget that code we're gonna be a long walk up here [Music] okay let's input that code in i think this code is gonna be randomized if not you just people kind of cheated out got a key okay um and we're gonna run all the way back up those stairs again time for a jump skip oh you're back you find the key yet you get great try it on the lock hmm it doesn't fit what what do you mean it doesn't fit hmm if the ski doesn't work then the key must be on igor if you can find him maybe you can i don't know sneak it off him or something he's probably somewhere down in the basement maybe this ski can help you get around down there good luck good luck if i walk down these stairs again for how many times in a row [Music] well b will run the sprint whoops actually went up the stairs there's a little weird thing that's going on the camera here that's switch you probably can make it run that's no good it's locked for better or worse use the key we're good give me a save no there's gonna be a little annoying thing here i think the button to light something and the button sprints tied to the same button it's a little bit quirky so it's very easy for me to like sprint and then thousands so i'm not i'm not full agreement of that okay good good all clear the maybe that's by design maybe they want you to uh sometimes douse the fire accidentally to discourage you from spinning all the time oh that little camera shift see orientating stop trying okay because i need the sprint to make these jumps like i can't just do it like a normal jump i like the sinking on this oh careful that's bear i remember now the sinking of the the platforms is based on when you first see him so if you get it out of your camera view well i just saved myself uh it will kind of resin against just like a little bit better timing on the with the platform's move okay good good all clear yeah that whole like lighting thing is disorientating hello there mr bones [Music] oh free key thanks now i might be yeah i don't think i can make this jump but let's try it almost i see okay for the worm i could just walk normally trying to be if you'll murder me by the lights on i mean ah forever good it could have also been a case where the no see the eye is on okay there's no reason to turn off the light yet gotta take advantage of this while i can if you could lead on the worm [Music] all right good to go oops oops okay good that'll kind of rush through [Music] just keep going good we're good so i didn't need to do that last game we got worm prom yeah it's up here trying to debate where i want to be this is gonna activate something down there and let the rush down i was able to keep ready while the cutscene was going here to go need to go hurry up please please faster sir we're good hmm more these circular stairs secret or just hmm no there's nothing there okay so we ended up on the other side of the deer it's fine cool get the oil keep moving dead worm oh oh i'm starving now what happens here this must be igor at least what's left of him what happened to him either way this must be the key to kill this cage let me i'm gonna let it kill me first i just wanted to see if it was a cutscene for it okay let's move just stay on top of the boxes so we keep momentum i fall in the water i'm gonna die come on come on you can't get me now hmm if i dropped that while you were coming through i might have been able to kill you hey she's gone [Music] it's a book gilder was reading it the secret garden giggle in the library here sweet okay i think this is we're getting close to where the demo ended so we'll be entering new territory pretty soon you're going to burn all right [Music] this requires no struggle requires like a little bit of charge up i was dead regular little regular ripley can i i can't nick you a little bit but not very well only when you like come down but it is an option if i say whoo-hoo you're a little closer buddy no no well you really burned all right yeah that's the end of that was the end of the demo before right there at that boss chapter true secret garden okay all completely new territory now and i can't jump for some reason anymore hey just got word from the magisters that there may be an outsider looking around the castle may smell of lasagna boss wants us to double our patrols now what ah i hate walking bosses orders do i need to remind you of the protocol for outsiders in the castle yeah yeah i know shoot on site guns that's right also it seems that we have a minor rat problem in the cellars so be careful when patrolling around there [Music] mine a rat problem but i need to be careful with only a minor problem just go do your job this is zelda's castle hey you do you shoot me oh my god you guys are ripped okay so let's take them serious which we should have done from the first place it's locked so i have to go in here first the hedge mage wasn't supposed to go yet oh boy don't have barrels of fun free sandwich up there maybe we'll drop down on it see the eyesight icon hey rat eat me so i can see the animation they're pretty good not as gruesome as i thought it'd be surprisingly [Music] okay more platforming yep there's the barrels we donkey kong [Music] come on this is not this is not fun guys [Music] oh great oh great [Music] i can see another little area right there oh there's a killer rat [Music] and it's lit up i it doesn't matter wait for it be patient no you need to drop down [Music] wait for that one bumblebee good all good almost um i described almost linked two buttons together and didn't make the jump there i'm assuming that's like a master key danger warning failure to use the correct rail card controls may result in injury or death hold a to accelerate will be the break left right to balance card be cool enough to flip the cards they will break be safe and have fun card sequence from indiana jones this is hmm this is the wondrous thing whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this is gonna be interesting and fun i'll say that that's i see what's going down now so i can't like accelerate too fast or i'll tip over but i do need to like i need momentum or i won't make jumps whoa whoa okay okay balance it out it was as hard as i thought to be but we might encounter another section later gonna oh no that's how it goes to get the sandwich dang i have to make the jump well it's not worth it right now i'd have to basically backtrack way too much anybody go right here whoops that's no good they got bullets oh no now they're patrolling here we're in woo let me get me down guy see we got right here i'm going to kind of move a little aggressively because lingering may just be as bad as delaying and where i'm going well i think we're good to go in here nope oh god you snapped my back you just banged me what the i've been baned okay went to the left side this time might have went to the right side too early i know there was due to the left i saw the light come kind towards my way there you are let's keep going down here we're back in like a castle area [Music] cover castlevania clockwork towers barrels buddy there's a lot of barrels if i heard something somebody just a barrel crashing but i always wonder shotgun limited ammo i don't know but the shoe button is binded to like the sprint buttons so there's some lights down there [Music] [Music] got pumping after each shot we're good you go back up there the gate will be open and hopefully we get to use this shotgun against the not banks oh of course you'd run out of ammo soon progress to a certain area okay cool oh god whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ah yo i was hoping that maybe get out there before the rat got too uh aggressive rat i need you to move barrels are coming in real fast gotta stay in one spot and get out of here [Music] okay next zone barrels and collapsing [Music] platforms wait for it because there'd be more barrels yep good time as any of the move in those platforms that what cool hey free key here's more mine carts okay so that'll go in that one gate in the right area let's go [Music] don't tip don't tip over don't tip over don't oh god no i've been donkey kong okay gotta keep moving forward [Music] you know if we went up good [Music] made it cool hmm i wonder i missed anything [Music] okay so we have the key we just need to go back to the area to the right i think okay we're in just before it arrived too i saw that flashlight inching up i see you there you're going to the left this dude's going to lab pretty well we'll need to lower them away or find a shotgun or go around them it's locked we'll need to find something to open the we're going to go in for the sewers i'm assuming sandwich oh kitchen that sounds fun and there's a lower area locked i don't make keys or anything so yeah [Music] more barrels oh oh crap i didn't realize um i didn't see it till it was like too late it's too barrels some suggestions oh there's a third one [Music] oh come on slow down one more nevermind please please okay am i taking damage when i get hit no uh they don't outright kill me i think it's like two barrels and a row kills me so you can like tank one barrel keep moving forward see it it's when it's the double barrel head boy that like that right there that's that that's what do sun okay around these barrels whoa whoa whoa oh no the controller's being weird no control controller [Music] excuse me excuse me excuse me i'm not finding this very i'm not having a barrel laughs here careful cameras are enemy we're good [Music] go up here first hmm [Music] this layout's gonna look a little interesting so we open this the barrels are gonna come through right i'm assuming we need to get the barrels to come through in all the areas but it says it's like timed and do i charge through here no that's probably a bad idea now i'm trying to think what the angle is i don't know the full layout of this map right now all i know is we got barrels and then barreling around that's a pit that is not where i'm supposed to go never mind okay so i guess we're cutting right because i'm assuming what happens is this is a tight narrow passage that i can't make it through because the barrels come through here shotgun [Music] okay i've accomplished things [Music] so you make that jump oh no really why this is not fun mechanic [Music] okay we are perfectly in sync with the other platform which i don't quite like i'm gonna wait till the platform is the speed i'd want to kind of be at no why number one okay sweet thanks very appreciative [Music] let's never do a section where i have to shoot rotating clockwork ever again that is not that is not fun it's just tedious oh boy [Music] now this could be time where i have to not hit the switch please please make it please me oh [Music] okay we're good get that enough speed don't tip [Music] we made it i think hopefully i don't know we're falling no we didn't make that one i kind of did everything right but i still did not have enough momentum damn [Music] oh god hit it again please go faster please go faster please go oh we made it freedom sandwich secret god stolen hedge mages it never ends bender you're here forever no where am i dead the rats dead but what killed the rat it seems to be a trend something kills the thing from before hello oh god it's even bigger rat of course i gotta get the belt the thing over there it's immune okay but i know this would probably be like a boss mechanic sometime as soon as he added the whole thing we were shooting it i was like that's gonna come in place somehow will you calm down almost you're gonna uh i'm not really sure all right double tap two for the road and one for show oh my god yeah of course shotgun's always gonna disarm itself hey free up branch here we go wait i cannot go into it yet because the guy's coming we're good let's go in the sewer chapter three the prisoner [Music] sweet i'm blending in hello fellow uh rip dudes [Music] i too am the ripped where am i going what's over here why yes master all the preparations are in place we should be able to perceive the ceremony as planned we will all be totally ripped very good dreamer finally after all these years of waiting the ascension will come to be master i feel must let you know this outside in i missed i fear that they made the fear of the ceremony is that so please be sure to inform the guards and be extra diligent in the search for this outsider incentive would work let's say three weeks paid to the man that brings me this outsider no make it three months pay that should spark some interest amongst those brutes the most excellent idea my liege the men will surely find this intruder of that kind of motivation and money in mind i truly hope so garina this outsider could be anywhere can even be in front of us listening in perhaps some youtubers reading our commentary right now under our noses hey what's up later [Music] what's up dude grumble can't steal my bunk mate everyone's just eating trying to build that stupid guitar everybody gets all that food hey you wanna switch bunks mine's a great location it's a bomb bunk what do you say sorry i'm not interested really you sure hmm the one of the guitar [Music] what's up well there buddy the only people allowed in the prison is me and whoever's buying the bringing the prisoners food you're the person's food from the kitchen afraid not like when you get the food to feed the prisoners okay so this bunk mate eats has the guitar and so we're looking for one of the guitar and the implications that if they're eating they have a key to the kitchen [Music] like that here we go so what's going on in the kitchen let's give you the giant pig isn't it yes it is okay press a to set huh that aggroed you this is not good nope well looks like it was directly censored you get moving a little bit further [Music] the food oh no [Music] okay okay okay no no you never want to go off clear we got the food all clear i got the food whoa there buddy alone oh that smell that smells disgusting that chef special shoe sure is at the prisoners food right here very good i suppose i should let you pass then have a good day who's in the prison mr bones is in the prison that's for sure what are you still got a devil [ __ ] shonen dinner time great just sit on the floor over there and leave that's why he's locked up it's a long story in short i disobeyed a direct order well several direct orders not your why god like you would care oh wait a minute listening off about you are you the outsiders the efforts have been talking about what makes you think that you're too small of being a henchman you're missing the horns what are you doing in a place like this you should leave before you get caught i can't not yet not tom ripped as you guys may help guilty escape the princess she's all right they must have delayed the ceremony listen uh what's your name it's john arbuckle listen john i don't know how you got into this whole mess if you talked to gilda recently then there's still time to get her out of this place do you know where the princess is no i don't i was actually hoping that you might know if it's ceremonies soon then it may have taken her to the inner sanctum here take this i tried to use it to break out but it's no use in these bars it may help you find gilder though if you find the princess get out of the castle as soon as you can if you run into trouble come back and visit i may be able to help now hurry there's no telling how much time's left good luck john did you just give me another wrench [Music] okay so let's go over here oh man we have to do all of them so this can make more sense in the outside area because it's supposed to be like an urgency thing you're like oh no i need to get all these screws off but here it's just kind of like i just grabbed like a little tedious [Music] whoops [Music] all right [Music] you can't sprint in this uh outfit this is all right we don't need it right now we get to the other side let's do some like minor platforming around here i guess i can't uh light it because of the the rain and the wind that's fine now i'm seeing the thing blowing to the left i'm not sure if it's gonna be a thing where you see it blowing that means oh go off the wind direction kind of like uh one of the earlier stages of ninja gaiden 2. [Music] i guess it's matter yet you'd think it would mean my light oh if i was gonna make that one okay i'm on the edge of tomorrow okay be a little careful don't overshoot these jumps i'm going to wait the lights there just to be safe there is something weird going on over there that's no good no it's just a swing thing oh god ouch [Music] that was that's a real squeaky one [Music] one [Music] yes yes [Music] no i had it i was trying to get to the everyone i was rushing too much okay gotta move gotta move that was a close one okay so thank you this is basically a momentum based platform there's actually some fairly difficult not difficult at least for me anyways not difficult but mechanically so far i'm encountering you have to know your platformers it's not like extremely hard not yet it can be the jury's still out on that [Music] come on a little bit more okay go go go go we good and basically in the sense of like you don't understand your momentum your spacing uh trusting your jumps to take you through where you need to go [Music] nope i need to make this way low [Music] so far so good save point just kicked in that's not good now there was a lower area which is interesting interesting and do i go up to the right or to the left [Music] wait a minute do i get back up no oh wait i see i see no no no [Music] maybe just you just barely make it in time [Music] oh no the rain here comes the rain again [Music] so unlock a shortcut back nice all right let's go sewer surfing i hear the music for the yeah it's her theme hey gilda john how'd you get up there i snuck past the guards i'm here to get you out john i can't i need to get ready for the ascension ceremony ascension ceremony yes my whole life in this castle i've been studying and training for this ceremony the father says that tonight at the ceremony i must recite the passages perfectly and i will ascend ascend what does that mean to be honest i'm not really sure but father really wants me to do this do you want to do this no i don't not really then let's get out of here i'm not sure what this whole ascension thing is but it doesn't sound good is there a way out of this room no the door is locked and there are guards outside maybe you can escape up here if only there was a way through these bars you hang tight i'm gonna see if i can find a way through these bars okay but be careful i've heard some of the guards talking and it sounds like they are on the lookout for an outsider i don't know what happened if they catch you don't worry i'll be careful okay i'll be back in a few maybe that prisoner guy knows something yeah we do have a shortcut back now hey john you're back did you find the princess yeah i found her i'm gonna need some help getting her out of this place got any good ideas now to cut through steel bars huh actually they may have something like that in the labs if you can get in there i'm sure you can find a blowtorch has been lying around yeah that sounds like a great idea except i've seen the entrance that's heavily guarded any ideas how to get in there hmm what you need a distraction if you get onto the pa system and make an announcement about i don't know maybe chef is giving out samples of this new special super summon that might clear out the guards from a few of the rooms at least maybe i'll sneak in then okay i'll try that you'll need the code again to the it room the code is one three one don't forget okay got it oh and one more thing we do find a blowtorch or something remember to come back here and bring me out okay we'll do all right good luck john we're counting on you [Music] what's up guys my liege i've been bad i mean concerning news what is it grima it seems that frida has been acting more aggressive than usual the scientists are asking for more guards to help keep it under control ah feeder very well agreement have the guards doubled in the freedom research facility very good sire it shall be done hmm [Music] clears fro attention attention all henchmen personnel three cupcakes in the kitchen please know that chef is giving out sepals of his new cupcake recipe in the kitchen samples will be given out on a first come first serve basis thank you that is all i know that works cause anything like not like the soup to be like oh man cupcakes so maybe maybe cupcakes will work i mean i see guards cleared out yeah it worked okay good chapter four inside the lamb let's go let's have my momentum back [Music] oh man they're making more ripped anime demon boys they should just sell these won't even like start the whole apocalypse thing sell these guys people will buy them any astro fans they're all out there lots [Music] hey what's up ha who are you how did you get in here um i'm john the new uh i'm the new john lab assistants yeah i'm new lab assistant i'm here to pick up a blowtorch blower torch why do you need a blowtorch um i uh one of the other lab researchers needs one for a project a blowtorch ah sorry i don't have one maybe one of the boys in number two has one why don't you check with them here take this key card you'll need to get access to that floor now if you please get out my hair i have work to do i feel like your own hair is getting out of your hair now i see like a little upper level there there might be nothing let's go [Music] level two dead end hopefully not literal below upset was a little dead end [Music] a lot what's in here [Music] a little easier to jump to now that i have like momentum in my jumps okay [Music] not sure i'm going the right way or not technically i just went to the first door i saw whoops we're good we good hello hello [Music] a little more we good what do you got for me um huh am i trying to create it like a which i'm not sure what i'm trying to create oh there we go let me do it again that's probably if i want to go back [Music] i think you're not really sure where i'm going all these all these stairs keep kind of playing together bro i mean i want to drop down now now that i have the fans going full blast uh yeah it didn't work out turn that on go over here fall down on these stairs bro i keep worrying about those stairs bro here's your albuquerque reference that you can comment on bro don't forget to like favorite and subscribe bro all right bro [Music] oh god scary ah one of these tubes oh it's a balancing act what am i bouncing towards yeah actually no seriously what am i what am i balancing toward i see keep that angle good made it keep that going made it maybe made it [Music] nice now we really gotta fall down these stairs unironically go go go there was a reason we had to turn on the fans because the only way to get here in time see put you on gotta move push me push me with all your might you made it you want me you want to go down to that [Music] door secret wait a minute you're not for progress there's just an egg i guess i just dropped down check over here real quick i think there's a free sandwich jump [Music] he wants to go up there [Music] yet [Music] so we need to go in this door there is a switch here there is a fan control let's scout out what we're dealing with dead end supposedly i see platforms the fan controls can be used for something i'm gonna put on low for right now actually it may not need high okay let's go please come around now what now what that's a death trap pit oh come on come on time is money i see [Music] i see yeah keep it on high okay keep this balance very okay come on come on come on come on how much time oh my god good balance keep it balanced nope this is not gonna be easy oh good good timing on that wait for it get up i can't yeah i'm not sure how i'm pulling that off hmm so hmm hmm give me my juice gas gas gas cooking with cass we're good oh oh i put on low it's still blowing too hard captain but then if i don't have it blowing at all i'm doomed maybe that's a separate one no what uh come on enough of an angle [Music] get this go okay put you on that how am i supposed to like get over there um double my ass back okay let's do it come on let's do it guys [Music] oh come on get that get the bread come on we did we did that's good that's what we wanted now i just need to do this inverse and then we're good we're almost good okay is almost as high as i can get it and start running let me get this it's almost as high as i can yes okay finally don't that area back to the anime demon boys hi hi who are you i'm john the new lab assistant i'm gonna pick up a blowtorch for the first floor a blowtorch afraid we don't have any here on level two pretty sure there are a few on level three you should check with them you'll need a keycard to get in there so take this i'll see if you get your blowtorch could you let me know i've been calling down there for some new lab samples but have been only get a hold of everyone because they're all dead not sure they're playing a joke on me or something but if you could let me know that would be great okay i will thanks [Music] like all the labs like a throwback to like the end kind of uh levels of uh lasagna boy one even the the scientists is the same i win the wrong area this is the right one four triple triple the fun i feel like everyone's gonna be dead down here i feel like my suspicions are correct oh god that's no good yeah it's feeder is it amazing how just like dropping the music can really just change the atmosphere of a game hey what happened ah feeder she broke loose i shall brought my face gun is there this useless useless blowtorch cost blood thanks free blowtorch hey free sandwich [Music] hmm didn't count anything [Music] i think we've been intact or something weird oh huh oh oh oh chapter five what lies below i just keep her to deliver lasagna as a garfield ow holy crap everything's blue what was that looks like i'm going to have to find our way out of here bruh why is it so cold it's like the uh castle but like dark and blue and big expanded hmm uh there's the statue that was the demon i think it looks kind of like the demon the final boss of lasagna boy one so maybe the castle is fairly old shotgun lock and load [Music] hmm i don't know what you are getting bullets oh god yeah so tentacles don't kill all these because i think oh god [Music] oh whoa get your tongue out i think i'm pretty safe here hopefully you're gonna get shotgun too bad we can't see the cutscene because the game just had to pan away the camera who who are you i uh i was gonna ask you the same thing person i can't see what is your name my name is john thank you john you have freed me from that thing that horde prison of flesh i could finally be at peace i i am fading i think i'm going now wait wait wait before you go i want to ask who are you who am i i cannot remember i've forgotten most of my past life won't suck that monster i believe i had a name yes i had a name they called me fida in my past life my name was vita i'm fading now goodbye john not too bad maybe that's uh the mom i can't jump so there's gonna be a cut scene around it no it's the stairs look at that color change as we get like more in the light going back to the game boy palette um kino buddy he's gone they took them all away [Music] oh she's okay hey gilda john you're back i found the blow torch we're breaking you out of here oh okay do you know how to use that thing um yeah sure it's just like cooking lasagna okay we'll be careful i don't know i'll use this thing things are happening that's one three more to go oh god [Music] okay halfway there something's gonna happen last one wait john someone's coming quick hide daughter is there a pro tag above you using a blowtorch i didn't think so gilda the time has come for your ascension are you ready child father i i don't want to do the ascension what are you saying child i i don't know why i need to do this why do i need to do this father what's going to happen after i ascend what's going to happen to me i don't want to do this i won't do this is that so it is i won't go very well then totally ripped guards bring her take her what father [Music] damn i gotta stop them [Music] chapter six sins of the fonders [Music] are we at this no we're not the star of the game [Music] because this is all new the numbers [Music] sig friedan's wife beatrice his two daughters feeding gilda ah [Music] books buddy there's no from siegfried's journal he reads my beloved beatrice she was taken far too soon died during the birth of my second daughter gilda leaving me a widower though you have left me with all this sorrow in my heart i am grateful for the two daughters you have given me they will most definitely be of use in our work the work i must now carry out on my own do not worry dear i will not falter in your absence i will see if we didn't go to ascend goodbye my beloved enemy entry oh his number in here or it's part of a code number zero okay i see how this is going to kind of go you like a little bit of story a little bit of the password every time shotgun useless [Music] oh no it's it's literally almost like a boss version this oh god i just have to take my time there's like no aiming involved okay [Music] hmm no not again not again why these aren't fun to fight now there's even less looks like it's just tedious oh oh no that one should have been a hit [Music] oh god so forth it's over it'd be like with number one one more oh thank god there's lasagna they knew i was gonna take lives on that more more shotguns why there's even less of them this time oh no no [Music] never want to do these ever again [Music] freebie it's never known from siegfried's journal it reads we have found one so legends are true after all these years are searching we have finally discovered an ancient statue of molech i think that these marvelous monuments have been hidden beneath our feet for all these years perhaps there are more in this area yes i can feel it the power is definitely here peter has been preparing i was worried that his 16th view would come to a pass before we had found one but there's no need to worry now there's plenty of time to be ready for the ascension to think that my beautiful daughter feeder will be the first to ascend bring so much joy to my heart and the journal entry there's another number in here okay so we just need one more number it's gonna be on this end oh no more it's all of them combined [Music] oh my god [Music] that's down we're good no i don't know if i need to no i don't need to waste anything anymore shotgun was just for that now okay it's good give me that juice now we're cooking gas okay okay [Music] we're just gonna do exactly everything in reverse okay sweet i need you over here my friend first i need to know which direction i need to jump left oh my god that's gonna be tricky very easier said than done yeah i have to get that the right sink okay you are we clear oh finally never talked to me or my swinging puzzles ever again it's never known from siegfried's journal it reads it cannot be what could have gone wrong where did i falter this this is no being of power this is an abomination a fellow creature a monster perhaps i was misguided there must be something i missed lasagna i must allegedly study the ancient text and find the error i have but one more chance to succeed perhaps my scientists will find a way to relieve you of some of your pain i'm sorry this is all i can do for you now farewell feeder i will miss your smile and enjoy one three last number zero zero two wow it's a complicated password [Music] yay yeah let me go in the rooms now let's go [Music] hmm that's no good this is rough no traitor i mean well your name's not traitor but you know what i'm saying what happened they found out i was helping the outsider and they didn't like that this is my fault i should have been more careful [Music] no john they would have caught on to me either way it's all right i knew would have actually come to this the things i've done working for siegfried i don't deserve forgiveness i just wish i could have done more to help kill that she doesn't deserve any of this but what they are going to do to her john you must stop them please is my dying wish don't let them carry out the ceremony what happened to the ceremony goodbye john goodbye demon boy because they got quite a few traitors because these skeletons a lot of horn skulls oh crap hey hold it you're not ripped or do you have horns don't move or we'll open fire hey frank isn't this how outside everyone's been looking for hey you're right hey stop kicking me while i'm down it's your fault we have to do all this extra security rounds yeah because you had to get up early for my shift what should we do with him do we take him to the boss isn't he busy with his ceremony yeah we better boss possibly want to question them i wonder for in the end game because that last theory seemed like it was all the platforming we've encountered before mixed into one hey boss we've got that outside everyone's been looking for but i'm sneaking around the execution chambers ah so you're the one who told you of this place how did you know the ceremony in molech [Music] actually i just happened to stand on this place is that so how unfortunate for you however we will have to deal with you later the time of molech draws nigh bring forth the sacrifice father what is this gilda john silence reema please begin the ceremony certainly my liege no oh more and powerful we give you this offering of virgin blood in exchange of the essence of your power hear us dark lord killer the the power of molech the dark lord has heard our prayers the power i can feel it the ceremony most definitely work this time quickly grima gilda must be thrown in to absorb the power and ascend to meow mr chesterfield no meow meow yep that's a cat shotgun mr chesterfield no whoa [Music] whoa oh ah i've been eating [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] garfield i mean chesterfield [Music] [Music] garfield i mean chesterfield it's over i think maybe double tap guilty what because we just go forward guilty kilda are you okay john it hurts don't worry i'm going to get you out of here fire whoops certain doom you throw any barrels at me maybe swell oh i should made that jump i had a lot of time to do it make up from these oh no [Music] well really coming rocks now too no i missed the jump you get moving off is rising fast oh no [Music] barrels okay okay come on we can do this come on gilda this simple lasagna boys delivering his delivery and i'm doing without tip no i was gonna be here soon oh damn that was not fair i had to take that long risk and what's gonna make the jump in time okay i keep moving aggressively wow this is a long run it's still going please be over i can see the light i can tell cause everything's turning [Music] green [Music] look the moon is out come on killed her john i'm dying no you're you're gonna be okay just hold on i can get you to the hospital john you need to cast me into the sea what no i can't do that why would i do that please john if you don't i might become a monster made from molex power please the only way to stop it is to cast me into the sea i i can't please john you must at least i got to see the outside once with you kilda i'm sorry john stop it's you john i've been sent to tell you that you're still witness hey you became an angel ho ho holy crap there's still way to save gilda what how her soul is being imprisoned by molech the demon under the mountain i'm here to bring you there if you so choose to go i cannot guarantee your safety but you may be able to rescue gilda do you wish me to take you there yes take me there very well then let us depart so chesterfield's not the final boss chapter 7 demon under the mountain wow oh boy more of this but now through hell oh god okay okay now speed no oh oh i live somehow no come on come on come on come on come on my face would be one of those we have to slow our speed down just enough to clear this but enough to catch the momentum of yeah you need to catch momentum of the rail line oh wow that was rough there's a save woof forgot to take down the actual demon hey free sandwich you're good more of this it just goes on and on and on now i'm not sure if we have to go lower or higher right now now if i want to do this a little faster i could say go to the far left and kind of cut to the far right constantly that would give me a lot of upper momentum but i'm just doing it to save her out like so hold up john i almost forgot you're going to need this is it dangerous to go alone this is a holy shotgun oh yes the shotgun has a halo they keep on putting damage on the demon it's just beyond this point when you're ready you may enter the pit godspeed john i feel like it's [ __ ] there's no uh shotgun in my animation but whatever invisible shotgun let's do it well you're ugly you how dare you enter my domain who are you i'm just a lasagna boy i'm john our vocal and i'm here for gilda oh really and how do you plan on taking her do you think i was just gonna let her go no i actually thought it could be a boss fight did you come here to mock me no i came here to end you do you even know who i am i'm molok demon under the mountain i have enough power to run the foundations of the world what do you have that little stick of yours do you really tend to fight me with that i will rip your puny body into pieces crush your caucus with the weight of the mountain and cast your mega remains to the fires below you can try whoa [Music] it's a little weird that's one hand down he's gonna go for the other one both hands are down head's gonna be vulnerable hopefully no i gotta go for the hands again [Music] something's going on money on lasagna no john do you remember when you first met and you gave me your sandwich it wasn't much but it was all you had you showed kindness to me let me show kindness to you i've received the power of lasagna let me show you likes much of i will get another spare on that okay it's close we need to go it could just be a benefit to just being nice at the beginning [Music] in comparison this one a little bit easier it's just a variation of the ones we used to do earlier on the [Music] platforms oh i see [Music] okay that one's down get moving then we can do the left side okay they add rocks to here it's down go [Music] we gotta take the hand out we need to move a little bit faster good dang oh this is this is rough [Music] okay that's it really [Music] the guys take three hits now [Music] holy crap this boss supposed to shoot the death laser [Music] this side's down too [Music] well okay that's everyone down gotta kill the right hand again wasn't able to kill this one fast enough that's it it's over holy crap that boss [Music] gilda killed it can you hear me john is that you yeah it's me why are you crying is something wrong what no nothing's wrong and i'm not crying i'm just really happy you're okay oh jon [Music] arbuckle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and thank you the player there it is [Music] [Music] [Music] ooh cotton candy color scheme so i beat the boss again with all eggs unless there's any difference or is this a chivo secret isn't that our car hi how you doing we'll get you two back to town but i have no idea what you're saying about some castle out here there's never been one out here i don't see one now honest mister it was right there well it ain't there now like i said we'll get you two back to town it doesn't make any sense how could something so big just vanish magic finished you want the diy tool although let's just basically customize the elements so that's it for lasagna boy technically lasagna boy too but lasagna boy one is its own entity they're not connected storyline wise it's essentially a reboot but they've destined themselves quite a bit from the original lasagna boy which was essentially you walk down hallways and you hope the monster wasn't looking at you or you die instantly kind of thing and then the first part was pretty much score field to t and after that it was all original monsters and everything this one dropped the gore field part it's almost not there anymore you just have chesterfield or whatever towards the end who does not necessarily look like garfield it's its own entity it looks more just demonic in general and the cat has like pretty much not much role in the story it is just essentially a typical kind of schlock story now so if we had to judge the two against them the original lasagna boy i think had a lot of flaws it was a very repetitive and kind of very plain game past the sprite work essentially so she's past the opening garfield we have lost some horror parts we were a little more comedic than last time compared to the original although the original itself wasn't that horrific or scary it also was really campy too and we've completely switched the gameplay to a true platformer and when i say true platformer i i mean it this is uh this is a platformer and i've really difficult wouldn't that not the hardest one i've ever played but it it forces you to kind of think if someone doesn't have any platform foundations i could see them struggling towards that end game portion of the game to put in perspective people struggle on super mario world in the super nintendo a lot of modern generation players they'll struggle on this a little bit it still has a few tedious parts of game design still a few redundant areas the original had that almost the entirety of the thing but this one has it a few spots uh it's kind of you know rehashing certain platforming elements or puzzles which i don't think are particularly fun but for the most part the core platforming and the core level design is pretty good it is a pretty good platformer the levels themselves are relatively plain they're actually a little bit boring i would say at least as a weak point because the sprite work is very good even just the little lighting tricks and the little the pan and scan kind of like on the stairs and everything and the cut scenes and all that the it's artistically very good we've lost the garfield look but we we've gained more of a traditional retro kind of platformer look it's just too bad the the levels and all that stuff couldn't like take full advantage of that those that sprite work so it's an overall hugely improved game compared to the original some people may not like it because they didn't go down in the horror round they'll probably find the game too hard because it's too much of a true platformer if you like a schlocky horror platformer then it's a good game honestly the the platform is fairly tight it's pretty decent but yeah anyway so thank you all for watching play lasagna boy i'll see you guys later and take it easy
Channel: ManlyBadassHero
Views: 899,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lasagna Boy, Let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Horror Game, Indie Game, Gameplay, Video Game, All Endings, Secret Ending, Gorefield
Id: xhjBtLaOc4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 19sec (7699 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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