OMORI - The Final Act Of OMORI... ( ALL ENDINGS ) [ 9 ]

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hey everyone this is manly badass hero and welcome back to amore previously we found out the truth of what happened to amore's sister and now we're on our way to finish off the game i must start making poor life decisions to get different endings it's all right let's go back to bed very comfortable bed would you like to go to sleep yes hey where is everyone i'm so sorry basil please forgive me why basil why'd you do it sonny what does this keep happening to us oh my god please sonny you shouldn't be seeing this you're supposed to be moving out today why don't we get a fresh new start we'll take care of everything here go on ahead we'll be okay i think why why am i so useless do i look in vassal's room yes shadow the door disappeared there's nothing here that is the outcome is so so wrong in a sense a sequence of events like i don't think everyone i don't think anyone's gonna recover from that uh if that that's that that's obviously this is a bad ending but if that that if that was the canon ending then i don't i don't see how you come back from that no it's just it's just so much of a hit punch oh my god see he was at the top of the stairs oh my god a very comfortable bed we'd like to go to sleep welcome to white space you've been living here for as long as you can remember well this is probably what we have to do hey sonny it's mommy i'm waiting for you outside so just come out when you're ready mommy loves you bye honey you have no idea what went on last night your mom's waiting for you outside oh no i moved a very slow pace and that thing is following me it's always going to follow me foreign so i'm gonna go home i need to go home a little faster a very comfortable bed would you like to go to sleep this is not very comfortable at all welcome to whitespace you've been living here for as long as you can remember did oh god it's the mom calling it did it these are some very tasteful credit cuts i'll give them credit on that very tasteful cuts it it it it it it it it it [Music] scary it [Music] it [Music] tomorrow you will be moving away what do you like to do sleep until morning foreign hey sonny it's mommy and what if you're outside so just come out when you're ready mommy loves you bye honey all right time to try to make things work out do you want to save basil oh look at that wording that's some loaded wording right there so you automatically know recruiter knows what's happening in there really it's like do you want to save them do you want to just give up do you just want to leave them it kind of aligns with the uh divisions in the the dream world where you just kind of sacrifice basil let them die purposely stomped on him on your way uh i'm not sure why amore would be bitter against him because the morning was the one that did it but i mean it's a traumatic event you can't really necessarily make sense of emotions and where they go ah sonny it's just you i'm glad you came it's it's so good to see you it came to you that day the day mari died when maury when mari fell you you couldn't have done it it was something behind you wasn't it you're a good person sonny i know you're a good person a good person wouldn't do something like that after all this time you finally come back for me but tomorrow you're going away how could you do that that's mean sonny that's so mean ah there's something all around us now can you see it sonny there's no way out of this is there where are you going stop trying to leave me stop it stop it stop it stop it stop stop stop stop it i don't want to be alone not again you can't leave me again no you wouldn't leave me that's not like you sonny you need something behind you again isn't it [Music] ah there it is now do you see it stay away stay away from sunny it's just us just humans i'll protect you no matter what sonny you can count on me once i've something killed mari when something ruined all my photos i didn't see anything i didn't want people to think it was you sonny sonny cindy wouldn't do something like that don't worry sonny i'll save you again something behind you i'll get rid of it once and for all sonny don't be scared i'm scared too but this is for the best everything's gonna be okay everything it's gonna be okay oh god [Music] calm down nope didn't work you tried to calm down but your lungs fought to breathe you want to run four resist you tried to persist but you couldn't hold steady why are you reaching inside me you want to run focus sonny there's no way out of this is there i'm wondering if they'll reveal to everyone else what happened or if they mean they may not that they may write it where they don't reveal it they just kind of keep it to the end because i don't see that i don't see there's a working out situation either way you tried to focus but nazi overwhelmed you it's a breacher beside me it's weird you want to run tell me sonny am i selfish we're doing this oh you want to run can i run no i can only attack sonny do you hate me interesting that we're both attacking literally darkness you want to run i'm saying we just need to get to 10 please stop it [Music] you want to run stop struggling sonny i'm i'm so tired [Music] you want to run [Music] look out we've gotten stressed out the numbers are going off the scale everything is going to be okay i don't have anything to calm myself down oh oh that's blood being shed when this gets into the real world this could be really weird [Music] when i was just sitting through this on the couch this stuff is going down no one's noticing why why won't you stop oh my god my eye did you stamp our we i my suspicions that they've been mutually stabbing each other but maybe it's not that grim we'll see no i hear i hear an ambulance we've been mutually stabbing each other i'm always going to spend the rest of the game of an eye patch [Music] oh yes a nice happy scene with warm sunlight and memories it's all fake [Music] new are you going i'm gonna keep following you [Music] hi sonny you found your way back home i don't know if i ever said this properly but i'm sorry for causing you so much trouble when i gave you my photo album i really did want you to have it but somehow whenever i try to help i always end up birding you instead even back then [Music] all this pain we've been feeling the guilt in our hearts even if you try to bottle it all up it all comes out somehow i want to say that everything will be okay that we have no choice but to carry on but that's up to you [Music] aubrey kell and hero are good friends you have to trust that they'll forgive us it's hard to truly believe that but [Music] the photos in our album they're not just photos they're real memories our memories it's proof of our friendship hold those pictures close and remember what you want to protect i'm sorry it looks like i'm burning you again the path to your future will open soon but only you can decide what to do in the end it's not much but i'll be cheering you on [Music] sunny let's make some new memories together okay that's easier said than done it's time to open the door don't forget it's in the toy box oh there's the title theme so the house is actually decorated out now this is what it's supposed to look like here's a happy family a nice big tv watching saturday morning cartoons here was the best a tv remote dad gets really mad when it goes missing even if it's usually stuck in the couch a warm fireplace my baby pictures are all over the mantel i don't like the smile not even photos hey cactus a cactus it was a gift from kill's dad when we moved here nice it survived for a very long time a regular house plant nothing special about it a shoe rack mom's shoes are a mess as usual a trash can mule likes to hide in here along with manly a code rack this is dad's hat but i've never seen him wear it family photos i see some of my relatives more in pictures in real life a bunch of tacky ornaments mom likes buying these so much she even asked dad to build shelves so she can buy more books that mom and dad have collected over the years all they do is garrett dust an unfinished cup of coffee mom leaves around whenever she's stressed a microwave i've enjoyed many good meals with this a refrigerator leftovers again an old toaster mama says it's even older than me toast a basket full of fruits mario's adamant about having fresh fruit in the house mom's porcelain vases there used to be more but i broke one of them mario took the blame for it though a stack of court coasters that gets them at work for free family photos small drawer i'm going to stop the foot here we always had a large backyard so it's nice to finally make use of it now that was a treehouse the treehouse is forever back but i can still see my favorite tree oh no did you guys put her on your favorite tree mom's personal house phone it used to be in mom and dad's room but not anymore [Music] meow meow good kitty one of the two old grandfather clocks this one always seems to be running ahead mom and dad's collection of vacation souvenirs i never liked vacations but looking back it wasn't so bad sunny it's almost time you've been through a lot these past few days you must be tired we all make mistakes you've been running from this one for a long time now it's tough to own up to them sometimes but you'll forgive yourself won't you you can do this sonny you've worked really hard to get to this point there's only one thing left to do now know that i'll always be watching over you okay as long as you remember me i'll be here um you want to unlock the toy box [Music] you got a violin strands of long black hair are entangled with its strings you got sheet music the paper is torn and wrinkled by blood but it can still be red grand piano where the more is that across the center huh that's old computer he gave it to us when he bought himself a brand new laptop for work basketball baby toys i haven't gotten around to throwing them away yet hmm i guess i just go out white space [Music] no a memory yes i got just what i needed [Music] oh my hand doesn't look so good you can't just tell people that kill you have to keep a good poker face ah when did you get behind me mari i just got here silly here i brought cookies for everyone [Music] basil are you taking a photo uh yeah oh man don't take a photo i'm struggling like this oh don't be so dramatic hell it's just a card game are you sure about that huh i never photo what's so funny anyway is there something you're telling us basil don't worry about it you'll find out soon enough [Music] i'll bring stuff toy mr planet look at kell's hand it's a four six and a six don't look sonny it's it's too horrible i'm gonna lose aren't i look at aubry's hand it's a two of five and a ten what do you think sonny what should i do [Music] decisions decisions mars cookies are the best huh sonny oh hero don't be so humble you know your cookies are way better than mine hey that's subjective mary's cookies are made with love yep mars cookies have much more love baked into them i could eat them forever oh stop it hero you're embarrassing me look at your hand it's an ace and an ace tough luck as usual look at basil's hand it's a jack and an ace don't tell anyone okay [Music] it's so nice to spend our last days of summer here we should do this every year here have a cookie got mari's cookie it was perfectly crisp on the outside and sweet and gooey on the inside [Music] you want to go not yet [Music] okay now i'm sure i want to go [Music] you remembered the smell of freshly baked cookies it smelled better known that mario made it from scratch the violin meant a part of itself ah we're mending the violin based on our positive memories to counteract the uh the negative it's all very artsy symbolic it kind of compounds of the violence associated with well the worst memory and there the watermelon's all cut up come on everyone take a slice yeah you thank you girl look at you such a big strong man oh not down mari yeah don't don't don't lie to hero it's not nice woohoo nothing beats a nice juicy warm on a hot summer day [Music] basically we're going for the scenes of the photos hey don't take a picture of me while i'm eating basil uh i'm sorry aubry i just thought you look cute i'll show you when it's ready well okay fine i trust you basil [Music] my plastic bag it's functional no shoes at the beach working on sam's shoes was the worst tote bag it's a little small but he likes it an ordinary sand castle [Music] maury's picnic basket sure mary's beach bag matches with heroes pouch it fits her perfectly she really likes the eggplant theme huh [Music] kale's backpack it's way too big for him [Music] ew gross stop spinning seeds to me kale you have seeds all over your face well how about this then [Music] you stub it aubry you give me cooties [Music] hey sonny do you want to see the photo of aubry i'd be so cute isn't she guys come on we're at the beach we're supposed to be relaxing let them play hero they're just teasing each other remember how we were when we were younger you just had bugs in your desk all the time just to see your reaction you're always so funny wait that was you oh whoops am i in trouble now hero time to go [Music] you remembered the taste of watermelon it tasted more delicious when you ate it with everyone in the hot summer the violin mended a part of itself so hmm it looks like everyone fell asleep i guess it's just us free now everyone must be feeling sleepy after such a big meal thank you for cooking for all of us hiro ah it was nothing i'm just practicing a little i'm glad you all liked it one day you're gonna be a world famous chef and you're gonna cook me lots of yummy food huh wait am i of course you are i believe in you a hero well if you say so [Music] i'm glad you're using your camera more now basil you should be enjoying your new hobby yeah i guess it's pretty fun once you get the hang of it wait a sec there's something strange in this photo [Music] hector how could you [Music] hey sonny can i poke your brain for a minute i really love cooking and all and mario always says i'm really good but my parents want me to become a doctor you think i should become a chef sure i'll be positive or even if i know the future huh maybe we're still young we should dream big right but yeah i'm always gonna have something to say about that so if mari's death that pretty much just cemented your future path hey sonny i took a photo of everyone earlier want to see [Music] this could have been such a good shot but i tried to ruin the photo of his poop uh maybe i can cover up with tape later [Music] oh hey little brother sorry did we wake you up he looks so peaceful sleeping there reminds me when you were just a baby happy and watermelon your half is everyone's stomachs [Music] bark oh gosh step to poop [Music] maurice cookies [Music] i'm not wearing any shoes [Music] ah you remembered the feeling of sleeping in mario's lap you felt more comfortable because you knew that no matter what mario would always keep you safe the violin meant a part of itself okay here we go there's number one here's the marine memory hey sunny hey basil what took you guys so long i got carried away playing a new game where you fight each other with these things called pet rocks peso bezel take a picture my new raincoat okay one sec do you like it sonny sonny it's my favorite color pink so you'll like it ew pink is a gross color no it's not kale you're a gross color ouch she's right that doesn't even make any sense oh sonny that reminds me mari and i were talking about dyeing our hair together mary says she's going to dye her hair purple purple you wonder what color i chose pink wait you think you want to dye your hair pink [Music] ew that's weird why don't you ever do that i don't know i just thought it would be cute mari thinks so too huh i'll never understand your tune your crazy ideas i think pink would look good on you aubrey what do you think sunny yes suddenly says that he thinks that pink is a great color see even bezel is sony agree you're the one who's weird kell whatever um would be singing the rain but be copyrighted hey that settles it one day i'm gonna dye my hair pink but maybe not anytime soon sooner than you think my dad is kind of strict about these things but is it sunny did you want to see the photo you always have to look at my photo whenever i take any pictures of aubry do i maybe it's a little crush you feel your ears turning red don't worry i won't see anything my lips are sealed so yeah it goes both ways you can kind of tell by the third um mario doesn't show a lot of emotions but you can kind of tell on the third uh combo attack yeah that sells it one day i'm gonna dye my hair pink but maybe not anytime soon my dad is kind of strict about these things you said you invest about playing that new pet rock game hmm maybe i should get into too yeah i know why don't you go go hobbies to check if they have any new stuff are you going ahead sonny don't worry about us we'll catch up in a minute you were numbered the sign of falling rain has to hit your umbrella you sound more calming knowing that you were staying next to your best friends the violin meant a part of itself [Music] are you sure you don't wanna be in the photos sonny sonny's a bit camera shy we all have those days don't we it's okay sonny you'll get used to it soon enough wow this cake looks so amazing you really outdone yourself this time hero hey thanks cyril i love strawberries basil basil what do you wish what are you gonna make hey you can't ask that aubry or else it won't come true i wish we're all gonna be happy in the next year [Music] huh is that how it works then in that case i wish that killed get straight a's in school hey you can't do that hmm i wish ah but what should i wish for i have everything i could want right here oh i know i think i wish for just kidding it's a secret secret ah i want to know though guys if we don't hurry the kennels are going to melt are we all ready to sing yeah you bet did you want to start us off mari sure thing and a one two three four oh no i don't like the happy birthday song so i'm not going to sing it [Music] i have a birth plan of basil i have a muffin who you and many more load your candles basil make a wish you remember it castle smalls you but the blood has birthday candles but you also remembered it as basil made his wish you made one too look at that knife at that time you wish for everyone to be happy oops the violin amended a part of itself i think that's the last memory going in reverse there is the beetle hunting one i'm not sure if they're gonna go into that one or not there's also the uh one of the cats well we'll get to that i think that's i think that's what this one's gonna be wow new basketball thanks bro no problem gal you can think about doing one better in school ouch you bet okay sonny it's not for you open up your present [Music] this year you get just one present from all of us it probably doesn't look like much but we all have to save up for it together yeah me and basil even start selling cookies and lemonade in the summer lemonade and mari and i took a job at the bakery for a while if you remember and me i had to deliver newspapers every morning for like three months you know how much i hate mornings and mondays we know this might be a lot of pressure but it's been a while since you quit playing the violin tell us about how you always see in the room for when she's practicing the piano and there was even that one time i caught you trying to play your old mini violin even though it was too small for you anyway this was basil's idea we also had the pitching for a really nice one so yeah we hope you like it sunny this is from all of us to you ta-da it's your very own violin we hope you like it sonny i want to try it out [Music] oh this looks all happy and normal compared to everything else compared to the future for the tingling in your fingers as if on its own your body ready the violin to play [Music] you remembered anxious feeling in your heart as you played the first note of your new violin that it scared you but you didn't mind because they believed in you and no matter what you didn't want to disappoint them because they were your friends the violin regained its shape huh a left and a right these all the things that mended yeah okay final room the recital [Music] sonny you're finally here and you're all in color [Music] after this point it's going to be up to you you know before we met i had a lot of trouble fitting in even after all we all became friends i always assumed you were going to leave me eventually but when the others were busy doing things you always seem to have nice to have time for me you would listen to me talk for hours and hours i could always rely on you to do that i know we've missed out on each other for the past few years but it doesn't have to stay that way people always tell me that i'm dance with them i'm kind of careless and i'll always be here if you're okay with that sonny we know that you're not someone who likes to take the lead this has been really hard for you but you have to put a little bit of trust in us too [Music] just because you've done something bad doesn't make you bad you've had to live this pain for so long and you've been keeping it all inside it might be easier to ignore your problems was okay to cry about them too there's more good times to come life gets better and you can be the one to make that happen and then there's modern incarnations whatever happens next is going to be your call but we're here for you because you want us to be and we really hope that this isn't goodbye no matter how far you push your feelings down they'll always come back somehow and what you do with those feelings that will be your truth hey sonny break a leg for me all right [Music] whatever you end up choosing you always want what's best for you keep us in your thoughts we'll be cheering you on you can do this sonny i promise to stick with you until the very end yeah i think we'll always be best friends that's okay with you too right we believe in you sonny well you shouldn't because i'm gonna be aiming for bad endings first believe in unaltered me one that succeeds in life an empty music stand you want to place down your sheet music yes you place the sheet music onto the music stand the stage is ready for you do you want to play the violin yes it's a pretty fitting thematic climax hey [Music] [Music] hey let's see we're in the the white space amore just me and me okay you got a knife hold up calm down text three times juice will not fall for returns interesting here your wounds come back stronger encore [Music] suddenly gathered himself [Music] ow you got a knife and returns ouch oaf come down come down there [Music] uh if we will die if we use that again sadly said he's my breathing remember to kill his words friends friends are supposed to be there for each other [Music] encore stops trying to stab me in the heart it's over [Music] amore did not scum uh-oh they're looking red and scary you've caused so much suffering but you do nothing and so you've heard nothing in return no i'll be erased they're taking a symbolic pencil eraser to me him again ow your friends will never forgive you they'll abandon you like you did them and that's what you deserve the more did not succumb okay now there's evil hands everywhere we are dead you remember andre's wish i hope you can find some peace well you know some happiness you tell yourself that you don't want to burden others but the truth is that you're selfish you just don't want people to depend on you now they are stacking hands on me calm down when do you think about others how long you gonna let people take care of you you say you care but you're a liar you've never done anything for anyone else you're useless less than useless you're sick can't get this activity yet okay as a normal knife attack people like you don't deserve to live my defense i'll lose my i don't have time to do an encore let's go for it moy did not succumb uh there was a scary face behind you feel your wounds to come back stronger you remembered heroes promise last time we made the mistake of leaving each other when we need each other the most this time we'll stay together your friends are wrong about you the person they love isn't you at all you let them believe in a lie to protect yourself you're nothing but a liar when they see the truth they'll hate you as much as you hate yourself if they know truth you may be looking at a lot of trust and no matter what you do it will be hopeless all you do is make things worse it would be better to just die you start repeating things aren't you buddy are you make sure i have over like a hundred around 160 the wrist attack okay that's right moy will not succumb oh crap cherish kill your wins come back stronger greener basil's home maybe one day things can go back the way they were before you killed mari she loved you and you killed her whoa everything's not scary you loved her and you killed her [Music] aubrey loved her and you killed her ouch kell loved her and you killed her castle loved her and you killed her [Music] you loved her and you killed her dang it cancel out the attack doesn't work anymore ah you loved her and you killed her i'll be slowly murdered baga you should just die game over play again crash do you want to continue [Music] nope [Music] [Music] welcome to white space you've been living here for as long as you can remember [Music] new [Music] and why door casts a faint shadow would you like to do open the door now i feel like amore that the devs have watched twin peaks uh it's a little weird [Music] you guys are the only friends i need oh my gear is still here [Music] oh it's a humaniki ending it's a long way down do you want to jump got achievement close your eyes hell screen change too i i stand by my point that their credit their credit cuts are pretty pretty kino if you know what i mean okay i reloaded after the abandoning i've gotten this i've actually gotten past the previous phase i died at uh i'm not sure if you're supposed to win and then continue or not but you know i've been trying to win legitimately maybe there is a way to win no the healing stopped yeah yep nope never mind i got this phase it was over do you want to continue yes [Music] hey buddy i didn't hear nobel play listen to my song [Music] you [Music] hmm foreign [Music] and [Music] [Music] well we're gonna be eyepatch amore from now on [Music] [Music] [Music] well we're eye-patching more now i feel like we could always rebrand ourselves you know go for the cool look nothing but static [Music] [Music] [Music] it's all right people think you're cool you won't need the cool glasses anymore now basil are you at the hospital too uh i'm assuming i'm just seeing things [Music] i'm just seeing you how i wish you all look like [Music] hey oh no [Music] wait never mind the versions that you ran north you're all here i have to tell you something [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you the player yeah so they mutually attacked each other thanks for playing sky is clear there's no weird like scary transitions anymore so that's it for amore uh there probably this could be one more video kind of going over some not full playful but some of the events of the uh the other route of the game maybe some secrets and stuff like that some other boss fights but aside from that the main story is complete we have a full summary of the main story essentially where we see how the major event has affected everybody how amores basically his confrontation with mario over the stairs and how it just kind of reverberated throughout all these characters and kind of essentially completely shifted their lives in some cases ruining it in other cases just change the direction of it i don't know how the outcome of the story is going to be because we don't see how they react to finding out the truth we don't know if they like go to the police and tell them afterwards or they keep it between themselves because obviously if those events happened uh i don't think the cops would they would they probably wouldn't completely basically just let maury move away afterwards there would be some kind of a little bit of a alarm there an investigation but maybe they kept it themselves i don't know uh another story note i think might be true is that maury's parents well sonny uh may have known he covered things up and this might be related to the scene with the chopping down the tree with the father and while the family kind of really distanced itself and fell apart they might have covered up to kind of protect amory and that just added like a whole another level of guilt that kind of just ruined the family but yeah that sums up the story the there's some like secrets and little lore things you can find throughout the game and little symbolisms that you can kind of interpret or cool little details but they don't necessarily have to do with the main story they're just like fluff out but overall i'll say i like the finale quite a bit i feel like the fidelity was very well directed they had some nice story beats they had some nice transitions um pretty much every set piece in this game i say is actually pretty well done they're very creative they have interesting visual effects they do a little kind of uh not i'm not quite saying playing with medium but like the for example the um the weird kind of abyssal monsters that you kind of see the nightmares and stuff the way they look almost like claymation based and they animate a little differently there's like a lot of create touches and stuff like that on the other hand the game does have some major pacing issues the dream world is probably too much of a focus there's sometimes three to four hours between set pieces and there are sometimes sections of the game that probably shouldn't exist or just kind of padding nothing interesting visually happens it doesn't have any interesting bosses no interesting dialogues so they're a bit of a drag especially since the rpg battles and the mechanics aren't too advanced they're just kind of more pretty and they don't really come into hard play except for boss fights somewhat because the problem the boss fights partially is also the bosses hard like themselves into a certain emotion so it's not like you get to fully play with that whole system much anyways and you'll generally pick the same emotions when you're working with it so it's not a very in-depth rpg mode so that creates a bit of a jarring pace where the game kind of goes from like oh a 10 out of 10 or 8 out of 10 kind of game to like a 5 out of 10 a little more of a mediocre jrpg because there's a bit of a genre class here where you have a very story based emotional story based game which usually focus on dialogue and generally a tight pace focusing on the main story and you have a very gamey jrpg that takes up the vast majority of hours if you trimmed it down to the set pieces it's probably only about three hours of set pieces and 25 hours of uh kind of fluffing and padding on there so there needs to be a little bit more seamless interrogation there like i said there is a very strong kind of back loading and front loading of the story and the character interactions we don't get spent as much time with aubry and the real world counterparts like hero in them it's all at the very tail end before that they just kind of leave it very teasing where you just kind of meet aubry then have misunderstandings and then she kind of runs away angry we don't get to see those great scenes like where they're interacting where they're kind of reminiscing or they're trying to bond or communicate or like when you go in aubry's house and you see that there's bottles everywhere those details like that not nearly as much brought out for the main cast anyway there is some stuff for the side cast if you go and do their side quests but for the most part you'll care about the main characters the side cast doesn't really have much play in the main story they're they're basically fluff in the end you could have completely cut their side quests and it wouldn't matter too much but the main character real world counterparts surprisingly get a little bit less showing the the dreamworld versions getting a much higher showing but them being characters don't quite get the full development out of them so that's a little bit disappointing the game definitely has editing issues and i think that's based off the game's uh development length where i'm sure certain parts of the game were developed at different parts and certain parts were maybe made separate from other parts in a sense of like how are we going to segment this how this is going to play out and et cetera et cetera and why does this happen here and why does this make sense so there could be an issue where they want to get the game out they didn't want necessarily make these areas make sense orange oasis might have been an area kind of like that where they couldn't know could figure out where the segment is so it was just kind of put in as a side quest area i feel like i can feel like i think i can feel a little bit that amongst the game's pace and kind of uh directing but the actual core game as in like the the main story like i said the set pieces the cutscenes the the main cast most of the time kel is a little bit plain you you could almost shed kell and you would not notice he's gone but you also kind of need him but aubrey and kiro have their little character arcs and their little interactions and stuff and mari despite being was essentially a ghost character also has quite a bit of character development in a very kind of weird and sad way so all that all those parts of the game are good but overall omari is a pretty good pretty solid good product i think if unless someone's angry about the length of the kickstarter of the game to be released i think they'll probably be satisfied with amore i think amore the game basically delivered on what they were advertising it just took a long time to come out but it did come out in the end and it could very easily have been a failure or just something that was just thrown together really last minute i don't really see signs of that but compared to so many failed kickstarters out there um i'm you know i'm personally glad that amore was a delivered product and it actually was a decent rpg maker i'm not sure if you would call it a horror game it's it's really borderline it's very close but i'm just gonna call for this for a sake of simplicity i'll just call it it's a very decent rpg maker horror game but anyway so that's it for amore or at least the morning main story once again we're probably gonna do one more video but till that video anyway thank you all for watching i'll see you guys later and take it easy you
Channel: ManlyBadassHero
Views: 331,106
Rating: 4.9783068 out of 5
Keywords: Omori, let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, All Endings, Ending, Indie Game, Gameplay, Video Game, Horror Game, RPG Maker
Id: voVSx1xlsYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 16sec (5776 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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